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The lysosomal membrane destabilization and the metallothionein content in the digestive gland cells of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.), collected along the east coast of the North Adriatic (Istrian and Kvarnerine coast, Croatia), were examined over a period of four years (1996–1999). The lysosomal membrane stability, as a biomarker of general stress, showed that the membrane labilization period in mussels from polluted, urban- and industrial-related areas was significantly decreased (p<0.05) when compared to mussels from control, clean sea water sites. In the harbour of Rijeka, the most contaminated site, the lysosomal membrane stability was reduced by more than 70% compared to the control. This method also proved to be a useful biomarker for detection of additional stress caused by short-term hypoxia that occurred once during this study inside the polluted and periodically quite eutrophic Pula Harbour. The concentration of metallothioneins in the mussel digestive gland, as a specific biomarker of exposure to heavy metals, did not reveal significant differences (p<0.05) between sites covered by this study.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the usefulness of cellular energy allocation (CEA) evaluations as a physiological biomarker to infer the occurrence of natural stress in native populations of mussels inhabiting the stratified estuary (Krka River estuary, Croatia). Sampling sites were selected based on their differences in the salinity and temperature. The CEA value was calculated as a ratio between available energy (Ea) and energy consumption (Ec). Generally, higher values of Ea were recorded in June than in November, which were especially evident in the storage components (carbohydrates and lipids), while the constitutive component (proteins) remained relatively constant. The highest Ec was recorded in mussels at estuarine site compared to coastal site, which may be caused by the energetically costly maintenance of osmotic balance. Decrease in CEA recorded in estuarine mussels may ultimately result in a lower amount of energy available for growth, reproduction, or defence against other stresses (e.g. pollution).  相似文献   

The simultaneous study of two biomarkers, the lysosomal membrane stability (LMS) of the digestive gland and the metallothionein (MT) content of the digestive gland, the gills and the mantle/gonad complex of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis was examined in an enclosed estuarine system in June and October 2001. Mussels were collected along the Gulf of Thermaikos (northern Greece) from stations displaying a pollution gradient, while Olympiada in the Gulf of Strymonikos was used as a reference station. In addition, the heavy metal (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) content, using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), were evaluated in the digestive gland, the gills and the mantle/gonad complex of mussels collected from the same sites and seasons. LMS values were significantly greater, and the MT content of the studied tissues were significantly less in mussels collected from the reference station compared to mussels from more polluted stations located in the Gulf of Thermaikos. Significant correlation was observed between the MT content of the gills and the mantle/gonad complex with the LMS values.  相似文献   

