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Northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hummocky continental slope in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico is the result of active salt tectonism and accompanying faulting. Fluid and gassy hydrocarbons rise through the sediment column and along faults causing the formation of gas hydrates, gassy sediments, mud volcanoes and mounds, chemosynthetic communities and authigenic carbonates, reefs, and hardgrounds. Salt activity coupled with processes associated with relative sea level fluctuations create a feedback relationship resulting in the above-mentioned phenomena as well as others such as seafloor erosion at great water depths.  相似文献   

Acoustic reflection signatures of four hydro-carbon seeps were classified using near-bottom 25-kHz echosounder profiles. Echo patterns were compared with ground-truth data obtained by submersible observations and shallow coring. Six echo types were distinguished: strong reflections from (1)?exposed or (2)?buried hard substrates, such as authigenic carbonate or gas hydrate; acoustic scattering in (3)?unlayered or (4)?layered sediments owing to gas, shells, or disseminated carbonates; (5)?attenuation caused by gas; and (6)?undisturbed sediments. Echo type distributions suggest that high spatial variability indicates a younger, vigorous seep, whereas extensive hard substrate implies an older, encrusted seep.  相似文献   

 Acoustic reflection signatures of four hydro-carbon seeps were classified using near-bottom 25-kHz echosounder profiles. Echo patterns were compared with ground-truth data obtained by submersible observations and shallow coring. Six echo types were distinguished: strong reflections from (1) exposed or (2) buried hard substrates, such as authigenic carbonate or gas hydrate; acoustic scattering in (3) unlayered or (4) layered sediments owing to gas, shells, or disseminated carbonates; (5) attenuation caused by gas; and (6) undisturbed sediments. Echo type distributions suggest that high spatial variability indicates a younger, vigorous seep, whereas extensive hard substrate implies an older, encrusted seep. Received: 29 May 1998 / Revision received: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

The continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico is diapirically controlled and is comprised of coalescing salt sheets, salt withdrawal basins, salt ridges, salt tongues and sills, and submarine canyons. Bathymetric information from single-beam data has resulted in several published maps. Many of the map areas have been remapped, using multibeam surveys, by the US National Ocean Service, and names have been given to the major physiographic features. The multibeam program was discontinued before complete coverage of the slope was accomplished. We provide charts of the remaining areas with names of features that have been accepted by the US Board of Geographic Names.  相似文献   

Tertiary and Quaternary sediments, overlying diapiric older Tertiary shales and Louann Salt on the continental slope in the western Gulf of Mexico, show cyclicity based on seismic-reflection patterns. A set of indistinct parallel reflections or an acoustically semi-transparent zone, normally onlapping onto diapir flanks, alternates with a set of distinct parallel reflections that drape the sea bottom. The indistinct reflections represent deposits employed by bottom transport during a lowering of sea level. Sea level rise and hight stand are characterized by hemipelagic sediments that form blanket-type deposits. Differential sediment loading causes diapiric activity that may reach maximum upward velocities when sea level rises.  相似文献   


Grain size, coarse fraction analyses, and depositional environment as interpreted from microfauna are related to the character of sparker reflections at the location of core holes drilled by Exxon, Chevron, Gulf, and Mobil on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Continuous sparker reflections are correlated with slowly deposited, evenly bedded sediments containing bathyal faunas. The coarse fraction is dominated by the tests of foraminifera. Discontinuous, discordant reflections and diffractions are correlated with sediments more rapidly emplaced in the bathyal environment of the continental slope by slumping and sliding from the continental shelf. Their coarse fraction is dominated by terrigenous sand grains. A large portion of the volume of continental slope sediments appears to consist of these “displaced”; sediments, including an area 3–24 km wide and 80 km long, southeast of Corpus Christi, Texas. Comparable processes of movement of sediments are interpreted on the continental shelf south of the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River. Bathymetry in this area is characterized by a series of subaqueous “gullies”; radiating from the river mouth and leading to terraces at their southern extremities. Side‐scan sonar and PDR surveys show a rough bottom in these “gullies”; and terraces, as contrasted with a relatively smooth bottom elsewhere. The rough bottom is interpreted as indicative of slump and creep of the sediments from shallower water. Some foundation soil borings in this area south of Southwest Pass find a low‐strength material gradually increasing in strength with depth. Other borings find a “crust”; of anomalously strong material 8–15 m below the mudline. The microfauna recovered from the “crust”; has moved to its present position by slump or creep from shallower water along a pattern comparable to the gullies shown in the present‐day bathymetry.  相似文献   

