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滇西实验场区主要活动断裂地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文论述了滇西实验场区五条主要活动断裂的地球化学特征,分析了活动断裂的地球化学特征与断裂的活动方式、活动强度和切割深度等构造因素之间的内在联系。提出洱源盆地西北部地壳内约5.4—6.2公里深度范围内发育有较大规模的热动力变质带,洱源地区高温温泉群的形成与这一变质带有关,其流体地球化学组分和同位素组成都具有热动力变质特征。红河断裂(北段)沿线温泉中含有较多的幔源挥发性组分,是典型的深循环增温型温泉  相似文献   

通过对有关资料的分析和考证,认为1911年2月1日福建德化县城关发生了一次破坏性地震,震中烈度Ⅵ度,震级44/3.同时分析了《时报》宣统三年正月二十九日第3页刊载的地震事件可能是指福建省德化县城关地震,而不是江西省九江发生的地震事件,因此对同年2月6日江西九江5级地震存疑.  相似文献   

通过对有关资料的分析和考证,认为1911年2月1日福建德化县城关发生了一次破坏性地震,震中烈度Ⅵ度,震级344。同时分析了《时报》宣统三年正月二十九日第3页刊载的地震事件可能是指福建省德化县城关地震,而不是江西省九江发生的地震事件,因此对同年2月6日江西九江5级地震存疑。  相似文献   

通过反演2014年2月12日新疆于田MW6.9地震的远震波形记录, 比较和分析了各种断层面倾角的破裂过程模型, 于震后2.2小时确定并发布了这次地震的破裂过程结果, 并讨论了震源机制不确定性对破裂过程反演的影响. 根据所确定的破裂模型可知, 2014年于田MW6.9地震的滑动量分布比较集中, 具有朝西南延伸的优势破裂方向的特征. 这一特征与该地震的余震分布具有较好的一致性.   相似文献   

刘行松  胥怀济 《地震地质》1993,15(2):123-130
为了探讨基岩裸露区断层的活动特征、期次和时间,在鲜水河断裂带东南段的康定-磨西断裂段采集了一系列断层岩和断层泥样品,运用TL、ESR、K-Ar、石英形貌分析和变形显微构造分析法进行了综合测试。结果表明,断裂段经历了多种机制(韧性剪切和脆性断裂)、多期次、多种运动方式(左旋和右旋)的活动,最新一次较强烈活动的下限时间是晚更新世末或全新世初  相似文献   

<正>1研究背景根据中国地震台网中心测定,2021年5月21日21时48分在云南漾濞县发生MS 6.4强震。震前震源区是否存在应力增强是研究者们的关注点之一。在地震学中常用视应力和b值反映地壳应力水平。已有不少学者发现漾濞地震发生在低b值区域,意味着地震前存在高应力背景。依据岩石实验的新发现,马瑾等(2012,2014)提出亚失稳概念。断层失稳是应力增加达到峰值后转为释放直至产生破裂的过程。进入亚失稳阶段的标志是平均应力从积累达到峰值后转为应力释放。在这个阶段,存在应力减弱的部位,也存在积累的部位,应力积累的部位可能会是未来断层失稳的位置。  相似文献   

Five large earthquakes shook southern Calabria in February–March 1783. We focused on the first shock (Me 6.9), which occurred on 5 February in the Gioia Tauro Plain. Most investigators attribute the event to a W-dipping, high-angle fault running at the base of the Aspromonte crystalline bedrock on the ESE side of the Plain (Aspromonte Fault). Other workers contend that the earthquake was generated by an E-dipping, low-angle blind fault (Gioia Tauro Fault) similar to the adjacent Messina Straits Fault. In 1999–2000 we carried out four geochemical surveys in the Gioia Tauro Plain with the aim of contributing to this debate with an independent line of evidence. We sampled 240 groundwater sites and measured a suite of in-situ physical and chemical parameters. Our goal was to gain new insight into the seismogenic source by identifying geochemical anomalies associated with the deepening of the hydrological circuits due to the presence of enhanced faulting/fracturing. The deep-fluid signatures are mainly represented by temperature, salinity, total carbon and radon anomalies. We identified three zones of dominant deep fluid discharge: the Nicotera-Galatro area (along the Nicotera-Galatro portion of the NW-trending Nicotera-Gioiosa Jonica lineament), a small NW-SE trending area between Gioia Tauro and Seminara, and the coastline between Rosarno and Palmi. This latter sector locates just above the upper edge of the hypothesised Gioia Tauro Fault. Most of the geochemical anomalies are recorded around Rosarno, at the intersection between the Gioia Tauro Fault and the Nicotera-Gioiosa Jonica lineament. In contrast, no evidence of groundwater deepening and active fracturing was found along the Aspromonte Fault. Based on our new findings we updated the concepts of Geochemically Active Fault Zone and Geochemical Interaction Fault Zone in view of the modern understanding of the hydro-mechanical properties of fault zones and the faulting mechanisms promoting fracture permeability in the crust.  相似文献   

