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Estuarine fish populations are exposed to a variety of environmental conditions that cause both short-term variability and long-term trends in abundance. We analyzed an extensive data set for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the San Francisco Estuary to refine our understanding of how environmental variability influences recruitment. We examined the effects of environmental variability during early life stages on subsequent recruitment (age 3 yr), and the degree to which conditions in early life may have contributed to a long-term decline in abundance of adult striped bass in the San Francisco Estuary. Survival from egg to young-of-the-year varied strongly with freshwater flow; this effect apparently occurred within the first week or two of life, a time period that encompasses transport of eggs and larvae from the rivers to rearing areas and the onset of feeding. The rate of freshwater flow to pumping facilities that export freshwater from the system had small or sporadic effects on survival during the first month or two of life. Although many young striped bass between ages 2 and 8 mo were entrained in export pumping facilities, the resulting high mortality was unrelated to total mortality rates determined from field data on young striped bass. This lack of effect was apparently due to strong density-dependent mortality occurring between ages 1 mo and 3 yr (Kimmerer et al. 2000). The available data do not support previously suggested relationships between recruitment and freshwater flow during early life, or between gross estimates of pesticide input and survival of early life stages. We used a simple life-cycle model to show that various combined factors could have led to a decline in adult abundance, particularly a large and increasing adult mortality, but that events early in life probably did not contribute substantially to the decline. These results demonstrate that several decades of monitoring data from numerous life stages are needed to distinguish among alternative hypotheses about environmental influences on populations of estuarine fish.  相似文献   

Variable recruitments of striped bass were hypothesized to be caused by factors influencing growth and survival of larvae. Eggs and larvae were collected in the Potomac River from 1987 to 1989 and in the Upper Chesapeake Bay in 1988 and 1989 to estimate abundances, larval growth and survival rates, and environmental variability. Larval batch dates, ages, and growth and mortality rates were estimated from analysis of otolith daily increments. A retrospective analysis of Potomae River ichthyoplankton data from 1974–1977 and 1980–1982 provided additional estimates of larval abundances and vital rates for comparative purposes. Significant correlations betweens vital rates (growth and mortality) and abundances of striped bass larvae, and the Maryland juvenile recruitment index indicated that recruitment level may be fixed during the larval stage. The ratio of mean daily growth and mortality rates (G:Z) of larvae in the Potomac River for 1987–1989 was highest in 1987 when the juvenile index was relatively high, and was lower in 1988 and 1989 when juvenile indices were low. In the Upper Bay, mean larval growth rate, survival rate, and the G:Z ratio were highest in 1989 when the juvenile index also was high. In both tributaries, abundances of late-stage larvae (8 mm SL) were correlated with juvenile-stage recruitment indices. The retrospective analysis provided additional evidence that Potomac River larval abundances and G:Z ratios were positively correlated with juvenile recruitment indices in the 1974–1977 and 1980–1982 periods. Conditions favoring striped bass larval abundance and potential recruitment differed between the Potomac River and the Upper Bay. In the Potomac, late-stage larval abundances coincided with late-season water temperatures that were relatively warm, low river discharges and high, late-season densities of zooplankton prey, which favored larval growth. In the Upper Bay, the high abundance of late-stage larvae in 1989 relative to 1988 was attributed to a higher egg production that was coincident with high zooplankton abundances.  相似文献   

Results of blood and serum analyses on striped bass,Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), adults taken during the 1975 spawning season on the Nanticoke River, Maryland, are reported. The range in values found were 16–70% for hematocrit, 4.0–12.3 g/100 ml for hemoglobin, 2.86–4.49×106/cc for erythrocyte count, 4.5–18.8 mg% for serum calcium, and 6.1–13.0 g/100 ml for plasma protein. These values are compared with others previously reported for adult bass. Serum chloride and serum protein values, ranging from 80 to 186 mEq/l and 3.92 to 8.32 g%, respectively, are reported for the first time for this species. Hemoglobin and hematocrit values for non-spawning, mature striped bass held in ambient sea water for a year fall within the reported ranges. Serum total protein values ranged from 2.36 to 6.14 g% and serum calcium values varied between 8.1 and 14.9 mg% from migratory adult striped bass. The possibility of sexing striped bass using serum calcium levels is discussed. Hematological values reported will help in defining the range encountered in healthy adults of this species.  相似文献   

