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The Nesjahraun is a basaltic lava flow erupted from a subaerial fissure, extending NE along the Tingvellir graben from the Hengill central volcano that produced pāhoehoe lava followed by ‘a‘ā. The Nesjahraun entered Iceland’s largest lake, Tingvallavatn, along its southern shore during both phases of the eruption and exemplifies lava flowing into water in a lacustrine environment in the absence of powerful wave action. This study combines airborne light detection and ranging, sidescan sonar and Chirp seismic data with field observations to investigate the behaviour of the lava as it entered the water. Pāhoehoe sheet lava was formed during the early stages of the eruption. Along the shoreline, stacks of thin (5–20 cm thick), vesicular, flows rest upon and surround low (<5 m) piles of coarse, unconsolidated, variably oxidised spatter. Clefts within the lava run inland from the lake. These are 2–5 m wide, >2 m deep, ∼50 m long, spaced ∼50 m apart and have sub-horizontal striations on the walls. They likely represent channels or collapsed tubes along which lava was delivered into the water. A circular rootless cone, Eldborg, formed when water infiltrated a lava tube. Offshore from the pāhoehoe lavas, the gradient of the flow surface steepens, suggesting a change in flow regime and the development of a talus ramp. Later, the flow was focused into a channel of ‘a‘ā lava, ∼200–350 m wide. This split into individual flow lobes 20–50 m wide along the shore. ‘A‘ā clinker is exposed on the water’s edge, as well as glassy sand and gravel, which has been locally intruded by small (<1 m), irregularly shaped, lava bodies. The cores of the flow lobes contain coherent, but hackly fractured lava. Mounds consisting predominantly of scoria lapilli and the large paired half-cone of Grámelur were formed in phreatomagmatic explosions. The ‘a‘ā flow can be identified underwater over 1 km offshore, and the sidescan data suggest that the flow lobes remained coherent flowing down a gradient of <10°. The Nesjahraun demonstrates that, even in the absence of ocean waves, phreatomagmatic explosions are ubiquitous and that pāhoehoe flows are much more likely to break up on entering the water than ‘a‘ā flows, which, with a higher flux and shallow underlying surface gradient, can penetrate water and remain coherent over distances of at least 1 km.  相似文献   

This study describes the emplacement of the Nesjahraun, a basaltic lava flow that entered the lake Tingvallavatn, SW Iceland. High-resolution remotely sensed data were combined with fieldwork to map the flow field. Onshore, the Nesjahraun exhibits a variety of textures related to the widespread inflation and collapse of a pāhoehoe flow field. Its emplacement is interpreted as follows: Initially, the eruption produced sheet pāhoehoe. In the central part of the flow field, the lava has a platy-ridged surface, which is similar to some other lava flows in Iceland and on Mars. Here, the texture is interpreted to have formed by unsteady inflation of the brittle crust of stationary sheet pāhoehoe, causing it to break into separate plates. The ridges of broken pāhoehoe slabs formed as the plates of crust moved vertically past each other in a process similar to the formation of shatter rings. Upstream, fresh lava overflowed repeatedly from channels and tubes, covering the surface with shelly pāhoehoe. Formation of a 250-m-wide open channel through the flow field allowed the inflated central part of the flow to drain rapidly. This phase produced ‘a‘ā lava, which eroded the channel walls, carrying broken pāhoehoe slabs, lava balls and detaching large (>200 m long) rafts of compound shelly pāhoehoe lava. Much of this channelized lava flowed into the lake, leaving a network of drained channels and tubes in the upstream part of the flow. As in other locations, the platy-ridged texture is associated with a low underlying slope and high eruption rate. Here, its formation was possibly enhanced by lateral confinement, hindered entry into the lake and an elevated vent location. We suggest that formation of this type of platy-ridged lava, where the plates are smooth and the ridges are slabs of broken pāhoehoe, can occur without significant horizontal transport, as the surface crust is broken into plates in situ. This reconstruction of the emplacement of the Nesjahraun also demonstrates that high-resolution aerial survey data are extremely useful in the mapping and measurement of lithofacies distributions in large flow fields, but that fieldwork is still necessary to obtain the detailed textural information necessary to interpret them.  相似文献   