Melting seasonal ground ice (SGI) in western Boreal Plains (WBP) peatlands can reduce the available energy at the surface by reducing potential evapotranspiration (PET). PET often exceeds annual precipitation in the WBP. Including this effect in hydrological models may be important in assessing water deficits. However, SGI melt and the timing of ice-free conditions vary spatially, which suggests PET spatial variability could be influenced by SGI. Understanding this potential linkage can help improve site scale PET in peatland hydrological models. The objectives of this paper were (a) to quantify the effect of ice thickness and melt rate on peatland PET; (b) quantify the spatial variability of SGI thickness and melt rate across spatial scales; and (c) assess how/if spatial variability in SGI thickness/melt rate affects site scale PET. Results from the sensitivity analysis indicated that SGI thickness had a bigger impact on reducing PET compared with the melt rate. Two SGI thickness values were used that were observed on site: 0.32 m, which was measured in a more treed area, and 0.18 m, which was in a more open area. The 0.32 m had an average PET reduction of 14 mm (±0.7), over the month of May, compared with 9 mm (±1 mm) when there was 0.18 m of SGI, which are 13.7 and 8.8% reductions, respectively. SGI thickness and melt rate, both exhibited large- and small-scale spatial variability. At the large scale, spatial patterns in SGI thickness appeared to be influenced by extensive shading from the adjacent hillslopes. Small scale, SGI thickness may be a function of tree proximity and the snowpack. Finally, net radiation, rather than SGI, appeared to be the main driver behind PET spatial variability. This work enhances our conceptual understanding of the role of SGI in WBP peatlands. Future work can use the findings to better inform peatland hydrological models, allowing for better representation of peatlands in regional-scale models.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the histochemical localization of N-acetyl-β-hexozaminidase (Hex), acid phosphatase (AcP) and β-glucuronidase (β-Gus) in the digestive gland of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, as well as the clarification of suitable enzyme for biomarkers' application dealing with lysosomes. The results show more intense and homogenous localization of Hex, in relation to AcP and β-Gus and, thus, Hex histochemistry is supported as more suitable procedure for the evaluation of "lysosomal membrane stability" and "morphometrical alterations of lysosomes". The affection of lipofuscin granules on lysosomal enzymes' activity is also discussed. Additionally, the present study examines the response of small- and large-sized mussels M. galloprovincialis by assessing the "lysosomal membrane stability", "morphometrical alterations of lysosomes", "lysosomal response index (LRI)" and "structural epithelial changes in digestive tubules". The results indicate appreciable alterations of the above parameters in large-sized mussels, supporting their greater influence by the environmental factors, in relation to small-sized ones.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distributions of organic matter and fine grains were tested as possible determinants of fauna distribution in bed sediment of a Hercynian gravel stream. Invertebrate densities and the amounts of fine grains and organic carbon were assessed in freeze-core samples taken along 70 cm depth profiles at three different positions in the stream channel. Sampling was conducted on five occasions of low discharge over two years. The variability in invertebrate community composition was analysed using Detrended Correspondence Analysis with posterior projection of explanatory variables; Variation Partitioning was used to estimate the independent and shared effects of the explanatory variables. We found that the best predictors of the invertebrate community were spatial variables (depth, position in the channel) and then variables influenced by seasonal patterns (surface water temperature and discharge). The influence of organic matter and fine grain content was significant only after eliminating spatial autocorrelation. High amounts of organic matter, randomly accumulated in the sediment, improved the model by explaining high fauna densities. The fine grain content was not a limiting factor to fauna at our study site. It is possible that the large amount of mica flakes in the sediment has caused the arrangement of grains with a pore space sufficient for fauna even when fine grain content was high.  相似文献   

The biologically active compounds, antioxidant activities, and free radical scavenging effects of black mussel dry matter (Mytilus galloprovincialis)--(BMDM) were investigated. The extract from BMDM with absolute methanol (BMDMAMet) showed the strongest inhibition of lipid peroxidation as a function of its concentration, and was comparable to the antioxidant activity of butylated hydroxyanisole, at the same concentration of 0.2 mg/ml. The extract with 50%methanol/water (BMDM50%Met) had the weakest antioxidant activity, whereas other extracts such as 1.2 M HCl in 50%methanol/water (BMDM50%Met/HCl) exhibited an average inhibition of lipid peroxidation. BMDMAMet extract showed marked activities in free radical scavenging determined by beta-carotene bleaching (beta-carotene), nitric oxide (NO*) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) radical cation (ABTS*+ methods. The antioxidant activities of BMDMAMet extract determined beta-carotene, NO* and ABTS*+ methods showed the highest correlation coefficients (R2) such as 0.998, 0.9976 and 0.6103, respectively, with the presence of total polyphenols. BMDM50%Met had lower antioxidant ability than BMDM50%Met/HCl in different scavenging methods, indicating that the major antioxidant components in these extracts must be derived from the polyphenols. Correlation between proteins and antioxidants was very low (0.0318 and 0.0433). The mussel extracts from polluted areas have shown by all using methods higher antioxidant activity than from the clean ones. The results presented in this report indicate that the antioxidant activities of mussel extracts could possibly be an additional index of pollution characterization.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the hydrological response of the Duero River (central Spain) and its tributaries. We identified the positive and negative phases of the winter NAO for the period 1961–2006 and related precipitation and river discharge anomalies. Significant differences in precipitation and river discharge were found between the positive and negative NAO phases with negative anomalies (dry conditions) during positive NAO periods, and positive anomalies (wet conditions) during negative NAO periods. Marked differences were also found in the precipitation and river discharge response times to the NAO episodes, with an immediate response for precipitation but a lag and more sustained response for river discharges. Differing patterns were also identified in the response of river discharge to the NAO throughout the Duero basin. The physical characteristics of watersheds (including area, altitude and permeability explained most of the differences in the timing and magnitude of anomalies in the river discharge in response to the NAO. The findings highlight the great variability in the hydrological response of rivers to the NAO episodes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to study the impact of produced water (PW) from a North Sea oil field on blue mussels (Mytilus edulis), chemical and biological markers were selected. A laboratory exposure (0.125%, 0.25% and 0.5% of PW) and a field study (6 stations 0.2-2 km from a PW discharge point) were conducted. In the laboratory study, PAH bioaccumulation increased in mussel soft tissue even at the lowest exposure dose. Micronuclei frequency demonstrated a dose-response pattern, whereas lysosomal membrane stability showed tendency towards a dose-response pattern. The same markers were assessed in the field study, biomarker analyses were consistent with the contamination level, as evaluated by mussel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons body burden. Overall, obtained results confirmed the value of an ecotoxicological approach for a scientifically sound characterisation of biological effects induced by offshore oilfield operational discharges.  相似文献   