Bathymetric charts of the continental slope of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico reveal the presence of over 90 intraslope basins with relief in excess of 150 m. The evolution and the general configuration of the basins are a function of halokinesis of allochthonous salt. Intraslope-interlobal and intraslope-superlobal basins occupy the upper and lower continental slope, respectively. Other structures on the slope associated with salt tectonics are the Sigsbee Escarpment, the seaward edge of the Sigsbee salt nappe, and the Alaminos and Keathley canyons. Major erosional features are the Mississippi Canyon and portions of a submarine canyon on the southern extreme of the Sigsbee Escarpment.  相似文献   

High-resolution geophysical data define acoustically amorphous, mounded structures on the upper, middle, and lower continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Physical samples and observations within this unique seismic facies show gassy sediments, sometimes in hydrated form and, in places, as chemosynthetic communities. The geologic setting of these mounds suggests that the process of formation falls on the continuum of mud volcanoes to mud diapirs.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon-derived and microbially mediated authigenic carbonates occur over the entire depth range of the northern Gulf of Mexico slope. These carbonates consist of nodules and incipient nodules in surface sediments, hardgrounds and isolated slabs, and moundlike buildups of up to 10–20 m relief above the surrounding seafloor. The authigenic carbonates are characterized by 13C negative values in the range –18 to –55 (PDB) suggesting mixing of seawater carbon with13C-depleted carbon sources ranging from crude oil to biogenic methane. Near the shelf edge, carbonates are diluted with biogenic material produced by reefs—bioherms developed at low sea level stands. Fossil-poor carbonates over salt diapirs of the upper and middle slope formed in the shallow subsurface and have been exhumed by the combined processes of uplift and physical erosion. Middle and lower slope carbonates are generally rich in fossil shells of chemosynthetic organisms. Mg calcite pelloidal matrix and acicular to botryoidal aragonitic void-filling cements are common petrographic features of these hydrocarbonderived carbonates. At two sites carbonates are mixed with barite.  相似文献   

The continental slope off Texas and Louisiana is the most structurally and sedimentologically complex area in the Gulf of Mexico. This 120,000 km2 area is dominated by diapiric tectonics, resulting in numerous faults, oil and gas seeps, and other geological phenomena that affect near-surface sediments. Bottom gradients range from 0 to 20°. High-resolution seismic surveys, foundation borings, and drop cores reveal several mass-movement features, acoustic wipeout zones, sea floor erosion, faults, hardgrounds, bioherms, reefs, and outcrops. Recent data indicate that most geological activity takes place during relative sea level lowering and low stands.  相似文献   

A deep-sea time-lapse camera and several temperature probes were deployed on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf at a biological community associated with a gas hydrate outcropping to study topographic and hydrologic changes over time. The deployment site, Bush Hill (GC-185), is located at 27°47.5′ N and 91°15.0′ W at depths of ∼540 m. The digital camera recorded one still image every 6 h for July-October in 2001, every 2 h for the month of June 2002, and every 6 h for the month of July 2002. Temperature probes were in place at the site for the entire experimental period. The data recovered provide a record of processes that occur at gas hydrate mounds. Sediment resuspension over the mound causes significant variation in luminosity of the time-lapse photographs. A marked diurnal pattern can be seen in the temperature and luminosity records. No major change in shape or size of the gas hydrate outcrop at this site was observed during this study. Stable topography of the gas hydrate mound, combined with high bacterial activity and sediment turnover, appears to focus biological activity in the mound area. Frequency and recurrence of sediment resuspension indicate that short-term change in the depth and distribution of surface sediments is a feature of the benthos at the site. Because the sediment interface is a critical environment for hydrocarbon oxidation and chemosynthesis, short-term variability and heterogeneity may be important characteristics of these settings.  相似文献   

