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Four Quaternary volcanic ash zones in the southern Norwegian Sea have been investigated in core P57-7 from the Iceland Plateau. Both the geochemical composition and morphological variation of each ash layer have been studied. The four volcanic ash zones appear in the light oxygen isotope stages 1, 5, 7 and 11. The ash zones are composed of transparent platy grains, light brown transparent grains, brown blocky and black blocky grains and white/transparent pumice, and each zone shows a distinct stratigraphic evolution. The geochemical results show a mixture of basaltic and silicic grains in each ash zone, and that each zone contains grains from more than one eruption. The geochemical investigations strongly suggest that all the ashes are derived from Iceland. The youngest ash zone includes two layers, which based on their geochemical composition and stratigraphic position are correlated with the 14C-dated Vedde Ash (10 600 yr BP) and Saksunarvatn Ash (9 100 yr BP). Possible sources on Iceland for these layers are discussed.  相似文献   

鲸鱼湖地区识别出了两个时期橄榄玄粗质火山岩喷发,早期为中新世,晚期为更新世。早期的属低碱安粗岩类,晚期的主要为碱玄岩-高碱的安粗岩类。两者在斑晶类型、主元素和微量元素丰度和同位素比值等方面都存在区别,但显示了相同的稀土元素分配型式。岩石同位素的环境判别表明它们都源自EMⅡ型地幔,属有再循环地壳物质加入的富集地幔。鲸鱼湖产出两个时代火山岩表明不同时期的新生代火山活动在空间上是可以叠加的。鲸鱼湖的火山沿巨型昆仑山南缘左行走滑断裂带分布,主要受断裂带北侧展布的次级断裂控制.岩石圈深断裂起到了岩浆通道的作用,而两期火山喷发的存在则说明了断层的多期活动。  相似文献   

祁连山冷龙岭南坡晚第四纪冰川演化序列   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
康建成  朱俊杰 《冰川冻土》1992,14(4):352-359

Geomorphological processes in the Thar Desert of India are largely climate driven. In the lower reaches of the River Luni (the only major drainage system in the Thar Desert) a fluvio‐aeolian sequence was located at a site called Khudala. Sediments of this sequence represented a variety of depositional environments, namely aeolian, fluvially reworked aeolian, overbank deposits, gravels, and occasional evidence of pedogenesis. This provided a good opportunity to study aeolian–fluvial interaction in the region and for deducing climatic records. From the luminescence dating standpoint these sequences offered a good opportunity for a comparative study of thermoluminescence (TL), blue‐green light stimulated luminescence (BGSL) and infrared light stimulated luminescence (IRSL) on different mineral separates of identical provenance but deposited under different environments. Broadly, within experimental errors, the TL ages agreed with BGSL and IRSL ages on aeolian sands, but differed substantially in the case of fluvially reworked and proximally deposited sands and silts. The sequence provided a record spanning more than 100 ka, with an aeolian phase at > 100 ka, a channel activation phase between 70 and 30 ka and a phase of climate instability between 13 and 8 ka. This appears consistent with the records of monsoon performance during this period, which includes the Younger Dryas. It is also inferred that during the Last Glacial epoch, geomorphological processes in the Thar (both aeolian and fluvial) were dormant largely on account of their relationship with the southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

印度- 亚洲碰撞后,大陆板块沿着大型的左行走滑断裂挤出。规模最大的哀牢山- 红河剪切带(ASRR)将印支地块(巽他地块)与华南地块分隔开来。长约1000 km的红河活动断裂(RRF)沿哀牢山的北侧延伸,目前呈现出右行走滑兼正断的活动性质。本文在讨论了红河断裂系及其周缘的第三纪和现今变形特征(滑移性质反转、渐新世/第四纪位错、全新世滑动速率、GPS测量、地震机制等)基础之上,重点论述了其在上新世—第四纪从云南东南部到越南西北部、北部湾西部、再到更南的沙巴地区的断裂分布和运动学特征。新的数据证实,跨过三联点和越南西北部的奠边府断层之后,华南地块与巽他地块之间的现今大部分右行走滑主要沿着Da River断裂向Day Nui Con Voi(或称大象山)东南方向延伸。Da River断裂与RRF大致平行,是2020年M w 5. 0莫州地震的发震断层。进一步研究表明,Da River断裂很可能沿着渐新世—中新世莺歌海/宋红盆地西缘和越南东南海岸(归仁剪切带)向南延伸得更远,至少延伸到“Ile des Cendres”火山群,并可能继续延伸到沙巴- 文莱逆冲带的西端,靠近婆罗洲北部的近海活动边缘。最后,我们讨论了在菲律宾群岛、台湾岛和巽他群岛之间南海大部分地区大规模构造反转的运动学效应。  相似文献   

