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Summary. We give the analytical formulation for calculating the transient displacement of fields produced by earthquakes in a stratified, selfgravitating, incompressible, viscoelastic earth. We have evaluated the potential of viscous creep in the asthenosphere in exciting the Chandler wobble by a four-layer model consisting of an elastic lithosphere, a two-layer Maxwell viscoelastic mantle, and an inviscid core. The seismic source is modelled as an inhomogeneous boundary condition, which involves a jump condition of the displacement fields across the fault in the lithosphere. The response fields are derived from the solution of a two-point boundary value problem, using analytical propagator matrices in the Laplace-transformed domain. Transient flows produced by post-seismic rebound are found to be confined within the asthenosphere for local viscosity values less than 1020P. The viscosity of the mantle below the low-viscosity channel is kept at 1022P. For low-viscosity zones with widths greater than about 100 km and asthenospheric viscosities less than 1018P, we find that viscoelasticity can amplify the perturbations in the moment of inertia by a factor of 4–5 above the elastic contribution within the time span of the wobble period. We have carried out a comparative study on the changes of the inertia tensor from forcings due to surface loading and to faulting. In general the global responses from faulting are found to be much more sensitive to the viscosity structure of the asthenosphere than those produced from surface loading.  相似文献   

Summary. The basic equations describing the dynamical effects of the Earth's fluid core (Liouville, Navier-Stokes and elasticity equations) are derived for an ellipsoidal earth model without axial symmetry but with an homogeneous and deformable fluid core and elastic mantle.
We develop the balance of moment of momentum up to the second order and use Love numbers to describe the inertia tensor's variations. The inertial torque takes into account the ellipticity and the volume change of the liquid core. On the core—mantle boundary we locate dissipative, magnetic and viscous torques. In this way we obtain quite a complete formulation for the Liouville equations.
These equations are restricted in order to obtain the usual Chandler and nearly diurnal eigenfrequencies.
Then we propose a method for calculating the perturbations of these eigenfrequencies when considering additional terms in the Liouville equations.  相似文献   

Summary. An overview is taken of the last decade of studies of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion. The treatment of the liquid outer core in static deformation is reviewed and some misconceptions in a number of papers are pointed out. Volterra's formula is generalized to the case of a liquid core which does not obey the highly idealized Adams—Williamson density law. The focal mechanism representation of Smylie & Mansinha (1971) is corrected for neglected terms arising from coordinate curvature, bringing the computed polar shifts into near numerical agreement with those of other workers. On the basis of the comparison of the observed and computed polar shifts for the Chile 1960 and Alaska 1964 events, it is suggested that the observed polar shifts for large earthquakes may be useful as discriminators in selecting focal mechanism parameters. The observed level of Chandler wobble excitation provides a constraint on some of the more extreme values of seismic moment recently proposed, unless these are supposed to depend only weakly on magnitude. The cumulative effect of the 30 largest earthquakes in the period 1901–64, recently examined by O'Connell & Dziewonski, is found to yield a rms Chandler wobble excitation of 0".10, using the random walk theory of Mansinha & Smylie (1967). This is close to the observed level (∼ 0".15). In addition to yielding the solution to a very long-standing geophysical puzzle, the study of the effect of earthquakes on the polar motion over the last decade may have produced a useful tool for the elucidation of seismic mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary. The equation governing the polar motion shows that the polar secular drift and the Chandler wobble amplitude are related to each other. In particular, a drift of the mean pole position comes out as a consequence of the maintenance of the Chandler wobble by possible step perturbations of the Earth's inertia tensor.
The minimum excitation functions necessary to explain the Chandler wobble amplitude variations for the period 1901–84 are derived from the Chandler term, with the hypothesis that the excitations follow a uniform random distribution in time. It is shown that they have the statistical properties of the steps of a two-dimensional random walk. These functions are then used to derive, from a statistical simulation, a lower limit of the secular drift which may result from the excitation of the Chandler wobble.
The drift generated by the random walk is of the same order of magnitude as the observed secular drift for the period 1901–84, but their time dependence is different. This indicates that the observed secular drift cannot be explained as the consequence of an excitation of the Chandler wobble by random steps of the Earth's inertia tensor. However, the possible contribution of the Chandler wobble excitation to the polar drift has to be taken into account when other mechanisms, such as lithospheric rebound related to deglaciation, are proposed.  相似文献   

