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Ground-based observations of faint satellites nearby their planets with 1-2 m class telescopes usually do not allow for high quality astrometry and photometry, due to saturation by the primary or to poor S/N ratio on the satellite images, generally embedded on the scattered light of the planet. Earth-based observations of the Uranus satellites’ upcoming mutual events in 2007-2008 are no exception. In most cases, the event will take place at 4 arcs or less from the planet, with “planet minus satellite” brightness differences of 10 magnitudes. So as to make feasible the observations of these important phenomena, we have developed a prototype of a coronagraph of simple design making use of good quality commercial optical systems. Pilot tests made with this coronagraph with a telescope of show that it is possible to obtain S/N ratios of 50 or higher for 10 s exposures, for satellites as close as 2 Uranus radii from the planet center. We have also developed numerical algorithms which perform digital coronagraphy in the images, with the elimination of the influence of the planets’ scattered light. This procedure considerably improves the S/N ratio of the satellite images (with or without a coronagraph instrument) and shall be applied in the reduction of the observations of the Uranus events so as to achieve the highest possible photometric and astrometric quality.  相似文献   

We use a radiative-conductive-convective model to assess the height of Pluto’s troposphere, as well as surface pressure and surface radius, from stellar occultation data from the years 1988, 2002, and 2006. The height of the troposphere, if it exists, is less than 1 km for all years analyzed. Pluto has at most a planetary boundary layer and not a troposphere. As in previous analyses of Pluto occultation light curves, we find that the surface pressure is increasing with time, assuming that latitude and longitude variations in Pluto’s atmosphere are negligible. The surface pressure is found to be slightly higher ( μbar in 1988,  μbar in 2002, and 18.5 ± 4.7 μbar in 2006) than in our previous analyses with the troposphere excluded. The surface radius is determined to be . Comparison of the minimum reduced chi-squared values between the best-fit radiative-conductive-convective (i.e., troposphere-included) model and best-fit radiative-conductive (i.e., troposphere-excluded) shows that the troposphere-included model is only a slightly better fit to the data for all 3 years. Uncertainties in the small-scale physical processes of Pluto’s lower atmosphere and consequently the functional form of the model troposphere lend more confidence to the troposphere-excluded results.  相似文献   

We present results of a five-filter photometric study of Mercury's integral phase curve in the Johnson-Cousins UBVRI system, performed with the 0.90-m Westerlund Telescope in Uppsala, Sweden. CCD observations were made of the integrated disk for the phase angle range 22-152°, and the study is the first to cover the extended visible spectrum of Mercury. The observations are analyzed with Hapke's semi-empirical radiative transfer-based light-scattering model and photometric quantities are derived. A statistically significant phase reddening effect of is determined for Mercury based on color index observations, which is similar to that of the Moon. Phase coefficients fit to integral absolute magnitude data and Hapke models in combination with color index data provide a phase reddening effect of which does however not provide statistically significant evidence for its presence. Phase coefficients indicate that phase reddening may be decreasing in magnitude with wavelength. As for the case with the Moon, the value of the phase integral increases with wavelength, but at an eight times higher rate. This value is consistent with the difference in the rate of change in the spectral slope-emission angle relation for the two bodies. We attribute these differences with Mercury's redder spectral slope and an increase with wavelength of the backscattering lobe amplitude in the double Henyey-Greenstein particle phase function formulation. The normal albedo of integral Mercury at 1064 nm, pertinent to the return pulse energy of the BepiColombo laser altimeter (BELA), is estimated to 0.23±0.06 with a range of 0.13-0.33 for 99% of the surface.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the minor planet (3782) Celle, which has been associated both dynamically and spectroscopically with the Vesta asteroid family, were obtained using the 1.8-m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope during September 2001 and December 2002-January 2003. Analysis of these data reveals a normal rotational lightcurve (, amplitude =0.10-0.15 mag). During the 2002-2003 run, anomalous attenuation events were observed lasting for about 2.6-3.5 h that varied in amplitude from 0.15-0.3 mag. The attenuations were of two distinct types that can clearly be identified as primary and secondary occultation/eclipses similar to those that have been previously observed in known minor planet binary systems (Pravec et al., 2000). We therefore interpret our data as clear evidence that (3782) Celle is actually an asynchronous binary system with an orbital period of (Ryan et al., 2003). A preliminary model, based on spherical components, yields a primary-to-secondary diameter ratio of 0.43±0.01 and a combined bulk density of for the two components. Because these objects are likely to be composed of basaltic fragments, this density is indicative of a moderate to a highly fractured internal structure for at least one, if not both, of the binary components. Since the Vesta family is believed to have been created via a cratering event, this finding has important implications for understanding possible ejecta re-accumulation and satellite formation in subcatastrophic collisions.  相似文献   