Analyses by fluorescence spectrophotometry and computerized gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the hydrocarbons present in surficial bottom sediments from Buchan Gulf, Baffin Island established that natural seepage of petroleum is occurring from the seabed. In addition, compounds of recent biosynthetic origin and from atmospheric fall-out of combustion products were identified.  相似文献   


Large diapiric and nondiapiric masses of Jurassic salt and Tertiary shale underlie the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and adjacent outer continental shelf. These masses show evidence of being structurally active at present and in the very recent geologic past. Local steepening of the sea floor in response to the vertical growth of these structures is a serious concern to those involved in the site selection and the construction of future oil and gas production and transportation facilities in this frontier petroleum province.

The seabed of the northern Gulf slope is hummocky and consists of many hillocks, knolls, and ridges interspersed by topographic depressions and canyon systems. Topographic highs and lows relate respectively to vertical diapiric growth and to withdrawal of large volumes of salt and shale. Topographic highs vary considerably in shape and size, but all have very limited areas of nearly flat sea floor. Intraslope topographic lows consist of three principal types: (1) remnants of submarine canyons blocked by diapiric uplift that terminated active downslope sediment transport common during stages of low sea level; (2) closed depressions formed by subsidence in response to salt and shale withdrawal and flow into surrounding diapiric uplifts; and (3) small collapse basins formed by faulting in strata arched over structural crests of diapirs.

Distribution patterns of both diapiric features and sediment accumulations on the slope are the result of the complex relationship that exists between sediment loading and diapirism. Diapiric activity is proportional to the thickness of salt or underconsolidated shale available for mobilization, and to the sedimentary load distribution on these highly plastic deposits. Variations in overburden load, in turn, are dependent on rates, volumes, and bulk densities of depo‐sitional influx; proximity to sources of supply, erosion, and distribution of sediments; and topographic control of sediment accumulation. Sediment capture in diapirically controlled interdomal basins and canyon systems localizes overburden load, thus inducing further diapiric growth, and complex structural and stratigraphic patterns are induced throughout the continental slope region.

Drill cores in the slope province indicate that most of the slope sediments are fine‐grained muds; appreciable quantities of sand‐size sediment are present principally in canyon axes. Turbidite sand layers drilled on a topographic high adjacent to the Gyre Basin reflect uplift far above their original deposition level, and calculations yield rates of uplift that average 2 to 4 m per 100 years. Seismic reflection profiles provide considerable evidence of “fresh”; slumps and ero‐sional surfaces on the flanks of many topographic highs not yet blanketed by a veneer of young sediments. This evidence thus supports our conclusion that the present continental slope region of the northern Gulf of Mexico is undergoing active diapirism and consequent slope steepening. Because most of the sediment on the flanks of diapiric structures consists of underconsolidated muds, slumping will take place regularly in response to further diapiric movement.  相似文献   

Free gas is ubiquitous at shallow sediment depths of the northern margin of the Gulf of Mexico. Gassy sediment patches are between 250 and 500 m in horizontal size. Often the gassy layers are within 100 m from the sea floor and are only a few meters thick. Both biogenic and thermogenic gas hydrates have been recovered. Stability values of temperature and pressure indicate that hydrates can exist in water depths less than 500 m. Gassy sediment geoacoustic parameter values are not well constrained because of a lack of concurrent measurements of acoustic properties and sediment gas content. For Gulf of Mexico gassy sediment, some reportedin situ values of sound speed are reduced by an order of magnitude below values for water saturated sediments. More commonly, sound speed is reduced from water saturated sediment values by only 15 to 50 percent.  相似文献   

