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The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31% with a rational safety factor of 1.51, prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31% if the mine area felt seismic shaking, like the Sikkim (in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011. 相似文献
以日照市岚山区某弃土场为研究对象,通过对现场调研并采样开展直剪试验,在压实度分别为90%、92%和95%的情况下取得不同的黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ值,通过MIDAS GTS NX进行数据模拟,选取MohrCoulomb模型,采用有限元强度折减法(SRM)算出边坡的等效应变塑性区及安全系数,以此分析边坡稳定性。利用数值模拟的结果,分别绘制坡高、坡比与安全系数的关系图,归类分析不同坡高和坡度对边坡稳定性系数的变化规律。通过边坡稳定影响因素的敏感性分析,分析影响边坡稳定性各因素与边坡安全系数之间的相关性,即分析各因素的变化对于边坡安全系数的影响程度。 相似文献
Deep-seated large-scale toppling failure presents unique challenges in the study of natural slope deformation process in mountainous regions. An active deep-seated toppling process was identified in the Erguxi slope located in southwest China, which affected a large area and damaged critical transportation infrastructure with the volume of the deforming rock mass exceeding 24×106 m3. It poses significant risks to the downstream Shiziping Hydropower Station by damming the Zagunao River. Field investigation and monitoring results indicate that the deformation of the Erguxi slope is in the advanced stage of deep-seated toppling process, with the formation of a disturbed belt but no identifiable master failure surface. It was postulated that the alternating tensile and shear strength associated with the hard/soft laminated rock strata of metasandstone and phyllite layers preclude the development of either a tensile or shear failure surface, which resulted in the continuous deformation and displacement without a catastrophic mass movement. The slope movement is in close association with the unfavorable geological conditions of the study area in addition to the construction of transportation infrastructure and the increase of the reservoir level. On the basis of the mechanism and intensity of the ongoing toppling deformation, a qualitative grading system was proposed to describe the toppling process and to evaluate the slope stability. This paper summarized the field observation and monitoring data on the toppling deformation for better characterizing its effect on the stability of the Erguxi slope. The qualitative grading system intends to provide a basis for quantitative study of large-scale deep-seated toppling process in metamorphic rocks. 相似文献
The stability of soil-rock mixtures (SRMs) that widely distributed in slopes is of significant concern for slope safety evaluation and disaster prevention. The failure behavior of SRM slopes under surface loading conditions was investigated through a series of centrifuge model tests considering various volumetric gravel contents. The displacement field of the slope was determined with image-based displacement system to observe the deformation of the soil and the movement of the block during loading in the tests. The test results showed that the ultimate bearing capacity and the stiffness of SRM slopes increased evidently when the volumetric block content exceeded a threshold value. Moreover, there were more evident slips around the blocks in the SRM slope. The microscopic analysis of the block motion showed that the rotation of the blocks could aggravate the deformation localization to facilitate the development of the slip surface. The high correlation between the rotation of the key blocks and the slope failure indicated that the blocks became the dominant load-bearing medium that influenced the slope failure. The blocks in the sliding body formed a chain to bear the load and change the displacement distribution of the adjacent matrix sand through the block rotation. 相似文献
LI Shanghui; WU Guoxiong; QUE Yun; JIANG Zhenliang; CHENG Gaoyun 《山地科学学报》2024,21(7):2220-2235
Infiltration–runoff–slope instability mechanism of macropore slope under heavy rainfall is unclear. This paper studied its instability mechanism with an improved Green–Ampt (GA) model considering the dual-porosity (i.e., matrix and macropore) and ponding condition, and proposed the infiltration equations, infiltration–runoff coupled model, and safety factor calculation method. Results show that the infiltration processes of macropore slope can be divided into three stages, and the proposed model is rational by a comparative analysis. The wetting front depth of the traditional unsaturated slope is 17.2% larger than that of the macropore slope in the early rainfall stage and 27% smaller than that of the macropore slope in the late rainfall stage. Then, macropores benefit the slope stability in the early rainfall but not in the latter. Macropore flow does not occur initially but becomes pronounced with increasing rainfall duration. The equal depth of the wetting front in the two domains is regarded as the onset criteria of macropore flow. Parameter analysis shows that macropore flow is delayed by increasing proportion of macropore domain (ωf), whereas promoted by increasing ratio of saturated permeability coefficients between the two domains (μ). The increasing trend of ponding depth is sharp at first and then grows slowly. Finally, when rainfall duration is less than 3 h, ωf and μ have no significant effect on the safety factor, whereas it decreases with increasing ωf and increases with increasing μ under longer duration (≥ 3 h). With the increase of ωf, the slope maximum instability time advances by 10.5 h, and with the increase of μ, the slope maximum instability time delays by 3.1 h. 相似文献
