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关于水资源承载力理论与方法的研究   总被引:119,自引:3,他引:119  
本文首先明确了水资源承载力的基本概念 ,指出可持续发展理论、水 -生态 -社会经济复合系统理论、二元模式下的水文循环机制和过程是水资源承载力研究的理论基础 ,对水资源承载力研究的基本内容、评价指标体系的建立和评价方法进行了较全面的概括和总结。  相似文献   

张掖市社会经济系统水循环过程研究与水量估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 采用投入产出分析方法,估算了张掖市各部门产品中的虚拟水含量; 基于对各产品转化和流动的跟踪,系统研究了本地实体水资源与外地流入虚拟水资源在张掖市社会经济系统各环节中的流动与转化过程。结果表明,种植业部门的实体水转化与虚拟水流动构成了张掖市社会经济系统水循环的主体,外地流入的虚拟水量较少,且主要集中于水资源稀疏型产品; 经济生产对种植业产品较低的消耗水平导致了大量虚拟水的流出。认为增强种植业产品在社会经济系统中的循环强度是张掖市降低水资源流失以及提高水资源利用效率的有效手段。  相似文献   

"一带一路"沿线国家大多面临水资源短缺情况,水资源能否支撑其经济社会发展关系到"一带一路"倡议的顺利实施。本文构建水资源承载力评价指标体系,对各评价指标进行分级和权重分配,并对沿线65个国家的水资源承载指标进行了计算,同时结合虚拟水理论,分析中国重点大宗类农产品国际贸易的净进口虚拟水含量。对沿线一半以上的国家来说,他们的水资源将无法支撑他们的经济发展,而经济发展是实现该倡议目标所必需的。中国作为水资源承载力不足的国家,在虚拟水贸易中属于虚拟水净进口国家,虚拟水贸易有利于中国提高水资源支撑能力,对未来保障中国水资源安全、食物安全都有积极意义。  相似文献   

基于虚拟水消费的水足迹计算——以大连市为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水足迹是反映水资源实际消费的新概念.以虚拟水消费为基础的水足迹能更真实地衡量社会经济系统对水资源的消费利用状况。作者引人水足迹的概念及计算方法,在基于虚拟水计算的基础上对大连市2003年水足迹进行了计算,通过定量地分析大连市水资源的利用现状、依赖程度及存在问题,为科学利用有限的水资源提供有益的决策依据;同时通过虚拟水战略分析,提出了解决水资源短缺问题的新思路。  相似文献   

区域水资源承载力理论与方法探讨   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
在总结区域水资源承载力的研究基础上, 以城市化地区为重点从水循环过程出发, 探讨 高强度人类活动影响下水资源的形成和转化规律, 分析水资源承载力的内涵, 探讨城市化地区水 资源承载力的理论研究基础, 即: 变化环境下的水循环理论、城市化与“社会经济—水资源—生态 与环境”系统交互胁迫理论和可持续发展理论。并在可持续发展原则指导下, 提出城市化地区水 资源承载力量化研究的理论框架和方法, 将城市化地区水资源承载力的研究纳入到区域“社会经 济—水资源—生态与环境”复合系统中, 从水循环动力过程出发, 揭示水资源承载力的本质。研究 成果可为城市化地区节水战略的实施、水资源合理配置和社会经济的可持续发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

北京市通州区水资源综合承载力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,通州区已被定为北京市的新的发展中心,但水资源短缺和污染已经严重限制了当地的可持续发展。本文以可持续发展为原则,基于"自然—社会"水循环,提出了通州区水资源综合承载力量化模型。根据通州区的未来发展规划,设计了3种情景来提高该地区的水资源综合承载力。研究表明水资源短缺严重制约了通州区的城市化进程和可持续发展,外调水、本地区节水和控制污染是解决通州区水资源短缺的有效途径。  相似文献   

