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The paper describes some aspects of the convective boundary-layer structure based on simultaneous sodar and tethersonde measurements during a field experiment in the urban area of Milan in the period 8 to 20 February, 1993. During this period, fog episodes and strong low-level elevated inversions (with lower boundaries < 400 m) were observed most of the time. A close agreement in the mixing height values, derived from the sodar and tethersonde profiles, has been achieved under these conditions. The validity of the similarity relationships, which have been originally derived to describe the vertical velocity variance and heat flux profiles over horizontally homogeneous terrain under quasi-stationary conditions, was evaluated when applied to the urban boundary layer.  相似文献   

The surface-layer flux-profile formulae of Louis (1979), used in many atmospheric models, are modified in a simple way to allow for different values of the roughness lengths for heat and momentum. The modified set of formulae simplifies the calculation of surface-layer fluxes over most natural land surfaces, where the roughness length for momentum can be almost an order of magnitude greater than that for heat.  相似文献   

Some characteristics of wavelike motions in the atmospheric boundary layer observed by sodar are considered. In an experiment carried out in February 1993 in Milan, Italy, Doppler sodar measurements were accompanied by in situ measurements of temperature and wind velocity vertical profiles using a tethered balloon up to 600 m. The oscillations of elevated wavy layers containing intense thermal turbulence, usually associated with temperature-inversion zones, were studied by using correlation and spectral analysis methods. The statistics of the occurrence of wavelike and temperature-inversion events are presented. The height distributions of Brunt–Vaisala frequency and wind shear and their correlation within elevated inversion layers were determined, with a strong correlation observed between the drift rate of the wavy layers and the vertical velocity measured by Doppler sodar inside these layers. Spectral analysis showed similarities regarding their frequency characteristics. The phase speed and propagation direction of waves were estimated from the time delay of the signals at three antennae to provide estimates of wavelength. Moreover, wavelengths were estimated from the intrinsic frequency obtained from sodar measurements of the Doppler vertical velocity and oscillations of wavy turbulent layers. The two wavelength estimates are in good agreement.  相似文献   

An indirect method of estimating the surface heat flux from observations of vertical velocity variance at the lower mid-levels of the convective atmospheric boundary layer is described. Comparison of surface heat flux estimates with those from boundary-layer heating rates is good, and this method seems to be especially suitable for inhomogeneous terrain for which the surface-layer profile method cannot be used.  相似文献   

Atmospheric turbulence measurements made at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF) located on the Atlantic coast near the town of Duck, North Carolina during the CASPER-East Program (October–November 2015) are used to study air–sea/land coupling in the FRF coastal zone. Turbulence and mean meteorological data were collected at multiple levels (up to four) on three towers deployed at different landward distances from the shoreline, with a fourth tower located at the end of a 560-m-long FRF pier. The data enable comparison of turbulent fluxes and other statistics, as well as investigations of surface-layer scaling for different footprints, including relatively smooth sea-surface conditions and aerodynamically rough dry inland areas. Both stable and unstable stratifications were observed. The drag coefficient and diurnal variation of the sensible heat flux are found to be indicators for disparate surface footprints. The drag coefficient over the land footprint is significantly greater, by as much as an order of magnitude, compared with that over the smooth sea-surface footprint. For onshore flow, the internal boundary layer in the coastal zone was either stable or (mostly) unstable, and varied dramatically at the land-surface discontinuity. The offshore flow of generally warm air over the cooler sea surface produced a stable internal boundary layer over the ocean surface downstream from the coast. While the coastal inhomogeneities violate the assumptions underlying Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), any deviations from MOST are less profound for the scaled standard deviations and the dissipation rate over both water and land, as well as for stable and unstable conditions. Observations, however, show a poor correspondence with MOST for the flux-profile relationships. Suitably-averaged, non-dimensional profiles of wind speed and temperature vary significantly among the different flux towers and observation levels, with high data scatter. Overall, the statistical dependence of the vertical gradients of scaled wind speed and temperature on the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter in the coastal area is weak, if not non-existent.  相似文献   

