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Pre-Cassini images of Saturn's small icy moon Enceladus provided the first indication that this satellite has undergone extensive resurfacing and tectonism. Data returned by the Cassini spacecraft have proven Enceladus to be one of the most geologically dynamic bodies in the Solar System. Given that the diameter of Enceladus is only about 500 km, this is a surprising discovery and has made Enceladus an object of much interest. Determining Enceladus' interior structure is key to understanding its current activity. Here we use the mean density of Enceladus (as determined by the Cassini mission to Saturn), Cassini observations of endogenic activity on Enceladus, and numerical simulations of Enceladus' thermal evolution to infer that this satellite is most likely a differentiated body with a large rock-metal core of radius about 150 to 170 km surrounded by a liquid water-ice shell. With a silicate mass fraction of 50% or more, long-term radiogenic heating alone might melt most of the ice in a homogeneous Enceladus after about 500 Myr assuming an initial accretion temperature of about 200 K, no subsolidus convection of the ice, and either a surface temperature higher than at present or a porous, insulating surface. Short-lived radioactivity, e.g., the decay of 26Al, would melt all of the ice and differentiate Enceladus within a few million years of accretion assuming formation of Enceladus at a propitious time prior to the decay of 26Al. Long-lived radioactivity facilitates tidal heating as a source of energy for differentiation by warming the ice in Enceladus so that tidal deformation can become effective. This could explain the difference between Enceladus and Mimas. Mimas, with only a small rock fraction, has experienced relatively little long-term radiogenic heating; it has remained cold and stiff and less susceptible to tidal heating despite its proximity to Saturn and larger eccentricity than Enceladus. It is shown that the shape of Enceladus is not that of a body in hydrostatic equilibrium at its present orbital location and rotation rate. The present shape could be an equilibrium shape corresponding to a time when Enceladus was closer to Saturn and spinning more rapidly, or more likely, to a time when Enceladus was spinning more rapidly at its present orbital location. A liquid water layer on Enceladus is a possible source for the plume in the south polar region assuming the survivability of such a layer to the present. These results could place Enceladus in a category similar to the large satellites of Jupiter, with the core having a rock-metal composition similar to Io, and with a deep overlying ice shell similar to Europa and Ganymede. Indeed, the moment of inertia factor of a differentiated Enceladus, C/MR2, could be as small as that of Ganymede, about 0.31.  相似文献   

Tidal dissipation has been suggested as the heat source for the south polar thermal anomaly on Enceladus. We find that under present-day conditions and assuming Maxwellian behavior, tidal dissipation is negligible in the silicate core. Dissipation may be significant in the ice shell if the shell is decoupled from the silicate core by a subsurface ocean. We have run a series of self-consistent convection and conduction models in 2D axisymmetric and 3D spherical geometry in which we include the spatially-variable tidal heat production. We find that in all cases, the shell removes more heat from the interior than can be produced in the core by radioactive decay, resulting in cooling of the interior and the freezing of any ocean. Under likely conditions, a 40-km thick ocean made of pure water would freeze solid on a ∼30 Ma timescale. An ocean containing other chemical components will have a lower freezing point, but even a water-ammonia eutectic composition will only prolong the freezing, not prevent it. If the eccentricity of Enceladus were higher (e?0.015) in the past, the increased dissipation in the ice shell may have been sufficient to maintain a liquid layer. We cannot therefore rule out the presence of a transient ocean, as a relic of an earlier era of greater heating. If the eccentricity is periodically pumped up, the ocean may have thickened and thinned on a similar timescale as the orbital evolution, provided the ocean never froze completely. We conclude that the current heat flux of Enceladus and any possible subsurface ocean is not in steady-state, and is the remnant of an epoch of higher eccentricity and tidal dissipation.  相似文献   