The influences of temperature and environmental hypoxia on the growth rates of two California anadromous fishes, white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) were examined. Fish (0.5–0.6 g initial weight) were fedad libitum rations ofArtemia in flow-through aquaria regulated for temperature (15, 20, and 25°C) and oxygen tension (130 and 90 torr Po 2). Growth of sturgeon was significantly greater at 20 °C compared with 15 °C, but there was no difference between 20 and 25 °C. Striped bass growth increased with each 5° increment of temeprature elevation to 3.2% body weight per d at 25 °C, the fastest growth rate measured. The temperature of maximum growth reflected the temperature of the native estuarine rearing area. Environmental hypoxia (90 torr Po 2) reduced growth of sturgeon within each temperature level, whereas striped bass growth was reduced by hypoxia only at the upper two temperatures. Sturgeon were much more active in the growth chambers than striped bass. Sturgeon activity increased with each 5 °C temperature increase under normoxia and hypoxia, except at 25 °C (hypoxia) where activity was insignificantly different from that at 20 °C (hypoxia).  相似文献   

Physical and biological properties of the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) region may influence retention and survival of anadromous white perch (Morone americana) and striped bass larvae (Morone saxatilis). To evaluate this hypothesis we collected data in five cruises, three during May 1998 and two during May 1999, in upper Chesapeake Bay. Time series of freshwater discharge, water temperature, wind, and water level explain differences in ETM location and properties between cruises and years. During high flows in 1998, a two-layer response to wind forcing shifted the ETM up-estuary, while a high discharge event resulted in a down-estuary shift in the salt front and ETM location. In 1999, extremely low discharge rates shifted the salt front 15 km up-estuary of its position in 1998. During 1999, the ETM was less intense and apparently topographically fixed. Gradients in depth-specific abundance of ichthyoplankton were compared with salinity and TSS concentrations along the channel axis of the upper Bay. During 1998, the high flow year, most striped bass eggs (75%) and most early-stage white perch larvae (80%) were located up-estuary of the salt front. In addition, most striped bass (91%) and white perch (67%) post-yolk-sac larvae were located within 10 km of maximum turbidity readings. Total abundance of white perch larvae was lower in 1999, a low freshwater flow year, than in 1998, a high flow year. In 1999, striped bass larvae were virtually absent. White perch (1977–1999) and striped bass (1968–1999) juvenile abundances were positively correlated with spring Susquehanna River discharge. The ETM regions is an important nursery area for white perch and striped bass larvae and life-history strategies of these species appear to insure transport to and within the ETM. We hypothesize that episodic wind and discharge events may modulate larval survival within years. Between years, differences in freshwater flow may influence striped bass and white perch survival and recruitment by controlling retention of egg and early-stage in the ETM region and by affecting the overlap of temperature/salinity zones preferred by later-stage larvae with elevated productivity in the ETM.  相似文献   

Gillnet surveys from 1990 to 1992 and from 1996 to 1999 indicated a two-fold decrease in native striped bass (Morone saxatilis) populations and a concomitant two-fold increase in hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis × M. americana) in the Cape Fear River estuary, North Carolina. Gut content analysis indicated high diet overlap, and tagrecapture data suggested that hybrid striped bass participate in spawning migrations. These data provide circumstantial evidence that hybrid striped bass compete with striped bass for food and that they may compete for mates or habitat on the spawning grounds. Increasing abundance of adult hybrid striped bass in this system elevates the likelihood of hybrid introgression. We recommend that stocking of hybrid striped bass be terminated to preserve native striped bass populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of habitat utilization and migration of Hudson River striped bass,Morone saxatilis, were estimated using otolith microchemical analysis to chart age- and sex-dependent movements. Otoliths from 25 males and 25 females were analyzed for seasonal and age-specific patterns in strontium: calcium level. These levels were converted into salinity estimates based upon a relationship derived from experimental studies. Seasonal patterns in salinity habitation indicated annual up-estuary migrations in mature age-classes of males and females, and may represent spawning migrations. Early emigration of young striped bass (<3 yr old) into polyhaline and euhaline waters was observed for both sexes, but females tended to reside at higher salinities throughout their life span. Otolith microchemical analysis indicated that 68% of the sampled females and 28% of the sampled males spent significant portions of their lives in euhaline coastal waters. A positive relationship between down-estuary movements and age was observed for both sexes, supporting the hypothesis of size-related dispersion and anadromy in striped bass populations. Individuals collected during the same season or from the same segment of the river had similar lifetime salinities. This result suggests that group cohesion (schooling) could persist for substantial periods of an individual’s life span. The most cohesive group was fall-collected males, which may reside permanently in fresh water and estuarine waters. Cohesive migratory groups would have important implications for investigations on effects of contaminants and fishing pressure on Hudson River striped bass.  相似文献   

