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Quaternary tectonic faulting in the Eastern United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paleoseismological study of geologic features thought to result from Quaternary tectonic faulting can characterize the frequencies and sizes of large prehistoric and historical earthquakes, thereby improving the accuracy and precision of seismic-hazard assessments. Greater accuracy and precision can reduce the likelihood of both underprotection and unnecessary design and construction costs. Published studies proposed Quaternary tectonic faulting at 31 faults, folds, seismic zones, and fields of earthquake-induced liquefaction phenomena in the Appalachian Mountains and Coastal Plain. Of the 31 features, seven are of known origin. Four of the seven have nontectonic origins and the other three features are liquefaction fields caused by moderate to large historical and Holocene earthquakes in coastal South Carolina, including Charleston; the Central Virginia Seismic Zone; and the Newbury, Massachusetts, area. However, the causal faults of the three liquefaction fields remain unclear. Charleston has the highest hazard because of large Holocene earthquakes in that area, but the hazard is highly uncertain because the earthquakes are uncertainly located.Of the 31 features, the remaining 24 are of uncertain origin. They require additional work before they can be clearly attributed either to Quaternary tectonic faulting or to nontectonic causes. Of these 24, 14 features, most of them faults, have little or no published geologic evidence of Quaternary tectonic faulting that could indicate the likely occurrence of earthquakes larger than those observed historically. Three more features of the 24 were suggested to have had Quaternary tectonic faulting, but paleoseismological and other studies of them found no evidence of large prehistoric earthquakes. The final seven features of uncertain origin require further examination because all seven are in or near urban areas. They are the Moodus Seismic Zone (Hartford, Connecticut), Dobbs Ferry fault zone and Mosholu fault (New York City), Lancaster Seismic Zone and the epicenter of the shallow Cacoosing Valley earthquake (Lancaster and Reading, Pennsylvania), Kingston fault (central New Jersey between New York and Philadelphia), and Everona fault-Mountain Run fault zone (Washington, D.C., and Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia).  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(3):365-385
The abundance and chemical/mineralogical form of 226Ra, 238U and 232Th were determined on samples of soil and associated vegetation at 12 sites in the eastern United States. Progressive, selective chemical extraction plus size fractionation determined the abundance and radiometric equilibrium condition of these nuclides in 6 operationally defined soil fractions: exchangeable cations, organic matter, “free” Fe-oxides, sand, silt, and clay.In soils, profile-averaged 226Ra/238U activity ratios (AR) are within 10% of unity for most sites, implying little fractionation of U and Ra when the entire soil profile is considered. However, 226Ra greatly exceeds 238U activity in most surface soil (AR up to 1.8, av 1.22), in vegetation (AR up to 65, av. 2.8), in the exchangeable+organic fraction (AR up to 30, av. 13), in some soil Fe oxides (AR up to 3.5, av. 0.83) and in the C horizons of deeply weathered soils (AR up to 1.5).A major factor in Ra behavior is uptake by vegetation, which concentrates Ra>U and moves Ra from deeper soil to surface soil. Vegetation is capable of creating the observed Ra excess in typical surface soil horizons (AR up to 1.8, av. 1.22) in about 1000 a. Of the total Ra in an average A horizon, 42% occurs as exchangeable ions and in organic matter, but only 6–8% of the parent U and Th occur in these soil forms. In contrast, U is slightly enriched relative to Ra in Fe-oxides of A horizons, implying rapid chemical partition of vegetation-cycled U and Ra.In deeper horizons, transfer by vegetation and/or direct chemical partitioning of Ra into organic and exchangeable forms provides a source for unsupported 226Ra in Ra-rich organic matter, and leaves all soil minerals Ra-poor (AR=0.73). Organic matter evidently has a strong affinity for Ra.The phenomena discussed above are relevant to evaluation of indoor Rn hazard, and behavior of Ra at sites affected by radioactive waste disposal, phosphate tailings, Ra-rich brine, and uraniferous fertilizer.  相似文献   

Four bedform provinces have been identified on Georges Bank using sidescan-sonar and echo-sounding techniques: large sand waves superimposed on sand ridges, small sand waves, megaripples, and featureless seafloor. The large sand waves and sand ridges are found on the bank crest where the surface tidal currents are strongest. Areas of small sand waves and megaripples, formed where tidal currents are moderate in strength, border the area of large sand waves to the north and south. Featureless seafloor is found farthest from the bank crest where surface tidal currents are weakest. Sand-wave asymmetry and surface-sediment texture have been used to infer bedload transport paths on Georges Bank. In the large sand-wave area, bedforms indicate a clockwise transport around each of the linear north-west-striking sand ridges with slight convergence of the sand waves on the ridge crests. This transport pattern implies erosion from the troughs and accumulation on the sand ridges. The asymmetry of the small sand waves along the south side of Georges Bank indicates that sand is also transported southward away from the linear sand ridges on top of the bank. Although the asymmetry of megaripples could not be determined, the occurrence of megaripples between the small sand-wave province and areas of featureless seafloor suggests a decreasing effectiveness of sand transport away from the bank crest. This sand dispersal pattern is further supported by the surface sediments which become progessively finer to the north and SW away from the crest of Georges Bank.  相似文献   