The coupled rotation of the inner core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rotation of the inner core (IC) is influenced by the rest of the Earth through a number of coupling mechanisms. Among four possible coupling mechanisms, gravitational, pressure, viscous and electromagnetic, the first two torques are dominant. Numerous existing IC gravitational torque estimates have been shown to agree very well with one another Xu & Szeto 1996 ). It is shown in this paper that different estimates of the IC pressure torque are also in good agreement.
The coupled rotation of the IC has been investigated in the frequency domain by several research groups (Mathews et al. 1991a,b; De Vries & Wahr 1991 ; Dehant et al. 1993; Jiang 1993 ). Not all of these efforts obtained two IC-related rotational modes, the inner-core wobble (ICW) and the free-inner-core nutation (FICN). We investigate this problem in the time domain and confirm the existence of the two modes. The periods of ICW and FICN are in good agreement with those obtained by other researchers. In studying the effects of coupling torques on the IC rotational modes we have found that depending on whether the IC net torque is 'restoring' or otherwise, an increased torque magnitude will respectively shorten or lengthen the ICW period. We have also found that the sense of FICN is determined by the orientation of the net coupling torque on the IC.  相似文献   

Summary. The Chandler wobble Q w, as obtained from the astronomical data cannot be equated with the Q m of the source of damping, as an examination of Chandler wobble energetics reveals. We find that if dissipation occurs in the mantle then Q w≃ 9 Q m, implying that either the mantle Q is frequency dependent or the wobble Q is much larger than 100. If the dissipation is in the oceans then Q w≃ 20 Q o, and the pole tide must be far from equilibrium.  相似文献   

Summary An extension of the Love-Larmor theory to a low-loss unelastic earth model, leads to the surprisingly simple approximation
where τs= 447.4 sidereal day is the static wobble period, τR= 306 sidereal day is the rigid-earth wobble period and τw= 433 sidereal day is the observed Chandler period. Q W, Q μ are the respective average Q values of the wobble and the Earth's mantle at τW. The known numerical factor F is only slightly dependent on the Earth structure.  相似文献   

Novaya Zemlya nuclear test records at the seismic station DRV, Antarctica, are analysed in order to obtain further constraints on a possible differential rotation of the inner core with respect to the mantle. These data allow the sampling of the inner core along a nearly polar path in very stable conditions over more than two decades, from 1966 to 1990. The PKP (BC)– PKP (DF) traveltime residuals, which reflect the inner-core anisotropy and/or heterogeneities sampled along the path, exhibit a great stability through time. A computation of the residuals that are expected for various differential rotation rates and the same rotation axis as the mantle has been performed using the worldwide residual catalogue of Engdahl et al . (1997) for summary rays that include the time as an additional parameter in data stacking. Comparison of data and predictions shows that an eastward differential rotation with a rate as large as 3°  yr−1, as suggested by some authors, is not possible, but an eastward rotation at 1°  yr−1 or lower cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Measured changes in the Earth's length of day on a decadal timescale are usually attributed to the exchange of angular momentum between the solid mantle and fluid core. One of several possible mechanisms for this exchange is electromagnetic coupling between the core and a weakly conducting mantle. This mechanism is included in recent numerical models of the geodynamo. The 'advective torque', associated with the mantle toroidal field produced by flux rearrangement at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), is likely to be an important part of the torque for matching variations in length of day. This can be calculated from a model of the fluid flow at the top of the outer core; however, results have generally shown little correspondence between the observed and calculated torques. There is a formal non-uniqueness in the determination of the flow from measurements of magnetic secular variation, and unfortunately the part of the flow contributing to the torque is precisely that which is not constrained by the data. Thus, the forward modelling approach is unlikely to be useful. Instead, we solve an inverse problem: assuming that mantle conductivity is concentrated in a thin layer at the CMB (perhaps D"), we seek flows that both explain the observed secular variation and generate the observed changes in length of day. We obtain flows that satisfy both constraints and are also almost steady and almost geostrophic, and therefore assert that electromagnetic coupling is capable of explaining the observed changes in length of day.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of wobble excitation for a non-rigid earth is extended to include the effects of the earth's fluid core and of the rotationally induced pole tide in the ocean. The response of the solid earth and oceans to atmospheric loading is also considered. The oceans are shown to be affected by changes in the gravitational potential which accompany atmospheric pressure disturbances and by the load-induced deformation of the solid earth. These various improvements affect the excitation equations by about 10 per cent. Atmospheric and oceanic excitation can be computed using either an angular momentum or a torque approach. We use the dynamical equations for a thin fluid to relate these two methods and to develop a more general, combined approach. Finally, geostrophic winds and currents are shown to be potentially important sources of wobble excitation, in contrast to what is generally believed.  相似文献   

