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公元180年甘肃表氏地震考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据史料记载,各种地震目录均将东汉灵帝光和三年秋(公元180年)表氏地震震中定在甘肃省高台县西(39.4°N,99.5°E),震中烈度Ⅹ度,震级7(1/2).本文通过对历史地震资料的重新考证和表氏新旧县城遗址的实地考察,对公元180年表氏地震的震中位置作了如下修正:震前的表氏县城位于甘肃省肃南县明花区新墩子城,也应是震中所在地,其地理位置为39.6°N、99.3°E,精度2类;震后重建的县城在今骆驼城或草沟井城.通过对史料震害的认真分析,并将本次地震与两汉时期8次6(1/2)级以上地震及高台附近地区9次地震的地震参数、震害和波及范围进行对照,最终将震中烈度修正为Ⅸ—Ⅹ度,震级修正为7级.  相似文献   

本文根据历史地震资料,对公元1318年广西平南地震进行了考证.通过查阅有关该地震的地方志,并根据现代方志学家、元史学家对已有的史料及修纂者的评价,确定了资料的可信性.在确定有感范围等震线图的基础上,根据有感范围的几何中心和震级与地震有感半径的统计关系,确定该地震的震中为23.9°N,110.7°E,震级为5级.  相似文献   

张衡的候风地动仪是否真实存在,至今还是一个有争议的科学与历史问题。否定其最大的理由在于因历史记载产生的矛盾。依《后汉书·张衡传》记载,张衡于阳嘉元年(公元132年)建造候风地动仪,而其卒于永和四年(公元139年)。在此期间,《后汉书》只记载过一次地震,即永和三年(公元138年)的甘肃陇西地震。一般认为候风地动仪记到的是此次地震。矛盾之处在于对公元138年甘肃陇西地震的历史记载出现不一致的情况:《后汉书·五行志》 记载当时京师“裂城廓,室屋坏,压杀人”,即在陇西地震的同时,京师也发生了破坏性的地震;而《后汉书·张衡传》却说“尝一龙机发而地不觉动,京师学者咸怪其无征”,记载的是在陇西地震发生时京师并无任何有感地震发生。由此,有人认为,在公元138年候风地动仪记录地震的同时京师就已经发生强烈有感地震了。人都有感,地震动仪记到也就不足为奇了。更进一步,由于历史记载出现矛盾,地动仪无出土实物,发明后很快遗失,因而就认为候风地动仪历史上并非真实存在,其存在性值得怀疑。本文针对这个记载矛盾做出另外一个解释,论证在东汉时有两个京师,一是长安,一是洛阳,京师震指的是长安,而候风地动仪放在河南洛阳。从而对历史记载中的矛盾有所解释,一定程度上肯定了候风地动仪存在的真实性。  相似文献   

张衡地动仪与公元134年陇西地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯锐  俞言祥 《地震学报》2006,28(6):654-668
陇西地震是张衡地动仪的惟一测震实例,亦是检验地动仪复原模型是否合理的一个关键性判据. 但长期以来,一直被误作公元138年2月28日的金城——陇西地震, 因与史料矛盾而被国内外的研究所否定. 本文通过对史料的详细考证, 特别分析了《后汉书》对陇西地震的描写、 各种史料揭示的当时历史背景、 张衡的生平、 张衡的诗文、 汉代地名考, 对比了清朝5次历史地震, 估算了其烈度衰减, 得出结论: 这次陇西地震的时间应为公元134年12月13日(阳嘉三年十一月壬寅). 作为一个粗估, 其震中在天水一带, 震级约7级. 张衡晚年的悲剧也与这次地震有关. 本文还利用近年3次陇西地震在洛阳台的宽频带地震记录, 从震级定义、 数字宽频带地震记录和小震记录合成大震记录等3个方面进行了数值模拟. 得到洛阳灵台处的水平向最大地动位移应为6~8 mm,最大加速度则不大于10-2m/s2. 这些结果对新完成的张衡地动仪的科学复原模型起到了重要的定量检测作用.   相似文献   