Eddy-correlation measurements above an uneven-aged forest, a uniform-irrigated bare soil field, and within a grass-covered forest clearing were used to investigate the usefulness of the fluxvariance method above uniform and non-uniform terrain. For this purpose, the Monin and Obukhov (1954) variance similarity functions were compared with direct measurements. Such comparisons were in close agreement for momentum and heat but not for water vapor. Deviations between measured and predicted similarity functions for water vapor were attributed to three factors: 1) the active role of temperature in surface-layer turbulence, 2) dissimilarity between sources and sinks of heat and water vapor at the ground surface, and 3) the non-uniformity in water vapor sources and sinks. It was demonstrated that the latter non-uniformity contributed to horizontal gradients that do not scale with the vertical flux. These three factors resulted in a turbulence regime that appeared more efficient in transporting heat than water vapor for the dynamic convective sublayer but not for the dynamic sublayer. The agreement between eddy-correlation measured and flux-variance predicted sensible heat flux was better than that for latent heat flux at all three sites. The flux-variance method systematically overestimated the latent heat flux when compared to eddy-correlation measurements. It was demonstrated that the non-uniformity in water vapor sources reduced the surface flux when compared to an equivalent uniform terrain subjected to identical shear stress, sensible heat flux, and atmospheric water vapor variance. Finally, the correlation between the temperature and water vapor fluctuations was related to the relative efficiency of surface-layer turbulence in removing heat and water vapor. These relations were used to assess critical assumptions in the derivation of the flux-variance formulation.  相似文献   

The vertical wind profiles determined by Doppler sodar and the water vapourmixing ratio profiles obtained by Raman lidar are used to estimate the atmosphericwater vapour flux profiles in the nocturnal urban boundary layer under unstableconditions. The experiment was conducted for several nights in the central areaof Rome under a variety of moisture conditions and different urban boundary-layerflow regimes. Despite some scatter in the profiles, the latent heat flux is found tobe positive throughout the depth of the nocturnal urban boundary-layer. Thelayer-averaged flux shows a variation between -4 to +40 W m-2, whileindividual values of flux in excess of +150 W m-2 pertain to a case offree convection during cold air advection caused by the sea breeze. The qualityof flux estimates is found to be highly limited by the low sampling rates employedin the experiment resulting in errors to the order of 60%. Therefore, the results mustbe viewed as estimates rather than precise measurements. The skewness profiles ofthe turbulent fluctuations of vertical velocity and water vapour mixing ratio are alsopositive.  相似文献   

曲绍厚 《气象学报》1988,46(4):452-460
本文根据中国科学院“实验3号”科学考察船1986年10月至12月在菲律宾以东60多万平方公里辽阔的西太平洋热带海域6个连续测站上(146°E,0°;145°E,0°;150°E,0°;140°E,5°N;145°E,5°N;150°E,5°N),使用我国自行研制的小型系留气艇探测系统观测到的大气温度、湿度、气压和风等廓线资料,利用相似理论的通量-廓线关系,给出这一海域的动量通量(特别是曳力系数C_D)、感热通量和潜热通量。结果表明,这一海域上的曳力系数值C_D=(1.53±0.25)×10~(-3);该海域总是将其贮存的热量以感热形式特别是以潜热形式输送到大气中(其中感热输送仅占10%,其余主要为水汽潜热输送),使该海域成为地球上不可多见的热源。  相似文献   

Use of a High-Resolution Sodar to Study Surface-layer Turbulence at Night   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements in the atmospheric surface layer are generally made with point sensors located in the first few tens of metres. In most cases, however, these measurements are not representative of the whole surface layer. Standard Doppler sodars allow a continuous display of the turbulent thermal structure and wind profiles in the boundary layer up to 1000 m, with a few points, if any, in the surface layer. To overcome these limitations a new sodar configuration is proposed that allows for a higher resolution in the surface layer. Because of its capabilities (echo recording starting at 2 m, echo intensity vertical resolution of approximately 2 m, temporal resolution of 1 s) this sodar is called the surface-layer mini-sodar (SLM-sodar). Features and capabilities of the SLM-sodar are described and compared with the sodar. The comparison of the thermal vertical structure given by the SLM-sodar and the sodar provides evidence that, in most cases, the surface layer presents a level of complexity comparable to that of the entire boundary layer. Considering its high vertical resolution, the SLM-sodar is a promising system for the study of the nocturnal surface layer. The nocturnal SLM-sodar measurements have shown that, depending on wind speed, the structure of the surface layer may change substantially within a short time period. At night, when the wind speed is greater than 3 m s−1, mechanical mixing destroys the wavy structure present in the nocturnal layer. Sonic anemometer measurements have shown that, in such cases, also the sensible heat flux varies with height, reaching a peak in correspondence with the wind speed peak. Under these conditions the assumption of horizontal homogeneity of the surface layer and the choice of the averaging time need to be carefully treated.  相似文献   