We present the main seismological results of our study of the Campania-Lucania earthquake of 23 November 1980. A complete set of far field and local data has been analysed. From long-period body waves data we determine the fault plane solution (φ1 = 140°,δ1 = 60°,φ2 = 75°,δ2 = 54°), a depth of 15 km and calculate a seismic moment of 6 × 1025 dyne cm and a source duration of 6 s. From data of a local network deployed immediately after the event we determine aftershock locations: they are aligned in a direction NW-SE that fit extremely well with the focal solution determined above. We can choose as fault plane the plane striking 140° and dipping at 60° and the event is a normal event with a large component of left-lateral strike slip. The source area evaluated from this aftershock distribution 14 km × 40 km is quite suitable for an earthquake of a seismic moment of 6 × 1025 dyne cm.  相似文献   

Caldera eruptions are among the most hazardous of natural phenomena. Many calderas around the world are active and are characterised by recurrent uplift and subsidence periods due to the dynamics of their magma reservoirs. These periods of unrest are, in some cases, accompanied by eruptions. At Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc), which is an area characterised by very high volcanic risk, the recurrence of this behaviour has stimulated the study of the rock rheology around the magma chamber, in order to estimate the likelihood of an eruption. This study considers different scenarios of shallow crustal behaviour, taking into account the earlier models of CFc ground deformation and caldera eruptions, and including recent geophysical investigations of the area. A semi-quantitative evaluation of the different factors that lead to magma storage or to its eruption (such as magma chamber size, wall-rock viscosity, temperature, and regional tectonic strain rate) is reported here for elastic and viscoelastic conditions. Considering the large magmatic sources of the CFc ignimbrite eruptions (400–2,000 km3) and a wall-rock viscosity between 1018 and 1020 Pa s, the conditions for eruptive failure are difficult to attain. Smaller source dimensions (a few cubic kilometres) promote the condition for fracture (eruption) rather than for the flow of wall rock. We also analyse the influence of the regional extensional stress regime on magma storage and eruptions, and the thermal stress as a possible source of caldera uplift. The present study also emphasises the difficulty of distinguishing eruption and non-eruption scenarios at CFc, since an unambiguous model that accounts for the rock rheology, magma-source dimensions and locations and regional stress field influences is still lacking.  相似文献   

Temperature and chemical composition of condensates of higher temperature fumaroles, located on the rim of the crater of Vulcano, were studied over a period of one year. Maximum temperature changed from 216°C (June 1977) to 291°C (May 1978). HCl is the main constituent of condensates which, in comparison with data from fumaroles of other volcanoes, contain also noteworthy quantities of boron and bromine. Since these chemical characteristics suggested the possible inflow of water of marine origin into the volcanic conduit, experimental data on seawater-rock reactions at high temperatures and pressures were taken into account. A model is drafted for the volcanic system, in which the occurrence of an aquifer interposed between the magma chamber and the surface is considered. The vaporization of this aquifer would feed the fumaroles giving rise, through different mixing processes with surface waters, to the observed differences in temperature and chemical composition. However, data available at present are not sufficient to support the proposed model, which must be mainly considered as a working hypothesis.  相似文献   