Some global estimates suggest that gas hydrates represent the largest reservoir of fossil fuel. However, only a few studies of the resource and economic potential of individual gas hydrate accumulations exist. Here we estimate the volume of hydrate-bound gas at GC (Green Canyon) blocks 184/185, GC 234/235, GB (Garden Banks) 388, MC (Mississippi Canyon) 798/842, GC 204, MC 852/853, and AT (Atwater Valley) 425/426 sites in the Gulf of Mexico at water depths ∼500–2000 m. The structural accumulations may contain from 4.7×108 to 1.3×1011 m3 of gas at standard temperature and pressure. The resources in individual gas hydrate accumulations are comparable (by volume) with the reserves in very small to major conventional gas fields. Various geologic, technologic, and economic factors affect the economic potential of studied accumulations. The MC 852/853 appears to be characterized by the most favorable combination of these factors, and thus is suggested to have the highest economic potential. The economic potential of gas hydrate accumulations at GC 204, GB 388, and AT 425/426 sites is ranked as ‘average’. Gas hydrate accumulations at GC 234/235, GC 184/185, and MC 798/842 sites contain only small volumes of hydrate-bound gas, and likely have no economic potential. Future gas hydrate research should focus on the detailed study of large structural gas hydrate accumulations from which gas may be profitably recovered (e.g. the MC 852/853 site).  相似文献   


The improvement of sensors such as various high‐resolution seismic and navigational systems and side‐scan sonar, of offshore shallow‐water drilling techniques, and of laboratory analyses has allowed the marine geologist to make more accurate identifications and maps of the distribution of numerous types of marine sediment instabilities, as well as to determine the mechanisms responsible for their occurrence. A large number of data on the continental shelf and upper continental slope off the modern delta of the Mississippi river have been compiled; these data will be used to document the major types of slope instabilities. The continental shelf and slope off the modern Mississippi river delta display various types of sediment instability. High rates of sedimentation (up to 80 m per century), weak, high‐water‐content clays, and differential weighting of clay sediments characterize this region. The major types of sediment instabilities that have been documented include (a) Peripheral slumping, with dimensions of slumps ranging from 200 to 1000 m; slumping often occurring in multiple stairstep arrangement; and downslope movement as high as 700 m per year. (b) Shallow diapiric intrusions, ranging in size from a few hundred meters to 2 km in diameter; vertical displacement ranging from 200 to 500 m; rate of sediment movement several meters per year; and intrusions caused by differential sediment loading, (c) Radial graben (tensional faulting), with widths from 50 to 500 m and lengths of several kilometers; both vertical and downslope lateral movements occurring; and downslope movements of surface material as much as 5 m per year common. (d) Circular collapse depressions, with diameters of depressions ranging from 50 to 500 m; topography of depression interiors, hummocky; and depressions possibly caused by dewatering or degassing of sediments under the influence of cyclic wave loading. (e) Surface mudflows, thick (often more than 35 m) masses of surface sediment flowage; often bounded by abrupt seaward slope; mudflows often extending laterally for distances in excess of 100 km; movement sporadic and lobate and rates of movement as much as several hundred meters per year; often being associated with extremely hummocky topography and mud volcanoes; and with extrusion of sediments the possible mechanism. (f) Shelf‐edge arcuate slumps, with large arcuate slumps displacing several hundred meters of sediment; slippage planes are commonly concave. Finally, (g) Various deep‐seated faults, with faults extending from deep horizons up to modern sediment surface; commonly being associated with abrupt scarps on the seafloor; numerous contemporaneous faults; and local slumping associated with fault scarps.  相似文献   

