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Total organic carbon and organic carbon stable isotope, biogenic silica, chlorin were measured from a high resolution sediment core to indicate the variation in paleoproductivity and the environmental implications over the past decades (1942 to 1997) in the Changjiang Estuary. Based on these biomarkers, the shift in the phytoplankton community structure in the past decades was discussed in response to the long-term variations in nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios. The results showed that the δ 13 C values varied from –26.15‰ to –19.5‰, suggesting the combined organic carbon sources of riverine and marine organisms. Based on the biogenic proxies, paleoproductivity changes were categorized into three stages: low production before 1950; an increase in production with the dominance of diatoms during 1950 to 1980, consistent with increasing of nutrient concentrations; a decrease in production after 1980 when the diatom production decreased while the production of non-silicious phytoplankton increased due to high nutrient inputs, and high N/P and P/Si ratios in the Changjiang Estuary. The sedimentation records also indicated that the riverine organic carbon increased since 1980.  相似文献   

Quantitative identification of long-term changes in the abundance of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) in the Yellow Sea is particularly important for understanding evolutionary processes of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. Unfortunately, the driving mechanisms of climate variability on the anchovy are still unclear due to the lack of long-term observational data. In this study, we used the fish scale deposition rate in the central Yellow Sea to reconstruct the time series of the anchovy stock over the past 400 a. On this basis, we further explored the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on the anchovy. Our results show that the anchovy stock is positively correlated with the PDO on a decadal time scale. In addition, anchovy abundance was relatively high during 1620–1860 AD (the Little Ice Age, LIA), though in a state of constant fluctuation; anchovy abundance maintained at a relatively low level after ~1860 AD. In particular, followed by overfishing since the 1980s, the anchovy stock has declined sharply. Based on these findings, we infer that fluctuations of the anchovy stock may be regulated by basin-scale “atmosphere–ocean” interactions. Nevertheless, the role of overfishing should not be ignored.  相似文献   

The energy budgets of the ocean play a crucial role in the analysis of climate change. Potential temperature is traditionally used as a conservative quantity to express variations associated with “heat” in oceanography, such as the heat content and heat transport. However, potential temperature is usually not conserved during turbulent mixing, so the use of conservative temperature is more accurate. Based on climatological simulations under the modern and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM;~21 ka;ka=thousand years ago), as well as a transient climate simulation of the past 22 000 years, we quantify the errors induced by the neglect of the non-conservation of potential temperature in paleo-climate research for the first time. The temperature error reaches 0.9℃ near the coasts aff ected by river discharges but is much smaller in the open oceans, typically 0.03°C above the main thermocline and less than 0.01℃ elsewhere. The error of the ocean heat content (OHC) is roughly 3×10^22 J and is relatively steady over the past 22 000 years. However, the OHC increases to six times the original value during the last glacial termination from 20 ka to 7 ka. As a result, the relative OHC error decreases from 1.2% in the LGM climate to 0.14% in the modern climate. The error of the ocean meridional heat transport (OMHT) is generally smaller than 0.005 PW (1 PW=10 15 W), with very small temporal variations (typically 0.000 4 PW), and induces a relative OMHT error of typically 0.3% over the past 22 000 years. Therefore, the neglect of the non-conservation of potential temperature induces a relative error of generally less than 1% in the analyses of basin-scale climate variations.  相似文献   