Seasonality plays a critical role in cold mountain regions as variation in air temperature, ground thermal status, and precipitation phase alter the rate, timing and magnitude of hydrological and chemical transport. Additionally, cold mountain catchments can have highly variable topography, geology, permafrost, and landcover, which intrinsically add to this irregularity. Understanding how external and internal variability act to control mass fluxes requires sampling at a high spatial resolution over time, which rarely occurs in cold remote regions. In this work, we conduct five snapshot sampling surveys across 34 subcatchments during the ice-free period in Wolf Creek Research Basin (a mesoscale montane subarctic catchment) and two additional winter surveys across a subset of sites to assess the drivers of variability in stream chemistry and discharge. We sampled for specific conductance (SpC), major ions, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and used statistical metrics and Bayesian mixing analysis to quantify patterns of flow and chemistry across space and time. Our results indicate patterns in both flow and chemistry remain largely consistent across seasons for all solutes. However, there was weaker correlation of chemistry between sites, suggesting asynchronous behaviour within the catchment. There was evidence of increasing production of ions and DOC along the stream network during high spring flows but not during low flows. Although concentrations and flows exhibit high seasonality in subarctic mountains, this seasonal variability does not alter spatial patterns that arise from highly variable catchment characteristics.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analysis was used to explore relationships between catchment topography and spatial variability in snow accumulation and melt processes in a small headwater catchment in the Spanish Pyrenees. Manual surveys of snow depth and density provided information on the spatial distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) and its depletion over the course of the 1997 and 1998 melt seasons. A number of indices expressing the topographic control on snow processes were extracted from a detailed digital elevation model of the catchment. Bivariate screening was used to assess the relative importance of these topographic indices in controlling snow accumulation at the start of the melt season, average melt rates and the timing of snow disappearance. This suggested that topographic controls on the redistribution of snow by wind are the most important influence on snow distribution at the start of the melt season. Furthermore, it appeared that spatial patterns of snow disappearance were largely determined by the distribution of snow water equivalent (SWE) at the start of the melt season, rather than by spatial variability in melt rates during the melt season. Binary regression tree models relating snow depth and disappearance date to terrain indices were then constructed. These explained 70–80% of the variance in the observed data. As well as providing insights into the influence of topography on snow processes, it is suggested that the techniques presented herein could be used in the parameterization of distributed snowmelt models, or in the design of efficient stratified snow surveys. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The interception process impacts rainfall magnitude and intensity under the canopy. In this study, the effect of plant interception on throughfall characteristics was assessed in the deciduous Caatinga vegetation, at different canopy development stages and for temporal scales ranging from seasonal to the intra-event scale. Throughfall and stemflow percentages were slightly higher at the onset of the rainy season, when leaf area density is low, with resulting lower interception losses. However, there was no statistical difference among the variables at the seasonal scale. At the intra-event scale, average and maximum throughfall intensity at different time intervals showed statistical difference between the stages of canopy development. Regardless of leaf area density and rainfall depth, vegetation is able to retain all the water up to 2 min in the beginning of each rainfall event with accumulated rainfall smaller than 0.6 mm. Furthermore, the Caatinga vegetation attenuates the rainfall intensity by 30–40%.  相似文献   

