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A process‐based, spatially distributed hydrological model was developed to quantitatively simulate the energy and mass transfer processes and their interactions within arctic regions (arctic hydrological and thermal model, ARHYTHM). The model first determines the flow direction in each element, the channel drainage network and the drainage area based upon the digital elevation data. Then it simulates various physical processes: including snow ablation, subsurface flow, overland flow and channel flow routing, soil thawing and evapotranspiration. The kinematic wave method is used for conducting overland flow and channel flow routing. The subsurface flow is simulated using the Darcian approach. The energy balance scheme was the primary approach used in energy‐related process simulations (snowmelt and evapotranspiration), although there are options to model snowmelt by the degree‐day method and evapotranspiration by the Priestley–Taylor equation. This hydrological model simulates the dynamic interactions of each of these processes and can predict spatially distributed snowmelt, soil moisture and evapotranspiration over a watershed at each time step as well as discharge in any specified channel(s). The model was applied to Imnavait watershed (about 2·2 km2) and the Upper Kuparuk River basin (about 146 km2) in northern Alaska. Simulated results of spatially distributed soil moisture content, discharge at gauging stations, snowpack ablations curves and other results yield reasonable agreement, both spatially and temporally, with available data sets such as SAR imagery‐generated soil moisture data and field measurements of snowpack ablation, and discharge data at selected points. The initial timing of simulated discharge does not compare well with the measured data during snowmelt periods mainly because the effect of snow damming on runoff was not considered in the model. Results from the application of this model demonstrate that spatially distributed models have the potential for improving our understanding of hydrology for certain settings. Finally, a critical component that led to the performance of this modelling is the coupling of the mass and energy processes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water flow through a melting snow pack modifies its structure and stability and affects the release of water and nutrients into soils and surface waters. Field and laboratory observations indicate a large spatial variability on various scales of the liquid water content and flow, a dominant system feature currently not included in numerical models. We investigated experimentally water and dye tracer movement through microstructurally different snow pack horizons and the persistence of preferential flow paths. Naturally rounded snow of varying grain size was artificially packed to obtain well known conditions by sieving it into rectangular bins. Surface melt was induced with infrared lamps. The flow paths were visualized with tracers and liquid water content was monitored with time domain reflectometry probes. Vertical cuts through the snow pack were imaged. The dye tracer patterns allowed the two flow regimes ‘matrix flow’ and ‘preferential flow’ to be distinguished. Matrix flow is apparently dominated by film and capillary flow in the unsaturated snow matrix. The capillary barrier effect at a boundary between a fine over a coarse textured layer on matrix flow in snow was confirmed. In contrast, preferential flow appears as well‐defined flow fingers that advance from 0·1 to 1 cm s?1. During a melt phase, the advancing flow fingers enlarge and are only partially time invariant. It remains to be shown whether the continuum concept, including the Darcy–Buckingham law is apt to describe the extremely non‐linear nature of water flow and the travel time of solutes in snow under conditions of melt water percolation. Probably, snow packs that include faceted crystals and large variations in bulk density, feature more pronounced capillary barriers and preferential flow triggering, but also stronger impeding of fingers by lateral dispersion. Further, triggering and persistence of preferential flow is complicated by the usually transient infiltration rate. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water potential below a frozen soil layer was continuously monitored over an entire winter period (using thermally insulated tensiometers sheltered in a heated chamber) along with other soil, snow and atmospheric variables. In early winter, the freezing front advanced under a thin snow cover, inducing upward soil water flow in the underlying unfrozen soil. The freezing front started to retreat when the snow cover became thick enough to insulate the soil, resulting in the reversal of the flow direction in the unfrozen zone. These data provide a clear illustration of soil water dynamics, which have rarely been monitored with a tensiometer. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the main purposes of a water balance study is to evaluate the net available water resources, both on the surface and in the subsurface. Water balance models that simulate hydrographs of river flow on the basis of available meteorological data would be a valuable tool in the hands of the planners and designers of water resources systems. In this paper, a set of simple monthly snow and water balance models has been developed and applied to regional water balance studies in the NOPEX area. The models require as input monthly areal precipitation, monthly long-term average potential evapotranspiration and monthly mean air temperature. The model outputs are monthly river flow and other water balance components, such as actual evapotranspiration, slow and fast components of river flow, snow accumulation and melting. The results suggest that the proposed model structure is suitable for water balance study purposes in seasonally snow-covered catchments located in the region.  相似文献   

