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Social Ecological System (SES) is the core and highlight of the global change research and sustainability science. Based on Science Citation Index Expanded Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure, the situation of social ecological system research was analyzed via bibliometrics from 1980 to 2017. The results indicated that: ①The scientific outcomes of social ecological system research are increasing gradually. The developed countries have greatly contributed to it, such as, Sweden and the USA, the leading countries in this field, and Stockholm University is the dominant institution on publication of SES. Cooperation between countries (regions) and institutions is strengthening gradually. ② China is one of the frontier countries in the social ecological system research with a lower increasing speed, its international cooperation and the citation frequency of publications are relatively low, and its international influence should be strengthened in the future. ③ The research highlights are listed as follows: The synergy between social ecological system integrity and social development needs, the complexity and uncertainty of SES, the mechanism between social system and its environmental factors, etc. In addition, under the stress of human activity and global climate change, the research of response and feedback mechanism of SES and policy decision-making are one of the important topics of SES.  相似文献   

可持续发展评估指标、方法及应用研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
可持续发展评估指标及方法研究是可持续发展定量评估研究的基础,是实施可持续发展管理的依据,是生态经济学与可持续发展研究的前沿领域和热点问题之一. 在概括介绍可持续发展评估的工具--指标/指数的概念和功能、国际上代表性可持续发展研究机构指标选取的原则的基础上,全面分析归纳了可持续发展指标(体系)的类型及其框架模式. 详细介绍了联合国可持续发展委员会(UNCSD)、经济合作与发展组织(OECD)、世界保护同盟(IUCN)、世界银行等国际上代表性机构的可持续发展系统性指标体系的最新研究进展,并分析了这些系统性指标体系的优缺点. 深入分析了国际上典型的社会发展类、经济发展类、生态环境类可持续发展指标(指数)的研究、开发与实际评估应用的情况. 最后,总结了当前可持续发展指标(体系)研究的特点与趋势.  相似文献   

可持续生计的研究现状及未来重点趋向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Under the background of fast urbanization and urban-rural dual structure in China, the research about sustainable livelihoods has important theoretical and practical meaning for solving the problem of poverty in rural areas and promoting the transformation of semi-urbanized farmers who live in city to urban residents. First, this paper reviewed the emergence and development history of sustainable livelihoods, and introduced current frameworks of sustainable livelihoods analysis. Second, this paper summarized the international research status quo from the aspects of both theory and practice, concluded the domestic research progress from four aspects including vulnerability context, livelihoods assets, policy and institution influencing process, livelihoods strategy and outcome. This study believed that the problems of current sustainable livelihoods research included: The theoretical system is incomplete and needs to be improved; research methods and technological means are not complete, which could obstruct research results; most researches focus on rather static assessment than dynamic forecast; researchers focus mainly on case study in rural areas, lacking in the semi-urbanized farmers in the urbanization process and macro level study. Finally, this paper suggested five key issues of future sustainable livelihoods research including the sustainable livelihoods research of a large number of semi-urbanized farmers in the urbanization process, sustainable livelihoods research at macro level, integrated study of both humanities and natural sciences, dynamic study based on new technological means, and sustainable livelihoods research in typical case areas.  相似文献   

近年来,气候变化背景下的水资源问题得到日益增加的关注,其研究从水资源短缺、供需平衡等内容转向适应可持续发展的综合研究.基于投入产出理论的水资源研究,从系统循环的角度分析资源的流动性和持续性,能够揭示水资源-经济社会复合系统中各要素的内在数量关系,提出面向可持续发展的水资源价值观和方法论.首先,从模型拓展和实际应用两条主...  相似文献   

王鑫  史静  肖仙桃  李娜  刘澜  章茵  李玉馨 《地质学报》2015,89(6):1144-1150
本文利用中国科学引文数据库2007~2013年收录在国内地质学领域期刊上中图法P5类的文献,从发文的题目、关键词、发文单位与作者、资金支持等信息出发,着重分析了国内地质学领域的重要机构与科学家、研究热点及其重点资助情况,从文献计量角度展示了这些年国内地质学领域学科发展的脉络以及国家资金支持的趋势,为今后进一步把握地质学领域重点方向与发展趋势提供参考。  相似文献   

我国水文科学新进展及其展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国国民经济的发展,水资源可持续性发展的课题摆在我们的面前。这样,对水文科学提出了许多新问题和新要求,例如,水资源供需矛盾日益尖锐,水环境不断恶化,水旱灾害仍是我国的心腹之患;同时人类活动、环境保护又使水情势发生了显著的变化等问题。解决上述问题。要求我国水文业务工作必须有新的内容和新的进展,并适应国际间水文学术交流与合作的需要。本文对我国进四年来的水文科学新和了简要介绍,同时对我国水文科学的发  相似文献   

