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Karst processes dominate most of the geomorphic activity in the Upper Galilee, consisting mainly of dolomites and limestones. Study of the chemical evolution of water passing through the karst hydrologic cycle clearly shows that the major portion of its carbonate solute is gained subaerially and in the upper part of the vadose zone. Most cave and spring water is already saturated with respect to aragonite and calcite.The karst depressions typical to surface morphology are mostly associated with fault-line traces. Their evolution is possible mainly in areas sloping initially less that 5°.The absence of evolved caves, representing well-developed karst of an earlier period, is attributed mainly to the marginal climate throughout the past combined with tectonic, and hence hydrologic, instability of the region.The discharge of the karst prings shows clearly dependence on annual precipitation, with a lag of about 2 years of the response to drought or more humid periods. Long-term fluctuations are larger in the smaller T'eo Spring than in the affluent 'Enan Springs.Most of the denuded material is extracted from the region as dissolved load via underground conduits and only small amounts as clastics. Mean long-term denudation is approximately 20 mm/1000 years, averaged for the surface area contributing to the springs.In spite of the above, most topographic forms are shaped by runoff erosion, active during medium to high intensity rainstorms. Solution processes prevail during low to medium rainfall intensities, while different parts of the region are denuded at similar rates. Even in karst depressions, erosion becomes dominant after their bottoms are covered by almost impervious terra-rossa mantle.  相似文献   

B. Azmon 《Journal of Hydrology》1989,110(3-4):369-372
Three fields of four boreholes each were investigated. Two of them are related to the Na'aman groundwater basin and the third to the Kabri groundwater basin. This investigation was performed as a consequence of their identical hydrographs. Characteristic parameters for each of the three fields were produced using a multiple linear regression.  相似文献   

南黄海及沿岸地震活动时空动态扫描特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刁守中  郭爱香 《中国地震》1999,15(4):324-332
从中强震成组孕育出发,研究了南黄海及沿岸地区地震活动时空动态图象扫描特征,探索了该区地震危险性预测的有关问题。结果表明,该区20多年来4级地震活动总休上呈相对平稳状态,但在不同时段则出现不断演变迁移的4级地震局部集中区及低b值区等异常区域,5~6级中强地震大都发生于异常区的边中附近;异区内4级地震累积频度往往呈非线性指数加速,中强震发生于4级地震非线性指数加速的后期或其后的异常平静期中。这种地震活  相似文献   

The herbicides atrazine, simazine and terbuthylazine (and the degradation product deethylatrazine) were analysed in two river-to-open-sea transects and two vertical (open-sea) profiles in the southern Baltic off Poland. Samples taken in September 1995 and April 1997 contained total triazine concentrations ranging from 7 to 31 and 4.5 to 13 ng/dm3, respectively. Concentrations of the individual compounds ranged from 0 to 8 ng/dm3. These are generally higher than levels reported, for example, in the North Sea. The largest surface concentrations were found close to the Vistula and Odra river mouths, endorsing river run-off as a primary source of the triazines. Temporal variability can be related to the late-spring and early-summer agricultural applications of the compounds. Variations in ratios between the individual triazines can be explained by usage patterns and differing residence times. Offshore vertical profiles indicate enrichment of the surface layer through atmospheric triazines inputs, highest concentrations above the halocline associated with colloidal organics and lowest concentrations in the bottom waters, probably as a result of particulate scavenging. The influence of the North Sea inflow to the Baltic is also discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in biomass, abundance, and species composition of plankton in relation to hydrography were studied in saline lake Namuka Co, northern Tibet, China. The sampling was carried out at approximately monthly intervals from June 2001 to July 2002. The salinity ranged from 5.5 to 26 g/L. The mean annual air and water temperature showed a clear seasonal pattern, which was approximately 4.4 and 7.4°C, respectively, with the lowest water temperature in winter (from December to March, −1°C) and the highest in June and July (18°C). The results showed that 36 taxa of phytoplankton and 16 taxa of zooplankton were identified. Both the biomass and abundance of total phytoplankton were lower in the winter and peaked once or twice during the summer and spring in the early August (8.23 mg/L and 158.2 × 106 ind./L). The seasonal variation in total zooplankton biomass and abundance was characterized by lower values in both winter and early spring, and one maximum (90.5 mg/L and 935 ind. L−1) occurred in the late summer. Major phytoplankton species were Gloeothece linearis, Oscillatoria tenuis, Gloeocapsa punctata, Ctenocladus circinnatus, Ulothrix sp., and Spirogyra sp. And major zooplankton species included Vorticella campanula, Brachionus plicatilis, Daphniopsis tibetana, Cletocamptus dertersi, Arctodiaptomus stewartianus. The production of D. tibetana was 420.3 g m3 a−1. The total number of plankton species has a significant negative correlation with the salinity.  相似文献   