The results of the carbon monoxide total content measurements over Moscow and Zvenigorod for 2005–2008 are compared with the same data sets for Moscow 1986–2005 and Beijing, 1992–2007. Two identical medium resolution diffraction spectrometers (resolution 0.2 cm?1) with solar tracking system were used. The CO total content measured simultaneously over the city and over Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) of the Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (60 km west from Moscow). This method allows to isolate an urban part of CO content. The acoustic locator SODAR LATAN-3 measurements permitted us to study the influence of the carbon monoxide ventilation conditions upon level of pollution. Correlation coefficients between the urban part of CO content and average wind speed for cold and warm seasons were obtained. The data sets analysis showed a preeminent effect of the wind within boundary layer (up to 300 m) over the CO ventilation. The urban part of the CO content hasn’t increased in spite of more than quintuple increase of the motor-vehicles number in Moscow. An increase of the rural CO total column for the 1970–1985 has transformed into its virtually stable amount in between of 1986 to 2000, changed then to a decrease for 2001–2008. We noted the 2008 as “the year of the CO total column minimum” over the past decade. The effect of urban CO sources influence on the CO total column in rural area is small, i.e. on a level of 3% of the total number of measurements. The number of extremal daily values for Moscow is estimated as 5%, and 20% for Beijing.  相似文献   

The results of regular measurements of the surface ozone concentration (SOC) in Ulan-Ude over an observation period of six years (1999–2004) are given. The maximum of daily variations in SOC is observed at local noon. The radiation regime is found to have a significant influence only on the minimum values in the SOC seasonal cycle. It is also found that the principal maxima of total ozone content (TOC) and SOC in the seasonal cycle are, on average, shifted by three months (the TOC maximum is reached at the end of March, and the SOC maximum is reached in June).  相似文献   

选取长江口外赤潮多发区沉积物柱状样,在高分辨率测年基础上,通过有机碳、有机碳同位素(δ13C)、生物硅、绿素等多项指标的分析获得了调查海区古生产力的变化信息。并结合近几十年来营养盐浓度及组成结构的变化探讨了海洋浮游藻类组成结构的变化在海洋古环境中的记录。柱状样年代可追溯到20世纪40年代初。δ13C值在柱中的分布为-26.15×10-3~-19.5×10-3,表明有机碳为陆源与海生的混合。生物标志物在柱状样中的分布可大致分为三个阶段,50年代以前含量均较低;50年代至80年代含量均增加,表明海洋浮游藻类活动强烈且以硅藻为主,与此阶段长江口营养盐浓度迅速增加相对应;80年代以后,生物硅的含量下降至整个柱中最低水平,绿素有所降低,但高于50年代前的水平,而有机碳含量增加,表明在该时段硅藻生物量降低,其他藻类生物量有所增加,这与长江口营养盐氮盐持续增加而硅酸盐逐年降低、氮与磷的含量比值、磷与硅的含量比值迅速增大有关。沉积记录还表明此阶段陆源有机碳的贡献增强。  相似文献   

华北5月降水年代际变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对华北5月降水的年代际变化特征和成因,用华北5月降水资料、NCEP大气环流资料以及海表温度(SST)资料,采用EOF分析、相关分析、合成分析等方法研究了华北5月降水以及相关海区SST的年代际变化;结果表明从60年代中期至90年代初期华北5月降水存在明显的年代际变化,1965~1981年华北5月降水偏少,1982~1992年华北5月降水偏多;西太平洋暖池相比热带中东太平洋、热带印度洋对华北5月降水年代际变化有更明显的影响;当西太平洋暖池异常发展,热带中东太平洋、热带印度洋海温年代际变化处于暖位相,东亚上空为反气旋性环流异常场,东亚大槽较弱,副热带高压偏强偏西时,华北5月降水偏多;反之,副热带高压偏弱偏东时,华北5月降水偏少.  相似文献   

