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By non-dimensionalizing a trajectory-simulation (TS) model of turbulent dispersion, it is shown that the dimensionless concentration z 0cu*/kQ (cu */kQ) due to a continuous line (area) source of strength Q in the atmospheric surface layer depends only on z/z 0, x/z 0, z 0/L and z s/z0, where z s is the source height. The TS model is used to tabulate concentration profiles due to ground-level line and area sources. Concentration profiles generated by the TS model for elevated sources are shown to be inconsistent with the Reciprocal Theorems of Smith (1957) and it is suggested that this is because the flux-mean gradient closure scheme inherent in the Reciprocal Theorem is invalid for an elevated source.  相似文献   

We examine vertical and horizontal diffusion of a passive scalar puff from a surface point source in a convective boundary layer (CBL). Numerical results are presented from a large-eddy simulation (LES) with embedded subgrid Lagrangian particle simulation (LPS). There is good agreement in most respects with previous laboratory and numerical studies. Analytical approximations for the concentration, horizontal flux and vertical flux are found to work reasonably well; they are based on the assumption that the concentration follows a Gaussian function in the horizontal and vertical, and that the dimensionless width and height scales of the puff follow simple functions of time. Fluxes and concentration gradients are related through a continuity relationship, without the need for an eddy diffusivity assumption. The instantaneous, point-source fields can be integrated for any source geometry. We compare predictions from the LES/LPS model for a sinusoidal surface flux with previous results from an LES with sinusoidal buoyancy flux and confirm that the buoyancy perturbations diffuse like a passive scalar. We also consider a continuous point source and derive footprint functions for vertical flux measurements above the surface layer.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian statistical-trajectory model based on a Markov chain relation is used to investigate vertical dispersion from elevated sources into the neutral planetary boundary layer. The model is fully two-dimensional, in that both vertical and longitudinal velocity fluctuations, and their correlation, are simulated explicitly. The best observational information currently available is used to characterize the mean and turbulent structure of the neutral boundary layer. In particular, a realistic vertical profile of the Lagrangian integral time scale is proposed, based partly on a review of direct measurements and partly on a comparison of the model predictions with published diffusion data. The model predictions are shown to agree well with a variety of dispersion observations. The model is used to study vertical diffusion as a function of release height H, friction velocity u* and surface roughness z 0 for downwind distances up to 10 km from the source. The equivalent Gaussian dispersion parameter Σ z is shown to decrease slightly with an increase in H, and to increase with increases in z 0 or u*. It is demonstrated that relationships valid in a field of homogeneous turbulence can be applied to vertical dispersion in the atmosphere if the release occurs above the region of strongest gradients in the mean and turbulent parameters. Scaling in terms of the standard deviation in elevation angle of the wind at the release point leads to a universal curve which provides accurate estimates of Σ z over a wide range of values of H, z 0 and the meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

湍流频散对边界层风廓线的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用包括湍流粘性和频散的新的Reynolds平均动量方程,分析了边界层的垂直风速廓线,发现包含湍流频散的地面层的风速廓线对经典的风廓线指数规律有一个对数规律的修改;而且在不稳定层结下比在稳定层结下,湍流的频散效应更为显;在中性条件下,指数规律退化为对数规律并且Karman常数被另外一个常数所代替,而这个新常数也可以通过相似理论来获得。  相似文献   

Vertical dispersion in the neutral surface layer is investigated using a Markov Chain simulation procedure. The conceptual basis of the procedure is discussed and computation procedures outlined. Wind and turbulence parameterizations appropriate to the neutral surface layer are considered with emphasis on the Lagrangian time scale. Computations for a surface release are compared with field data. Good agreement is found for the variation of surface concentration and cloud height to distances 500 m downwind of the source. The functional form of the vertical concentration profile is examined and an exponential with exponent 1.6 is found to give the best fit with simulations.For elevated releases, it is demonstrated that an initial dip of the mass mean height from the simulation can be normalized for various release heights using a non-dimensionalized downwind coordinate incorporating advective wind speed and wind shear. The vertical distribution standard deviation ( z ), as employed in Gaussian models, shows a fair degree of independence with source height but close examination reveals an optimum source height for maximum z at a given downwind distance,x. This source height increases with downwind distance. Also the simulations indicate that vertical wind shear is more important than vertical variation of Lagrangian time scale close to the source, with a reverse effect farther downwind.  相似文献   

