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Cosmogenic nuclide dating of glacial landforms may lead to ambiguous results for ice retreat histories. The persistence of significant cosmogenic concentrations inherited from previous exposure may increase the apparent exposure ages for polished bedrocks affected by limited erosion under ice and for erratic boulders transported by glaciers and previously exposed in high-altitude rock walls. In contrast, transient burying by moraines, sediments and snow decreases the apparent exposure age. We propose a new sampling strategy, applied to four sites distributed in the Arc and Arve valleys in the Western Alps, to better constrain the factors that can bias exposure ages associated with glacial processes. We used the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 10Be (TCN) to estimate the exposure time from paired sampling of depth profiles in polished bedrock and on overlying erratic boulders. For a given sampling site, the exposure ages for both the polished bedrock and boulder are expected to be the same. However, in six cases out of seven, boulders had significantly higher 10Be surface concentrations than those of the associated polished surfaces. In present and past glacial processes, the 10Be distribution with depth for boulders and bedrocks implies the presence of an inheritance concentration of 10Be. Our study suggests that 10Be concentrations in erratic boulders and in polished bedrocks provide maximum and minimum exposure ages of the glacial retreat, respectively. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

An indication of the extent of weathering on different aspects of rock outcrops on Livingston Island, Antarctica, was obtained by means of a Schmidt hammer, a cone indenter and measurement of weathering rind thickness. Results show that weathering, particularly chemical weathering, is enhanced on the lee side of outcrops where snow accumulates as a result of prolonged wetting by the melting snow. Rock moisture and temperature data indicate that the south-facing, snow-accumulation side of obstacles have high rock moisture levels and maintain relatively high temperatures. Whilst chemical weathering is greater on the leeward side of outcrops, mechanical processes are greater on the windward side. The presence of late-lying snow thus appears to exert a strong influence on weathering.  相似文献   

The areally weighted surface erosion for Niwot Ridge, an alpine interfluve in the Colorado Front Range, is 10−1 mm/y. This may be subdivided into rates for three generalized cover types: tundra meadow, 10−2 mm/y; dry tundra, 10−1 mm/y; late-lying snow patches, 10° mm/y. Tundra meadow (about 50 per cent of the interfluve area) yields about 5 per cent of the eroded material; dry tundra (35 per cent of the area) contributes slightly less than 50 per cent of the eroded material; while nivation hollows occupied by late-lying snow patches occupy only about 3 per cent of the area they contribute 50 per cent of the eroded material. The bulk of the surficial erosion is accomplished between June and September, primarily by rainsplash, except where snowmelt is important. The overall estimated surface lowering rate presented here is substantially higher than those reported previously.  相似文献   

Despite recent rapid advances in the field of structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, the use of high-resolution data to investigate small-scale processes is a relatively underdeveloped field. In particular, rock weathering is rarely investigated using this suite of techniques. This research uses a combination of traditional non-destructive rock weathering measurement techniques (rock surface hardness) and SfM to map deterioration and loss of cohesion of the surface using three-dimensional data. The results are used to interpret weathering behaviour across two different lithologies present on the site, namely shale and limestone. This new approach is tested on seven sites in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, where active weathering of a rock surface was measured after 13 years of exposure to extreme temperature regimes and snow cover. The surface loss was quantified with SfM and combined with rock surface hardness measurement distributions extrapolated in geographic information system (GIS). The combined results are used here to quantify the difference in response of both lithologies to these extreme temperatures. This research demonstrates the potential for further integration of SfM in rock weathering research and other small-scale geomorphological investigations, in particular in difficult field conditions where portability of field equipment is paramount. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To better assess the spatiotemporal variations of the snow shielding effect on surface exposure dating, we compiled a dataset of 1341 10Be ages from alpine moraines and glacially eroded valleys across western North America, and conducted a sensitivity test with both modern and time-integrated snow data covering the same region. Our analyses reveal significant differences in snow shielding both across our geographic domain and through time. In our time-integrated experiments we find snow-based exposure age corrections as low as 3.5% in the Great Basin region and high as 28.4% in the Pacific Northwest for samples dating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when no wind-sweeping is assumed. As demonstrated with our time-varying snow conditions with a global climate model and a positive degree day model, modern snow conditions across western North America cannot account for the varying snow patterns under large scale climate shifts since the LGM. The snow-based exposure age corrections from the modern data differ from those calculated by our time-varying model by up to 17% across our model domain. In addition, we find that the 10Be ages calculated under two end-member scenarios regarding wind-sweeping effects, specifically whether boulders were shielded only when the total snow accumulation exceeded boulder heights or were always shielded when the snow was present, can differ by ∼7.6% on average for LGM aged samples. Our analyses provide a model-based estimates of the spatiotemporal variability and complexity of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dates across western North America and highlight the need to consider snow depth variations both spatially and temporally when conducting surface exposure dating in terrains where snowfall accumulation is significant.  相似文献   