Samples from the surface of lava flows discharged by the 2012–2013 Tolbachik Fissure Eruption were found to contain oxysulfates of copper, sodium, and potassium: K2Cu3O(SO4)2 (fedotovite), NaKCu2O(SO4)2, and Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8. The last two phases have no naturally occurring or synthetic analogues that we are aware of. They form flattened crystals of prismatic to long-prismatic habits. The crystals of Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8 have a chemical composition corresponding to the empirical formula Na2.22K5.47Cu8.02S8.05O36. An X-ray analysis of this compound showed that it has a monoclinic symmetry, P2/c, a = 13.909(4), b = 4.977(1), c = 23.525(6) Å, β = 90.021(5)°, V = 1628.3(7) Å3. The crystal structure was determined by direct techniques and refined to yield R 1 for 3955 reflexes//web// with F 2 > 4σF. The compound NaKCu2O(SO4)2 also belongs to the monoclinic system, P2/c, a = 14.111(4), b = 4.946(1), c = 23.673(6) Å, β = 92.052(6)°, V = 1651.1(8) Å3. The structure was determined by direct techniques to yield a tentative structural model that has been refined up to R 1 = 0.135 for 4088 reflexes with F 2 > 4σF. The crystal structure of Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8 is based on chains of [O2Cu4]4+ consisting of rib-coupled oxy-centered tetrahedrons of (OCu4)6+. The chains are surrounded by sulfate radicals, resulting in columns of {[O2Cu4](SO4)4}4? aligned along the b axis. The interchain space contains completely ordered positions of Na+ and K+ cations. The principle underlying the connection of NaKCu2O(SO4)2 columns in the crystal structure of {[O2Cu4](SO4)4}4? is different, in view of the relation Na:K = 1 as contrasted with 3:5 for the compound Na3K5Cu8O4(SO4)8. The presence of oxy-centered tetrahedrons in the structure of these new compounds furnishes an indirect hint at the importance of polynuclear copper-oxygen radicals with centering oxygen atoms as forms of transport of copper by volcanic gases.  相似文献   

A number of overflows from a large lava channel and tube system on the southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa were studied. Initial overflows were very low viscosity gas-rich phoehoe evidenced by flow-unit aspect ratios and vesicle sizes and contents. Calculated volumetric flow-rates in the channel range between 80 and 890 m3/s, and those of the overflows between 35 and 110 m3/s. After traveling tens to hundreds of meters the tops of these sheet-like overflows were disrupted into a surface composed of clinker and phoehoe fragments. After these 'a' overflows came to rest, lava from the interiors was able to break out on to the surface as phoehoe. The surface structure of a lava flow records the interaction between the differential shear rate (usually correlated with the volumetric flow-rate) and viscosity-induced resistance to flow. However, the interior of a flow, being better insulated, may react differently or record a later set of emplacement conditions. Clefts of toothpaste lava occurring within fields of clinker on proximal-type 'a' flows also record different shear rates during different times of flow emplacement. The interplay between viscosity and shear rate determines the final morphological lava type, and although no specific portion of lava ever makes a transition from 'a' back to phoehoe, parts of a flow can appear to do so.  相似文献   

Tumuli are positive topographic features that are common on Hawaiian pahoehoe lava flow fields, particularly on shallow slopes, and 75 measured examples are presented here to document the size range. Tumuli form by up-tilting of crustal plates, without any crustal shortening, and are thus distinguished from pressure ridges which are up-buckled by laterally directed pressure. The axial or star-like systems of deep clefts that characterize tumuli are defined here as lava-inflation clefts; their tips advanced into red-hot lava and they widened as uplift proceeded and while the lava crust was thickening. Flat-surfaced uplifts, formed like tumuli by injection of lava under a surface crust, were previously called pressure plateaus, but lava rise is proposed instead. The pits that abound among lava rises, previously attributed to collapse or subsidence, are generally formed because the lava around them rose, and the name lava-rise pit is proposed. Unique examples of tumuli and lava rises, from which lava drained out under a surface crust 1.5 to 2.5 m thick, are described from Kilauea caldera. These examples show that in tumuli and lava rises the crust floats on considerable bodies of fluid lava, and is able to do so because of its higher vesicle content: the fluid lava loses many of its gas bubbles during residence beneath the crust. The bulk densities of samples from tumuli show a general downward increase. The form of the density profile is consistent with the relationship that for any given crustal thickness the density of fluid lava closely matched the average density of that crust, suggesting that the lava was stably density-stratified. It is inferred that stable stratification was regulated by out-flows of the more vesicular lava fractions, loss of bubbles through the lava-inflation clefts, and entry of injected lava at its level of neutral buoyancy. Below the uppermost meter the downward decrease in vesicularity closely conforms with that expected by compression of a uniform mass of gas per unit mass of lava.  相似文献   