Particulate dispersion from sources within a 10- to 13-m tall pine forest was studied experimentally at Brookhaven National Laboratory using stained ragweed pollen and other tracers ranging from 14 to 58 m in size. Forty-seven continuous point source releases lasting from 22 to 55 min were made at heights from 1.75 to 14.0 m from locations having a long fetch through the forest. In most experiments, differently colored ragweed pollen were emitted simultaneously from three locations. In other tests, several particle types were released from a single point. The sampling network consisted of 119 rotoslide samplers at heights from 0.5 to 21.0 m at 57 positions within and at the edge of the forest. Deposition to the ground was sampled by greased microscope slides at each position. Meteorological measurements were taken in and near the forest.Data were classified by particle characteristics, source height and meteorological parameters. Concentration patterns were illustrated on scale diagrams of the sampling grid. Changes in centerline and crosswind integrated concentrations, plume width and height, mass flux, deposition and deposition velocity were studied as a function of distance, particle size and wind speed. Results were compared to those obtained from similar releases over open terrain.In the forest, vertical predominates over lateral dispersion and considerable interchange occurs through the canopy. Flow is channelled somewhat by vegetation density differences but is generally in the direction of the mean wind above the forest. No systematic turning of the wind with height was observed. Most particles are lost to the foliage rather than to the ground and large particles are lost more rapidly than smaller ones. Rate of change in mass flux is similar to that over open terrain and is greater with light than with stronger wind speeds.This research was carried out under the auspices of the New York State Museum and Science Service and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (now Energy Research and Development Administration) and was partially supported by Research Grant No. R-800677 from the Division of Meteorology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Batchelor's similarity law for vertical diffusion into the neutral surface layer was shown by Ellison to yield a universal constant equal to the Karman constant. However, the argument assumes that the eddy coefficient for mass above an instantaneous ground source is the same as for a continuous source. In this study, the former eddy coefficient is found to be time dependent and height independent if the particulate distribution is Gaussian. This leads to a value of the universal constant 2/ smaller than found by Ellison.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Season- and stability-dependent turbulence intensity (σ u /u *, σ v /u *, σ w /u *) relationships are derived from experimental turbulence measurements following surface layer scaling and local stability at the tropical coastal site Kalpakkam, India for atmospheric dispersion parameterization. Turbulence wind components (u′, v′, w′) measured with fast response UltraSonic Anemometers during an intense observation campaign for wind field modeling called Round Robin Exercise are used to formulate the flux–profile relationships using surface layer similarity theory and Fast Fourier Transform technique. The new relationships (modified Hanna scheme) are incorporated in a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion model FLEXPART-WRF and tested by conducting simulations for a field tracer dispersion experiment at Kalpakkam. Plume dispersion analysis of a ground level hypothetical release indicated that the new turbulent intensity formulations provide slightly higher diffusivity across the plume relative to the original Hanna scheme. The new formulations for σ u , σ v , σ w are found to give better agreement with observed turbulent intensities during both stable and unstable conditions under various seasonal meteorological conditions. The simulated concentrations using the two methods are compared with those obtained from a classical Gaussian model and the observed SF6 concentration. It has been found that the new relationships provide comparatively higher diffusion across the plume relative to the model default Hanna scheme and provide downwind concentration results in better agreement with observations.  相似文献   

A numerical model is used to study the properties of pollutant dispersion over a large uniformly-sloped surface in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. By simulating the structure of boundary layer flow to improve the advective wind field and vertical eddy diffusivities included in the advection-diffusion equa-tion, this numerical model permits an estimation of the distribution of pollutant concentration for more real-istic atmospheric diffusion conditions.  相似文献   

Large eddy simulation has encountered difficulties in handling turbulence in the atmospheric surface layer due to deficiencies in sub-grid scale models. This paper addresses the possibility of resolving the turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer by a low-aspect ratio of grid spacing. Results show that resolved-scale shear stresses dominate over the sub-grid scale components so that effects due to the sub-grid scale model can be ignored in this region. The effects of the lower boundary condition on the resolved-scale turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer are discussed. It is concluded that the normalized mean velocity shear and resolved turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer are not affected by the specification of the lower boundary condition. In addition, the present work proposes a new independent model parameter, the Smagorinsky Reynolds Number (ReSM), and demonstrates that this number determines the resolved turbulence in the upper part of the surface layer.  相似文献   

Temperature above the surface layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three published data sets of upper-air global temperatures, two from radiosondes and one from satellites, are examined and compared for the lower stratosphere and troposphere.The global lower stratosphere exhibits a downward trend for the past 16+ years of -0.53 °C (-0.33 °C per decade). Since the 1960's (using radiosondes before 1979 which are subject to known and unknown inhomogeneities) it is likely that there has been a downward trend of about the same magnitude. Significant issues of the stratospheric radiosonde data are: (1) that the long-term time series is biased toward spurious cooling; and (2) the earliest years of Angell display unrealistic variability. Inhomogeneities in satellite data due to orbit drifting and instrument calibration are examined.The tropospheric temperature has shown a downward trend of -0.11 °C since 1979 (-0.07 °C per decade). Beginning in earlier years, (relying only on radiosonde data before 1979) the estimated warming trend since the late 1950's is +0.07 to +0.11 °C per decade.Tropospheric and surface temperature anomalies are compared. There is concern that the disproportionate representation of extratropical continents, with their high temperature variance, may bias any long term global surface trend toward a maximum-possible value than would be calculated had all regions (including those with much lower responsiveness) been monitored.  相似文献   

