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渤海地区是我国东部地震较为活跃的地区之一,历史上强震频发,曾被列为地震重点危险区,其震情备受关注。近期该地区有感地震多发,因此有必要深入了解这些地震的震源破裂性质,同时探究渤海地区现代构造应力场分布,以期为后续判识地震危险性研究工作提供科学参考。本文基于前人对渤海地区震源机制解的研究结果,采用波形反演方法计算并补充完善了2010—2022年M≥3.5地震的震源机制解,使用MSATSI软件包反演计算区域构造应力场。结果表明,渤海海域近期地震事件以走滑型为主,其次为正断型,与地震事件附近主要断裂带的运动学特征具有较好的一致性;区域构造应力场的优势方位为NEE向,与华北地区构造应力场基本一致,整体相对稳定,局部存在一定差异,这与海域地震数量较少且分布不均有关,另外应力形因子R值相对较小,区域地壳应力以张应力为主。  相似文献   

南北地震带震源机制解与构造应力场特征   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
南北地震带作为中国大陆地应力场一级分区的边界,其构造应力场的研究对理解大陆强震机理、构造变形和地震应力的相互作用具有重要意义.本文收集南北地震带1970—2014年的震源机制解819条,按照全球应力图的分类标准对震源机制解进行分类,发现其空间分布特征与地质构造活动性质比较吻合.P轴水平投影指示了活动块体的运动方向,T轴水平投影在川滇块体及邻近地区空间差异特征最为突出,存在顺时针旋转的趋势.南北地震带的最大水平主应力方向具有明显的分区特征,北段为NE向走滑类型的应力状态,中段为NEE—EW—NWW向的逆冲类型,南段为SE—SSE—NS—NNE向走滑和正断类型,在川滇块体的北部和西边界应力状态为EW—SE—SSE的正断层类型,表明来自印度板块的NNE或NE向的水平挤压应力和青藏高原物质东向滑移沿大型走滑断裂带向SE向平移的复合作用控制了南北地震带的岩石圈应力场.川滇块体西边界正断层类型应力状态范围与高分辨率地震学观测得到的中下地壳低速带范围基本吻合,青藏高原向东扩张的塑性物质流与横向边界(丽江—小金河断裂带)的弱化易于应变能的释放,在局部地区使NS向拉张的正断层向EW向拉张正断层转变.反演得到的应力状态基本上与各种类型地震的破裂方式比较吻合,也进一步验证反演结果的可靠性,可为地球动力学过程的模拟和活动断层滑动性质的厘定提供参考.  相似文献   

<正>1研究背景利用大量地震震源机制解反演地壳应力场,可获得区域应力场状态,有助于解释地震成因、断裂活动等现象。北京及邻区(39.0°—41.0°N,115.0°—118.0°E)位于NE向山西地震带、华北平原地震带与NW向张渤带交会区域,新构造运动强烈,活动断裂构造发育,主要由山西断陷带、太行山隆起区、燕山隆起区、北京坳陷、大兴隆起、冀中坳陷、沧县隆起等地质构造单元构成。复杂的地质构造背景使该区地震活动强烈而频繁,有历史记录以来,研究区域共发生6级以上地震13次,最大地震为1679年三河—平谷8.0级地震。  相似文献   

兴海及邻近区域2012年1~2月连续发生了24次ML2级以上地震,该系列地震分布于龙羊峡水库周围。试图通过周边台站记录到的初动信息进行小区域应力场分析,计算了22次地震的震源机制解。通过数据分析,认为龙羊峡水库对邻近区域小地震的震源机制解的特征有一定的影响。  相似文献   

川滇地区的震源机制解及应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张致伟  龙锋  赵小艳  王迪 《地震地质》2022,44(1):170-187