G.J. Black  D.B. Campbell 《Icarus》2007,191(2):702-711
We have measured the bulk radar reflectance properties of the mid-size saturnian satellites Rhea, Dione, Tethys, and Enceladus with the Arecibo Observatory's 13 cm wavelength radar system during the 2004 through 2007 oppositions of the Saturn system. Comparing to the better studied icy Galilean satellites, we find that the total reflectivities of Rhea and Tethys are most similar to Ganymede while Dione is most similar to Callisto. Enceladus' reflectivity falls between those of Ganymede and Europa. The mean circular polarization ratios of the saturnian satellites range from ∼0.8 to 1.2, and are on average lower than those of the icy Galilean satellites at this wavelength although still larger than expected for single reflections off the surface. The ratio for the trailing hemisphere of Enceladus may be the exception with a value ?0.56. The 13 cm wavelength radar albedos and polarization ratios may be systematically lower than similar results from the Cassini orbiter's RADAR instrument at 2.2 cm wavelength [Ostro, S.J., and 19 colleagues, 2006. Icarus 183, 479-490]. Overall, these reflectivities and polarization properties, together with the shapes of the echo spectra, suggest subsurface multiple scattering to be the dominant reflection mechanism although operating less efficiently than on the large icy moons of Jupiter. All these saturnian moons and icy jovian moons are atmosphere-less, low temperature water ice surfaces, and any differences in radar properties may be indicative of differences in composition or the effects of various processes that modify the regolith structure. The degree of variation in radar properties with wavelength on each satellite may constrain the thickness and efficiency of the scattering layer.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectral analysis of data from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) has yielded significant results regarding the properties and composition of the surface of Saturn's satellite Enceladus. We have obtained spectral cubes of this satellite, containing both spatial and spectral information, with a wavelength distribution in the infrared far more extensive than from any previous observations and at much higher spatial resolution. Using a composite mosaic of the satellite, we map the distribution of crystalline and amorphous ices on the surface of Enceladus according to a “crystallinity factor” and also the depth of the temperature- and structure-dependent 1.65 micron water-ice band. These maps show the surface of Enceladus to be mostly crystalline, with a higher degree of crystallinity at the “tiger-stripe” cracks and a larger amorphous signature between these stripes. These results suggest recent geological activity at the “tiger stripe” cracks and an intriguing atmospheric environment over the south pole where amorphous ice is produced either through intense radiative bombardment, flash-freezing of cryovolcanic liquid, or rapid condensation of water vapor particles on icy microspherules or on the surface of Enceladus.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations are used to model the July 14, 2005 UVIS stellar occultation observations of the water vapor plumes on Enceladus. These simulations indicate that the observations can be best fit if the water molecules ejected along the Tiger Stripes in the South Polar region of Enceladus have a vertical surface velocity of 300-500 m/s at the surface. The high surface velocity suggests that the plumes on Enceladus originate from some depth beneath the surface. The total escape rate of water molecules is 4-6×1027 s−1, or 120-180 kg/s, consistent with previous works, and more than 100 times the estimated mass escape rate for ice particles. The average deposition rate in the South Polar region is on the order of 1011 cm−2 s−1, yielding a resurfacing rate as high as 3×10−4 cm/yr. The globally averaged deposition rate of water molecules is about one order of magnitude lower.  相似文献   

The discovery of CO2, CH4, and N2 in a plume at Enceladus provides useful clues about the chemistry and evolution of this moon of Saturn. Here, we use chemical equilibrium and kinetic calculations to estimate the oxidation state of hydrothermal systems on early Enceladus, with the assumption that the plume's composition was inherited from early hydrothermal fluids. Chemical equilibrium calculations are performed using the CO2/CH4 ratio in the plume, and kinetic calculations are conducted using equations from fluid dynamics and chemical kinetics. Our results suggest that chemical equilibrium between CO2 and CH4 would have been reachable at temperatures above ∼200 °C in hydrothermal systems. The oxidation state of the hydrothermal systems would have been close to the pyrrhotite-pyrite-magnetite (PPM) or fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ) redox buffer (i.e., terrestrial-like) if the plume's CO2 and CH4 equilibrated in hydrothermal systems long ago. As for minerals, we suggest that iron metal would have been oxidized to magnetite by the escape of H2 from the early satellite. Our calculations also indicate that, assuming CO2 and CH4 reached chemical equilibrium, magnetite would not have been oxidized to hematite in hydrothermal systems, perhaps due to insufficient H2 escape. It is shown that, if Enceladus accreted as much NH3 as comets contain, the presence of N2 and deficiency of NH3 in the plume can be understood in the context of chemical equilibrium in the C-N-O-H system. We conclude by proposing an evolutionary hypothesis in which the fairly oxidized nature of the plume can be explained by a brief episode of oxidation caused by short-lived radioactivity. These suggestions can be rigorously tested by acquiring gravity and isotopic data in the future.  相似文献   