于军  武健强 《江苏地质》2008,32(2):113-117
平原区超采地下水引发的地面沉降地质灾害已成为影响这些地区经济可持续发展的重要制约因素,如何从收益、成本、风险三个方面为决策者提供制定地面沉降相关防治措施的综合支持,实现灾害防治从被动应对向主动防御转变,是地面沉降防治研究领域的新课题。在综合考虑苏锡常地区技术、经济、人类活动等因素基础上,从地面沉降总体风险和地区差异水平出发,提出构建地面沉降风险评价模型及决策支持系统的初步研究思路和方法,为实现地面沉降防治的科学化决策管理进行了探索。  相似文献   

中国林业可持续发展及其关键科学问题   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在扼要介绍和分析中国森林资源的状况、演变和存在问题的基础上,着重探讨了中国林业可持续发展的战略和为实现林业可持续发展所必需研究解决的关键科学问题。在林业可持续发展战略部分全面论述了它的前提、目标、方针和六项对策措施。在关键科学问题部分则分别从森林的环境功能、森林的生产功能、林木遗传改良、森林保护和森林资源管理等五个方面列出所需要研究解决的关键科学问题,为制订今后的科学研究规划提供参考。  相似文献   

阐述了《中国21世纪议程气象行动计划》制定的背景及其对国家可持续发展的重要意义,在此基础上,扼要地介绍了《中国21世纪议程气象行动计划》的主要内容,包括气象可持续发展的战略与对策、防灾减灾、保护气候和大气环境、气候资源开发利用、人工影响天气、科技与教育、政策法规、社会参与和国际合作等。  相似文献   

运用文献计量学方法,对《地球科学与环境学报》(以下简称《学报》)2004—2010年载文的第一作者学历、职称和服务单位、论文资助项目来源、研究领域、出版时滞、被引频次、下载次数、影响因子等论文信息指标进行了统计分析。结果表明《学报》呈现以下特征:高学历作者比例稳步提升;副高职称和中级职称作者是《学报》作者的骨干力量;作者来源呈多元化发展,主办单位论文呈下降趋势;大多数论文有各类基金项目资助;基础地质及矿产地质是《学报》载文的主要内容;出版时滞需要进一步优化;被引频次计量指标反映《学报》呈现良好的发展态势。  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most active research fields currently, which has attracted extensive attention from the international community. In order to better understand the development situation and research status of international climate change science, in this paper we took the SSCI and SCI databases as data sources, collected the relevant literatures since 1900 based on the key words related to climate change, and made some statistics and analysis of the literatures of the past one hundred years to reveal the development process of climate change research as well as the development and evolution of its research topics and hot spots. The results showed that the climate change research began in the late 18 th century and early 19 th century, and the academic debate about global warming and global cooling started in the early 1970s. The international programs and projects led by a range of international organizations and intergovernmental bodies have contributed significantly to the rapid development of climate change research. The United States and the United Kingdom have long been the core countries of climate change research. The proportion of Chinese papers has risen rapidly in the last decade. The intensity and scope of scientific research cooperation are constantly expanding. Current research focuses on climate model/modeling, climate simulation, climate policy, climate sensitivity, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, and rate of climate change.  相似文献   

综述了第一届世界风险大会关于灾害与风险科学研究的进展,分析了其发展趋势,并对我国加强这一领域的研究提出了对策。灾害与风险研究的目标正在趋向一致,都集中在为可持续发展模式提供科学依据;基于灾害研究的区域安全建设正在向基于风险研究的区域风险管理体系转变,由此认为可持续发展模式就是接受一定风险水平条件下的区域发展模式,一定风险水平依赖于由区域经济水平与社会文化体系相关联的区域安全建设水平;加强我国灾害与风险科学研究的学科建设、国家实验室建设、重大项目的组织与实施已势在必行;重点开展灾害脆弱性评价体系与评价模型、风险评价体系与风险评价模型、典型区域灾害与风险管理范式、灾害与风险应急控制预案(情景分析)、灾害与风险区划等方面的研究。为此把灾害科学和风险科学,与全球变化科学和可持续发展科学统一纳入到地球系统科学体系之中,以加强与完善我国在这些领域的综合多学科交叉研究能力。  相似文献   

以2015年SCI-E和CSCD 数据库收录的中国地质调查项目资助发表的论文为统计源,采用文献计量学方法,从项目投入情况、论文被各数据库收录情况、机构分布、作者排名、学科分布、期刊分布和核心期刊论文比等方面进行了统计分析。结果表明,2015年中国地质调查项目资助论文被各数据库收录数量较2014年度大幅增加,大学院校产出占据优势,学科分布主要集中于基础前沿性研究、矿产资源调查与评价、矿产资源勘查技术、地质环境保护与地质灾害防治和国土资源管理与决策服务等5大领域,“国外期刊论文比”和“核心期刊论文比”均表现出较好的质量水平和较高的学术影响力。  相似文献   