Jason A. Leach  Dan Moore 《水文研究》2017,31(18):3160-3177
Stream temperature controls a number of biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in aquatic environments. Transient snow cover and advection associated with lateral throughflow inputs can have a dominant influence on stream thermal regimes for headwater catchments in the rain‐on‐snow zone. Most existing stream temperature models lack the ability to properly simulate these processes. We developed and evaluated a conceptual‐parametric catchment‐scale stream temperature model that includes the role of transient snow cover and lateral advection associated with throughflow. The model consists of routines for simulating canopy interception, snow accumulation and melt, hillslope throughflow runoff and temperature, and stream channel energy exchange processes. The model was used to predict discharge and stream temperature for a small forested headwater catchment near Vancouver, Canada, using long‐term (1963–2013) weather data to compute model forcing variables. The model was evaluated against 4 years of observed stream temperature. The model generally predicted daily mean stream temperature accurately (annual RMSE between 0.57 and 1.24 °C) although it overpredicted daily summer stream temperatures by up to 3 °C during extended low streamflow conditions. Model development and testing provided insights on the roles of advection associated with lateral throughflow, channel interception of snow, and surface–subsurface water interactions on stream thermal regimes. This study shows that a relatively simple but process‐based model can provide reasonable stream temperature predictions for forested headwater catchments located in the rain‐on‐snow zone.  相似文献   

Hilary McMillan 《水文研究》2020,34(6):1393-1409
Hydrologic signatures are metrics that quantify aspects of streamflow response. Linking signatures to underlying processes enables multiple applications, such as selecting hydrologic model structure, analysing hydrologic change, making predictions in ungauged basins, and classifying watershed function. However, many lists of hydrologic signatures are not process-based, and knowledge about signature-process links has been scattered among studies from experimental watersheds and model selection experiments. This review brings together those studies to catalogue more than 50 signatures representing evapotranspiration, snow storage and melt, permafrost, infiltration excess, saturation excess, groundwater, baseflow, connectivity, channel processes, partitioning, and human alteration. The review shows substantial variability in the number, type, and timescale of signatures available to represent each process. Many signatures provide information about groundwater storage, partitioning, and connectivity, whereas snow processes and human alteration are underrepresented. More signatures are related to the seasonal scale than the event timescale, and land surface processes (ET, snow, and overland flow) have no signatures at the event scale. There are limitations in some signatures that test for occurrence but cannot quantify processes, or are related to multiple processes, making automated analysis more difficult. This review will be valuable as a reference for hydrologists seeking to use streamflow records to investigate a particular hydrologic process or to conduct large-sample analyses of patterns in hydrologic processes.  相似文献   

Studies of the eruptive products from volcanoes with variable ice and snow cover and a long history of activity enable reconstruction of erupted palaeoenvironments, as well as highlighting the hazards associated with meltwater production, such as jökulhlaups and magma-water interaction. Existing difficulties include estimation of ice/snow thicknesses and discrimination between ice- and snow-contact lithofacies. We present field evidence from the Cerro Blanco subcomplex of Nevados de Chillán stratovolcano, central Chile, which has erupted numerous times in glacial and non-glacial periods and most recently produced andesitic lava flows in the 1861–1865 eruption from the Santa Gertrudis cone on the northwest flank of the volcano. The main period of lava effusion occurred during the winter of 1861 when the upper flanks of the volcano were reportedly covered in snow and ice. The bases and margins of the first lava flows produced are cut by arcuate fractures, which are interpreted as snow-contact features formed when steam generated from the melting of snow entered tensional fractures at the flow base. In contrast, the interiors and upper parts of these flows, as well as the overlying flow units, have autobrecciated and blocky textures typical of subaerial conditions, due to insulation by the underlying lava. Similar textures found in a lava flow dated at 90.0±0.6 ka that was emplaced on the northwest flank of Cerro Blanco, are also inferred to be ice and snow-contact features. These textures have been used to infer that a small valley glacier, overlain by snow, existed in the Santa Gertrudis Valley at the time of the eruption. Such reconstructions are important for determining the long-term evolution of the volcano as well as assessing future hazards at seasonally snow-covered volcanoes.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to examine the relationship between the meltwater flow field and ion release from melting snow. A 0.4 m3 volume of snow was placed in a Plexiglass box and melted from above using a heating plate. The meltwater and solute fluxes issuing from the bottom of the snow were monitored. In experiments with NaCl tracer added to the snow, the solute concentrations were generally lower in the flow fingers than in the background wetting front. Dye tracer experiments revealed contemporaneous areas of concentrated dye and dilute meltwater in flow fingers. This suggests that the meltwater in flow fingers is diluted by low concentration water from the top of the snowpack. Flow fingers contribute more meltwater flux primarily because the flow is maintained for a longer period of time than in the non-finger areas; however, the relative contribution of flow fingers to solute flux was apparently not as great as that of the background wetting front because of dilution of solute in the flow finger areas.  相似文献   