Despite a large number of gas platforms existing in the Adriatic Sea, which is a semi-enclosed basin characterized by a slow turnover rate and increasing industrial as well as other anthropogenic activities, the effects of these structures on the aquatic ecosystem require further investigation. Since 1998, multidisciplinary studies have been performed by CNR-ISMAR to comply with legislation and to support the development of protocols for the monitoring of offshore activities in the Adriatic Sea. The present study was developed to implement a biomonitoring plan to assess the ecotoxicological effects of the extraction activities of an off-shore gas platform. Biomarkers were evaluated in mussels collected from the platform in relation to physiological stress, DNA damage, cellular damage, oxidative stress and exposure effects. Organic contaminants and trace element bioaccumulation were also assessed in the soft body of the mussels to correlate bioaccumulation of pollutants with biomarker responses. The results indicate an absence of platform-related environmental stress.  相似文献   

Meteorological, hydrological, and hydrodynamic data for 3 years (2008–2010) have been used to document and explain the temporal and spatial variability of the physical–biogeochemical interactions in the Guadalquivir River Estuary. A real-time, remote monitoring network has been deployed along the course of the river between its mouth and Seville to study a broad range of temporal scales (semidiurnal, diurnal, fortnightly, and seasonal). This network consists of eight hydrological monitoring stations capable of measuring temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll fluorescence at four depths. In addition, six stations have been deployed to study hydrodynamics, obtaining 20-cell water column current profiles, and there is a meteorological station at the river mouth providing data for understanding atmospheric interactions. Completing this data-gathering network, there are several moorings (tide gauges, current/wave sensors, and a thermistor chain) deployed in the estuary and river mouth. Various sources of physical forcing, such as wind, tide-associated currents, and river discharge, are responsible for the particular temporal and spatial patterns of turbidity and salinity found in the estuary. These variables force the distribution of biogeochemical variables, such as dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence. In particular, episodes of elevated turbidity (when suspended particle matter concentration >3,000 mg/l) have been detected by the network, together with episodes of declining values of salinity and dissolved oxygen. All these patterns are related to river discharge and tidal dynamics (spring/neap and high/low tide).  相似文献   

This paper, the second in the series, uses the entropy theory to describe the spatial variability of groundwater quality data sets. The application of the entropy theory is illustrated using the chloride observations obtained from a network of groundwater quality monitoring wells in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The application involves calculating information measures, such as transinformation, the information transfer index and the correlation coefficient. These measures are calculated using a discrete approach, in which contingency tables are used. An exponential decay fitting approach was applied to the discrete models. The analysis shows that transinformation, as a function of distance, can be represented by the exponential decay curve. It also indicates that, for the data used in this study, the transinformation model is superior to the correlation model for characterizing the spatial variability. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Petroleum contamination was assessed in indigenous and transplanted mussels for three types of environments within the Venice Lagoon and its associated interior canals. Indigenous and transplanted mussels were least impacted by petroleum contamination at open-water stations, but more affected in partially-enclosed areas indicating that physical processes of tidal or wind activities can remove organic contaminants such as petroleum from these areas more effectively. Limited tidal flushing of the interior canals resulted in contaminated locations unable to support indigenous mussels. Clean mussels transplanted to these highly impacted sites accumulated the highest levels of petroleum hydrocarbons. The distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) indicated mainly combustion-related activities from sources such as the nearby industrial zones and boat traffic, with some evidence of fresher petroleum inputs. Total hydrocarbons found in all mussels could be related to concentrations found in the surrounding sediments as reported in an earlier study.  相似文献   

