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在制作用于海洋测量的传感器时,经常要使用环氧树脂材料。由于此类传感器与常规物理量测量传感器的工作条件不同,它们大多直接工作在条件比较恶劣的海洋环境之中,所以对其制作材料的选择应是较慎重的。笔者在多年研制传感器的过程中,经常要面临测量、筛选环氧树脂材料的问题。文章介绍我们选用环氧树脂材料时采用的一种简便而实用的方法及部分测量数据。希望能够与各位同行进行探讨,共同提高。  相似文献   

针对以往噪声信号发射换能器在实际工作中,存在着诸多影响正常科研试验的问题,并根据噪声信号的技术要求,以及探测方式的技术特征,我们对噪声发射换能器进行了重新设计,从选用超磁致伸缩材料作为换能器的材料入手,结合国内外一些新的设计理念,从材料性能分析,到理论设计,最后到可靠性实施方法,都进行了周密细致的研究,并完成了设计全过程。测试结果和使用性能表明,达到了预期的目的,这也是该材料在国内首次应用于单只宽频水声换能器中,开创了稀土超磁致伸缩材料应用的又一个先列。  相似文献   

Vertical resolution is of fundamental importance in sonar exploration and is directly related to the duration of the acoustic pulse generated by the transducer. The shorter the radiated pulse, the higher the vertical resolution. Many sub-bottom profiling sonar systems use piezoelectric transducers because they are reversible and well understood. Piezoelectric projectors are normally resonant transducers, which are intrinsically narrowband. A piezoelectric transducer is usually driven by a tone-burst. However, it is possible to use Fourier techniques to find a pre-compensated electrical driving function so that the transducer radiates a prescribed wider band acoustic waveform. This technique can be applied to synthesize zero-phase cosine-magnitude, Gaussian, and bionic pulses, with a conventional sandwich transducer. Zero-phase cosine-magnitude waveforms provide minimum length pulses (and therefore maximum resolution) within a prescribed frequency band.The aim of this paper is to illustrate the synthesis of wideband acoustic pulses using an underwater piezoelectric projector. The conventional acoustic waveform radiated when a Tonpiltz transducer is transiently excited using a “click” and allows its frequency response function to be measured. This function is used to design the electrical signal which then drives the transducer so that it radiates the shortest pulse compatible with its mechanical response. The significant resolution enhancement of the waveform shaping process is illustrated by its application to a sediment wedge model.  相似文献   

断裂与天然气水合物的依存关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了断裂与天然气水合物的依存关系,认为不论活动大陆边缘还是被动大陆边缘,海底天然气水合物的形成和聚集都与断层有着密切的关系。不过,对于活动大陆边缘来说,逆断层可能起着更为重要的作用。被动大陆边缘因其具有充足的物质来源、良好的运移通道和合适的温压条件,是水合物聚集的有利场所。  相似文献   

Standing waves are formed due to the reflection when waves meet vertical wall,thereforestrong structures are needed to keep the wall stability under the serious wave attack.For the improvementof the working condition and increase of the stability of the wall,the lower reflecting breakwaters have at-tracted close attention Reports mostly from Japanese researchers are often concerned with the wall ofcaisson equipped with open windows.In this paper a kind of hollow-pipe perforated breakwater is exam-ined which waves may partially perforate into the harbour basin.The wave in front of the wall can onlyform partial standing wave and wave force is reduced obviously.And the theoretical calculation of waveforce and analysis of wave force spectrum are all derived.Comparison between the results from theoreticalcalculation and hydraulic modeling shows reasonable agreement.  相似文献   

The investigation of female physiological reactions to different meteorological conditions and space weather is relevant, since there are little experimental findings in this field. The purpose of this work is to determine how the level of cerebral-cortex activity in women depends on the meteorological and cosmophysical parameters of weather and space processes. We studied electroencephalograms (EEGs) recorded at rest in the sitting position and with eyes closed. We performed four series of measurements of brain bioelectrical activity from February to June 2013. We found that the level of cortical activity recorded by EEG changed significantly during these 6 months. Significant differences were detected between the cortical activity and the parameters of weather and space processes; namely, an increase in the air temperature and a decrease in the wind speed and cosmic-ray energy result in a decrease in the activity rate of the right occipital lobe.  相似文献   