Extracting tectonic signals from the landscape is an important challenge for constraining the style and rate of deformation associated with active faults, especially where their displacement history cannot be independently determined. Based on previous paleoseismological data coupled with new geomorphological field work and 14C dating of geomorphic markers, we analysed the geomorphic signal of the along‐strike differential throw of the Cittanova Fault in southern Calabria (Italy), the recent activity of which is already well documented and constrained. Through DTM‐derived stream power law parameters (SL and χ), we provide evidence of drainage network disequilibrium and reorganization in response to fault growth and deformation style. Furthermore, a methodological test of the reliability of the χ metric as a proxy for the differential throw along the strike of active normal faults provided good preliminary results, consistent with a strong inverse linear correlation with fault throw. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the geometry and kinematics of the active normal faults in northern Umbria, and their relationship with the seismicity observed in the area. In particular, we illustrate the contribution of seismic reflection data (a network of seismic profiles, NNW–SSE and WSW–ENE trending) in constraining at depth the geometry of the different active fault systems and their reciprocal spatial relationships. The main normal fault in the area is the Alto Tiberina fault, NNW trending and ENE dipping, producing a displacement of about 5 km, and generating a continental basin (Val Tiberina basin), infilled by up to 1500 m with Upper Pliocene–Quaternary deposits. The fault has a staircase trajectory, and can be traced on the seismic profiles to a depth of about 13 km. A set of WSW-dipping, antithetic faults can be recognised on the profiles, the most important of which is the Gubbio fault, bordering an extensional Quaternary basin and interpreted as an active fault based on geological, geomorphologic and seismological evidence. The epicentral distribution of the main historical earthquakes is strictly parallel to the general trend of the normal faults. The focal mechanisms of the major earthquakes show a strong similarity with the attitude of the extensional faults, mapped at the surface and recognised on the seismic profiles. These observations demonstrate the connection between seismicity in the area and the activity of the normal faults. Moreover, the distribution of the instrumental seismicity suggests the activity of the Alto Tiberina fault as the basal detachment for the extensional tectonics of the area. Finally, the action of the Alto Tiberina fault was simulated using two dimensional finite element modelling: a close correspondence between the concentration of shear stresses in the model and the distribution of the present earthquakes was obtained.  相似文献   

Analyses of structural and geomorphological data combined with remote sensing interpretation confirm previous knowledge on the existence of an extensional Quaternary tectonic regime in the Colfiorito area (Umbro-Marchean Central Apennines). This is characterized by a maximum principal axis of finite strain oriented approx. NE–SW, which is the result of a progressive deformation process due to pure and radial extension. Surface geological data, the crustal tectonic setting (reconstructed using a CROP 03 seismic reflection profile), and seismological data relative to the autumn 1997 Colfiorito earthquake sequence constrain the following seismotectonic model. We interpret the seismogenic SW-dipping low-angle normal fault pictured by seismic data as an inverted thrust ramp located in the basement at depth between 5 and 10 km. The surface projection of this seismogenic structure defines a crustal box within which high-angle normal faults are responsible for the deformation of the uppermost crust. The regional patterns of pre-existing basement thrusts therefore control the seismotectonic zoning of the area that cannot be directly related to the high-angle normal fault systems which cut through different crustal boxes; the latter system records, in fact, re-shear along pre-existing normal faults. Moreover, Quaternary slip-rates relative to high-angle normal faults in the Central Apennines are closely related to seismic hazard within each crustal box.  相似文献   

The application of a newly developed physics-based earthquake simulator to the active faults inferred by aeromagnetism in southern Calabria has produced a synthetic catalog lasting 100 ky including more than 18,000 earthquakes of magnitude ≥?4.0. This catalog exhibits temporal, spatial and magnitude features, which resemble those of the observed seismicity. As an example of the potential use of synthetic catalogs, a map of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) for a given exceedance probability on the territory under investigation has been produced by means of a simple attenuation law applied to all the events reported in the synthetic catalog. This map was compared with the existing hazard map that is presently used in the national seismic building regulations. The comparison supports a strong similarity of our results with the values given in the present Italian seismic building code, despite the latter being based on a different methodology. The same similarity cannot be recognized for the comparison of our present study with the results obtained from a previous study based on our same methodology but with a different geological model.  相似文献   

The seismological data on the destructive Taiwan earthquake of February 5, 2016, (MS = 6.5) are analyzed. The source rupture length is estimated by different techniques using P-waves spectra at teleseismic distances, azimuthal hodograph, and distribution of mb magnitude. The obtained results agree with each other.  相似文献   

Body- and surface-wave data from a magnitude Ms = 6.4 event in the Bellingshausen Sea are used to infer a thrust fault mechanism, with compressional stress directed parallel to the vector of relative motion between Antarctica and the Pacific plate at the nearby ridge. The solution would not, on the other hand, be compatible with stress fields involving absolute plate motion, such as asthenospheric drag.  相似文献   

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