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美国阿拉斯加州立大学地球物理研究所分析了20世纪50年代中期至90年代中期阿拉斯加67条冰川的激光航空高程测量资料。了解到在这段时间内,冰川盖层的厚度平均每年减少0.52m。如果将这个数值外推到所有阿拉斯加的冰川,则换算成水的冰川年总融解量  相似文献   

美国宇航局的“海洋融化格陵兰”(OMG)项目表明,格陵兰岛最大的雅各布港冰川的体积并没有减少,实际上却正在增长,至少在它的边缘部分。在最近美国《自然地球科学》杂志上发表的一篇文章说,自2016年以来,由于雅各布港基部海水相对较冷,基部的冰块略微变厚,这导致雅各布港这块冰川融化的速度减缓.  相似文献   

卫星重力估计陆地水和冰川对全球海平面变化的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重力场恢复与气候试验(GRACE)卫星为高分辨率地监测全球海洋质量变化提供了一种新的手段。利用2003年1月至2014年12月Level-2 RL05的GRACE产品,进行去相关误差滤波、高斯滤波和海洋-陆地信号泄漏改正后,得到了全球陆地和海水质量变化,并分析了陆地水和冰川的质量变化对海平面长期变化的贡献。研究表明,全球陆地水和冰川的质量变化对海平面的贡献约为(2.09±0.54)mm/a,与卫星测高扣除海洋温盐数据比热容变化得到的海水质量长期变化(2.07±0.62)mm/a有着很好的一致性,其中全球陆地水储量对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.15±0.25)mm/a,南极冰盖对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.59±0.10)mm/a,格陵兰岛冰盖对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.72±0.12)mm/a,山地冰川对全球质量项海平面变化的贡献为(0.63±0.09)mm/a。并进一步讨论了不同分析中心GRACE重力场系数,一阶项系数和二阶项对质量项海平面变化的影响。结果表明,一阶项对质量项海平面的影响为(0.10±0.08)mm/a,二阶项对质量项海平面的影响为(0.16±0.04)mm/a,美国德克萨斯大学空间研究中心和德国地学研究中心分析结果较为一致,而美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室的结果则稍稍偏小。  相似文献   

山谷冰川的存在完全是由气候波动决定的 ,甚至不大的变暖也能导致雪线显著地向上移动。在最近数十年来 ,冰川的缩小越来越强烈。这种情景见于相隔如此遥远的国家 ,像肯尼亚、委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔和新几内亚的山脉中 ,但最强烈的这种现象见于秘鲁的安第斯山脉和非洲的乞力马扎罗山中。在秘鲁 ,库埃尔卡冰川强烈地后退。测量工作表明 ,最近 3年内其主干道的冰舌平均每年缩小 1 55m,这比 1 963— 1 978年间快了 3 2倍。冰川的面积从 1 976年的 56km2 减小至现在的44km2。在这样的融化速度下 ,再过 2 0年 ,这里的冰将不复存在。如果气候的趋势不…  相似文献   

地球的未来在一定程度上与南极的冰川作用有关,但是至今尚未确切地了解它的质量平衡(冰的堆积和消耗之间的差)过程。不久前借助卫星雷达高度测量,使我们发现并确定了地形高度的变化(精确度达10cm)。在广阔的南极地区,冰川的下降也反映了冰的体积减少了。  相似文献   

潘峰  金希 《海洋世界》2012,(3):48-49
全球变暖已经成为一个世界性的话题,由此而引发的诸多问题也在不断考验着人类的智商。二氧化碳排放、海平面上升等问题已经迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

本文利用大洋环流模式POP研究RCP4.5情景下21世纪格陵兰冰川不同的融化速率对全球及区域海平面变化的影响。结果显示:当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年1%增加时,全球大部分海域的动力和比容海平面变化基本不变,主要是由于格陵兰冰川在低速融化时并不会导致大西洋经向翻转流减弱。当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年3%和每年7%增加时,动力海平面在北大西洋副极地、大西洋热带、南大西洋副热带和北冰洋海域呈现出显著的上升趋势,这是因为格陵兰冰川快速融化导致大量的淡水输入附近海域,造成该上层海洋层化加强和深对流减弱,导致大西洋经向翻转流显著减弱;与此同时,热比容海平面在北冰洋、格陵兰岛南部海域和大西洋副热带海域显著下降,而在热带大西洋和湾流海域明显上升;此时盐比容海平面的变化与热比容海平面是反相的,这是由于大量的低温低盐水的输入,造成北大西洋副极地海域变冷变淡、大西洋经向翻转流和热盐环流显著减弱,引起了太平洋向北冰洋的热通量和淡水通量减少,导致了北冰洋海水变冷变淡,同时热带大西洋滞留了更多的高温高盐水,随着湾流被带到北大西洋,北大西洋副极地海域低温低盐的海水,被风生环流输运到副热带海域。  相似文献   

据美国科罗拉多大学研究人员表示,他们对人造卫星以及地面观测数据等进行综合分析后发现,目前注入海洋的冰体以及冰融水中,来自于小型冰川、冰帽等的大约占60%。相比之下,来自北极格  相似文献   

具有巨厚冰盾和周围海洋的南极洲大陆是形成地球气候及全球性大洋环流的最重要因素。环抱南极洲的环南极洋流造成了大陆的热隔离和明显的纬向温度梯度 ,因此在南半球产生了大气和海洋环流。南极洲周围海冰的广泛分布促使形成了充填世界海洋广大深水部分和保证其通气及给海洋生物提供营养元素的南极洲洋底水体。一般认为 ,反映气候波动的冰盾容积的变化回答了过去地质年代海平面的强烈变化。在大陆和南大洋的多年研究表明 ,中生代和新生代初期 ,南极洲的气候要比今日暖和得多 ,当时它被茂盛的植被覆盖 ,这一点局部反映在白垩纪煤层的形成中。…  相似文献   