Streamflow in the Himalayan rivers is generated from rainfall, snow and ice. The distribution of runoff produced from these sources is such that the streamflow may be observed in these rivers throughout the year, i.e. they are perennial in nature. Snow and glacier melt runoff contributes substantially to the annual flows of these rivers and its estimation is required for the planning, development and management of the water resources of this region. The average contribution of snow and glacier melt runoff in the annual flows of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam has been determined. Keeping in view the availability of data for the study basin, a water balance approach was used and a water budget period of 10 years (October 1986-September 1996) was considered for the analysis. The rainfall input to the study basin over the water budget period was computed from isohyets using rainfall data of 10 stations located at different elevations in the basin. The total volume of flow for the same period was computed using observed flow data of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam. A relationship between temperature and evaporation was developed and used to estimate the evapotranspiration losses. The snow-covered area, and its depletion with time, was determined using satellite data. It was found that the average contribution of snow and glacier runoff in the annual flow of the Satluj River at Bhakra Dam is about 59%, the remaining 41% being from rain.  相似文献   

The flow division at an open channel junction is affected by the inflow discharge and the downstream water depths of the junction. The growth of vegetation in a channel system is environmental friendly, but its effect on the flow in an open channel junction can be significant. In this work a 3D RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equation) model has been implemented to investigate the flow phenomena in channel junctions with or without vegetation. The model is first validated by two cases: flow in an open channel T-junction without vegetation, and flow in a single open channel with vegetation. The model is then applied to simulate flow in an open channel T-junction with varying width ratio and vegetation density of the branch channel. The results quantitatively predict the trend of increasing flow in the branch channel with the increase in branch channel width and/or the decrease in vegetation density. The overall energy loss coefficient of the system, however, decreases with the amount of flow in the branch channel.  相似文献   

