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The Bizielle vein has some unique features among the Pyrenean alpine veins that allow us to address the question of the nature of iron oxides transformations under low temperature hydrothermal conditions, which is well known to prevailed over wide areas of western Europe between early Triassic to early Cretaceous times. Isotopic studies indicate a deep-seated origin of the ore-forming fluids and suggest that the metals were leached from the Variscan basement (mainly from granites). Isotopic geothermometry and regional evidences point to a 250 °C and reducing fluid, being SH2 the predominant S specie. Under such conditions, the proposed in situ deposition of hematite is a consequence of Fe carbonates dissolution and oxidation involving dissolution/precipitation processes in the sense of Putnis. Non-redox model is a quite plausible origin for subsequent hematite to magnetite conversion.  相似文献   


Available aeromagnetic data have been used to interprete magnetic anomalies using 2 1/2 and 3 D techniques in an area that includes parts of the Axial Zone and of the South Pyrenean Thrust Sheets in the Spanish Pyrenees. The interpretation has been made with the help of field magnetic susceptibility measurements. The dip of the Ebro Basin basement to the north has been inferred for part of the magnetic profile. Large magnetically disturbing bodies with the top at about sea level can be interpreted as a stack of Paleozoic basement thrusts or, alternatively, as an accumulation of Triassic volcanic rocks. Some smaller anomalies are clearly associated with outcropping or buried basaltic rocks (ophites). The disposition of major magnetic anomalies suggests that shear movement may have affected part of the studied area.  相似文献   

In this study we show the application of a long-range Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) to a detailed rockfall study in a test zone at Vall de Núria, located in the Eastern Pyrenees. Data acquisition was carried out using TLS-Ilris3D, the new generation of reflector-less laser scanners with a high range, accuracy and velocity of measurements. Eight scans were performed at 3 stations to acquire coordinates of almost 4 million points. The results from the acquired data are a high accuracy Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the reconstruction of the joint geometry. The former is used for inventory of rockfalls and for more accurate rockfall simulation (trajectories and velocities). The latter allows us to model the geometry and volume of the source area in recent rockfalls. Our findings suggest that TLS technology could be a tool of reference in rockfall studies in the near future.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):129-150
This work analyses a suite of relict tufa mounds generated by artesian karstic springs in Isona area (Spanish Pyrenees). Geological and geophysical data (seismics and vertical electrical resistivity soundings) indicate that the location of the discharge area in which the spring mounds formed was controlled by (1) a bulge in the axial zone of the anticline that affects the Areny-Montsec aquifer, with the consequent thinning of the overlying confining unit and (2) N-S and E-W trending extensional faults. These uncommon meteogene mounds occur in two stepped morphostratigraphic units that constitute the caprock of a mesa 9 km2 in area. The upper tufa complex is 47 m thick and has yielded several U/Th dates of >350 ka. The obtained U/Th ages for the mounds of lower tufa complex, 10 m thick, range from >350 to 214 ± 11 ka. The sedimentological analysis of the scarce exposures and electrical resistivity profiles show the same morphological and depositional components as those described in geothermal springs: (1) Cylindrical vents; (2) Pools fed by the vents and dammed by annular tufa barriers; (3) Tufa barriers (rimstones) constructed by overflowing waters through vertical accretion and progradation. These rimstones may have overhanging upflow sides. (4) Slope tufa facies with terracettes and microgours.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous La Cova limestones (southern Pyrenees, Spain) host a rich and diverse larger foraminiferal fauna, which represents the first diversification of K-strategists after the mass extinction at the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary.The stratigraphic distribution of the main taxa of larger foraminifera defines two assemblages. The first assemblage is characterised by the first appearance of lacazinids (Pseudolacazina loeblichi) and meandropsinids (Eofallotia simplex), by the large agglutinated Montsechiana montsechiensis, and by several species of complex rotalids (Rotorbinella campaniola, Iberorotalia reicheli, Orbitokhatina wondersmitti and Calcarinella schaubi). The second assemblage is defined by the appearance of Lacazina pyrenaica, Palandrosina taxyae and Martiguesia cyclamminiformis.A late Coniacian-early Santonian age was so far accepted for the La Cova limestones, based on indirect correlation with deep-water facies bearing planktic foraminifers of the Dicarinella concavata zone. Strontium isotope stratigraphy, based on many samples of pristine biotic calcite of rudists and ostreids, indicates that the La Cova limestones span from the early Coniacian to the early-middle Santonian boundary. The first assemblage of larger foraminifera appears very close to the early-middle Coniacian boundary and reaches its full diversity by the middle Coniacian. The originations defining the second assemblage are dated as earliest Santonian: they represent important bioevents to define the Coniacian-Santonian boundary in the shallow-water facies of the South Pyrenean province.By means of the calibration of strontium isotope stratigraphy to the Geological Time Scale, the larger foraminiferal assemblages of the La Cova limestones can be correlated to the standard biozonal scheme of ammonites, planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton. This correlation is a first step toward a larger foraminifera standard biozonation for Upper Cretaceous carbonate platform facies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the failure mechanisms which caused the Eaux-Bonnes landslide. The geological investigations carried out on the slope of the landslide showed that the sliding mass was cut by numerous faults. The factors controlling the landslide failure were complex, and it is known that neither earthquakes nor heavy precipitation could have triggered the disruption. The groundwater within the solid rock mass has been surveyed, because significant precipitation events during the 2 years preceding the beginning of the paroxysmal phase of the landslide could have led to an increase in pore water pressure along these fractures, thereby triggering the landslide. In order to achieve a full understanding of the failure mechanism, and to identify the origin of the groundwater, a hydrogeochemical survey was carried out over a period of 1 year. The results reveal the existence of high sulphate concentrations in the groundwater originating in springs located at the bottom of the landslide. The sulphate concentrations are correlated with high calcium concentrations, and clearly indicate the presence of gypsum in the vicinity of the lower reaches of the landslide. The presence of gypsum in this area of the Pyrenees suggests that deep groundwater played a role in triggering the landslide.  相似文献   