To determine the relationships between rootless cone emplacement mechanisms, morphology, and spatial distribution, we mapped the Hnúta and Hrossatungur groups of the 1783–1784 Laki lava flow in Iceland. We based our facies maps on Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) measurements, photogeological interpretations, and supporting field observations. The study area covers 2.77 km2 and includes 2216 explosion sites. To establish the timing of rootless cone formation we incorporated tephrochronological constraints from eighty-eight stratigraphic sections and determined that the Hnúta and Hrossatungur groups are composite structures formed by the emplacement of six geographically and chronologically discrete domains. Rootless eruptions initiated in domain 1 on the first day of the Laki eruption (June 8, 1783) and lasted 1–2 days. The second episode of rootless activity began in domain 2 on June 11 and lasted 1–3 days. The four domains of the Hrossatungur group dominantly formed after June 14 and exhibit a complex emplacement sequence that reflects interactions between the Laki lava, contemporaneously emplaced rootless cones, and an existing topographic ridge. In the study area, we identify three distinct rootless cone archetypes (i.e., recurring morphological forms) that are related to tube-, channel-, and broad sheet lobe-fed eruptions. We assert that emplacement of lava above compressible substrates (e.g., unconsolidated sediments) may trigger rootless eruptions by causing subsidence-induced flexure and failure of the basal crust, thereby allowing molten lava (fuel) to come into direct contact with groundwater (coolant) and initiating analogs to explosive molten fuel–coolant interactions (MFCIs).  相似文献   

Newly identified ??a?? lava flows outcrop intermittently over an area of ~110?km2 in the western Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), India. They occur in the upper Thakurvadi Formation in the region south of Sangamner. The flows, one of which is compound, are 15?C25?m thick, and exhibit well-developed basal and flow-top breccias. The lavas have microcrystalline groundmasses and are porphyritic or glomerocrystic and contain phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene or plagioclase feldspar. They are chemically similar to compound p??hoehoe flows at a similar stratigraphic horizon along the Western Ghats. Petrographic and geochemical differences between ??a?? flows at widely spaced outcrops at the same stratigraphic horizon suggest that they are the product of several eruptions, potentially from different sources. Their presence in the DVP could suggest relative proximity to vents. This discovery is significant because ??a?? lavas are generally scarce in large continental flood basalt provinces, which typically consist of numerous inflated compound p??hoehoe lobes and sheet lobes. Their scarcity is intriguing, and may relate to either their occurrence only in poorly preserved or exposed proximal areas or to the flat plateau-like topography of flood basalt provinces that may inhibit channelization and ??a?? formation, or both. In this context, the ??a?? flow fields described here are inferred to be the products of eruptions that produced unusually high-effusion-rate lavas compared to typical flood basalt eruptions. Whether these phases were transitional to lower intensity, sustained eruptions that fed extensive low effusion rate p??hoehoe flow fields remains unclear.  相似文献   

Products of subglacial volcanism can illuminate reconstructions of paleo-environmental conditions on both local and regional scales. Competing interpretations of Pleistocene conditions in south Iceland have been proposed based on an extensive sequence of repeating lava-and-hyaloclastite deposits in the Síða district. We propose here a new eruptive model and refine the glacial environment during eruption based on field research and analytical data for the Síða district lava/hyaloclastite units. Field observations from this and previous studies reveal a repeating sequence of cogenetic lava and hyaloclastite deposits extending many kilometers from their presumed eruptive source. Glasses from lava selvages and unaltered hyaloclastites have very low H2O, S, and CO2 concentrations, indicating significant degassing at or close to atmospheric pressure prior to quenching. We also present a scenario that demonstrates virtual co-emplacement of the two eruptive products. Our data and model results suggest repeated eruptions under thin ice or partially subaerial conditions, rather than eruption under a thick ice sheet or subglacial conditions as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Dynamic equations were developed for heterogeneous phase-transition in a system of coupled nucleation, growth and ripening. Based on these equations, a self-organized origin of small-scale nesting rhythmic beddings in Pahzhihua lithosomes was investigated and the results showed that the beddings could be formed by the cross supersaturated nucleation-crystallization of augite and feldspar successively. This process could be implemented by coupling with supersaturated nucleation, Ostwald ripening, component diffusion and the primary grain diffusion under a proper temperature gradient. The slightly intensive supersaturated nucleation and Ostwald ripening occurring in Panzhihua lithosomes may relate closely to the mineral components such as V-Ti-Maanetite.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the absolute global values (Φ) of the large-scale open solar magnetic field (LOSMF) fluxes at an interval of one solar rotation in 2006–2012 has been studied based on the Wilcox Solar Observatory data and using the ISOPAK original package for modeling the solar magnetic field. The reference points and the duration of the final quasi-biennial interval in cycle 23 (January 2006–May 2007; 17 months) and the phases of the cycle 24 minimum (May 2007–November 2009; 30 months), growth (November 2009–May 2012; 30 months), and the beginning of the maximum (May 2012–January 2013) have been determined. It has been indicated that the absolute values (Φ) decreased sharply at the beginning of the minimum, growth, and the maximum phases to ~(2, 1.25, 0.75) × 1022 Mx, respectively. During the entire minimum phase, LOSMF corotated super-quasi-rigidly westward in the direction of solar rotation; at the beginning of the growth phase, this field started corotating mostly eastward. The LOSMF polarity reversal in the current cycle 24 started in May–June 2012 (CR 2123–2124), when fields of southern polarity rushed from the Sun’s southern hemisphere toward the north. The statement that the solar cycle is a continuous series of quasi-biennial LOSMF intervals is confirmed. In particular, the minimum and growth phases are characterized by opposite LOSMF rotation directions, i.e., super-quasi-rigid corotation (twisting) and detwisting, with identical duration at least in cycle 24.  相似文献   