Summary. In view of present attempts to build orbiting gravity gradiometers with an accuracy of about 10−4 E, perturbing gravitational gradients arising from tide-generating bodies and from rotational deformations induced by polar motion are evaluated.  相似文献   

Summary. A direct calculation is made of the effect on the Chandler wobble of 1287 earthquakes that occurred during 1977–1983. The hypocentral parameters (location and origin time) and the moment tensor representation of the best point source for each earthquake as determined by the 'centroidmoment tensor' technique were used to calculate the change in the Chandler wobble's excitation function by assuming this change is due solely to the static deformation field generated by that earthquake. The resulting theoretical earthquake excitation function is compared with the 'observed' excitation function that is obtained by deconvolving a Chandler wobble time series derived from LAGEOS polar motion data. Since only 7 years of data are available for analysis it is not possible to resolve the Chandler band and determine whether or not the theoretical earthquake excitation function derived here is coherent and in phase with the 'observed' excitation function in that band. However, since the power spectrum of the earthquake excitation function is about 56 dB less than that of the 'observed' excitation function at frequencies near the Chandler frequency, it is concluded that earthquakes, via their static deformation field, have had a negligible influence on the Chandler wobble during 1977–1983. However, fault creep or any type of aseismic slip that occurs on a time-scale much less than the period of the Chandler wobble could have an important (and still unmodelled) effect on the Chandler wobble.  相似文献   

Summary. The tidal deformation of a homogeneous viscoelastic sphere due to the gravitational attraction of an external body is calculated. The sphere is modelled as an incompressible Kelvin-Voigt solid. An equation for the displacement field is obtained assuming that strains are small and inertia is negligible. This equation has a series solution in terms of Legendre polynomials. The resulting expression for the displacement field reduces to that for an elastic solid and a viscous fluid in the appropriate limits of the material constants. The first term in the viscoelastic solution is used to calculate the moments induced by tidal deformation assuming a circular orbit. In the absence of obliquity and precession, these moments reduced to a torque about the spin axis. This torque is compared to that predicted by a phase lag analysis. These two approaches are formally equivalent if the tidal dissipation function Q −1 depends in a specific way on the difference of the spin and orbital angular velocities.  相似文献   

Polar motion is modelled for the large 2004 Sumatra earthquake via dislocation theory for an incompressible elastic earth model, where inertia perturbations are due to earthquake-triggered topography of density–contrast interfaces, and for a compressible model, where inertia perturbation due to compression-dilatation of Earth's material is included; density and elastic parameters are based on a multilayered reference Earth. Both models are based on analytical Green's functions, propagated from the centre to the Earth's surface. Preliminary and updated seismological solutions are considered in elucidating the effects of improving earthquake parameters on polar motion. The large Sumatra thrust earthquake was particularly efficient in driving polar motion since it was responsible for large material displacements occurring orthogonally to the strike of the earthquake and to the Earth's surface, as imaged by GRACE gravity anomalies over the earthquake area. The effects of earthquake-induced topography are four times larger than the effects of Earth's compressibility, for l = 2 geopotential components. For varying compressional Earth properties and seismic solution, modelled polar motion ranges from 8.6 to 9.4 cm in amplitude and between 117° and 130° east longitude in direction. The close relationship between polar motion direction, earthquake longitude and thrust nature of the event, are established in terms of basic physical concepts.  相似文献   

Properties of iron at the Earth's core conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. The phase diagram of iron up to 330 GPa is solved using the experimental data of static high pressure (up to 11 GPa) and the experimental data of shock wave data (up to 250 GPa). A solution for the highest triple point is found ( P = 280 GPa and T = 5760 K) by imposing the thermodynamic constraints of triple points. This pressure of the triple point is less than the pressure of the inner core–outer core boundary of the Earth. These results indicate that the density of iron at the inner core–outer core boundary pressure is close to 13 g cm−3, which lies close to the seismic solutions of the Earth at that pressure. It is thus concluded that the Earth's inner core is very likely to be virtually pure iron in its hexagonal close packed (hcp) phase.
It is shown that four properties of the Earth's inner core determined from seismology are close in value to the corresponding properties of hcp iron at inner core conditions: density, bulk modulus, longitudinal velocity, and Poisson's ratio. The density–pressure profile of hcp iron at inner core conditions matches the density–pressure profile of the inner core as determined by seismic methods, within the spread of values given by recent seismic models.
This indicates that the Earth is slowly cooling, the Earth's inner core is growing by crystallization, and the impurities of the core are concentrated in the outer core. The calculated temperature at the Earth's centre is 6450 K.  相似文献   