Specimens of a free-living copepod, Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi, were found attached to striped bass and white perch larvae collected in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and adjacent waters. Damage to most of the larvae was constriction of tissue around the point of attachment, but some exhibited more severe damage such as missing parts of the finfold or a ruptured yolk sac. Most of the larvae had damage which was extensive enough to have caused death.  相似文献   

Striped bass were exposed to14C-polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in single-dose and multiple-dose experiments. Samples were analyzed to determine rate constants for PCB elimination from individual tissues, PCB concentration in tissues, the proportion of the PCB burden retained and the proportion of the cumulative dose retained by each tissue at various times after exposure. An experiment was also conducted to determine both the potential for secondary PCB uptake in dietary exposure studies and the relative tissue disposition of PCBs assimilated from dietary sources as compared to direct water uptake. PCBs were present in the tissues of striped bass within 6 h after administration of a single dose. Certain tissue compartments, such as the liver/gall bladder, accumulated PCBs over a period of 48 h even though the whole-body burden had decreased between 24 and 48 h. Except for the gills, elimination rate constants for all tissues were similar and were similar to the whole body elimination rate constant. Elimination during the first few hours following exposure to PCBs may be due to equilibrium partitioning from the gill to the environment. The multiple-dose study showed that PCB burdens in striped bass continued to increase with dosing. However, tissue-specific rate constants for PCB elimination led to an increased flux of PCB out of tissues, and an overall decline in the percent of the cumulative dose remaining in the body 48 h after administration of each dose. The most likely route for PCB elimination from striped bass was from tissues to the liver and thence to the intestine via the bile. There were no differences in the tissue disposition of PCB related to route of exposure.  相似文献   

We quantified temporal and spatial variability in diets of 950 juvenile (age-0) striped bass in the Hudson River estuary. We used canonical correspondence analysis to assess the roles of temporal and spatial habitat variability in juvenile diet variation. We found that juvenile striped bass diets in the Hudson River were only modestly comparable to diets in other east coast estuaries. Among-year differences (51.4%) and spatial differences (41.9%) were substantially associated with juvenile striped bass diet. We found ontogeny (2.8%) and within-season variation (9.5%) to only weakly associate with diet variation. Our results indicate that an understanding of the temporal and spatial variation within the Hudson River estuary is vital in understanding variation in feeding by resident juvenile fish.  相似文献   

A simple mass balance model has been developed to assess the planetary boundary for P supply in relation to use by human society. Phosphorus sources used by humans are from fossil reserves. The model takes into account resource use rate and reserves, consumption, phosphate to food production, environmental degradation, waste and recycling. Various policy scenarios are tested from current end of pipe solutions to clean production and pollution prevention, sustainable consumption and production polices and sustainable population policy. In order to get an overview of possible future scenarios it is necessary to close nutrient cycles and formulate a sustainable population policy. The outcome of systems dynamics based modeling for four scenarios are given in a sister paper in this issue. Results show that effective population and P recycling policies are crucial to avoid world hunger.  相似文献   