郑靖伟  孙才志 《地理科学》2023,(10):1837-1850
本文基于水足迹视角,利用多区域投入产出模型(MRIO)分析2002—2017年中国省际各产业水资源流动格局,运用时空地理加权回归模型(GTWR),综合考虑了自然、社会经济和科技共20个指标,分别探讨影响中国省际流入与流出虚拟水的驱动因素。结果表明:(1)在研究期间,各产业流入与流出虚拟水占比有所变化,农业始终占据较大的比重,工业呈不断下降的趋势,服务业的占比逐渐增加,到2017年仅次于农业;(2)在流动格局中,东部绝大部分地区各产业流入虚拟水高于流出虚拟水,中部和西部绝大部分地区各产业流出虚拟水高于流入虚拟水;(3)流入虚拟水时空变化的驱动因素中,产业影响力、人口总数和水资源承载力等因素的增长对流入虚拟水的增加具有显著的促进作用,而耕地灌溉面积比例和R&D经费投资总额的增长会抑制流入虚拟水的增加;(4)人口总数、交通密度和单位GDP耗水等因素的增长会促进流出虚拟水的增加,而单位GDP耗能、产业影响力和R&D经费投资总额等因素的增长则会对流出虚拟水的增加起阻碍作用。  相似文献   

区域水资源承载力概念及研究方法的探讨   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  
在总结区域水资源承载力研究历史和现状的基础上,阐述了水资源承载力的内涵和特点,对目前各种水资源承载力的定义进行比较,分析其中深层次的联系,提出了以"可支撑的合理规模"来描述水资源承载能力的概念。在此基础上,从"社会经济-水资源-生态、环境"复合系统角度综合分析了节水措施对水资源承载力的影响,提出了基于现代进化算法的思想的水资源承载力计算思路。将该模型应用于辽河流域水资源承载力的研究中,分析计算了该地区在规划水平年水资源可承载的规模。实例证明,该模型能够综合反映出水资源的承载规模,可以为当地的发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

水资源承载力是反映区域水资源对经济社会发展的支撑能力,是衡量水资源与经济、社会、自然是否和谐发展的重要指标。综合考虑经济、社会、自然等因素,构建“承压-压力-协调-管理”四维水资源承载力评价指标体系,通过组合赋权法测度水资源承载力水平,运用M-K趋势法分析其时空变化特征,并运用R/S分析法预测未来发展趋势。结果表明:(1)黄河三角洲高效生态经济区水资源承载力指数呈缓慢上升趋势,整体数值偏低;(2)沿海地区水资源承载力较好,水资源承载力指数由沿海向内陆逐渐降低,承压指数、压力指数、协调指数、管理指数空间特征明显;(3)水资源承载力在莱州湾及黄河入海口部分县(市、区)显著改善,远海地区呈现显著恶化趋势,协调指数和管理指数有所改善,承压指数不容乐观,压力指数普遍恶化;(4)未来变化中,水资源承载力在黄河三角洲高效生态经济区呈现持续改善趋势,惠民县、阳信县、利津县、高青县等地区呈持续恶化态势。  相似文献   

新疆1999-2009年水足迹计算与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用统计资料,结合水足迹模型和区域水足迹评价方法,对新疆1999-2009年的水足迹及相关指标进行了计算和分析。研究表明:(1)新疆1999-2004年总水足迹呈上升趋势,2004- 2009年略有下降趋势。水资源集约利用度呈增长趋势,说明新疆水资源利用效率有所提高;(2)新疆居民对粮食、肉类等虚拟水含量较大的农产品需求较大,适当减少虚拟水含量较高的产品消费,提倡虚拟水含量较低的产品消费,可减少虚拟水量的消耗;(3)新疆在虚拟水贸易中是水资源输出地,且输出量在不断增大,给新疆本地的水资源利用带来巨大的压力;(4)新疆水资源压力逐年增加,解决水资源短缺问题不能局限于本地实体水资源的高效利用,还可通过虚拟水贸易从水源丰富地区购买高耗水的本地发展所需的相关消费品,实现水资源总体可持续利用。改变消费模式,调整虚拟水战略结构成为缓解新疆水资源短缺的一种可能途径,由于数据限制,水足迹研究有待进一步细化,但是一种可用于探讨干旱区水资源可持续利用的方法。  相似文献   

