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城市和矿山这两个应该在物理空间上相去甚远的概念,在香港这个国际大都市里得到了有机的结合。香港在工业化和城市化的发展进程,建筑石料矿山也经历了从无序到规范的过程。香港嘉华集团作为一家集建材、酒店和金融为一体的跨国企业,在环保、绿化、复垦、安全生产等方面做了许多工作,积累了一整套矿山自然生态环境治理的管理工作经验和全面系统的矿山自然生态环境治理技术成果。  相似文献   

微博签到是一种典型的基于位置的社交服务,反映出社交用户与城市公共空间的互动,海量的社交位置签到数据为城市研究提供了全新的视角。本文基于香港、深圳两个城市2014年1月至2015年1月时间段内的新浪微博签到数据,从签到数据空间特性、旅游热点分布和居民活动空间3个方面对城市空间进行了综合分析:空间相关性分析结果表明签到事件在城市空间的分布具有明显的聚集性,并根据空间扫描统计结果依次标识出签到事件高值聚集区;针对旅游类签到数据分析发现两城市旅游关注度的时间变化趋势一致且峰值与我国假期时间分布相吻合,旅游热点主要分布于城市中心地带;以签到事件的规模、强度和集聚程度作为居民活动的表征分析城市活动空间特征,结果表明居民活动的核心圈层受到传统行政区划影响但分布已初步呈现"多心开敞"的空间形态。  相似文献   

泳滩是滨海旅游业的一个重要部分,本文以香港泳滩为研究对象,对该区域的综合条件进行剖析,根据其影响因素的类型选取了自然条件,社会经济条件,以及泳滩自身条件作为泳滩适宜性评价的主要因素,并对评价指标进行归纳和分类,建立起较为完善的泳滩适宜性评价的指标体系。运用层次分析法,比较评价指标之间重要性关系得到各影响因素对泳滩适宜性的影响权重,通过地理信息系统(GIS)的建模方法对各种因素进行空间分析,最终得到香港泳滩的评价等级结果。该模型的构建理论和方法可以为海岸资源的管理和开发提供参考和技术支撑,有利于泳滩旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

决策树方法在环境物理量场与暴雨之间关系研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据香港天文台提供的2001年8月和2002年6-7月业务区域谱模式(ORSM)物理量场预报值,运用空间数据挖掘中的决策树方法研究了空间环境物理量场变化与暴雨中心降雨量之间的关系。结果表明,研究区暴雨中心降雨量的多少与周边相对湿度,海平面高度,温度和经向风速以及这些物理量场所处的纬度位置关系密切,而与这些物理量场所处的经度位置和纬向风速关系较小。  相似文献   

针对监测结果受测量噪声和多路径等GPS误差影响的问题,提出基于PCA及提升小波的组合算法来提取建筑物结构振动信号。利用PCA空间滤波分离区域站点相关的共模误差,然后利用提升小波变换对振动信号进行降噪,用于提取结构振动信号。以香港某高楼在台风荷载作用下的观测数据为例进行实验,结果表明,此算法有效提高了变形监测的精度。  相似文献   

香港素称"东方明珠",总面积为1070平方公里,人口超过660万.香港分为4个部分--香港岛、新界、九龙和离岛.九龙是位于北边港口的半岛,尖沙嘴一带是游客聚集的地方.香港岛的面积为78平方公里,只占全香港陆地面积的7%,是主要的商业地区,观光旅馆和旅游景点众多.新界的面积约有980平方公里,占香港陆地面积的91%.  相似文献   

香港素称“东方明珠”,总面积为1070平方公里,人口超过660万。香港分为4个部分——香港岛、新界、九龙和离岛。九龙是位于北边港口的半岛,尖沙嘴一带是游客聚集的地方。香港岛的面积为78平方公里.只占全香港陆地面积的7%,是主要的商业地区,观光旅馆和旅游景点众多。新界的面积约有980平方公里,占香港陆地面积的91%。  相似文献   

