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As far as the author knows, the previous models of solitary Rossby wave have been restricted to the case of the east-west elongated one. However, now, it is shown by Yano and Tsujimura that the north-south elongated KdV-type solitary Rossby wave is also possible. In this note, a typical example of the north-south elongated elongated KdV-type solitary Rossby wave in the shallow water β-plane model is examined.The conventional east-west elongated solitary Rossby wave is governed by the KdV equation in the longitudinal direction at each latitude. The same is true for the case of the north-south elongated solitary Rossby wave. The main difference is that, however, the KdV-soliton defined at each latitude has drifted by the local phase velocity, which is different for each latitude. Hence, the wave pattern is deformed continuosly with time in the latitudinal direction, and the separable solution is not possible as is in the case of the east-west elongated solitary wave.  相似文献   

A multiple β-plane is introduced to explore the relation between plane and spherical Rossby waves. The fundamental problem, the refraction of a plane Rossby wave across a discontinuity in β, is solved. It is shown that refraction on the multiple β-plane agrees in the limit with refraction on the full sphere only if a suitable correction is made for the geometric distortion of the β-plane. The full spherical modes of Rossby waves trapped in a band about the equator (Longuet-Higgins, 1964) have their counterpart in a simple model consisting of an “equatorial” β-plane bounded above and below by “polar” β-planes.  相似文献   

The Domain, where the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the KdV-type solitary Rossby waves are satisfied is defined in the shallow water β-plane model. The KdV-type solitary Rossby waves are the Rossby waves whose time-longitude dependence is determined by the KdV equation. As far as an appropriate amplitude and an appropriate ratio of the scales of the east-west and north-south directions are given, the KdV-type solitary Rossby waves can exist for every basic zonal flow. This result suggests the large validity of the soliton model in geophysical fluid dynamics. The KdV-type solitary Rossby waves are classified into four categories: (1) shear solitons studied by Long, Larsen, Benny, Redekop, and Hukuda, (2) β-divergent solitons studied by Clarke, Yamagata, and Nogami, (3) β-solitons found in the case of the strong stratification, and (4) divergent solitons which exist in the planetary-geostrophic-scale zonal flow. A remarkable result is that, in addition to the conventional east-west elongated solitons, the north-south elongated solitons can also exist for the case of the divergent solitons.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first apply the assumption h = εh′ of topographic variation (h is the nondimensional topographic height and is a small parameter) to obtain nonlinear equations describing three-wave quasi-resonant and non-resonant interactions among Rossby waves for zonal wavenumbers 1—3 over a wavenumber-two bottom topography (WTBT). Some numerical calculations are made with the fourt-order Rung-Kutta Scheme. It is found that for the case without topographic forcing, the period of three-wave quasi-resonance (TWQR) is found to be independent of the zonal basic westerly wind, but dependent on the meridional wavenumber and the initial amplitudes. For the fixed initial data, when the frequency mismatch is smaller and the meridional wavelength is moderate, its period will belong to the 30–60-day period band. However, when the wavenumber-two topography is included, the periods of the forced quasi-resonant Rossby waves are also found to be strongly dependent on the setting of the zonal basic westerly wind. Under the same conditions, only when the zonal basic westerly wind reaches a moderate extent, intraseasonal oscillations in the 30–60-day period band can be found for zonal wavenumbers 1–3. On the other hand, if three Rossby waves considered have the same meridional wavenumber, three-wave non-resonant interaction over a WTBT can occur in this case. When the WTBT vanishes, the amplitudes of these Rossby waves are conserved. But in the presence of a WTBT, the three Rossby waves oscillate with the identical period. The period, over a moderate range of the zonal basic westerly wind, is in the intraseasonal, 30–60-Day range.  相似文献   

