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We report on the time-dependent behaviour of ultraviolet spectral lines in Hubble Space Telescope Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph data of the classical nova V603 Aql. In particular, episodic blueshifted absorption (extending to ∼−2500 km s−1) is present, with a variability time-scale down to ∼1 min. The data provide a rare opportunity to study the rapid evolution of absorption structures that may be associated with accretion-disc winds in cataclysmic variables. At least three absorption events are recorded (at blueward velocities only) over ∼5 h, each lasting ∼10–15 min. The derived velocity, acceleration and optical depth properties provide an empirical picture of stochastically variable structures in the outflow, with no evidence for short-term (less than ∼1 h) cyclic or modulated behaviour in the overall absorption properties. In contrast, the emission components of the ultraviolet resonance lines are very stable in velocity and strength in this low-inclination system. On at least two occasions there is an intriguing short-term 'flare' in the ultraviolet continuum flux (of up to ∼40 per cent). Though there is no clear one-to-one relation in these data between the continuum fluctuations and the occurrence of the absorption events, the time-scales for the two variable phenomena are essentially the same. The irregular absorption episodes in the ultraviolet data of V603 Aql presently defy a clear physical interpretation. Their overall characteristics are discussed in the context of instabilities in radiation-pressure-driven disc winds.  相似文献   

Results from two-color VR photometry of the unique cataclysmic magnetic variable star V1432 Aql and a theoretical model of these data are presented. The accuracy is improved by using the “mean-weighted comparison star” method. The derivative of the rotational period is dP/dt = −1.11(±0.016)·10−8. The characteristic synchronization time for the rotational and orbital motions of the white dwarf is 96.7±1.5 years, in good agreement with theory for the acceleration of an asynchronous propeller owing to the angular momentum of accreting matter. A third type of minimum detected in the light curve is interpreted in terms of the presence of an arc, or ring, rather than an accretion disk. A theoretical model is developed for determining the capture radius of accreted matter by the magnetic field of the white dwarf using the phase difference between the two types of minima associated with the axial rotation. This parameter is estimated to be 16–28 times the radius of the white dwarf for an inclined column model. A dependence of the main characteristics of the system on the mass of the white dwarf is derived which yields better values for the range of this quantity than those determined by indirect methods. For the assumed masses (M1 = 0.9 M and M2 = 0.3 M) the estimated accretion rate is ∼7×10−10 M. It is shown that in a synchronizing polar the contribution to the change in the period by the variation in the angular momentum of the white dwarf is negligible compared to the accretion torque. In the future multicolor monitoring is needed for studying the spin-orbital synchronization and periodic changes in the accretion structure caused by “spinning” of the white dwarf. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 135–159 (February 2007).  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the behavior of nova DI Lac 52 years after the outburst and over the next 40 years. Similar to a dwarf nova, DI Lac demonstrates flare activity with a characteristic time of 36 days and an amplitude of about 0 m .6. A flare profile is asymmetrical, the rise in brightness lasting about five days and the fading lasting about twenty days. Shorter flares sometimes occur between the main ones. The flares can be divided into three types in accordance with their behavior on magnitude–color diagrams. The ascending and descending branches of flares of the first type practically coincide on the diagrams, the second type describe counterclockwise loops, and the third type describe clockwise loops. The first and second types of flares can be explained within the framework of the theory of thermal instability as arising first in the outer and inner parts of the accretion disk, respectively. The nature of flares of the third type is still unclear.  相似文献   

New BVR light curves and a photometric analysis of the eclipsing binary star V1430 Aql are presented. The light curves were obtained at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Observatory in 2004. The light curves are generally those of detached eclipsing binaries, but there are large asymmetries between maxima. New BVR light curves were analysed with an ILOT procedure. Light curve asymmetries of the system were explained in terms of large dark starspots on the primary component. The primary star shows a long‐lived and quasi‐poloidal spot distribution with active longitudes in opposite hemispheres. Absolute parameters of the system were derived.We also discuss the evolution of the system: the components are likely to be pre‐main sequence stars, but a post‐main sequence stage cannot be ruled out. More observations are needed to decide this point. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A time-resolved spectroscopic study of V603 Aql (Nova Aquilae 1918) is presented. An orbital period of P orb=01385±00002, consistent with previous results, and a radial velocity semi-amplitude of K =20±3 km s1 are obtained from the radial velocity variations of the H emission line. Similar K values are also found in H , H , and He  i emission lines. Using the measured FWHM of the H line and assuming that the derived semi-amplitude is that of the white dwarf, we deduce a most likely mass ratio of q =0.24±0.05 and stellar masses of M 2=0.29±0.04 M and M 1=1.2±0.2 M for the secondary and primary (the white dwarf) star, respectively. The dynamical solution also indicates a very low orbital inclination, i =13°±2°. We find that the continuum and line variations are modulated with both the positive and the negative superhump periods, indicating that they arise from similar regions of the accretion disc. Moreover, we find, for the first time from spectroscopy, evidence of negative superhumps in addition to the positive superhumps. Positive superhumps are explained within the disc instability model as caused by an eccentric disc surrounding the white dwarf, which is precessing (apsidal advance) because of tidal instabilities, causing the observed positive superhumps. A nodal precession in the accretion disc is currently believed to be the cause of the observed negative superhumps. The low value of q is consistent with the expected value for systems that show superhumps, in accordance with the eccentric disc model. We find no evidence of periodicity associated with the spin period.  相似文献   