通过ICP-MS法测定了汕头、惠东、珠海、台山、阳江、湛江及钦州7地香港牡蛎中的20种无机元素含量,探讨无机元素溯源技术对香港牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)产地溯源的可行性,。利用主成分分析法和聚类分析法对元素含量统计分析,进一步区分香港牡蛎的产地。结果表明,主成分分析筛选出了4个主成分,聚类分析将7个不同产地的香港牡蛎聚为5类,汕头和惠东被聚为一类,钦州和湛江被聚为一类,阳江、珠海、台山3地被成功区分。不同产地香港牡蛎中的无机元素含量能初步实现其产地溯源。  相似文献   

提出了将园林景观设计图与地图融合的思路来构建园林景观地图。论文重点讨论园林景观设计与地图在表达内容、要素表达方法、空间理念等之间的互通之处,基于它们的关联分析,以香港斧山公园为例说明园林景观地图的实现方法。园林景观地图结合了园林景观设计与地图的优点,既有园林景观设计的写意与美观,又有地图的可量测性和现势性,有效地实现了地图抽象性与景观设计形象性的结合。  相似文献   

<正>我曾经两次去过香港,第一次是香港回归的第二年,那次去香港纯粹是观看香港的市容市貌,对香港的地质一无所知。提起香港,绝大多数人的印象中是密密匝匝的高楼、热热闹闹的繁华街市,还有欢乐无限的迪士尼、海洋公园、维多利亚港等知名景点。而说到香港还有一个世界级的国家地质公园,不要说内地游客,就是香港人也有不知道的。我这次去香港,说是去拍摄香港的国家地质公园,香港正在  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NThe concept ofthecorridorhas a long historyintheur-ban and regionalresearch.Because of itsgreatimpor-tanceand impacts,researchon corridors has receivedgrowing attentionof geographers.Studieshave rangedfrom the theoreticaulnderpinning…  相似文献   

崎岖地形动植物栖息地生态环境遥感制图与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传统制图方法周期长、成本较高,影响了大面积精细动植物栖息地生态环境制图的生产。鉴此,本文采用IKONOS(VHR)图像对香港郊野公园崎岖地形的动植物栖息地生态环境制图进行了研究。由于香港植被的多样性,而且观察的动植物相互作用出现于结构的层面,所以对动植物栖息地的分类应以结构为基础而非以植物为基础。本文利用图像处理技术,运用决策树之多层次地物导向分割分类(MOOSC)方法绘制九种动植物栖息地类型图。MOOSC方法和其他现有的几种分类方法相比,其分类精度高、成本低。  相似文献   

A vegetation analysis reveals that the Lai Chi Wo mangrove swamp in Hong Kong has 10 mangrove species comprising 76.9% of the total number of mangrove species in Hong Kong. This swamp is a mixed community dominated byAegiceras corniculatum, Heritiera littoralis, Excoecaria agallocha, Kandelia candel, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, with importance values of 37.88, 28.19, 14.33, 11.33 and 8.27 respectively. The community’s mangrove species diversity and evenness, as based on the Shannon-Wiener Function, were 1.44 and 62.01%, which were lower than those of the south su-tropical evergreen broad-leaf forest community but its ecological dominance (0.26) was higher. The correlation information field (CIF) method, a useful analytical method for complex forest community, was adopted in the present mangrove analysis. The species correlation information was:Aegiceras corniculatum (0.268)>Heritiera littoralis (0.250)>Kandelia candel (0.220)>Excoecaria agallocha (0.169)>Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (0.101). The correlation information of the mangrove community was 1.008. This work was financially supported by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department of The Hong Kong Government and The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.  相似文献   

