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In order to achieve a precise positioning solution from GPS, the carrier-phase measurements with correctly resolved integer ambiguities must be used. Based on the integration of GPS with pseudolites and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), this paper proposes an effective procedure for single-frequency carrier-phase integer ambiguity resolution. With the inclusion of pseudolites and INS measurements, the proposed procedure can speed up the ambiguity resolution process and increase the reliability of the resolved ambiguities. In addition, a recently developed ambiguity validation test, and a stochastic modelling scheme (based on-line covariance matrix estimation) are adapted to enhance the quality of ambiguity resolution. The results of simulation studies and field experiments indicate that the proposed procedure indeed improves the performance of single-frequency ambiguity resolution in terms of both reliability and time-to-fix-ambiguity.  相似文献   

Design of minimax robust filtering for an integrated GPS/INS system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The problem of navigation systems with uncertain noise is considered. A minimax robust filtering which can minimize the worst performance under noise uncertainties using the game theory is proposed. This new filter is applied to an integrated GPS/INS navigation system. A high dynamics aircraft trajectory is designed to test the new filter. The results show that minimax robust filtering performs better than standard Kalman filtering when noise parameters of an inertial measurement unit change their statistical properties. Received: 21 October 1997 / Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

Adaptive Kalman Filtering for INS/GPS   总被引:69,自引:0,他引:69  
After reviewing the two main approaches of adaptive Kalman filtering, namely, innovation-based adaptive estimation (IAE) and multiple-model-based adaptive estimation (MMAE), the detailed development of an innovation-based adaptive Kalman filter for an integrated inertial navigation system/global positioning system (INS/GPS) is given. The developed adaptive Kalman filter is based on the maximum likelihood criterion for the proper choice of the filter weight and hence the filter gain factors. Results from two kinematic field tests in which the INS/GPS was compared to highly precise reference data are presented. Results show that the adaptive Kalman filter outperforms the conventional Kalman filter by tuning either the system noise variance–covariance (V–C) matrix `Q' or the update measurement noise V–C matrix `R' or both of them. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   

杨剑  王泽民  吴浩  戴富军 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):138-140
本文简要介绍了差分GPS/INS组合系统在单历元模式和多历元模式下适用的模糊度基本解算方法,分析了各自的优缺点,并提出了一种综合的GPS/INS组合系统模糊度处理策略。实验表明,在综合两种模式的动态模糊度解算方法的基础上引入基于周跳探测修复的模糊度传递以及INS辅助,对于不良观测条件下的模糊度固定具有十分显著的改善。  相似文献   

GPS/MEMS INS integrated system for navigation in urban areas   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the performance of a tightly coupled GPS/INS integrated system based on low cost MEMS IMUs in dense urban areas, and investigates two different methods to improve its performance. The first method used is to derive observations from two different constraint equations reflecting the behavior of a typical land vehicle. The first constraint equation is derived assuming that the vehicle does not slip and always remains in contact with the ground. If these assumptions are true the velocity of the vehicle in the plane perpendicular to the forward direction should be zero. The second constraint equation is derived from the fact that the height does not change much in a short time interval in a land vehicular environment. Thus, when a GPS outage occurs (partial/complete), the integrated system combines the INS and constraints-derived virtual measurements to keep the position and velocity errors bounded. This method is suitable for use in real-time applications. The second method is specifically suitable for a post-mission application and involves the use of Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother. The designed system performance is evaluated using two data sets collected in dense urban areas. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of different algorithms considered, in controlling the INS error growth, and indicates the potential of MEMS IMUs for use in land vehicle navigation applications.  相似文献   

GPS/INS组合制导技术在现代战争中的应用及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
现代战争大量使用精确制导武器,广泛应用先进的GPS/INS组合制导技术。分析了GPS/INS组合制导技术的优势,结合其在军事领域的应用,展望了GPS/INS关键技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

一种迭代的GPS/INS组合导航滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了GPS/INS松组合导航系统状态方程和观测方程。针对标准Kalman滤波算法存在的状态方程截断误差、噪声统计特性的不确定性以及状态扰动异常的影响,给出了一种应用于GPS/INS组合导航系统的迭代滤波算法。该算法采用迭代策略,不断利用观测信息实时修正状态预报值。实测数据计算结果表明,通过对状态预报值的实时修正,该算法能够很好地抑制状态预报信息的不确定性和扰动异常等对导航解的影响。其滤波解精度明显优于标准Kalman滤波。  相似文献   

惯性导航与卫星导航紧耦合技术发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对紧耦合方案、最优估计滤波算法和硬件开发等几方面进行了总结分析。分析了传统的INS/GPS松组合系统和INS/GPS紧耦合系统的区别;给出了INS/GPS紧耦合系统国内外的发展状况;指出INS/GPS紧耦合系统所涉及的关键技术。  相似文献   

GPS/INS系统HPR与OPK角元素的剖析与转换   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了Heading Pitch Roll(HPR)和Omega Phi Kappa(OPK)两种角元素系统的定义,分析了HPR与OPK之间的区别,给出了相互转换的基本思路,并重点推导了利用GPS/INS系统获取的HPR角度和惯性测量单元(IMU)几何中心坐标计算影像外方位元素的数学公式和各种旋转矩阵的构成。实验结果表明,文中利用HPR角计算外方位元素的理论与方法正确、可行。  相似文献   