When the problem of the reflection of spatially localized Rossby waves from a coast is treated using the quasigeostrophic (QG) approximation, the total fluid mass and the along-shore circulation calculated from the geostrophic height field are not conserved. To understand the correct mass balance and the degree to which the QG equations and boundary conditions may be in error, we analyze an initial-value problem for the Laplace tidal equations on a β-plane in the asymptotic limit 1, where is the ratio of the spatial scale of the motion to the Earth's radius.It is shown that there is a coupling between QG and O() fields. Physically, the coupling occurs by a peculiar adjustment process in the O() approximation in which fast gravity waves are permanently generated to build up a quasi-stationary edge Kelvin wave. Different temporal scales (large for O(1) Rossby waves and small for the O() gravity waves make comparable the contributions of the waves to the mass and circulation balance equations. However, QG analysis itself describes the reflection of Rossby waves correctly, but is incomplete, and for satisfactory balances one has to take into account the fields of both orders of the approximation.Applications of the results to closed basins, baroclinicity, and variable bottom topography are discussed. It is conjectured that an interaction of strong oceanic eddies with a coast (continental slope) may give rise to noticeable along-shore jet currents.  相似文献   

A complete theory of the linear initial-value problem for Rossby waves on a class of smooth circular vortices in both f-plane and polar-region geometries is presented in the limit of small and large Rossby deformation radius. Although restricted to the interior region of barotropically stable circular vortices possessing a single extrema in tangential wind, the theory covers all azimuthal wavenumbers. The non-dimensional evolution equation for perturbation potential vorticity is shown to depend on only one parameter, G, involving the azimuthal wavenumber, the basic state radial potential vorticity gradient, the interior deformation radius, and the interior Rossby number.In Hankel transform space the problem admits a Schrödinger’s equation formulation which permits a qualitative and quantitative discussion of the interaction between vortex Rossby wave disturbances and the mean vortex. New conservation laws are developed which give exact time-evolving bounds for disturbance kinetic energy. Using results from the theory of Lie groups a nontrivial separation of variables can be achieved to obtain an exact solution for asymmetric balanced disturbances covering a wide range of geophysical vortex applications including tropical cyclone, polar vortex, and cyclone/anticyclone interiors in barotropic dynamics. The expansion for square summable potential vorticity comprises a discrete basis of radially propagating sheared vortex Rossby wave packets with nontrivial transient behavior. The solution representation is new, and for this class of swirling flows gives deeper physical insight into the dynamics of perturbed vortex interiors than the more traditional approach of Laplace transform or continuous-spectrum normal-mode representations. In general, initial disturbances are shown to excite two regions of wave activity. At the extrema of these barotropically stable vortices and for a certain range of wavenumbers, the Rossby wave dynamics are shown to become nonlinear for all initial conditions. Extensions of the theory are proposed.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate which conditions are needed to assure uniqueness of solutions of the barotropic QG model, and, how these conditions are related to the conservation laws of mass, vorticity and energy. Uniqueness and conservation laws are analyzed for a simply connected domain (a closed basin) and for a doubly connected domain (a periodic or re-entrant channel).For the multiply connected domain we find, besides the model proposed by McWilliams in 1977, another consistent model whose solutions satisfy the conservation laws. The additional conditions in our model are: (a) the sum of the circulations around all closed solid walls is time-independent; (b) the value of the QG streamfunction (Φ) is the same at all closed walls. McWilliams' model and ours are not equivalent.As a simple application we study the free Rossby normal modes in a channel. For a non-zonal channel on a β-plane there are solutions (modes) that are independent of the coordinate along the channel. These are used to compare the modes and frequencies obtained from three different, but well posed, models. Solutions that are independent of the along-channel coordinate do not exist for the planetary geostrophic and for the shallow water equations on a β-plane.  相似文献   

