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Several investigators have attempted, from studies of lithic fragments and/or glasses, to determine the types of rocks that constitute the parent materials of lunar highland soils. Comparing only major element data, and thus avoiding the problems induced by individual classifications, these data appear to converge on a relatively limited number of rock types. The highland soils are derived from a suite of highly feldspathic rocks comprising anorthositic gabbros (or norites), high alumina basalts, troctolites, and less abundant gabbroic (or noritic) anorthosites, anorthosites and KREEP basalts.  相似文献   

Magma genesis in the Moon could have been significantly altered by large impacts if they melted solidified residual liquids and late cumulates from the ‘magma ocean’. Calculations of the heat required to melt these materials, under different assumed conditions, are compared to estimates of the total kinetic energy of the Imbrium impact. For a significant amount of these materials to have been melted, they must have been near their solidus temperatures, the impacts must have been very large, and the lunar lithosphere must have been locally heated at depths of 70 to 140 km. Unless the Imbrium impact released at least the maximum estimated kinetic energy, only larger impacts, e.g., the proposed ‘Gargantuan’ impact, could have augmented the intrinsic lunar heat budget enough to locally alter the abundance, timing of eruption, and chemical compositions of lunar magmas. The mechanical and thermal energy generated by such an impact could have been critical in creating (1) the higher concentrations of radioactive elements in the Imbrium/Procellarum area by migration of residual liquids driven by differential lithospheric thickness; and (2) hybrid mare basalts (representing varying proportions of late cumulates and/or residual liquids incorporated into primitive magmas rising from the partially molten lunar interior). Complete compositional spectra of lunar basalts are to be expected, from primitive mare basalts to pure KREEP and to Ti-rich varieties. Comparison of the Gargantuan/Imbrium area with ancient basins in the eastern nearside area suggests that the interplay between the Moon's internal heat engine and the timing of large impacts was a crucial factor in determining the time of tunar volcanism and the chemical composition of the lavas.  相似文献   

One of the typical magnetic characteristics of lunar materials is the composition of their ferromagnetic constituent. Lunar breccias often contain kamacite (less than 7 weight per cent of Ni content) as well as almost pure metallic iron. Metallic ferromagnetics in most igneous rocks are almost pure iron, but the kamacite phase also has been found in some Apollo 15 igneous rocks. It seems likely therefore the metallic ferromagnetics in the lunar crust are more or less similar to those in chondrites.Another typical magnetic characteristic of lunar materials is the presence of a considerable amount of superparamagnetically fine particles of metallic iron. A higher relative content of such fine iron particles results in a higher value of the ratio of magnetic susceptibility (o) to saturation magnetization (I s), a smaller ratio of the coercive force (H c) to remanence coercive force (H RC), and an extremely higher ratio of the viscous component (I v) to the stable one (I s) of the remanent magnetization.Communication presented at the Lunar Science Institute Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets, January 10–12, 1973.  相似文献   

The problem of the origin of the enigmatic tektites is still unsolved. The two leading hypotheses - viz., ejecta from terrestrial impacts, and ejecta from lunar volcanoes or lunar impacts, each encounters serious difficulties. The former has ballistic and water content difficulties, while the latter has some compositional difficulties, especially in the trace elements, as determined from the returned samples. It is possible that the latter problem may be met through lunar volcanic ejecta from sites suggesting more differentiation than the majority of the Moon. That such features may exist is suggested from the identity of some granitic material in the returned rocks and soil samples implying fairly sizable source regions on the Moon. The rare terrestrial strewn tektite fields require restrictive ballistic trajectories from the Moon. Calculations reveal that ellipses of varying, decreasing sizes which depend on velocity of vertical ejection from which ejecta will intersect the earth at low-entrance angles occur on the nearside of the Moon. Reasonable velocities were chosen (2.55 to 3.0 km s?1) and these ellipses circumscribe areas with longitudes between 30 and 50° east and latitudes between 7° north and south of the Moon's equator. These areas were searched for evidence of volcanism. As tektites have compositions ranging from acidic (major tektites) to basic (micro-tektites) contents of silica (SiO2) both acidic and basic volcanic features were sought. Since tektites range in age from about 30 million to 700000 yr old, they imply recent volcanism. Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP) and data from various Apollo missions indicate that mild internal activity may still be occurring on the Moon. LTP sites are logical sources to investigate, of which four occur within the above delimited regions. These and their surroundings were examined and a number of possible explosive volcanism sites were found. These sites are identified and discussed after a review of the manifestations found from the various kinds of terrestrial volcanism for which lunar counterparts were sought.  相似文献   

