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文中选了5 个典型活动区, 分析了这些活动区的磁场, 与活动区相应的CMEs, 太阳爆发事件和太阳质子事件我们发现, 对于E ≥10meV 的太阳质子事件有相应的源活动区, 源耀斑和CME; 活动区矢量磁场有剪切, 磁场剪切越强质子事件越强; 多数在质子耀斑发生前出现磁流浮现; 太阳10cm 射电爆发持续时间长文中结果还佐证了Shealy 等的结果: X 射线耀斑的长持续时间与CME 的发生正相关另外,在5 个活动区中, 有三个大耀斑发生前没有明显的磁剪切作为它们的先兆, 它们是非质子源耀斑这是Moore, Hagyard 和Davis 的磁场强剪切是耀斑产生的必要条件的反例  相似文献   

In this paper,5 proton events and corresponding active regions in the descending phase of Solar Cycle 22(19931995) are analysed. The result shows that (1)The proton flares in 19931995 occurred mainly in the longitudy zone of 140270 degree. (2)4 of 5 events (80%) studied have their small magnetic fluxes to disappear in their magnetic flux regions with a major polarity,one day before the event. (3)It is 60% of the event studied to show characteristic of the merging of 2 or greater than 2 magnetic fluxes with similar polarity in their active regions,one day before of the proton event. The results are possibly useful for the short-term prediction of proton events.  相似文献   

本文介绍风云一号(B)卫星上的宇宙线成份监测器,在1991年1月30日及31目的耀斑期间及其前后几天,对能量在4—23MeV内的内辐射带质子通量的观测结果,并对这些结果做了详细的分析.结果表明,在这两次耀斑及其所产生的太阳质子事件期间,内辐射带质子通量有显著的变化:在磁漂移壳参量L≥1.64的空间,质子通量显著增强,增幅在40%—200%之间;在L=1.30—1.60的空间,质子通量的增强也较为明显,增幅在20%以上;总的变化趋势是,L越大的地方,质子通量的增强就越显著.质子事件之后,内辐射带质子通量又逐渐回复到质子事件之前平衡结构时的水平.  相似文献   

太阳质子事件期间内辐射带质子通量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍风云一号(B)卫星上的宇宙线成份监测器,在1991年1月30日及31目的耀斑期间及其前后几天,对能量在4-23MeV内的内辐射带质子通量的观测结果,并对这些结果做了详细的分析.结果表明,在这两次耀斑及其所产生的太阳质子事件期间,内辐射带质子通量有显著的变化:在磁漂移壳参量L≥1.64的空间,质子通量显著增强,增幅在40%-200%之间;在L=1.30-1.60的空间,质子通量的增强也较为明显,增幅在20%以上;总的变化趋势是,L越大的地方,质子通量的增强就越显著.质子事件之后,内辐射带质子通量又逐渐回复到质子事件之前平衡结构时的水平.  相似文献   

本文统计了第22 太阳活动周期间(1991 ~1995 年) 发生的25 个太阳质子事件与太阳耀斑及日冕物质抛射(CME) 事件的关系  统计结果表明, 所有的太阳质子事件都与耀斑发生相关, 除2 个质子事件(19941020 和19951020 日发生的太阳质子事件) 与CME发生无关, 其余质子事件也都与CME 相关  值得注意的是, 与质子事件相关的耀斑有16 个是双带耀斑, 其中包括与CME无关的2 个事件的耀斑, 占总数的64 %   上述统计结果证实了无论是太阳耀斑, 还是物质抛射, 它们对太阳质子事件的发生同样起着非常重要的作用  相似文献   

2001年4月2日, 太阳爆发了一个近年来X射线通量最大的一次耀斑并伴有质子事件, 利用“资源一号”卫星星内粒子探测器和神舟二号飞船X射线探测器的观测资料, 对这一事件的高能粒子响应进行了特例研究. “资源一号”卫星运行于太阳同步轨道, 高度约800km, 和宁静时期的统计结果对比, 这次耀斑后, 星内粒子探测器在地球极盖区(地球开磁场区)观测到耀斑粒子的出现, 这是宁静时期没有的; 神舟二号飞船轨道高度400km, 倾角为42°, X射线探测器在42°中高纬地区也观测到高能电子通量比宁静时明显的增加, 这表明, 太阳耀斑引起的近地空间辐射环境的变化遍及纬度约40°以上的区域, 甚至在40°N附近400 km左右的高度上仍然有响应. 但是, 中高纬度、极光带和极盖区的粒子来源, 加速机制和响应方式却不一定相同, 需要分别讨论. 资料分析和对比还表明, 质子事件的强度并不一定和耀斑的X射线通量成正比, 因此, 近地空间高能粒子对耀斑的响应也不是完全决定于X射线强度.  相似文献   