Cores from boreholes penetrating late Quaternary, glacial, interglacial and postglacial sediments and the underlying late Cenozoic delta complex of the southern North Sea have been examined for their magnetic properties. A magnetic polarity stratigraphy has been established as an aid to biostratigraphic dating of the sediments; the Kaena-Gauss and Gauss—Matuyama transitions and the base and top of the Olduvai subchron have been identified. The strength and stability of laboratory-induced isothermal remanent magnetisation display clear magneto-petrological variations, which match lithostratigraphic changes in the cores. Principal component analysis has picked out a basin-wide and palaeoenvironmental consistency in the magnetic data. Large, multi-domain magnetite grains predominate in the post-deltaic and fluvio-deltaic sediments, whereas smaller greigite or titanomagnetite grains are concentrated in the intertidal and marine deltaic facies. Since heavy mineral analysis indicates that most of the deltaic detritus derived from common source areas, the differences in magnetic mineralogy have probably been caused by the sediment transport processes operating within the delta complex.  相似文献   

In the fjords of north-western Iceland, snow-avalanche and debris-flow hazards threaten 65% of the inhabitants. In this area, both historical and geomorphological evidences clearly demonstrate the recurrent danger from the steep slopes. Hazard vulnerability has increased during the last century, in connection with the population development of the Westfjords. Two snow-avalanche disasters during 1995 (in which 34 people were killed in two villages) prompted efforts to both mitigate and prevent future snow-avalanche and debris-flow activity. Research (qualitative and quantitative) on process characteristics describes prone terrain, runout distance, process behaviour along the slope, morphometric properties of the deposits and triggering factors. Acceptable risk, hazard and risk zoning are clearly defined by official regulations. Evacuation plans are determined from statistical characterisation of the risk and dynamic numerical modelling. To enhance the risk reduction, permanent and temporary measures aim to control the processes and to protect the population.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the geochronological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of two travertine sites surrounded by Quaternary eruption centres in central Anatolia with ample palaeo-eruption records. High-resolution carbonate precipitation records, revealed by U-Th dating, are clustered around 5–35, 60–100 and 120–170 ka and are well correlated with the dataset on eruptions as well as the position of fractures related to the volcanic centres. Syn-eruptive carbonate precipitation seems to occur due to the circulation of CO2-rich fluids along the extensional fracture systems aligned tangentially to the related volcanic conduit and, therefore, the study of this system could be an alternative technique for the reconstruction of palaeo-eruptions. δ18O values of the studied travertines are within the range of meteogene fluids. Oxygen isotope compositions at around 130 ka match well with Glacial Termination II that is also recorded by climate proxies in various cave and benthic deposits throughout the world. It is likely that the studied carbonates were precipitated under similar fluid circulation conditions which are represented by a high rate of dilatation followed by a meteoric water influx into the extensional fractures.  相似文献   

Five Quaternary interglacial periods are represented in core 57-7 from the Iceland Sea. Analysis of coccolith and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from the interglacial periods (Oxygen Isotope Stages 1, 5, 7, 9 and 11) shows both similarities and differences in the assemblages. The differences indicate that the palaeoenvironment was not identical in the five interglacial periods. Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e reflects the warmest period, with the greatest inflow of warm Atlantic water. During this interval the Arctic Front apparently had a more westerly position than it has today. Substages 5a and 5c were periods when Arctic water masses dominated, as at the present day. In Oxygen Isotope Stages 7 and 9 inflow of Atlantic water was limited. Oxygen Isotope Stage 11 reflects a period of great productivity, but the region was still dominated by Arctic water masses. The position of the Arctic Front was possibly close to that of today, but not at the extreme western position it had in Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e.  相似文献   