传统轮藻化石研究对中国白垩系-古近系地层界线划分起到了重要的作用,但是轮藻属种的洲际对比却难以实现,究其原因,主要是中国与国际分类学方法未统一,属种名称不一致所导致。前人通过对现生轮藻藏卵器形态发育的观察发现,一个轮藻种的藏卵器钙化程度的不同,会导致其螺旋细胞呈现由凹到凸的变化。文章介绍了以居群为单位的轮藻化石研究思路,居群内不同的藏卵器个体在形态上存在一定的差异, 但这些差异之间存在连续过渡的关系,并未出现明显的分异,我们将这些形态变化称为种内变异;种内形态分析可以对已建立的属种进行有效厘定,有助于中国与国际的轮藻化石居群进行对比。此外,轮藻生物地层学研究还需结合古生态学和古地理学分析,优先选择生态域广和地理分布范围广的分子进行生物带命名,有利于进行洲际地层对比。  相似文献   

The marine record shows that over the last 350 ka Northern Hemisphere ice sheet volumes have fluctuated widely and only on rare short occasions have they been reduced to the present interglacial state. The fluctuations are well synchronized with hemispheric average summer insolation variations of 20 ka periodicity caused by changing orbital parameters. The development of a model which explains the varied amplitudes of the fluctuations and is consistent with the geological record embodies the following arguments: The transition from an interglacial state like today's to a glacial state is initiated when a summer insolation deficit causes a southerly extension of the North Atlantic-Arctic pack ice to 60°N latitude. The extension alters the subpolar low pressure patterns and thus causes a southward diversion of the European Gulf Stream flow. It also produces an enhanced warm West Greenland current. This current causes open seas as far north as Baffin Bay which provides moisture for rapid northern Laurentide ice sheet growth. After several glacial fluctuations driven by insolation variations, the southern Laurentide ice front may reach an extreme extension. This diverts the westerlies and the Gulf Stream thus weakening a dominant subpolar North Atlantic gyre and consequently producing a prolonged cutoff of the West Greenland current and a reduction of high latitude glacial precipitation. The subsequent high insolation can then melt back the eastern pack ice and restore the northern European Gulf Stream. This warms the high latitudes for a time sufficient to melt the continental ice, thus causing the transition back to the interglacial state.An analysis of the record in the context of model suggests that the threshold deficit in average summer insolation that is required to initiate major glacial growth is influenced by the cooling effect of the Greenland ice cap on the seas to the east. The threshold level under conditions like today's is found to lie between ?7 and ?17 ly/day relative to the present. This threshold will not be crossed for at least 54 millenia due to an interval of smaller orbital eccentricity. Probable melting of the Greenland ice cap about 30 ka AP would ensure the extension of the present interglacial beyond 120 ka AP.  相似文献   

This study considered the rate at which striped bass larvae disintegrate following death as well as the ability of experienced taxonomists to distinguish larvae which were liver or dead on collection from preserved samples. The rate of disintegration was dependent on age (size) of the larvae with pro-larvae being unrecognizable in 8 to 16 h following death (17 to 19°C). Post-larvae decomposed somewhat more slowly, but were unrecognizable as to species after 16 h. Experienced taxonomists were unable to distinguish pro- and post-larvae which had been live or dead prior to preservation. However, the viability of metamorphosed larvae could readily be distinguished.  相似文献   

贺乐天  刘武 《第四纪研究》2017,37(4):721-734



A systems dynamics model was developed to assess the planetary boundary for P supply in relation to use by human society. It is concluded that present day use rates and poor recycling rates of P are unsustainable at timescales beyond 100+ a. The predictions made suggest that P will become a scarce and expensive material in the future. The study shows clearly that market mechanisms alone will not be able to secure an efficient use before a large part of the resource will have been allowed to dissipate into the natural environment. It is suggested that population size management and effective recycling measures must be planned long term to avoid unpleasant consequences of hunger and necessary corrections imposed on society by mass balance and thermodynamics.  相似文献   