Archean komatiites of Goiás, central Brazil, have experienced deformation and low-grade metamorphism, but several outcrops preserve primary volcanic features. Samples from less deformed komatiites of four out of five greenstone belts (Crixás, Guarinos, Pilar de Goiás, and Santa Rita) have been investigated for their geochemical properties. Komatiites from the Crixás greenstone belt have very low Al2O3/TiO2, high CaO/Al2O3, and a hump-shaped rare earth element (REE) pattern. Those from the Guarinos and Pilar de Goiás belts have similar REE patterns, characterized by a slight enrichment in LREE coupled with almost flat HREE, but differ in their inter-incompatible element ratios. Compared with those from Pilar de Goiás and Guarinos, samples from the Santa Rita belt have fractionated REE patterns with LREE enrichment, as well as high Al2O3 contents, corresponding to Al-undepleted komatiites. Komatiites from Crixás have the lowest (La/Sm)N, (La/Yb)N, and Zr/Zr* ratios compared with their equivalents from the other belts, which suggests their source was relatively depleted in LREE and high field strength elements (HFSE), probably due to the retention of garnet in the residue. Komatiites from the Guarinos, Pilar de Goiás, and Santa Rita greenstone belts are enriched in incompatible elements, which can be attributed to either low-degree partial melting at high pressures or a source previously enriched in incompatible elements. Some of the studied komatiites belong to Al- and HREE-depleted and others to the Al- and HREE-undepleted types. The depleted komatiites probably derived by melting at depths greater than 200 km, the undepleted at less than 200 km. Therefore, the komatiites of the four belts may have been derived from either one single mantle plume with different melting depths or sources from distinct plumes.  相似文献   