Determination of the rate and total amount of limestone pavement surface lowering is a critical issue in developing models of regional landscape change in limestone terrain. Erratic‐capped pedestals have frequently been used for this purpose but problems concerning definition and measurement of pedestal height, and the absence of a secure timeframe for erratic emplacement, have resulted in conflicting interpretations. We have used cosmogenic (36Cl) to establish the emplacement age of erratic boulders and the total amount of pavement surface lowering at sites in northwest England. Since erratic emplacement at 17.9 ka the limestone pavement has been lowered by 22–45 cm (average: 33 ± 10 cm), assuming lowering was continuous. Although indicating some spatial heterogeneity, the results contrast with earlier reported values based on the measurement of pedestal heights and inferred age for deglaciation. We consider that changes in climate and the character and duration of regolith covers to have been important influences in promoting surface lowering. It is argued that nivation (chemical and mechanical snow‐related processes) associated with several cool/cold periods is likely to have played an important role in surface lowering. Complicating factors associated with surface lowering (thickness and longevity of snow and regolith covers) are identified but as yet cannot be quantified. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to the problem of dating the diachronous surfaces of five distal river‐bank boulder ramparts deposited by snow avalanches plunging into the Jostedøla and Sprongdøla rivers in the Jostedalsbreen region of southern Norway. Approaches to local high‐precision linear age calibration, which controlled in different ways for boulder roundness, were developed. The mean age (SHDmean) and the maximum age (SHDmax) of surface boulders were estimated for whole ramparts, crests and distal fringes. Interpretation was further assisted by reference to R‐value distributions. SHDmean ages (with 95% confidence intervals) ranged from 520 ± 270 years to 5375 ± 965 years, whereas SHDmax ages (expected to be exceeded by <5% of surface boulders) ranged from 675 to 9065 years. SHD ages from the Jostedøla ramparts tended to be older than those associated with the Sprongdøla, rampart crests were younger than the respective distal fringes, and use of relatively rounded boulders yielded more consistent SHD ages than angular boulders. The SHDmean ages indicate differences in recent levels of snow‐avalanche activity between ramparts and provide insights into rampart dynamics as boulders are deposited on rampart crests and, in smaller numbers, on the distal fringes. SHDmax ages provide minimum age estimates of rampart age (i.e. the time elapsed since the ramparts began to form) and suggest that at least some of the ramparts have been developing since the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Schmidt hammer has for some years been used to measure the hardness of different rock surfaces and to date relatively boulders in moraine deposits. In this paper applications on isostatically raised boulder-beaches and rocky shores are described. The research area is the northern Swedish Bothnian coast where present isostatic uplift is between 0.8-1.0 cm year?1. Elevations above sea-level can be converted to a timescale. Rebound values (R) of the Schmidt hammer are correlated with the altitude and the degree of rock weathering can be estimated for each site. Eight sites with boulder-beaches and nine sites with rocky shores have been analysed. For boulder-beaches correlation-coefficients of 0.82-0.97 for weathering values (R) and the elevations above sea-level were obtained. For the rocky shores these values were calculated to 0.75-0.97. This method has applications in both geomorphology and archaeology. For example, a deep layer of weathered dolerite in the Nordingrå region, which previously has been regarded as a post-Weichselian formation, can be shown to be of pre-Weichselian origin. Several archaeological applications are also mentioned in the paper.  相似文献   

The acceleration of surface velocities observed over the last two decades on monitored rock glaciers worldwide is a widespread signal of the probable control of warming air temperatures on long-term permafrost creep. Yet, the actual consequences of this acceleration on sediment availability in high mountain catchments have never been properly estimated at the pluri-decadal scale. The present study evaluates the sediment transfer activity between five rock glaciers located in the western European Alps and the headwaters of the torrential channels they are respectively connected to. It reposes on the orthorectification of aerial images available generally from the 1960s to the mid-2010, to reconstruct time-series of (i) horizontal surface velocities and (ii) frontal erosion rates. Values of horizontal velocity are retrieved by tracking the displacement of boulders on the surface of rock glaciers between consecutive images while erosion rates affecting the fronts are calculated by combining these values of displacement with the geometry of the front (mean width and rock glacier thickness) derived from recent high-resolution digital elevation models. Results confirm the general acceleration of rock glaciers surface velocities since the 1970s and indicate that this accelerating trend is causing an increase in the erosion rates calculated at the front of most studied rock glaciers. In some cases and over specific periods however, the acceleration resulted in the advance of the whole landforms over their own sediments, leading to a comparatively low sediment export towards the torrents.  相似文献   

