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碳酸盐岩风化是全球碳循环的重要组成部分, 具有大气与土壤CO2汇效应, 受生态系统因子驱动与全球变化影响, 岩溶地区碳汇具有地表和地下双碳汇特征。简要介绍岩溶碳循环与全球变化关系, 论述岩溶碳汇的相关科学问题和主要进展, 分析岩溶增汇潜力与土地利用变化, 进一步提出基于岩溶关键带理念的碳酸盐岩风化过程概念模型。碳酸盐岩风化产生的碳汇可能是全球碳循环"遗漏碳汇"的贡献者, 同时具有缓解土壤CO2向大气释放的作用, 进而成为全球碳循环模型中"土地利用变化项"(ELUC)的重要调节者(减源效应)。碳酸盐岩风化过程能快速响应短时间尺度变化环境因子, 是岩溶关键带中连接生物、水文与地球化学过程的核心驱动机制。岩溶碳循环可理解为是土壤-生态系统碳循环的延伸或横向组成部分, 共同组成岩溶地区完整的陆地浅表层碳循环系统。碳酸盐岩风化对大气CO2浓度上升的负反馈效应, 石漠化治理与生态修复工程的持续推进, 蕴藏着巨大的岩溶固碳增汇潜力。应加强土壤CO2季节及其区域变化监测与研究, 构建基于土壤CO2与流域水化学指标相关性的反向模型, 为估算区域碳汇本底、评估年际碳汇增量与潜力提供更加清晰且有效的岩溶增汇方案与途径。   相似文献   

"物候学记录植物的生长荣枯,……等自然现象,从而了解随着时节推移的气候变化和这种变化对动植物的影响"(竺可桢)。植物的开花、落叶等物候现象的长期记录,既描绘了气候系统对生态系统的影响,同时也刻画了气候的变迁。物候学对全球变化、农林业等领域的意义重大,例如气候变化与植被适应性、城市热岛效应对生态系统的影响、气候波动对生态系统、农作物的播种和管理、植被碳固定的估算、全球物质与能量循环、全球碳循环等的影响。当今,全球气候变化已经成为全世界的热点话题,物候的研究日益受到关注。  相似文献   

为了阐明喀斯特水库对河流水体碳循环造成的影响, 总结了近年来喀斯特流域筑坝作用对不同形态碳迁移转化和环境影响的研究进展。通过光谱学、稳定及放射性同位素等手段等对喀斯特地区河流-水库系统中的溶解无机碳(DIC)、溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒无机碳(PIC)和颗粒有机碳(POC)迁移转化及其控制机制的研究, 发现喀斯特水库碳循环展现出明显的季节性分布特征以及梯级水库群可能会进一步放大单个水库的生态效应, 这一结果不仅极大地促进了人们对水库碳循环的认识, 还有利于探索河流碳循环中"遗失"的碳汇以及更加准确的评估岩溶水库在全球河流碳循环中扮演的角色。喀斯特水库相比非喀斯特水库对人为活动加剧的影响可能具有更强的响应强度, 这也意味着喀斯特水库在全球变暖的趋势中发挥的作用需要得到更准确的评估, 而在未来的研究中, 通过不同分析手段从微观到宏观系统性的总结不同形态碳迁移转化特点将更准确的回答该问题。   相似文献   

一、土壤有机碳研究的意义 土壤碳库的稳定、增长或释放都与大气CO2浓度变化密切相关。与自然土壤相比,农田土壤在全球碳库中最为活跃。在自然因素和农业管理的作用下,农田土壤碳库在不断地变化。这种变化不仅影响区域乃至全球碳循环,而且直接影响土壤的肥力状况。  相似文献   

燃烧形成的黑碳粒子进入大气中可影响辐射平衡,导致全球气候变暖,其沉降在河流、湖泊、海洋、土壤等环境中对全球生物地球化学循环起到重要的作用,成为当前国际地球科学研究的热点问题。综述了黑碳的定义及排放、沉降、降解过程,并总结了其在现在及过去环境和气候系统中的重要作用与研究意义。黑碳是全球惰性有机碳库的重要组成部分,在全球慢速碳循环中发挥潜在作用。因其具有很强的吸光特性,它在区域气候变暖过程中扮演重要角色。沉降在不同地质载体中的黑碳难以降解,可以保存几百万年,为地质历史时期古气候和古环境重建研究提供重要信息。海洋沉积物过去数百万年的黑碳记录指示了天然火的演化信息,晚第四纪黄土剖面黑碳也指示了天然火的变化信息,最近千年的湖泊和冰芯黑碳记录既反映了天然火的信息,也指示人类活动的信号。未来黑碳研究应进一步关注标准测量方法,以真正理解黑碳在全球气候与环境系统中的作用。  相似文献   