基于标量断层类型值,对京津冀地区及邻区2 187个中小地震震源机制解进行分类,统计结果显示研究区震源机制类型以走滑断层和正断层为主,P轴优势方位为NEE—EW和SWW—EW向;采用MSATSI软件包反演该区1°×1°网格的精细地壳应力场,结果表明:最大主压应力轴最优解的优势方向为NEE—EW向,与P轴优势方位一致;所有网格的相对应力大小R值均小于0.5,表明京津冀地区应力状态偏拉张性质,而且最小主压应力轴的不确定度变化范围相对稳定,表明现今京津冀地区地壳应力场处于一个相对统一的NNW—SSE向的拉张作用控制下。39°N以北地区最大主压应力轴方位最优解显示一定角度的偏转,同时最大、中等、最小主压应力轴最优解推断的应力状态由西向东存在一个正断层—走滑断层—正断层的转换过程;而39°N以南地区的现今构造应力场保持稳定,最优主压应力轴呈NEE—SWW向,大部分网格应力状态显示走滑型。构造应力场的反演结果与活动构造、GPS主应变方向和剪切波分裂的快波偏振方向等相关研究结果基本一致。  相似文献   

利用多个震源机制解求东大别地区平均应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震的震源机制解资料,得到应力张量在地理坐标系下的表达式,进而可计算平均应力张量.通过求平均应力张量的本征向量,即可得到其主轴方向,并由此推断区域应力场方向.利用东大别地区219次地震的震源机制解资料,比较了不同相似程度和不同起算震级资料得到的主轴方向,认为该方法计算结果非常稳定,主轴方位角的误差小于5°,倾角的误...  相似文献   

江苏南部地区现今震源机制和应力场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2000年3月至2014年4月江苏及邻区数字地震波形资料,采用P波、S波初动和振幅比求解方法计算了江苏南部地区123次中小地震震源机制解。分析震源机制解特征表明,研究区中小地震震源类型以走滑型为主,其次为正断层类型,P、T轴优势方向分别为NEE—SWW和NNW—SSE向。依据盆地和断裂发育、历史及现代中小地震分布、震源机制等特征将研究区划分为A区和B区。采用Gphart方法分别反演了这两个区域应力张量,结果显示:A区最大主应力方位角为78°,倾角为23°,最小主应力方位角为340°,倾角为17°;B区最大主应力方位角为60°,倾角为25°,最小主应力方位角为330°,倾角为1°。两个分区应力场结果的差异显示了局部应力场的不均匀性,体现了局部地区地质条件、构造活动等差异性。各分区应力场特征与区内的中强地震震源机制特征较为一致,这在一定程度也佐证了反演结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

利用多个震源机制解求祁连山西段平均应力场方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祁连山西段由于受到多个构造块体的共同约束,表现出复杂的地球物理特性和地质特性。本文利用14个中强地震震源机制解和2001-2012年66个中小地震震源机制解分析了区域应力场特征。结果显示,地震的震源性质以走滑和逆冲为主,印证了祁连山西段基本构造变形特征;三个区域应力张量的定量结果显示,最大主压应力σ1方向在NE向,水平挤压作用明显,且具有一定的分区特征,表明局部应力场受到局部构造的影响。  相似文献   

由小震震源机制解得到的鄂尔多斯周边构造应力场   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用格点尝试法首先分区对鄂尔多斯地块周边的 30 0 0多个小震震源机制解进行了处理。结果显示 ,在震源机制解覆盖的时段内 ,地块周边地区的平均构造应力场有以下特征 :地块周边主要以水平构造作用力为主 ,且其主压应力轴走向以地块西南侧为中心 ,从北至东呈扇形展布。在分区基础上 ,对各区的平均主应力轴分布进行了扫描 ,得到了其随时间的变化过程。其中渭河、六盘山和银川区的构造应力场相对稳定 ,临汾和同心区的构造应力场变化复杂 ,临河、包头、呼和、大同和太原区的构造应力场变化与该区的几次中强地震有密切关系。另外 ,地块周边除个别区外大多数区域在 1992年和 1996年前后 ,主压应力轴走向有趋近于N75°E的现象  相似文献   

Introduction With the model of double couple point source, both orientations of the T, B, and P axes of a single focal mechanism solution and parameters of the two nodal planes may be determined. The focal mechanism solution under ″the model of the best double couple″ can also be given by seis- mic moment tensor, such as those provided by Harvard CMT solutions. The orientations of the T, B, and P axes from one earthquake are associated with the released stress, but they cannot be re- gar…  相似文献   

