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Acoustic Doppler current profiles and current meter data are combined with wind observations to describe the transport of water leaving Florida Bay and moving onto the inner shelf on the Atlantic side of the Florida Keys. A 275-day study in the Long Key Channel reveals strong tidal exchanges, but the average ebb tide volume leaving Florida Bay is 19% greater than the average flood tide volume entering the bay. The long-term net outflow averages 472 m3 s−1. Two studies in shelf waters describe the response to wind forcing during spring and summer months in 2004 and during fall and winter months in 2004–2005. During the spring–summer study, southeasterly winds have a distinct shoreward component, and a two-layer pattern appears. Surface layers move shoreward while near-bottom layers move seaward. During the winter study, the resultant wind direction is parallel to the Keys and to the local isobaths. The entire water column moves in a nearly downwind direction, and across-shelf transport is relatively small. During the summer wet season, Florida Bay water should be warmer, fresher, and thus less dense than Atlantic shelf waters. Ebbing bay water should move onto the shelf as a buoyant plume and be held close to the Keys by southeasterly winds. During the winter dry season, colder and saltier Florida Bay water should leave the tidal channels with relatively high density and be concentrated in the near-bottom layers. But little across-shelf flow occurs with northeasterly winds. The study suggests that seasonally changing wind forcing and hydrographic conditions serve to insulate the reef tract from the impact of low-quality bay water.  相似文献   

Corals and reef environments are under increased stress from anthropogenic activities, particularly those in the vicinity of heavily populated areas such as the Florida Keys. The potential adverse impacts of wastewater can affect both the environment and human health; however, because of the high decay rate of bacterial indicators in coral reef waters it has been difficult to document the presence of microbial contaminants and to assign risks in these environments. Here we show initial evidence that microorganisms associated with human feces are concentrated along the surface of coral heads relative to the overlying water column in the Florida Keys. Bacterial indicators (fecal coliform bacteria, enterococci or Clostridium perfringens) were detected in 66.7% of the coral surface microlayer (CSM) samples at levels between five and 1000 CFU/100 ml, but were found infrequently and at low numbers in the overlying water column ( < or = 2.5 CFU/100 ml). Similarly, enterovirus nucleic acid sequences, an indicator of human-specific waste, were detected in 93.3% of the CSM samples and only once in the water column by cell culture. Results show that coral mucus may accumulate enteric microorganisms in reef environments, and may indicate a risk to public and environmental health despite low indicator levels in the surrounding water.  相似文献   

Strategies to control invasive lionfish in the western Atlantic and Caribbean are likely to include harvest and consumption. Until this report, total mercury concentrations had been documented only for lionfish from Jamaica, and changes in concentrations with increasing fish size had not been evaluated. In the Florida Keys, total mercury concentrations in dorsal muscle tissue from 107 lionfish ranged from 0.03 to 0.48 ppm, with all concentrations being less than the regulatory threshold for limited consumption. Mercury concentrations did not vary consistently with standard lengths or wet weights of lionfish. In 2010, lionfish from the upper Keys had mean concentrations that were 0.03–0.04 ppm higher than lionfish from the middle Keys, but mean concentrations did not differ consistently among years and locations. Overall, total mercury concentrations in lionfish were lower than those in several predatory fishes that support commercial and recreational fisheries in Florida.  相似文献   

Inshore coral reefs adjacent to the wet tropics in North Queensland, Australia, are regularly exposed to flood plumes from coastal river systems. Changes in the nature of these plumes have been linked to the declining health of coral reefs in the region. The effect of flood plumes on the health of inshore corals was investigated by quantifying aspects of the demography of populations of corymbose and digitate Acropora at three groups of Island reefs along a gradient of exposure and decreasing water quality (High Island >Frankland's >Fitzroy). The size-structures of colonies, the rates of sexual recruitment, and the growth and survival of juveniles, all varied among the Island reefs. Juvenile and adult sized colonies were far more abundant at the Fitzroy Island reefs, than at the High or Frankland Island reefs that were more exposed to flood plumes. Additionally, there were up to eight times as many sexual recruits at the Fitzroy Island reefs, compared with the High Island reefs. However, the rates of growth and survival of the juvenile sized corals at the Fitzroy Island reefs were lower than at the more exposed reefs. The comparatively low abundance of adult corals at the exposed reefs is most likely due to their histories of disturbance from crown-of-thorns and coral bleaching, but the lack of subsequent recovery due to their low levels of larval recruitment. If a stock-recruitment relationship is typical for these groups of reefs, then the low rates of recruitment may be linked to the low density of adult colonies. Alternately, direct or indirect effects of chronic exposure to poor water quality may have resulted in less suitable substrata for larval settlement. We discuss these results and provide examples of how information about population structure and dynamics can be used in simple matrix models to quantify the current and future health of populations of corals under various scenarios.  相似文献   