The most voluminous eruption of natrocarbonatite lava hitherto recorded on Earth occurred at Oldoinyo Lengai in March–April 2006. The lava flows produced in this eruption range from blocky 'a'a type to smooth-surfaced inflated pahoehoe. We measured lava inflation features (i.e. one tumulus and three pressure ridges) that formed in the various pahoehoe flows emplaced in this event. The inflation features within the main crater of Oldoinyo Lengai are relatively small-scale, measuring 1-5 m in width, 2.5–24.4 m in length and with inflation clefts less than 0.4 m deep. Their small sizes are in contrast to a tumulus that formed on the northwestern slope of the volcano (situated ~1140 m below the crater floor). The tumulus is roughly circular, measures 17.5 × 16.0 m, and is cut by a 4.4 m deep axial inflation cleft exposing two separate flow units. We measured the elastic properties (i.e. shear- and bulk moduli) of natrocarbonatitic crust and find that these are similar to those reported for basaltic crust, and that there is no direct correlation between magmastatic head and pressure required to form tumuli. All inflated flows in the 2006 event were confined by lateral barriers (main crater, erosional channel or erosional gully) suggesting that the two most important factors for endogenous growth in natrocarbonatitic lava flows are (1) lateral barriers that prevent widening of the flow, and (2) influx of new material beneath the viscoelastic and brittle crust.  相似文献   

Mount Erebus, Antarctica, is a large (3794 m) alkaline open-conduit stratovolcano that hosts a vigorously convecting and persistently degassing lake of anorthoclase phonolite magma. The composition of the lake was investigated by analyzing glass and mineral compositions in lava bombs erupted between 1972 and 2004. Matrix glass, titanomagnetite, olivine, clinopyroxene, and fluor-apatite compositions are invariant and show that the magmatic temperature (∼ 1000°C) and oxygen fugacity (ΔlogFMQ = − 0.9) have been stable. Large temperature variations at the lake surface (~ 400–500°C) are not reflected in mineral compositions. Anorthoclase phenocrysts up to 10 cm in length feature a restricted compositional range (An10.3–22.9Ab62.8–68.1Or11.4–27.2) with complex textural and compositional zoning. Anorthoclase textures and compositions indicate crystallization occurs at low degrees of effective undercooling. We propose shallow water exsolution causes crystallization and shallow convection cycles the anorthoclase crystals through many episodes of growth resulting in their exceptional size. Minor variations in eruptive activity from 1972 to 2004 are decoupled from magma compositions. The variations probably relate to changes in conduit geometry within the volcano and/or variable input of CO2-rich volatiles into the upper-level magma chamber from deeper in the system.  相似文献   

Cristobalite is commonly found in the dome lava of silicic volcanoes but is not a primary magmatic phase; its presence indicates that the composition and micro-structure of dome lavas evolve during, and after, emplacement. Nine temporally and mineralogically diverse dome samples from the Soufrière Hills volcano (SHV), Montserrat, are analysed to provide the first detailed assessment of the nature and mode of cristobalite formation in a volcanic dome. The dome rocks contain up to 11 wt.% cristobalite, as defined by X-ray diffraction. Prismatic and platy forms of cristobalite, identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), are commonly found in pores and fractures, suggesting that they have precipitated from a vapour phase. Feathery crystallites and micro-crystals of cristobalite and quartz associated with volcanic glass, identified using SEM-Raman, are interpreted to have formed by varying amounts of devitrification. We discuss mechanisms of silica transport and cristobalite formation, and their implications for petrological interpretations and dome stability. We conclude: (1) that silica may be transported in the vapour phase locally, or from one part of the magmatic system to another; (2) that the potential for transport of silica into the dome should not be neglected in petrological and geochemical studies because the addition of non-magmatic phases may affect whole rock composition; and (3) that the extent of cristobalite mineralisation in the dome at SHV is sufficient to reduce porosity—hence, permeability—and may impact on the mechanical strength of the dome rock, thereby potentially affecting dome stability.  相似文献   