It appears possible to establish a preliminary geological model for the origin and evolution of the breccias of Boulder 1 at Station 2 in the Valley of Taurus-Littrow based on firm and probable geological constraints. The crystallization of plagioclase and other ANT-suite phases now present as clasts appears to have occurred in the lunar crust about 4.5 b.y. ago during the ‘melted shell stage’ of lunar history as that history is presently modeled. The original rocks containing these phases, which now make up the gray competent breccias of Boulder 1, were greatly modified by impact processes during the ‘cratered highland stage’ and the early part of the ‘large basin stage’, up to about 4.0 b.y. ago. About 4.0 b.y. ago, pigeonite basalts with KREEP affinities appear to have been intruded into the pre-Serenitatis crust from which the light friable breccias of Boulder 1 were later derived. During the large basin stage, three major dynamic events profoundly influenced the present character of the Boulder 1 materials. These events probably occurred as follows: (1) formation of gray competent breccia containing ANT-suite clasts in the hot ejecta blanket of an old large basin event, such as Tranquillitatis, that took place about 4.0 b.y. ago; (2) rebrecciation and redeposition of the gray competent breccia, mixed with light friable breccia and pigeonite basalt, in a relatively cool ejecta deposit, possibly produced by the northern Serenitatis event; (3) uplift and exposure of the Boulder 1 materials in the South Massif by the southern Serenitatis event about 3.90 b.y. ago.  相似文献   

Lunar mare basalts, highland anorthosites and KREEP are the three major lunar rock types reported from the lunar surface. In the present study, we interpret the reflectance spectral behavior of lunar analog basalts including massive basalt, vesicular basalt and amygdaloidal basalt collected from the Deccan basaltic region, which are considered as equivalent of lunar mare basalts. Reflectance spectra of analog basalts were measured at three different environments: in the field, under controlled field conditions and in the lab. In field conditions the reflectance spectra were measured under 350-1050 nm spectral range. During controlled field and lab condition, reflectance spectra were measured under 350-2500 nm range covering the UV, visible, NIR, and SWIR regions. The spectral characteristics of basalts measured under different environments and their merits and demerits were discussed. However, lab spectra have given clear, reliable diagnostic spectral information for our present objective. The major oxides and minerals of analog basalts were compared with lunar mare basalts. The presence of Ca-pyroxene, ferrous and ferric iron and their diagnostic spectral features in basalts are discussed for study of lunar mare region.  相似文献   

Shock metamorphism of the lunar samples is discussed. All types of lunar glasses formed by various-size collision-type impact are found as impact glass, ropy glass and agglutinates. The agglutinates bonded by crystal and glassy materials contain hydrogen and helium from the solar wind components. Lunar shocked minerals of plagioclase and silica show anomalous compositions and densities. There are typical two formation processes on planetary materials formed by shock events; that is (1) shocked quartz formed by silica-rich target rocks (esp. on evolved planets of the Earth and Mars), and (2) shocked silica with minor Al contents formed from plagioclase-rich primordial crusts of the Moon. The both shocked silica grows to coarse-grain normal crystals after high-temperature metamorphism which cannot distinguish the original main formation event of impact process.  相似文献   

Lunar electric fields,surface Potential and Associated Plasma Sheaths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the electric field environment of the Moon. Lunar surface electric potentials are reported as follows: Solar Wind - Dayside: øo + 10 to + 18 V Solar Wind - Terminator: øo ç ? 10 to ? 100 V Electron and ion densities in the plasma sheath adjacent to each surface potential regime are evaluated and the corresponding Debye length estimated. The electric fields are then approximated by the surface potential over the Debye length. The results are: Solar Wind - Dayside: Eo ? 10 V m?1 outward Solar Wind - Terminator: Eo ç 1 to 10 V m?1 inward These fields are all at least 3 orders of magnitude higher than the pervasive solar wind electric field; however they are confined to within a few tens of meters of the lunar surface.  相似文献   

Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17 is a stratified boulder containing dark clasts and dark-rimmed light clasts set in a light-gray friable matrix. The gray to black clasts (GCBx and BCBx) are multigenerational, competent, high-grade metamorphic, and partially melted breccias. They contain a diverse suite of lithic clasts which are mainly ANT varieties, but include granites, basaltic-textured olivine basalts, troctolitic and spinel troctolitic basalts, and unusual lithologies such as KREEP norite, ilmenite (KREEP) microgabbro, and the Civet Cat norite, which is believed to be a plutonic differentiate. The GCBxs and BCBxs are variable in composition, averaging a moderately KREEPy olivine norite. The matrix consists of mineral fragments derived from the observed lithologies plus variable amounts of a component, unobserved as a clast-type, that approximates a KREEP basalt in composition, as well as mineral fragments of unknown derivation. The high-temperature GCBxs cooled substantially before their incorporation into the friable matrix of Boulder 1. The light friable matrix (LFBx) is texturally distinct from the competent breccia clasts and, apart from the abundant ANT clasts, contains clasts of a KREEPy basalt that is not observed in the competent breccias. The LFBx lacks such lithologies as the granites and the Civet Cat norite observed in the competent breccias and in detail is a distinct chemical as well as textural entity. We interpret the LFBx matrix as Serenitatis ejecta deposited in the South Massif, and the GCBx clasts as remnants of an ejecta blanket produced by an earlier impact. The source terrain for the Serenitatis impact consisted of the competent breccias, crustal ANT lithologies, and the KREEPy basalts, attesting to substantial lunar activity prior to the impact. The age of the older breccias suggests that the Serenitatis event is younger than 4.01±0.03 b.y.  相似文献   

Abstract— A report is presented for a possible revised classification of lunar igneous rocks that still uses the division of Moon rocks into mare and highland types. It subdivides the mare rocks into basalts depending on TiO2 content and glasses depending on colour, and subdivides the highland rocks principally into KREEP basalts and into coarse‐grained igneous rocks comparable to and using terrestrial igneous rock terminology.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, it was shown that the basic properties and the developmental history of a gravitationally differentiated Moon of fission origin match those known for the Moon. In the first part of this report, the models of a differentiated Moon are critically reviewed based on second order considerations of some of the chemical systems used to develope the earlier models and based on new lunar data. As a result, slightly updated models are developed and the results indicate that a Moon of fission origin has a feldspar rich crust (≈70% Or0.8Ab5.3An93.9 with ≈30% pyroxene and olivine) reaching an average depth of ≈65 km. A KREEP rich layer is located at the interface of the crust and the upper mantle. The upper mantle consists of peridotite (≈80% Wo10En70Fs20 and ≈20% Fo75–80 with ≈3% Al2O3 and ≈ 2% TiO2) and reaches a depth of 300–400 km. Below 300–400 km lies a dunite (≈Fo95) lower mantle. A simple model for the distribution of K, U and Th (and by inference, KREEP) in the differentiated Moon model is developed using a distribution coefficient of 0.1 for the three elements. This coefficient is derived from published data on the distribution of U in Apollo 11 basalts. The simple model successfully accounts for the observed K, U and Th contents of the various mare basalts and upland rocks and yields a heat flow of 21 erg cm?2s?1 for the Moon. A model for the fine structure of the peridotite upper mantle of the model Moon is developed based on the TiO2 and trace element variations observed in the various mare basalts. It is proposed that the upper mantle is rhythmically banded on the scale of 10's of km and that this banding leads to local variations of a factor of ±3 in the K, U and Th content, -10 +5 in the TiO2 content and -∞ +2 in the olivine content of the peridotite. It is also proposed that this banding leads to large scale horizontal inhomogenuities in the composition of the upper mantle. It is also shown that the formation of the primitive suite of upland rocks is easily explained by the cumulation of plagioclase, which carried varying amounts of pyroxene, olivine and melt with it, during the peritectic crystallization of the last 20% of the differentiating Moon. It is found that the 100 Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of the mafics and the An contents of the plagioclases of the rocks are controlled by several factors, the most important of which is the ratio of melt to crystals which together formed the various upland rocks. The inverse relationship between the An contents and the Mg contents of the upland rocks is a direct consequence of the differentiation sequence proposed. The results and models presented in this paper further support the hypothesis that the Moon formed as a result of fission from the proto-Earth.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of several samples from returned Apollo 11 and 12 lunar rocks and from chondritic meteorites were measured from 300 to 1100K. Collectively the lunar samples represent all three of the major NASA classifications of lunar surface rocks. Of general interest is the observation that the conductivities of the lunar samples are much larger than the values which have previously been used in theoretical discussions of lunar phenomena. It is also found that the conductivity at 300K, (300), is extremely sensitive to the thermal history of the sample for both lunar and meteoritic material. Magnetic measurements are presented to help characterize the changes which occur upon heating.Principal Investigator - Apollo Lunar Science Program, Geophysics Research Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract— The howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) clan is a group of meteorites that probably originate from the asteroid Vesta. Some of them are complex breccias that contain impact glasses whose compositions mirror that of their source regions. Some K‐rich impact glasses (up to 2 wt% K2O) suggest that in addition to basalts and ultramafic cumulates, K‐rich rocks are exposed on Vesta's surface. One K‐rich glass (up to 6 wt% K2O), with a felsic composition, provides the first evidence of highly differentiated K‐rich rocks on a large asteroid. They can be compared to the rare lunar granites and suggest that magmas generated in a large asteroid are more diverse than previously thought.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ring dike structures are features consisting of one or more series of concentric fracture systems along which the central block often subsided and up through which lavas intruded and extruded and other volcanic features formed. Before the lunar probe satellites, a search for lunar features that showed characteristics of terrestrial ring dikes was conducted using the LAC charts andKuiper Atlas photographs. More recently the search was extended on the nearside features and to the farside features using the Lunar Orbiter series of photographs resulting in a catalog of 559 nearside candidates and 82 farside. Features exhibiting one or more of the following four criteria were included as lunar analogs to terrestrial ring dikes: (1) inner ridge(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, (2) inner rill(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, (3) outer ridge(s) and/or rill(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, and (4) interior and exterior slopes of the crater wall approximately equal (implying extrusion of lava along a ring fracture). Equal slopes are in contradistinction to a central source eruptive feature or an impact feature both of which usually produce craters with walls whose inner slopes are about twice as steep as their outer flanks, which characterize the vast majority of lunar craters. Features exhibiting each of the four criteria were found and some had combinations of two or more including rills merging into ridges, e.g., in Taruntius and Posidonius. Gambart is an example of equal inner and outer slopes, while Hesiodus A and Marth are two of the best examples of complete inner rings concentric with the outer rings. Ten percent of the candidates were probable impact craters but had subsequent volvanic activity of a ring dike nature. The initial search showed a distribution of the possible lunar ring dikes that was non-random and strongly associated with the margins of the maria, further implying that they are volcanic features. This relation was upheld when extended by the recent survey. The anticipated dearth of farside ring dikes was corroborated in our study and their distribution is restricted to those few mare-like areas on the farside, further supporting the volcanic nature of these features  相似文献   