The evolution of barotropic vortices interacting with a topographic ridge on a f-plane is studied by means of laboratory experiments in a rotating tank and numerical simulations. The initial condition in all experiments is a cyclonic vortex created at a certain distance from the ridge. The results are presented in two main scenarios: (a) weak interactions, which occur at early stages of the experiments, when the vortex is far from the ridge, and thus weakly experiences the influence of the topography. In these situations, the vortex slowly drifts towards the ridge with a leftward inclination due to the ascending slope of the topography. Such a behaviour is similar to the “northwestern” motion of cyclones over a weak sloping bottom. The circular shape of the monopolar vortex is preserved. (b) Strong interactions, in which the vortex core reaches the ridge and presents a more complicated evolution. The cyclone “climbs” to the top of the topography and crosses to the other side. Once the vortex experiences the opposite slope, it moves backwards trying to return to the original side of the ridge. For strong enough vortices, this process may be repeated a number of times until the vortex is dissipated by viscous effects. During these interactions the shape of the vortex is strongly deformed and several filaments are produced. In some cases the vortex is cleaved in two parts when crossing the ridge, one at each side of it and moving in opposite directions.Weak and strong interactions are numerically simulated by using a quasi-two-dimensional model. The results confirm that the vortex behaviour is governed by stretching and squeezing effects associated with changes in depth over the ridge and, at latter stages, by Ekman damping due to the solid bottom. The main results observed during strong interactions on a f-plane are also found on preliminar topographic β-plane experiments.  相似文献   

When a broad ocean current encounters a large-scale topographic feature, standing Rossby wave patterns can be generated. Short Rossby waves with a scale Li = √ Q/β (Q is the speed of the approaching flow; β is the meridional gradient of f) are generated east of the topography. If the zonal scale of the topography, L, is planetary, long standing Rossby waves can be generated west of the topography, when the current has a meridional component. The long waves focus the disturbance zonally and produce alternating regions of intensified or reduced zonal flow. The meridional scale that characterizes these zonal bands is the intermediate scales, L = Li2/3L1/3. When the meridional topographic scale is comparable to L, the amplitude of the long-wave disturbance is dominant. Using multiple-scale methods to exploit the scale gap between the planetary, intermediate and Rossby wave scales, the topographically induced pressure and velocity fields due to a zonal ridge are obtained. When the planetary-scale flow field is directed poleward, a westward counterflow can occur along the poleward flank of the ridge. The meridional scales of these topographically induced flows are comparable to those observed along the Indian-Antarctic Ridge by Callahan (1971).  相似文献   

This paper reports on two-layer rotating liquid experiments designed to study the behavior of non-linear baroclinic waves under conditions where the Rossby radius of deformation Rd is much smaller than the geometric length scale L imposed by the size of the laboratory apparatus. The apparatus is constructed to consistently simulate f-plane dynamics. When F = L2/Rd2 > > 1, it is found that the unstable waves first encountered as friction is decreased have high frequencies, in accord with linear theory. As the friction parameter Q = 0.7 E12/R0 (where E is the Ekman number and R0 the Rossby number) is further decreased into the non-linear region, singlewave amplitude vacillation is observed. Generally, as Q decreases lower frequencies (and low wavenumbers) dominate the response, which ultimately becomes turbulent at values of Q of the order 0.1. This is contrary to the result expected from an extrapolation of linear theory. Further observations show that the finite-amplitude state is not unique: multi-equilibria are possible depending on the initial conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of topography on baroclinic wave flows are studied experimentally in a thermally driven rotating annulus of fluid.Fourier analysis and complex principal component (CPC) analysis of the experimental data show that, due to topographic forcing, the flow is bimodal rather than a single mode. Under suitable imposed experimental parameters, near thermal Rossby number ROT = 0.1 and Taylor number Ta = 2.2 × 107, the large-scale topography produces low-frequency oscillation in the flow and rather long-lived flow pattern resembling blocking in the atmospheric cir-culation. The ‘blocking’ phenomenon is caused by the resonance of travelling waves and the quasi-stationary waves forced by topography.The large-scale topography transforms wavenumber-homogeneous flows into wavenumber-dispersed flows, and the dispersed flows possess lower wavenumbers.  相似文献   

