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With objective of investigating the peculiarities of seismic process development and seismotectonic deformation character in the focal area of the Gazli earthquakes of 1976 (7.0<M<7.3) and 1984 (M=7.2), a local seismic network was installed. For the field observation period (May to June, 1991) more than 400 events with magnitudes –0.2<M<4.5 were recorded by at least 6 stations.Isometric presentation of earthquake hypocenters distribution allows us to define the depth and dipping planes orientation of seismoactive faults of the region.The focal mechanisms of 35 earthquakes for the period 1979–1988,M>2.8, connected to a gas extraction regime period, and 75 events 1<M<4.3 for the 1991 period (gas storage regime) are used to analyze the dynamics of seismotectonic deformation processes (SDP) in this region. It has been ascertained, that the earth's crust in the Gazli region is subject to complicated deformation processes, particularly below 4 km depth. The predominant kind of deformation is compression. Vertical velocities of deformation show uplift of most of the region during the period of field work. The maximum velocity of vertical deformations for the Gazli structure isV=0.41 mm/year. The comparison of the vertical velocities' displacements due to seismic flow with recent tectonic movements of the earth's crust has revealed their direct relation and high percentage of seismic flow contribution to the tectonic movement. The results obtained testify that the active seismic processes in the Gazli region are connected not as much as the residual stress release in the focal zone of the earthquakes 05. 1976 and 1984,M>7.0 but rather with the influence of the gas reservoir exploitational regime on the rocks with different rheologic properties.  相似文献   

We review earthquake distributions associated with hydrocarbon fields in the context of pore pressure diffusion models, poroelastic stress transfer and isostasy theory. These three mechanisms trigger or induce seismic instabilities at both local scale (D5 km) and at regional scale (D20 km). The modeled changes in stress are small (1 MPa), whatever the tectonic setting. Each mechanism corresponds to different production processes. (1) Local hydraulic fracturing due to fluid injection induces seismic-slip on cracks (M L3) within the injected reservoir through decreasing the effective stress. (2) Pure fluid withdrawal causes pore pressure to decrease within the reservoir. It triggers adjustments of the geological structure to perturbations related to the reservoir response to depletion. Poroelastic mechanisms transfer this stress change from the reservoir to the surrounding levels whereM L5 seismic instabilities occur either above or below the reservoir. (3) Massive hydrocarbon recovery induces crustal readjustments due to the removal of load from the upper crust. It can induce larger earthquakes (M L6) at greater distance from the hydrocarbon fields than the two other mechanisms.Due to the mechanical properties of the shallow rock matrices involved, seismic slip triggered either by mechanism (1) or (2), is a second-order process of the main elastoplastic deformation. for a minimum of 80% of commercially productive basins, most of the local deformation is reported as aseismic, i.e., there is no evidence forM L3 earthquakes. Nevertheless, the induced stresses vary as a function of time in a manner that depends on the hydraulic diffusivity (i.e., permeability) of the reservoir and surrounding rocks. Because small earthquakes (M L3) indicate changes in stress and pore pressure, monitoring of seismicity is a means of assessingin situ reservoir behavior.The less constrained seismic response to hydrocarbon recovery is the possible connection between local fluid manipulations, triggered earthquakes and major regional earthquakes. Positive feedback mechanisms suggest that the region of seismic hazard changes is much larger than the area where hydrocarbons are extracted. These observations and models testify that fluid movement and pore pressure changes (increase or decrease) play important roles in the mechanics of earthquakes and in the triggering of natural earthquakes.  相似文献   

