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举足轻重的人造火星卫星经过近7个月的飞行,当今世界最先进、最大的人造火星卫星——“火星勘测轨道器”(MRO)于2006年3月10日与火星交会,成功进入火星轨道。去年8月12日,宇宙神-5火箭成功发射了“火星勘测轨道器”,把轨道器加速到11千米/秒,从而提供给轨道器从地球到火星所需全部能量。这标志着火星探测计划又树立了一个重大里程碑。“火星勘测轨道器”与历次发射的火  相似文献   

今年5月2日,欧洲航天局的第一个火星探测器“火星快车”,搭(?)俄罗斯的“联盟-军舰鸟”运载火箭成功升空,使它成为新一轮火星空间探测中的“捧头兵”。耗资3亿欧元的“火星快车”,重达2号,上面携带了7台由欧洲各田研制的科学仪器和由英国研制的、以当年达尔文环球考察船“小猎犬2号”命名的登陆车。预计它将于今年年底或明年年初进入火星轨道,对火星进行一个火星年的轨道观测。而它的登陆车“小猎犬2号”则在到达火星的5天之前就与之分离.并借助  相似文献   

在太阳系九大行星中,没有一颗如火星这样让地球人着迷。这颗远在上亿千米之外的红色行星一次次点燃起人类探索的激情。目前正在考察火星的探测器有美国的“火星环球勘测者”、“奥德赛”探测器以及欧洲的“火星快车”探测器,火星地面有“勇气”号、“机遇”号两辆火星车,还有目前的“火星勘测轨道飞行器(MRO)”,据喷气推进实验室的学者称,这是最新一代火星探测器,其探测的能力超过上述探测器的总和。更引人瞩目的是,2005年6月美国宇航局又批准了“凤凰”计划(Phoenix),它将于2007年发射升空,2008年在火星北极地区着陆。与此前的火星探测计划相比,“凤凰”计划更为经济实用。  相似文献   

在经历了260天的“密闭飞行”后,2011年2月18日,身穿32千克白色模拟火星服(经改装的海鹰-E)的中国志愿者王跃与俄罗斯志愿者斯莫列耶夫斯基一起走出位于俄罗斯生物医学问题研究所的的模拟火星登陆舱,成功踏上模拟火星表面,在“火星”上首次留下了中国人的足迹。  相似文献   

1999年夏天 ,我随北京市西城区青少年科技夏令营的师生到张北县地震区遗址参观 ,发现在 1 998年 1月 1 0日张北县大地震的震中区附近的大河乡、南流图乡周围具有鲜明的火星地貌。当我将“海盗号”就近拍摄的火星的地形照片给很多同行的人看时 ,他们一再对照当地地形、地貌与火星照片 ,都说太像了。如果没有一些稀疏的小草 ,那这里就是“火星”无疑了。大家就地拍了一些照片。可惜 ,这里的沟、峡谷等未拍下。现将火星上的照片与张北县的照片发表于下 ,以供观尝。有兴趣者 ,可去参观。图 1  1976年 9月 30日“海盗 2号”拍摄的火星表面布满奇…  相似文献   

今年8月24日至27日,火星与地球之间即将达到大约6万年以来最近距离之际,哈勃空间望远镜抓住这罕见的机会,拍摄了许多张火星全身照片。项目负责人、美国康奈尔大学的天文学家Jim Bell说:“这些照片应该可以用做下一个10年的天文学教产书用图,因为在未来的很长时间内它们可能是从地球附近拍摄到的最精细的火星照片。”  相似文献   

新的征程由美国宇航局(NASA)研制的“勇气”号探测器(MER-A),于今年6月10日从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角成功地发射升空。第二个探测器“机遇”号(MER-B)原定于6月25日随后发射,由于天气和技术原因,发射推迟到7月7日。另一方面,欧洲的“火星快车”也已于6月2日发射。3艘飞船将历时7个月,飞越近5亿千米的距离,预定于2004年1月降落在火星南纬15度的古谢夫环形山。之所以集中选择在6月份发射,是因为这段时间火星离地球距离较近,这样的机会每26  相似文献   

火星是类地行星,火星动力学的研究不仅具有科学意义,而且还具有实际应用价值。火星的空间探测获得了许多有关火星极运动的重要资料,它与理论值的比较是检验火星内部结构的重要手段,也是为改进火星岁差章动理论提供依据的有效途径。介绍了当前国际上有关火星的岁差和章动研究的进展,分别对刚体火星的章动序列、火星内部结构参数化模型的建立和火星自转的简正模作了描述,并进行了简单的讨论。  相似文献   

