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基础研究和应用基础研究的创新成果主要以论文的形式发表在相关专业期刊上.《沉积学报》作为国内集中体现沉积学、沉积矿产和地球化学等方面创新性研究成果的载体,至今已创刊31年.本文利用数据库提供的文献详细信息,从文献计量分析的角度,透视《沉积学报》创刊31年来论文的发表趋势.基于对《沉积学报》刊载论文的数量、学科分类、研究地域、核心作者群、研究热点等指标的年际分布量化,分析了该刊所关注的研究内容与研究方向变革,探讨了国内从事该领域研究的组织机构分布与研究人员组成.结果表明,31年来,《沉积学报》的论文发表数量总体呈阶段性波动增长趋势;发文机构具有显著的地质、矿产、石油学科相关属性,地域相关性弱;沉积环境与沉积体系、碳酸盐岩、成岩作用、层序地层学、沉积盆地分析与模拟、沉积作用、油气储层沉积学、矿床沉积学、有机地球化学和元素同位素地球化学是《沉积学报》的热点和重点领域.基于引文分析(CSCD和SCIE引用)的结果表明,《沉积学报》刊载论文被引用频次和期刊影响因子不断提高,进一步说明了学界对《沉积学报》的关注程度不断加强.最主要资助来源为国家自然科学基金,占统计总量的40%.另外,由于新兴研究力量的兴起和研究者提高国际影响力的需求,导致该刊尚未形成核心作者群,这对《沉积学报》未来的发展提出了新的机遇与挑战.  相似文献   

黑河流域是我国西北地区第二大内陆河流域, 近60 a来国内外对其研究的力度和深度不断增强.从文献计量分析的角度, 透视黑河流域近几十年来的研究成果, 量化分析了论文数量、 核心研究机构、 核心作者群、 研究热点和重点、 主要发文期刊和资助项目来源, 以期为黑河流域后续研究提供参考.计量分析结果表明: 中英文发文量总体呈现增长趋势; 关注黑河流域研究的机构基本上为国内机构, 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所在黑河研究领域处在遥遥领先的地位, 发文量占总量的1/3以上; 水资源、 遥感、 干旱区、 地下水、 气候变化、 土地利用、 生态环境等高频词反映出黑河流域研究中的热点和重点, 建立流域集成模型是近期研究的方向; 基金资助来源类型多样, 但最主要的渠道是国家自然科学基金.  相似文献   

本文依据中国知网学术文献网络出版总库2014年的数据平台,分析了《地球学报》1994—2013年全部论文的相关引证统计信息,如高被引论文作者群的分布等。结果显示,中国地质科学院作为《地球学报》的主办方,对《地球学报》的学术影响巨大。中国地质科学院是其主办刊物《地球学报》的主要作者群,稿源比例约占总数的51.0%。该特征在高被引论文中更加明显,被引前100的论文中,主办方稿源占74.0%。中国地质科学院不但是《地球学报》数量最大的主要作者群,也是对期刊起到巨大推动性作用的高被引论文的核心作者群。2008年《地球学报》进行版面、版式调整,设立了"中国地质科学院年度十大科技进展"专栏,"中国地质科学院十大科技进展"专栏论文作为中国地质科学院的优秀科技成果代表,更加凸显了主办方的学术影响力和重要作用。据对2008—2013年该专栏论文的统计,平均被引频次16.1,远高于普通散稿的平均被引频次5.99,从而也提高了期刊的影响力。由此可见,主办方对期刊发展的强有力支撑,在为刊物提供丰富的稿源的同时,主办方的领先学科优势,也表现在其期刊的特色和学术价值当中。  相似文献   

李凤棠 《地质论评》1996,42(4):382-384
《地质论评》是中国最重要的地质学核心期刊之一。根据《地质论评》中所发表的论文统计了论文核心著者,分析了著者合作度和著者所在的单位类型。其结果表明该刊已形成了连续的、素质较高的论文作者群、论文著者合作度呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