Water resources carrying capacity (WRCC) is an important index for assessing the coordinated development relationship between population and water resources. The quantitative evaluation of WRCC can provide an important basis for water resource regulation and sustainable economic and social development. Based on the statistical data of cities and counties in the Great Dunhuang Region (GDR), and taking counties as the basic units, this study quantitatively analyzed the WRCC and carrying status of the GDR under different water inflow conditions and policy constraints from 2010 to 2017. The study revealed three main trends. (1) From 2010 to 2017, the WRCC of the GDR increased year by year, from 343700, 315900 and 291100 people to 458700, 415400 and 375600 people in normal, dry and extremely dry years, respectively. (2) Under policy constraints, the WRCC of the GDR increased year by year from 309400 people in 2010 to 412400 people in 2017. Based on future estimates, the WRCC of the GDR are expected to be 326600 people in 2020 and 341200 people in 2030. (3) From 2010 to 2017, the water resources carrying index of the GDR was decreasing, and it decreased from 1.05, 1.14 and 1.24 to 0.80, 0.88 and 0.97 in normal, dry and extremely dry years, respectively. The carrying status changed from critical overload to balanced. Although the WRCC and the carrying status of the GDR had significantly improved by 2017, the overall upper limit of the carrying capacity is not high. Therefore, efforts should be made to improve the utilization efficiency of water resources in order to maintain the sustainable utilization of water resources in the GDR.  相似文献   

The study of water resources carrying capacity (WRCC), a major component of resources and environment carrying capacity (RECC), began relatively recently. However, WRCC has witnessed a rapid development in terms of concept, calculation methods, and empirical research in recent years. WRCC has become an important criterion for rational development and utilization of regional water resources. This paper first briefly reviews the development process of WRCC. It then evaluates and contrasts the representative research methods of conventional trend (CT), system dynamics (SD), multi-objective model analysis (MOMA), comprehensive evaluation (CE), and dynamic simulation recursive (DSR). The results show that although there are various methods of WRCC, the major methods used have become out-of-date and stagnant, and new more sophisticated methods and technologies are lacking. Specifically, our analysis found that the index system, scientific robustness and comprehensiveness of evaluation criteria of current research methods are insufficient and need to be improved. In addition, the dynamic research of WRCC should receive more attention, and it requires further study to make it more applicable to real-world uses. Finally, a set of monitoring and early warning systems should be established and applied in demonstration areas to meet the urgent needs of water resource management in the new era.  相似文献   

中国西北“水三线”空间格局与水资源配置方略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓铭江 《地理学报》2018,73(7):1189-1203
水是西北地区可持续发展的生命线,中国西北地区占国土总面积35.9%,水资源约占全国水资源总量的5.7%。从水文气象、生态景观与社会经济的演变角度,面向水资源优化配置、生态环境与社会经济协调发展,探索提出西北“水三线”的划分格局,即“胡焕庸线”“阳关线”和“奇策线”。“水三线”是西北水资源合理开发利用的优化配置线、西北生态文明与环境保护的特征分区线、“一带一路”建设的战略制导线和边疆长治久安、社会稳定的国家安全线。针对西北地区水资源开发利用存在的问题、面临的挑战以及西北稳定发展的地理与历史之忧,本文通过对西北调水方案的初步分析,提出了西北“水三线”建设的空间格局与水资源配置方略,即通过建设南水北调大西线这一重大的基础工程,跨越“胡焕庸线”,促进中国东西部地区间适度均衡发展;跨越“阳关线”,促进河西走廊社会经济发展;跨越“奇策线”,增强新疆水资源及环境承载能力,建设和谐美丽、长治久安的西北边疆,形成以西北“水三线”建设为构架的水资源梯度配置格局,支撑西北地区经济社会稳定发展、生态文明建设,促进国土资源、人口分布、产业经济的空间均衡、优化布局、协调发展,为“一带一路”建设提供水资源保障。  相似文献   