量纲分析应用于地震预测的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
加卸载响应比(LURR)的基本思路是希望能够通过刻画震源区介质的损伤程度,反映地震孕育的进程,从而预测地震.近30年来,很多人对加卸载响应比做了大量基础研究,取得了一系列新的进展.加卸载响应比在地震预测实践中也取得了一定的效果,异常区与地震发生的位置有较好的对应性,但是预测效果仍不够理想.究其原因主要是:在实际预测中对当地的地球物理情况考虑的不够.本文采用量纲分析与加卸载响应比结合的方法,综合考虑当地的地球物理情况,例如剪应变率和平均地震波能量等因素的影响.文中选取1970年以来发生在中国大陆的34个震例资料,通过分析得到了与发震震级和时间相关的无量纲量π1和π3,根据对实际数据的拟合,π1和π3均与震级成指数关系.在应用于地震预测实践时,首先根据LURR空间扫描结果选取异常区,然后确定异常区的地球物理参数,通过π1确定震级M,再由π3确定发震时间T.  相似文献   

金宣宗兴定三年(公元1219年),在今宁夏回族自治区南部发生强烈地震,现有文献给出的地震次数、地震时间、震中位置差异很大.本文根据我国地震史料和近年固原发现的碑文和地方志记载,考证该强震时间在六月十八日巳时(公历格列历8月6日10时前后);震中在固原南(35.6°N,106.2°E);震级为61/2级;震中烈度为Ⅷ至Ⅸ度.  相似文献   

矩震级MW是目前量度地震大小最理想的物理量,已成为国际地震学界开展研究的首选震级。对于中强地震事件,矩震级MW通常可以利用长周期地震波,基于矩张量反演计算获得;对于约3级以下的地震事件,直接进行矩张量反演有时会产生较大误差。本文以山西地震带为例,利用山西地震台网数字波形资料,开展研究区Q值函数模型的分析评估与基于频谱分析的矩震级测定。研究结果表明,基于Q值函数Q(f)=299.4f0.563计算的频谱MW更接近矩张量反演的MW,与Q值模型参数Q0、α和κ的优化组合结果存在较好吻合;对于3.6≤ML≤5.1地震事件,基于频谱分析计算得到的矩震级与基于矩张量反演矩震级较接近。在已具有详细的区域非弹性衰减模型基础上,基于频谱分析快速测定中小地震的矩震级具有可行性。  相似文献   

周峥嵘  袁定强  倪晓寅 《地震》2007,27(2):139-146
1574年8月福建省发生的5(3/4)级地震事件在不同目录版本中记载的时空参数差异较大,文中按照时间顺序对此次地震不同版本的历史史料进行复核、分析、找出其中差异的可能因素。并结合现代地震活动和最新地震安全评价复核等分析结果,本着尊重历史史料、科学严谨的分析态度,力求对这次地震客观地作出地震三要素复核结论。研究结果认为,此次地震的发生时间应为1574年8月19日,地点在福州—连江间(26.1°N,119.3°E),震级为534级更为合理。  相似文献   

安徽地区历史及现代地震活动与断裂活动性关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽地区处于华北板块与扬子板块沿着大别造山带的陆一陆碰撞变形带,构造背景复杂多样,断裂十分发育。郯庐断裂带长期控制着两侧的构造格局,大别山东缘的霍山地区多条断裂在晚第四纪有新活动。史料记载表明安徽地区历史地震以中强震为主,最高震级为M6 1/4级。根据区域地震地质、历史地震近年最新研究成果,对第四纪特别是晚第四纪以来的断裂活动习性做出归纳和分类,并分析历史地震、1970年后有仪器记载以来中等强度地震和小地震密集与断裂活动的相关性,为中长期地震预测提供依据。  相似文献   