Inter-annual to inter-decadal changes of hydrographic structure and circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic are studied using a coarse resolution ocean circulation model. The study covers 1949 through 2001, inclusive. A “time-mean state nudging” method is applied to assimilate the observed hydrographic climatology into the model. The method significantly reduces model biases in the long-term mean distribution of temperature and salinity, which commonly exist in coarse-resolution ocean models. By reducing the time-mean biases we also significantly improve the model’s representation of inter-annual to inter-decadal variations. In the central Labrador Sea, the model broadly reproduces the heat and salt variations of the Labrador Sea Water (LSW) as revealed by hydrographic observations. Model sensitivity experiments confirm that the low-frequency hydrographic changes in the central Labrador Sea are closely related to changes in the intensity and depth of deep convection. Changes in surface heat flux associated with the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index play a major role in driving the changes in T–S and sea surface height (SSH). Changes in wind stress play a secondary role in driving these changes but are important in driving the changes in the depth-integrated circulation. The total changes in both SSH and depth-integrated circulation are almost a linear combination of the separate influences of variable buoyancy and momentum fluxes.  相似文献   

利用1949—2011年CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集,分析了西北太平洋累积气旋能量(ACE)的年代际变化特征。结果表明,西北太平洋热带气旋(ACE)的年代际变化主要分为1957—1967高值期、1976—1986过渡期和1998—2008低值期。其中强热带风暴(STS)、台风(TY)和超强台风(SuperTY),特别超强台风是决定成分。副热带高压偏弱,垂直风切变偏小,低纬度低空正涡度异常偏东以及低纬度海表面温度(SST)正异常偏东等背景场的年代际特征,有利于形成ACE的年代高值期。  相似文献   

康敏  沈永明 《海洋科学》2016,40(9):85-94
为探究盐城市围填海空间格局的变化特征,选取1984~2015年Landsat 4/5/7/8影像数据,利用景观指数计算方法,对盐城市新增围填海的面积、强度、聚集度和质心等4个方面变化特征进行分析。结果如下:(1)1984~2015年,盐城市新增和侵蚀破坏围填海面积分别为95 182.71 ha和1 970.45 ha,且随时间变化围填海侵蚀破坏区不断向南扩张。1984~2015年,围填海利用类型经历了从已围待利用地为主到盐养用地为主的演变过程。(2)1984~2015年的3个时间段内港池蓄水围填海强度指数均较小,最大围填海强度指数仅为0.19 ha/km。建设填海造地、已围待利用地和盐养用地的围填海强度指数呈现不断上升的变化趋势,最大围填海强度指数分别为2.15,27.53和77.33 ha/km。农业填海造地的围填海强度指数呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,最大围填海强度指数为18.51 ha/km;(3)1984~2015年,盐城市围填海各类型的聚集度指数均较高,平均聚集度指数高达96.98。盐城市围填海质心不断向东南方向迁移,说明盐城市围填海开发的重点区域逐渐向南迁移。  相似文献   

中国海洋生物研究70年   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
随着中国“海洋强国”战略的提出,加快建设海洋类学科的发展成为历史必然,海洋生物是海洋不可分割的一部分,海洋环境和生物相互依存,相互作用,海洋生物研究重要性日益凸显。为纪念中国科学家在海洋生物领域的突出贡献,本文回顾了建国以来中国海洋生物相关的重要研究进展,梳理了中国科学家在海洋生物领域的突出贡献,系统总结并讨论了未来研究方向,抛砖引玉,希望籍此助推中国海洋生物研究的新高潮。  相似文献   

中国海洋科学技术发展70年   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陈连增  雷波 《海洋学报》2019,41(10):3-22
本文聚焦海洋调查、海洋科学研究和海洋技术与装备3个方面,梳理和总结了新中国成立70年来取得的具有里程碑意义和国内外影响力的海洋科技成果,说明了海洋科技实力的大幅度提升,对于中国经济社会发展以及海洋强国建设起到了关键支撑作用。  相似文献   

近50年影响舟山的台风气候特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近50年影响舟山的台风气候特征进行了分析.结果表明:影响台风具有明显的年际和月际变化特征;影响路径主要有登陆型和海上转向型两种;台风影响程度与其移动路径、登陆时的中心强度以及登陆后的维持时间密切相关.台风暴雨地理分布呈现出北部少,南部多,东部少,西部多的特点,灾害性台风大风分布却正好相反.近海转向类、登浙类及登闽类台...  相似文献   