The geological and hydrological conditions near the reservoir site play an important role in the generation or absence of seismic activity. Near Bhatsa reservoir, along the west coast of India intense seismic activity occurred during August–September 1983, after a lag of six years of initial impounding. From July 1983 to September 1990, 15,388 earthquakes (mostlyM 1<3.0) were recorded, the largest being of magnitude 4.9. The spatial distribution of well located 172 earthquakes suggest a strong correlation between the epicenters and the disposition of dykes and faults around the Bhatsa region. It is inferred that these dykes have acted as barriers for the diffusion of water from the reservoir, thereby becoming zones of instability due to increased pore pressure not only along them but also over the volume they bound.  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Jinsha River are rich in hydropower resources because of the high mountains, deep valleys, and swift currents in this area. This region also features complex tectonic structures and frequent earthquakes. After the impoundment of the reservoirs, seismic activity increased significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the P-wave velocity structure and earthquake locations in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River and surrounds, thus providing seismological support for subsequent earthquake prevention and disaster reduction work in reservoir areas. In this study, we selected the data of 7,670 seismic events recorded by the seismic networks in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Chongqing and the temporary seismic arrays deployed nearby. We then applied the double-difference tomography method to this data, to obtain the P-wave velocity structure and earthquake locations in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River and surrounds. The results showed that the Jinsha River basin has a complex lateral P-wave velocity structure. Seismic events are mainly distributed in the transition zones between high- and low-velocity anomalies, and seismic events are particularly intense in the Xiluodu and Baihetan reservoir areas. Vertical cross-sections through the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas revealed an apparent high-velocity anomaly at approximately 6 km depth; this high-velocity anomaly plays a role in stress accumulation, with few earthquakes distributed inside the high-velocity body. After the impoundment of the Baihetan reservoir, the number of earthquakes in the reservoir area increased significantly. The seismic events in the reservoir area north of 27° N were related to the enhanced activity of nearby faults after impoundment; the earthquakes in the reservoir area south of 27° N were probably induced by additional loads (or regional stress changes), and the multiple microseismic events may have been caused by rock rupture near the main faults under high pore pressure.  相似文献   

Multiphase (MP) and low frequency (LF) earthquakes with spectral peak amplitudes at 3–4 and 1 Hz, respectively, are two common types of shallow volcanic earthquakes previously recognized at Merapi Volcano. Their mechanisms are poorly understood but MPs have been temporally associated with lava dome growth. We conducted a seismic experiment in January–February 1998, using four broadband seismographs to investigate the nature of seismic activity associated with dome growth. During our experiment, Merapi experienced mild dome growth with low-level seismic activity. We compare our data to that recorded on a local short-period (SP) network, with the following preliminary results.MP and LF events as recorded and classified on the short-period network instruments were recognized on the broadband network. Frequency spectrograms revealed similar patterns in the near summit region at widely separated broadband stations. Higher frequency spectra than previously recognized were identified for both MP and LF events, and were strongly attenuated as a function of radial distance from the source. Thus the spectral characteristics of these events as recorded on far-field stations are not fully indicative of the source processes. In particular, many events classified as LF-type appear to have much high frequency energy near the source. This aspect of these so-called LF earthquakes, and their association with very-long-period (VLP) pulses, suggests that many events identified in the far-field as LF events are in actuality a variety of the MP event and involve similar source processes. Broadband records indicated that simple large-amplitude VLP pulses were embedded in MP and LF wavetrains. From event to event these pulses were similar in their waveforms and had periods of 4 s. VLP events embedded in LF and MP earthquakes were located using particle motions. The epicenters were clustered in a central region of the dome complex, and preliminary source depths were within about 100 m of the dome surface, suggesting a source region deep within the dome or the uppermost conduit. A similar source location was established by study of MP high-frequency onsets. Our broadband data suggests that we have recorded both elastic seismic waves and a simple embedded pulse that is interpreted to represent a surface tilt at the seismometer site. The inferred tilt indicates an inflation and subsequent deflation, possibly caused by a gas pressure pulse or episodic shallow magma transport with stick-slip movement of the conduit wall.  相似文献   