A considerable amount of the Amazon River water that is discharged into the equatorial Atlantic is then advected northward along the shelf by the strong North Brazil Current (NBC). Being relatively fresh, this water remains in the near-surface layer and can serve as an excellent tracer for the complex and variable flow of the offshore mesoscale eddies. Both surface salinity observations and CZCS (Coastal Zone Color Scanner) imagery can be mapped to estimate the circulation patterns of the eddies. Presented here are two sets of XBT (expendable bathythermograph) sections that give the thermal structure of eddies off the Demerara Rise (6–9°N). They were occupied nearly contemporaneously with CZCS imagery obtained during October 1980 and November 1981. Several studies have shown from ship drift data, from CZCS observations, and from Geosat altimetry that, particularly during late summer and fall, the NBC is found to retroflect offshore to the east, supplying the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and is associated with eddies along the coast. Good agreement is shown between the CZCS and a NAVOCEANO AXBT (airborne bathythermograph) survey during this period as well as observations of surface phytoplankton and geopotential anomaly from an earlier 1964 survey. Estimates of volume transport within the eddy structure indicate that at times the offshore retroflection during spring as well as autumn can amount to 10 × 106 m3 s–1. The pronounced eddy variability off South America is shown by comparing a number of past hydrographic surveys. These suggest that considerable spatial variability can occur as can seasonal changes in volume transport of the NBC and the associated eddy circulation.  相似文献   

A section of the continental rise of northeastern South America northeast of the Orinoco delta contains physiographic features built by the interaction of southward-flowing North Atlantic Deep Water and turbidity currents generated in the Orinoco region during the last Pleistocene glacials. A sedimentary outer ridge of low relief (Demerara Outer Ridge) trends northeast along the rise and a field of westward-migrating sediment waves trending north-northwest is superimposed on the outer ridge. The sediment waves have a maximum amplitude and wavelength of 20 m and 4 km, respectively. Seismic profiler records indicate that the outer ridge was probably built during the Pleistocene. A major turbidity-current pathway adjacent to the outer ridge on the north supplied sediment to the southward-flowing North Atlantic Deep Water which then deposited this sediment down-stream on the outer ridge and formed the sediment waves. Piston cores from the outer ridge contain numerous silt—sand beds and appear to be contourites. The cores consist primarily of gray hemipelagic clay of a Late Wisconsin age and have high (>10 cm1000 yrs) sedimentation rates. In contrast, cores from the continental rise north of the turbidite channel are brown clays with relatively low sedimentation rates (3.0 cm1000 yrs) and do not contain silt—sand contourites.  相似文献   

The feedback induced by mesoscale wind stress-SST coupling to the ocean in the western coast of South America was studied using the Regional Ocean Modeling Syst...  相似文献   

利用1981—2017年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和ECMWF再分析资料,研究了北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气对南美洲夏季降水异常的影响。结果表明,北美洲冬季高纬度冷空气通过影响向南越赤道气流的强弱,影响南美洲热带辐合带(intertropical convergence zone,ITCZ)位置和强度的变化,进一步引起南美洲天气的变化。北美洲冬季冷空气的南下过程能够引起80°~70°W的向南越赤道气流明显加强,导致2011年南美洲热带辐合带的位置异常偏南,强度异常偏强,是造成降水异常偏多的重要成因。通过相关分析发现北美洲冬季冷空气对南美洲ITCZ位置的影响更明显。  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) has recently received considerable attention. However, examples of empirical approaches to marine EBM are scarce. Therefore, empirical information on the presence of EBM elements within existing policies and the way they may provide settings and lessons for EBM implementation is timely. This study analyses stakeholders’ perceptions on the existence of EBM principles in current marine management practices and policies, and how they determine perceptions for success and satisfaction regarding coastal management within selected case studies drawn from four developing countries in the Southern Cone of South America. Patterns of response across study sites show that although EBM principles as such are not explicitly included in management/conservation plans, there are policies (mainly local), which generate conditions for more explicit inclusion of them. These are based on participatory bottom-up planning, place-based management and consensus reaching: all elements included within the theoretical literature on EBM implementation.  相似文献   

Samples of 5 bivalve molluscs (Crassostrea rhizophorae, Mytella charruana, Anomalocardia brasiliana, Anadara ovalis, Phacoides pectinata), 2 barnacles (Fistulobalanus citerosum, Balanus amphitrite) and leaves of the mangrove tree Rhizophora mangle were collected from up to 11 sites in two estuaries in Natal, Brazil--the comparatively contaminated Potengi estuary and the comparatively uncontaminated Curimataú estuary. Specimens were analysed for the trace metals Zn, Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn and Ni, and a comparative assessment made of the power of the different species as trace metal biomonitors. Four of the 5 bivalves (not P. pectinata) take up metals from solution and suspended material (food source), while P. pectinata as a lucinid with symbiotic chemosynthetic bacteria takes up metals from dissolved sources only. The organisms with the strongest net accumulation of particular metals showed the greatest discrimination between trace metal bioavailabilities between sites. Barnacles (F. citerosum) showed the best discrimination, but oysters (C. rhizophorae) are particularly recommended as biomonitors given their strong accumulation patterns for many trace metals, their large size and their local abundance.  相似文献   

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