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探地雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR)以其快速、无损和高分辨率等优势已被广泛应用于道路地下病害体的排查应用.针对传统时域单主频天线GPR在勘探深度和分辨率上的局限性,本文提出了一种基于双主频高动态GPR检测系统的道路地下病害检测方法,通过二维正演,模拟道路地下典型病害体的电磁响应,获得病害体的典型GPR特征图谱,为实际病害的客观判读和科学解译提供理论依据.并以某区道路地下病害的实测GPR数据为例,给出了双主频高动态GPR采集的参数设置及数据分析流程.钻探验证结果表明,高频回波信号对浅部薄层具有较高分辨率,能较清晰地识别3 m以上浅部病害体,低频回波信号具有较高信噪比,能有效识别3 m以下深部病害体,兼顾了探测深度和纵向分辨率的双主频GPR检测系统,能较好地识别地下病害类型、位置、埋深及影响范围,可为城市道路病害排查与防治提供技术支持. 相似文献
道路塌陷空洞一直是威胁交通安全运行的重要隐患,对道路塌陷空洞的探测方法进行研究具有重大的现实意义。研究工作通过实例探讨三维探地雷达(GPR)对道路塌陷区进行探测的方法技术及其应用效果。为查明道路塌陷空洞的空间分布特征,在塌陷区布设了共23条测线,1.0 m×0.5 m的三维测网并进行数据采集;通过对雷达数据进行处理,获得不同测线、不同方向的三维雷达剖面。结合地质情况对上述图件进行综合分析与解释,准确地查明塌陷空洞的位置、埋深及发育程度;经开挖验证,解译结果可靠。工程实践表明,三维探地雷达技术可以快速、高效地应用于道路塌陷探测中,其探测结果可为塌陷区后续施工以及安全防治提供参考。 相似文献
地下管线探测是测绘和物探专业相结合的一项工作,对地下非金属管线探测目前最适用的方法是探地雷达法.为提高探地雷达探测地下管线的效率和探测准确性,使管线探测专业人士可以更好的掌握探地雷达探测地下管线技术,本文通过理论分析探地雷达探测地下管线的工作原理及在北京市近45000 km地下管线基础信息普查工作中大量实验,对不同管径、不同埋深、不同材质的管线进行雷达探测,对比分析各种管线雷达图像的特征.文章分析出管线管径的不同表现在雷达图上是抛物线水平距离跨度的不同,管径越大,水平距离跨度越大.管线埋深的不同则表现在雷达图抛物线拖尾部分水平距离不同,埋深越深则拖尾部分跨度更长.不同管径和埋深的管线在探测的时候需要采用不同中心频率的雷达天线进行探测.管线材质的不同则特征更明显,直接表现在有无多次波出现和多次波的强弱、是否屏蔽深层有效信号、同相轴相位表现形式及波形特征等各个方面.该研究成果可指导今后城市地下管线普查和管线竣工验收时的管线探测工作. 相似文献
地下管线是保障城市运行的重要基础设施与生命线,开展管线探测是城市地下工程建设中必不可少的环节.探地雷达正演有助于掌握雷达波在地下的传播规律、加深对管线回波的认识.由于真实的地下介质分布不均匀、测区环境充斥着多种干扰,导致实际的探地雷达剖面中回波信号成分复杂、目标双曲线形态不完整,难以直接进行地质解释,而数值模拟常不考虑杂波干扰,模拟结果相对理想化.因此,本文聚焦于管线模型的物理模拟实验,在室内实验室和野外现场构建了一系列不同材质、不同埋深、不同管径的管线模型,利用不同中心频率的天线开展探测实验;分析了地下管线的雷达波传播规律及特征;结合管线材质、大小和埋深等信息,进一步验证雷达资料解释的准确度.结果表明:在背景介质均匀的沙池实验中,原始雷达剖面中背景噪声较小、目标双曲线形态完整,金属管线的反射波能量最强,含水管线会引起明显的多次波.而在野外现场采集到的雷达数据中存在较多的噪声干扰,不同管线引起的雷达回波呈双曲线或“类双曲线”;与背景介电常数的差异越大,反射波能量越强;相较于深埋管线,浅埋管线的双曲线特征更明显、振幅能量更强.由此可见,不同管线具有不同的双曲线特征、相位和振幅特征,可为地... 相似文献
沥青心墙是水利水电工程的一种重要的防渗形式,其质量直接关系到工程的安全.压实度是评价其质量的重要指标,常采用取芯后实验室来测定,虽然探测结果可靠,但破坏性大、周期性长以及连续性差.我们采用探地雷达方法来评价沥青心墙的压实度.为消除沥青心墙的侧壁和两侧的堆石对探测结果的影响,本文模拟了雷达波在沥青心墙中传播,得出没有侧壁和堆石反射波影响的有效探测深度.并利用实测数据提取沥青心墙的雷达波属性如振幅、主频以及瞬态谱等,结合采样获得的孔隙度和密度,得出其与属性参数间的关系.研究表明,这种方法可以直观、快速、连续的反映心墙压实度变化,为工程质量的检测提供很好的依据. 相似文献
赵永峰 《地震地磁观测与研究》2009,30(4):34-38
地质雷达作为一种新的探测方法,在城市管线探测过程中得到了越来越广泛的应用。本文结合RAMAC型地质雷达在嘉兴市管线普查中的实际应用,阐明了地质雷达的工作原理和方法,并得到了一些有意义的结论。 相似文献
This paper proposes a new method of integrated system calibration that uses the transmitting and receiving signals from the impulse ground penetrating radar itself. In order to eliminate the influence from each subsystem or part including antenna, transmitter, receiver, signal processing circuits and transmission cables, two new calibration parameters that are different from the conventional S-parameters are introduced. The characteristic and influence of all parts in the transmitting and receiving channels are incorporated into the calibration equation through the new parameters. The calibration results of the radar detection data show that the new integrated system calibration can improve the quality of the data greatly in many aspects. It removes direct coupled waves, suppresses wave distortion and tail oscillation, and improves the quality of waveform and signal-clutter-ratios. It also compresses the pulse width and enhances resolution. 相似文献
We are developing an innovative low-noise directional borehole radar system. Harsh and changing operating environments are a challenge to the low-noise sensitive electronic design. Additionally a system with such high sensitivity is susceptible to temperature changes and to component parameter variations. Therefore a calibration module was developed to calibrate the overall measurement system with a test signal generator. This calibration includes channel matching for accurate direction detection and sampling clock correction. After a brief introduction, testing and calibration methods are introduced. Additionally measurement results and figures depicting the practical results achieved thus far are included. 相似文献