武烈 《山西地震》1993,(3):30-34
通过对1614年平遥榆社间6(1/2)级地震的进一步研究,认为前人确定这次地震时所用的史料疑点较多,所确定的基本参数也问题较大.得出是两次地震事件的结论:一次是1614年10月15日(万历四十二年九月十三日),地点武乡,震级约为5(1/2)级;一次是1614年10月23日(万历四十二年九月二十一日),地点榆社,震级约5(3/4)级.  相似文献   

ZHANG Heng's Seismometer and Longxi earthquake in AD 134   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many small earthquakes occurred intensively and continuously and formed an earthquake sequence after the ML3.8 earthquake happened at Rushan County, Shandong Province on October 1, 2013. Up to March, 2017, more than 13 000 events have been recorded, with 3 429 locatable shocks, of which 31 events with ML ≥ 3.0. This sequence is rarely seen in East China for its extraordinary long duration and the extremely high frequency of aftershocks. To track the developing tendency of the earthquake sequence accurately, 20 temporary seismometers were arranged to monitor the sequence activities around the epicenter of the sequence since May 6, 2014. Firstly, this paper adopts double difference method to relocate the 1 418 earthquakes of ML ≥ 1.0 recorded by temporary seismometers in the Rushan earthquake sequence (May 7, 2014 to December 31, 2016), the result shows that the Rushan earthquake sequence mainly extends along NWW-SEE and forms a rectangular activity belt of about 4km long and 3km wide. In addition, the seismogenic fault of Rushan earthquake sequence stretches along NWW-SEE with nearly vertical strike-slip movement and a small amount of thrust component. Then we apply the P-wave initial motion and CAP to invert the focal mechanism of earthquakes with ML ≥ 1.5 in the study area. The earthquakes can be divided into several categories, including 3 normal fault earthquakes (0.9%), 3 normal-slip earthquakes (0.9%), 229 strike-slip earthquakes (65.8%), 18 thrust fault earthquakes (5.2%), 37 thrust-slip earthquakes (10.6%)and 58 undefined (16.6%). Most earthquakes had a strike-slip mechanism in Rushan (65.8%), which is one of the intrinsic characteristics of the stress field. According to the focal mechanism solutions, we further utilized the LSIB method (Linear stress inversion bootstrap)to invert the stress tensor of Rushan area. The result shows that the azimuth and plunge of three principal stress (σ1, σ2, σ3) axes are 25°, 10°; 286°, 45°; 125°, 43°, respectively. Based on the stress field inversion results, we calculated the focal mechanism solutions consistency parameter (θ)and the angle (θ1)between σ1 and P axis. The trend lines of θ and θ1 were relatively stable with small fluctuation near the average line over time. Furthermore, the earthquake sequence can be divided into three stages based on θ and θ1 values. The first stage is before September 16, 2014, and the variation of the θ and θ1 values is relatively smooth with short period. All focal mechanism solutions of the three ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes exhibited consistence. The second stage started from September 16, 2014 to July 1, 2015, the fluctuation range of θ and θ1 values is larger than that of the first stage with a relative longer period. The last stage is after July 1, 2015, values of θ and θ1 gradually changed to a periodic change, three out of the four ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes (strike-slip type)displayed a good consistency. Spatially, earthquakes occurred mainly in green, yellow-red regions, and the focal mechanism parameters consistency θ was dominant near the green region (around the average value), which presents a steady state, and the spatial locations are concordant with the distribution of θ value. Moreover, all of ML ≥ 3.0 earthquakes are located in the transitional region from the mean value to lower value area or region below the mean value area, which also indicates the centralized stress field of the region.  相似文献   