基于随机森林算法的草原地上生物量遥感估算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草原是我国面积最大的陆地生态系统,生物量是反映生态系统质量和功能的关键指标,准确地掌握草原生物量对草原资源合理利用、生态修复、畜牧业高质量发展都具有重要的意义和作用。本研究以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟为研究区,利用高分一号遥感卫星影像,结合216个野外样本数据,采用随机森林算法(Random Forest,RF)对草原地上生物量(Aboveground Biomass,AGB)遥感估算进行了适用性分析与应用。在运用随机森林算法的过程中,进行了K-折交叉验证、多元共线性诊断、偏效应等一系列分析,完成了随机森林模型的构建,同时,将建模结果与其它模型进行了对比,最终实现了锡林郭勒盟草原AGB的反演估算。结果表明:① 随机森林算法能够较好地规避生物量建模中自变量多元共线性的问题;② 随机森林模型在草原AGB估算中较其它模型具有更好的适用性,模型精度达85%,RMSE为202.13 kg/hm2;③ 应用构建的随机森林算法估算了研究区2017年草原AGB,从结果来看,其空间分布上呈现为自东向西逐渐递减的趋势;从草地类型上看,山地草甸类AGB单产最高,温性草原类总产量最高。研究结果将对草原生态系统监测评估和草原宏观管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

海岸带研究中的点滴认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类对地球环境的影响已从罗马时期的局部影响步入了全球性的时代。一系列前所未有的全球环境问题,导致了地球系统科学的产生。面对全球变化,科学家提出了七大关键科学问题,其中之一就是:人类活动和土地利用的变化对于海岸带资源将会产生怎样的影响?未来气候变化和海平面变化将如何改变海岸带的生态系统,这是关系到人类生存和持续发展的大问题。于是IGBP提出了海岸带陆海相互作用研究的重大课题,是与其在地球系统科学中的地位和作用分不开的。  相似文献   

 碳循环模型是模拟陆地生态系统,估计和预测不同尺度碳收支格局和变率的重要手段。但传统碳循环模型应用中存在数据处理量大、运算复杂、互操作性差、难以推广等问题。由开放地理信息联盟(OGC)制定的网络处理服务(WPS)标准为实现碳循环模型的发布、共享、重用与组合,促进碳循环模型的发展和应用提供了一种新的途径。本文遵循OGC WPS标准,以SOA设计了碳循环模型服务平台的整体架构,详细描述了平台模型接口设计、模型算法开发、WPS服务的封装与发布、平台浏览器客户端界面开发等关键环节的实现方法,为用户提供了碳循环相关数据和模型服务的发布、管理、调用、组合、异步交互、状态监控和结果可视化等功能。并以VPM模型服务链为应用实例,演示碳循环模型WPS服务开发、封装、调用和组合的方法,展示了该服务平台的功能。该平台的建立为我国碳循环模型研究的发展提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

森林植被碳密度是衡量森林生态系统服务功能和产品供给功能高低的一个重要指标.本文以四川省石棉县为例,在森林资源二类调查数据的基础上,提出建立森林植被生物量、碳量及其密度GIS数据库,开展其碳密度分布知识发现的研究,从中发现了该县碳密度分布知识.该县有林地森林植被碳量达到364万t,冷杉、云杉、铁杉和桦木占总碳量的83%;...  相似文献   

森林生物量遥感估算与应用分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
遥感图像光谱信息具有良好的综合性和现势性,利用遥感信息和GIS技术进行森林生物量估算及碳过程的研究已经成为一种全新的手段。本文对森林生物量遥感估算方法及其应用进行了深入分析,总结了利用遥感信息进行森林生物量估算的四种主要方法:遥感信息参数与生物量拟合关系的方法、遥感数据与过程模型融合的方法、基准样地法(KNN方法)以及人工神经网络模型方法,并在此基础上分析了当前该领域研究的不足,以及今后利用遥感方法进行森林生物量估算的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

温室气体源汇及其对气候影响的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从与人类活动密切相关的温室气体(CO2、CH4、N2O)源汇研究以及温室气体对气候环境的影响等方面论述温室气体研究进展.介绍了国内外有关温室气体源和汇研究,如岩溶系统碳循环、黄土中温室气体组分特征、森林和大陆边缘海二氧化碳、稻田和湿地甲烷排放等方面的研究成果和认识.介绍了冰芯温室气体的部分研究成果和国内外温室气体与气候关系研究中涉及的一些模式及重要结论.结合温室气体源汇及其与气候变化,指出了目前应重视的一些研究内容,如研究陆地和海洋生态系统的碳氮循环问题,温室气体浓度变化与气候变化的相互关系以及气候变化机制.  相似文献   