Dependence of sea surface drag coefficient on wind-wave parameters   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The relationships between sea surface roughness z 0 and wind-wave parameters are analyzed,and spurious self-correlations are found in all of the parameterization schemes.Sea surface drag coefficient C D is fitted by four wind-wave parameters that are wave age,wave steepness,windsea Reynolds number R B and R H ,and the analyzed data are divided into laboratory,field and combined data sets respectively.Comparison and analysis of dependence of C D on wind-wave parameters show that R B can fit the C D most appropriately.Wave age and wave steepness are not suitable to fit C D with a narrow range data set.When the value of wave age has a board range,R H is not suitable to fit C D either.Three relationships between C D and R B are integrated into the bulk algorithm COARE to calculate the observational friction velocity,and the results show that the relationship between C D and R B which is fitted with field data set can describe the momentum transfer in the open ocean,under low-moderate wind speed condition,most appropriately.  相似文献   

Based on observations from buoys, it is found that the wave age is well correlated with the nondimensional wave height, and this correlation is best described by a 3/5-power law. This similarity law is valid in the cases of wind waves as well as swells under natural sea states. On the basis of the 3/5-power law combined with the well-known 3/2-power law, it is shown that the wave-induced wind stress increases rapidly with wave age, indicating that the traditional observations or analytic techniques have only given the turbulent Reynolds stress induced by short wind waves, but excluded the long-wave-induced wind stress. The latter constitutes a small fraction to the total wind stress when the wave age is smaller than 1.0. The increase of sea-surface roughness with wave age can be attributed to wave breaking.  相似文献   

Analysis was carried out of part of the northern North Sea to test what the presence and style of gas chimneys indicate about fluid pressure (Pf) within hydrocarbon reservoirs. Previous results suggest that broad chimneys above a trap and thin chimneys on the flanks indicate the presence of hydrocarbons, whilst thin chimneys in the crest suggest the hydrocarbons have escaped. Each type of gas chimney is usually associated with overpressure within Mesozoic reservoirs, but the water leg is hydrostatically-pressured in most Cenozoic reservoirs. This indicates: (a) gas leaking from a trap does not necessarily cause Pf to become hydrostatic; (b) overpressure may not be necessary for the expulsion of gasses through seal units to create the chimneys; (c) although gas chimneys indicate the existence of an active hydrocarbon system, their presence does not appear to indicate anything significant about present-day Pf.  相似文献   

Dependence of Wave Height Distribution on Spectral Width and Wave Steepness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper experimental wind wave data are analyzed. It is found that differences in spectral width will give rise to differences in wave height distribution. The effect of spectral width on the distribution is mainly in the high wave range. The effect of wave steepness is in low, medium and high wave ranges. In the high wave range the effect of spectral width is comparable to that of wave steepness. Differences in spectral width in the observations may give rise to discrepancies in the result when wave steepness is the only parameter in the distribution.  相似文献   

A statistical model for the time evolution of seafloor roughness due to biological activity is applied to photographic and acoustic data. In this model, the function describing small scale seafloor topography obeys a time-evolution equation with a random forcing term that creates roughness and a diffusion term that degrades roughness. When compared to acoustic data from the 1999 and 2004 Sediment Acoustics Experiments (SAX99 and SAX04), the model yields diffusivities in the range from 3.5$,times {hbox {10}} ^{-11}$ to 2.5 $,times {hbox {10}} ^{-10}~{hbox {m}}^{2} {hbox {s}} ^{-1}$ (from 10 to 80 cm$^{2} {hbox {yr}}^{-1}$), with the larger values occurring at sites where bottom-feeding fish were active. While the experimental results lend support to the model, a more focused experimental and simulation effort is required to test several assumptions intrinsic to the model.   相似文献   