In the Montes de Toledo area, located in the axial part of the Central Hercynian zone, a long-term thermo-tectonic evolution can be deduced from apatite fission-track (AFT) data in conjunction with tight geological constraints derived from the knowledge of regional geology and other independent chronometers. The area is composed of two different blocks separated by the Toledo Shear Zone (TSZ). The northern block is a granulite facies anatectic terrane. The southern block is composed of greenschist facies Paleozoic sediments intruded by a late Hercynian granitic pluton. A total of 13 samples have been recovered for AFT analysis. AFT ages in both blocks cluster around 189–221 Ma, with mean confined track lengths between 11.4 m and 12.4 m. Modeling of the AFT data indicates that the thermal history is broadly similar in both blocks, which constrains the main movement of the TSZ, as essentially before the Upper Permian. AFT ages in the TSZ cluster around 124–164 Ma, and the track lengths vary between 11.4 m and 12.4 m. These data reveal that the fault must have been affected by a later thermal overprint as AFT ages are significantly younger than those of the footwall and hangingwall blocks. This differential thermal resetting is likely related to the advection of localized hydrothermal fluids that are responsible for the widespread Pb–Zn mineralization along the TSZ. These results give an example of resetting AFT data by hydrothermal events. The long-term evolution suggests a lack of important Alpine tectonism in the Montes de Toledo block, in clear contrast to other nearby Hercynian areas such as the Sierra de Guadarrama, where the important effect of Alpine tectonism has almost totally erased the previous thermal signal in the AFT system.  相似文献   

Early Miocene (ca.?21–18 Ma) volcanism in the Karacada? area comprises three groups of volcanic rocks: (1) calcalkaline suite (andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and their pyroclastics), (2) mildly-alkaline suite (alkali basalt, hawaiite, mugearite, benmoreite and trachydacite), and (3) a single trachyandesitic flow unit. Field observations, 40Ar/39Ar ages and geochemical data show that there was a progressive temporal transition from group 1 to 3 in a post-collisional tectonic setting. The calcalkaline suite rocks with medium-K in composition resemble those of subduction-related lavas, whereas the mildly-alkaline suite rocks having a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O=1.5–3.2) resemble those of within-plate lavas. Incompatible element and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of the suites suggest that the lithospheric mantle beneath the Karacada? area was heterogeneously enriched by two processes before collision: (1) enrichment by subduction-related processes, which is important in the genesis of the calcalkaline volcanism, (2) enrichment by small degree melts from the astenosphere, which dominates the mildly alkaline volcanism. Perturbation of the enriched lithosphere by either delamination following collision and uplift or removal of the subducted slab following subduction and collision (i.e., slab breakoff) is the likely mechanism for the initiation of the post-collision volcanism.  相似文献   

The EW-striking Variscan Mérens shear zone (MSZ), located on the southern border of the Aston dome (Pyrenees), corresponds to variously mylonitized gneisses and plutonic rocks that are studied using the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) technique. The plutonic rocks form EW-striking bands with, from south to north, gabbro-diorites, quartz diorites and granodiorites. The MSZ underwent a mylonitic deformation with an intensity progressively increasing from the mafic to the more differentiated rocks. The foliations are EW to NW–SE striking and subvertical. A first set of lineations shows a moderate WNW plunge, with a dextral reverse kinematics. More recent subvertical lineations correspond to an uplift of the northern compartment. To the east, the MSZ was cut by a N120°E-striking late shear band, separating the MSZ from the Quérigut pluton. The different stages of mylonitization relate to Late Variscan dextral transpression. This regime allowed the ascent of magmas along tension gashes in the middle crust. We interpret the MSZ as a zone of magma transfer, which fed a pluton now eroded that was similar to the Quérigut and Millas plutons located to the east. We propose a model of emplacement of these plutons by successive pulses of magmas along en-échelon transfer zones similar to the MSZ.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical data provide detailed evidence of a marine-to-lagoon environmental succession around the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the Ibero-Armorican domain. This regression is recorded by the succession of several environments of the south-central Pyrenees basin: open marine mixed shelf, marine restricted mixed shelf (both rudist-rich), tidal flat, lagoon and fluvial dominated. The tidal flat setting belongs to the Fumanya Member here described, which is the base of the Posa and Massana formations (Tremp Group). The Fumanya Member is 5 m thick, is built up of marly limestones and was an elongated tidal mudflat (100 km long, 25 km wide) developed in a foreland trough and was separated from the Atlantic Ocean by an island-barrier system. In the lagoon environment, marginal marine waters and continental fresh waters alternated as documented by geochemistry and fossil molluscs. The Fumanya Member is a dinosaur megatracksite, reporting the roaming activity only of sauropods in tidal flats, a likely secure area against predators. Feeding activity of these herbivores took place in the lagoonal-lacustrine environments of the Posa Formation above the Fumanya Member.  相似文献   

