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Mercury has a surface-bounded exosphere (SBE) similar to that of the Moon. One of the atmospheric species, sodium, was found by ground-based observations to be the most prominent component. Mercury's sodium SBE is known to be non-uniform with respect to local time (LT) in low-latitude regions: the sodium column density in the dawn-side region is larger than that in the dusk-side region, and the sodium abundance is the largest in the morning-noon region. To reveal the production processes for the exosphere near Mercury's surface, the LT dependence of the exosphere was investigated through a numerical simulation. Three data sets of sodium column densities observed for the dawn-side hemisphere, observed by Sprague et al. [1997. Distribution and abundance of sodium in Mercury's atmosphere, 1985-1988. Icarus 12, 506-527], were compared with results simulated by a 3D Monte Carlo method, and the source rates and density of sodium of the planetary surface were estimated. In the simulation, the photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) and thermal desorption (TD) processes were assumed as the release mechanisms. The sodium source rates for the three data sets, at respective heliocentric distances of about 0.33, 0.42, and 0.44 AU, were estimated as 1-4×108 Na/cm2/s with weak LT dependence. In contrast, the expected sodium surface density showed clear dependence on LT and the heliocentric distance. The sodium surface density decreases from early morning to noon by a few orders, and, particularly for large heliocentric distances, the surface is in a condition of sodium excess and depletion with respect to the surface sodium density assumed by Killen et al. [2004. Source rates and ion recycling rates for Na and K in Mercury's atmosphere. Icarus 171, 1-19] in the early morning and morning-noon regions, respectively. This study implies that the decrease in sodium surface density from the early morning to noon regions might produce the characteristic LT dependence in the low-latitude dawn-side region.  相似文献   

F. Leblanc  R.E. Johnson 《Icarus》2003,164(2):261-281
Mercury's neutral sodium exosphere is simulated using a comprehensive 3D Monte Carlo model following sodium atoms ejected from Mercury's surface by thermal desorption, photon stimulated desorption, micro-meteoroid vaporization and solar wind sputtering. The evolution of the sodium surface density with respect to Mercury's rotation and its motion around the Sun is taken into account by considering enrichment processes due to surface trapping of neutrals and ions and depletion of the sodium available for ejection from the surfaces of grains. The change in the sodium exosphere is calculated during one Mercury year taking into account the variations in the solar radiation pressure, the photo-ionization frequency, the solar wind density, the photon and meteoroid flux intensities, and the surface temperature. Line-of-sight column densities at different phase angles, the supply rate of new sodium, average neutral and ion losses over a Mercury year, surface density distribution and the importance of the different processes of ejection are discussed in this paper. The sodium surface density distribution is found to become significantly nonuniform from day to night sides, from low to high latitudes and from morning to afternoon because of rapid depletion of sodium atoms in the surfaces of grains mainly driven by thermal depletion. The shape of the exosphere, as it would be seen from the Earth, changes drastically with respect to Mercury's heliocentric position. High latitude column density maxima are related to maxima in the sodium surface concentration at high latitudes in Mercury's surface and are not necessarily due to solar wind sputtering. The ratio between the sodium column density on the morning side of Mercury's exosphere and the sodium column density on the afternoon side is consistent with the conclusions of Sprague et al. (1997, Icarus 129, 506-527). The model, which has no fitting parameters, shows surprisingly good agreement with recent observations of Potter et al. (2002, Meteor. Planet. Sci. 8, 3357-3374) successfully explaining their velocity and column density profiles vs. heliocentric distance. Comparison with this data allows us to constrain the supply rate of new sodium atoms to the surface. We also discuss the possible origins of the strong high latitude emissions (Potter and Morgan, 1990, Science 248, 835-838; 1997a, Adv. Space Res. 19, 1571-1576; 1997b, Planet. Space Sci. 45, 95-100; Sprague et al., 1998, Icarus 135, 60-68) and the strong variations of the total content of the sodium exosphere on short (Potter et al., 1999, Planet. Space Sci. 47, 1441-1449) and long time scales (Sprague et al., 1997, Icarus 129, 506-527).  相似文献   