I report the results of a spectroscopic follow‐up of the nova V1663 Aql performed at the Loiano telescope. The emission lines in the spectra have been identified to study the early evolution. The spectra measured some weeks after the maximum show Balmer lines, several Fe multiplets and low ionization lines. The presence of Fe multiplets confirms the original classification of V1663 Aql as a Fe II nova. I have built the light curve using the observations of IAU circulars, VSNET, AFOEV, ASAS databases to estimate the parameters of the nova: time and magnitude of maximum, and the decline rates by two or three magnitudes. The parameters have been used to deduce a distance of V1663 Aql in the range 7.3÷11.3 kpc. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report optical and near-infrared spectroscopy, and optical spectropolarimetry, of the peculiar variable V838 Mon during the multiple outburst phase in early 2002. The spectral evolution is exceptional. Our earliest spectra (2002 January) are noteworthy for their strong absorption lines of barium and strontium in the optical, and bands of CO and circumstellar H2O in the near-infrared. All but the CO weaken or are absent in later spectra. The behaviour of the CO band during this phase is extraordinary: initially in absorption, it was observed two months later in optically thick emission. The excitation of the CO is probably the result of the propagation of a shock wave at the third maximum. The two spectropolarimetric epochs were taken 6 and 27 d after the second outburst on 2002 February 8. The polarization at both times was measured to be   pV ≈ 2.7  per cent. Nearly all of the measured polarization is believed to be due to interstellar dust, a conclusion that is consistent with previous studies. At both epochs, however, a weak and variable intrinsic component is thought to be present. Between January and March of 2002 the luminosity of V838 Mon increased by a factor of 15 and the apparent diameter increased fourfold.  相似文献   

We describe our ongoing program of HST observations of Sakurai's Object(V4334 Sgr). Direct WFPC2 imaging from August 1996 through August 2000 revealsno transient features (such as light echoes), and documents the decline of thestar to below 24th visual magnitude in 2000. The surrounding planetary nebulahas shown no changes from 1996 through 2000. There are no obvious peculiarfeatures (such as blobs or knots) in the immediate vicinity of the star. Wealso have in place a target-of-opportunity program to obtain UV spectra withHST in the event that the star begins to retrace its evolution back to highsurface temperature. We also present older HST FOC imaging of V605 Aql. The central object is aresolved nebula that emits in [O III] (but not in hydrogen), whose 0.6diameter is consistent with a dust cloud ejected during the 1919 outburst. Thecentral star itself is not seen due to its being embedded in the nebula.Several other central stars (including H 3-75, IC 2120, and Abell 14) havelate-type nuclei and no evidence for hot companions. They may be furthercandidates for born-again red-giant nuclei.  相似文献   

We present optical spectroscopy and optical and infrared photometry of the neutron star soft X-ray transient Aql X–1 during its X-ray outburst of 1997 August. By modelling the X-ray, optical and IR light curves, we find a 3-d delay between the IR and X-ray rise times, analogous to the UV–optical delay seen in dwarf novae outbursts and black hole X-ray transients. We interpret this delay as the signature of an 'outside-in' outburst, in which a thermal instability in the outer disc propagates inward. This outburst is the first of this type definitively identified in a neutron star X-ray transient.  相似文献   