To determine the fate and movement of sewage derived contaminants and their possible interaction with surface waters in the Florida (USA) Keys, two types of experiments were conducted using SF6 as an artificial tracer. The first type of experiment examined fluid flow from septic tanks placed in Miami Oolite on Big Pine Key, where there is a shallow freshwater lens overlying saline groundwaters. Here groundwater transport rates were constrained to be between 0.11 and 1.87 m/h, travelling in an easterly direction. The second type of experiment took place on Key Largo where there is no freshwater aquifer and the matrix of the aquifer is solely the more porous Key Largo limestone. Here we injected the tracer into a shallow well which was screened from 0.6 to 10 m. This allowed us to evaluate groundwater movement in the shallow upper portion of the aquifer, the area to which inputs by septic tanks occur. Groundwater transport rates in the Upper Keys were as great as 3.7 m/h and were controlled by the Atlantic tide. SF6 laden groundwater plumes moved back and forth due to tidal pumping and reached nearby surface waters within 8 h.  相似文献   

The extensive deterioration of coral reefs worldwide highlights the importance of creating efficient monitoring methods to best assess their state of health. At present, several suggested parameters serve such indicators. None of these, however, is well accepted as reliably representing reef community health. In the present study we examine a new approach based on the ratio between mortality and recruitment rates of branching corals, which we term 'Deterioration Index' (DI). It aims at providing a quantitative indication of the state of health of reef-building coral communities. The method was developed and tested on 16 coral communities on artificially laid rocks along the coast of Eilat, Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba). In contrast to frequently used indices (i.e. mortality rate, abundance and species richness), which did not demonstrate a consistent result in comparing disturbed vs. undisturbed coral communities, the DI revealed significant differences between these communities. Our results suggest that the use of the DI may enable the detection of disturbed coral communities in one instance monitoring, where the other parameters had failed. The DI, therefore, may provide a comparable quantitative assessment of the deterioration process and its intensity in a coral community. We propose the DI approach as an efficient and applicable tool for coral reef monitoring.  相似文献   

Managing the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on coral reefs is highly dependant on effective strategies to assess degradation and recovery. We used five years of field data in the US Virgin Islands to investigate coral reef response to a potential gradient of stress. We found that the prevalence of old partial mortality, bleaching, and all forms of coral health impairment (a novel category) increased with nearshore anthropogenic processes, such as a five-fold higher rate of clay and silt sedimentation. Other patterns of coral health, such as recent partial mortality, other diseases, and benthic cover, did not respond to this potential gradient of stress or their response could not be resolved at the frequency or scale of monitoring. We suggest that persistent signs of disturbance are more useful to short-term, non-intensive (annual) coral reef assessments, but more intensive (semi-annual) assessments are necessary to resolve patterns of transient signs of coral health impairment.  相似文献   

Correct diagnostics of rocks requires the 3D study of the structure of their basis, since a splinter-like basis structure may occur only in a single observed section of a specimen of a rock that has a more complex structure of the plane-parallel or linear type. Ignimbrites differ from lavas with a similar silica content primarily in the presence of fiamme, a smooth outline of the phenocrysts, and their constant cataclasis; they differ from pyroclastic lavas by having broken-down phenocrysts enclosed in an undisturbed groundmass with smooth and undulating outlines of the volcanic particles and by the presence of fiamme showing a regular pattern of evolving composition. The study of the morphological and material features of all components of ignimbrites in their relationships with the silica content of the melt and the attitude of the ignimbrite geologic bodies they compose corroborates the hypothesis that ignimbrites are generated by the complex evolution of a gas-saturated melt of the emulsified type rather than by baking (welding) of ash-fall particles.  相似文献   