The Feshcha springs issue in a 4 km long strip on the Dead Sea shores. They constitute two separate groups: a) T-N waters, similar in their salt composition, temperature and radon content to the many other members of the Rift Valley “Tiberias-Noit water association”. The hydrologic, radon, tritium and carbon-14 indicate they are mixtures of recent meteoric waters with ancient (trapped) T-N waters of an age of at least 18000 years. b) Z-Y waters which, like other members of the Dead Sea basin “Zohar-Yesha water group”, originate by a mixing of T-N waters with Dead Sea waters. This is seen in the chemical compositions and is confirmed by the oxygen-18 and deuterium data.  相似文献   

On the basis of the viewpoint of preparation of strong earthquakes in group, the spatial andtemporal scanning characteristics of the seismicity in the South Yellow Sea and its coast regionare studied, and some problems regarding the prediction of seismic hazard are also discussed.The results show that the seismic activity of M=4. 0 earthquakes has overall presented arelative stable state, but the partially concentrated area wbich evolves and migrates and theanomalous low b-value area have appeared in different periods, and the moderately strongearthquakes with M=5. 0~6. 0 have taken place on the edge of the anomalous area. Theaccumulative frequency of M=4. 0 earthquakes in the anomalous area presents non-linearindex acceleration and the moderately strong earthquakes have appeared in the late period ofthe non-linear index acceleration of M=4. 0 earthquakes or in the later anomalous tranquilperiotl. The spatial and temporal uneven Phenomenon of seismicity has some stability andreproducibility, and has som  相似文献   

中国大陆强震活动时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵志刚  马宏生  李志雄  张国民 《地震》2009,29(4):98-106
本文在以往研究的基础上分析中国大陆强震活动的时空特征, 以中国大陆1901年以来7级及其以上强震年频次为样本, 采用最优分割将中国大陆地震活动状态分为三种时段: 少发段、 平均段和频发段。 中国大陆强震时间活动呈现非稳态现象, 强震频发段间存在短期的地震平静, 由强震平均段到频发段过渡期间同样存在强震少发段, 而少发段也有7级以上强震发生。 以此为基础结合中国大陆活动地块边界带, 研究不同强震丛发时段前地震活动的空间分布特点以及强震丛发时段的主体活动地区。 研究结果表明, 1901年以来中国大陆强震活动总体来讲, 1955年前后表现出不同的空间特征: 1955年之前强震活动主体区域为中国西部及周边大三角地区的三条边界; 1955年之后强震活动主体区域为华北地区、 巴颜喀拉地块区及南北地震带南段地区。 不同相邻强震丛发时段的主体活动地区有一定的交替性, 少发时段或增多时段的强震往往是上一个丛发时段的主体区内强震活动的延续, 或者发生在下一个强震主体活动区内或周边地区。  相似文献   

地震时间分布特征研究是进行地震预测和地震危险性分析的重要基础。以中国海域统一地震目录为基础资料,以指数分布模型、伽马分布模型、威布尔分布模型、对数正态分布模型以及布朗过程时间分布(BPT)模型为目标模型,采用极大似然法估算模型参数。根据赤池信息准则(AIC)、贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)以及K-S检验结果确定能够描述海域地震时间分布的最优模型。结果表明,对于震级相对较小( M <6)的地震,指数分布、伽马分布以及威布尔分布均能较好地描述其时间分布特征;在大的区域范围内(如整个海域),震级相对较大( M >6)的地震可完全采用指数分布描述其时间分布特征;在较小的区域范围内(如地震带),大地震时间间隔可能更加符合对数正态分布和BPT分布。此外,文中还采用扩散熵分析法研究地震之间的丛集性和时间相关性,结果表明,地震活动存在长期记忆性,震级相对较小( M <6)的地震受更大地震的影响,从而在时间上表现出丛集特征。本文的研究结果对地震预测、地震危险性计算中地震时间分布模型选择和地震活动性参数计算具有一定参考价值,对理解地震孕育发生机理具有一定科学意义。  相似文献   