We report on the identification of cyclical changes in the orbital period of the eclipsing dwarf novae V2051 Ophiuchi and V4140 Sagittarii. We used sets of white dwarf mid-eclipse timings to construct observed-minus-calculated diagrams covering, respectively, 25 and 16 yr of observations. The V2051 Oph data present cyclical variations that can be fitted by a linear plus sinusoidal function with period of  22 ± 2 yr  and amplitude of  17 ± 3 s  . The statistical significance of this period by an F-test is larger than 99.9 per cent. The V4140 Sgr data present cyclical variations of similar amplitude and period of  6.9 ± 0.3 yr  which are statistically significant at the 99.7 per cent level. We derive upper limits for secular period changes of     and     for V2051 Oph and V4140 Sgr, respectively.
We have combined our results with those in the literature to construct a diagram of the amplitude versus period of the modulation for a sample of 11 eclipsing cataclysmic variables (CVs). If the cyclical period changes are the consequence of a solar-type magnetic activity cycle in the secondary star, then magnetic activity is a widespread phenomenon in CVs, being equally common among long- and short-period systems. This gives independent evidence that the magnetic field (and activity) of the secondary stars of CVs do not disappear when they become fully convective. We also find that the fractional cycle period changes of the short-period CVs are systematically smaller than those of the long-period CVs.  相似文献   

Observations of the brightness, color, and polarization of the fuor V1057 Cyg over more than 30 years are presented and briefly discussed. Variability of the linear polarization was found.  相似文献   

UBVRI photoelectric and CCD photometry of the slow nova V723 Cas obtained in the years 1995–2003 is presented. The evolution of light curves in 1-year intervals, folded with the orbital period 0.69326 days, shows an increase of the amplitude of the wave-like variations from 0.07 to 1.3 mag during the years 1997–2003. The fact that the shape and amplitude of the orbital light curves does not depend on wavelength is most probably related to the geometry of eclipses combined with the distribution of circumstellar matter in the system.  相似文献   

We present results obtained from near-infrared JHK spectroscopic observations of novae V2491 Cygni and V597 Puppis in the early declining phases of their 2007 and 2008 outbursts, respectively. In both objects, the spectra displayed emission lines of H  i , O  i , He  i and N  i . In V597 Pup, the He  i lines were found to strengthen rapidly with time. Based on the observed spectral characteristics, both objects are classified as He/N novae. We have investigated the possibility of V2491 Cyg being a recurrent nova as has been suggested. By studying the temporal evolution of the linewidths in V2491 Cyg, it appears unlikely that the binary companion is a giant star with heavy wind as in recurrent novae of the RS Oph type. Significant deviations from that of recombination case B conditions are observed in the strengths of the H  i lines. This indicates that the H  i lines, in both novae, are optically thick during the span of our observations. The slope of the continuum spectra in both cases was found to have a  λ−(3−3.5)  dependence which deviates from a Rayleigh–Jeans spectral distribution. Both novae were detected in the post-outburst supersoft X-ray phase; V2491 Cyg being very bright in X-rays has been the target of several observations. We discuss and correlate our infrared observations with the observed X-ray properties of these novae.  相似文献   

We report spectroscopic orbital periods of 0.147 d (=3.53 h) for V533 Her, 0.207 d (=4.97 h) for V446 Her and 1.478 d for X Ser. V533 Her (Nova Herculis 1963) shows absorption features in its He  i and Balmer lines which appear only in a limited range of orbital phase, suggesting that it is a low-inclination SW Sextantis star. V446 Her is unusual in that it has started normal dwarf nova eruptions after a nova outburst, but we find nothing else unusual about it – in particular, a distance estimate based on its dwarf nova outbursts agrees nicely with another based on the rate of decline of its nova eruption, both giving d ∼1 kpc. In X Ser, unlike in other old novae with long periods, no spectral features of the secondary star are visible. This and its outburst magnitude both suggest that it is quite distant and luminous, and at least 1 kpc from the Galactic plane.  相似文献   

We present extensive, high-density Swift observations of V2491 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2008 No. 2). Observing the X-ray emission from only one day after the nova discovery, the source is followed through the initial brightening, the super-soft source phase and back to the pre-outburst flux level. The evolution of the spectrum throughout the outburst is demonstrated. The UV and X-ray light curves follow very different paths, although changes occur in them around the same times, indicating a link between the bands. Flickering in the late-time X-ray data indicates the resumption of accretion. We show that if the white dwarf (WD) is magnetic, it would be among the most magnetic known; the lack of a periodic signal in our later data argues against a magnetic WD, however. We also discuss the possibility that V2491 Cyg is a recurrent nova, providing recurrence time-scale estimates.  相似文献   

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