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印度洋海啸灾害特点及其对工程防御的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度洋海啸现场调查表明,海啸灾害不同于地震和洪水灾害。海啸通过高水位淹没、浪涌冲击对海边地势低平地区的房屋、道路、桥梁、机场、给排水、供电、通讯等设施以及车辆、船只造成严重破坏。海啸上岸后,由于巨大的冲力,将夹带一些破损建筑产生的固体漂浮物一同前进,破坏力更强。由于淹没、浪涌、冲毁建筑物压埋以及漂浮物冲击等综合作用,造成人员死亡率极高,所过之处,财产皆空。抗御海啸灾害的工程措施主要包括:合理规划(避让、削弱、分流、阻挡)和科学设计(潜在海啸灾害等级划分、结构性态决策、海啸荷载确定、抗海啸分析、构造设计)。  相似文献   

The history of catastrophic events on the Indian coast helps us to understand the frequency and magnitude of the tsunamis that occurred in the Indian Ocean. These catastrophic events have changed the coastal landscape and have left significant records for further studies. These rare events have occurred in the Indian Ocean. There have been megatsunamigenic events in the past due to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Those events due to earthquakes have proved more catastrophic than the volcanic activities. There has been limited official records of the causality and magnitude of palaeo-tsunamigenic events. These have been studied using the various proxies. The rate of sedimentation is a proportional tool to study the magnitude of a tsunami and this has proved to be a successful tool along with foraminiferal assemblages. Causes for a tsunami to occur are by and large, the subduction zone earthquakes of the Indian plate has been the most common source for tsunami in the Indian Ocean. More often the Andaman and Nicobar and the Indonesian islands have been vulnerable to tsunami than the mainland of India and Sri Lanka.

In summary, in the last 200 years at least three basin-wide tsunamis have occurred, with several smaller tsunami affecting one or more coastlines in the region. The December 2004 M-9 tsunami seems to have been the largest and most destructive in the last two centuries, suggesting most tsunami are likely to be smaller but still allowing the possibility that even larger tsunami could be generated in propitious circumstances.  相似文献   

A numerical study which takes into account wave dispersion effects has been carried out in the Indian Ocean to reproduce the initial stage of wave propagation of the tsunami event that occurred on December 26, 2004. Three different numerical models have been used: the nonlinear shallow water (nondispersive), the nonlinear Boussinesq, and the full Navier-Stokes aided by the volume of fluid method to track the free surface. Numerical model results are compared against each other. General features of the wave propagation agreed very well in all numerical studies. However some important differences are observed in the wave patterns, i.e., the development in time of the wave front is shown to be strongly connected to the dispersion effects. Discussions and conclusions are made about the spatial and temporal distribution of the free surface reaffirming that the dispersion mechanism is important for tsunami hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

A numerical study which takes into account wave dispersion effects has been carried out in the Indian Ocean to reproduce the initial stage of wave propagation of the tsunami event that occurred on December 26, 2004. Three different numerical models have been used: the nonlinear shallow water (nondispersive), the nonlinear Boussinesq, and the full Navier-Stokes aided by the volume of fluid method to track the free surface. Numerical model results are compared against each other. General features of the wave propagation agreed very well in all numerical studies. However some important differences are observed in the wave patterns, i.e., the development in time of the wave front is shown to be strongly connected to the dispersion effects. Discussions and conclusions are made about the spatial and temporal distribution of the free surface reaffirming that the dispersion mechanism is important for tsunami hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

印度洋偶极子及其可预报性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
主要介绍印度洋偶极子(IOD)的时空特征、演变机制和可预报性的研究进展。IOD是东西热带印度洋反相的海温异常,是热带印度洋的年际海温变率最主要的两种异常结构之一。关于IOD的演变机制,特别是ENSO在其中所起作用,一直是学界争论的热点。一些学者认为,IOD是ENSO通过遥相关作用对热带印度洋造成的影响;另一些学者则认为,IOD是热带印度洋内部海气振荡的产物。本研究重点讨论这两种观点的相关证据以及IOD与ENSO的关系。此外,现有多数模式对IOD的预报时效小于3~4个月,潜在的预报时效则大于5个月,但这些对IOD的可预报性研究尚处于起步阶段,还有很大发展空间。  相似文献   