A diagnostic model for the determination of similarity profiles of turbulence and mean-wind gradient in the planetary boundary layer is developed. Vertical profiles of a turbulence length scale and the flux Richardson number are formulated through the extension of the relationships for the constant flux layer. These profiles together with a turbulence energy equation and a similarity profile empirically determined for heat or momentum flux are used to compute the turbulence energy. Relationships previously derived from a turbulence closure model are used to compute second moments of turbulence.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory and atmospheric experiments have shown that turbulence influences the surface temperature in a convective boundary layer. The main objective of this study is to examine land-atmosphere coupled heat transport mechanism for different stability conditions. High frequency infrared imagery and sonic anemometer measurements were obtained during the boundary layer late afternoon and sunset turbulence (BLLAST) experimental campaign. Temporal turbulence data in the surface-layer are then analyzed jointly with spatial surface-temperature imagery. The surface-temperature structures (identified using surface-temperature fluctuations) are strongly linked to atmospheric turbulence as manifested in several findings. The surface-temperature coherent structures move at an advection speed similar to the upper surface-layer or mixed-layer wind speed, with a decreasing trend with increase in stability. Also, with increasing instability the streamwise surface-temperature structure size decreases and the structures become more circular. The sequencing of surface- and air-temperature patterns is further examined through conditional averaging. Surface heating causes the initiation of warm ejection events followed by cold sweep events that result in surface cooling. The ejection events occur about 25 % of the time, but account for 60–70 % of the total sensible heat flux and cause fluctuations of up to 30 % in the ground heat flux. Cross-correlation analysis between air and surface temperature confirms the validity of a scalar footprint model.  相似文献   

Models of the diabatic wind profile over homogeneous terrain for the entire atmospheric boundary layer are developed using mixing-length theory and are compared to wind speed observations up to 300 m at the National Test Station for Wind Turbines at Høvsøre, Denmark. The measurements are performed within a wide range of atmospheric stability conditions, which allows a comparison of the models with the average wind profile computed in seven stability classes, showing a better agreement than compared to the traditional surface-layer wind profile. The wind profile is measured by combining cup anemometer and lidar observations, showing good agreement at the overlapping heights. The height of the boundary layer, a parameter required for the wind profile models, is estimated under neutral and stable conditions using surface-layer turbulence measurements, and under unstable conditions based on the aerosol backscatter profile from ceilometer observations.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of the fluxes of momentum , sensible heat and latent heat for the West Pacific Tropical Ocean Area ( 127 ° E - 150 ° E , 5 ° N -3 ° S ). The data were collected by the small tethered balloon sounding system over this ocean area including 6 continuous stations (140 ° E. 0 ° ; 145 ° E, 0 ° ; 150 ° E, 0 ° ; 140° E, 5 ° N; 145 ° E, 5° N and 150 ° E, 5 ° N) from 11 October to 15 December, 1986 . These fluxes were calculated by the semiempirical flux-profile relationships of Monin-Obukhov similarity theory using these observed data. The results show that for this tropical ocean area the drag coefficient CD is equal to (1.53 ± 0.25) × 10 3 and the daily mean latent flux Hl is greater than its daily mean sensible flux HV by a factor of about 9.  相似文献   

The mixing-layer height is estimated using measurements from a high resolution surface-layer sodar run at the French-Italian station of Concordia at Dome C, Antarctica during the summer 2011–2012. The temporal and spatial resolution of the sodar allows the monitoring of the mixing-layer evolution during the whole diurnal cycle, i.e. a very shallow nocturnal boundary layer followed by a typical daytime growth. The behaviour of the summer mixing-layer height, variable between about 10- and 300 m, is analyzed as a function of the mean and turbulent structure of the boundary layer. Focusing on convective cases only, the retrieved values are compared with those calculated using a one-dimensional prognostic equation. The role of subsidence is examined and discussed. We show that the agreement between modelled and experimental values significantly increases if the subsidence is not kept fixed during the day. A simple diagnostic equation, which depends on the time-averaged integral of the near-surface turbulent heat flux, the background static stability and the buoyancy parameter, is proposed and evaluated. The diagnostic relation performance is comparable to that of the more sophisticated prognostic model.  相似文献   

Summary ?Progress in technology as well as signal processing has promoted Wind Profiler Radar (WPR) or sodar with RASS additions to become standard tools in profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer. Apart from these instruments’ basic abilities in profiling mean winds and temperature, this paper will give an emphasis on the profiling of ABL height as well as the turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum both, with respect to methods as well as with respect to realization. The special focus will thereby be laid on the demands for vertical profiling, which were defined within the LITFASS-project of the German Meteorological Service. In the frame of this project, some special measuring campaigns have been performed where remote-sensing systems were used to assess their abilities in profiling ABL parameters. On the base of some case studies from these campaigns comparisons are shown, where results from sodar/RASS and WPR/RASS measurements are compared to measurements from airborne sensor systems and results from numerical models. Regarding turbulent heat fluxes, we found excellent agreement for remotely-sensed flux profiles from WPR/RASS with both, numerical models and airborne in-situ measurements. However, as the inherent errors of the remotely-sensed fluxes are in the order of ± 20 ⋯ 30 W/m2 typically, current signal processing does not allow to interpret small-scale vertical structures in the profiles with respect to surface inhomogeneities yet. Received June 16, 2001; revised February 20, 2002; accepted May 30, 2002  相似文献   