In this study we compare the sodium exosphere observations made by Schleicher et al. [Schleicher, H., and 4 colleagues, 2004. Astron. Astrophys. 425, 1119-1124] with the result of a detailed numerical simulation. The observations, made during the transit of Mercury across the solar disk on 7 May 2003, show a maximum of sodium emission near the polar regions, with north prevalence, and the presence of a dawn-dusk asymmetry. We interpret this distribution as the resulting effect of two combined processes: the solar wind proton precipitation causing chemical alteration of the surface, freeing the sodium atoms from their bounds in the crystalline structure on the surface, and the subsequent photon-stimulated and thermal desorption of the sodium atoms. While we find that the velocity distribution of photon desorbed sodium can explain the observed exosphere population, thermal desorption seems to play a minor role only causing a smearing at the locations where Na atoms are released on the dayside. The observed and simulated distributions agree very well with this hypothesis and indicate that the combination of the proposed processes is able to explain the observed features.  相似文献   

N. Yan  F. Leblanc 《Icarus》2006,181(2):348-362
We have developed a 1D thermal model of Mercury's regolith, in order to simulate the heat diffusion in the upper subsurface (first 10 m). We assume in our model that the thermophysical properties of the Hermean regolith are similar to those of the lunar regolith. We apply our thermal model to the Caloris basin which slopes induce distortions of the surface temperature compared to results obtained for a perfect spherical planet. This thermal model is then coupled with a 3D Monte Carlo model of Mercury's sodium exosphere [Leblanc, F., Johnson, R.E., 2003. Icarus 164, 261-281; Leblanc, F., Delcourt, D., Johnson, R.E., 2003b. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E12), doi:10.1029/2003JE002151/.5136], in order to describe the signatures of Caloris basin on Mercury's sodium exosphere in term of temporal and spatial variabilities. In particular, we find a motion of the maxima of sodium density in the exosphere towards the Northern hemisphere similar to the one observed by Potter et al. [Potter, A.E., Morgan, T.H., Killen, R.M., 1999. Planet. Space Sci., 47, 1441-1449] but did not reproduce the observed change of the emission brightness. The main conclusion of this study is that the Caloris basin-exosphere relations might be observable from the Earth which we hope will motivate new observations of Mercury's exosphere.  相似文献   

Resonant scattering of the lunar sodium exosphere was measured from the lunar orbiter SELENE (Kaguya) from December 2008 to June 2009. Variations in line-of-sight integrated intensity measured on the night-side hemisphere of the Moon could be described as a spherical symmetric distribution of the sodium exosphere with a temperature of 2400-6000 K. Average surface density of sodium atoms in February is well above that in the other months by about 30%. A clear variation in surface density related to the Moon’s passage across the Earth’s magnetotail could not be seen, although sodium density gradually decreased (by 20±8%) during periods from the first through the last quarter of two lunar cycles. These results suggest that the supra-thermal components of the sodium exosphere are not mainly produced by classical sputtering of solar wind. The variation in sodium density (which depends on lunar-phase angle) is possibly explained by the presence of an inhomogeneous source distribution of photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) on the surface.  相似文献   

Because of its proximity to the Sun and its small size, Mercury has not been able to retain its atmosphere and only a thin exosphere surrounds the planet. The exospheric pressure at the planetary surface is approximately 10−10 mbar, set by the Mariner 10 occultation experiment. The existence of gaseous species H, He, and O has been established by Mariner 10. In addition Na, K, and Ca have been observed by ground based instrumentation. Other elements are expected to be found in Mercury's exosphere since the total pressure of the known species is almost two orders of magnitude less than the exospheric pressure.It is intended to measure these exospheric particle densities in situ with an instrument on board of ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) spacecraft. Since the expected exospheric densities are very small we developed a Monte-Carlo computer model to investigate if such a measurement is feasible along the MPO spacecraft orbit. We model energy and ejection angle distributions of the particles at the surface, with the emission process determining the actual distribution functions. Our model follows the trajectory of each particle by numerical integration until the particle hits Mercury's surface again or escapes from the calculation domain. Using a large set of these trajectories bulk parameters of the exospheric gas are derived, e.g., particle densities for various atomic and molecular species. Our study suggests that a mass spectrometric measurement is feasible and, at least at MPO's periherm, all species that are released from the surface will be observed.  相似文献   