Marine ostracodes from 50 localities were studied to determine the age and elevation of Pleistocene sea levels in the Atlantic coastal plain from Maryland to northern Florida. Using ostracode taxon and concurrent ranges, published planktic biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and radiometric data, ostracode assemblage zones representing early (1.8-1.0 my), middle (0.7-0.4 my), and late (0.3-0.01 my) Pleistocene deposition were recognized and used as a basis for correlation. Ostracode biofacies signifying lagoonal, oyster bank, estuarine, open sound, and inner sublittoral environments provided estimated ranges of paleodepths for each locality. From these data the following minimum and maximum Pleistocene sea-level estimates were determined for the southeastern coastal plain: late Pleistocene, 2–10 m from Maryland to northern Florida; middle Pleistocene, 6–15 m in northern South Carolina; early Pleistocene, 4–22 m in central North Carolina, 13–35 m in southern North Carolina, and 6–27 m in South Carolina. Climatically induced glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations adequately account for the late Pleistocene sea-level data, but other factors, possibly differential crustal uplift, may have complicated the early Pleistocene record.  相似文献   

Land subsidence due to decline in head in confined aquifers, related to municipal and industrial water pumpage, is widespread in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Although not a major engineering problem, subsidence greatly complicates adjustment of precise leveling and distorts prediction of future sea-level rise. When preconsolidation stress equivalent to about 20 m of head decline is exceeded compaction of fine-grained sediments of the aquifer system begins, and continues until a new head equilibrium is attained between fine and coarse units. The ratio subsidence/head decline is quite consistent, ranging from 0.0064 in southeastern Virginia to 0.0018 at Dover, Delaware and Atlantic City, New Jersey. Higher values are related to the occurrence of montmorillonite as the predominant clay mineral present. Review of tide gauge records indicates that gauges not affected by land subsidence or other local secular effects have been sinking relative to sea level since 1940 at rates averaging about 2.5 mm/yr, of which 0.6 mm/yr is ascribed to glacio-isostatic adjustment to unloading of North America resulting from melting of late Pleistocene glaciers, and about 0.9 mm/yr is ascribed to steric sea-level rise related to ocean warming. The residual 1 mm/yr of relative sea-level rise is not well understood, but may be related to regional tectonic subsidence of the Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

Thirty-three ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) that were found dead or moribund in the Eastern United States between 1964 and 1973 were necropsied. The brains and carcasses of 26 of these birds were analyzed for organochlorines. The livers of 18 and the kidneys of 7 were analyzed for selected metals. Most adults were recovered in April and May and most immatures were recovered in August through October. The adult sex ratio was highly unbalanced in favor of females. Major causes of mortality were impact injuries, emaciation, shooting, and respiratory infections. Of special interest were two birds with malignant tumors and one with steatitis. Many birds had undergone marked weight losses resulting in mobilization and redistribution of organochlorine residues. Organochlorines were detected in the birds at the following percentages: DDE 100%, PCB 96%, DDD 92%, dieldrin 88%, chlordanes (including nonachlors) 82%, DDT 65%, and heptachlor expoxide 38%. Organochlorine levels tended to be higher in adults than in immatures. One adult from South Carolina had a potentially dangerous level of dieldrin in its brain, which might have contributed to its death. Immature ospreys from Maryland had extremely elevated levels of copper in their livers compared with immatures from other areas and all adults. One immature from Maryland had an elevated level of arsenic in its liver, which might have contributed to its death. One adult from Florida that had died of impact injuries had potentially dangerous levels of mercury in both liver and kidney and slightly elevated levels of cadmium in these tissues. Additional birds appeared to have been exposed to contamination of the environment by arsenic and mercury. The levels of chromium, zinc, and lead in livers appeared normal.  相似文献   