The lower Jinsha River basin is located at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in Southwest China, a region with intense tectonic movements and frequent moderate to strong seismic activities. Cascade hydropower stations have been constructed along the lower Jinsha River since 2012. However, research on the effect of the impoundment of large-scale cascade reservoirs in a river basin on local seismic activities is currently lacking. Accurately identifying earthquake locations is essential for studying reservoir-induced earthquakes. Analyzing the spatiotemporal migration process of seismic activities based on complete and precise earthquake relocation is fundamental for determining the fluid diffusion coefficient, constructing fault models for reservoir areas, identifying earthquake types, exploring earthquake mechanisms, and evaluating seismic hazards. The seismicity pattern in the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas, where seismic activities had been weak for a long time, has changed with the successive impoundment of the two reservoirs, showing microseismic events and seismic clusters. We investigated the spatiotemporal characteristics of seismic activities in the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas using the waveform cross-correlation-based double-difference relocation technique and the b-value analysis method. We discovered that seismic events after the impoundment of these two reservoirs exhibited different characteristics in different regions. The seismic activities at the Xiluodu dam quickly responded to the rising water level, with the seismic intensity decaying rapidly afterward. These events were concentrated in the limestone strata along both sides of the Jinsha River, with a shallow focal depth, generally within 5 km, and a high b-value of approximately 1.2. Such features are close to those of karst-type earthquakes. Microseismic activities frequent occur on the eastern bank of the Yongshan reservoir section downstream of the Xiluodu dam, with two parallel NW-trending earthquake strips visible after precise earthquake relocation. The MS5.2 earthquake near Wuji town on August 17, 2014, had prominent foreshocks and aftershocks distributed in a clear NW-trending 20-km-long strip, perpendicular to the riverbank. These seismic events had a low b-value of approximately 0.7. The orientation of the node plane revealed by the strike-slip focal mechanism of the mainshock is consistent with that of the strip formed by the foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequence, indicating the existence of a NW-striking concealed fault. Seismic activities near the Yanjin-Mabian fault upstream of the Xiangjiaba reservoir area since 2013 were concentrated in a NW-trending strip, with several near EW-trending seismic clusters on its western side, and with the largest event having a magnitude of ML3.7. So far, the impoundment of the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoirs has not triggered seismic activities on the large Jinyang-Ebian and Yanjin-Mabian faults nearby.  相似文献   

Western Macedonia, Northern Greece, was a seismically quiescent region for one or more centuries, and was regarded as a nearly aseismic, rigid block inside a broad zone of distributed continental deformation and faulting, and a region of minimum seismic risk. Consequently, the May 13, 1995 destructive earthquake (M = 6.6) which hit this assumed aseismic zone was a surprise for scientists, government and population.However, historical and archaeoseismic evidence, as well as coastal change data indicate that the assumed aseismic region of Western Macedonia has been affected in the last 2,000 years by at least seven, and possibly nine destructive earthquakes. One of these earthquakes occurred in circa 1700, and probably had the same epicentre with, but higher magnitude than the 1995 shock.The earthquake in circa 1700 is deduced from historical data and is modelled on the base of a swarm of church repairs which is explained as post-seismic recovery of the broader Kozani area: except for certain well known cases of towns or areas in which religious privileges were granted, large scale repairs or reconstruction of churches during the Ottoman period were possible only after Sultan's permissions, usually following earthquakes and other calamities.It can hence be concluded that some, at least, of the apparently aseismic regions inside broad zones of distributed seismicity are hit by stronger shocks, but with longer (200 years or more) recurrence intervals than their adjacent zones. Consequently, the seismic risk of the apparently aseismic regions is certainly not low, especially since relatively long periods of seismic quiescence lead to constructions vulnerable to earthquakes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate production induced microseismicity based on modelling material failure from coupled fluid‐flow and geomechanical simulation. The model is a graben style reservoir characterized by two normal faults subdividing a sandstone reservoir into three compartments. The results are analysed in terms of spatial and temporal variations in distribution of material failure. We observe that material failure and hence potentially microseismicity is sensitive to not only fault movement but also fluid movement across faults. For sealing faults, failure is confined to the volume in and around the well compartment, with shear failure localized along the boundaries of the compartment and shear‐enhanced compaction failure widespread throughout the reservoir compartment. For non‐sealing faults, failure is observed within and surrounding all three reservoir compartments as well as a significant distribution located near the surface of the overburden. All shear‐enhanced compaction failures are localized within the reservoir compartments. Fault movement leads to an increase in shear‐enhanced compaction events within the reservoir as well as shear events located within the side‐burden adjacent to the fault. We also evaluate the associated moment tensor mechanisms to estimate the pseudo scalar seismic moment of failure based on the assumption that failure is not aseismic. The shear‐enhanced compaction events display a relatively normal and tight pseudo scalar seismic moment distribution centred about 106 Pa, whereas the shear events have pseudo scalar seismic moments that vary over three orders of magnitude. Overall, the results from the study indicate that it may be possible to identify compartment boundaries based on the results of microseismic monitoring.  相似文献   