本文基于Web of Science数据库,针对2000-2019年钻井液领域文献进行对比和可视化分析,梳理了钻井液年发文量、发文国家、研究热点和研究机构等信息。结果表明:从年发文量来看,2012年之前全球钻井液发文量增长较慢,而2012年之后钻井液发文量出现猛增。美国发文数量最多,达到1803篇,篇均被引频次达到22.06次。中国发文量为1586篇,但是篇均被引频次只有8.55,论文质量与美国差距巨大。从研究方向来看,能源燃料是钻井液领域的重点研究方向。从关键词共现来看,流变性能、纳米材料、天然气水合物等是钻井液研究的相关热点。期刊《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》在钻井液领域的刊文量最大,达到426篇,是钻井液领域最具影响力的期刊。  相似文献   

蔡濂  王洪峰 《矿物岩石》2002,22(3):101-102
依据《中国科技论文统计与引文分析数据库》(CSTPC),采用文献计量的方法对《矿物岩石》载文被CSTPC来源期刊的引用情况进行统计分析及评价;其所载文献质量较高,作者群的地域分布较广,已形成具有自己风格和特色且相对稳定的研究体系;在中国地质学界有一定影响,不仅是我国地质科学研究领域最重要的信息源之一。也是我国主要的地质学核心期刊。  相似文献   

依据北京万方数据《中国科技论文与引文数据库》和重庆维普《中文科技期刊引文数据库》中的数据,对中文核心期刊《岩土力学》发表的论文在1996~2005年10月近十年来被国内期刊引用情况,包括引用的频次分布,被引论文年代分布和引用期刊分布进行了调查分析,客观地揭示该刊在我国学术界的整体水平及主要影响  相似文献   

张博  康奥 《地质论评》2021,67(2):557-568
笔者等以近20年CNKI数据库收录的核心期刊中关于"地质公园"和"地质遗迹"主题的论文为研究对象,应用文献计量学方法开展地质公园领域论文数量、期刊、主要作者、关键词、主要机构的综述研究。采用CiteSpace软件进行关键词共现、聚类分析、关键词时区视图等可视化操作,根据聚类结果将地质公园领域的研究热点归纳为:"地质公园规划"、"地质遗迹保护"、"遗迹资源研究"、"地质公园旅游"、"可持续发展"5个方面,通过关键词梳理将地质公园研究阶段划分为:"规划建设期"、"深入完善期"和"市场开发期"。最后,通过对各热点及相关作者研究的总结,提出"体验优化研究"、"相关理论建设"和"多元化景观系统"3个潜在热点方向。  相似文献   

张博  康奥 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020005-67020005
本文以近20年CNKI数据库收录的核心期刊中关于“地质公园”和“地质遗迹”主题的论文为研究对象,应用文献计量学方法开展地质公园领域论文数量、期刊、主要作者、关键词、主要机构的综述研究。采用CiteSpace软件进行关键词共现、聚类分析、关键词时区视图等可视化操作,根据聚类结果将地质公园领域的研究热点归纳为:“地质公园规划”、“地质遗迹保护”、“遗迹资源研究”、“地质公园旅游”、“可持续发展”5个方面,通过关键词梳理将地质公园研究阶段划分为:“规划建设期”、“深入完善期”和“市场开发期”。最后,通过对各热点及相关作者研究的总结,提出 “体验优化研究”、“相关理论建设”和“多元化景观系统”三个潜在热点方向。  相似文献   

《冰川冻土》征稿简则一、《冰川冻土》是中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所和中国地理学会冰川冻土分会联合主办的冰川学、冻土学学术刊物。它的任务是:反映我国冰川学、冻土学领域中最新的科研成果,促进国内外学术交流。《冰川冻土》以中文出版,附有英文论文题目、作者及...  相似文献   

何兴 《冰川冻土》1998,20(3):258-263
《冰川冻土》学术期刊他办20年来已出版87期,发表论文1331篇,总字数1411万,现已进入中国科技期刊“排行表”地球科学类影响因子位居第8名,这是院所领导关怀支持,编委努力和编辑辛勤劳动的结果,在进入21世纪之际,《冰川冻土》努力的目标应是进入国际优秀科技期刊的行列。  相似文献   