Cassini-Huygens observations have shown that Titan and Enceladus are geologically active icy satellites. Mitri and Showman [Mitri, G., Showman, A.P., 2005. Icarus 177, 447-460] and McKinnon [McKinnon, W.B., 2006. Icarus 183, 435-450] investigated the dynamics of an ice shell overlying a pure liquid-water ocean and showed that transitions from a conductive state to a convective state have major implications for the surface tectonics. We extend this analysis to the case of ice shells overlying ammonia-water oceans. We explore the thermal state of Titan and Enceladus ice-I shells, and also we investigate the consequences of the ice-I shell conductive-convective switch for the geology. We show that thermal convection can occur, under a range of conditions, in the ice-I shells of Titan and Enceladus. Because the Rayleigh number Ra scales with δ3/ηb, where δ is the thickness of the ice shell and ηb is the viscosity at the base of the ice-I shell, and because ammonia in the liquid layer (if any) strongly depresses the melting temperature of the water ice, Ra equals its critical value for two ice-I shell thicknesses: for relatively thin ice shell with warm, low-viscosity base (Onset I) and for thick ice shell with cold, high-viscosity base (Onset II). At Onset I, for a range of heat fluxes, two equilibrium states—corresponding to a thin, conductive shell and a thick, convective shell—exist for a given heat flux. Switches between these states can cause large, rapid changes in the ice-shell thickness. For Enceladus, we demonstrate that an Onset I transition can produce tectonic stress of ∼500 bars and fractures of several tens of km depth. At Onset II, in contrast, we demonstrate that zero equilibrium states exist for a range of heat fluxes. For a mean heat flux within this range, the satellite experiences oscillations in surface heat flux and satellite volume with periods of ∼50-800 Myr even when the interior heat production is constant or monotonically declining in time; these oscillations in the thermal state of the ice-I shell would cause repeated episodes of extensional and compressional tectonism.  相似文献   

Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,198(1):178-180
The main equations in the paper “Episodic volcanism of tidally heated satellites with application to Io” by Ojakangas and Stevenson [Icarus 66, 341-358] are presented; numerical integration of these equations confirms the results of Ojakangas and Stevenson [Icarus 66, 341-358] for Io. Application to Enceladus is considered. It is shown that Enceladus does not oscillate about the tidal equilibrium in this model by both new nonlinear stability analysis and numerical integration of the model equations.  相似文献   

Tidal evolution of Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,193(1):213-223
The tidal evolution through several resonances involving Mimas, Enceladus, and/or Dione is studied numerically with an averaged resonance model. We find that, in the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus type resonance, Enceladus evolves chaotically in the future for some values of k2/Q. Past evolution of the system is marked by temporary capture into the Enceladus-Dione 4:2 ee-mixed resonance. We find that the free libration of the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus resonance angle of 1.5° can be explained by a recent passage of the system through a secondary resonance. In simulations with passage through the secondary resonance, the system enters the current Enceladus-Dione resonance close to tidal equilibrium and thus the equilibrium value of tidal heating of 1.1(18,000/QS) GW applies. We find that the current anomalously large eccentricity of Mimas can be explained by passage through several past resonances. In all cases, escape from the resonance occurs by unstable growth of the libration angle, sometimes with the help of a secondary resonance. Explanation of the current eccentricity of Mimas by evolution through these resonances implies that the Q of Saturn is below 100,000. Though the eccentricity of Enceladus can be excited to moderate values by capture in the Mimas-Enceladus 3:2 e-Enceladus resonance, the libration amplitude damps and the system does not escape. Thus past occupancy of this resonance and consequent tidal heating of Enceladus is excluded. The construction of a coherent history places constraints on the allowed values of k2/Q for the satellites.  相似文献   

To explain the formation of surface features on Europa, Enceladus, and other satellites, many authors have postulated the spatial localization of tidal heating within convective plumes. However, the concept that enhanced tidal heating can occur within a convective plume has not been rigorously tested. Most models of this phenomenon adopt a tidal heating with a temperature-dependence derived for an incompressible, homogeneous (zero-dimensional) Maxwell material, but it is unclear whether this formulation is relevant to the heterogeneous situation of a warm plume surrounded by cold ice. To determine whether concentrated dissipation can occur in convective plumes, we develop a two-dimensional model to compute the volumetric dissipation rate for an idealized, vertically oriented, isolated convective plume obeying a Maxwellian viscoelastic compressible rheology. We apply the model to the Europa and Enceladus ice shells, and we investigate the consequences for partial melting and resurfacing processes on these bodies. We find that the tidal heating is strongly temperature dependent in a convective ice plume and could produce elevated temperatures and local partial melting in the ice shells of Europa and Enceladus. Our calculation provides the first quantitative verification of the hypothesis by Sotin et al. [Sotin, C., Head, J.W., Tobie, G., 2002. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29. 74-1] and others that the tidal dissipation rate is a strong function of temperature inside a convective plume. On Europa, such localized heating could help allow the formation of domes and chaos terrains by convection. On Enceladus, localized tidal heating in a thermal plume could explain the concentrated activity at the south pole and its associated heat transport of 2-7 GW.  相似文献   