Bedding slope is a typical heterogeneous slope consisting of different soil/rock layers and is likely to slide along the weakest interface. Conventional slope protection methods for bedding slopes, such as retaining walls, stabilizing piles, and anchors, are time-consuming and labor- and energy-intensive. This study proposes an innovative polymer grout method to improve the bearing capacity and reduce the displacement of bedding slopes. A series of large-scale model tests were carried out to verify the effectiveness of polymer grout in protecting bedding slopes. Specifically, load-displacement relationships and failure patterns were analyzed for different testing slopes with various dosages of polymer. Results show the great potential of polymer grout in improving bearing capacity, reducing settlement, and protecting slopes from being crushed under shearing. The polymer-treated slopes remained structurally intact, while the untreated slope exhibited considerable damage when subjected to loads surpassing the bearing capacity. It is also found that polymer-cemented soils concentrate around the injection pipe, forming a fan-shaped sheet-like structure. This study proves the improvement of polymer grouting for bedding slope treatment and will contribute to the development of a fast method to protect bedding slopes from landslides. 相似文献
本文在探讨斜坡破坏危险性分区中,试用模糊模型判识方法,依斜坡演变趋势与影响因素间的关联性,进行模糊聚类和相容度的分析,从而对斜坡破坏危险性做以分级分区研究并对斜坡的环境质量做以评价。 相似文献
No matter from the perspective of slope protection, landscape effect and construction cost, or from the perspective of ecological benefit, the development of original ecological tridimensional vegetation has become the inevitable trend for slope vegetation in pursuit of protecting ecological condition, decreasing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance and beautifying environment of slope. The concept of original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is proposed in this paper, and the original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is studied through theoretical analysis and experiments. Specifically, the mechanical effect of slope vegetation in reinforcing the cohesion and shear strength of soil mass is firstly discussed, and then experiments are performed to study the water interception and containing function of slope under various vegetation conditions. Moreover, the relation between soil moisture and cohesion, the relation between root distribution density and cohesion, and the relation between root distribution density and soil shear strength are also studied based on experiments. Finally, based on field observation, the soil erosion states of slope under various vegetation conditions are comparatively studied. It is found that the original ecological tridimensional slope, which combines grass,shrub and tree, can generate comprehensive slope protection effects, and hence strengthen the slope protection ability and bring multiple slope protection benefits. Thereby, the theoretical foundation for developing original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is established. 相似文献
Seismically induced slope instabilities and the corresponding treatments: the case of a road in the Wenchuan earthquake hit region 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province resulted in great loss of life and properties. Besides, abundant landslides and slope failures were triggered in the most seriously hit areas and caused disastrous damages to infrastructures and public facilities. Moreover, abundant unstable slopes caused by the quake have the potential to cause damages for a considerable long period of time. The variety of these slopes and the corresponding treatments are connected with the topographical and geological conditions of the sites. It is decided to document and identify some of these major slope instabilities caused by the earthquake and their treatments. The paper shows the condition of a road in Dujiangyan through in situ explorations. The case history showed significant implications to the reconstruction of the quake-hit regions and future disaster prevention and management works. 相似文献
The E24 profile slope analyzed belongs to a series of excavated slopes of the Haizhou Opencast Coal Mine. It seems to be divided into Downslope Part and Upslope Part. Its profile comprises two noticeable coal seams, called the 8# and 9# weak layers, considered as the potential failure surfaces. In consideration of the actual configuration as in the perspective of any modification, assessing the stability of this slope with various profile forms under given conditions, and assessing the risk of instability and quantifying the influence of earthworks or other modifications to the stability of this slope, have constituted the primordial objectives carried out. From assumed potential failure surfaces, any specific profiles and specified slip surfaces are defined. A factor of safety (FoS) is computed for each specified slip surface; the smallest FoS found corresponds to the least favorable slip surface. The safety factor values obtained are compared to the suggested safety factor. Limit equilibrium methods of vertical slices implemented in Slope/W, computer program for slope stability analyses, have been adopted to perform the E24 slope stability analysis. The safety factor values computed with 9# weak layer are lower than for 8#; the factors of safety obtained with Sarma's method are the smallest; more, without groundwater (long term) overall values are greater than those determined under groundwater condition (short term). The lowest safety factor value is found for a profile depending on an adopted earthwork sequence. The E24 profile slope stability analysis shows the instability risk for the deepest weak layer, and also shows the short and long term stability of this slope for the envisaged earth movements. However it demonstrates the existence of instability risk for any earthwork firstly affecting the downslope part. 相似文献