Summary Vertical fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat have been estimated over the surface of the global oceans. A three-dimensional mesh grid 32 longitude points, 17 latitude points and 365 days from December 1, 1978 to November 30, 1979 is used to obtain seasonal and annual mean values of the surface fluxes. The global climatology shows the seasonal variation, the continental influence, the principal ocean currents and the typical middle latitude (30°–50°) and tropical effects (30°S–30°N). The annual mean of latent heat shows greater flux over the subtropical regions (~ 280 W/m2) than in the polar regions (~ 80 W/m2). On the other hand, the annual mean of sensible heat shows greater flux over the polar regions (~ 100 W/m2) than in the tropics (~ 40 W/m2). Time series analyses of the daily estimates of the surface fluxes show greater energy at high frequencies due to the surface effect; however, the low-frequency spectra show relatively high energy at the 30- to 50-day mode, especially for the middle latitude regions. The 30–50 day filtered data for the surface fluxes, presented in time/latitude cross-sections for the middle latitude regions show a westerly wave propagation with wave numberK = 2 and phase speed of the order of 12 degrees/day from June to August over the southern hemisphere at 55°S.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Einschätzung der vertikalen Impuls-Flüsse und der Flüsse von sensibler und latenter Wärme über der gesamten Meeresoberfläche. Ein dreidimensionales Gitter mit 32 × 17 Punkten und Daten von 365 Tagen (von 1. 12. 1978 bis 30. 11. 1979) wird benutzt, um sowohl Jahreszeiten als auch Jahresmittelwerte der Oberflächenflüsse zu erhalten. Die globale Klimatologie zeigt die jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen, den kontinentalen Einfluß, die wichtigsten Meeresströmungen und die typischen Effekte der mittleren Breiten (30°–50°) und der Tropen (30°S–30°N). Das Jahresmittel latenter Wärme weist größere Flüsse über subtropischen Regionen (ca. 280 W/m2) als über polaren Regionen (ca. 80 W/m2) auf, während andererseits das Jahresmittel sensibler Wärme über Polarregionen (ca. 100 W/m2) größere Flüsse als über den Tropen (ca. 40 W/m2) aufweist. Zeitreihen-Analysen der täglichen Schätzwerte von Oberflächenflüssen deuten auf mehr Energie bei hohen Frequenzen aufgrund des Oberflächeneffekts hin; in jedem Fall zeigen die Niederfrequenz-Spektren relativ hohe Energie in den 30 – 50-Tage-Perioden, besonders für mittlere Breiten. Die über einen Zeitraum von 30 – 50 Tagen gesammelten Daten der Oberflächenflüsse dargestellt in Zeit-Breiten-Querschnitten für mittlere Breiten zeigen von Juni bis August über der südlichen Hemisphäre bei 55°S eine Ausbreitung der westlichen Wellen mit der WellenzahlK = 2 und einer Phasengeschwindigkeit im Ausmaß von 12° pro Tag.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The principle of the group-kinetic method is elucidated. This method of renormalization serves as the basis for analyzing the spectral structure of turbulence. The spectral distributions include the Kolmogoroff lawk –5/3 for isotropic turbulence, the power lawk –1 for shear turbulence, the spectrum for stratified turbulence not in the power law form, the power lawk –3 for two-dimensional geostrophic turbulence, and the power lawsk –3,k –2 andk –5 for two-dimensional Rossby wave turbulence with uniform and differential rotations. We discuss a spectrum-dependent modeling in reference to the problems of the universal functions and parameters in the similarity theories for the atmospheric surface layer and the planetary boundary layer. A renormalization-based modeling of atmospheric turbulence is proposed.  相似文献   