In a previous work (Callegari and Yokoyama, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr. 98:5–30, 2007), the main features of the motion of the pair Enceladus–Dione were analyzed in the frozen regime, i.e., without considering the tidal evolution. Here, the results of a great deal of numerical simulations of a pair of satellites similar to Enceladus and Dione crossing the 2:1 mean-motion resonance are shown. The resonance crossing is modeled with a linear tidal theory, considering a two-degrees-of-freedom model written in the framework of the general three-body planar problem. The main regimes of motion of the system during the passage through resonance are studied in detail. We discuss our results comparing them with classical scenarios of tidal evolution of the system. We show new scenarios of evolution of the Enceladus–Dione system through resonance not shown in previous approaches of the problem.  相似文献   

In the present work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites that are coorbital with Enceladus and Mimas. We performed numerical simulations of 50 particles around the triangular Lagrangian equilibrium points of Enceladus and Mimas taking into account the perturbation of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Titan and the oblateness of Saturn. All particles remain on tadpole orbits after 10 000 yr of integration. Since in the past the orbit of Enceladus and Mimas expanded due to the tidal perturbation, we also simulated the system with Enceladus and Mimas at several different values of semimajor axes. The results show that in general the particles remain on tadpole orbits. The exceptions occur when Enceladus is at semimajor axes that correspond to 6:7, 5:6 and 4:5 resonances with Mimas. Therefore, if Enceladus and Mimas had satellites librating around their Lagrangian triangular points in the past, they would have been removed if Enceladus crossed one of these first-order resonances with Mimas.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet disk-integrated solar phase curves of the icy galilean satellites Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are presented, using combined data sets from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and the Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer. Global, disk-integrated solar phase curves for all three satellites, in addition to disk-integrated solar phase curves for Europa's leading, trailing, jovian, and anti-jovian hemispheres, are modeled using Hapke's equations for 7 broadband UV wavelengths between 260 and 320 nm. The sparse coverage in solar phase angle, particularly for Ganymede and Callisto, and the noise in the data sets poorly constrain some of the photometric parameter values in the model. However, the results are sufficient for forming a preliminary relationship between the effects of particle bombardment on icy surfaces and photometric scattering properties at ultraviolet wavelengths. Callisto exhibits a large UV opposition surge and a surface comprised of relatively low-backward scattering particles. Europa's surface displays a dichotomy between the jovian and anti-jovian hemispheres (the anti-jovian hemisphere is more backward scattering), while a less pronounced hemispherical variation was detected between the leading and trailing hemispheres. Europa's surface, with the exception of the trailing hemisphere region, appears to have become less backscattering between the late-1970s-early-1980s and the mid-1990s. These results are commensurate with the bombardment history of these surfaces by magnetospheric charged particles.  相似文献   