Western US forest ecosystems and downstream water supplies are reliant on seasonal snowmelt. Complex feedbacks govern forest–snow interactions in which forests influence the distribution of snow and the timing of snowmelt but are also sensitive to snow water availability. Notwithstanding, few studies have investigated the influence of forest structure on snow distribution, snowmelt and soil moisture response. Using a multi‐year record from co‐located observations of snow depth and soil moisture, we evaluated the influence of forest‐canopy position on snow accumulation and snow depth depletion, and associated controls on the timing of soil moisture response at Boulder Creek, Colorado, Jemez River Basin, New Mexico, and the Wolverton Basin, California. Forest‐canopy controls on snow accumulation led to 12–42 cm greater peak snow depths in open versus under‐canopy positions. Differences in accumulation and melt across sites resulted in earlier snow disappearance in open positions at Jemez and earlier snow disappearance in under‐canopy positions at Boulder and Wolverton sites. Irrespective of net snow accumulation, we found that peak annual soil moisture was nearly synchronous with the date of snow disappearance at all sites with an average deviation of 12, 3 and 22 days at Jemez, Boulder and Wolverton sites, respectively. Interestingly, sites in the Sierra Nevada showed peak soil moisture prior to snow disappearance at both our intensive study site and the nearby snow telemetry stations. Our results imply that the duration of soil water stress may increase as regional warming or forest disturbance lead to earlier snow disappearance and soil moisture recession in subalpine forests. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

极端冰雪条件下的顺层岩质边坡滑移稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推导了典型岩石边坡在极端冰雪条件下的滑移稳定系数的表达式;通过计算分析,揭示了岩石边坡滑移稳定系数随裂隙内水深、坡高、坡角、滑面倾角等因素变化的规律及与冻深的关系,并绘制岩石边坡滑移稳定系数与边坡几何要素之间的关系图。研究表明,当考虑极端冰雪灾害影响时,岩石边坡滑移稳定系数发生较为明显的变化:随裂隙饱水程度、坡面角、主滑面倾角的增加而降低,随主滑面抗剪强度的减小而降低;裂隙饱水程度越高、坡体高度越低、坡面角越小、主滑面倾角越大的边坡的滑移稳定系数,对裂隙冰冻胀力的反应越敏感。  相似文献   

Extreme wave events in coastal zones are principal drivers of geomorphic change. Evidence of boulder entrainment and erosional impact during storms is increasing. However, there is currently poor time coupling between pre‐ and post‐storm measurements of coastal boulder deposits. Importantly there are no data reporting shore platform erosion, boulder entrainment and/or boulder transport during storm events – rock coast dynamics during storm events are currently unexplored. Here, we use high‐resolution (daily) field data to measure and characterize coastal boulder transport before, during and after the extreme Northeast Atlantic extra‐tropical cyclone Johanna in March 2008. Forty‐eight limestone fine‐medium boulders (n = 46) and coarse cobbles (n = 2) were tracked daily over a 0.1 km2 intertidal area during this multi‐day storm. Boulders were repeatedly entrained, transported and deposited, and in some cases broken down (n = 1) or quarried (n = 3), during the most intense days of the storm. Eighty‐one percent (n = 39) of boulders were located at both the start and end of the storm. Of these, 92% were entrained where entrainment patterns were closely aligned to wave parameters. These data firmly demonstrate rock coasts are dynamic and vulnerable under storm conditions. No statistically significant relationship was found between boulder size (mass) and net transport distance. Graphical analyses suggest that boulder size limits the maximum longshore transport distance but that for the majority of boulders lying under this threshold, other factors influence transport distance. Paired analysis of 20 similar sized and shaped boulders in different morphogenic zones demonstrates that geomorphological control affects entrainment and transport distance – where net transport distances were up to 39 times less where geomorphological control was greatest. These results have important implications for understanding and for accurately measuring and modelling boulder entrainment and transport. Coastal managers require these data for assessing erosion risk. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of boulders at Miyara Bay of Ishigaki Island, Japan. These boulders were deposited on a reef flat extending approximately 400–1300 m in width. Most boulders were rectangular to ellipsoidal, without sharp broken edges. They are reef and coral rock fragments estimated as <335 m3 (<633 t). Locally in the bay, the relationship between the boulder weight and position shows that boulders of a given weight have a clear limit on seaward distribution on the reef flat. For example, more than 1, 10, and 100 tons of boulders were deposited, respectively, more than 500, 300, and 100 m from the reef edge. The line is consistent with the possible landward transport limit by maximum storm waves at the Ryukyu Islands, suggesting that the line was formed by the reworking of some boulders by maximally strong storm waves, although we can not exclude the possibility that the line was formed by tsunamis. Furthermore, 68% of boulders at the bay are deposited beyond this line. Therefore, the presence of these boulders at their present positions is difficult to explain solely by storm waves, implying the possible tsunami origin of these boulders. The boulders are characteristically concentrated along the high‐tide line, suggesting the drastic reduction of the tsunami hydraulic force along the line. Previous studies using radiocarbon age dating, as well as our study, imply that at least 69 boulders at Miyara Bay were probably deposited at their present positions by the 1771 Meiwa tsunami, although some of these boulders might have been emplaced and displaced on the reef flat by prior tsunami or storm surges.  相似文献   