The Quaternary fills of the buried valleys of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan have provided a wealth of information for the reconstruction of the glacial-interglacial record of the western plains of Canada, and this paper reports on the previously unstudied stratigraphy of the buried Calgary Valley and its former tributaries in the lower Red Deer River area. We attempt to differentiate Empress Group sediments, which potentially relate to pre-glacial, interglacial/ interstadial and post-glacial lake and river deposition, using sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoecology. Twenty-nine stratigraphical logs indicate that Empress Group sediments have infilled a considerably large area of badlands and tributary coulees that once drained into the Calgary Valley, located 15 km to the north of Dinosaur Provincial Park. Radiocarbon dates of 52.4 ka, 27.4 ka and > 42.4 ka and glacially modified quartz grains suggest that at least some of the valley fills date to interglacial or interstadial periods and may be mid-Wisconsinan in age. However, outcrops of an older till overlying other valley fills suggest that the buried valleys were only partially excavated during interglacials/interstadials and that older (even pre-glacial) sediments could have survived. Subglacial channels, recognisable on air photographs, largely coincide with buried valley positions due to the preferential excavation of the Quaternary sediment by meltwater and are filled with post-glacial lake sediment from which a radiocarbon date of 16 ka BP was obtained. Pre-glacial and glacial/post-glacial Empress Group sediments are lithologically indistinct but cover a large time span in southern Alberta.  相似文献   

In this paper we present Quaternary stratigraphy of the area around Chennai based on archaeological findings on the ferricrete surface, geomorphological observations supplemented by radiocarbon dating. The coastal landscape around Chennai, Tamil Nadu, has preserved ferruginised boulder gravel deposits, ferricretes and fluvial deposits of varying thickness. The area studied is approximately 150 km east to west and 180 km north to south with a broad continental shelf towards the seaward. Several rivers enter the Bay of Bengal along its shores like the Koratallaiyar, Cooum and the Adyar. Precambrian charnockite and Upper Gondwana sandstone and shale bedrock rim the shelf margin. For the most part, the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial sediments overlie an erosion surface that has cut into older Pleistocene sediments and ferricrete surface. Incised valleys that cut into this erosion surface are up to 5–6 km wide and have a relief of at least 30 m. The largest valley is that cut by the Koratallaiyar River. Holocene sediments deposited in the incised valleys include fluvial gravels, early transgressive channel sands and floodplain silts. Older Pleistocene sediments are deposited before and during the 120-ka high stand (Marine isotope stage 5). They consist of ferricretes and ferricrete gravel formed in nearshore humid environments. Muddy and sandy clastic sediments dated to the ca. 5 ka highstand suggest that the climate was semi arid at this time with less fluvial transport. The coarsening up sequence indicates deposition by high intensity channel processes. Pedogenic mottled, clayey silt unit represents an important tectonic event when the channel was temporarily drained and sediment were sub aerially exposed. Uplift of the region has caused the local rivers to incise into the landscape, forming degradation terraces.  相似文献   

李长安 《地层学杂志》1999,23(4):287-290
当前我国第四纪地层研究中存在的不规范和地层混乱现象,主要表现是:长期忽视第四纪岩石地层单位的建立和研究,将岩石地层单位与年代地层单位混用,过分强调多重地层单位界线的一致性等等。当前的第四纪(系)划分方案存在不妥之处,建议:1)将第四纪(系)四分; 2)尽快制定《中国第四系地层规范》,以适应即将开始的新一轮国土资源大调查的需要。  相似文献   

The evolution of oceanic crust on the Kolbeinsey Ridge, north of Iceland, is discussed on the basis of a crustal transect obtained by seismic experiment from the Kolbeinsey Ridge to the Jan Mayen Basin. The crustal model indicates a relatively uniform structure; no significant lateral velocity variations are observed, especially in the lower crust. The uniform velocity structure suggests that the postulated extinct axis does not exist over the oceanic crust formed at the Kolbeinsey Ridge, but supports a model of continuous spreading along the ridge after oceanic spreading started west of the Jan Mayen Basin. The oceanic crust formed at Kolbeinsey Ridge is 1–2.5 km thicker than normal oceanic crust due to hotter-than-normal mantle from the Iceland Mantle Plume. The observed generally uniform thickness throughout the transect might also indicate that the temperatures of the astheno-spheric mantle ascending along the Kolbeinsey Ridge have not changed significantly since the age of magnetic anomaly 6B.  相似文献   