火星生命的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星生命的探索·欧阳自远·在宁静的夜晚,天穹中一颗淡红色的行星在缓慢运行,这是人们熟悉的“火星”。西方称火星为Mars,意味着战争与充满红色血腥的不祥之兆的行星。火星是绕太阳运行的第四颗行星,是地球的近邻。自古以来人们就对火星怀着恐怖与畏惧的神秘感。...  相似文献   

探路者“看”火星——人类再次目睹红色的火星大地——·陈丹·去年12月4日发射的火星探路者,经过长途跋涉,于今年7月4日成功地在火星表面软着陆。着陆器打开太阳能电池帆板,火星车“索杰纳”从中开出,对火星表面展开调查。着陆器和火星车均搭载高分辨照相机,向...  相似文献   

The scientific objectives of a geodetic experiment based on a network of landers, such as NEIGE (NEtlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment) are to improve the current knowledge of Mars' interior and atmosphere dynamics. Such a network science experiment allows monitoring the motions of the Martian rotation axis with a precision of a few centimeters (or milli-arc-seconds (mas)) over annual and sub-annual periods. Thereto, besides radio tracking of a Mars orbiter from the Earth, radio Doppler shifts between this orbiter and several landers at the planet's surface will be performed. From the analysis of these radio Doppler data, it is possible to reconstruct the orbiter motion and Mars' orientation in space. The errors on the orbit determination (position and velocity of the orbiter) have an impact on the geodetic parameters determination from the Doppler shifts and must be removed from the signal in order to achieve a high enough accuracy. In this paper, we perform numerical simulations of the two Doppler signals involved in such an experiment to estimate the impact of the spacecraft angular momentum desaturations on the determination of Mars' orientation variations. The attitude control of the orbiter needs such desaturation maneuvers regularly repeated. They produce velocity variations that must be taken into account when determining the orbit. For our simulations, we use a priori models of the Martian rotation and introduce the spacecraft velocity variations induced by each desaturation event. By a least-squares adjustment of the simulated Doppler signals, we then estimate the orbiter velocity variations and the parameters of the Mars' rotation model. We show that these velocity variations are ill resolved when the spacecraft is not tracked, therefore requiring a near-continuous tracking from the Earth to accurately determine the orbit. In such conditions we show that only 15- of lander-orbiter tracking per week allows recovering Mars' orientation parameters with a precision of a few mas over a period of 1 Martian year.  相似文献   

The NEtlander Ionosphere and Geodesy Experiment (NEIGE) of the Netlander mission to Mars will measure Doppler shifts affecting the radio links between ground stations and an orbiter. The experiment has two complementary scientific objectives which are the monitoring of the structure and dynamics of the ionosphere of Mars and the precise determination of Mars orientation parameters. The horizontal variation of the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere will be derived from the so-called “geometric-free” combination of the Doppler shifts which affect radio links at two frequencies (in the UHF and S bands) between the Netlander microstations on the Mars surface and the data-relay orbiter. We describe a new method for retrieving the horizontal profile of the absolute value of the TEC. Simulations have allowed to evaluate the precision in the determination of the TEC using this method. We show that the daytime TEC can be retrieved with a precision of for a nominal accuracy of on the orbital pseudo-velocity, which represents a relative precision of a few percent. A preliminary analysis of the sensitivity of the TEC to the physical parameters which control the ionosphere has been performed. For this purpose, we have used a new one-dimensional ionospheric model based on the solution of coupled kinetic, fluid and MHD equations. This model describes the suprathermal electron component, the thermal plasma component as well as the induced horizontal magnetic field. The code which provides the vertical electron density profile has been used to study the variation of the TEC with the solar zenith angle and with the induced magnetic field at the top of the ionosphere. In particular, we show that NEIGE will allow to diagnose the penetration into the daytime ionosphere of an induced magnetic field.  相似文献   

火星是人类重要的地外天体探测目标之一,对火星表面进行的探测和研究表明,火星表面曾经存在液态水,水是生命存在的基础,因此,在次表层寻找不同形式的水是目前火星探测的重要科学目标之一.近17年来,欧洲火星快车(Mars Express)上搭载的火星次表层和电离层探测先进雷达(Mars Advanced Radar for S...  相似文献   

The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several ways are similar to Earth, but are extremely different in many respects. The impressive dichotomy between the two Martian hemispheres is most likely linked to its impact cratering history, rather than internal dynamics such as on Earth. Mars' volcanism has been extensive, very long-lived and rather constant in its setting. Water was available in large quantities in the distant past of Mars, when a magnetic field and more vigorous tectonics were active.Exogenic forces have been shaping Martian landscapes and have led to a plethora of landscapes shaped by wind, water and ice. Mars' dynamical behavior continues, with its climatic variation affecting climate and geology until very recent times. This paper tries to summarize major highlights in Mars' Geology, and points to deeper and more extensive sources of important scientific contributions and future exploration.  相似文献   