V. Mangano  F. Leblanc  C. Barbieri 《Icarus》2009,201(2):424-431
A long term plan of observations of the sodium exosphere of Mercury began in 2002 by using the high resolution echelle spectrograph SARG and a devoted sodium filter at the 3.5 m Galileo National Telescope (TNG) located in La Palma, Canary Islands. This program is meant to investigate the variations of the sodium exosphere appearance under different conditions of observations, namely Mercury's position along its orbit, phase angle and different solar conditions, as reported by previous observations in August 2002 and August 2003 [Barbieri, C., Verani, S., Cremonese, G., Sprague, A., Mendillo, M., Cosentino, R., Hunten, D., 2004. Planet. Space Sci. 52, 1169-1175; Leblanc, F., Barbieri, C., Cremonese, G., Verani, S., Cosentino, R., Mendillo, M., Sprague, A., Hunten, D., 2006. Icarus 185 (2), 395-402].Here we present the analysis of data taken in June 29th and 30th and in July 1st 2005, when Mercury's true anomaly angle (TAA) was in the range 124-130°. The spectra show particularly intense sodium lines with a distinctive peak in emission localized in the southern hemisphere at mid-latitudes. This seems to be a persistent feature related to consecutive favorable IMF conditions inducing localized enhancements of surface sodium density. The comparison with previous data taken by Potter et al. [Potter, A.E., Killen, R.M., Morgan, T.H., 2002. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 37 (9), 1165-1172] evidences a surprising consistency of the anti-sunward component, which appears to remain constant regardless of the changing illumination and space weather conditions at Mercury.  相似文献   

Following the observations of August 2002 [Barbieri, C., Verani, S., Cremonese, G., Sprague, A., Mendillo, M., Cosentino, R., Hunten, D., 2004. Planet. Space Sci. 52, 1169-1175], the high resolution spectrograph of the 3.5-m Galileo National Telescope (TNG) has been used to obtain several spatially resolved spectra of Mercury's Na-D on the evenings of 8, 9 and 10 August 2003. The resolution of the spectrograph was 115,000, the slit dimensions were 0.4×27. With respect to Paper I, the planet was in a fairly similar orbital configuration, being at a geocentric distance of approximately 1 AU, and having a True Anomaly Angle (TAA) from 163°-168° instead of 171°-174°. We present here a significantly larger set of observations and discuss several important features regarding the formation of Mercury's sodium exosphere, in particular the role of photon stimulated and thermal desorptions, as well as of the solar wind sputtering and micro-meteoroid vaporization. Thanks to the very good seeing of these observations, we also report and discuss the origins and variations of equatorial structures in Mercury's early morning sodium exosphere.  相似文献   