水资源可持续利用规划耦合模型与应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
介绍了水资源可持续利用规划耦合模型和应用实例。从数学形式上看,它是多目标优化模型,目标函数选用自由度较高并具竞争性的系统状态指标;约束条件应该包括各相关子系统的状态模拟方程,使模拟与优化实现耦合。在研究实例中,选用了GDP和COD排放量指标来表征研究区的经济发展和环境状况,约束条件主要包括水资源系统模拟模型和宏观经济系统扩大再生产—投入产出耦合模型。由于水资源可持续利用规划决策是半结构化的决策问题,开发决策支持系统辅助决策有助于提高决策的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

Most countries along the route of the “Belt and Road” initiative are faced with a shortage of water resources. However, successful implementation of the initiative depends on water availability to support economic and social development. We designed a water resources carrying capacity evaluation index system, assigned grades and weights to each evaluation index and calculated a water resources carrying index for the 65 countries along the route. We used virtual water theory to analyze China’s net virtual water import from key bulk agricultural products through international trade. For more than half of the countries along the route, their water resources will be unable to support the economic development that will be necessary for fulfilling the goals of the Initiative. As a country with insufficient water resources carrying capacity, China is a net virtual water importer in the virtual water trade. This virtual water trade can improve China’s water resources support capacity, and ensure China’s water and food security for the future.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues on adaptive water management under the impact of climate change. Based on a set of comprehensive indicators of water system, a decision making approach of multi-objects is developed and applied to quantify water adaptive management for the demands of water sustainable use, water environmental protection and eco-water requirement under the climate change. For this study in China, two key indicators are proposed, namely (1) the water resources vulnerability (V) that was represented by integrated sensitivity (S) and resilience (C) of climate change impact on water resources, and (2) the sustainability of socio-economy and water environment, marked by DD, that is integrated scaler of socio-economic development (EG) based on the amount of GDP and the water environment and relative eco-system quality (LI). To find a reasonable solution for adaptive water management, a multi-objective decision making model of adaptive water management is further developed and the multi-objective model was transformed into an integrated single optimization model through developing an integrated measure function, called as VDD=DD/V. This approach has been applied to adaptive water resources planning and management for case study of China with new policy, called as the strict management of water resources based on three red line controls, i.e., the control of total water use by the total water resources allocation, the control of lower water use efficiency by the water demand management and the control of the total waste water load by water quality management in the Eastern China Monsoon Region that covers major eight big river basins including Yangtze River, Yellow River, Haihe River and Huaihe River. It is shown that the synthetic representation of water resource vulnerability and socio-economic sustainability by the integrated objective function (VDD) and integrated decision making model are workable and practicable. Adaptive management effect of the criterion compliance rate and water use efficiency are more appreciable through new water policy of the three red line controls, which can reduce 21.3% of the water resources vulnerability (V) and increase 18.4% of the sustainability of socioeconomy and water environment (DD) for the unfavorable scenario of climate change in 2030.  相似文献   

南水北调工程是实现中国水资源南北调配、东西互济,形成水资源合理配置格局的战略性工程。南水北调西线一期工程已初步确定先行从长江上游的雅砻江调水40亿m3至黄河上游的洮河,经洮河至刘家峡水库后入黄河干流。本研究从南水北调西线调水新增水资源量入手,结合新提出的黄河干流甘肃段的新型水土格局(即“弦弧”两支主要输水路线下),重点对新增水资源量的利用进行思考,并分析了新型水土格局下新增调水对黄河干流甘肃段、西北内陆区石羊河流域、内蒙古阿拉善地区和宁蒙灌区等受水区的影响。研究结果有利于水资源稀缺地区输调水资源可持续合理利用,可为黄河流域上游生态保护与高质量发展的战略规划实施提供参考。  相似文献   

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