We used a research submersible to obtain 33 sediment samples from chemosynthetic communities at 541–650 m water depths in the Green Canyon (GC) area of the Gulf of Mexico slope. Sediment samples from beneath an isolated mat of H2S-oxidizing bacteria at GC 234 contain oil (mean = 5650 ppm) and C1–C5 hydrocarbons (mean = 12,979 ppm) that are altered by bacterial oxidation. Control cores away from the mat contain lower concentrations of oil (mean = 2966 ppm) and C1–C5 hydrocarbons (mean = 83.6 ppm). Bacterial oxidation of hydrocarbons depletes O2 in sediments and triggers bacterial sulfate reduction to produce the H2S required by the mats. Sediment samples from GC 185 (Bush Hill) contain high concentrations of oil (mean = 24,775 ppm) and C1–C5 hydrocarbons (mean = 11,037 ppm) that are altered by bacterial oxidation. Tube worm communities requiring H2S occur at GC 185 where the sea floor has been greatly modified since the Pleistocene by accumulation of oil, thermogenic gas hydrates, and authigenic carbonate rock. Venting to the water column is suppressed by this sea-floor modification, enhancing bacterial activity in sediments. Sediments from an area with vesicomyid clams (GC 272) contain lower concentrations of oil altered by bacterial oxidation (mean = 1716 ppm) but C1–C5 concentrations are high (mean = 28,766 ppm). In contrast to other sampling areas, a sediment associated with the methanotrophic Seep Mytilid I (GC 233) is characterized by low concentration of oil (82 ppm) but biogenic methane (C1) is present (8829 ppm).  相似文献   

The community structure of megacrustaceans (orders Lophogastrida, Isopoda, and Decapoda) collected in trawls on the continental margin, upper slope and abyssal plain of the southern Gulf of Mexico was studied to determine to what extent broad-scale variation in community composition and diversity was influenced by geographic regions environmental variability and depth. Trawls were collected in the Mexican Ridges, the Campeche Bank, and the Sigsbee abyssal plain. There was variability in species composition, density and diversity among geographic regions and along the depth gradient. A total of 106 species were identified and grouped in three orders; five infraorders, 40 families, and 70 genera. This study extends the known geographic ranges of the species Homolodromia monstrosa and Ephyrina benedicti. The largest number of species was recorded in the Mexican Ridges and on the upper continental shelf; lower values were found on the continental margin and in the abyssal plain. The largest densities were recorded on the continental margin in the Mexican Ridges. Megacrustaceans show in general low frequencies and low abundances in trawls, characterizing them as rare components of benthic assemblages. Contrary to an accepted paradigm about deep-sea biodiversity, the highest H′ diversity values were recorded in the Sigsbee abyssal plain, followed by values from the upper continental slope; diversity values were correlated with evenness. Canonical Redundancy analysis results showed a significant affinity to regions for 18 crustacean species; 33 species showed a significant affinity to both regions and depth zones within regions.  相似文献   

Barite chimneys associated with hydrocarbonrich fluid venting were recently documented and sampled on the Gulf of Mexico slope offshore Louisiana at 510–520 m water depth. The chimneys are dominated by barite associated with minor amounts of pyrite, iron oxide, Mg calcite, and detrital silicates. The barite displays distinct string-like and dendritic-like morphologies assembled from rosette-shaped crystals that are typically 20–40 µm in diameter. The chimneys exhibit macroscopic growth layers 1–5 mm thick, which alternate between dark gray and light yellow colors. The dark layers are dominated by string barites associated with disseminated pyrite, while the light layers are dominated by dendritic barites with little or no pyrite. The barites are anomalously enriched in Sr (average 15.5 mol% and maximum 30 mol%) and Ca (average 2.8 mol% and maximum 4.6 mol%), and exhibit rhythmic, paired, microscopic light and dark bands. The exact origin of the barites and their mode of deposition has not yet been elucidated, but they are likely to be related to the hydrocarbon-rich fluids venting on the seabed.  相似文献   

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