蔡怡  凌铁军 《海洋学报》2013,35(4):47-51
用SODA资料分析了热带西南印度洋上升区温度距平与整个南印度洋温度距平的时滞相关, 发现热带西南印度洋上升区温度距平与65°S, 105°E附近200 m深度的温度距平存在滞后10 a的相关振荡, 同时探讨了其可能的机制为温跃层内的斜压内波驱动, 即65°S, 105°E附近200 m深度的温度距平沿着温跃层上层在东南印度洋沿岸从高纬度向低纬的传播, 传播时间大约为10 a左右, 这种信号在传播过程中表现得较弱, 而在起点和终点的两端振荡比较强。波动的传播相比振荡本身要显得弱。  相似文献   

The present study developed a high-quality climatological dataset for the Indian Ocean - the Indian Ocean HydroBase (IOHB) - from a combined dataset including the World Ocean Database 1998 version 2 (WOD98v2). Methods are similar to those used by previous studies for other oceans. Japanese data for the IOHB originated from the Japanese datasets MIRC (Marine Information Research Center) Ocean Dataset 2001 and Far Seas Collection; these datasets contain more Japanese observations than WOD98v2. Water mass properties in the IOHB climatology are consistent with previous studies. Seasonal patterns of properties near the sea surface are well reproduced, and deep-layer properties are consistent with the Reid-Mantyla climatology that is derived from high-quality observations. The isopycnal climatology of the IOHB differs from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01) along the fronts associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The WOA01 shows a warm and saline intermediate water intrusion from South Africa to the east along the northern edge of the front. Such an intrusion is absent in IOHB where less saline intermediate water extends continuously northward from the southern ocean. The WOA01 shows a continuous belt of low potential vorticity along the ACC. This feature is less distinct in the IOHB climatology and in the Reid-Mantyla climatology. The IOHB consists of a 1° × 1° gridded climatology and the datasets of raw and quality-controlled hydrographic stations. The latter is valuable for quality control of the Argo float salinity data as climatological reference. These datasets are available freely via the Internet.  相似文献   

The daily and weekly averaged Indian Remote Sensing satellite IRS-P4 Ocean Color Monitor (OCM) derived chlorophyll images were generated and interpreted in terms of pretsunami, tsunami, and posttsunami periods in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. There has been observation of increase in chlorophyll concentration up to 5.0 mg/m3 in the tsunami-affected coastal waters. The high chlorophyll concentration lasted for about one week after the tsunami catastrophe. The standard deviation for different transects in the tsunami-affected water were plotted. The high chlorophyll has been observed for selected transects in the aftermath of the tsunami event in coastal regions, and offshore water has also shown increase in chlorophyll concentration (~1.0 mg/m3) in the Bay of Bengal. The analysis indicated that the tsunami waves might have displaced and spread the high chlorophyll coastal water towards offshore. NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua daytime sea surface temperature (SST) daily images were retrieved and displayed during December 21, 2004, to January 6, 2005, and indicated the cooling (0.5–1°C) in the Bay of Bengal around Tamil Nadu and Andhra coast. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Prediction-National Center for Environment Prediction (NOAA-NCEP) data for five weeks (December 9, 2004–January 12, 2005) were retrieved to study the SST variability trend in prior to MODIS data and indicated 0.5–1°C cooling of the Bay of Bengal water off Kakinada, Chennai, Cuddalore, and Nagapattinam region on December 26 and 28, 2004.  相似文献   

A strong spring Wyrtki jet(WJ) presents in May 2013 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The entire buildup and retreat processes of the spring WJ were well captured by two adjacent Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers mounted on the mooring systems. The observed zonal jet behaved as one intraseasonal event with the significant features of abrupt emergence as well as slow disappearance. Further research illustrate that the pronounced surface westerly wind burst during late-April to mid-May, associated with the active phase of a robust eastwardpropagating Madden–Julian oscillation in the tropical Indian Ocean, was the dominant reason for the rapid acceleration of surface WJ. In contrasting, the governing mechanism for the jet termination was equatorial wave dynamics rather than wind forcing. The decomposition analysis of equatorial waves and the corresponding changes in the ocean thermocline demonstrated that strong WJ was produced rapidly by the wind-generated oceanic downwelling equatorial Kelvin wave and was terminated subsequently by the westward-propagating equatorial Rossby wave reflecting from eastern boundaries of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