70年来中国化学海洋学研究的主要进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
我国的海洋化学工作者通过70年来,特别是近30年来的化学海洋学研究,实现了我国与世界先进水平进入同步发展的快车道,其显著的特点是:(1)化学海洋学研究从元素地球化学分布系统转向了以揭示深层次海洋生物地球化学过程为核心的研究;(2)化学海洋学研究实现了多领域、多视点的综合交叉研究;(3)更加关注了人为影响与自然变化共同作用下的海洋生态环境变化研究,对近海和海岸带而言,更加注重从海陆统筹一体化角度探析化学物质的分布迁移特征。本文从生源要素的海洋生物地球化学过程、微/痕量元素与同位素的海洋化学研究、生物过程作用下的化学海洋学过程等角度,重点总结归纳和分析了30年来我国海洋化学研究的重要进展和发展状况,以期对化学海洋学的进一步研究提供借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   

基于国际海洋古全球变化研究项目(IMAGES)在西菲律宾海本哈姆海台获取的高质量柱状沉积物岩芯MD06-3047(17°00.44′N、124°47.93′E),利用颗石藻下透光带属种Florisphaera profunda的相对丰度以及初级生产力转换函数,恢复了260 ka以来西菲律宾海上部水体营养跃层以及初级生产力的变化历史。发现该区域26万年以来初级生产力冰期-间冰期变化特征较不明显,冰期生产力平均值略高于间冰期。通过与前人已发表的指示东亚冬季风强弱的伊利石/蒙脱石记录和热带太平洋纬向表层海水温度梯度记录的对比,提出MIS 8期以来,热带西菲律宾海古生产力变化的主要受控因素在MIS 5a左右发生明显转变。在MIS 8后期至MIS 5a之间,初级生产力受到长期类ENSO过程的影响较为显著,当热带东西太平洋海水表层温度梯度较小的时期,认为热带太平洋处于类El Niño状态,此时西菲律宾海营养跃层相对较浅,生产力较高,反之则相反。而在MIS 5末期至末次冰消期时段,生产力受东亚冬季风的影响相对于长期ENSO过程更强,可能掩盖了后者的古生产力信号。冰期东亚冬季风加强,一方面,可以引起上部水体混合加强,增加下部营养物质向上的输送,另一方面大量风尘物质的输入可以刺激颗石藻的生长;反之在冰消期,水体混合较弱,风尘输入显著减少,生产力也随之降低。  相似文献   

刁口亚三角洲自废弃以来海岸地貌发生了巨大变化,监测海岸线的变化对于保护和开发海岸带具有重要意义。本文以1976—2021年间典型年份的Landsat遥感影像和Google Earth高分辨率影像为数据源,通过RS、GIS技术对刁口废弃亚三角洲地区的岸线进行提取,最后用数字岸线分析系统对1976—2021年间的海岸线变迁进行定量分析。结果显示:1976—2021年间海岸线以均值–23.24m/a的速率向陆蚀退,侵蚀程度逐年减弱,且海岸线时空变化特征显著。就侵蚀程度而言,刁口河口及东侧烂泥湾地区侵蚀强度最大(–165.49 m/a),挑河口—刁口河口岸段次之(–127.61 m/a),东北侧防海大堤岸段最小(–80.66 m/a)。1976—1986年研究区岸段处于快速侵蚀状态,蚀退面积达102.7 km2; 1986—2006年处于持续侵蚀后退状态,蚀退面积约为88.79 km2;2006—2016年基本达到冲淤平衡状态,2016年面积和2006年相差不大;自2016年呈现缓慢蚀退状态,年均蚀退速率为仅2.51 km2。岸线长度总体上表现为减少趋势,但在1996年成为最低点后有所增加。刁...  相似文献   