四川盆地南部的长宁页岩气开发区附近地震频发,近年来已发生近10次ML>4.0的中型地震和万余次ML1.0~3.0的小微地震,灾害风险持续增高.由于国家地震台网的固定台站较为分散,难以捕捉到1级以下微震事件的精确信息,通过近场微震监测数据来分析页岩气开发区的地震风险演化趋势,已经成为势在必行的科学问题.本文基于专门布设的...  相似文献   

From August 1976 to June 1979, more than 220 seismic events were recorded by a 7-station network operating over an active gas field in France. 120 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 1.0 were selected for a detailed study in order to understand the seismic response to a decrease in the gas reservoir pressure of 50 MPa. Composite focal mechanisms were determined for these events. We found that where preexisting fractures were known from well-logs, faults with the most favorable orientation were reactivated. In the part of the gas field where no preexisting faults were known, orientation of the fracture planes was close to the orientations of stratigraphic interfaces.Our kinematic model, constrained by the distribution of the earthquakes and their focal mechanisms, consists of the downward dropping of a block located close to the top of the gas field. The main faults, as defined by the spatial density of the seismic activity, define the limits of this block. The displacements observed along these faults can be either normal or reverse mechanism, dependent on the preexisting orientation of each fault. Another important result is the evidence that the depletion of the gas reservoir exerts the major influence on local seismic displacements, obscuring the effect of regional setting.  相似文献   

A sequence of moderate shallow earthquakes (3.5M L5.3) was located within the Vercors massif (France) in the period 1961–1984. This subalpine massif has been a low seismic area for at least 5 centuries. During the period 1962–1963, 12 shallow earthquakes occurred in the neighborhood (10 km) of the Monteynard reservoir, 30 km south of the city of Grenoble. The latest fourM L4.0 earthquakes occurred in 1979–1984 either at larger distance (35 km) or greater depth (10 km) from the reservoir. Two triggering mechanisms are suggested for this sequence: (i) the direct effect of elastic loading through either increased shear stress or strength reducing by increased pore pressure at depth; (ii) the pore pressure diffusion induced by poroelastic stress change due to the reservoir filling.The weekly water levels, local balanced geological cross sections, and focal mechanisms argue for two types of mechanical connection between the earthquake sequence and the filling cycles of the Monteynard reservoir. The seismic sequence started with the 1962–1963 shallow earthquakes that occurred during the first filling of the reservoir and are typical of the direct effect of elastic loading. The 1979 deeper earthquake is located at a 10 km depth below the reservoir. This event occurred 16 years after the initial reservoir impoundment, but one month after the previous 1963 maximum water level was exceeded. Moreover the yearly reservoir level increased gradually in the period 1962–1979 and has decreased since 1980. Accordingly we suggest that the gradual diffusion of water from reservoir to hypocentral depths decreases the strength of the rock matrices through increased pore pressure. The transition between the two types of seismic response is supported by the analysis ofM L3.5 earthquakes which all occurred in the period 1964–1971, ranging between 10 and 30 km distance from the reservoir. The three other delayed earthquakes of the 1961–1984 seismic sequence (M L4 during the 1979–1984 period) are all located 35 km away from the reservoir. Based on the seismic activity, the estimates for the hydraulic diffusivities range between 0.2–10 m2/s, except for the first event that occurred 30 km north of the reservoir, the filling just started. The lack ofin situ measurements of crustal hydrological properties in the area, shared by most of the Reservoir-Induced-Seismicity cases, prevents us from obtaining absolute evidence for the triggering processes. These observations and conceptual models attest that previous recurrence times for moderate natural shocks (4.5M L5.5) estimated within this area using historical data, could be modified by 0.1–1 MPa stress changes. These small changes in deviatoric stress suggest that the upper crust is in this area nearly everywhere at a state of stress near failure. Although the paucity of both number and size of earthquakes in the French subalpine massif shows that aseismic displacements prevail, our study demonstrates that triggered earthquakes are important tools for assessing local seismic risk through mapping fault zones and identifying their possible seismic behavior.  相似文献   