H Lammer  P Wurz  R Killen  S Massetti  A Milillo 《Icarus》2003,166(2):238-247
Mercury's close orbit around the Sun, its weak intrinsic magnetic field and the absence of an atmosphere (Psurface<1×10−8 Pa) results in a strong direct exposure of the surface to energetic ions, electrons and UV radiation. Thermal processes and particle-surface-collisions dominate the surface interaction processes leading to surface chemistry and physics, including the formation of an exosphere (N?1014 cm−2) in which gravity is the dominant force affecting the trajectories of exospheric atoms. NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft observed the existence of H, He, and O in Mercury's exosphere. In addition, the volatile components Na, K, and Ca have been observed by ground based instrumentation in the exosphere. We study the efficiency of several particle surface release processes by calculating stopping cross-sections, sputter yields and exospheric source rates. Our study indicates surface sputter yields for Na between values of about 0.27 and 0.35 in an energy range from 500 eV up to 2 keV if Na+ ions are the sputter agents, and about 0.037 and 0.082 at an energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV when H+ are the sputter agents and a surface binding energy of about 2 eV to 2.65 eV. The sputter yields for Ca are about 0.032 to 0.06 and for K atoms between 0.054 to 0.1 in the same energy range. We found a sputter yield for O atoms between 0.025 and 0.04 for a particle energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV protons. By taking the average solar wind proton surface flux at the open magnetic field line area of about 4×108 cm−2 s−1 calculated by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) the resulting average sputtering flux for O is about 0.8-1.0×107 cm−2 s−1 and for Na approximately 1.3-1.6×105 cm−2 s−1 depending on the assumed Na binding energies, regolith content, sputtering agents and solar activity. By using lunar regolith values for K we obtain a sputtering flux of about 1.0-1.4×104 cm−2 s−1. By taking an average open magnetic field line area of about 2.8×1016 cm2 modelled by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) we derive an average surface sputter rate for Na of about 4.2×1021 s−1 and for O of about 2.5×1023 s−1. The particle sputter rate for K atoms is about 3.0×1020 s−1 assuming lunar regolith composition for K. The sputter rates depend on the particle content in the regolith and the open magnetic field line area on Mercury's surface. Further, the surface layer could be depleted in alkali. A UV model has been developed to yield the surface UV irradiance at any time and latitude over a Mercury year. Seasonal and diurnal variations are calculated, and Photon Stimulated Desorption (PSD) fluxes along Mercury's orbit are evaluated. A solar UV hotspot is created towards perihelion, with significant average PSD particle release rates and Na fluxes of about 3.0×106 cm−2 s−1. The average source rates for Na particles released by PSD are about 1×1024 s−1. By using the laboratory obtained data of Madey et al. (1998, J. Geophys. Res. 103, 5873-5887) for the calculation of the PSD flux of K atoms we get fluxes in the order of about 104 cm−2 s−1 along Mercury's orbit. However, these values may be to high since they are based on idealized smooth surface conditions in the laboratory and do not include the roughness and porosity of Mercury's regolith. Further, the lack of an ionosphere and Mercury's small, temporally and spatially highly variable magnetosphere can result in a large and rapid increase of exospheric particles, especially Na in Mercury's exosphere. Our study suggests that the average total source rates for the exosphere from solar particle and radiation induced surface processes during quiet solar conditions may be of the same order as particles produced by micrometeoroid vaporization. We also discuss the capability of in situ measurements of Mercury's highly variable particle environment by the proposed NPA-SERENA instrument package on board ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO).  相似文献   

We present a Monte Carlo model of the distribution of neutral sodium in Mercury’s exosphere and tail using data from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft during the first two flybys of the planet in January and September 2008. We show that the dominant source mechanism for ejecting sodium from the surface is photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) and that the desorption rate is limited by the diffusion rate of sodium from the interior of grains in the regolith to the topmost few monolayers where PSD is effective. In the absence of ion precipitation, we find that the sodium source rate is limited to ∼106-107 cm−2 s−1, depending on the sticking efficiency of exospheric sodium that returns to the surface. The diffusion rate must be at least a factor of 5 higher in regions of ion precipitation to explain the MASCS observations during the second MESSENGER flyby. We estimate that impact vaporization of micrometeoroids may provide up to 15% of the total sodium source rate in the regions observed. Although sputtering by precipitating ions was found not to be a significant source of sodium during the MESSENGER flybys, ion precipitation is responsible for increasing the source rate at high latitudes through ion-enhanced diffusion.  相似文献   

We present results from coronagraphic imaging of Mercury’s sodium tail over a 7° field of view. Several sets of observations made at the McDonald Observatory since May 2007 show a tail of neutral sodium atoms stretching more than 1000 Mercury radii (Rm) in length, or a full degree of sky. However, no tail was observed extending beyond 120 Rm during the January 2008 MESSENGER fly-by period, or during a similar orbital phase of Mercury in July 2008. Large changes in Mercury’s heliocentric radial velocity cause Doppler shifts about the Fraunhofer absorption features; the resultant change in solar flux and radiation pressure is the primary cause of the observed variation in tail brightness. Smaller fluctuations in brightness may exist due to changing source rates at the surface, but we have no explicit evidence for such changes in this data set. The effects of radiation pressure on Mercury’s escaping atmosphere are investigated using seven observations spanning different orbital phases. Total escape rates of atmospheric sodium are estimated to be between 5 and 13 × 1023 atoms/s and show a correlation to radiation pressure. Candidate sources of Mercury’s sodium exosphere include desorption by UV sunlight, thermal desorption, solar wind channeled along Mercury’s magnetic field lines, and micro-meteor impacts. Wide-angle observations of the full extent of Mercury’s sodium tail offer opportunities to enhance our understanding of the time histories of these source rates.  相似文献   