As dominant biomes,forests play an important and indispensable role in adjusting the global carbon balance under climate change.Therefore,there are scientific and political implications in investigating the carbon budget of forest ecosystems and its response to climate change.Here we synthesized the most recent research progresses on the carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems,and applied an individual-based forest ecosystem carbon budget model for China(FORCCHN) to simulate the dynamics of the carbon fluxes of forest ecosystems in the northeastern China.The FORCCHN model was further improved and applied through adding variables and modules of precipitation(rainfall and snowfall) interception by tree crown,understory plants and litter.The results showed that the optimized FORCCHN model had a good performance in simulating the carbon budget of forest ecosystems in the northeastern China.From 1981 to 2002,the forests played a positive role in absorbing carbon dioxide.However,the capability of forest carbon sequestration had been gradually declining during the the same period.As for the average spatial distri-bution of net carbon budget,a majority of the regions were carbon sinks.Several scattered areas in the Heilongjiang Province and the Liaoning Province were identified as carbon sources.The net carbon budget was apparently more sensitive to an increase of air temperature than change of precipitation.  相似文献   

It is critical to study how different forest management practices affect forest carbon sequestration under global climate change regime. Previous researches focused on the stand-level forest carbon sequestration with rare investigation of forest carbon stocks influ- enced by forest management practices and climate change at regional scale. In this study, a general integrative approach was used to simulate spatial and temporal variations of woody biomass and harvested biomass of forest in China during the 21st century under dif- ferent scenarios of climate and CO2 concentration changes and management tasks by coupling Integrated Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon budget (InTEC) model with Global Forest Model (G4M). The results showed that forest management practices have more predominant effects on forest stem stocking biomass than climate and CO2 concentration change. Meanwhile, the concurrent future changes in cli- mate and CO2 concentration will enhance the amounts of stem stocking biomass in forests of China by 12%-23% during 2001-2100 relative to that with climate change only. The task for maximizing stem stocking biomass will dramatically enhance the stem stocking biomass from 2001~100, while the task for maximum average increment will result in an increment of stem stocking biomass before 2050 then decline. The difference of woody biomass responding to forest management tasks was owing to the current age structure of forests in China. Meanwhile, the sensitivity of long-term woody biomass to management practices for different forest types (coniferous forest, mixed forest and deciduous forest) under changing climate and CO2 concentration was also analyzed. In addition, longer rotation length under future climate change and rising CO2 concentration scenario will dramatically increase the woody biomass of China during 2001~100. Therefore, our estimation indicated that taking the role of forest management in the carbon cycle into the consideration at regional or national level is very important to project the forest carbon sequestration under future climate change and rising atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of acid deposition on pine forest ecosystems in Longli of Guizhou Province, southwestern China are studied using indoor experiments and model simulations. Indoor experiments are designed to explore the aluminum toxicity on pine seedlings, and the long-term soil acidification model(LTSAM) and a terrestrial biogeochemistry model(CENTURY) are used to simulate the influences of acid deposition on pine forest ecosystems. The indoor experiment results of aluminum toxicity show that aluminum ions in solution limit plant growth and acid deposition enhances this effect by facilitating the release of aluminum ions from the soil. Pine seedling biomass and root elongation decrease as the aluminum concentration increases. The results of model simulations show that the soil chemistry varies significantly with different changes in acid deposition. When the acid deposition increases, the pH value in the soil solution decreases and the soil Al3+ concentration increases. The increased acid deposition also has negative impacts on the forest ecosystem, i.e., decreases plant biomass, net primary productivity(NPP) and net CO2 uptake. As a result, the soil organic carbon(SOC) decreases because of the limited supply of decomposition material. Thus acid deposition need be reduced to help protect the forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Under conditions of a warmer climate, the advance of the alpine treeline into alpine tundra has implications for carbon dynamics in mountain ecosystems. However, the above- and below-ground live biomass allocations among different vegetation types within the treeline ecotones are not well investigated. To determine the altitudinal patterns of above-/below-ground carbon allocation, we measured the root biomass and estimated the above-ground biomass (AGB) in a subalpine forest, treeline forest, alpine shrub, and alpine grassland along two elevational transects towards the alpine tundra in southeast Tibet. The AGB strongly declined with increasing elevation, which was associated with a decrease in the leaf area index and a consequent reduction in carbon gain. The fine root biomass (FRB) increased significantly more in the alpine shrub and grassland than in the treeline forest, whereas the coarse root biomass changed little with increasing altitudes, which led to a stable below-ground biomass (BGB) value across altitudes. Warm and infertile soil conditions might explain the large amount of FRB in alpine shrub and grassland. Consequently, the root to shoot biomass ratio increased sharply with altitude, which suggested a remarkable shift of biomass allocation to root systems near the alpine tundra. Our findings demonstrate contrasting changes in AGB and BGB allocations across treeline ecotones, which should be considered when estimating carbon dynamics with shifting treelines.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the Gurbantünggüt Desert,Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang,Northwest China in August,2009.To quantify the storage,contribution and vertical distribution patterns of plant biomass carbon (PBC)and soil organic carbon(SOC)in the study area,we investigated the carbon concentrations and its vertical distribution in three different desert shrubland communities dominated by Reaumuria soongorica,Haloxylon ammodendron+R.soongorica and Tamarix ramosissima+R.soongorica,respectively.We analyzed vertical distribution of root biomass carbon and soil carbon contents by excavating soil profiles for each dominated community.The results show that SOC is considerably the larger carbon pool in the soil layers of 1.0-3.0 m(the mean value of three shrubland communities is 38.46%)and 3.0-5.0 m(the mean value is 40.24%).In contrast,70.74%of belowground biomass carbon storage in 0-1.0 m layer,and its content decrease with increasing soil depth.The Haloxylon ammodendron+R. soongorica shrubland community has the highest belowground biomass carbon among three selected communities. This study highlights the importance of SOC stored in deep soil layers(lower than 3.0 m from the surface)in arid shrubland communities in the global carbon balance.In addition,it provides the data support for revealing deep soil solid carbon potential,and offers scientific basis for the further research in the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystem.  相似文献   