探讨了探地雷达检测高速公路路面厚度的物理前提,并根据我国公路工程建设的实际情况,建立了高等级公路路面结构地球物理模型.系统地介绍了雷达检测路面厚度的方法原理,并对检测中技术参数的选择,如:采样频率、时窗、检测速度进行了详细的说明.介绍了自制的高速公路路面厚度雷达探测解释系统各个模块,如:数据预处理中的时、空域滤波,偏移等方法,并总结面层与基层的反射波三个重要特征,为辅助计算机自动识别反射波打下基础.应用SIR-3000型探地雷达于益常高速公路路面厚度交工验收检测中,通过55个钻孔抽样对比表明,雷达检测能很好地达到了评价路面厚度的目的,为工程质量评价提供了可靠的科学依据. 相似文献
Reliable hydrological forecasts of snowmelt runoff are of major importance for many areas. Ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) measurements are used to assess snowpack water equivalent for planning of hydropower production in northern Sweden. The travel time of the radar pulse through the snow cover is recorded and converted to snow water equivalent (SWE) using a constant snowpack mean density from the drainage basin studied. In this paper we improve the method to estimate SWE by introducing a depth‐dependent snowpack density. We used 6 years measurements of peak snow depth and snowpack mean density at 11 locations in the Swedish mountains. The original method systematically overestimates the SWE at shallow depths (+25% for 0·5 m) and underestimates the SWE at large depths (?35% for 2·0 m). A large improvement was obtained by introducing a depth–density relation based on average conditions for several years, whereas refining this by using separate relations for individual years yielded a smaller improvement. The SWE estimates were substantially improved for thick snow covers, reducing the average error from 162 ± 23 mm to 53 ± 10 mm for depth range 1·2–2·0 m. Consequently, the introduction of a depth‐dependent snow density yields substantial improvements of the accuracy in SWE values calculated from GPR data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Abstract Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and high‐resolution shallow reflection seismic surveying were carried out to investigate the subsurface geology in and around the Uemachi Fault zone in the Yamato River area, Osaka, Japan. Shallow drilling in the area showed a major displacement event during the middle Pleistocene. The main Uemachi Fault plane could be clearly imaged on the seismic section, except for the most shallow 200 m. Several shallow normal fault planes with less displacement could be detected on both sides of the fault plane. GPR profiles confirmed the presence of several shallow normal faults within the area near the fault zone. These shallow faults could be followed in all of the GPR profiles crossing the fault zone. The integration of seismic section, GPR profiles and drilling data led to a conceptual model that explains the evolution of the Uemachi Fault system. The proposed model suggests the occurrence of several cycles of small vertical displacement along the deep part of the fault plane caused by the regional east–west compressional stress. The ductile nature of the shallow sedimentary cover and the absence of confining pressure in the shallow part allow for a considerable amount of plastic bending before failing in the shallow sedimentary layers. This bending generates stretching force within the shallow sedimentary cover, which in time, along with gravitational force, gives rise to the formation of the swarm of normal faults within the shallow layers near the fault zone. Some of the detected faults extend to a depth of less than 3 m below the ground surface, suggesting that the last tectonic activity along the fault plane may have occurred recently. 相似文献
在分析核电站防波堤常见安全隐患及其产生机理的基础上,采用目前较为先进的探地雷达检测技术,对实际的堤防进行模拟检测,探究探地雷达检测防波堤的适用性和准确性.分析表明,探地雷达作为一种无损检测方法对防波堤的检测是可行的,且检测准确度满足实际工程的要求,可以用于核电站海堤的日常安全检测和维修加固后的成果检验. 相似文献