This paper includes 3 related presentations on United State lunar mapping made to the International symposium A Hundred Years of Lunar Mapping at Athens, Greece in May 1978. It reviews Project Apollo's role as both stimulas to and beneficiary of lunar mapping. Lunar cartographic technology and products employed and produced by the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency and its predecessor organizations, are discussed.Presented at the IAU-COSPAR Julius Schmidt Symposium on 100 Years of Lunar Mapping held at Lagonissi, Greece, 25–27 May, 1978.  相似文献   

The principal chemical element composition and inferred mineralogy of the powdered lunar surface material at seven mare and one terra sites on the Moon are compared. The mare compositions are all similar to one another and comparable to those of terrestrial ocean ridge basalts except in having higher titanium and much lower sodium contents than the latter. These analyses suggest that most, if not all, lunar maria have this chemical composition and are derived from rocks with an average density of 3.19 g cm–3. Mare Tranquillitatis differs from the other maria in having twice the titanium content of the others.The chemical composition of the single highland site studied (Surveyor 7) is distinctly different from that of any of the maria in having much lower amounts of titanium and iron and larger amounts of aluminium and calcium. Confirmation of these general characteristics of lunar highland material has come from recent observations by the Apollo 15 Orbiter. The inferred mineralogy is 45 mole percent high anorthite plagioclase and the parent rocks have an estimated density of 2.94 g cm–3. The Surveyor 7 chemical composition is the principal contributor to present estimates of the overall chemical composition of the lunar surface.Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 14–25, 1971. This paper is an expanded and updated version of a paper presented at the Apollo 12 Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 11–14, 1971, and published in the Proceedings of this Conference (Turkevich, 1971).  相似文献   