Hong Kong has undergone substantial economic transformations and developed into a sophisticated business and financial center in the Asia-Pacific region,since the return of sovereignty to China as a Special Administrative Region under the One Country Two Systems (OCTS) in 1997.This paper discusses and analyzes the industrial structural changes of Hong Kong in recent decades as well as its future challenges and opportunities.The data and finding reveal that even though Hong Kong will face fierce competition from the Mainland’s cities as the rise of China,the important role as a bridge between China and the rest of the world will brace Hong Kong itself under the OCTS for developing into a service hub for business and trade in the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThemangroveswamPisaInaoransySteInwherespedallyadaptalplantSgrowintheintertidalbetattheinterfacebetweenlandandaninthetropiesandsub-tropies.ThernangrovefonstplaySrnanyrolessuchascoastalstabilizer,disperseroftheeneryofst0me,tida1boresandwinds,baniert0invasionofinlandarmbysaltwatCr,produoerofnutrientSandfoastresounasuchasfuel,chaimal,fodder,tirnberandsomeirnPor-tantanbeIsoferenoAncvalue.TheongoingintheiveandextenSivedestruCtion0frnangrovesbymankindseVereydarnagestemetrialandn…  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

The urban development is a decisive factor for the landuse of the territory of Hong Kong, as a realm of a world city. A speed-up change of the landuse structure of Hong Kong and some contradictions in the landuse have been revealed after a brief mentioning of the characteristics of the limited land resources of Hong Kong. Hong Kong consists of peninsula and islands dominated by hilly terrain in south subtropical zone, 84% of the total area is slope, unfavorable for urban and agricultural development, only 16% is small plains. The land is barren and water resource is very limited. Urban landuse is taken as the dominant factor. Due to the expansion of the scale of the urban development, and the limitation of the land resource, there is a high degree of the urban land utilization, but the proportions of commercial and industrial landuse are not high, only 1.3% of the total developed land is used for commerce, 6.0% for manufacture industries, the road and railway lands amount to 14.6%. The great efforts were made in reclamation and construction of reservoirs in order to add land and water resources. The arable lands were reduced heavily and the farmlands were wasted seriously. The author proposed some view points on the present and future landuse in Hong Kong as follows: 1) the urban landuse remains as a guiding factor in the landuse of the whole territory of Hong Kong; 2) one of the problems is the fondness for the reconstruction of the old city, loosening up on the new town development; 3) the reclamation is not only very costly, but also causing some negative effects on the eco-environment; 4) the problem of the protection of the farmlands against wasting should be seriously; 5) the development and the landuse for the construction in Hong Kong should be considered with the relationship with the inland, especially Guangdong Province; 6) fully use the convenient condition of the territorial linkage of the city with the mainland, further to bring the role of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone into fully play for solving the landuse problems in the development of Hong Kong. The author is very grateful to Dr. David K. Y. Chu and Dr. Roger Chan for their comments and to Professor Gu Chaolin and Mr. Hu Tianxin for their helps in data collection.  相似文献   


The study shows that the regional differentiation of Hong Kong direct investment (HKDI) in China was enlarged in the 1980s and has been reducing since 1991. The concentration of HKDI in the southern China and the coast has been replaced by the trend of moving northwards and inlandwards after 1989. But in terms of manufacturing sectors this trend has not clearly appeared until now. Those changing patterns are clearly related to the behaviour of Hong Kong industrial investors. The survey results suggest that “enjoying lower production cost” is the most important motive for their investment in China. In consequence, “close to Hong Kong”, “cheaper labour” and “favourable policy” are major factors for determining the investment locations. This behaviour, together with the lack of comparison study in location selection among most investors, explains that Guangdong absorbed most Hong Kong investment in the 1980s. As the production costs have been increasing in Guangdong, some companies have started to invest in non-Guangdong locations since the end of the 1980s. From the mental map of Hong Kong investors, however, only some of the non-Guangdong locations are practically attractive. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the University Graduates Association (Hong Kong). The author gratefully acknowledges the help from Professors Kam-hon Lee and Yue-man Yeung and Dr. David Chu at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Chai-ming Mak at Electricity Advisory Services Limited (HK) during the early stage of the study.  相似文献   

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