The discharge of nutrients, phytoplankton and pathogenic bacteria through ballast water may threaten the Cayo Arcas reef system. To assess this threat, the quality of ballast water and presence of coral reef pathogenic bacteria in 30 oil tankers loaded at the PEMEX Cayo Arcas crude oil terminal were determined. The water transported in the ships originated from coastal, oceanic or riverine regions. Statistical associations among quality parameters and bacteria were tested using redundancy analysis (RDA). In contrast with coastal or oceanic water, the riverine water had high concentrations of coliforms, including Vibrio cholerae 01 and, Serratia marcescens and Sphingomona spp., which are frequently associated with “white pox” and “white plague type II” coral diseases. There were also high nutrient concentrations and low water quality index values (WQI and TRIX). The presence of V. cholerae 01 highlights the need for testing ballast water coming from endemic regions into Mexican ports.  相似文献   

Tang  Kaihao  Zhan  Waner  Zhou  Yiqing  Xu  Tao  Chen  Xiaoqing  Wang  Weiquan  Zeng  Zhenshun  Wang  Yan  Wang  Xiaoxue 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(1):157-166
Scleractinian corals host numerous microbial symbionts with different types of interactions. The gastric cavity of scleractinian coral, as a semiclosed subenvironment with distinct chemical characteristics(e.g., dissolved O2, pH, alkalinity, and nutrients), harbors a distinct microbial community and a diverse array of bacteria that can be pathogenic or beneficial. Galaxea fascicularis is one of the dominant massive scleractinian coral species on inshore fringing reefs in the northern South China Sea.Although the abundance of coral-associated bacteria has been investigated in G. fascicularis, less is known about the microorganisms in the gastric cavity. In this study, we specially isolated cultivable bacterial strains from the gastric cavity of G.fascicularis collected from Hainan Island using a noninvasive sampling approach. Among the 101 representative bacterial strains, one Vibrio coralliilyticus strain, SCSIO 43001, was found to be a temperature-dependent opportunistic pathogen of G.fascicularis. The antagonistic activity between the 100 strains and V. coralliilyticus SCSIO 43001 was tested using a modified Burkholder diffusion assay. Our results showed that V. coralliilyticus SCSIO 43001 inhibits the growth of Erythrobacter flavus and Sphingomonas yabuuchiae. Additionally, we found that three Pseudoalteromonas strains showed moderate to high antibacterial activity against V. coralliilyticus SCSIO 43001 and several other coral-associated Gram-negative bacterial strains.These results suggest that competition between the coral pathogen and other bacteria also occurs in the gastric cavity of coral, and Pseudoalteromonas strains in the gastric cavity of G. fascicularis may provide a protective role in the defense against coinhabiting coral pathogens at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Four coral-dominated coastal sites within two embayments (Kealakekua Bay and Honokōhau Bay) on the lee of the island of Hawai'i were studied to assess evidence of anthropogenic impacts in these relatively pristine locales. Nutrient-loading parameters were analyzed in relation to benthic composition data. Statistically, there were significant positive relationships between nitrate+nitrite, silicate, and ammonium with the abundance of macroalgae, coralline algae, and dead coral, and between delta(15)N and dead coral abundance. The north outside site of Kealakekua Bay and the south outside site of Honokōhau Bay appear to be most impacted by nutrient-loading factors in each bay, respectively. Comparisons with past nutrient data indicate that nutrient inputs have increased to the two bays, and that early impacts of these increased loadings are evident. It is predicted that at current nutrient-loading rates, the north sites of Kealakekua Bay and the south sites of Honokōhau Bay will exhibit evidence of further degradation in future years.  相似文献   