A thick Upper Ordovician shelf sequence was developed in the northern Gondwana margin (southernmost exposures of the Central Iberian Zone). Integrated sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies allow distinction between pedogenetic processes (Facies association C), shoreline deposits (Facies association S), proximal to distal shelf (Facies association L, H1, H2, H3) and outer shelf zone or open marine environments (Facies association M, Mo). The vertical distribution of facies is characterized by the presence of regressive high frequency sequences (partial shelf progradational sequences), affected by the presence of catastrophic phenomena (storms). These sequences, in turn, can be classified into higher‐order transgressive (T)–regressive (R) cycles. Two second‐order T‐R megacycles (MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1) limited by a major sequence boundary are identified. Traces of emersion (palaeokarsts and palaeosols) are detected along the sequence boundary, and these are related to the eustatic sea‐level fall that occurred during the Ashgillian. The MC. Ord‐2 and MC. Sil‐1 megacycles extend respectively from the Middle Arenig to the Ashgillian and from Late Ashgillian to the Late Llandovery. Major transgressive peaks occurred at the Llanvirn and at the Middle Llandovery (Aeronian). The vertical distribution of the facies delineates successive genetically related units in relation to relative sea‐level changes. Within the upper part of the first megacycle (MC. Ord‐2) six third‐order cycles are proposed (Lla‐1, Car‐1, Car‐2, Car‐3, Car‐4, Ash‐1), in which a transgressive and a regressive interval can be distinguished. Within the lower part of the second megacycle (MC. Sil‐1) two transgressive–regressive third‐order cycles are proposed (Lly‐1, Lly‐2). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Villalcampo shear system is a regional dextral strike-slip fault zone that affects Late Variscan granites and their metamorphic country rocks over an area of about 150 km2. The detailed geometry of this subvertical north-west—south-east shear zone is outlined. The system forms an extensional fan to the northwest and extends to the south-east as a broad extensional duplex. Particular attention is focused on the distribution of fault rocks and associated veins in its north-west splay. A structural study of the shear bands (encompassing both geometric and kinematic criteria) and a microscopic study of the fault rocks has led to the interpretation of the system as a brittle—ductile shear zone. Calculations give a shear strain value of = 1.5 and a minimum displacement of s = 3700 m. The localization of gold mineralization in mylonite-filled subvertical extensional veins is a product of the formation of the Villalcampo shear system. The subvertical faults and veins underwent a process of cyclical sealing and reopening. As such they acted as valves controlled by fluid pressure regulating fluid—rock interactions and gold deposition. Conditions favouring these processes occur near the base of the seismogenic zone in the vicinity of the frictional—quasi-plastic transition at mid-greenschist metamorphic conditions (T = 350°C and 10–15 km depth).  相似文献   

The Central Ebro River Basin (NE Spain) is the most northern area of truly semi-arid Mediterranean climate in Europe and prehistoric human occupation there has been strongly influenced by this extreme environmental condition. Modern climate conditions single out this region due to the harsh environment, characterised by the highest absolute summer temperatures of the Ebro River Basin. The Bajo Aragón region (SE Ebro River Basin) was intensively populated during the Early Holocene (9400-8200 cal yr BP) but the settlements were abandoned abruptly at around 8200 cal yr BP. We propose that this “archaeological silence” was caused by the regional impact of the global abrupt 8.2 ka cold event. Available regional paleoclimate archives demonstrate the existence of an aridity crisis then that interrupted the humid Early Holocene. That environmental crisis would have forced hunter-gatherer groups from the Bajo Aragón to migrate to regions with more favourable conditions (i.e. more humid mountainous areas) and only return in the Neolithic. Coherently, archaeological sites persist during this crisis in the nearby Iberian Range (Maestrazgo) and the North Ebro River area (Pre-Pyrenean mountains and along the northwestern Ebro Basin).  相似文献   