申艳军  杨更社  唐丽云  王璇 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1294-1303
随着我国"一带一路"国家新战略提出,"陆上丝绸之路新经济带"建设将面临诸多寒区岩土力学与工程问题,也正成为我国岩土工程领域研究热点.国家自然科学基金作为目前国内自然学科领域最高级别研究支持项目,受到各方广泛关注,所提出的研究课题可谓代表本领域的研究主流与前沿.以"寒区岩土力学与工程"为主题,对本领域近10 a(2006-2015年)获批国家自然科学基金展开资助规模、依托单位及学科门类统计,分析本领域NSFC基金整体发展态势,并对基金研究主题进行分类、整理,对目前本领域发展现状进行了较为系统的分析.基于统计、分析结果,浅析该领域未来应重点关注的研究方向及发展趋势,本综述研究以期为本领域研究人员基金申报及研究主题选择提供参考.  相似文献   

近十几年来国内外生态旅游研究进展   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
作为可持续旅游的实现形式,生态旅游一经提出就迅速引起了旅游学界,生态学界和相关学科的极大关注,首先对十几年来国外生态旅游研究进行了总结,并着重评述生态旅游类型划分和规划管理,接着分析了国内生态旅游研究的主要特点和发展方向,并侧重生态旅游的分类和分区,生态旅游开展的利弊,生态旅游的目的地的选择及其规划管理等四个方面,最后,就国内与国外理论与实践研究的差距进行了概括总结。  相似文献   

中国房山世界地质公园地质旅游资源丰富、种类众多。特殊的地质背景造就了这些具有重要科研和观赏价值的地质遗迹。分析了公园开发过程中存在的问题,并提出公园可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

Advance of Karst Critical Zone and Its Carbon Cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The category of karst critical zone includes surface karst zones with strong carbon-water-calcium cycle composed of atmosphere-precipitation-vegetation-soil-fissure-bedrock-water and huge karst underground space composed of karst pipeline/fissure-cave-underground river-aquifer, which is the frontier direction of karst earth system science research. This paper summarized the research results of carbon cycle and its effect on atmospheric CO2 source and sink from the scientific development of karst earth system up to now, including the early carbon migration model,the calculation methods and results of current mainstream regional carbon sink and the new discovery of bio-carbon pump, etc. It discussed the problems that the current research frameworks of karst carbon cycle are too single or inconsistent and time scales of carbon turnover are not the same. It was proposed that systematic monitoring of carbon input, storage and output in karst critical zone should be carried out. The importance of karst carbon sinks in the global carbon cycle model should be more convincing through the construction of online high-resolution monitoring sites and the "3S" technology to achieve point-to-area research.  相似文献   

国际生态足迹研究态势的文献计量分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
生态足迹是定量评价人类对生态系统利用状况的指标,是可持续定量评价的一个热点指标,随着人口数量和消费的持续增长,人类的生态足迹正日益增大。地球究竟承载着多大的人类压力,如何保障地球生态系统的可持续维持和人类的可持续发展,这都是生态足迹所研究的范畴。从文献计量学的角度,对生态足迹的国内外研究状况和态势进行定量解析。在美国科技信息研究所网络数据库(ISI Web of Knowledge)上检索关于生态足迹(ecological footprint)的文献,进行文献计量分析发表文章数量多的国家和机构,以及生态足迹相关文章的主要内容、研究方法等。结果表明,美国发表的文章最多,中国发表的论文较集中在2004年和2006年。生态足迹研究的文章涉及案例分析、理论和方法研究,进行生态足迹的时间动态测度和国别比较的文章较多,生态足迹研究的方法有投入产出法、综合法、成分法,以投入产出法为主。  相似文献   

Based on worldwide scholars’ 3,004 papers published in 658 academic journals in the Web of Science database on the topic of climate change vulnerability from 1991 to 2012, this paper quantitatively analyzes the global scientific performance and hot research areas in this field by adopting bibliometric method. The results show that (1) the vulnerability researches on climate change have experienced a rapid growth since 2006, and the publications are widely distributed in a large number of source journals, while the top two productive institutions are the University of East Anglia and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; (2) the cooperation at author level is on the rise, and there are closer relationships in institutional and national levels; (3) the most widely focused research topics in this field include health issues in the socioeconomic system, food security in the field of agricultural system and the issue of water resource management, etc.; (4) according to the papers from the top journals, we find that the research areas for climate change vulnerability in those publications are located in the ecological diversity, ecosystem service, water resource management and electric power supply, etc.  相似文献   

西部开发战略是实现我国全面可持续发展的重要决策,面对我国西部地区特定的区域地理条件,生态环境建设具有特别的重要性,提出西部开发必须在合理有序的规划前提下才能具体实施。将景观生态建设理论引入规划,结合保护生态系统健康和维护区域生态安全,作为规划的理论基础,并提出运用“预案”研究方法为决策提供多目标、多层次的选择方案,并建议在若干具有突出生态环境问题的区域进行景观生态建设规划试点。  相似文献   

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