Production, transport and dissipation terms in the temperature variance equation have been measured in the atmospheric surface layer. The transport term is, within the experimental uncertainty, negligible. The dissipation term, determined by assuming local isotropy, is approximately equal to production under near-neutral conditions. For moderately unstable conditions, the ratio of production to dissipation is 1.4. The resulting imbalance in the budget is attributed to the inequality between the three components of the dissipation term. The Kolmogorov constant for temperature is found to be about 0.8.  相似文献   

Two-point, one-dimensional coherence in horizontally homogeneous atmospheric turbulence is studied, both by experiment and analysis. Measurements are carried out using horizontally spaced sensors with the separation perpendicular to the mean velocity. Two-dimensional spectral models and three-dimensional inertial-range spectral tensors are used in the coherence calculations. The one-dimensional coherence for both velocity and scalar fluctuations is found to roll off at a wavenumber much smaller than we would expect from the classical notion of eddy correlation. This is a consequence of the cancellation of Fourier components aliased from the direction of the sensor separation into the streamwise direction. However, the coherence for the three velocity components behaves somewhat differently, reflecting the relative orientations of the velocity component, sensor separation and the mean velocity. These features are well predicted by the calculation. The analysis is also extended to calculate the two-point scalar-vertical velocity cospectrum and the results are in good agreement with our experimental data. The ratio of two- to one-point cospectra decreases at slightly larger wavenumber than the two-point scalar coherence does.  相似文献   

邹钧  孙鉴泞  刘罡 《气象科学》2011,31(4):525-533
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所在北京的325 m铁塔观测资料,本文分析了47、140和280 m三个高度的湍流统计特征.结果表明,城市近地层的湍流速度方差和湍流温度方差都较好地满足局地相似关系,140 m和280 m的湍流特征非常接近,而47 m的湍流特征与之相比表现出明显的差异,说明由于城市冠层动力和热力非均匀性的影响...  相似文献   

Summary The role of turbulence in the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants that react with linear (decay) and nonlinear (second-order) chemical reactions is examined. The most relevant processes that drive the reactivity of species emitted in a surface area or released by a point source are studied by deriving the dimensionless scaling numbers from equations for the atmospheric turbulent reacting flow. The first number is the ratio of the time scale of turbulence to the time scale of the chemical reaction, namely the Damköhler number. The second number is the ratio of the concentrations of the species present in the chemical transformations. In this paper, model results and experimental studies of turbulent reacting flows in the atmospheric boundary layer are presented to show the modifications and control exerted by turbulence on the atmospheric chemistry as a function of these numbers and processes. We also discuss how the chemical transformation is affected when species are in a state of chemical equilibrium.By studying the plume dispersion of a reactant, that decays with a simple chemical reaction, one can analyse the dependence of concentration fluctuations on the Damköhler number. The study is extended to plumes that react nonlinearly. In such reacting systems, the large gradients and segregation of species result in a significant reduction in the reaction rates. Because of this modification, the chemistry of species related to NOx and HOx can be very different from the chemistry in conditions where the species are uniformly mixed. The lack of complete observational evidence is hampering our understanding of these processes and our evaluation of numerical modelling results. Finally, we discuss briefly how to represent, in the form of a parameterization, the effect that turbulence can have on the reactivity of species emitted by a point source or an area source.  相似文献   

Analysis of data collected during the Prairie Grass, Kansas and Minnesota experiments reveals the following empirical relationship between the Monin-Obukhov length L and the friction velocity u *: L = Au * 2, A = 1.1 × 103s2m-1. This result combined with the formulation for the height of the stable boundary layer h suggested by Zilitinkevich (1972) leads to h u * 3/2 f1/2 where f is the Coriolis parameter. Data from the Minnesota study (Caughey et al., 1979) provide ample support for this expression.These empirical equations for L and h are useful for routine dispersion estimates during stable conditions.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the development of the convective planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the surface layer are examined using a coupled surface parameterization and detailed PBL model. First, the coupling is verified against observations from the First ISLSCP (International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project) Field Experiment (FIFE). Results of the sensitivity experiments indicate that the PBL is most sensitive to the amount of soil water content, and the proximity of the soil water content to critical soil texture values (field capacity and wilting point). While vegetation cover is not the most sensitive parameter at the surface, its influence on the surface energy and hydrologic balance is crucial. Model sensitivity to minimum stomatal resistance, type of soil parameterization and canopy height (surface roughness and displacement depth) is also discussed.  相似文献   

A simple model of the scaling parameter (f 0) as a function of z/L for a stable surface layer is developed. This model is used to derive empirical forms for curves presented by Kaimal et al. (1972). Also obtained is the peak of the frequency and the maximum value of the logarithmic spectra as a function of z/L.Partially financed by CAPES.On leave from Faculdade de Engenharia de Joinville, SC.  相似文献   

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