Mercury has been observed in June 2006 with the SofI instrument at NTT. Resolved spectroscopy was performed in the range. The observations were acquired close to a favorable quadrature with maximum elongation, and span mostly the southern hemisphere in the 235–315°E longitude area.In contrast to recent observations from IRTF, the present study does not indicate any pyroxene absorption in the near-infrared range, neither in the region nor at . Detailed spectral analysis allows to derive an upper limit of 1.5% type-A pyroxene (hedenbergite) or 1.1% enstatite (assuming minimum lunar iron content) in the regions observed, at the 700 km scale. Assuming lunar-like maturity effects on band depth, this corresponds to an upper limit of 0.15 and 0.6 wt.% FeO content in silicates, an order of magnitude less than previous estimates.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometric observations of 23 main-belt asteroids, of which 8 have never been observed before; thus, the data of these objects are the first in the literature. The majority showed well-detectable light variations, exceeding 0m1. We have determined synodic periods for 756 Lilliana (936), 1270 Datura (34), 1400 Tirela (1336), 1503 Kuopio (998), 3682 Welther (359), 7505 Furushu (414) and 11436 1969 QR (123), while uncertain period estimates were possible for 469 Argentina (123), 546 Herodias (104) and 1026 Ingrid (53). The shape of the lightcurves of 3682 Welther changed on a short time-scale and showed dimmings that might be attributed to eclipses in a binary system. For the remaining objects, only lower limits of the periods and amplitudes were concluded.  相似文献   

The VIMS instrument onboard Cassini observed the north polar region of Titan at 113° phase angle, 28 December 2006. On this spectral image, a vast polar cloud can be seen northward to 62°N, and elsewhere, the haze appears as the dominant source of scattering. Because the surface does not appear in the wavelength range between 0.3 and , this spectro-image is ideal to study airborn scatterers both in methane bands and windows. In this work, we study this image, along with another image taken at 13° phase angle. This image probe both the atmosphere and the surface from pole to pole. First, we characterise the spatial distribution of the haze layer above 100 km between 80°S and 70°N. We find a north south asymmetry with a haze opacity increasing by a factor 3 from the south pole to the equator, then a constant value up to about 30°N and a decrease of a factor 2 between 30°N and about 60°N. Beyond 60°N, we can see the influence of the north polar cloud, even in the band, but no polar haze accumulation. The fact that the north polar region is still in the polar night is a possible explanation. No haze accumulation is observed in the southern polar region. Secondly, we partly identify the origin of spectral features in the 2.8-μm methane window, which are found to be due to deuterated methane (CH3D). This allows the analyse of this window and to retrieve the opacity of scatterers layer below 80 km (presumably made of aerosols and condensate droplets) between 35°N and 60°N. Finally, we constrained the values and the spectral behaviour of the imaginary part of the aerosol refractive index in the range between 0.3 and . To do so, we studied the 2.8-μm window with the image taken at 113° phase angle. To complete the analysis, we studied the transmission through the haze layer in the 3.4-μm band observed in solar occultation mode with VIMS, and we analysed the single scattering albedo retrieved with DISR instrument between 0.4 and . The imaginary part of the refractive index that we find for Titan aerosols follows Khare et al. (Khare, B.N. et al. [1984]. Icarus 60, 127-137) optical constant up to and becomes constant beyond this wavelength at least up to . It also has a prominent peak at and a secondary peak at , which indicates material rich in C-H bonds, with much less N-H bonds than in Khare et al. (1984) tholins.  相似文献   