新疆天山地区b值时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张琳琳  唐兰兰 《地震》2015,35(3):93-101
通过分析新疆天山中东段和南天山西段地区2000年以来的以最小完整性震级(Magnitude of completeness,Mc)下限为基础的b值时空扫描图像,得到天山中东段和南天山西段两个不同区域的b值异常指标,研究结果表明:1天山中东段地区b值背景为0.705±0.004;南天山西段b值背景为0.583±0.003,略低于天山中东段b值背景水平。2 2003—2012年研究区内4次6级以上地震前,震中位置的b值多数处于低值状态,而震中附近区域其b值相对较高,反映出应力积累变化的主要方向。  相似文献   

南黄海地震序列时空参数的精细测定和分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
1984年5月21日的南黄海地震发生在海里,地震观测台站都偏在震中的西侧,距离最近的南通台和崇明台也在100km左右,给地震的精细测定带来了困难。用现有测震方法,得到的南黄海地震序列观测报告,震中分布比较离散。本文在进一步发展了无走时表定位法和相对定位法的基础上,对南黄海地震序列中的3级以上地震的时空参数作了重新测定和分析,取得了较精细的结果。  相似文献   

New alpine, lake-based sediment yield data are presented from a cirque basin in the alpine zone of the Cascade Mountains, British Columbia. Average rates of sediment deposition in Glacier Lake from a 1·33 km2 basin where 7 ta−1(BP ) 10 300–6845 BP , 8 ta−1(BP ) 6845–3390 BP and 9·8 ta −1(BP ) 3390 BP to the present. The potential representativeness of the site is carefully assessed on the basis of three major axes of variability: lithology, climate and relief. Slope frequency data suggest the site is representative of the cirque component of the landscape but not of the whole alpine zone. The results emphasize the importance of considering the spatial variability of relief and the temporal variability of climate in assessing the representativeness of sediment yield data. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Focusing on the b-value as the research target and under the theoretical framework that the b-value is determined by stress state and medium properties, the variation characteristics of the b-value in the Hetao seismic belt are analyzed. Earthquakes with ML≥1. 5,which have occurred in the Hetao seismic belt since 1970 are selected to conduct the quantitative detection of the non-uniform temporal change of Mcusing the EMR method. Based on the actual situation of seismic activity,the lower limit magnitude is set as ML2. 0 to calculate the b-value. The temporal variation of the b-value is calculated and scanned using the least square method. The results show that there is a good corresponding relationship between the temporal variation of the b-value,strong earthquake activity,network distribution and aftershock deletion. We also calculate and scan the spatial variation of the b-value by using maximum likelihood. The results show that the spatial difference is possibly caused by stress state and crustal medium properties. The tectonic dependence of the b-value is obvious. In addition,the sufficient earthquakes samples in each magnitude interval are still a key step to improve the calculation accuracy of the b-value.  相似文献   

黄浩  付虹 《中国地震》2019,35(4):616-628
基于科学台阵的观测资料,计算了2016年门源6.4级地震前约2年震源区80km范围内105次1.5≤ML≤3.3地震的视应力。结果显示,研究区域2015年1月13日~2016年1月20日的地震视应力明显高于2014年3月23日~2015年1月12日,视应力其特征表现为震前1年明显升高—明显降低—临震前2个月小幅升高,2个时段扣除震级影响的规准化视应力对比表明,震前1年研究区域应力水平相对升高,规准化视应力空间分布图像显示,皇城-双塔断裂附近存在显著高值异常区,距离震中约48km。视应力异常、平安水位和乐都气氡破年变异常表明,研究区域附近震前应力水平较高,与2016年门源6.4级地震前震源区应力场增强存在较好的对应关系,是1次测震和前兆异常显著的震例。视应力异常可在较长时间显示高应力水平状态和异常地点,前兆破年变异常可以从时间紧迫性给出判断,因此,结合可信度较高的测震和前兆异常可以给出一定程度的地震预测。  相似文献   