The 6^th International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering was successfully held in China in September 2004. About 150 scientists and engineers from 7 countries attended the symposium in Lanzhou on 5~7 September, and about 35 people from 6 countries participated in the field trip along the QinghaiTibet Highway/Railway on 8~13 September and the seminar in Lhasa on 14 September 2004. During the Symposium, the latest progress on permafrost engineering and the surveys, design and construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were exchanged and inspected. Fifty-eight technical papers in English from the Symposium were published in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Symposium, as a supplement of the Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, before the symposium. About 6 papers from the symposium are published in the second volume in the volume 27(1) of the Journal of the Glaciology and Geocryology, after the symposium. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) under construction will traverse 632 km of permafrost, and the engineers are facing unprecedented engineering and environmental challenges. With the QTR under construction and to be completed in 2007, permafrost engineering has become the research focus of permafrost scientists and engineers in China. Many encouraging and promising achievements in permafrost engineering have been obtained during the past three years. However, there are still numerous engineering and environmental problems needing to be solved or resolved. In the discussions, some experts pointed out that methods, such as removal of snow cover on the embankments and toe areas, light-color embankments and side slope surfaces, awnings for shading the solar radiation, hairpin or tilted thermosyphons, could be applied to actively cool the roadbed of the QTR. Some new ideas on utilization of the natural cold reserves were proposed to protect the QTR permafrost roadbed from thawing. Many questions and answers on the survey, design, construction, operations, maintenance and environmental protection were exchanged in situ and in the Lhasa seminar with participation by some major railway designers, regulators and administrators.  相似文献   

冻土工程国家重点实验室研究工作的回顾与展望(英文)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering is an unique comprehensive laboratory which carries out the studies of frozen soil engineering in China. Its establishment and development will have very important significance for developing Geocryology in China. On the occasion of greeting the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology, the laboratory has made its way for 9 years. Looking back and looking ahead, it is clear that only aiming at the frontier of Geocryology and solving the fundamental, crucial and integrated problems of engineering, resources and environment in the economic and social development in the cold regions of China can we establish the most advanced state key laboratory and make the studies of frozen soil engineering of China be in the lead in the world.  相似文献   

冻土工程国家重点实验室的回顾与展望   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
马巍  朱元林 《冰川冻土》1998,20(3):264-272
冻土工程国家重点实验室是我国唯一的一个以冻土工程为主要研究内容的综合性实验室,其建设和发展对促进我国冻土学的发展有非常重要的意义,在迎来兰州冰川冻土研究所建所40周年之际,冻土工程国家重点实验室也走过了近9年的历程,回顾昨天,展望未来,只有紧紧把握粘土学科前沿,创新超前,解决国家在寒区经济和社会发展中提出的基础性,关键性和综合性的工程和资源环境问题,才能创建一流的国家重点实验室,使我国冻土工程研究  相似文献   

Environmental reconstructions utilising the evidence of relic or fossil periglacial features are necessarily based on the nature and present distribution of comparable active features. The most critical features are those indicative of permafrost, because of the negative mean annual temperatures required for permafrost, whereas many other cold climate features are much less informative as to temperature implications. (Washburn, Geocryology, 1980, 279).  相似文献   

An extensive test program was conducted on East China deep clay to investigate mechanical behavior in the process of axial compression and triaxial compression. In addition, the effect of negative temperature and confining pressure on the strength of frozen clay was analyzed. It is concluded that the stress-strain curves at high confining pressure belong to the strain hardening type and its strength almost corresponds to confining pressure in the range of tested confined stress. With respect to temperature, the strength increases when the temperature decreases. __________ Translated from Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2007, 29(4): 636–639 [译自: 冰川冻土]  相似文献   

敦德冰岩芯古气候环境记录的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中美合作首次研究了中国西部祁连山敦德冰帽的冰岩芯。研究说明该冰帽的冰岩芯对研究古气候及环境变化具有很好的代表性,能够反映中国西部乃至北半球的气候、环境变化的过程和量级。δ18O、冰晶尺寸的高值及微粒含量的低值与高温期对应,δ18O、冰晶尺寸的低值及微粒含量的高值与低温期相对应。冰岩芯上部所记录的本世纪以来的气候变化与其它气候记录所反映的情况一致。冰岩芯的下部(125m以下)反映了最后一次冰期的气候及环境。根据冰晶粒径增长速度计算,该冰川从末次冰期到全新世高温期的气温差值是7℃。  相似文献   