On September 8, 2001 around 2 h UT, the largest uranian moon, Titania, occulted Hipparcos star 106829 (alias SAO 164538, a V=7.2, K0 III star). This was the first-ever observed occultation by this satellite, a rare event as Titania subtends only 0.11 arcsec on the sky. The star's unusual brightness allowed many observers, both amateurs or professionals, to monitor this unique event, providing fifty-seven occultations chords over three continents, all reported here. Selecting the best 27 occultation chords, and assuming a circular limb, we derive Titania's radius: (1-σ error bar). This implies a density of using the value derived by Taylor [Taylor, D.B., 1998. Astron. Astrophys. 330, 362-374]. We do not detect any significant difference between equatorial and polar radii, in the limit , in agreement with Voyager limb image retrieval during the 1986 flyby. Titania's offset with respect to the DE405 + URA027 (based on GUST86 theory) ephemeris is derived: ΔαTcos(δT)=−108±13 mas and ΔδT=−62±7 mas (ICRF J2000.0 system). Most of this offset is attributable to a Uranus' barycentric offset with respect to DE405, that we estimate to be: and ΔδU=−85±25 mas at the moment of occultation. This offset is confirmed by another Titania stellar occultation observed on August 1st, 2003, which provides an offset of ΔαTcos(δT)=−127±20 mas and ΔδT=−97±13 mas for the satellite. The combined ingress and egress data do not show any significant hint for atmospheric refraction, allowing us to set surface pressure limits at the level of 10-20 nbar. More specifically, we find an upper limit of 13 nbar (1-σ level) at 70 K and 17 nbar at 80 K, for a putative isothermal CO2 atmosphere. We also provide an upper limit of 8 nbar for a possible CH4 atmosphere, and 22 nbar for pure N2, again at the 1-σ level. We finally constrain the stellar size using the time-resolved star disappearance and reappearance at ingress and egress. We find an angular diameter of 0.54±0.03 mas (corresponding to projected at Titania). With a distance of 170±25 parsecs, this corresponds to a radius of 9.8±0.2 solar radii for HIP 106829, typical of a K0 III giant.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of atmospheric gravity waves on the vertical and horizontal structure of the ionosphere of Jupiter. The presented non-linear, two-dimensional model of the jovian ionosphere allows for spatially and temporally varying neutral wind and temperature fields and tracks the time evolution of six ionospheric species, , and . An analytical approach is used to validate the model results for linear, small-amplitude waves and to elucidate the mechanisms that leads to perturbations in the density of the main ion species, H+ and . We demonstrate that the long-lived H+ ions are perturbed directly by wave dynamics whereas short-lived ions such as are perturbed by chemical interactions with other perturbed ion species. The model is then applied using larger gravity wave amplitudes consistent with observations. Atmospheric gravity waves propagating at high altitudes create layers of enhanced electron density similar to the system of layers observed during the J0-ingress radio occultation of the Galileo spacecraft. Our best fit to the J0-ingress observation is achieved using an 82 min period forcing wave with horizontal and vertical wavelengths of 500 km and 60 km respectively, and peaks at 510 km above the 1 bar pressure level. We further investigate the effects of the wave-induced ion flux on the background ionospheric structure and demonstrate that in the presence of a gravity wave the background density profiles of the H+ and ions are significantly modified. We also find that the column density of has variations that can exceed 10% as the wave propagates.  相似文献   

Existing and planned radiotelescopes working in the millimetre (mm) and sub-millimetre wavelengths range provide the possibility to be used for atmospheric line observations. To scrutinize this potential, we outline the differences and similarities in technical equipment and observing techniques between ground-based aeronomy mm-wave radiometers and radiotelescopes. Comprehensive tables summarizing the technical characteristics of existing and future (sub)-mm radiotelescopes are given. The advantages and disadvantages using radiotelescopes for atmospheric line observations are discussed. In view of the importance of exploring the sub-mm and far-infrared wavelengths range for astronomical observations and atmospheric sciences, we present model calculations of the atmospheric transmission for selected telescope sites (DOME-C/Antarctica, ALMA/Chajnantor, JCMT and CSO on Mauna Kea/Hawaii, KOSMA/Swiss Alpes) for frequencies between 0 and 2000 GHz () and typical atmospheric conditions using the forward model MOLIERE (version 5). For the DOME-C site, the transmission over a larger range of up to 10 THz () is calculated in order to demonstrate the quality of an Earth-bound site for mid-IR observations. All results are available on a dedicated webpage.  相似文献   