水口水库地震及其活动特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
位于福建省闽江中游的水口水库,自1993年3月蓄水以来,诱发了一系列水库地震。研究表明,这些地震具有国外一般水库地震的共同特征;库区为少震弱震区,地质构造并存在活断层;震源浅,震不集中;地震与水位变化相关性好等。此外,还具有b值偏低,水位或降引发地震特别敏感等个别特怀。  相似文献   

长江三峡工程周边地区的采矿诱发地震   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
胡毓良  杨清源 《地震地质》1998,20(4):62-360
地震观测和实地调查表明,长江三峡工程周缘广泛存在采矿诱发地震。采矿诱发地震主要是由于矿山采空区的出现使浅部地壳差应力增大岩体失稳而产生的,它们不同于天然地震。水库蓄水前应对这些地震的背景进行详细研究。在进行区域地震震情分析和预报、区域应力场及活动断裂研究时应严格加以区别  相似文献   

Seismic monitoring of reservoir and overburden performance during subsurface CO2 storage plays a key role in ensuring efficiency and safety. Proper interpretation of monitoring data requires knowledge about the rock physical phenomena occurring in the subsurface formations. This work focuses on rock stiffness and elastic velocity changes of a shale overburden formation caused by both reservoir inflation induced stress changes and leakage of CO2 into the overburden. In laboratory experiments, Pierre shale I core plugs were loaded along the stress path representative for the in situ stress changes experienced by caprock during reservoir inflation. Tests were carried out in a triaxial compaction cell combining three measurement techniques and permitting for determination of (i) ultrasonic velocities, (ii) quasistatic rock deformations, and (iii) dynamic elastic stiffness at seismic frequencies within a single test, which allowed to quantify effects of seismic dispersion. In addition, fluid substitution effects connected with possible CO2 leakage into the caprock formation were modelled by the modified anisotropic Gassmann model. Results of this work indicate that (i) stress sensitivity of Pierre shale I is frequency dependent; (ii) reservoir inflation leads to the increase of the overburden Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio; (iii) in situ stress changes mostly affect the P‐wave velocities; (iv) small leakage of the CO2 into the overburden may lead to the velocity changes, which are comparable with one associated with geomechanical influence; (v) non‐elastic effects increase stress sensitivity of an acoustic waves; (iv) and both geomechanical and fluid substitution effects would create significant time shifts, which should be detectable by time‐lapse seismic.  相似文献   

高锡铭 《地震学报》1984,6(3):304-312
水库蓄水后,水体质量荷载引起地基岩石介质产生静力学形变效应.发生地震的水库,由于震源区岩石介质扩容,也会引起地基岩石介质的形变.本文同时考虑了这两种效应.水体质量荷载的静力学形变总效应包括:荷载引起的地基岩石介质的静态弹性形变,质量引起的重力等位面形变以及静态弹性形变所引起的重力等位面形变.岩石介质扩容效应在一定阶段会引起地基岩石介质的膨胀隆起,这种隆起形变同样也引起重力场变化.采用上述模型分析了丹江水库的水准测量成果,确定了该地区地基岩石介质的 Lame 常数,分析了地面垂直形变与地震的关系,从而认为使用该模型分析蓄水后库区的地面的垂直形变,可以为预报水库区地震提取必要的信息.   相似文献   