Gravity results are available from radio Doppler data acquired by the Deep Space Network during the encounter of the Cassini spacecraft with Enceladus in February 2005. We report the mass of Enceladus to be (1.0798±0.0016)×1020 kg, which implies a density of . For a core made of hydrated silicates with a density of 2500 kg m−3 the core radius is ∼190 km and the quadrupole moment C22∼1.4×10−3. If Enceladus is in hydrostatic equilibrium, the larger than previously anticipated density implies that the recently proposed secondary spin-orbit resonance cannot be present. Therefore, the source of endogenic activity of Enceladus remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Alison J. Farmer 《Icarus》2009,202(1):280-286
The detection of outgassing water vapor from Enceladus is one of the great breakthroughs of the Cassini mission. The fate of this water once ionized has been widely studied; here we investigate the effects of purely neutral-neutral interactions within the Enceladus torus. We find that, thanks in part to the polar nature of the water molecule, a cold (∼180 K) neutral torus would undergo rapid viscous heating and spread to the extent of the observed hydroxyl cloud, before plasma effects become important. We investigate the physics behind the spreading of the torus, paying particular attention to the competition between heating and rotational line cooling. A steady-state torus model is constructed, and it is demonstrated that the torus will be observable in the millimeter band with the upcoming Herschel satellite. The relative strength of rotational lines could be used to distinguish between physical models for the neutral cloud.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide-Field Planetary Camera (WFPC2) observations at phase angles in the range α=0.26°-6.4° obtained at every opposition and near quadrature between October 1996 and December 2002 reveal the opposition effect of Enceladus. We present a photometric analysis of nearly 200 images obtained through the five broadband UVBRI filters (F336W, F439W, F555W, F675W, and F814W) and the F785LP and F1042M filters from which we generate mutually consistent solar and rotational phase curves. Our solar phase curves reveal a dramatic, sharp increase in the albedo (from 0.11 mag in the F675W filter to 0.17 mag in the F785LP filter) as phase angles decrease from 2° to 0.26°. A slight opposition effect is evident in data from the F1042M filter (λeff=1022 nm); however, the smallest phase angle currently available for observations from this filter is α=0.58°. With the addition of data from the F255W filter we demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the albedo of the trailing hemisphere from 275 to 1022 nm. Our rotation curves show that the trailing hemisphere is ∼0.06 mag brighter than the leading when observed at wavelengths between 338 and 868 nm and 0.11 mag brighter than the leading at 1022 nm. We have supplemented the phase curve from the F439W filter (λeff=434 nm) with Voyager clear filter (λeff=480 nm) observations made at larger phase angles (α=13°-43°) to produce a phase curve with the most extensive phase angle coverage possible to date. This newly expanded range of phase angles enhances the ability of the Hapke photometric model (Hapke B., 2002, Icarus 157, 523-534) to relate physical characteristics of the surface of Enceladus to the manner in which incident light is reflected from it. We present Hapke 2002 model fits to solar phase curves from each UVBRI filter as well as from the F785LP and F1042M filters. Geometric albedos derived from these model fits range from p=0.92±0.01 at 1022 nm to p=1.41±0.03 at 549 nm, necessitating an increase of about 20% from previously derived values. Our Hapke fits demonstrate that the opposition surge of Enceladus is best described by a model which combines both moderate shadow-hiding and narrow coherent backscattering components.  相似文献   

The reflectance of Saturn’s moon Enceladus has been measured at far ultraviolet (FUV) wavelengths (115-190 nm) by Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS). At visible and near infrared (VNIR) wavelengths Enceladus’ reflectance spectrum is very bright, consistent with a surface composed primarily of H2O ice. At FUV wavelengths, however, Enceladus is surprisingly dark - darker than would be expected for pure water ice. Previous analyses have focused on the VNIR spectrum, comparing it to pure water ice (Cruikshank, D.P., Owen, T.C., Dalle Ore, C., Geballe, T.R., Roush, T.L., de Bergh, C., Sandford, S.A., Poulet, F., Benedix, G.K., Emery, J.P. [2005] Icarus, 175, 268-283) or pure water ice plus a small amount of NH3 (Emery, J.P., Burr, D.M., Cruikshank, D.P., Brown, R.H., Dalton, J.B. [2005] Astron. Astrophys., 435, 353-362) or NH3 hydrate (Verbiscer, A.J., Peterson, D.E., Skrutskie, M.F., Cushing, M., Helfenstein, P., Nelson, M.J., Smith, J.D., Wilson, J.C. [2006] Icarus, 182, 211-223). We compare Enceladus’ FUV spectrum to existing laboratory measurements of the reflectance spectra of candidate species, and to spectral models. We find that the low FUV reflectance of Enceladus can be explained by the presence of a small amount of NH3 and a small amount of a tholin in addition to H2O ice on the surface. The presence of these three species (H2O, NH3, and a tholin) appears to satisfy not only the low FUV reflectance and spectral shape, but also the middle-ultraviolet to visible wavelength brightness and spectral shape. We expect that ammonia in the Enceladus plume is transported across the surface to provide a global coating.  相似文献   

Images of the icy Saturnian satellites Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe, derived by the Voyager and Cassini cameras are used to produce new local high-resolution image mosaics as well as global mosaics [http://ciclops.org, http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov]. These global mosaics are valuable both for scientific interpretation and for the planning of future flybys later in the ongoing Cassini orbital tour. Furthermore, these global mosaics can be extended to standard cartographic products.  相似文献   