A spectral approach is applied to shear-induced turbulence in stratified layers. A system of spectral equations for stationary balance of turbulent energy and temperature variances was deduced in the vicinity of the local shear scale LU = (ε/UZ3)1/2. At wavenumbers between the inertial-convective (k−5/3) and wak turbulence (k−3) subranges, additional narrow spectral intervals—‘production’ subranges—may appear (E k−1, ET k−2). The upper boundary of these subranges is determined as LU, and the lower boundaries as LR (ε/UZN2)1/2(χ/TZ2). It is shown that the scale LU is a unique spectral scale that is uniform up to a constant value for every hydrophysical field. It appears that the spectral scale LU is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh for the active turbulence model. Therefore, if turbulent patches are generated in a background of permanent mean shear, a linear relation between temperature and mass diffusivities exists. In spectral terms, the fossil turbulence model corresponds to the regime of the Boldgiano-Obukhov buoyancy subrange (E k−11/5, ET k−7/5). During decay the buoyancy subrange is expanded to lower and higher wavenumbers. At lower wavenumbers the buoyancy subrange is bounded by L** = 3(χ1/2/N1/2TZ), which is equivalent to the Thorpe scale LTh. In such a transition regime only, when the viscous dissipation rate is removed from the set of main turbulence parameters, the Thorpe scale does not correlate with the buoyancy scale LN ε1/2/N3/2 and fossil turbulence is realized. Oceanic turbulence measurements in the equatorial Pacific near Baker Island confirm the main ideas of the active and fossil turbulence models.  相似文献   

Atmospheric water vapour is treated as an equilibrium mixture of gas-phase water clusters, (H2O) i , using recent precise quantum-chemical data on these species. It is shown that within a typical atmospheric temperature/humidity profile, the cluster populations in the Earth's atmosphere decrease with increasing height, being of the order of magnitude of 0.1 mg/m3 and 0.1 g/m3 for the water dimer and trimer, respectively, in the atmospheric pressure region of 700–800 mb.Dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the preparation of the first artificial snow crystal by Prof. Ukitiro Nakaya at the Hokkaido University on 12 March, 1936 (see, e.g., Nakaya et al. (1938)).  相似文献   

The first-order (linear) response of the planetary boundary layer is calculated for flow over periodic terrain, for variations in both surface roughness and terrain elevation. Calculations are made for horizontal wavenumbers varying from 10–4m–1 to 3 × 10–3m–1. A simple second-order closure model of the turbulence is used, and Coriolis and buoyancy forces are neglected. As expected, flow over a periodic terrain produces corresponding periodic structure in all meteorological fields above the surface. The periodic structure consists of two components. The first is very nearly evanescent with height, showing little vertical structure. It corresponds to the motion that would be observed were the atmosphere inviscid. The second component, introduced by turbulent viscosity, exhibits considerable vertical structure, with vertical wavelengths the order of 100 m, and thus could be responsible for the layering often seen on acoustic sounder observations of the atmospheric boundary layer.Wave Propagation Laboratory.Environmental Science Group.  相似文献   

Gas and particle phase concentrations of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured at an urban/industrial site in the city of Bursa, Turkey. PCB concentration levels were presented between July 2004 and May 2005. Average particle and gas phase concentrations of individual PCB congeners ranged from 0.08 (PCB-183) to 6.86 (PCB-49) pg m− 3 and from 0.01 (PCB-209) to 47.2 (PCB-33) pg m− 3, respectively. The mean concentration of total (gas + particle) PCBs varied between 24.27 and 666.21 pg m− 3 with an average of 287.27 ± 174.80 pg m− 3. PCB concentrations at the sampling site were higher than the concentrations reported at non-urban sites. PCBs partitioned between gas and particle phases and the partitioning was examined according to different approaches such as logKp–logPLo, logKp–logKOA and the Junge–Pankow model. In order to present possible interactions, a correlation matrix based on PCB congeners and meteorological parameters was constructed. Application of the Clausius–Clapeyron equation yielded a low slope value indicating possible emissions from local and regional sources originating mainly from urban/industrial areas, landfill and waste incineration plant. Then, likely dry deposition fluxes were estimated depending on reported dry deposition velocity and atmospheric concentration values.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional nonlinear quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation is reduced to a linear form in the stream function in spherical coordinates for the permanent wave solutions consisting of zonal wavenumbers from 0 to n and rn vertical components with a given degree n. This equation is solved by treating the coefficient of the Coriolis parameter square in the equation as the eigenvalue both for sinusoidal and hyperbolic variations in vertical direction. It is found that these solutions can represent the observed long term flow patterns at the surface and aloft over the globe closely. In addition, the sinusoidal vertical solutions with large eigenvalue G are trapped in low latitude, and the scales of these trapped modes are longer than 10 deg. lat. even for the top layer of the ocean and hence they are much larger than that given by the equatorial β-plane solutions. Therefore such baroclinic disturb-ances in the ocean can easily interact with those in the atmosphere.Solutions of the shallow water potential vorticity equation are treated in a similar manner but with the effective depth H = RT / g taken as limited within a small range for the atmosphere.The propagation of the flow energy of the wave packet consisting of more than one degree is found to be along the great circle around the globe both for barotropic and for baroclinic flows in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