A stratified sedimentary and archaeological sequence over seven meters thick is under investigation on Upper Shawnee Island in the Upper Delaware Valley, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Artifact deposits identified to date include Early Archaic (7380 B.C.), possible Middle Archaic (4300/3300 B.C.), Late Archaic (1565 B.C.), and Middle and Late Woodland components. This paper focuses on the Early Archaic deposits at approximately 4.3 meters below the surface and the implications that the entire profile has for paleoenvironmental change. The sedimentary sequence represents several major changes in depositional processes. Of special interest is a dramatic decrease in landscape stability and an increase in flood depositions during the mid-Holocene, circa 4300/3300 B.C. Similar changes are evident at archaeological sites in the Middle and Lower sections of the Delaware Valley and appear to be a reflection of regional climatic change.  相似文献   

The results of an integrated study comprising litho- and biostratigraphic investigations, uranium-series coral dating, amino acid racemization in molluscs, and paleomagnetic measurements are compared to ascertain relative and absolute ages of Pleistocene deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain in North and South Carolina. Four depositional events are inferred for South Carolina and two for North Carolina by all methods. The data suggest that there are four Pleistocene units containing corals that have been dated at about 100,000 yr, 200,000 yr, 450,000 yr, and over 1,000,000 yr. Some conflicts exist between the different methods regarding the correlation of the younger of these depositional events between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Lack of good uranium-series dates for the younger material at Myrtle Beach makes the correlation with the deposits at Charleston more difficult.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the nitrogen (N) inputs to 34 estuaries on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States. Total nitrogen (TN) inputs ranged from 1 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for Upper Laguna Madre, Texas, to 49 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts. TN inputs to 11 of the 34 estuaries were dominated by urban N sources (point sources and septic systems) and nonpoint source N runoff (5% of total); point sources accounted for 36–86% of the TN inputs to these 11 urban-dominated estuaries. TN inputs to 20 of the 34 estuaries were dominated by agricultural N sources; N fertilization was the dominant source (46% of the total), followed by manure (32% of the total) and N fixation by crops (16% of the total). Atmospheric deposition (runoff from watershed plus direct deposition to the surface of the estuary) was the dominant N source for three estuaries (Barnegat Bay, New Jersey: 64%; St. Catherines-Sapelo, Georgia: 72%; and Barataria Bay, Louisiana: 53%). Six estuaries had atmospheric contributions ≥30% of the TN inputs (Casco Bay, Maine: 43%; Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts: 30%; Great Bay, New Jersey: 40%; Chesapeake Bay: 30%; Terrebonne-Timbalier Bay, Louisiana: 59%; and Upper Laguna Madre: 41%). Results from our study suggest that reductions in N loadings to estuaries should be accomplished by implementing watershed specific programs that target the dominant N sources.  相似文献   

Recent projections of global climate change necessitate improved methodologies that quantify shoreline variability. Updated analyses of shoreline movement provide important information that can aid and inform likely intervention policies. This paper uses the Analyzing Moving Boundaries Using R (AMBUR) technique to evaluate shoreline change trends over the time period 1856 to 2015. Special emphasis was placed on recent rates of change, during the 1994 to 2015 period of active storm conditions. Small segments, on the order of tens of kilometers, along two sandy barrier island regions on Florida’s Gulf and Atlantic coasts were chosen for this study. The overall average rate of change over the 159-year period along Little St. George Island was ??0.62?±?0.12 m/year, with approximately 65% of shoreline segments eroding and 35% advancing. During periods of storm clustering (1994–2015), retreat rates along portions of this Gulf coast barrier accelerated to ??5.49?±?1.4 m/year. Along the northern portion of Merritt Island on Florida’s Atlantic coast, the overall mean rate of change was 0.22?±?0.08 m/year, indicative of a shoreline in a state of relative dynamic equilibrium. In direct contrast with the Gulf coast shoreline segment, the majority of transects (65%) evaluated along the oceanfront of Merritt Island over the long term displayed a seaward advance. Results indicate that episodes of clustered storm activity with fairly quick return intervals generally produce dramatic morphological alteration of the coast and can delay natural beach recovery. Additionally, the data show that tidal inlet dynamics, shoreline orientation, along with engineering projects, act over a variety of spatial and temporal scales to influence shoreline evolution. Further, the trends of shoreline movement observed in this study indicate that nearshore bathymetry—the presence of shoals—wields some influence on the behavior of local segments of the shoreline.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability is known to mediate plant community structure in many systems, but relatively few studies of nutrient effects have been done in systems where strong gradients in physical stress might constrain the effects of nutrients. Recent studies in New England, United States, salt marshes indicate that nutrients may strongly mediate plant community composition by increasing the competitive ability of stress-tolerant species that are normally displaced by competition to recently-disturbed or low-intertidal habitats. It is unknown whether these results can be generalized to salt marshes in other geographic regions that experience different climates, tidal regimes, and edaphic conditions. To address the generality of these results from New England, we fertilized seven different mixtures of salt marsh plants at study sites on the southeast and Gulf coasts of the U.S. Two of these mixtures were studied in both geographic regions. Consistent with results from New England, fertilization always increased the biomass of the low-marsh dominantSpartina alterniflora and usually led to it increasing in dominance at the expense of high-marsh species. Fertilization also led to increased community dominance byDistichlis, but only in a mixture where it was already common. Fertilization led to changes in plant dominance patterns in four of the seven types of mixtures that we studied. Results were not a function of edaphic conditions, at least within the range included in our study, and were consistent between the southeastern and Gulf coasts, which experience markedly different tidal regimes. The broad similarity of these results suggests that changes in nutrient input may lead to predictable changes in the composition of similar salt marsh plant communities across large geographic areas despite site to site variation in the abiotic environment.  相似文献   