Möessbauer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the mineralogical analysis of Fe-bearing materials. The miniaturized Möessbauer spectrometer MIMOS II has already been working on the surface of Mars for 6 years as part of the NASA Mars Exploration Rovers mission. The improved version of the instrument is a component of the scientific payload of the Phobos-Grunt mission. The scientific objectives of the instrument are the following: to identify the iron-bearing phases, to determine the quantitative distribution of iron among these phases, and to determine the distribution of iron among its oxidation states.  相似文献   

The surface of Mars is covered by weathered material. Mars' rusty red colour in particular is commonly ascribed to ferric iron-bearing minerals. The planet's surface is generally iron rich. Mössbauer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for quantitative mineralogical analysis of Fe-bearing minerals. Consequently, the miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II is part of the payload of NASA's twin Mars Exploration Rovers “Spirit” and “Opportunity”, and ESA's ill-fated Mars Express lander “Beagle 2”. Both Mars Exploration Rovers are currently conducting successful surface operations on Mars. In this paper, we give a brief insight into mission operations with respect to the reconstruction of local weathering scenarios at the landing sites, which in turn will help to illuminate the climatic history of the planet. Mössbauer spectra obtained in preparation of the mission from the SNC meteorites Nakhla, Dar al Gani 476, and Sayh al Uhaymir, show weathering and other alteration features. Preliminary results of laboratory weathering experiments on Fe-bearing minerals (olivine and pyroxene) show the importance of analysing individual minerals to understand weathering of more complex mineral assemblages like, e.g., basalt.  相似文献   

Compared with other planets, Mars is a planet most similar with the earth and most possible to find the extraterrestrial life on it, and therefore especially concerned about by human beings. In recent years, some countries have launched Mars probes and announced their manned Mars exploration programs. China has become the fifth country in the world to launch independently artificial satellites, and the third country able to carry out an independent manned space program. However, China is just at the beginning of deep space explorations. In 2007, China and Russia signed an agreement on a joint Mars exploration program by sending a Chinese micro-satellite Yinghuo-1 (YH-1) to the Mars orbit. Once YH-1 enters its orbit, it will carry out its own exploration, as well as the joint exploration with the Russian Phobos-Grunt probe. This paper summarizes the scientific background and objectives of YH-1 and describes briefly its payloads for realizing these scientific objectives. In addition, the main exploration tasks of YH-1 and a preliminary prospect on its exploration results are also given.  相似文献   

A mission to Mars including two Small Stations, two Penetrators and an Orbiter was launched at Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on 16 November 1996. This was called the Mars-96 mission. The Small Stations were expected to land in September 1997 (Ls approximately 178 degrees), nominally to Amazonis-Arcadia region on locations (33 N, 169.4 W) and (37.6 N, 161.9 W). The fourth stage of the Mars-96 launcher malfunctioned and hence the mission was lost. However, the state of the art concept of the Small Station can be applied to future Martian lander missions. Also, from the manufacturing and performance point of view, the Mars-96 Small Station could be built as such at low cost, and be fairly easily accommodated on almost any forthcoming Martian mission. This is primarily due to the very simple interface between the Small Station and the spacecraft. The Small Station is a sophisticated piece of equipment. With the total available power of approximately 400 mW the Station successfully supports an ambitious scientific program. The Station accommodates a panoramic camera, an alpha-proton-x-ray spectrometer, a seismometer, a magnetometer, an oxidant instrument, equipment for meteorological observations, and sensors for atmospheric measurement during the descent phase, including images taken by a descent phase camera. The total mass of the Small Station with payload on the Martian surface, including the airbags, is only 32 kg. Lander observations on the surface of Mars combined with data from Orbiter instruments will shed light on the contemporary Mars and its evolution. As in the Mars-96 mission, specific science goals could be exploration of the interior and surface of Mars, investigation of the structure and dynamics of the atmosphere, the role of water and other materials containing volatiles and in situ studies of the atmospheric boundary layer processes. To achieve the scientific goals of the mission the lander should carry a versatile set of instruments. The Small Station accommodates devices for atmospheric measurements, geophysical and geochemical studies of the Martian surface and interior, and cameras for descent phase and panoramic views. These instruments would be able to contribute remarkably to the process of solving some of the scientific puzzles of Mars.  相似文献   

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