This paper presents the petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Carlés Cu–Mo–Au ore deposit, located in the Rio Narcea Gold Belt (Cantabrian zone of the Iberian Massif). It is related to a small postkinematic calc-alkaline monzogranite, which intrudes as a cedar-tree laccolith into the upper siliciclastic Furada Formation (late Silurian age) and the Nieva carbonates (early Devonian age). The Carlés deposit consists mainly of a well-developed exoskarn. The exoskarn is mostly calcic skarn made up of early garnet and pyroxene, and later amphibole, magnetite and sulfides. The presence of magnesian skarn has been recorded on the north side of the intrusion (roof of granitoid). Magnesian skarn consists of olivine, which is partially replaced by diopside and phlogopite and spinel. Close to the igneous rock, skarns are overprinted by strong potassic alteration. The ore is related to the skarn retrogradation and post-skarn veining and faulting. The skarn-related ore consists of earlier, uneconomic magnetite and Fe–As sulfide assemblages and economic Cu–Au–Ag (Bi–Te) assemblages on the eastern and western sides of the contact aureole, and uneconomic Mo and subeconomic Fe–As–Cu–Au–Ag on the northern side of the contact. Later subeconomic Fe–As–Sb–(Zn–Sn–Cu–Au–Ag) assemblages crosscut the granitoid, skarn, marbles and mineral associations developed previously, and are related to younger episodes of fracturing and faulting. Fluid inclusions in the first hydrothermal stage consist of an aqueous solution with significant contents of CO2, which reach unmixing conditions as a result of a decrease in PT conditions. This led to two types of solutions, aqueous solutions of moderate to high salinity and hydrocarbon solutions of low salinity. This unmixing phenomenon controlled the first stage of gold precipitation. During the late hydrothermal activity, primary low-salinity-aqueous-carbonic inclusions with contrasting densities are found. They homogenize into vapor, critical or liquid phase. Homogenization temperatures are practically the same in all inclusions, indicating a boiling phenomenon that could control a new precipitation of gold.  相似文献   

The El Valle-Boinás copper–gold deposit is located in the southern part of the Rio Narcea Gold Belt 65 km west of Oviedo (NW Spain), within the Cantabrian Zone (Iberian Hercynian Massif). The deposit is related to the Boinás stock, which ranges from quartz-monzonite to monzogranite and intruded (303 Ma) the carbonated Láncara Formation (early Cambrian) and the siliciclastic Oville Formation (middle-late Cambrian).A copper–gold skarn was developed along the contact between the igneous rock and the carbonated sedimentary rocks. The skarn distribution and mineralogy reflects both structural and lithologic controls. Two types of skarn exists: a calcic skarn mainly developed in the upper calcic member of the Láncara Formation, and a magnesian skarn developed in the lower dolomitic and organic-rich member. The former mainly consists of garnet, pyroxene and wollastonite. Retrograde alteration consists of K-feldspar, epidote, quartz, calcite, magnetite, ferroactinolite, titanite, apatite, chlorite and sulfides. Magnesian skarn mainly consists of diopside with interbedded forsterite zones. Pyroxene skarn is mainly altered to tremolite, with minor phlogopite and serpentine. Olivine skarn is pervasively altered to serpentine and magnetite, and is commonly accompanied by high sulfide and gold concentrations. This altered skarn results in a very dark rock, referred to as “black skarn”, which has great importance in gold reserves. Sulfide mineralization mainly consists of chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite, while wittichenite, sphalerite, digenite, bismuthinite, native bismuth and electrum occur as accessory minerals.After extensive erosion, reactivation of the northeast-trending fracture zone provided conduits for the subsequent emplacement of porphyritic dikes (285±4 Ma) and diabasic dikes (255±5 Ma). Alteration, characterized by sericitization, silicification, carbonatization and hypogene oxidation took place, as did sulfide mineralization (pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, bournonite, and Fe–Pb–Sb sulfosalts). Veins with quartz, carbonate, adularia and sulfide minerals crosscut all previous lithologies. Jasper and jasperoid breccias developed at the upper parts of the deposits.The fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies suggest a predominantly magmatic prograde-skarn fluid characterized by high-salinity (26–28 wt.% KCl and 32–36 wt.% NaCl) and high temperature, above 580°C. This fluid evolved into two immiscible fluids: a CO2- and/or CH4-rich, high-salinity aqueous fluid. Temperatures for the first retrograde-stage are between 350 and 425°C. A second stage is related to a more diluted aqueous fluid (3–6.2 wt.% NaCl eq.) and temperatures from 280 to 325°C. The fluid inclusion study performed on quartz from low-temperature mineralization indicates a very low salinity (0.2–6.2 wt.% NaCl eq.), low-temperature aqueous fluid (from 150 to 250°C), and trapping pressure conditions less than 0.2 kbar. In addition, the stable isotope study suggests that an influx of metamorphic waters derived from the country rocks produced these lower temperature fluids. The last control for the Au mineralization is the Alpine tectonism, which developed fault breccias (cataclasites to, locally, protomylonites) and gold remobilization from previous mineralization.  相似文献   