The relationships between egg production (spawning behavior), larval growth and survival, and environmental conditions that larvae encounter were investigated in the Patuxent River tributary of Chesapeake Bay in 1991. Striped, bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs and larvae occurred predominantly above the salt front where conductivity was ≤800 μmhos cm?1. There were three prominent peaks in egg production, each coinciding with increasing temperatures. Estimated growth rates of 6-d, otolith-aged cohorts, which ranged from 0.15 mm d?1 to 0.22 mm d?1 (mean=0.17 mm d?1), were not demonstrated to differ significantly from each other. Observed zooplankton densities and temperature did not significantly affect growth rates. Stage-specific cumulative mortalities of combined cohorts were calculated for eggs (Zstage=0.20=18.1%), yolk-sac larvae (Zstage=5.80=99.7%), and first-feeding larvae (Zstage=2.95=94.8%). The very high mortality of yolk-sac larvae suggests that dynamic during this stage may have had a major impact on subsquent recruitment. Cohort-specific mortality rates of larvae were variable, ranging from Z=0.045 d?1 to 0.719 d?1, and were strongly temperature-dependent. Cohorts that experiented average temperature <15°C or >20°C during the first 25 d after hatching had significantly higher mortality rates than those which experienced intermediate temperatures. Estimated hatch-date frequencies of larvae ≥8 mm SL indicated goo, very good, and very low potential recruitments for cohorst spawned during early-season (April 2–11), mid-season (April 12–24) and late-season (April 25–May 5), respectively. Because seasonal temperature trends and fluctuations are unpredictable, striped bass females cannot select a spawning time that guarantees their offspring will be exposed to optimum temperatures. Consequently, selection may have occured for spawning over a broad range of temperatures and dates, a behavior insuring that some larval cohorts will encounter favorable temperatures.  相似文献   

Schreier H  Shah PB 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):45-51
Water is rapidly becoming a critical factor in the development of Nepal despite the fact that it has one of the greatest hydro-power potentials in the world. The country is faced with three key water issues: hazardous hydro-power development, problems with community water supply and pollution, and shortages of irrigation water. Both the environmental settings and the socio-economic conditions have contributed to these problems which are now widespread and alarming. Environmental factors have not been taken seriously as shown in the largest existing hydropower reservoir, which has recently lost much of its storage capacity in a single unusual storm. Shortages in water supplies in the capital city are also reaching crisis proportions both in terms of quantity and quality. The widespread lack of irrigation water in the Middle Mountains during the dry season has serious implications for the future food supplies of the largely rural population. Some of these problems result from a rapidly expanding population living in a very marginal environment, an ineffective government organization and an international community that is mostly self-serving, focussing on large projects with little concern for local needs. The degradation of water resources is putting the food supplies and health of a large part of the population at risk.  相似文献   

We model the Galactic ensemble of helium stars using population synthesis techniques, assuming that all helium stars are formed in binaries. In this picture, single helium stars are produced by mergers of helium remnants of the components of close binaries (mainly, the merging of helium white dwarfs) or in the disruption of binaries with helium components during supernova explosions. The estimated total birthrate of helium stars in the Galaxy is 0.043 yr?1; the total number is 4 × 106; and the binarity rate is 76%. We construct a subsample of low-mass (MHe ? 2M) helium stars defined by observational selection effects: the limiting magnitude (VHe ≤ 16), ratio of the magnitudes of the components in binaries (VHeVcomp), and lower limit for the semiamplitude of the radial velocity required for detecting binarity (Kmin = 30 km s?1). The parameters of this subsample are in satisfactory agreement with observations of helium subdwarfs. In particular, the binarity rate in the selection-limited sample is 58%. We analyze the relations between the orbital periods and masses of helium subdwarfs and their companions in systems with various combinations of components. We predict that the overwhelming majority (~97%) of unobserved companions to helium stars will be white dwarfs, predominantly, carbon-oxygen white dwarfs.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous rudist bivalves have been well studied in terms of taxonomy, stratigraphy and sedimentological context, but their palaeobiological aspects are poorly known and important questions remain unanswered such as those relating to reproduction and population dynamics. The analysis of a three‐dimensional high‐resolution dataset allowed a detailed evaluation of the ecology and population dynamics of the rudist Hippuritella vasseuri (Douvillé). Our research demonstrates that significant turnover of generations and a stable packing rate characterizes stable and healthy ecological conditions whereas decreasing packing rate, increasing larval mortality and the arrival of non‐hippuritid organisms characterize an association in decline. H. vasseuri reproduced in a cyclical (annual or biannual) pattern, as shown in vertical projection by five equidistant peaks of larval recruitment density within 60 mm of section. Survival chances of rudist larvae appear to have been unrelated to initial available space for settling but are favoured by subsequent increasing space and a low number of coeval competitors.  相似文献   

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