兰州-民和盆地第四纪地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,对兰州-民和盆地的晚新生代地层和环境进行了较系统的研究,对第四纪地层进行了地貌学、岩石学、年代学、土壤地层学和古气候学研究,查明了研究区各地貌单元形成时代与物质组成特点、侵蚀期与堆积期的旋回过程及黄土中1.9MaB.P.以来磁化率与古气候、古土壤事件(S26-S0)、古气候演化的周期(45ka、100ka)、特点和黄土中15万年以来短尺度气候事件(H1-9及DO1-10).  相似文献   

The Vogar Fissure Swarm is one of four en-echelon fracture swarms that connect the Reykjanes Ridge to the South Iceland Seismic Zone and the Western Volcanic Zone. Occurring in an area of flat topography, this fissure swarm is clearly visible at the surface, where it can be seen to affect recent postglacial lavas. Using remote sensing methods to identify and measure all the faults and fractures in the swarm, combined with additional field observations and measurements, we measured 478 individual fractures, 33% of them being faults and 67% being fissures. The fracture lengths show roughly log-normal distributions. Most of the individual fractures belong to 68 main composite fractures, seven of which are longer than 2500 m and correspond to the main fault scarps of the fissure swarm. We showed that these main faults are distributed along five, equally spaced zones, ∼500 m apart and a few kilometers long. We drawn 71 across-strike profiles to characterize the shape of the fault scarps, and 5 along-strike profiles to characterize the evolution of vertical throw along the main faults. Each fault consists of a coalescence of individual segments of approximately equal length. Fault throws are never larger than 10 m and are smallest at the junctions between individual segments. Analyses of along-strike throw profiles allowed us to determine the early stages of growth after coalescence. The earliest stage is characterized by an increase in the throw of the central parts of segments. This is followed by a second stage during which the throw increases at the junctions between segments, progressively erasing these small-throw zones.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon‐dated sediment cores from six lakes in the Ahklun Mountains, south‐western Alaska, were used to interpolate the ages of late Quaternary tephra beds ranging in age from 25.4 to 0.4 ka. The lakes are located downwind of the Aleutian Arc and Alaska Peninsula volcanoes in the northern Bristol Bay area between 159° and 161°W at around 60°N. Sedimentation‐rate age models for each lake were based on a published spline‐fit procedure that uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine age model uncertainty. In all, 62 14C ages were used to construct the six age models, including 23 ages presented here for the first time. The age model from Lone Spruce Pond is based on 18 ages, and is currently the best‐resolved Holocene age model available from the region, with an average 2σ age uncertainty of about ± 109 years over the past 14.5 ka. The sedimentary sequence from Lone Spruce Pond contains seven tephra beds, more than previously found in any other lake in the area. Of the 26 radiocarbon‐dated tephra beds at the six lakes and from a soil pit, seven are correlated between two or more sites based on their ages. The major‐element geochemistry of glass shards from most of these tephra beds supports the age‐based correlations. The remaining tephra beds appear to be present at only one site based on their unique geochemistry or age. The 5.8 ka tephra is similar to the widespread Aniakchak tephra [3.7 ± 0.2 (1σ) ka], but can be distinguished conclusively based on its trace‐element geochemistry. The 3.1 and 0.4 ka tephras have glass major‐ and trace‐element geochemical compositions indistinguishable from prominent Aniakchak tephra, and might represent redeposited beds. Only two tephra beds are found in all lakes: the Aniakchak tephra (3.7 ± 0.2 ka) and Tephra B (6.1 ± 0.3 ka). The tephra beds can be used as chronostratigraphic markers for other sedimentary sequences in the region, including cores from Cascade and Sunday lakes, which were previously undated and were analyzed in this study to correlate with the new regional tephrostratigraphy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Acid alteration areas accompanying Quaternary volcanoes are widespread in the western Izu Peninsula, central Japan. The Ugusu alteration area is the largest among them and is mined for “silica stone” at the silica body in the core of the alteration area. Silica zone defined by previous studies is subdivided into highly leached brecciated silica zone and residual silica zone, which extend along a NNW‐SSE–NNE‐SSW direction of fractures/faults. Fe‐rich, alunite, advanced argillic alteration, and intermediate argillic alteration zones occur toward the outside surrounding the two silica zones. The ascent of acid hydrothermal fluid would be responsible for the silica zones and surrounding alteration zones at an earlier stage, while the hydrothermal brecciation and silica veins were caused by a limited supply of silica‐saturated fluids at later stages. Based on the available mineral stability relations and fluid inclusion thermometries, the formation temperatures are estimated to be: >300°C for the residual silica zone; >290°C for the diaspore association in the advanced argillic alteration zone; and <260°C for the kaolinite association in the intermediate argillic alteration zone. The later stage quartz druses have been formed at 200–260°C. The Ugusu–Fukata acid hydrothermal systems were active at 1.5–1.2 Ma, which were temporally related to the Tanaba Andesite volcanism. Hydrothermal system at the Seikoshi gold–silver deposit survived until 0.7 Ma after the volcanism. In the western half of the Izu Peninsula, subduction of the Philippine Sea plate underneath the Suruga Trough caused nearly N–S‐trending maximum horizontal compressive stress (σHmax) and the resultant formation of similarly trending alteration areas and Au‐Ag vein‐type deposits in the Ugusu‐Toi‐Seikoshi area. From a practical viewpoint, at the Ugusu silica stone deposit, the fracture‐controlled vertical morphology of the silica body provides an important guide for exploration. Because the alteration zones occur both in the lower and upper sides of the silica bodies, it is important to make sure to which side the alteration zones correspond.  相似文献   