During long-lived basaltic eruptions, overflows from lava channels and breaching of channel levées are important processes in the development of extensive 'a'ā lava flow-fields. Short-lived breaches result in inundation of areas adjacent to the main channel. However, if a breach remains open, lava supply to the original flow front is significantly reduced, and flow-field widening is favoured over lengthening. The development of channel breaches and overflows can therefore exert strong control over the overall flow-field development, but the processes that determine their location and frequency are currently poorly understood. During the final month of the 2008–2009 eruption of Mt. Etna, Sicily, a remote time-lapse camera was deployed to monitor events in a proximal region of a small ephemeral lava flow. For over a period of ~10 h, the flow underwent changes in surface elevation and velocity, repeated overflows of varying vigour and the construction of a channel roof (a required prelude to lava tube formation). Quantitative interpretation of the image sequence was facilitated by a 3D model of the scene constructed using structure-from-motion computer vision techniques. As surface activity waned during the roofing process, overflow sites retreated up the flow towards the vent, and eventually, a new flow was initiated. Our observations and measurements indicate that flow surface stagnation and flow inflation propagated up-flow at an effective rate of ~6 m h−1, and that these processes, rather than effusion rate variations, were ultimately responsible for the most vigorous overflow events. We discuss evidence for similar controls during levée breaching and channel switching events on much larger flows on Etna, such as during the 2001 eruption.  相似文献   

Summary According to the terrane model used for the interpretation of the heterogeneities in the Lower Palaeozoic development along the southwestern border of the East European platform (Baltica) several suspect terranes have been accreted to the passive platform margin during the closure of the postulated Tornquist Sea in Ordovician and Silurian times. Their final docking and partly overthrusting onto the platform are of Scandian (Early Devonian) age. A matter of dispute is the provenance of the various terranes. There are lithofacies, structural, palaeobiogeographical and palaeomagnetic constraints for relations both to Baltica and East Avalonia. Specific similarities can be observed between the Southern Jylland, Pomerania, ysogóry (including Radom-Krasik), and Rawa Russkaja terranes. After their accretion and amalgamation they may form a more or less continuous Caledonian marginal thrust belt along the platform border. On the other hand, more significant differences exist between the latter and the so far recognized Southern North Sea, Maopolska, Cracovides, Upper Silesian, Sudeten, Kochanowka, and Dobrogean terranes. The position of any Tornquist Sea suture zone(s) is still completely enigmatic.  相似文献   

Terrain plays a key role in landscape pattern formation, particularly in the transition zones from mountains to plains. Exploring the relationships between terrain characteristics and landscape types in terrain-complex areas can help reveal the mechanisms underlying the relationships. In this study, Qihe River Basin, situated in the transition zone from the Taihang Mountains to the North-China Plain, was selected as a case study area. First, the spatial variations in the relief amplitudes (i.e., high-amplitude terrain undulations) were analyzed. Second, the effects of relief amplitudes on the landscape patterns were indepth investigated from the perspectives of both landscape types and landscape indices. Finally, a logistic regression model was employed to examine the relationships between the landscape patterns and the influencing factors (natural and human) at different relief amplitudes. The results show that with increasing relief amplitude, anthropogenic landscapes gradually give in to natural landscapes. Specifically, human factors normally dominate the gentle areas (e.g., flat areas) in influencing the distribution of landscape types, and natural factors normally dominate the highly-undulating areas (e.g., moderate relief areas). As for the intermediately undulating areas (i.e., medium relief amplitudes), a combined influence of natural and human factors result in the highest varieties of landscape types. The results also show that in micro-relief areas and small relief areas where natural factors and human factors are more or less equally active, landscape types are affected by a combination of natural and human factors. The combination leads to a high fragmentation and a high diversity of landscape patterns. It seems that appropriate human interferences in these areas can be conducive to enhancing landscape diversity and that inappropriate human interferences can aggravate the problems of landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   

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