30a来伶仃洋海岸线变迁及海底冲淤变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Kriging网格化等方法,构建了伶仃洋1990年和2008年2期海底地形四维时空模型,结合210Pb测年,分虎门区、淇澳岛区、伶仃洋浅滩区、伶仃航道区和铜鼓航道周边区等5个亚区定量分析了1975年以来伶仃洋海岸线变迁和海底冲淤时空变化。30a来,全区陆地面积增加216.0km2,水域面积减少84.6km2,滩涂面积减少131.4km2,水域容积减少19 783.7×104 m3,年均淤积量达到477.4×104 m3,河口整体处于不断淤浅萎缩中。5个亚区的年冲淤量分别为-236.6×104,135.3×104,663.7×104,-452.7×104和367.7×104 m3;平均冲淤速率分别为-4.46,0.93,1.27,-5.49和2.93cm/a。虎门区和伶仃航道区总体水深加深,其他区域水深变浅,铜鼓航道周边淤积最为严重。虎门区水深加深主因是自然冲刷和人工采砂,伶仃航道水深加深是人工清淤的结果,铜鼓航道为新开挖的人工航道。受人工疏浚抛泥影响,各航道两侧水深明显变浅,其他区域水深变化系三角洲自然演变结果。随着伶仃洋两岸经济的迅猛发展,人类活动已成为该区海底地形地貌演变的重要因素。  相似文献   

次表层上卷海温对改进ENSO(厄尔尼诺-南方涛动,El Ni o-Southern Oscillation)模拟水平及ENSO年代际变化均具有重要作用。利用一个中等复杂程度耦合模式(intermediate coupled model,简称ICM)和Nudging(张弛逼近)同化方法,重构了1856—2008年间热带太平洋地区的次表层上卷海温。统计检验表明,重构的次表层上卷海温与近50年的3种分析资料间具有较高的相关性和较小的均方根误差。此外,通过此重构的次表层上卷海温资料重新驱动ICM模式,模拟得到的海表温度距平(sea surface temperature anomaly,简称SSTA)可以真实地反映出ENSO的年际和年代际变化,表明此重构的次表层上卷海温资料可用于气候研究,特别是用于ENSO的大尺度低频变化或年代际气候变化研究。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the southwestern South China Sea have been reconstructed for the past 160 ka using the Uk37 paleothermometer from the core MD01-2392. The temperature differences between glacial times (MISs 6 and 2) and interglacial times (MISs 5.5 and 1) are 2.2~2.5 ℃. Younger Dryas event during the last deglaciation was documented in both the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O and SST records. After MIS 5.5, SSTs displayed a progressive cooling from 28.6 to 24.5 ℃, culminating at the LGM. During this gradual cooling period, warm events such as MISs 5.3, 5.1 and 3 were also clearly documented. By comparison of SST between the study core and Core 17954, a pattern of low or no meridional SST gradients during the interglacial periods and high meridional SST gradients during the glacial periods was exhibited. This pattern indicates the much stronger East Asian winter monsoon at the glacial than at the interglacial periods. Spectral analysis gives two prominent cycles: 41 and 23 ka, with the former more pronounced, suggesting that SSTs in the southern SCS varied in concert with high-latitude processes through the connection of East Asian winter monsoon.  相似文献   

利用60年台风资料,对西北太平洋台风的频数、路径和强度变化做统计分析。结果表明:西北太平洋的台风活动在20世纪60年代是高峰期,70年代则是低谷期,从20世纪90年代后期开始,台风活动总体处于低谷期;台风路径主要以转向为主,在20世纪60、70年代平均路径比较偏南,而进入21世纪后平均路径比较偏北;强度在20世纪50、60年代总体较强,后25年总体较弱;西北太平洋台风异常偏多时,西北太平洋副高弱且位置偏东,太平洋海温分布呈"拉尼娜"特征;台风异常偏少时,副高强且位置偏西,太平洋海温分布呈"厄尔尼诺"特征。  相似文献   

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