基于1990—2020年地震灾害损失(包括经济损失、人员死亡和人员受伤)数据,分析了过去30年中国大陆地区地震灾害损失的时空分布特征。采用常规标准化方法分析了1990—2019年我国大陆地区地震灾害经济损失的时间分布,认为地震灾害在过去30年间逐渐由人身安全威胁向经济财产威胁转变。通过整理分析2011—2020年各省地震灾害的空间分布特征,认为有必要进一步强化四川、云南、甘肃的抗震设防工作,提升其抵御灾害地震风险的能力;在中东部经济较发达地区,应尤其关注地震造成的间接经济损失和人员受伤情况。通过各省的提取地形坡度因素,采用地统计方法定量计算地震损失与地形坡度因素间的空间相关性系数,认为在以自然条件为基础分析地震灾害的过程中,因震致死与地形的空间相关性不如经济损失和因震致伤高,结合过去30年地震灾害的时间分布特征,得出因震致死和因震致伤总体保持平稳,但经济损失急剧增长,且增长趋势越来越显著,这主要是由经济发展等社会人文因素导致。  相似文献   

山东地区地震视应力时空变化特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文使用山东地区中小地震的地震数字波形资料, 基于Brune圆盘模型得到了2001年1月至2011年7月206个ML≥2.0地震的辐射能量、 地震矩、 视应力等震源动力学参数。 震源参数标度关系分析结果显示, 视应力呈现随地震矩增加而增加的趋势, 但在视应力较低的2008年9月至2011年3月ML≤2.8震级段, 视应力和地震矩之间没有趋势性关系。 视应力时空变化特征分析结果表明, 山东地区2004年至2007年应力水平明显升高, 视应力高值主要集中于安丘—昌邑、 莒县—郯城、 聊城—兰考断裂、 胶东半岛等地区, 2009年后处于应力较低水平, 但2011年3月开始有升高现象, 值得继续关注。  相似文献   

The Galilee study area, northern Israel, is at present an uplifted, steep continental margin that formed mainly during the Jurassic and has a large positive isostatic anomaly. Since the Jurassic, it was modified by several tectonomagmatic events, which this study attempts to define and classify by updating, reprocessing and reinterpreting gravity, aeromagnetic and geological data. The prominent Rehovot-Carmel N–S positive reduced-to-pole (RTP) magnetic anomaly caused by the Gevim Volcanics, as well as the coexisting Helez-Gaash high Bouguer gravity and the Pleshet low Bouguer gravity, represent the deep (>5 km) Permo-Triassic dominant horst and graben structure of Israel. The Jonah Ridge and Beirut high SW–NE RTP magnetic anomalies in the Levant basin delineate the Levant continental edge that is marked by a deeply buried horst covered by a Late Cretaceous volcanic complex. The Asher and Devora Jurassic volcanics appear to be responcible for the Atlit and Galilee negative magnetic anomalies and for significant negative gravity anomalies which became clear after removing gravity effect of the upper (post-Turonian) light density sediments from the observed gravity. The volcanics extend along a SW–NE belt parallel to the strike of the Moho. It is suggested here that the Carmel-Gilboa fault propagated during the Late Cretaceous from the Levant basin across the Galilee area southeastward to form the Azraq-Sirhan graben in Jordan. As such, it forms a right-step, en echelon, dextral strike-slip fault with associated tectonic basins of various shapes. During the Oligocene and before formation of the Dead Sea transform (DST), the reactivation of the Azraq-Sirhan graben was accompanied by tectonic driven rift propagation in the opposite direction, from Azraq-Sirhan to northwest. It dispersed into many faults and terminated ∼10 km west of the present DST. During the Miocene it propagated in the same direction and includes internal volcanic activity. The numerous Miocene-Pliocene volcanic centers on the margins of the DST indicate that the preferred pathway for magmas at that time was not within the deep basins of the DST.  相似文献   

本文利用第四代地磁场综合模型(Comprehensive Model 4,CM4),计算了1982-2001年中国大陆地区同一经度链和同一纬度链上地磁台站的磁层源磁场及其感应场、电离层源磁场及其感应场的地磁北向分量X、东向分量Y、垂直分量Z的模型值,分析了各场源磁场随时间和空间的变化特征。结果表明:在时间上,经度链和纬度链台站的磁层源磁场及其感应场均呈现出11年和27天周期性变化。电离层源磁场及其感应场具有明显的季节变化,不同年份相同季节变化形态一致但幅度不同。在空间分布上,经度链和纬度链台站磁层源磁场及其感应场的年变化幅度呈现出不同变化特征,电离层源磁场及其感应场在经度链上变化特征不同,而纬度链台站的数值基本一致。日变化分析显示,磁静日和磁扰日期间,模型数据与台站实测数据变化一致性较好,相关性较高。  相似文献   

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