The coal fields of the Unites States can be divided into six major provinces. The Appalachian and Interior Provinces contain dominantly bituminous coal in strata of Pennsylvanian age. The coal seams are relatively thin and are mined both by surface and underground methods. Sulfyur content is low to moderate in the Appalachian Province, generally high in the Interior province. The Gulf Coastal Plain Province, in Texas and neighboring states, contains lignite of Eocene age. The seams are 3–25 ft (0.9–7.5 m) thick and are minded in large open pits. The Northern Great Plains Province has lignite and subbituminous coal of Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene age. The coal, largely very low in sulfur, occurs in beds up to 100 ft (30 m) thick and is strip-mined. The Rocky Mountain Province contains a great variety of coal deposits in numerous separate intermontane basins. Most of it is low-sulfur subbituminous to bituminous coal iof Creatceous and early Tertiary age. The seams range from a few feet to over 100 ft (30 m) thick. Strip-mining dominates but underground mines are important in Utah and Colorado. The Pacific Coast Province, which includes Alaska, contains enormous cola resources but has seen little mining. The coal is highly diverse in physical character and geologic setting.  相似文献   

Since 1965, ice-wedge casts have been reported in deposits of sand and gravel in Connecticut. These are wedge forms up to 1.1 m wide and many meters high. Most are single forms, not in polygonal array. They are found in adjoining states as well. Their distribution, dimensions, structure, and fabric and an assessment of the former physical environment preclude their origin as permafrost features. They appear to be tension fractures produced by the loading of coarse clastics on fine clastics near and below the water table where sediments creep toward a stream or depression. Locally movement started with kettle formation during deglaciation. However, some wedges cut horizontal layers of iron-coated sand and gravel and must be younger than those distinctly postglacial phenomena. Moreover, modern B horizons of the overlying soil have moved down into some wedges more than 2 m, indicating that fracturing is still active today. Complex fracture fillings in bedrock also have been attributed to a permafrost origin, but this too seems unlikely.  相似文献   

Water and poverty in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Contrary to reports of 100% access to safe water and sanitation in international surveys, the United States (US) has a complex landscape of low-income water problems. This paper begins with a critical international perspective on water and poverty in the US. It shows that the US had a declining role in international water programs during the late-20th century, which contributed to limited international awareness of low-income water programs in the US, and limited US awareness of low-income water issues. To address the first problem, we provide an overview of low-income water programs in the US with an emphasis on those that serve small communities. We then examine census data on inadequate water systems in Colorado, which indicate that severe plumbing deficiencies persist despite these public water programs. Inadequate plumbing rates are lower than income poverty rates, however, which indicate partially successful strategies for achieving low-income water services. Analysis of local data in urban, rural, and mountainous areas of the state shows that poverty and water problems are correlated in complex ways, which has implications for all nations striving for universal access to safe water and sanitation.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing of shale deposits has greatly increased the productivity of the natural gas industry by allowing it to exploit previously inaccessible reservoirs. Previous research has demonstrated that this practice has the potential to contaminate shallow aquifers with methane (CH4) from deeper formations. This study compares concentrations and isotopic compositions of CH4 sampled from domestic groundwater wells in Letcher County, Eastern Kentucky in order to characterize its occurrence and origins in relation to both neighboring hydraulically fractured natural gas wells and surface coal mines. The studied groundwater showed concentrations of CH4 ranging from 0.05 mg/L to 10 mg/L, thus, no immediate remediation is required. The δ13C values of CH4 ranged from −66‰ to −16‰, and δ2H values ranged from −286‰ to −86‰, suggesting an immature thermogenic and mixed biogenic/thermogenic origin. The occurrence of CH4 was not correlated with proximity to hydraulically fractured natural gas wells. Generally, CH4 occurrence corresponded with groundwater abundant in Na+, Cl, and HCO3, and with low concentrations of SO42−. The CH4 and SO42−concentrations were best predicted by the oxidation/reduction potential of the studied groundwater. CH4 was abundant in more reducing waters, and SO42− was abundant in more oxidizing waters. Additionally, groundwater in greater proximity to surface mining was more likely to be oxidized. This, in turn, might have increased the likelihood of CH4 oxidation in shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