Surface waters collected along the salinity gradient of the Hudson River estuary in four cruises between 1995 and 1997 were size-fractionated into particulate (>0.45 μm), ‘dissolved' (<0.45 μm), colloidal (10 kDa, 0.45 μm) and low molecular weight (<10 kDa) phases. Dissolved Cd concentrations (range: 0.11–1.19 nM) in surface waters of the estuary appear to have decreased fourfold (from an average of 2.36 to 0.61 nM) over a 23-year period, since the initial analysis of samples collected in the 1970s by Klinkhammer and Bender [Estuar. Coastal Shelf Sci. 12 (1981) 629–643]. This interannual decline reflects improvement in sewage treatment and the elimination of industrial Cd sources to the Hudson River estuary. In contrast, dissolved Mn levels (range: 0.033–1.46 μM) have remained relatively constant over the same period of time, suggesting that anthropogenic sources have very limited impact on Mn concentrations in the estuary. The concentrations of both Cd and Mn appeared to strongly depend on the season and/or river discharge. The highest concentrations were detected under low freshwater discharge, implying that limited hydraulic flushing allows a build-up of metals in the water column. Although the decline in Cd levels within the estuary reflects a reduction in the magnitude of anthropogenic inputs, mass balance estimates indicated that current sources of Cd to the estuary include sewage discharges (in the lower estuary around Manhattan) and diagenetic remobilization from industrial Cd deposited in sediments nearly 2 decades ago (in the upper estuary near Foundry Cove). Moreover, under low river discharge, the sources considered in our model (sewage, riverine input, atmospheric deposition, and benthic fluxes) could account for no more than 60% of the Cd exported from the lower estuary to the ocean. This suggests that undefined sources such as ground water and inputs from other watersheds (e.g., Long Island Sound and Newark Bay) may potentially influence the water quality of the New York Harbor. The size-fractionated metal concentrations indicated that most of the traditionally defined ‘dissolved' Cd and Mn consisted of <10 kDa molecular weight species. High molecular weight colloidal species of Mn accounted for about 50% of the dissolved fraction at the riverine end-member and <5% at intermediate and high salinities. Colloidal Cd accounted for <6% of the dissolved phase throughout the estuary. Unlike the non-conservative excess (relative to ideal dilution of river water and seawater) of dissolved Mn observed along the estuary, high molecular weight colloidal Mn appeared to be removed at the head of the estuary. The small contribution of colloidal Cd and Mn to the ‘dissolved' phase suggests that remobilization from suspended particulate phases and/or from sediments occurs through the formation of small molecular weight species.  相似文献   

The suspended sediment flux field in the Yellow and East China Seas(YECS) displays its seasonal variability.A new method is introduced in this paper to obtain the flux field via retrieval of ocean color remote sensing data,statistical analysis of historical suspended sediment concentration data,and numerical simulation of three-dimensional(3D) flow velocity.The components of the sediment flux field include(i) surface suspended sediment concentration inverted from ocean color remote sensing data;(ii) vertical distribution of suspended sediment concentration obtained by statistical analysis of historical observation data;and(iii) 3D flow field modeled by a numerical simulation.With the improved method,the 3D suspended sediment flux field in the YECS has been illustrated.By comparison with the suspended sediment flux field solely based on the numerical simulation of a suspended sediment transport model,the suspended sediment flux field obtained by the improved method is found to be more reliable.The 3D suspended sediment flux field from ocean colour remote sensing and in situ observation are more closer to the reality.Furthermore,by quantitatively analyzing the newly obtained suspended sediment flux field,the quantity of sediment erosion and deposition within the different regions can be evaluated.The sediment exchange between the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea can be evident.The mechanism of suspended sediment transport in the YECS can be better understood.In particular,it is suggested that the long-term transport of suspended sediment is controlled mainly by the circulation pattern,especially the current in winter.  相似文献   

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