Historically, the visual manifestation of the “Black Drop effect,” the appearance of a band linking the solar limb to the disk of a transiting planet near the point of internal tangency, had limited the accuracy of the determination of the Astronomical Unit and the scale of the Solar System in the 18th and 19th centuries. This problem was misunderstood in the case of Venus during its rare transits due to the presence of its atmosphere. We report on observations of the 15 November 1999 transit of Mercury obtained, without the degrading effects of the Earth's atmosphere, with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer spacecraft. In spite of the telescope's location beyond the Earth's atmosphere, and the absence of a significant mercurian atmosphere, a faint Black Drop effect was detected. After calibration and removal of, or compensation for, both internal and external systematic effects, the only radially directed brightness anisotropies found resulted from the convolution of the instrumental point-spread function with the solar limb-darkened, back-lit, illumination function. We discuss these effects in light of earlier ground-based observations of transits of Mercury and of Venus (also including the effects of atmospheric “seeing”) to explain the historical basis for the Black Drop effect. The methodologies we outline here for improving upon transit imagery are applicable to ground-based (adaptive optics augmented) and space-based observations of the 8 June 2004 and 5-6 June 2012 transits of Venus, providing a path to achieving high-precision measurements at and near the instants of internal limb tangencies.  相似文献   

The spatial extent of ion cyclotron waves at Io has been interpreted as requiring a multistep acceleration and transport process: exospheric ions are accelerated outward (relative to Jupiter) due to the corotation electric field, neutralized due to charge exchange in the surrounding exosphere, and then reionized after traveling far across magnetic field lines, at which point they generate the waves. The trajectories of the particles away from Io are sensitive to the location of their initial ionization. This paper examines the spatial distributions of fast neutrals produced under varying conditions in order to provide constraints on the possible structure and nature of the Io exosphere. While a rapid onset of cyclotron waves at a specific location around Io can be modeled with a single, point-source region of ions, such as might occur over a volcano, the regional extent of the waves suggests multiple or distributed sources.  相似文献   

Chemical processes associated with meteoroid bombardment of Mercury are considered. Meteoroid impacts lead to production of metal atoms as well as metal oxides and hydroxides in the planetary exosphere. By using quenching theory, the abundances of the main Na-, K-, Ca-, Fe-, Al-, Mg-, Si-, and Ti-containing species delivered to the exosphere during meteoroid impacts were estimated. Based on a correlation between the solar photo rates and the molecular constants of atmospheric diatomic molecules, photolysis lifetimes of metal oxides and SiO are estimated. Meteoroid impacts lead to the formation of hot metal atoms (0.2-0.4 eV) produced directly during impacts and of very hot metal atoms (1-2 eV) produced by the subsequent photolysis of oxides and hydroxides in the exosphere of Mercury. The concentrations of impact-produced atoms of the main elements in the exosphere are estimated relative to the observed concentrations of Ca, assumed to be produced mostly by ion sputtering. Condensation of dust grains can significantly reduce the concentrations of impact-produced atoms in the exosphere. Na, K, and Fe atoms are delivered to the exosphere directly by impacts while Ca, Al, Mg, Si, and Ti atoms are produced by the photolysis of their oxides and hydroxides. The chemistry of volatile elements such as H, S, C, and N during meteoroid bombardment is also considered. Our conclusions about the temperature and the concentrations of impact-produced atoms in the exosphere of Mercury may be checked by the Messenger spacecraft in the near future and by BepiColombo spacecraft some years later.  相似文献   