 利用卫星遥感探测大气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度,相比传统的地面观测方法,具有稳定、连续、大尺度观测等诸多优点,能更好地获得全球CO2的时空分布与变化特征。随着卫星遥感技术的发展,一系列具备大气CO2探测能力的卫星相继发射升空,大气制图扫描成像吸收光谱仪(SCIAMACHY)、温室气体观测卫星(GOSAT)、大气红外探测仪(AIRS)等卫星传感器,已经获得了多年的全球CO2浓度分布产品。对这些卫星资料进行对比分析,并与本底观测数据进行全球范围的长时间序列的对比验证。研究显示,3种CO2卫星遥感产品中,SCIAMACHY数据系统性略高于本底数据,且观测范围局限性较大;GOSAT数据稳定性较好,但系统误差较大,平均低于本底数据近9ppmv;AIRS数据产品相比前两者优势突出,单月全球覆盖率达到90%左右,与本底观测数据平均误差小于2ppmv(0.5%),相关系数达到0.9以上,能够较好地反映全球大气CO2浓度的时空特征。卫星遥感产品与本底观测资料显示,全球CO2浓度空间分布呈现出明显的纬度分布规律与海陆分布规律,时间变化规律方面则表现出明显的季节性周期变化。  相似文献   

Though aboveground biomass (AGB) has an important contribution to the global carbon cycle, the information about storage and climatic effects of AGB is scare in Three-River Source Region (TRSR) shrub ecosystems. This study investigated AGB storage and its climatic controls in the TRSR alpine shrub ecosystems using data collected from 23 sites on the Tibetan Plateau from 2011 to 2013. We estimated the AGB storage (both shrub layer biomass and grass layer biomass) in the alpine shrubs as 37.49 Tg, with an average density of 1447.31 g m-2. Biomass was primarily accumulated in the shrub layer, which accounted for 92% of AGB, while the grass layer accounted for only 8%. AGB significantly increased with the mean annual temperature (P < 0.05). The effects of the mean annual precipitation on AGB were not significant. These results suggest that temperature, rather than precipitation, has significantly effects on of aboveground vegetation growth in the TRSR alpine shrub ecosystems. The actual and potential increase in AGB density was different due to global warming varies among different regions of the TRSR. We conclude that long-term monitoring of dynamic changes is necessary to improve the accuracy estimations of potential AGB carbon sequestration across the TRSR alpine shrub ecosystems.  相似文献   

东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区湿地资源评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
湿地是介于陆地与水体之间的过渡地带,是陆地上最大的碳储库和陆地生态系统循环的重要组成部分。但是,由于对湿地资源的严重破坏和不合理利用,湿地面积急剧减少。近年来,湿地资源评价已经倍受关注,湿地资源评价为实现湿地资源可持续利用,保持湿地功能持久性提供科学依据。本文通过对湿地生态系统的研究,从生态效益、社会效益、经济效益角度...  相似文献   

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