Small scale features resulting from wind erosion are widespread in the Namib Desert. They include selective erosion of lithological variations (etching), flutes and grooves, facetting of clasts and residual boulders, and smoothing and polishing of rock surfaces. Large scale features are tentatively identified and are restricted to the southern Namib, with its high energy, unidirectional wind regime. Wind erosion features are best developed on fine-grained rocks of intermediate hardness. They are oriented towards or parallel to modern strong winds. The turbulent flow of wind armed only with dust particles is probably more important than wind driven sand in creating smooth polished rock surfaces, flutes, and grooves. Wind driven sand appears to be significant only in facetting rock masses.  相似文献   

This study presents rock strength variations at granite outcrops and in subsurface vertical profiles in the Jizerské hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Schmidt hammer rebound values in subsurface profiles change gradually from the bedrock surface downward. An exponential relation has been observed between the R‐values and depth in rock outcrops to a depth of around 4·5 m. The exponential nature of the curve indicates that rock hardness increases more rapidly with depth in the uppermost 1?m section of the rock profile. A detailed study of rebound values obtained from both intact and polished rock exposures reveal effects of surface grinding on results of the Schmidt hammer method. The range of data collected increases after grinding, allowing more precise discrimination of rock surfaces in respect of age and weathering. The Schmidt hammer method may be used effectively as a relative‐age dating tool for rock surfaces that originated during the Late Pleistocene. It is concluded that this time limitation can be significantly mitigated by surface grinding before measurement. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oil stranded as a result of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill has persisted for >10 years at study sites on Gulf of Alaska shores distant from the spill's origin. These sites were contaminated by "oil mousse", which persists in these settings due to armoring of underlying sediments and their included oil beneath boulders. The boulder-armored beaches that we resampled in 1999 showed continued contamination by subsurface oil, despite their exposure to moderate to high wave energies. Significant declines in surface oil cover occurred at all study sites. In contrast, mousse has persisted under boulders in amounts similar to what was present in 1994 and probably in 1989. Especially striking is the general lack of weathering of this subsurface oil over the last decade. Oil at five of the six armored-beach sites 10 years after the spill is compositionally similar to 11-day old Exxon Valdez oil. Analysis of movements in the boulder-armor that covers the study beaches reveals that only minor shifts have occurred since 1994, suggesting that over the last five, and probably over the last 10 years, boulder-armors have remained largely unmoved at the study sites. These findings emphasize the importance of particular geomorphic parameters in determining stranded oil persistence. Surface armoring, combined with stranding of oil mousse, results in the unexpectedly lengthy persistence of only lightly to moderately weathered oil within otherwise high-energy wave environments.  相似文献   