The water-drop-shaped pressure hull has a good streamline, which has good application prospect in the underwater observatory. Therefore, this study conducted analytical, experimental and numerical investigation of the buckling properties of water-drop-shaped pressure hulls under hydrostatic pressure. A water-drop experiment was conducted to design water-drop-shaped pressure hulls with various shape indices. The critical loads for the water-drop-shaped pressure hulls were resolved by using Mushta...  相似文献   

Microwave sea returns under varied atmospheric conditions and sea states were measured by W.C. Keller et al. (1985). The author has examined quantitative variations of these returns with the wind-friction velocity, incorporating modifications of the atmospheric stability, and has also compared features of sea returns and wind-stress coefficients varying with the stability length. Implications for the inception of fine sea-surface structures by wind and their probable saturation and corrections of stability effects of the wind-stress coefficient are discussed. It is shown that trends based on radar returns at low and high winds can be resolved only with simultaneous measurements of fine sea-surface structures  相似文献   

天然气水合物在转移到检测装置的过程中,压力会发生较大波动,导致结构的不稳定而分解。天然气水合物样品保压转移装置能够维持样品的高压环境,并将其转移到其他压力容器。文中主要介绍了转移装置及压力维持系统的工作原理,利用AMESim软件对保压转移装置的压力维持系统进行建模,分析了不同预充压力的蓄能器对压力变化的响应,最后通过样品的转移实验验证压力维持系统的有效性,同时得出球阀的关闭对样品的压力影响最大的结论。  相似文献   

文章依据《海洋及相关产业分类》(GB/T 20794-2006)以及《海洋及相关产业分类》(调查用)等对海洋产业进行分类,基于浙江省历年投入产出表,采用剥离系数法,对照《国民经济行业分类》,编制1997—2017年包含32个部门(13个主要海洋产业和19个陆域产业)的浙江省海洋投入产出表。同时,为探索浙江省陆海产业间的依存关系,借用投入产出模型对所编制的历年浙江省海洋投入产出表进行海洋产业关联和波及效应动态分析。研究结果表明:浙江省海洋产业与陆域第二产业关联最为密切,其次为陆域第三产业,各海洋产业发展不均衡;亟须加大促进浙江省陆海联动发展的支持力度,注重陆海资源流动、优势互补以及海洋技术的创新和应用,进一步优化海洋产业结构,加快形成现代化海洋产业体系,进一步推动高质量发展。  相似文献   

A mean sea surface model is used as the frame of reference in processing altimeter data. This article focuses on ascertaining the extent to which results depend on the different mean sea surface models used. In particular, we have analyzed the results from the OSU95MSS and the CLS_SHOMv.98.2 models in an area in the North Atlantic Ocean comprising the Canary and Azores Islands. Special attention has been paid to data editing and several criteria were proposed. The amount of detected data is quite small because we used a well corrected data set. However, it was enough to show important relations between the applied criteria and the kind of area. Therefore we analyzed the best way to apply these criteria according to the areas where the points have been found. Singular areas related to several factors have been detected by all the suggested criteria. In particular, rough sea bottom features, dynamic circulation, and amphidromic points of the tidal waves, among others. As a result of this analysis, we have not considered it appropriate to remove all the detected points. Two time-averaged and corrected mean sea surfaces were determined in the test area.  相似文献   

A mean sea surface model is used as the frame of reference in processing altimeter data. This article focuses on ascertaining the extent to which results depend on the different mean sea surface models used. In particular, we have analyzed the results from the OSU95MSS and the CLS_SHOMv.98.2 models in an area in the North Atlantic Ocean comprising the Canary and Azores Islands. Special attention has been paid to data editing and several criteria were proposed. The amount of detected data is quite small because we used a well corrected data set. However, it was enough to show important relations between the applied criteria and the kind of area. Therefore we analyzed the best way to apply these criteria according to the areas where the points have been found. Singular areas related to several factors have been detected by all the suggested criteria. In particular, rough sea bottom features, dynamic circulation, and amphidromic points of the tidal waves, among others. As a result of this analysis, we have not considered it appropriate to remove all the detected points. Two time-averaged and corrected mean sea surfaces were determined in the test area.  相似文献   

文中通过实例阐述了海水压力测量仪器的校准原理、校准方法及校准结果不确定度评定方法.  相似文献   

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