Sediment export from glaciated basins involves complex interactions between ice flow, basal erosion and sediment transfer in subglacial and proglacial streams. In particular, we know very little about the processes associated with sediment transfer by subglacial streams. The Haut Glacier d'Arolla (VS, Switzerland) was investigated during the summer melt season of 2015. LiDAR survey revealed positive surface changes in the ablation zone, indicating glacier uplift, at the end of the morning during the period of peak ablation. Instream measures of sediment transport showed that suspended load and bedload responded differently to diurnal flow variability. Suspended load depended on the availability of fine material whereas bedload depended mainly on the competence of the flow. Interpretation of these results allowed development of a conceptual model of subglacial sediment transport dynamics. It is based upon the mechanisms of clogging (deposition) and flushing (transport/erosion) in sub-glacial channels as forced by diurnal flow variability. Through the melt season, the glacier hydrological response evolves from being buffered by glacier snow cover with a poorly developed subglacial drainage system to being dominated by more rapid ice melt with a more hydraulically efficient subglacial channel system. The resultant changes in the shape of diurnal discharge hydrographs, and notably higher peak flows and lower base flows, causes sediment transport to become discontinuous, with overnight clogging and late morning flushing of subglacial channels. Overnight clogging may be sufficient to reduce subglacial channel size, creating temporarily pressurized flow and lateral transfer of water away from the subglacial channels, leading to the late morning glacier surface uplift. However, without further data, we cannot exclude other hypotheses for the uplift. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a physically‐based hydrologic model developed for agricultural watersheds, which has been infrequently validated for forested watersheds, particularly those with deep overwinter snow accumulation and abundant lakes and wetlands. The goal of this study was to determine the applicability of SWAT for modelling streamflow in two watersheds of the Ontonagon River basin of northern Michigan which differ in proportion of wetland and lake area. The forest‐dominated East Branch watershed contains 17% wetland and lake area, whereas the wetland/lake‐dominated Middle Branch watershed contains 26% wetland and lake area. The specific objectives were to: (1) calibrate and validate SWAT models for the East Branch and Middle Branch watersheds to simulate monthly stream flow, and (2) compare the effects of wetland and lake abundance on the magnitude and timing of streamflow. Model calibration and validation was satisfactory, as determined by deviation of discharge D and Nash and Sutcliffe coefficient values E that compared simulated monthly mean discharge versus measured monthly mean discharge. Streamflow simulation discrepancies occurred during summer and fall months and dry years. Several snow melting parameters were found to be critical for the SWAT simulation: TIMP (snow temperature lag factor) and SMFMX and SMFMN (melting factors). Snow melting parameters were not transferable between adjacent watersheds. Differences in seasonal pattern of long‐term monthly streamflow were found, with the forest‐dominated watershed having a higher peak flow during April but a lower flow during the remainder of the year in comparison to the wetland and lake‐dominated watershed. The results suggested that a greater proportion of wetland and lake area increases the capacity of a watershed to impound surface runoff and to delay storm and snow melting events. Representation of wetlands and lakes in a watershed model is required to simulate monthly stream flow in a wetland/lake‐dominated watershed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow cover depletion curves are required for several water management applications of snow hydrology and are often difficult to obtain automatically using optical remote sensing data owing to both frequent cloud cover and temporary snow cover. This study develops a methodology to produce accurate snow cover depletion curves automatically using high temporal resolution optical remote sensing data (e.g. Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Aqua MODIS or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)) by snow cover change trajectory analysis. The method consists of four major steps. The first is to reclassify both cloud‐obscured land and snow into more distinct subclasses and to determine their snow cover status (seasonal snow cover or not) based on the snow cover change trajectories over the whole snowmelt season. The second step is to derive rules based on the analysis of snow cover change trajectories. These rules are subsequently used to determine for a given date, the snow cover status of a pixel based on snow cover maps from the beginning of the snowmelt season to that given date. The third step is to apply a decision‐tree‐like processing flow based on these rules to determine the snow cover status of a pixel for a given date and to create daily seasonal snow cover maps. The final step is to produce snow cover depletion curves using these maps. A case study using this method based on Terra MODIS snow cover map products (MOD10A1) was conducted in the lower and middle reaches of the Kaidu River Watershed (19 000 km2) in the Chinese Tien Shan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. High resolution remote sensing data (charge coupled device (CCD) camera data with 19·5 m resolution of the China and Brazil Environmental and Resources Satellite (CBERS) data (19·5 m resolution), and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data with 15 m resolution of the Terra) were used to validate the results. The study shows that the seasonal snow cover classification was consistent with that determined using a high spatial resolution dataset, with an accuracy of 87–91%. The snow cover depletion curves clearly reflected the impact of the variation of temperature and the appearance of temporary snow cover on seasonal snow cover. The findings from this case study suggest that the approach is successful in generating accurate snow cover depletion curves automatically under conditions of frequent cloud cover and temporary snow cover using high temporal resolution optical remote sensing data. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2010年春季至夏季在中山站附近的固定冰面开展了固定冰反照率观测.在春夏过渡期,观测期间的表面反照率呈下降趋势,平均反照率从9月的0.80下降到12月的0.62,整个观测期间的平均值为0.70.雪厚是影响反照率变化的重要因子,融化前期的反照率受表面温度影响较大,干雪期反照率对表面温度并不敏感.降雪可通过增加表面雪厚和减小表面积雪粒径显著增加反照率,云层则可通过吸收入射太阳光中的近红外波段增加反照率,降雪和阴天反照率可比晴天观测平均增加0.18和0.06;吹雪则可通过改变积雪光学厚度导致反照率发生显著变化.受太阳天顶角变化和积雪变性的共同影响,晴天或少云时的反照率在上午随太阳天顶角呈准线性递减,下午则几乎不发生变化;最高值、最低值分别出现在凌晨和下午.本文提出了一组分别表述厚干雪、薄干雪和湿雪反照率日变化的参数化方案,通过太阳天顶角的线性函数隐式考虑进了积雪变性的影响.相比常数反照率方案,该参数化方案能有效提高对反照率日变化的估算能力.  相似文献   