Rock moisture is an important factor for the intensity and distribution of frost weathering processes. However, quantitative measurements are scarce, which is partly due to the lack of reliable measurement techniques. This paper presents five different techniques for obtaining rock moisture data. While collecting rock pieces and two‐dimensional geoelectric measurements allow determination of the spatial moisture distribution, the temporal variability can be derived from conductivity and time domain reflectometry records. Computer simulations, using rock properties and climatic records as input data, render it possible to clarify the important aspects that are responsible for the moisture distribution. It proved to be advisable to use several methods to check and validate the results. The results, obtained in study areas in the Bavarian Alps, make it clear that direct rainfall is the main source of rock moisture. The influence of snow is limited to the immediate vicinity of the snow fields and is not equally pronounced at different times and positions. Rock moisture levels are higher in summer than they are in winter, since in winter less water is supplied in liquid form. Northerly exposed rockwalls are generally more moist than those exposed in a southerly direction, which is due to the different insolation as well as to the wind direction during rainfall. In every position the rock is, on average, wetter on the inside than it is on the surface. This means that shallow frost cycles, as typical for south‐exposed sites, are not affecting weathering, since they take place at a depth level that is mostly dried out. Numerous spatial and temporal patterns of rockfall found in the same study areas can be explained through variations in rock moisture. Thus, the moisture content of the rock is considered to be one of the major controlling factors of the frost‐shattering rate. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Where snow avalanches descend steeply into large rivers, displacing bedload, avalanche boulder-ramparts may accumulate, retaining a record of late-Holocene snow-avalanche frequency. The age frequency of surface boulders on 12 such features in upper Jostedalen, southern Norway, was investigated using the size-frequency distribution of lichens. A model was constructed to simulate the influence of variations in avalanche frequency since AD 1325 on lichen-size-frequency distributions. Using this modelling approach it is not possible to define a unique pattern of avalanche activity to account for the observed lichen-size-frequency distributions, but it is possible to place strict limits on the range of scenarios that are acceptable. The results suggest that maximum avalanche activity occurred during the 19th century, after the peak of the Little Ice Age. This conflicts with historical records of avalanche damage to property at lower altitude in nearby valleys, which may reflect avalanche activity only during a short period of extreme climatic conditions. Close agreement between the records of snow avalanches and debris flows suggests that both reflect periods of high winter snowfall and rapid spring melting rather than low temperature. Future ‘greenhouse warming’ may therefore result in increased avalanche activity in southern Norway.  相似文献   

Weathering reduces the strength of rocks and so is a key control on the stability of rock slopes. Recent research suggests that the geotechnical response of rocks to weathering varies with ambient stress conditions resulting from overburden loading and/or stress concentrations driven by near-surface topography. In addition, the stress history experienced by the rock can influence the degree to which current weathering processes cause rock breakdown. To address the combined effect of these potential controls, we conducted a set of weathering experiments on two sedimentary lithologies in laboratory and field conditions. We firstly defined the baseline geotechnical behaviour of each lithology, characterising surface hardness and stress–strain behaviour in unconfined compression. Weathering significantly reduced intact rock strength, but this was not evident in measurements of surface hardness. The ambient compressive stress applied to samples throughout the experiments did not cause any observable differences in the geotechnical behaviour of the samples. We created a stress history effect in sub-sets of samples by generating a population of microcracks that could be exploited by weathering processes. We also geometrically modified groups of samples to cause near-surface stress concentrations that may allow greater weathering efficacy. However, even these pronounced sample modifications resulted in insignificant changes in geotechnical behaviour when compared to unmodified samples. The observed reduction in rock strength changed the nature of failure of the samples, which developed post-peak strength and underwent multiple stages of brittle failure. Although weakened, these samples could sustain greater stress and strain following exceedance of peak strength. On this basis, the multi-stage failure style exhibited by weaker weathered rock may permit smaller-magnitude, higher-frequency events to trigger fracture through intact rock bridges as well as influencing the characteristics of pre-failure deformation. These findings are consistent with patterns of behaviour observed in field monitoring results. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of evaporation from the ground surface of Asian cryosphere sites are presented, as estimated by the lysimeter method, a profile method, and a heat budget method. The observation sites were located on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, in the Qilian and Tianshan Mountains of China, and in eastern Siberia. The lysimeter method has been demonstrated to be a reliable observation technique for estimating daily evaporation from the land surface, given suitable experiment design and operation. Daily mean evaporation varied within the range of 0·3 to 3·5 mm on the permafrost surface, and regional differences in evaporation were strongly related to surface soil moisture. Locally, topography, by way of its influence on surface soil moisture, was found to control evaporation systematically. Seasonality of ground evaporation in permafrost regions is dominated by thaw–freeze cycles at the surface; evaporation from the melting permafrost surface is up to four to seven times greater than that from frozen ground. In forested terrain, the interception of precipitation can reduce daily evaporation by 60 to 70%. Sublimation from the snow surface was observed at some sites in the range of 0·2 to 1·0 mm daily; atmospheric conditions, such as wind speed and saturation deficit, were dominant factors in determining snow sublimation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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