Ideas about the character and evolution of englacial drainage systems have been deeply influenced by the theoretical model developed by Shreve [1972. Movement of water in glaciers. Journal of Glaciology 11(62), 205–214]. The Shreve model is based on three main assumptions: (1) englacial drainage is in steady state; (2) englacial water will flow along the steepest hydraulic gradient within the glacier; and (3) pressure head equals the pressure of the surrounding ice minus a small component due to melting of the walls. The Shreve model has been widely adopted as a fundamental component of englacial drainage theory. There is no evidence, however, that the model provides a realistic picture of actual glacial drainage systems.To evaluate Shreve's theory, we used speleological techniques to directly survey englacial conduits. We mapped a total of 8.25 km of passage in 27 distinct englacial conduits in temperate, polythermal, cold-based and debris-covered glaciers between 2005 and 2008. New information reported here is supplemented by published data on 40 other englacial conduits located worldwide and surveyed to ice depths of 176 m using speleological techniques. In all cases, englacial drainage systems consisted of a single unbranching conduit. Englacial conduit morphologies were found to be intimately linked to the orientation of a glacier's principal stresses or the presence of pre-existing lines of high hydraulic conductivity. If a sufficient supply of water is available, hydrofracturing forms vertical conduits in zones of longitudinal extension and subhorizontal conduits where longitudinal stresses are compressive. On unfractured glacier surfaces, relatively shallow subhorizontal conduits with migrating nickpoints form by cut-and-closure provided channel incision is significantly faster than surface lowering. Conduits can also form along permeable debris-filled crevasse traces that connect supraglacial lake basins of different potential. Our results suggest that Shreve-type englacial drainage systems do not exist and implies that englacial conduits can only penetrate through thick ice to recharge the bed where supraglacial water bodies either intersect, or are advected through, zones of acceleration.  相似文献   

根据天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区海拔4 130 m处28个月,每周1次的连续雪层剖面观测,分析研究了雪层厚度、雪层中的污化层、冰片和各种粒雪随时间的演变过程.结果表明:雪层中各种要素的演变受水热条件的影响而呈现明显的季节特征.根据温度、融水渗浸程度及雪层剖面的变化程度,我们将其分成冬季稳定期、夏季剧变期和春秋季波动期分别进行了分析.此外,还对雪层年限与年成冰量等进行了专门讨论.  相似文献   

The Sino-German Joint Expedition consisted of a group of 8 scientists from the Lanzhou Institute for Glaciology and Cryopedology and the Institute for Plateau Biology in Xining (China) as well as 3 participants from the Geographical Institute of the University of Göttingen (FR Germany). The research expedition to S Tibet and the N slope of the Himalayas was undertaken from August to November 1984, supported by technical personel and yak herders.During the 87-day field campaign studies were done in the Transhimalayas. Tibetan Himalayas, and High Himalayas on Shisha Pangma (8046 m) and under specific aspects on Chomolungma (Mt. Everest, 8848 m). The participants of the expedition worked 63 days at altitudes above 6000 m and 6500 m. The highest altitude reached during the collection of data was 7100 m, i.e. the E face of Chang La leading to the N summit of Mt. Everest. Results were attained in the areas of Pleistocene research, recent glaciology (glacier movements, ablation, albedo and firn-ice temperature measurements), neoglacial and recent glacier history, cryopedology (debris drift measurements), botany and vegetation geography. Additionally, geoecological data on all significant climatic parameters at high altitudes were collected. This work was documented on 16-mm sound movie film in cooperation with the Institute for Scientific Films (IWF, FR Germany). The expedition results were presented and discussed at the International Symposium on Tibet and High Asia, October 8–11, 1985, in Göttingen.(Presented at the International Symposium on Tibet and High Asia, October 8–11, 1985, Göttingen, FR Germany)  相似文献   

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