IntroductionTheinversionapproachofregionalstressfielddevelopedinrecent10to20yearsprovidesausefultoolforstudyingthemeanstressinagivenregion(Angeller,1979;Ellsworth,1981,Xu,Ge,1984).Becauseitusesmultitudinousfaultsinsteadofsinglefault,itcanremovetheinhomogeneityoflocalmediumsoastorevealtheregionalstressinformation.Besides,thismethodproducesaRvalue,whichisdefinedby(O-2--q)/(q--q),andmaydescribestherelativemagnitUdeofintermediateprincipalstress,whereq,acand%arethemaximum,theintermediateandthemi…  相似文献   

Fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the central Hellenic arc are analysed to determine the deformation and stress regimes in the Hellenic subduction zone in the vicinity of Crete. Fault mechanisms for earthquakes recorded by various networks or contained in global catalogues are collected. In addition, 34 fault plane solutions are determined for events recorded by our own local temporary network on central Crete in 2000–2001. The entire data set of 264 source mechanisms is examined for types of faulting and spatial clustering of mechanisms. Eight regions with significantly varying characteristic types of faulting are identified of which the upper (Aegean) plate includes four. Three regions contain interplate seismicity along the Hellenic arc from west to east and all events below are identified to occur within the subducting African lithosphere. We perform stress tensor inversion to each of the subsets in order to determine the stress field. Results indicate a uniform N-NNE direction of relative plate motion between the Ionian Sea and Rhodes resulting in orthogonal convergence in the western forearc and oblique (40–50) subduction in the eastern forearc. There, the plate boundary migrates towards the SE resulting in left-lateral strike-slip faulting that extends to onshore Eastern Crete. N110E trending normal faulting in the Aegean plate at this part is in accordance with this model. Along-arc extension is observed on Western Crete. Fault plane solutions for earthquakes within the dipping African lithosphere indicate that slab pull is the dominant force within the subduction process and responsible for the roll-back of the Hellenic subduction zone.  相似文献   

利用2001年1月~2014年4月江苏及邻区数字地震波形资料,采用P波、S波初动和振幅比联合求解方法计算了茅山断裂带及邻区149次中小地震震源机制解。震源机制解特征分析表明,研究区中小地震震源类型以走滑型为主,兼有一定比例的正断层类型,而逆冲型相对较少,P、T轴优势方向分别为NEE-SWW、NNW-SSE向。利用149次地震的震源机制解,采用自助线性应力反演(LSIB)方法反演了研究区应力张量。结果显示,最大主应力S_1方位角为254.2°,俯角为2.6°,最小主应力S_3方位角为163.9°,俯角为9.5°。为了进一步印证所得应力张量的可靠性,又利用1970年以来M_L≥3.5地震震源机制解再次反演,所得结果中最大主应力S_1方位角为252.4°,俯角为8.4°,最小主应力S3方位角为160.4°,俯角为12°。2份不同的震源机制解资料反演所得应力张量十分接近。应力张量结果表明,茅山断裂带及邻区处于以NEE-SWW向水平压应力和NNW-SSE向水平张应力为主的现代构造应力场中。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂带东段地区的造转换及其动力学机制研究一直是地学工作者关注的焦点.本文利用双差定位法获取研究区域2008—2017年间6013次地震事件的精确定位数据;整理筛选前人震源机制解36个,并采用P/S波振幅比方法计算获得221个以及CAP方法获得25个震源机制解信息.选择野马河—大雪山断裂作为研究区构造转换研究的突破口,综合小震定位数据与震源机制解信息,并开展野外地质调查进行验证,清晰刻画出该断裂的深部构造形态以及现今的运动特征:由阿尔金断裂带向祁连山方向过渡,断层产状由近直立逐渐转变为倾向南,倾角变缓,震源机制解由走滑性质为主转变为逆冲性质为主,是一个连续渐变的过程,为研究区的构造转换研究提供了直接证据.  相似文献   