Populations of the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) differ in broad areas of their biology. We observed a non-harvested, marked Florida Gulf coast population during their spring spawning (March–May) in 11 years across a 17-year period (1992–2009). Long-term changes occurred in the number of spawning pairs: the population was stable from 1992 to 2000 but increased markedly after 2000. Short-term variation in numbers of spawning pairs, unpaired females, unpaired males, and operational sex ratios was explained by changes over the season and during each week of spring tides and by differences in actual (not predicted) maximum high tide height. Wind direction strongly affected tidal inundation and the number of spawning horseshoe crabs. Tagging individuals revealed that females returned to the nesting beach less often than males and most females were re-sighted only within 1 week of spring tides. No animals were seen across more than 6 years. Implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemistry of water in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer in six midwestern states has been studied as part of the Northern Midwest Regional Aquifer-System Analysis of the U.S. Geological Survey. Dissolved-solids concentrations generally increase perpendicular to the direction of regional groundwater flow, from less than 400 mg/liter in southeast Minnesota, southwest Wisconsin, and northeast Iowa to more than 10,000 mg/liter in northwest Missouri. Isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen are significantly depleted from north to south, with an areal distribution approximately parallel to the distribution of dissolved solids. For example, δ18O in southern Iowa and northern Missouri is about 6 parts per thousand lighter than δ18O of modern recharge water in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Covariance between δ18O and δD of the groundwater, similar to that of modern precipitation, suggests that the differences in isotopic ratios between groundwater and modern recharge water reflect meteoric signatures of water during past recharge events rather than geochemical processes such as isotopic exchange with aquifer materials. The pronounced parallelism between the distribution of isotopes and dissolved solids over large areas probably reflects largescale recharge of Pleistocene glacial meltwater into the aquifer system, which probably had a paleoflow system with a gradient from northeast to southwest rather than from northwest to southeast.  相似文献   

Data on copper reserves, recent discovery rates, and historical tonnage-grade relations indicate that the U.S. can be approximately self-sufficient in copper to the year 2000 by mining grades similar to those presently being mined, and given reasonable exploration efforts, the U.S. can supply its demand for about 100 years by mining inferred tonnages above 0.1% Cu. However, recent price trends and the increased cost of mining lower grade ore will increase the price of copper at a rate faster than the general inflation rate, and may lead to significant imports because of their cheaper price.Compilation of the discovery history for copper shows that the Hubbert Gaussian curve is not applicable to predict copper reserves, and may not be applicable for other commodities.A compilation of the value of base and precious metal deposits discovered since 1940, along with meager data on cost and manpower used in exploration, indicates very little decrease in exploration effectiveness over the 40-year interval, in contrast to oil and uranium. Collection of better data on expenditures for metallic mineral exploration is recommended.  相似文献   

Amino acid racemization (AAR) studies of Quaternary mollusks (mostly marine mollusks from coastal deposits) are reviewed. Data obtained in regional studies from the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Baffin Island, the United Kingdom, and tropical islands are discussed as they relate to method evaluation, kinetic model development, and aminostratigraphic applications.U.S. Pacific coast studies have been employed for estimating tectonic deformation rates, study of molluscan zonation patterns in the late Pleistocene, and in kinetic model evaluation. U.S. Atlantic coast studies have identified multiple aminostratigraphic zones in areas with complex morphostratigraphic relationships, and have also revealed some important conflicts between aminostratigraphic temperature concepts and radiometric data. Studies in the United Kingdom, involving coastal sites and non-marine interglacial sites, identify some stratigraphic and kinetic conflicts but provide a preliminary chronostratigraphic model for the classical interglacial terminology of the U.K. middle to late Pleistocene. Baffin Island studies, involving AAR data and UTh dating of shells, have resulted in some significant revisions of previous chronologic models. The Arctic environment has also stimulated some novel approaches in the collection and interpretation of AAR results. Tropical island studies, though few in number, aid in calibration of observed racemization and also aid in correlation of coastal deposits with late Pleistocene isotopic ice-volume records.  相似文献   

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