Evaluation of selenographic data obtained with use of different observational means require the formulation of rigorous algorithms connecting the systems of coordinates, which the various methods have been referred to. The lunar principal axes of inertia are suggested as most appropriate for reference in lunar mapping and selenographic coordinate catalogues. The connection between the instantaneous axis of lunar rotation (involved in laser ranging, radar studies, astronomical observations from the surface of the Moon and VLBI observations of ALSEPs), the ecliptic system of coordinates (which in reductions of observations was considered as fixed in space), the Cassini mean selenographic coordinates (to which physical libration measures were referred), the lunar principal axes of inertia and the invariable plane of the solar system is discussed.On leave from the University of Manchester, England.Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 138.Communication presented at the Conference on Lunar Dynamics and Observational Coordinate Systems, Held January 15–17, 1973, at the Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Tex., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Lunar rock magnetism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between the magnetization and temperature in a high constant magnetic field for a temperature range between 5 K and 1100 K was examined for Apollo 11, 12 and 14 lunar materials. The average value of Curie point temperature is (768.2 ± 3.5)°C for the lunar igneous rocks and (762.5 ± 3.4)°C for the lunar fines and breccias. A tentative conclusion about the ferromagnetic substance in the lunar materials would be that Fe is absolutely dominant with a slight association of Ni and Co, and probably Si also, in the lunar native irons.The antiferromagnetic phase of ilmenite and the paramagnetic phase of pyroxenes are considerably abundant in all lunar materials. However, a discrepancy of observed magnetization from a simulated value based on known magnetic elements for the temperature range between 10 and 40 K suggests that pyroxene phase represented by (M x Fe1-x ) SiO3 (whereM = Ca2+, Mg2+, etc and 0 x 1/4) also may behave antiferromagnetically.Magnetic hysteresis curves are obtained at 5 K and 300 K, and the viscous magnetic properties also are examined for a number of lunar materials. The superparamagnetically viscous magnetization has been experimentally proven as due to fine grains of metallic iron less than 200 Å in mean diameter. The viscous magnetization is dominant in the lunar fines and breccias which is classified into Type II, while it is much smaller than the stable magnetic component in lunar igneous rocks (Type I). The superparamagnetically fine particles of metallic iron are mostly blocked at 5 K in temperature; thus coercive force (H c ) and saturation remanent magnetization (I R ) become much large at 5 K as compared with the corresponding values at 300 K.Strongly impact-metamorphosed parts of lunar breccias have an extremely stable NRM which could be attributed to TRM. NRM of the lunar igneous rocks and majority of breccias (or clastic rocks) are intermediately stable, but their stability is considerably higher than that of IRM of the same intensity. This result may imply that some mechanism which causes an appreciable magnitude of NRM and the higher stability, such as the shock effect, may take place on the lunar surface in addition to TRM mechanism for special cases.A particular igneous rock (Sample 14053) is found to have an unusually strong magnetism owing to a high content of metallic iron (about 1 weight percent), and its NRM amounts to 2 × 10–3 emu/g. The abundance of such highly magnetic rocks is not known as yet but it seems that the observed magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface could be related to such highly magnetized rock masses.  相似文献   

Crystallization from the molten state has been an important process for the formation of rocks on the Moon; the phenomenon of fractional crystallization is therefore discussed. The principal chemical and mineralogical features of the Apollo 11, 12 and 14 basaltic crystalline rocks are described, and an account is given of other rock types and minerals which are represented among the coarser particles in the lunar soils. A comparison is made between the chemical compositions (major, minor and trace element concentrations) of rocks and soils.Based upon the above data, one possible model for the outer shell of the Moon is presented, which consists of an outer layer of Al-rich rocks underlain by a layer which is more ferromagnesian in character. Partial melting of the latter was probably responsible for the extrusion of lavas at the surface which spread to form the basalts (Apollo 11 and 12) of the non-circular maria. The Apollo 14 (Fra Mauro) basalts are relatively enriched in potassium, rare earth elements, zirconium, phosphorus and certain other elements and may derive from partial melting of the more aluminous upper layer.The separation of the outer Moon into two layers could have occurred through gravity-aided fractional crystallization at an early stage (first few hundred m yr) in lunar history.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

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