The Arro system is an oblique fold system involving the Eocene sediments of the Graus-Tremp basin. It consists of westward-verging folds, trending NNW–SSE, some of them related with thrusts, in piggyback sequence. Seismic profiles allow to infer the geometry of structures at depth: folds and thrusts are ‘decolled’ over an unconformity between turbiditic and platform sediments. Re-activation of bedding surfaces by folding in the underlying units resulted in folding and thrusting in the upper series. To cite this article: A.M. Casas et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 765–772.  相似文献   

In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism was superimposed on an earlier Archaean orogenic history. Previously determined ages of  2030–2020 Ma obtained from high-temperature chronometers (zircon, garnet, monazite) are generally thought to provide the best estimate of the peak of Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone, whereas ages as young as  2006 Ma from late melt patches suggest that temperatures remained above the wet solidus for an extended period. We present a new MC-ICP-MS 207Pb–206Pb age of 2030.9 ± 1.5 Ma for titanite found in amphibolite- to greenschist-facies alteration zones developed adjacent to quartz vein systems and related pegmatites that cut a strongly deformed Central Zone metabasite. This age could potentially date cooling of rocks at this locality to temperatures below the wet solidus. Alternatively, the titanite could be inherited from the metabasite host, and the age determined from it date the peak of metamorphism. Integration of the geochronology with LA-ICP-MS trace element data for minerals from the metabasite, the hydrothermal vein systems and comparable rocks elsewhere shows that the titanite formed during the amphibolite-facies hydrothermal alteration, not at the metamorphic peak or during the greenschist-facies phase of veining. This suggests that high-grade rocks in the Central Zone have cooled differentially through the wet solidus, and provides timing constraints on when Palaeoproterozoic reworking in the Central Zone began. This study illustrates the potential of combined geochronological and high-resolution geochemical studies to accurately match mineral ages to distinct crustal processes.  相似文献   

The Vado di Corno Fault Zone (VCFZ) is an active extensional fault cutting through carbonates in the Italian Central Apennines. The fault zone was exhumed from ∼2 km depth and accommodated a normal throw of ∼2 km since Early-Pleistocene. In the studied area, the master fault of the VCFZ dips N210/54° and juxtaposes Quaternary colluvial deposits in the hangingwall with cataclastic dolostones in the footwall. Detailed mapping of the fault zone rocks within the ∼300 m thick footwall-block evidenced the presence of five main structural units (Low Strain Damage Zone, High Strain Damage Zone, Breccia Unit, Cataclastic Unit 1 and Cataclastic Unit 2). The Breccia Unit results from the Pleistocene extensional reactivation of a pre-existing Pliocene thrust. The Cataclastic Unit 1 forms a ∼40 m thick band lining the master fault and recording in-situ shattering due to the propagation of multiple seismic ruptures. Seismic faulting is suggested also by the occurrence of mirror-like slip surfaces, highly localized sheared calcite-bearing veins and fluidized cataclasites. The VCFZ architecture compares well with seismological studies of the L'Aquila 2009 seismic sequence (mainshock MW 6.1), which imaged the reactivation of shallow-seated low-angle normal faults (Breccia Unit) cut by major high-angle normal faults (Cataclastic Units).  相似文献   

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