通过对比两次快速晕状日冕物质抛射(CME)事件,分析相应的日面和行星际的观测资料,发现源区距离冕洞较远的CME引起了极强的太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particle,SEP)事件,而源区非常靠近冕洞的CME则没有引起大的SEP事件.该结果表明,冕洞可能对CME形成SEP事件有阻碍作用.继而分析1997~2003年所有爆发在冕洞边缘的快速晕状CME,发现源区离冕洞距离小于0.2Rs(太阳半径)的CME均没有引起大的SEP事件.从而进一步证实了冕洞可能对邻近CME形成大SEP事件有影响,它阻碍SEP事件的形成.最后讨论了冕洞阻碍CME形成大SEP事件的可能原因.  相似文献   

利用1989 年到1991 年的观测资料, 按面积把太阳黑子群分成五类统计分析了各类黑子群的强耀斑活动(I> = M) 结果是: Sm > = 500 的黑子群占全部黑子群的63 % , 产生了56 % 的强耀斑近半数的强耀斑产生于面积小于500 的小黑子群文中分析了小黑子群产生强耀斑的磁场位形先兆, 这些先兆有: 1) 磁流浮现, (2) 磁轴垂直, (3) 反极性活动区, (4) 活动区旋转, (5)同极性磁流合并或撕裂, 但仍有相当多的小黑子群产生耀斑前无任何先兆; 用极大熵谱的AR 模式计算了四个超级活动区的强耀斑活动周期: 分析讨论了持续性预报的适用范围以及它的弊病文中指出, 发展带有更多物理意义的预报技术和方法是提高预报水平和满足用户要求的唯一可取之路  相似文献   

太阳X-EUV成像望远镜   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
太阳X_EUV成像望远镜用来监测和预报影响空间天气变化的太阳活动,专门服务于空间天气预报研究. 望远镜工作在4~100?的X射线波段和195?极紫外谱段,视场角45′,角度分辨5″,提供全日面、高分辨的成像观测. 文中分析了太阳X、EUV波段的成像观测应用,介绍了X_EUV望远镜的基本设计,分析了望远镜对不同温度日冕等离子体的敏感性、对不同太阳活动现象的响应及反演日冕等离子体参数过滤片的组合利用. 太阳X_EUV成像望远镜集成了掠入射望远镜和正入射望远镜两套系统,扩展了单一X射线望远镜的成像功能,能够观测更多的太阳爆发先兆现象或者伴生现象,是目前国际上同类仪器中最新的太阳成像监测仪器.  相似文献   

研究了太阳宇宙线在日冕区的横向传播特性,提出了具有扩散和逃逸过程的日冕分布粒子源,求出了含有该粒子源的行星际传输有源方程的解,并利用IMP-8,Helios-1和Helios-2观测到的同一事件不同空间位置的耀斑粒子资料对模型作了检验.并研究了同一质子事件在1AU处不同时间的粒子强度随经度的分布  相似文献   

Ozone depression in the polar stratosphere during the energetic solar proton event on 4 August 1972 was observed by the backscattered ultraviolet (BUV) experiment on the Nimbus 4 satellite. Distinct asymmetries in the columnar ozone content, the amount of ozone depressions and their temporal variations above 4 mb level (38 km) were observed between the two hemispheres. The ozone destroying solar particles precipitate rather symmetrically into the two polar atmospheres due to the geomagnetic dipole field These asymmetries can be therefore ascribed to the differences mainly in dynamics and partly in the solar illumination and the vertical temperature structure between the summer and the winter polar atmospheres. The polar stratosphere is less disturbed and warmer in the summer hemisphere than the winter hemisphere since the propagation of planetary wave from the troposphere is inhibited by the wind system in the upper troposphere, and the air is heated by the prolonged solar insolation. Correspondingly, the temporal variations of stratospheric ozone depletion and its recovery appear to be smooth functions of time in the (northern) summer hemisphere and the undisturbed ozone amount is slighily, less than that of its counterpart. On the other hand, the tempotal variation of the upper stratospheric ozone in the winter polar atmosphere (southern hemisphere) indicates large amplitudes and irregularities due to the disturbances produced by upward propagating waves which prevail in the polar winter atmosphere. These characteristic differences between the two polar atmospheres are also evident in the vertical distributions of temperature and wind observed by balloons and rocker soundings.  相似文献   

地磁活动对气候要素影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地磁活动是太阳爆发现象引起地球近地空间磁场扰动的重要空间天气过程之一.地球磁场的变化具有多种时间尺度,其中从数十年到数世纪的长时间地磁场变化主要是由地核磁场引起的,而从数秒到数年的短时间地磁变化与太阳活动有关.近年来,越来越多的统计研究表明,地磁活动与太阳活动和地球气候变化之间存在着显著的相关性.地球磁场和地球大气系统的耦合现象驱动着人们探索地磁活动对地球天气和气候系统影响的研究.本文的目的就是综述国内外地磁变化对气候影响的研究进展,介绍我们最新的研究成果,探索地磁活动对气候要素的影响特征和可能机理过程,为深入研究地磁活动对地球天气和气候的影响提供基础和依据,以期对地磁活动和气候要素关系有进一步的认识.  相似文献   