The period and Q of the Chandler wobble   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. We have extended our calculation of the theoretical period of the Chandler wobble to account for the non-hydrostatic portion of the Earth's equatorial bulge and the effect of the fluid core upon the lengthening of the period due to the pole tide. We find the theoretical period of a realistic perfectly elastic Earth with an equilibrium pole tide to be 426.7 sidereal days, which is 8.5 day shorter than the observed period of 435.2 day. Using Rayleigh's principle for a rotating Earth, we exploit this discrepancy together with the observed Chandler Q to place constraints on the frequency dependence of mantle anelasticity. If Qμ in the mantle varies with frequency σ as σα between 30 s and 14 months and if Qμ in the lower mantle is of order 225 at 30 s, we find that 0.04 ρα≤ 0.11; if instead Qμ in the lower mantle is of order 350 near 200 s, we find that 0.11 ≤α≤ 0.19. In all cases these limits arise from exceeding the 68 per cent confidence limits of ± 2.6 day in the observed period. Since slight departures from an equilibrium pole tide affect the Q much more strongly than the period we believe these limits to be robust.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, the authors considered the free rotation of an earth model composed of a rigid mantle and a liquid core in the presence of dissipation and under the Hamiltonian formalism, obtaining analytical expressions for the free nutation modes.
In this paper we treat the forced motion. Approximate analytical solutions are worked out by means of Hori's perturbation method, the free solutions obtained in the former paper playing the role of the unperturbed solutions required in the application of the method. These solutions are consistent in the sense that, with the usual terminology, the rigid body solutions and the complex transfer functions are calculated with the same parameters.
Besides in-phase terms, the dissipation at the core–mantle boundary studied in this paper gives rise to out-of-phase terms. From a qualitative perspective, we discuss the issue of the resonance in this context. The presence of dissipation changes dramatically the character of the FCN wobble; that is, it is no longer a regular oscillation but a damped one. A strict resonance phenomenon cannot take place thereby, since the forcing perturbations are oscillations with a real (non-complex) frequency.  相似文献   

On the density distribution within the Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of density as a function of position within the Earth is much less well constrained than the seismic velocities. The primary information comes from the mass and moment of inertia of the Earth and this information alone requires that there be a concentration of mass towards the centre of the globe. Additional information is to be found in the frequencies of the graver normal modes of the Earth which are sensitive to density through self-gravitation effects induced in deformation.
  The present generation of density models has been constructed using linearized inversion techniques from earlier models, which ultimately relate back to models developed by Bullen and based in large part on physical arguments. A number of experiments in non-linear inversion have been conducted using the PREM reference model, with fixed velocity and attenuation, but with the density model constrained to lie within fixed bounds on both density and density gradient. A set of models is constructed from a uniform probability density within the bound and slope constraints. Each of the resultant density models is tested against the mass and moment of inertia of the Earth, and for successful models a comparison is made with observed normal mode frequencies. From the misfit properties of the ensemble of models the robustness of the density profile in different portions of the Earth can be assessed, which can help with the design of parametrization for future reference models. In both the lower mantle and the outer core it would be desirable to allow a more flexible representation than the single cubic polynomial employed in PREM.  相似文献   

summary . The character of the Chandler wobble suggests that the optimal representation of the observed polar motion is a complex AR.MA model. This paper develops the theory of such a model and presents a modification of the scalar AR.MA computer program of Akaike, Arahata & Ozaki. The complex AR.MA model is applied to the ILS data covering the period 1900–1975. An optimal AR.MA (1,4) model is obtained. The model parameters are interpreted to give a Chandler frequency of 0.8400 ± 0.0039 cpy a Q value of 50 < Q < 300, with the most probable value of 96 and the power density of the excitation to be about 0.51 × (0".01)2/cpy. This result leads to the conclusion that the contribution of meteorological sources to the excitation of the Chandler wobble is about 11 to 19 per cent.  相似文献   

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