使用基于机器学习构建的贵州西部多流域水库区地震目录和震相报告,采用波速比一致性约束的双差层析成像方法联合反演得到了该地区的地震位置和三维vp、vs、vp/vs结构。结果显示,研究区内的地壳速度结构具有明显的不均匀性,不同大地构造变形分区展现出不同的速度结构特征。在10km以上深度,横穿黔西中部NW向的威宁构造变形区显示出显著的低速异常条带,揭示了威宁—水城深大断裂带的影响深度和范围。受库区岩性和流体渗透的影响,0km深度的速度结构显示普遍的低波速和高波速比特征,包括夹岩、平寨、光照和马马崖水库区域。重定位后,地震的空间分布勾勒出大量隐伏断层的几何展布特征,结合三维速度结构,推测该区域的地震活动与水库周围的断层活化有关。  相似文献   

Quantitative detection of fluid distribution using time-lapse seismic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although previous seismic monitoring studies have revealed several relationships between seismic responses and changes in reservoir rock properties, the quantitative evaluation of time‐lapse seismic data remains a challenge. In most cases of time‐lapse seismic analysis, fluid and/or pressure changes are detected qualitatively by changes in amplitude strength, traveltime and/or Poisson's ratio. We present the steps for time‐lapse seismic analysis, considering the pressure effect and the saturation scale of fluids. We then demonstrate a deterministic workflow for computing the fluid saturation in a reservoir in order to evaluate time‐lapse seismic data. In this approach, we derive the physical properties of the water‐saturated sandstone reservoir, based on the following inputs: VP, VS, ρ and the shale volume from seismic analysis, the average properties of sand grains, and formation‐water properties. Next, by comparing the in‐situ fluid‐saturated properties with the 100% formation‐water‐saturated reservoir properties, we determine the bulk modulus and density of the in‐situ fluid. Solving three simultaneous equations (relating the saturations of water, oil and gas in terms of the bulk modulus, density and the total saturation), we compute the saturation of each fluid. We use a real time‐lapse seismic data set from an oilfield in the North Sea for a case study.  相似文献   

The topic of this paper is to review recent processes of increasing seismic activity in the Khibiny Massif in the Kcla Peninsula. It is a typical example of induced seismicity caused by rock deformation due to the extraction of more than 2·109 tons of rock mass since the mid-1960s. The dependence of seismic activity on the amount of extracted ore is demonstrated. Some of the induced earthquakes coincide with large mining explosions, thus indicating a trigger mechanism. The largest earthquake, which occurred on 16 April 1989 (M L= 4.1) could be traced along the surface for 1200 m and observed to a depth of at least 220 m. The maximum measured displacement was 15–20 cm.  相似文献   

In the present episode of eruptive activity, evidence from seismicity for sustained magma inflow from depth into the edifice of Piton de la Fournaise is lacking. Pre-eruptive main deformation and shallow seismicity help to identify very small volumes of magma that are in motion beneath the rim of the Dolomieu summit crater, and oriented along the azimuth of the future vents. Small magma pockets may reside in the cone above sea level, or may be expelled repeatedly, due to crystallisation in a small, low-velocity, aseismic region below sea level under the high-velocity central plug of the cone in which pre-eruptive earthquake swarms are located. In cross-section the hypocentres define two steep sheets diverging from the aseismic zone at sea level towards 1.5 km above sea level (or 1 km beneath the 2632 m high cone). However, failure induced by increased pressure in the suggested chamber does not account for the observed focal mechanisms.The occurrence and timing of magma transport are attested by eruption, and seismic activity may be related to magma transport. Focal mechanisms document strike-slip, not normal faulting or tensile failure. Vertical propagation of the edge of a feeder dike may enhance strike-slip motion above the edge, in a region where effective normal stress is decreased by thermally induced groundwater flow. The strike-slip mechanisms could also be caused by a tensile-shear widening of the horizontal section of vertical conduits.Fournaise strike-slip earthquakes occur in two orientations, with P axes orthogonal between them, within a single pre-eruptive event. Earthquakes are distributed in the same volume but mechanisms switch from one to another type systematically with time, indicating a reversal of stress conditions. The orientations of P axes with respect to the epicentral trend suggest that in the later parts of events leading to eruptions, a compression of the medium occurs after a dilation in the first part. The activated zone might respond successively to the arrival and the departure of the magma on its way from the reservoir at depth to the vent, radial to the cone.  相似文献   

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