Paleogene volcanic rocks crop out in three sedimentary basins, namely, Sanshui, Heyuan and Lienping, in the attenuated continental margin of south China. Lavas from the Sanshui basin which erupted during 64-43 Ma are bimodal, consisting of intraplate tholeiitic basalt and trachyte/rhyolite associations. Similar to Cretaceous A-type granites from the nearby region, the felsic member shows peralkaline nature [Na2O + K2O ≈ 10–12%; (Na + K)/Al≈ 0.98−1.08], general enrichment in the incompatible trace elements and significant depletion in Ba, Sr, Eu, P and Ti. Although both types of the Sanshui lavas have rather uniform Nd isotope compositions [Nd(T) ≈ +6 to +4]that are comparable to Late Cenozoic basalts around the South China Sea, the felsic rocks possess apparently higher initial Sr isotope ratios (ISr up to 0.713) and form a horizontal array to the right in the Nd vs. Sr isotope plot. Closed system differentiation of mantle-derived magmas in a ‘double diffusive’ magma chamber is considered for the bimodal volcanism, in which the trachytes and rhyolites represent A-type melts after extensive crystal fractionation in the upper portion of the chamber. Such A-type melts were later contaminated by small amounts (1–3%) of upper crustal materials during ascent. On the other hand, composition of lavas in the other two basins varies from tholeiitic basalt to andesite. Their Sr and Nd isotope ratios [ISr ≈ 0.705 to 0.711; Nd(T) ≈ +1 to − 5] and generally correlative Nb-Ta depletions suggest a distinct magma chamber process involving fractional crystallization concomitant with assimilation of the country rock. We conclude that these Paleogene volcanic activities resulted from the lithospheric extension in south China that migrated southwards and eventually led to opening of the South China Sea during 30-16 Ma.  相似文献   

We have mapped the transition from the continental Faroe block (the Faroe Islands and surrounding shelf) to the thickened oceanic crust of the Faroe–Iceland Ridge in the North Atlantic using the results of a detailed sea-to-land seismic profile with wide-angle to normal-incidence recordings of explosive and airgun shots fired at sea along the Faroe–Iceland Ridge. Interpretation of all available seismic and gravity data indicates that this aseismic ridge is composed of 30±3-km-thick oceanic crust, with a gradual transition to ancient continental crust from 100 to 40 km northwest of the Faroe Islands, close to the shelf edge. This confirms that the crust beneath the Faroe Islands, which may be up to 46 km thick, comprises continental material in agreement with previous seismic and geochemical results. Results suggest that the upper 5.2±0.7 km of the Faroe crust consists of Tertiary basalts generated during continental breakup, overlying the continental crust beneath. The lower crust, where seismic constraint is poor, may exhibit high seismic velocities (7.1–7.6 km s−1) which we attribute to underplating or intrusion by mafic melts during continental breakup in the early Tertiary.  相似文献   

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