Simplice F. BOBY 《东北亚地学研究》2007,10(2):171-184
The E24 profile slope analyzed belongs to a series of excavated slopes of the Haizhou Opencast Coal Mine. It seems to be divided into Downslope Part and Upslope Part. Its profile comprises two noticeable coal seams, called the 8# and 9# weak layers, considered as the potential failure surfaces. In consideration of the actual configuration as in the perspective of any modification, assessing the stability of this slope with various profile forms under given conditions, and assessing the risk of instability and quantifying the influence of earthworks or other modifications to the stability of this slope, have constituted the primordial objectives carried out. From assumed potential failure surfaces, any specific profiles and specified slip surfaces are defined. A factor of safety (FoS) is computed for each specified slip surface; the smallest FoS found corresponds to the least favorable slip surface. The safety factor values obtained are compared to the suggested safety factor. Limit equilibrium methods of vertical slices implemented in Slope/W, computer program for slope stability analyses, have been adopted to perform the E24 slope stability analysis. The safety factor values computed with 9# weak layer are lower than for 8#; the factors of safety obtained with Sarma's method are the smallest; more, without groundwater (long term) overall values are greater than those determined under groundwater condition (short term). The lowest safety factor value is found for a profile depending on an adopted earthwork sequence. The E24 profile slope stability analysis shows the instability risk for the deepest weak layer, and also shows the short and long term stability of this slope for the envisaged earth movements. However it demonstrates the existence of instability risk for any earthwork firstly affecting the downslope part. 相似文献
本文采用两级模糊综合评判方法,在对延安市区斜坡稳定性进行定性分析和评价的基础上,选取主要影响因素作为评价指标并将其定量化,然后按不稳定、次不稳定、基本稳定和稳定等四个级别进行了延安市区斜坡稳定性两级模糊综合评判。评判结果较好地反映了市区斜坡带的实际稳定程度。该方法清晰易用,能使较多的影响因素参与评判,是进行斜坡稳定性定量化研究的一个有效途径。 相似文献
基于可拓工程法的黄土路堑边坡稳定性评价方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
针对影响黄土路堑边坡稳定性因素的复杂性和模糊性,重视实践中的经验,将可拓工程方法与路堑边坡稳定性评价相结合,提出了路堑边坡稳定性评价的物元关联函数及物元关联度的计算方法。建立了适合可拓学理论的边坡稳定性分类标准,实现了定性与定量评价黄土路堑边坡的结合。实例评价结果与定值计算、工程实际调查结果一致。 相似文献
The authors analyzed the engineering geological characteristics of the slope of the study area (K75+840-K76+340). Two typical cross-sections have been chosen to analyze the failure modes after the excavation of the highway. Different types of the failure modes have been calculated and analyzed. The results show that some dealing methods have been advised to ensure the stability of the slopes. 相似文献
Mohr-Coulomb�����Բ�������ڱ����ȶ������е�Ӧ�� 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
?????????????????????????????ж???????????Mohr-Coulomb?????????????????????????????????????Ч????????????????μ?????????????????????????????????????k????0.8?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????С??Mohr-Coulomb??Ч????????????????????????k???????????Mohr-Coulomb??Ч?????????????????????????????????????????????k???0.8~0.9?????? 相似文献
YANG Zhi-hua LAN Heng-xing LIU Hong-jiang LI Lang-ping WU Yu-ming MENG Yun-shan XU Liang 《山地科学学报》2015,58(1):232-242
The 相似文献
GPS监测滑坡形变的基准研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
张勤 《地球科学与环境学报》2001,23(4):69-71
讨论了GPS监测网基准稳定性检验的模型和方法,且针对不同期GPS基线向量观测值存在尺度和方位基准系统差异,给出了考虑基准参数的平差模型和基准参数显著性检验方法. 相似文献
Rock slope stability is of great concern along highway routes as stability problems on cut slopes may cause fatal events as well as loss of property. In rock slope engineering, stability evaluations are commonly performed by means of analytical or numerical analyses, principally considering the factor of safety concept. As a matter of fact, the probabilistic assessment of slope stability is progressively getting popularity due to difficulties in assigning the most appropriate values to design parameters in analytical or numerical methods. Additionally, the effect of heterogeneities in rock masses and discontinuities on the analysis results is minimized through the probabilistic concept. In this study, slope stability of high and steep sedimentary rock cut slopes along a state highway in Adilcevaz-Bitlis (Turkey) was evaluated on the basis of probabilistic approach using the Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) system. The probabilistic assessment indicates major slope stability problems because of discontinuity controlled and discontinuity orientation independent mass movements. Almost all studied cut slopes suffer from orientation-independent stability problems with very low stability probabilities. Additionally, the probability of planar and toppling failures is significantly high with respect to the SSPC system. The stability problems along the investigated rock slopes were also verified by field reconnaissance. Remedial measures such as slope re-design and reinforcement at the studied locations should be taken to prevent hazardous events along the highway. On the other hand, the probabilistic approach may be a useful tool during rock slope engineering to overcome numerous uncertainties when probabilistic and analytic results are compared. 相似文献