Galileo和GPS的多个频率可形成有良好特性的组合观测值,利用这些组合观测值可以直接解算载波相位模糊度。本文选用不同波长的Galileo/GPS多频组合观测值,按不同组合方式分步固定整周模糊度,并计算出每步模糊度解算的成功率。本文研究表明,选用合理的观测值组合方式,Galileo/GPS组合观测值模糊度解算方法能以较高的成功率固定组合观测值模糊度及基本载波模糊度。  相似文献   

高光谱影像,较之全色、多光谱影像在地物分类识别方面具有巨大的优势,为了检验现有高光谱相机的空间定位精度,使用基于GPS/INS的POS系统获取航空飞行中高光谱相机的位置与姿态参数,在无地面控制点的情况下,实现几何粗校正.  相似文献   

This paper (the first part of two to be published in this journal) presents the process and results of a critical review of the integrated GPS and inertial navigation system (INS) architectures, the corresponding failure modes and the existing integrity monitoring methods. The paper concludes that tightly coupled GPS/INS systems have the highest potential for detecting slowly growing errors (SGEs). This is due to access to pseudorange measurements and a relatively simpler configuration compared to the other architectures. The second paper (Part II) takes this further and carries out a detailed characterisation of the performance of the current integrity algorithms for tightly coupled systems and develops a new algorithm that detects SGEs faster than the current methods.  相似文献   

针对卫星导航系统和惯性导航系统(INS)的不同特性,提出了一种GPS/GLONASS/INS数据融合算法。采用差分自适应检测算法、改进码平均相位算法以及位置联合解算方法实现了GPS/GLONASS数据融合,借助于改进的粒子滤波器、INS误差模型建立系统状态方程和观测方程,完成GPS/GLONASS系统速度值和INS系统速度值数据融合,提高组合导航系统精度和可靠性。使用真实数据对数据融合算法性能进行仿真分析,结果表明所设计算法是有效的,能够处理非线性非高斯条件下的滤波估计,提高滤波精度和系统可靠性。  相似文献   

Performance improvement of integrated Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) utilizing micro-electro-mechanical-sensors (MEMS) and GPS is described in this paper. An offline pre-defined Fuzzy model is employed to improve the system performance. The Fuzzy model is used to predict the position and velocity errors, which are the inputs to a Kalman Filter (KF) during GPS signal outages. The proposed model has been verified on real MEMS inertial data collected in a land vehicle test. A number of 30-s GPS outages were simulated during the data processing at different times and under different vehicle dynamics. Performance of the suggested Fuzzy model was compared to that of the traditional KF particularly during the simulated GPS outages. The test results indicate that the proposed Fuzzy model can efficiently compensate for GPS updates during short outages.  相似文献   

IntroductionGPS/INS integrated system exploited the INSand differential GPS pseudo-range and carrierphase technique to promote the accuracy of thedynamic platform navigation and positioning,and increase the reliability and stabilization.Incalculation, Kal…  相似文献   

组合导航利用惯性导航(INS)和全球定位系统(GPS)较强的非相似性和互补性,将两者组合,可以取长补短,充分发挥各自的优点,提高导航系统性能。利用卡尔曼滤波能够有效提高其精度,但卡尔曼滤波的应用要求函数模型和随机模型已知,符合实际,这在实际应用中是很难保证的,一般都是通过经验信息确定。H滤波则具有很强的鲁棒性,抗干扰性强。通过仿真数据处理,结果表明:H滤波比卡尔曼滤波在噪声特性未知时更适用,精度更高。  相似文献   

基于GPS/INS空对地定位系统的误差分析和精度估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢绍丽  董绪荣 《测绘通报》2005,(4):30-32,39
基于GPS/INS的空对地定位系统,可以不需要地面控制点对像片上对应的地面点直接定位.介绍该系统的基本原理,重点分析各项误差源及其对定位结果的影响,并通过仿真试验进行不同情况下的精度估计.  相似文献   

The method of integrated data processing for GPS and INS(inertial navigation system) field test over the Rocky Mountains using the adaptive Kalman filtering technique is presented. On the basis of the known GPS outputs and the offset of GPS and INS, state equations and observations are designed to perform the calculation and improve the navigation accuracy. An example shows that with the method the reliable navigation parameters have been obtained.  相似文献   

吴俊  许斌 《测绘科学与工程》2006,26(1):12-14,19
GPS/INS组合系统应用于航空摄影测量时可以直接给出相机曝光瞬间的外方位元素,从而部分乃至全部地摆脱传统摄影测量对地面控制点的依赖。本文主要介绍GPS/INS组合系统的工作原理及特点,以及GPS/INS组合系统辅助航空摄影测量与遥感的国内外应用现状。  相似文献   

神经网络辅助的GPS/INS组合导航自适应滤波算法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
首先利用预报残差构造的最优自适应因子设计GPS/INS组合导航自适应滤波器。并针对BP神经网络存在的训练速度慢、容易陷入局部极小等问题,给出网络的改进算法。利用神经网络对自适应滤波器状态方程的预报值进行在线修正,给出神经网络辅助的GPS/INS组合导航自适应滤波算法。最后,利用实测数据进行验证。结果表明,改进的神经网络算法明显提高网络收敛速度;两种自适应滤波算法相对标准组合导航算法都能够可靠地反映载体运动轨迹;神经网络辅助的GPS/INS组合导航自适应滤波算法相对GPS/INS组合导航自适应滤波算法在精度和可靠性方面又有明显提高。  相似文献   

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