Historical trends in Florida temperature and precipitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of its low topographic relief, unique hydrology, and the large interannual variability of precipitation, Florida is especially vulnerable to climate change. In this paper, we investigate a comprehensive collection of climate metrics to study historical trends in both averages and extremes of precipitation and temperature in the state. The data investigated consist of long‐term records (1892–2008) of precipitation and raw (unadjusted) temperature at 32 stations distributed throughout the state. To evaluate trends in climate metrics, we use an iterative pre‐whitening method, which aims to separate positive autocorrelation from trend present in time series. Results show a general decrease in wet season precipitation, most evident for the month of May and possibly tied to a delayed onset of the wet season. In contrast, there seems to be an increase in the number of wet days during the dry season, especially during November through January. We found that the number of dog days (above 26.7 °C) during the year and during the wet season has increased at many locations. For the post‐1950 period, a widespread decrease in the daily temperature range (DTR) is observed mainly because of increased daily minimum temperature (Tmin). Although we did not attempt to formally attribute these trends to natural versus anthropogenic causes, we find that the urban heat island effect is at least partially responsible for the increase in Tmin and its corresponding decrease in DTR at urbanized stations compared with nearby rural stations. In the future, a formal trend attribution study should be conducted for the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interaction of tidal flow with a complex topography and bathymetry including headlands, islands, coral reefs and shoals create a rich submesoscale field of tidal jets, vortices, unsteady wakes, lee eddies and free shear layers, all of which impact marine ecology. A unique and detailed view of the submesoscale variability in a part of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia, that includes a number of small islands was obtained by using a “stereo” pair of 2-m-resolution visible-band images that were acquired just 54 s apart by the WorldView-3 satellite. Near-surface current and vorticity were extracted at a 50-m-resolution from those data using a cross-correlation technique and an optical-flow method, each yielding a similar result. The satellite-derived data are used to test the ability of the second-generation Louvain-la-Neuve ice-ocean model (SLIM), an unstructured-mesh, finite element model for geophysical and environmental flows, to reproduce the details of the currents in the region. The model succeeds in simulating the large-scale (> 1 km) current patterns, such as the main current and the width and magnitude of the jets developing in the gaps between the islands. Moreover, the order of magnitude of the vorticity and the occurrence of some vortices downstream of the islands are correctly reproduced. The smaller scales (< 500 m) are resolved by the model, although various discrepancies with the data are observed. The smallest scales (< 50 m) are unresolved by both the model- and image-derived velocity fields. This study shows that high-resolution models are able to a significant degree to simulate accurately the currents close to a rugged coast. Very-high-resolution satellite oceanography stereo images offer a new way to obtain snapshots of currents near a complex topography that has reefs, islands and shoals, and is a potential resource that could be more widely used to assess the predictive ability of coastal circulation models.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The coral reef ecosystems in the Lakshadweep Sea are among the least studied due to the dearth of in situ measurements. The objectives of this study were to compare the remote...  相似文献   

Zhou  Yiqing  Tang  Kaihao  Wang  Pengxia  Wang  Weiquan  Wang  Yan  Wang  Xiaoxue 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1553-1563
Nitrogen cycle is critical to maintain a healthy coral reef ecosystem. Urea can provide a source of nitrogen for coral holobiont and is important for coral calcification through degradation by urease. Despite the involvement of coral-associated bacteria in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification are well recognized, to what extend urea degradation by bacteria contributing to the urea utilization by coral holobiont remains to be investigated. In this study, we demonstrate that the urea utilization is a common feature of Halomonas spp. that is a dominant genus in cultivable coral-associated bacteria. A urease operon was characterized by genome sequencing and gene knock-out technique in Halomonas meridiana SCSIO 43005, isolated from the gastric cavity of healthy scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. H. meridiana showed high urease activity which was induced by urea and deletion of the urease operon reduced the capability to use urea as solo nitrogen source. Furthermore,approximately 1/3 coral-associated bacteria in the IMG/M database possess complete urease operons indicating the involvement of bacteria-derived ureases in coral holobiont. These results suggest that urease from coral-associated bacteria might be important player in the nitrogen cycling of coral reefs.  相似文献   

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