In 2008 the MESSENGER spacecraft made the first direct observation of Mercury's magnetosphere in the more than 30 years since the Mariner 10 encounters. During MESSENGER's first flyby on 14 January 2008, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was northward immediately prior to and following MESSENGER's equatorial passage through this small magnetosphere. The Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS), one of two sensors on the Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer instrument that responds to electrons from ∼35 keV to 1 MeV and ions from ∼35 keV to 2.75 MeV, saw no increases in particle intensity above instrumental background (∼5 particles/cm2/sr/s/keV at 45 keV) at any time during the probe's magnetospheric passage. During MESSENGER's second flyby on 6 October 2008, there was a steady southward IMF, and intense reconnection was observed between the planet's magnetic field and the IMF. However, once again EPS did not observe bursts of energetic particles similar to those reported by Mariner 10 from its March 1974 encounter. On 29 September 2009, MESSENGER flew by Mercury for the third and final time before orbit insertion in March 2011. Although a spacecraft safe-hold event stopped science measurements prior to the outbound portion of the flyby, all instruments recorded full observations until a few minutes before the closest approach. In particular, the MESSENGER Magnetometer documented several substorm-like signatures of extreme loading of Mercury's magnetotail, but again EPS measured no energetic ions or electrons above instrument background during the inbound portion of the flyby. MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) nonetheless observed photons resulting from low-energy (∼10 keV) electrons impinging on its detectors during each of the three flybys. We infer that suprathermal plasma electrons below the EPS energy threshold caused the bremsstrahlung seen by XRS. In this paper, we summarize the energetic particle observations made by EPS and XRS during MESSENGER's three Mercury flybys, and we revisit the observations reported by Mariner 10 in the context of these new results.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectroscopy of Mercury has been obtained with two different instruments in 2006: the EMMI instrument at the 3.6-m NTT telescope of ESO La Silla Chile and the ESPADON spectrograph at the 3.6-m CFHT telescope on top of Mauna Kea (Hawaii). The disk of the planet has been scanned for spatial variation of the exospheric species. The large spectral range and high resolution allow simultaneous measurements of the integrated column density of Na and K.We measure Na/K ratio between 80 and 400 with values between 60 and 90 when the telescope was pointed towards the subsolar region of Mercury’s disk and much larger value when we looked to other part of the exosphere. Moreover, we observed that the Na and K exospheres display very different spatial distributions. Even if these two species are probably ejected with very similar mechanisms from the surface, their differences in mass and sensitivity to solar pressure acceleration imply very different behavior in Mercury’s exosphere.  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo model of exospheres (Wurz and Lammer, 2003) was extended by treating the ion-induced sputtering process, photon-stimulated desorption, and micro-meteorite impact vaporisation quantitatively in a self-consistent way starting with the actual release of particles from the mineral surface of Mercury. Based on available literature data we established a global model for the surface mineralogy of Mercury and from that derived the average elemental composition of the surface. This model serves as a tool to estimate densities of species in the exosphere depending on the release mechanism and the associated physical parameters quantitatively describing the particle release from the surface.Our calculation shows that the total contribution to the exospheric density at the Hermean surface by solar wind sputtering is about 4×107 m-3, which is much less than the experimental upper limit of the exospheric density of 1012 m-3. The total calculated exospheric density from micro-meteorite impact vaporisation is about 1.6×108 m-3, also much less than the observed value. We conclude that solar wind sputtering and micro-meteorite impact vaporisation contribute only a small fraction of Mercury’s exosphere, at least close to the surface. Because of the considerably larger scale height of atoms released via sputtering into the exosphere, sputtered atoms start to dominate the exosphere at altitudes exceeding around 1000 km, with the exception of some light and abundant species released thermally, e.g. H2 and He. Because of Mercury’s strong gravitational field not all particles released by sputtering and micro-meteorite impact escape. Over extended time scales this will lead to an alteration of the surface composition.  相似文献   

Presented here are analyses of the photometric measurements acquired by the imaging system on the MESSENGER spacecraft during its three flybys of Mercury, in particular the dedicated sequence of photometric measurements obtained during the third flyby. A concise, analytical approach is adopted for characterizing the effects of scattered light on the images. This approach works well for wavelengths shorter than 700 nm but breaks down at the longer wavelengths where the scattering behavior of the imaging system is more complex. Broadband spectral properties are commensurate with ground-based observations for spectra acquired at phase angles less than 110°; photometric corrections to a common illumination and viewing geometry provide consistent results for those phase angles. No phase reddening is apparent in the image-derived spectra. A bolometric albedo of 0.081 is derived over the wavelength range of the imaging system.  相似文献   

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