Rain-on-snow (ROS) is the primary generator of peak flow events in mountainous coastal regions of North America. Uncertainty remains as to the role of forest canopy interception leading up to and during ROS events. Much of this uncertainty can be attributed to a lack of suitable techniques to collect data during ROS, due in part to the dynamic nature of climatic conditions, particularly related to snow accumulation and melt. We supplemented a meteorological network with non-weighing snow melt lysimeters, suspended spring scales to measure snow throughfall and an automated time lapse photography network to monitor state of precipitation (rain vs. snow), snow accumulation/ablation, canopy interception and unloading of snow from the canopy. Image analysis software allowed for the extraction of data from images. Rapid loading and unloading of snow from the canopy, closely linked to changes in temperature, was observed using this approach. We were also able to continuously monitor throughfall snow water equivalent using low cost suspended spring scales. This experimental design allowed us to capture information previously unavailable without direct observation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a numerical, catchment-scale model that solves flow equations of surface and subsurface flow in a three-dimensional domain. Surface flow is described by the two-dimensional parabolic approximation of the St. Venant equation, using Manning’s equation of motion; subsurface flow is described by the three-dimensional Richards’ equation for the unsaturated zone and by three-dimensional Darcy’s law for the saturated zone, using an integrated finite difference formulation. The hydrological component is a dynamic link library implemented within a comprehensive model which simulates surface energy, radiation budget, snow melt, potential evapotranspiration, plant development and plant water uptake. We tested the model by comparing distributed and integrated three-dimensional simulated and observed perched water depth (PWD), stream flow data, and soil water contents for a small catchment. Additional tests were performed for the snow melting algorithm as well as the different hydrological processes involved. The model successfully described the water balance and its components as evidenced by good agreement between measured and modelled data.  相似文献   


The Vakhsh and Pyandj rivers, main tributaries of the Amu Darya River in the mountainous region of the Pamir Alay, play an important role in the water resources of the Aral Sea basin (Central Asia). In this region, the glaciers and snow cover significantly influence the water cycle and flow regime, which could be strongly modified by climate change. The present study, part of a project funded by the European Commission, analyses the hydrological situation in six benchmark basins covering areas of between 1800 and 8400 km2, essentially located in Tajikistan, with a variety of topographical situations, precipitation amounts and glacierized areas. Four types of parameter are discussed: temperature, glaciation, snow cover and river flows. The study is based mainly on a long-time series that ended in the 1990s (with the collapse of the Soviet Union) and on field observations and data collection. In addition, a short, more recent period (May 2000 to May 2002) was examined to better understand the role of snow cover, using scarce monitored data and satellite information. The results confirm the overall homogeneous trend of temperature increase in the mountain range and its impacts on the surface water regime. Concerning the snow cover, significant differences are noted in the location, elevation, orientation and morphology of snow cover in the respective basins. The changes in the river flow regime are regulated by the combination of the snow cover dynamics and the increasing trend of the air temperature.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Near-surface processes on glaciers, including water flow over bare ice and through seasonal snow and firn, have a significant effect on the speed, volume and chemistry of water flow through the glacier. The transient nature of the seasonal snow profoundly affects the water discharge and chemistry. Water flow through snow is fairly slow compared with flow over bare ice and a thinning snowpack on a glacier decreases the delay between peak meltwater input and peak stream discharge. Furthermore, early spring melt flushes the snowpack of solutes and by mid-summer the melt water flowing into the glacier is fairly clean by comparison. The firn, a relatively constant feature of glaciers, attenuates variations in water drainage into the glacier by temporarily storing water in saturated layer. Bare ice exerts opposite influences by accentuating variations in runoff by water flowing over the ice surface. The melt of firn and ice contributes relatively clean (solute-free) water to the glacier water system.  相似文献   

Processes controlling streamflow generation were determined using geochemical tracers for water years 2004–2007 at eight headwater catchments at the Kings River Experimental Watersheds in southern Sierra Nevada. Four catchments are snow‐dominated, and four receive a mix of rain and snow. Results of diagnostic tools of mixing models indicate that Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Cl? behaved conservatively in the streamflow at all catchments, reflecting mixing of three endmembers. Using endmember mixing analysis, the endmembers were determined to be snowmelt runoff (including rain on snow), subsurface flow and fall storm runoff. In seven of the eight catchments, streamflow was dominated by subsurface flow, with an average relative contribution (% of streamflow discharge) greater than 60%. Snowmelt runoff contributed less than 40%, and fall storm runoff less than 7% on average. Streamflow peaked 2–4 weeks earlier at mixed rain–snow than snow‐dominated catchments, but relative endmember contributions were not significantly different between the two groups of catchments. Both soil water in the unsaturated zone and regional groundwater were not significant contributors to streamflow. The contributions of snowmelt runoff and subsurface flow, when expressed as discharge, were linearly correlated with streamflow discharge (R2 of 0.85–0.99). These results suggest that subsurface flow is generated from the soil–bedrock interface through preferential pathways and is not very sensitive to snow–rain proportions. Thus, a declining of the snow–rain ratio under a warming climate should not systematically affect the processes controlling the streamflow generation at these catchments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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