对印度洋海表温度(SST)的主要特征及变化趋势进行分析,并研究了其与印度夏季季风降水(ISMR)和季风环流的关系,揭示出:从北印度洋到南半球中高纬度印度洋,SST最显著的变化模态是全海盆一致的变化,近50 a来总体趋势是上升的,在1976,1986年以及1996年间分别有一次跳跃性增温,与太平洋SST变化趋势基本一致.除了长期变化趋势外,南印度洋中高纬度比热带地区有更显著的模态分布.在印度洋SST升温的背景下,ISMR具有逐渐减少的趋势,但两者相关较弱.印度洋SST发生跳跃后的不同阶段,许多海区SST与ISMR相关均发生变化,但在春季,热带外南印度洋具有一对相对稳定区,其分布与EOF分析的第2模态相似.根据它们的分布,文中定义了春季南半球偶极子(SIOD),在正SIOD(PSIOD)情况下印度降水偏多,而负SIOD(NSIOD)则反之.环流分析表明,PSIOD(NSIOD)通过与大气的相互作用,对夏季马斯克林高压具有增强(减弱)作用,进而使得索马里越赤道气流增强(减弱),在印度地区低空产生异常的辐合(辐散),高层辐散(辐合),从而影响印度季风环流,使得印度季风降水偏多(少).  相似文献   

热带印度洋和太平洋海气相互作用事件的协调发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对次表层海温距平的分布和变化的分析表明,在热带印度洋和太平洋都存在海温距平的偶极子模态,即在赤道附近大洋东、西两个部分的海温距平在不少年份呈反符号分布。进一步分析表明,两大洋海温距平的偶极子模态间有密切的联系。在分析它们和850hPa纬向风距平后指出,正是Walker环流异常把两大洋的海温距平变化联系起来。  相似文献   

The distribution of ocean salinity controls the density field and thereby plays a major role in influencing the ocean dynamics. It has been a challenging task to understand the variability of salinity structure in the regions of large fresh water discharge and high precipitation such as Bay of Bengal (BoB). Recent advancement in satellite technology has made possible the measurement of sea surface salinity (SSS). Aquarius is the satellite which measured the global SSS for the period 2011 to 2015. In the present study, we assimilated Aquarius SSS in the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System based on 3DVAR technique. The assimilation of Aquarius SSS resulted in reduced biases in salinity not only at the surface, but also in the vertical distribution of salinity and better captured the temporal variations of salinity structure in sensitive regions, such as the Bay of Bengal. In addition, the assimilation of SSS showed marginal improvement in ocean thermal structure over data sparse regions of Indian Ocean. It is also shown that the assimilation of Aquarius SSS has improved the stratification in the upper Ocean which is the key factor in the observed improvement in ocean analysis.  相似文献   

本文基于海洋环流模式模拟的高分辨率欧拉场,利用拉格朗日追踪方法,评估了印尼贯穿流(ITF)对印度洋的热量贡献。通过计算ITF水体在印度洋的传输路径及伴随的温度变化来获取ITF水体在印度洋的热量传输过程。模拟结果表明ITF进入印度洋后主要向西流动并在到达马达加斯加后分叉,进入南、北印度洋。热收支分析表明ITF在北印度洋吸收0.41 PW热量,在南印度洋释放0.56 PW热量;这两个过程相互补偿,导致ITF对整个印度洋的净加热贡献并不显著,只有0.15 PW。进一步的检查ITF离开印度洋的出口(跨过34°S),结果表明ITF主要随着位于西边界的奥古拉斯流和位于东边界的利文流离开印度洋。约89%的ITF水体沿着西边界离开印度洋,其余的11%主要沿着东边界离开印度洋;前者对整个印度洋的净加热贡献为0.10 PW,后者的净加热贡献为0.05 PW。  相似文献   

The El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has great impacts on the Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST). In fact, two major modes of the Indian Ocean SST namely the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) modes, exerting strong influences on the Indian Ocean rim countries, are both influenced by the ENSO. Based on a combined linear regression method, this study quantifies the ENSO impacts on the IOB and the IOD during ENSO concurrent, developing, and decaying stages. After removing the ENSO impacts, the spring peak of the IOB disappears along with significant decrease in number of events, while the number of events is only slightly reduced and the autumn peak remains for the IOD. By isolating the ENSO impacts during each stage, this study reveals that the leading impacts of ENSO contribute to the IOD development, while the delayed impacts facilitate the IOD phase switch and prompt the IOB development. Besides, the decadal variations of ENSO impacts are various during each stage and over different regions. These imply that merely removing the concurrent ENSO impacts would not be sufficient to investigate intrinsic climate variability of the Indian Ocean, and the present method may be useful to study climate variabilities independent of ENSO.  相似文献   