A study has been carried out to determine the relationship between high energy relativistic (>2 MeV) electron fluence and auroral zone geomagnetic activity for a solar cycle. Data for 1987–1997, spanning Solar Cycle 22, were used in the study. The relativistic electron fluence data were based on fluxes observed by the GOES geosynchronous satellites. The geomagnetic data were the DRX indices derived from a Canadian magnetic observatory located in the auroral zone at Fort Churchill, near the footprint of field lines passing through geostationary satellites. This work, based on data from a solar cycle, confirms earlier findings using limited data from segments of a solar cycle of enhancement in fluence 2–3 days after increases in geomagnetic activity, and shows the cycle dependence of fluence with respect to geomagnetic activity. This study underlines the influence of recurrent coronal holes on fluence level as well as the possible role of Pc5 magnetic pulsations as an electron acceleration mechanism, and highlights the predictability of fluence from ground geomagnetic data. A fluence prediction algorithm can now solely be based on derived expressions relating fluence and DRX. Thus, a simple fluence prediction scheme can easily be implemented to provide a 2–3 day advance warning of space weather conditions hazardous to geosynchronous satellites, since during days of high fluence, the likelihood of internal charging in a satellite is high, with possible discharges that could result in satellite operational anomalies. For verification purpose, daily values of fluence for 1997–2000 and for January 1994 were postcast using the derived expressions. The postcast values were validated, and the results give credence to the fluence prediction scheme.  相似文献   

This paper reports on Device Single Events (DSEs) occurring in the Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) space instrument piezoelectric accelerometers. It is found that DSEs correlate with the radiation environment, solar activity and high intensity Solar Proton Events.  相似文献   

The method for estimating an ionospheric index of solar-activity (IISA) based on the processing of spacecraft radio signals is suggested. The IISA values have been obtained by comparison between the measured and calculated variations of radio-signal characteristics. To calculate the variations of radio-signal characteristics, the straight rays approximation and the solar-activity index (Wolf numbers W and/or values of F10.7 solar flux) as a control parameter of the ionospheric model have been used. The suggested method was tested using spacecraft radio signals from the radio-navigation system “CIKADA”. The reduced differences of phases (ΔΦ) for frequencies 150 and 400 MHz were measured and the same characteristics were calculated by integration along the ray of radio-wave propagation between the receiver and the satellite. The IRI-95 has been used as a background ionospheric model. The satellite co-ordinates were determined using the orbit parameters recorded in the navigation messages. Minimization of the difference measured and calculated ΔΦ using arbitrary time steps, or during whole time intervals of observation, gives the IISA corresponding the satellite pass. Daily IISA values were obtained by averaging over all communication contacts during a day (20–30 passes). Testing this approach based on the measurements during March/April 1997, 1998, shows that on magnetically quiet days differences between IISA and the primary solar activity indices are about 5%.  相似文献   

For the first time during the mission, the Anisotropy Telescopes instrument on board the Ulysses spacecraft measured constant zero anisotropy of protons in the 1.3/2.2 MeV energy range, for a period lasting more than three days. This measurement was made during the energetic particle event taking place at Ulysses between 25 November and 15 December 1998, an event characterised by constant high proton fluxes within a region delimited by two interplanetary forward shocks, at a distance of 5.2 AU from the Sun and heliographic latitude of 17°S. We present the ATs results for this event and discuss their possible interpretation and their relevance to the issue of intercalibration of the two telescopes.  相似文献   

Three main physical processes (and associated properties) are currently used to describe the flux and anisotropy time profiles of solar energetic particle events, called SEP profiles. They are (1) the particle scattering (due to magnetic waves), (2) the particle focusing (due to the decrease of the amplitude of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) with the radial distance to the Sun) and (3) the finite injection profile at the source. If their features change from one field line to another, i.e. if there is a cross IMF gradient (CFG), then the shape of the SEP profiles will depend, at onset time, on the relative position of the spacecraft to the IMF and might vary significantly on small distance scale (e.g. 106 km). One type of CFG is studied here. It is called intensity CFG and considers variations, at the solar surface, only of the intensity of the event. It is shown here that drops of about two orders of magnitude over distances of 104 km at the Sun (1° of angular distance) can influence dramatically the SEP profiles at 1 AU. This CFG can lead to either an under or overestimation of both the parallel mean free path and of the injection parameters by factor up to, at least, 2/3 and 18, respectively. Multi-spacecraft analysis can be used to identify CFG. Three basic requirements are proposed to identify, from the observation, the type of the CFG being measured.  相似文献   

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