According to conditions of seismogeological structure and the data on seismicity in the area from the west of Beijing to the Shanxi-Hebei-Nei Mongol border region, the tectonic stress field and the seismic stress field in this area are studied by using the finite element method and the dislocation theory. In the light of the distribution features of these stress fields and the characteristics of recent activity of small earthquakes, it is inferred that there are two relative stress concentration zones in the area, they are (1) the zone which is bounded on the south by the Heishansi fault, on the west by the Niuxinchuan-Sihuizhuang fault and on the north by the Liangjiazhuang fault; and (2) the zone with a NW long axis, which is surrounded by the intersection zone of the Tianzhenbei, Jiucaigou-Huangtugudui, and Zhanggao faults. Of these, in the first relative stress concentration zone, a strong earthquake will be more probable to occur in future to the west of Huailai at the place where the Xiahuayuan, Hunjingdong and Sangganhe faults converge together but do not intersect, or in its surrounding area. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 307–318, 1991. The English version of this paper is improved by Dr. Zhixin Zhao.  相似文献   

The method of sliding direction fitting is used to determine stress districts, taking the shear stress directions and ratios of shear stress to stress on fault planes given by focal mechanism solutions as the criteria to select focal mechanism solutions of one region and sorting out the earthquakes controlled by different tectonic stress fields, and then determining the stress districts from epicenter distribution of earthquakes. We call this method as step by step convergence method. By inversion analyzing of 297 focal mechanism solutions, we consider that Southwest China and its adjacent area can be divided into 5 stress districts, and we worked out directions of the three principal stresses and values of shape factor φin 5 stress districts.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of background of geological tectonic movement and strong earthquake activity, we first obtained the focal mechanism solutions using amplitude ratio and CAP method, then determined the characteristic of average stress field of the study area by inversion of the stress field. On this basis, we selected the source mechanism consistency parameter as the inspection index to obtain the latest changes of stress field in Hetao seismic zone based on its temporal and spatial analysis. Two methods were used in the stress field inversion for comparison and analysis, which are average stress axis tensor and LSIB(Linear stress inversion bootstrap, LSIB). According to the geological tectonic movement and focal mechanism solutions of MS≥4.0 earthquakes from 1970, we judge that the stress field evolution process of Hetao seismic belt is controlled jointly by vertical difference movement and horizontal shear movement, resulting in that the normal fault and strike-slip fault mechanisms are dominating.Taking into account the station layout of the study area, and in order to ensure the accuracy of calculation, we calculated 224 earthquakes focal mechanism solutions by using amplitude ratio and CAP method, including 164 earthquakes with 2.8≤ML<3.5, 42 earthquakes with 3.5≤ML<4.0, and 18 earthquakes with ML≥4.0; The statistical results on type of focal mechanisms show that, there are 142 strike-slip earthquakes(63.4%), 50 normal fault earthquakes(22.3%)and 32 thrust fault earthquakes(14.3%). In this study period(from 2001 to 2012), most earthquakes had a strike-slip mechanism in Hetao seismic belt, this is one of the inherent characteristics of the stress field.The result of average stress axis tensor and LSIB shows that, the azimuth of maximum compressional stress is 47°~52°, direction is NE-SW; The azimuth of minimum compressional stress is 313°~322°, direction is NW-SE; This indicates that, the stress field characteristics of Hetao seismic belt and its sub-block are not completely consistent. Linhe Basin exhibits coordinated stress field characteristics with Hetao seismic belt, but Hubao Basin exhibits regional differences, direction of compressive stress has clockwise deflection in Baotou area, and the compressive stress direction is NEE. This heteropical character of stress field is also confirmed by horizontal projection distribution of stress axis of historical strong earthquakes and recent moderate and small earthquakes. Since 2003, the temporal sequence curve of consistency parameter of Hetao seismic belt had a downward trend, this change was caused by focal mechanism consistency parameter of Linhe to Wuhai area, which indicates that this structural position is possible to be a priority area for stress accumulation and accelerated release in future.  相似文献   

利用山东数字地震台网记录的2003年6月青岛震群波形资料,由P波、SV波、SH波初动和它们之间的振幅比,联合计算了ML≥2.9地震的震源机制解。结果表明,震群发生前期,震源机制较为一致,P轴与北东东(80°)近水平方向的区域应力场主压应力方向一致,震群发生后期震源机制变化相对较大。上述现象相对于强震P轴方向与区域应力场主压应力方向一致,而余震P轴絮乱的现象有一定的相似性。但相对于强震在震后引起的主压应力方向变化(约40°~96°)来说,青岛震群地震引起震源区P轴的变化(约45°)并不显著。  相似文献   

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