根据作者在印度洋东部海域的延绳钓生产实践,对渔获的大眼金枪鱼群体的群体构成、摄食、繁殖等基本生物学特征进行了初步探讨.结果表明,渔获群体由纯重10~115kg、叉长80~195cm个体组成,纯重与叉长关系式w=2.000×10-5×L2.969;渔获物以3~5龄个体为主,雄性个体所占比例明显高于雌性个体,且随年龄增长雄性个体所占比例逐步提高.鱼群在该海域产卵期较长,不同年龄组性腺发育节律有明显差异.  相似文献   

本文根据多年的天气图、卫星云图以及1980~1990年的NCEP再分析资料,通过统计分析和合成分析等方法建立了能够在南印度洋特定海区引起12m/s以上大风天气的高纬低压系统概念模型,并对主要的南印度洋西部副高型、南印度洋倒"品"字型作了详细的阐述。该天气概念模型主要发生在南半球的冬、春季。(1)南印度洋西部副高天气过程多由高纬度低压系统发展引起。在这一过程中,副高与高纬低压系统由纬向型向经向型转变,海平面气压槽和850hPa高度槽受到槽后冷平流的驱动不断向东北方向移动,并扫过南印度洋东部。(2)南印度洋倒"品"字天气模型中,低压槽受斜压系统的驱动东移并发展加深,与南印度洋东部的副高中心之间形成大风带。该天气概念模型的建立对南印度洋海区大风的预报可起到一定指导作用。  相似文献   

本文根据多年的天气图、卫星云图以及1980~1990年的NCEP再分析资料,通过统计分析和合成分析等方法建立了能够在南印度洋特定海区引起12m/s以上大风天气的中高纬气旋型天气概念模型,井对该天气概念模型作了详细的阐述.该天气概念模型主要发生在南半球的冬季和初春,在该模型中,气旋从高纬低压中分裂出来,快速东移赶上位于其东部的高位低压并发展至其北部.气旋冷锋最终在南印度洋东部引起大风.该天气概念模型的建立对南印度洋海区大风的预报可起到一定指导作用.  相似文献   

Fronts and strong currents of the upper southeast Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 IntroductionBaroclinic component is the dominant part ofAntarcticCircum polarCurrent (ACC) (FandryandPillsbury,1979),and a baroclinictransportation asso-ciatedwithfrontsmakesupthem ajoritypartoftheto-talbaroclinictransportation oftheACC (Nowlin andCliff…  相似文献   

管水母是海洋浮游动物中的重要类群,通常可作为海流或水团的指示种,其分布受温度、盐度和食物的影响。本文根据2011年4月在东印度洋海域(5°S~5°N,80°~98.5°E)26个站的调查资料,分析了管水母种类组成、丰度分布和群落结构特征。共鉴定管水母37种,以热带大洋广布种和赤道种为主,其中扭形爪室水母Chelophyes contorta、巴斯水母Bassia bassensis、双小水母Nanomia bijuga和短深杯水母Abylopsis eschscholtzi是调查海域的优势种。依据调查站位设置及环境特征,将调查海域分东部断面、赤道断面和西部断面3个区域。各个调查站种数变化范围为2~14种,东部和西部断面的种类较丰富,而赤道断面近岸区种数低,离岸区种数增多。管水母的平均丰度为(1.04±0.58)个/m3,分布不均匀,东部断面和西部断面的丰度比赤道断面高,特别是赤道断面近岸区丰度在1.0个/m3以下。调查海区的管水母属于比较典型的热带大洋性生态类群。群落结构分析表明,东部和西部断面的群落结构相似度较高,二者与赤道断面的相似度均较低。调查海域管水母种类和丰度的分布受水文和生物环境因子的综合影响。双小水母Nanomia bijuga可作为东部断面和赤道断面近岸区沿岸水团的指示种,锥体浅室水母Lensia conoides和褶玫瑰水母Rosacea plicata可作为西部断面100m以下涌升水团的指示种。  相似文献   

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