Oleg Abramov  John R. Spencer 《Icarus》2009,199(1):189-196
Linear features dubbed “tiger stripes” in the south polar region of Enceladus have anomalously high heat fluxes and are the apparent source of the observed plume. Several explanations for the observed activity have been proposed, including venting from a subsurface reservoir of liquid water, sublimation of surface ice, dissociation of clathrates, and shear heating. Thermal modeling presented in this work, coupled with observations from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, seeks to elucidate the underlying physical mechanism by constraining vent temperatures and thermal emission sources, using a model in which the observed thermal signature results primarily from conductive heating of the surface by warm subsurface fractures. The fractures feed surface vents, which may themselves contribute to the observed thermal emission. Model variables include vent temperature, presence of a surface insulating layer, vent width, time-variable heat input, and heat sources other than the central vent. Results indicate that CIRS spectra are best fitted with a model in which the surface is heated by narrow vents at temperatures as high as 223 K. Although equally good fits can be obtained for vent temperatures in the range of 130 to 155 K if the vents are wider (180 m and 22 m respectively) and dominate the emission spectrum, these models are probably less realistic because vents with these temperatures and widths cannot supply the observed H2O vapor flux. The lack of emission angle dependence of the thermal emission when July 2005 and November 2006 CIRS observations are compared also argues against thermal emission being dominated by the vents themselves. Thus, results favor high-temperature models, possibly venting from a subsurface liquid water reservoir. However, a fracture filled with liquid water near the surface would produce significantly higher radiances than were detected unless masked by a thermally insulating surface layer. Models that best match the CIRS data are characterized by small fractions of the surface at high temperatures, which strengthens the case for the vents and/or their conductively-heated margins being the primary heat source. Models where the thermal emission is dominated by conductive heating of the surface from below by a laterally-extensive buried heat source cannot reproduce the observed spectrum. Models with a 10 cm thick upper insulating layer produce a poor match to the CIRS spectra, suggesting high thermal inertias near the tiger stripes. Finally, tiger stripe thermal emission measured by CIRS varied by less than 15% over the 16 month period from July 2005 to November 2006.  相似文献   

A theory for the origin and bulk chemical composition of the Galilean satellites is presented — to coincide with the start of the 2-year orbital tour of this satellite system by the Galileo Orbiter. The theory is based on the author's modern Laplacian theory of solar system origin (Prentice 1978a). The nub of the work reported here is that the Jupiter system is indeed a miniature planetary system that formed by much the same physical and chemical processes that were responsible for the condensation of the sun's own family of planets. In particular, a phenomenon of supersonic turbulent convection which I claim caused the proto-solar cloud to rid excess spin angular momentum, by shedding a concentric family of orbiting gas rings at the present planetary orbits, may also have operated with similar effect within the proto-Jovian cloud.Several predictions are made for the bulk chemical composition and physical structure of the icy Galilean satellites which, it is hoped, can be tested by the Galileo Orbiter. The mean density of Callisto is consistent with that of a chemically homogeneous body consisting of about 50% rock, 45% water ice, and 5% ammonia ice, incorporated as the hydrate NH3·H2O. Such a higher-than-solar mass abundance ratio of rock to ice arises naturally within the proto-Jovian cloud since (i) only 34% of the available H2O vapor within the gas ring shed by the proto-solar cloud at Jupiter's orbit was condensed in solid form, and (ii) gravitational sedimentation of solids onto the mean orbit of the proto-solar gas ring leads to an enhancement in the heavy element fraction of the captured primitive Jovian atmosphere. All in all, I predict Jupiter's primitive atmosphere to be enhanced by a factor en 2 in its rock mass fraction (including S) and by a factor 1.3 in its water content, relative to solar abundances. NH3 and CH44 are present in almost solar proportions.Initially, Ganymede consisted of a chemically uniform mixture of rock and water ice in the proportions 0.524 : 0.476. The observed mean density of this satellite, however, lies midway between the mean densities expected for homogeneous and fully differentiated rock/ice bodies. The calculations presented here suggest that this body is about half-differentiated. I predict that the Galileo Orbiter will find the mean axial moment-of-inertia factor of Ganymede to be 0.35 ± 0.01.The circum-Jovian gas ring from which Europa condensed had a temperature of 302 K and a mean orbit gas pressure of 2.8 bar. Initially, this satellite consisted of a uniform mix of hydrated rocks, of which brucite Mg(OH)2 was the principal constituent. The observed mean density of Europa coincides with that expected for this mix, provided that its 9.4% native H2O content is now fractionated from the rock and resides at the satellite surface, forming a frozen mantle some 155 km thick. Regretfully, the mean density of Io cannot be matched by the solid composition reported here. Perhaps this satellite has a molten interior.  相似文献   

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