On February 8, 1993, the NASA DC-8 aircraft profiled from 10,000 to 37,000 feet (3.1–11.3 km) pressure altitude in a stratified section of tropical cyclone “Oliver” over the Coral Sea northeast of Australia. Size, shape and phase of cloud and precipitation particles were measured with a 2-D Greyscale probe. Cloud/ precipitation particles changed from liquid to ice as soon as the freezing level was reached near 17,000 feet (5.2 km) pressure altitude. The cloud was completely glaciated at −5°C. There was no correlation between ice particle habit and ambient temperature. In the liquid phase, the precipitation-cloud drop concentration was 4.0 × 103 m−3, the geometric mean diameter Dg=0.5−0.7 mm, and the liquid water content 0.7−1.9 g m−3. The largest particles anywhere in the cloud, dominated by fused dendrites at concentrations similar to that of raindrops (2.5 × 103 m−3) but a higher condensed water content (5.4 g m−3 estimated) were found in the mixed phase; condensed water is removed very effectively from the mixed layer due to high settling velocities of the large mixed particles. The highest number concentration (4.9 × 104 m−3), smallest size (Dg=0.3−0.4 mm), largest surface area (up to 2.6 × 102 cm2 m−3 at 0.4−1.0 g m−3 of condensate) existed in the ice phase at the coldest temperature (−40°C) at 35,000 feet (10.7 km). Each cloud contained aerosol (haze particles) in addition to cloud particles. The aerosol total surface area exceeded that of the cirrus particles at the coldest temperature. Thus, aerosols must play a significant role in the upscattering of solar radiation. Light extinction (6.2 km−1) and backscatter (0.8 sr−1 km−1) was highest in the coldest portion of the cirrus cloud at the highest altitude.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to explain the physical mechanism for the Mid-Ocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) bottom pressure observations of Brown et al. (1975) by means of a joint laboratory and theoretical study. First, possible relevant effects in an f-plane model are considered, where pressure driving forms and transient effects can be evaluated. If atmospheric pressure change is local (of a standing wave nature), sea surface response increases with increasing subinertial frequency. If pressure changes are advective, sea surface response decreases with increasing speed. Overreaction of the free surface to forcing, causing overshoot, can occur when the free inertia-gravity modes of the basin are excited. Laboratory experiments are performed which agree with the theory of the local pressure change mechanism to within assinged experimental error.The study is extended to consider the response of an equivalent β-plane system in a more laboratory-oriented approach. It is found that the β-effect is important in the entire range of frequencies studied in the laboratory, with the response approaching that of an f-plane ocean at higher frequencies. The excitation of free planetary modes of the basin proves to be important in the barometric response, allowing for local oversoot and undershoot and for the generation of a substantial pressure signal at a distance from the driving, allowing a significant contribution to the incoherent bottom signal to be forced by distant atmospheric pressure disturbances in the ocean basin.  相似文献   

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