地震形势的模糊综合评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
虞雪君  姚立xun 《地震学报》1990,12(3):265-273
由中国大陆板块内部地震活动与其周缘地震活动的相关性,可以确定我国大陆未来地震活动的主体和地震活动高潮时间[1].在此基础上,本文进一步探讨用长时间、大面积的地震活动信息,对重点监测区未来地震作出时、空、强综合评判.全文分为三部分:1.地震强度的预报.对于确定的能有效地估计未来地震强度的5项地震活动性指标,选择加权平均型的模糊综合评判方法,对监测区未来地震的震级给出明确的结果.2.发震地点预报.对于扫描单元定义了反映b值时空变化的二项指标:b值异常次数Ayi;和b值异常均值byi.通过对二项指标空间分布的综合分析,可以估计未来地震发生的地点.3.发震时间预报.把缺震时间Tlb值回升时间Tbu,作为描述大震前平静过程的二项定量指标.在对未来地震强度作出模糊综合评判后,可用Tl,Tbu二项指标综合推断监测区未来地震发生的时间.总结的九个震例结果表明,该方法可使地震预报定量化、实用化,可以用于地震形势的预测和中、短期地震预报.   相似文献   

张红才  金星  李军  陈智勇 《地震学报》2017,39(1):102-110
结合福建地区地震预警系统的运行情况和处理能力, 利用日本KiK-net台网和福建地震台网记录的天然地震事件和人工爆破事件实测数据, 探讨了Pdc相容性检验方法在触发事件类型实时判别中应用的可行性. 结果表明, Pdc相容性检验方法能够较好地区分大震级地方震与误触发事件, 也能对远震事件进行粗略判别, 但对于小震级地方震和人工爆破事件则无法有效判别. 随后, 以Pdc相容性检验结果为基础, 本文设定强度参数Pd=10-3 cm为界线, 即可从众多触发事件中甄选出可能产生破坏的大震级地方震事件. 本文方法有助于提高触发事件类型判别结果的可靠性、 预警系统的处理效率和系统产出信息的准确度.   相似文献   

HUANG Hao  FU Hong 《地震地质》2019,41(6):1413-1428
Using the seismic waveform data of Xiaowan seismic network and Yunnan seismic network, we determined the focal mechanisms of 36 earthquakes(ML ≥ 3.0)from Jun. 2005 to Dec. 2008 and 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2015 by generalized polarity and amplitude technique. We inverted tectonic stress field of the Xiaowan reservoir before impounding, using the focal mechanisms of 36 earthquakes(ML ≥ 3.0)from Jun. 2005 to Dec. 2008 and CAP solutions of 58 earthquakes(ML ≥ 4.0)collected and the solutions in the Global Centroid Moment Tensor(GCMT)catalog; We inverted local stress field of the reservoir-triggered earthquake clustering area, using 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2015. Focal mechanisms statistics show that, the Weixi-Qiaohou Fault is the seismic fault. Focal mechanisms were strike-slip type in initial stage, but normal fault type in later stage. Focal depths statistics of 51 earthquakes(ML ≥ 2.5)show that, the average value of focal depths in period Ⅰ, period Ⅱ and period Ⅲ are 8.2km, 7.3km and 7.8km respectively and the standard deviations are 4.3km, 3.5km and 6.0km respectively. The average value of focal depths is basically stable in different period, only the standard deviation is slightly different. Therefore, there is not positive connection between focal depth and deviation of focal mechanisms. What's more, there are 2 earthquakes(number 46 and number 47 in Fig.5 and Table 3)with almost the same magnitude, epicenter and focal depth, but they have different faulting types as normal and strike-slip. The focal mechanism of event No.46 is strike:302°, dip:40° and rake:-97° for plane Ⅰ, however, the focal mechanism of event No.47 is strike:292°, dip:82° and rake:140° for plane Ⅰ. Likewise, earthquake of number 3 and number 18 have similar characteristic. Therefore, the obvious focal mechanism difference of similar earthquake pair indicates the complexity of Weixi-Qiaohou Fault. Considering the quiet-active character of reservoir-triggered earthquakes, we discussed the change of local stress field in different period. The σ1 of tectonic stress field was in the near-south direction, with a dip angle of 14° before the impoundment, however, the direction of σ1 of local stress field changed continuously, with the dip angle getting larger after the impoundment. The direction of σ1 of local stress field of reservoir-triggered earthquake clustering area is close to the strike of Weixi-Qiaohou Fault, and reservoir impoundment increased the shear stress in the fault, so the weakening of fault was beneficial to trigger earthquakes. Comprehensive analysis suggests that fluid permeation and pore pressure diffusion caused by the water impounding, and the weakening of fault caused by local stress field are the key factors to trigger earthquake in the Xiaowan reservoir.  相似文献   