Convective plume patterns, characteristic of clear sky and light wind daytime boundary layers over land, were observed for two nights with a tri-axial Doppler sodar operated in the central area of Rome during the summer of 1994. An urban heat island effect, combined with a continuation of a breeze from the sea late into night during both days, is believed to be responsible for the observed nocturnal convection. Estimates of the surface heat flux and the vertical velocity scaling parameter are obtained from profiles of vertical velocity variance, and the Raman lidar water vapor measurements are used to obtain the humidity scaling parameter. Convective scaling results for vertical wind and humidity fairly agree with the results of other experiments and models. On the basis of available measurements, it appears that mixed-layer similarity formulations used to characterize the daytime convective boundary layer over horizontally homogeneous surfaces can also be applied to the nocturnal urban boundary layer during periods of reasonable convective activity.  相似文献   

Observations of surface-layer turbulence and turbulent fluxes were made over a desert in northwestern China as a part of HEIFE (HEIhe river Field Experiment). These show that the normalized variations of the vertical wind component and of the air temperature obey Monin-Obukhov similarity well, especially in free convective conditions. However, the variations of specific humidity do not obey Monin-Obukhov similarity.Mean bulk transfer coefficients of sensible heat and momentum flux are obtained as functions of stability over a wide stability range from the observed data of turbulent fluxes and mast profiles. However, the bulk transfer coefficient for water vapor could not be obtained because of the large scatter of the data. In free convective conditions, the sensible heat flux was found to be approximately proportional to the 1.4 power of temperature difference between the surface and 20m. The bulk transfer coefficient of sensible heat is also obtained as a function of the bulk Richardson number for practical convenience.  相似文献   

Scintillation measurements with a HeNe and a CO2 laser were used to derive turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum in the surface layer. This was achieved by the structure constant or dissipation technique, i.e., by relating the measured structure constants and inner scales of refractive index fluctuations to structure constants of temperature fluctuations and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy, respectively, and then assuming Monin-Obukhov similarity.The resulting heat fluxes agree well with measurements using the eddy correlation technique but for averaging periods of 10 min, the optical data show a much smoother and physically more plausible behaviour. The optically derived friction velocities are in good agreement with estimates derived from wind velocity and surface roughness. It was also observed that for stationary conditions, 1-min averaged optical measurements already provide good estimates for longer averaged heat and momentum fluxes.Even though some uncertainty remains about the empirical constants and Monin-Obukhov similarity expressions used, the method clearly proves to be of great value for monitoring surface-layer turbulence.  相似文献   

The structure of turbulence in an inversion layer and in an homogeneous convective field of the planetary boundary layer is described. In the first part of the paper, we validate the sodar estimates of turbulent dissipation, by using measurements with an hot-wire anemometric system in situ. Limitations of an ε measurement technique using structure function calculations are given, taking account of atmospheric properties and acoustic Doppler instrumental effects. By comparison between isopleths of backscattering intensity and of turbulent dissipation rates, we observe that in the early morning, turbulence is advected by mechanical turbulence generated by wind shear. The same mechanism seems to be operating in the case of an inversion layer capping thermal instability, when the convective activity is not too greatly developed. A turbulent kinetic energy budget is examined using aircraft, sodar, and tower measurements. This indicates a constant turbulent dissipation profile through a deep convective layer.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of two steady-state models, a numerical solution of the advection-diffusion equation and the Gaussian plume-model-based AERMOD (the American Meteorological Society/Environmental Protection Agency Regulatory Model), to predict dispersion for surface releases under low wind-speed conditions. A comparison of model estimates with observations from two tracer studies, the Prairie Grass experiment and the Idaho Falls experiment indicates that about 50% of the concentration estimates are within a factor of two of the observations, but the scatter is large: the 95% confidence interval of the ratio of the observed to estimated concentrations is about 4. The model based on the numerical solution of the diffusion equation in combination with the model of Eckman (1994, Atmos Environ 28:265–272) for horizontal spread performs better than AERMOD in explaining the observations. Accounting for meandering of the wind reduces some of the overestimation of concentrations at low wind speeds. The results deteriorate when routine one-level observations are used to construct model inputs. An empirical modification to the similarity estimate of the surface friction velocity reduces the underestimation at low wind speeds.  相似文献   

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