During the Cassini-Huygens flyby of Jupiter in December 2000, VIMS-V acquired multispectral data cubes of Jupiter's atmosphere. The visual and infrared imaging spectrometer-visual channel (VIMS-V) is one of the principal contributions of Italian Space Agency (ASI) to the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn. VIMS-V is an imaging spectrometer operating in the wavelength range 300-, with a (nominal) spectral resolution of , and a (nominal) spatial resolution of . VIMS-V is boresighted with the VIMS-IR channel operating in the wavelength range 0.8-. During the early phases of the Cassini mission, the spacecraft encountered Venus (June 23, 1999), followed shortly thereafter by a flyby of the Earth. During the Earth flyby the Moon (August 17, 1999) was observed. Following the Earth-Moon flyby, the spacecraft encountered Jupiter (closest approach on December 31, 2000), and during the roughly 6 months prior to Jupiter closest approach a series of observations were made of most of the objects in the Jovian system. We have determined the instrumental transfer function of VIMS-V using the Moon and Venus day side data. This transfer function was then used to remove instrumental effects from the Jupiter data and to convert raw instrumental response numbers to spectral radiance from the target. It was thus possible to study the spectral variability of Jupiter's atmosphere across its disk using data from both the visual (V) and infrared (IR) channels of VIMS. In this paper we discuss the main results obtained by the V channel. We have analyzed the principal spectral features of Jupiter atmosphere, and in particular, the spatial variation of methane and ammonia absorption bands over the Jovian disk. Using the instrument's spatial mapping capabilities we have investigated the nature of the absorption band in the spectrum of Jupiter's atmosphere at that is consistent with the presence of ammonia or water vapor. After comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter, water vapor was considered the most likely cause of the absorption feature, but our data indicate that ammonia is the source of this band. Other analyses were performed using standard techniques such as forming band ratios and removal of the continuum. Our analyses confirm previous ground or satellite based observations. We were also able to verify the instrument radiometric calibration, using observations conducted during the close encounters with Venus and the Moon.  相似文献   

We present results of a simple two-dimensional model investigating the observable effects that convective motions and gravity waves can have on the condensational Venus cloud. Gravity waves have been observed in the Venus atmosphere in the form of temperature scintillations in the Magellan and Pioneer Venus occultation data. Multiple in situ probes and long-duration remote observations indicate the presence of convective motions in the Venus clouds. Dynamical studies by others have suggested that gravity waves can exist in the stable regions of the Venus atmosphere above the middle clouds and beneath the middle clouds, and likely are triggered by flow past sub-cloud plumes caused by convective overshooting. We find that a simplified treatment of convective kinematics generates variation in the Venus condensational cloud consistent with the observed variability of optical depth and brightness temperature. Specifically, we find that the downdraft regions in our simulated convective cell exhibit a decrease in cloud optical depth of around Δτ∼10. The brightness temperature ranges from about 460 K in the downdraft regions of the simulated convective cells, to about 400 K in the simulated updrafts. We also find that gravity waves launched by obstacles (such as overshooting convective plumes) near the cloud base exhibit horizontal wavelengths comparable to the separation between convective cells, and generate variations in brightness temperature that should be observable by instruments such as VIRTIS on Venus Express. However, a more robust treatment of the atmospheric dynamics is needed to address adequately these interactions between the clouds and the mesoscale dynamics.  相似文献   