中国三个大地震的震源参数及讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大地震的震源机制及地震矩、应力降等参数,不(又对认识地震的破裂过程,而且对预报强地面运动都是非常重要的。一些文章对板内地震应力降的特点、地震矩与高频源谱的关系及区域特征的讨论,使我们可直接由长周期体波或面波得出的地震矩M0估计出不同地区中大地震的高频源谱,以供强地面运动预报参考。 由于对发生在中国板内的1976年11月6日盐源地震(Ms=6.5)和1976年11月15日宁河地震(Ms=6.3)的震源参数还没有详尽的报道;另外,对1973年7月14日  相似文献   

The Xianshuihe Fault, the boundary of Bayan Har active tectonic block and Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block, is one of the most active fault zones in the world. In the past nearly 300 years, 9 historical earthquakes of magnitude ≥ 7 have been recorded. Since 2008, several catastrophic earthquakes, such as Wenchuan MS8 earthquake, Yushu MS7.1 earthquake and Lushan MS7 earthquake, have occurred on the other Bayan Har block boundary fault zones. However, only the Kangding MS6.3 earthquake in 2014 was documented on the Xianshuihe Fault. Thus, the study of surface deformation and rupture behavior of large earthquakes in the late Quaternary on the Xianshuihe Fault is of fundamental importance for understanding the future seismic risk of this fault, and even the entire western Sichuan region. On the basis of the former work, combined with our detailed geomorphic and geological survey, we excavated a combined trench on the Qianning segment of Xianshuihe fault zone which has a long elapse time. Charcoal and woods in the trench are abundant. 30 samples were dated to constrain the ages of the paleoseismic events. Five events were identified in the past 9  000 years, whose ages are:8070-6395 BC, 5445-5125 BC, 4355-4180 BC, 625-1240 AD and the Qianning earthquake in 1893. The large earthquake recurrence behavior on this segment does not follow the characteristic earthquake recurrence model. The recurrence interval is 1000~2000 years in early period and in turn there is a quiet period of about 5 000 years after 4355-4180 BC event. Then it enters the active period again. Two earthquakes with surface rupture occurred in the past 1000 years and the latest two earthquakes may have lower magnitude. The left-lateral coseismic displacement of the 1893 Qianning earthquake is about 2.9m.  相似文献   

Cascade rupture events often occur along large strike-slip fault zone.The 1920 AD M 81/2 earthquake ruptured all 3 segments of the Haiyuan Fault,and the Salt Lake pull-apart basin is the boundary between the west and middle segment of the fault.The data of trenching and drilling reveal 7 events occurring since last stage of late Pleistocene,and the two youngest events are associated with the historical records of 1092 AD (possibly) and 1920 AD respectively.These events are all large earthquakes with magnitude M>8,and the recurrence of them is characterized by earthquake clusters alternating with a single event.Now it is in the latest cluster which may last about 1000 years.Comparison of the paleoseismic sequence of this study and previous results reveals that the cross-basin fault in the Salt Lake pull-apart basin does not always rupture when cascade rupture events occur along the Haiyuan Fault,and likely ruptures only when the magnitude of the events is large (maybe M>8).Though there are many advantages in paleoseismic study in pull-apart basin,we should avoid getting the paleoseismic history of major strike-slip fault zones only depending on the rupture records of inner faults in pull-apart basins with large scale (maybe a width more than 3km).  相似文献   

选取2009—2015年内蒙古测震台网速报的46个M≥4.1地震,依据《地震震级的规定》(GB17740—2016)中关于量取地震宽频带面波震级M_(S(BB))的各项条款,重新量取M_(S(BB)),与中国地震台网中心编目结果产出的M震级和M_(S7)震级进行对比分析,结果显示:M_(S(BB))震级与M_(S7)震级的一致性较好。  相似文献   

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