Ground-based high angular-resolution images of asteroid (2) Pallas at near-infrared wavelengths have been used to determine its physical properties (shape, dimensions, spatial orientation and albedo distribution).We acquired and analyzed adaptive optics (AO) J/H/K-band observations from Keck II and the Very Large Telescope taken during four Pallas oppositions between 2003 and 2007, with spatial resolution spanning 32-88 km (image scales 13-20 km/pixel). We improve our determination of the size, shape, and pole by a novel method that combines our AO data with 51 visual light-curves spanning 34 years of observations as well as archived occultation data.The shape model of Pallas derived here reproduces well both the projected shape of Pallas on the sky (average deviation of edge profile of 0.4 pixel) and light-curve behavior (average deviation of 0.019 mag) at all the epochs considered. We resolved the pole ambiguity and found the spin-vector coordinates to be within 5° of [longitude, latitude] = [30°, −16°] in the Ecliptic J2000.0 reference frame, indicating a high obliquity of about 84°, leading to high seasonal contrast. The best triaxial-ellipsoid fit returns ellipsoidal radii of , and . From the mass of Pallas determined by gravitational perturbation on other minor bodies , [Michalak, G., 2000. Astron. Astrophys. 360, 363-374], we derive a density of significantly different from the density of C-type (1) Ceres of [Carry, B., Dumas, C., Fulchignoni, M., Merline, W.J., Berthier, J., Hestroffer, D., Fusco, T., Tamblyn, P., 2008. Astron. Astrophys. 478 (4), 235-244]. Considering the spectral similarities of Pallas and Ceres at visible and near-infrared wavelengths, this may point to fundamental differences in the interior composition or structure of these two bodies.We define a planetocentric longitude system for Pallas, following IAU guidelines. We also present the first albedo maps of Pallas covering ∼80% of the surface in K-band. These maps reveal features with diameters in the 70-180 km range and an albedo contrast of about 6% with respect to the mean surface albedo.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the dust trail of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (CG) in visible light with the Wide Field Imager at the ESO/MPG 2.2 m telescope at 4.7 AU before aphelion, and at with the MIPS instrument on board the Spitzer Space Telescope at 5.7 AU both before and after aphelion. The comet did not appear to be active during our observations. Our images probe large dust grains emitted from the comet that have a radiation pressure parameter β<0.01. We compare our observations with simulated images generated with a dynamical model of the cometary dust environment and constrain the emission speeds, size distribution, production rate and geometric albedo of the dust. We achieve the best fit to our data with a differential size distribution exponent of −4.1, and emission speeds for a β=0.01 particle of 25 m/s at perihelion and 2 m/s at 3 AU. The dust production rate in our model is on the order of 1000 kg/s at perihelion and 1 kg/s at 3 AU, and we require a dust geometric albedo between 0.022 and 0.044. The production rates of large (>) particles required to reproduce the brightness of the trail are sufficient to also account for the coma brightness observed while the comet was inside 3 AU, and we infer that the cross-section in the coma of CG may be dominated by grains of the order of .  相似文献   

We present mid-infrared observations of the binary L5-Trojan system (617) Patroclus-Menoetius before, during, and after two shadowing events, using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. For the first time, we effectively observe changes in asteroid surface temperature in real time, allowing the thermal inertia to be determined very directly. A new detailed binary thermophysical model is presented which accounts for the system’s known mutual orbit, arbitrary component shapes, and thermal conduction in the presence of eclipses.We obtain two local thermal-inertia values, representative of the respective shadowed areas: and . The average thermal inertia is estimated to be , potentially with significant surface heterogeneity. This first thermal-inertia measurement for a Trojan asteroid indicates a surface covered in fine regolith. Independently, we establish the presence of fine-grained (<a few μm) silicates on the surface, based on emissivity features near 10 and similar to those previously found on other Trojans.We also report V-band observations and report a lightcurve with complete rotational coverage. The lightcurve has a low amplitude of peak-to-peak, implying a roughly spherical shape for both components, and is single-periodic with a period equal to the period of the mutual orbit, indicating that the system is fully synchronized.The diameters of Patroclus and Menoetius are 106±11 and , respectively, in agreement with previous findings. Taken together with the system’s known total mass, this implies a bulk mass density of , significantly below the mass density of L4-Trojan asteroid (624) Hektor and suggesting a bulk composition dominated by water ice.All known physical properties of Patroclus, arguably the best studied Trojan asteroid, are consistent with those expected in icy objects with devolatilized surface (extinct comets), consistent with what might be implied by recent dynamical modeling in the framework of the Nice Model.  相似文献   

We describe a strategy for scheduling astrometric observations to minimize the number required to determine the mutual orbits of binary transneptunian systems. The method is illustrated by application to Hubble Space Telescope observations of (42355) Typhon-Echidna, revealing that Typhon and Echidna orbit one another with a period of 18.971±0.006 days and a semimajor axis of 1628±29 km, implying a system mass of (9.49±0.52)×1017 kg. The eccentricity of the orbit is 0.526±0.015. Combined with a radiometric size determined from Spitzer Space Telescope data and the assumption that Typhon and Echidna both have the same albedo, we estimate that their radii are and , respectively. These numbers give an average bulk density of only , consistent with very low bulk densities recently reported for two other small transneptunian binaries.  相似文献   

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