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Wood WW 《Ground water》2002,40(4):438-447
Study of ground water in the Southern High Plains is central to an understanding of the geomorphology, deposition of economic minerals, and climate change record in the area. Ground water has controlled the course of the Canadian and Pecos rivers that isolated the Southern High Plains from the Great Plains and has contributed significantly to the continuing retreat of the westward escarpment. Evaporative and dissolution processes are responsible for current plateau topography and the development of the signature 20,000 small playa basins and 40 to 50 large saline lake basins in the area. In conjunction with eolian processes, ground water transport controls the mineralogy of commercially valuable mineral deposits and sets up the distribution of fine efflorescent salts that adversely affect water quality. As the water table rises and retreats, lunette and tufa formation provides valuable paleoclimate data for the Southern High Plains. In all these cases, an understanding of ground water processes contributes valuable information to a broad range of geological topics, well beyond traditional interest in water supply and environmental issues.  相似文献   

Ground-water levels in the Upper Floridan aquifer beneath the southeastern coast of South Carolina have undergone pumpage-induced declines approaching 20 ft below sea level at the southern end of Hilton Head Island. This scenario suggests the potential exists for the inducement of recharge to the Upper Floridan aquifer across the island, which could affect the quality of water being pumped by wells. However, low radiocarbon concentrations in ground-water samples (0.5 to 1.4 ± 0.1 PMC) indicate that most of the water is relict ground water reflecting prepumpage ground-water flow conditions in the Upper Floridan aquifer. The isotopic data indicate long residence times and water-chemistry evolution more characteristic of ground-water recharge occurring farther inland prior to the commencement of pumpage in the late 1800s. Radiocarbon concentrations (as Percent Modern Carbon) and stable carbon isotope ratios (as δ13C in dissolved inorganic carbon) determined during this study and reported in other studies on and around Hilton Head Island varied in a systematic manner. Heavier δ13C values (–2.8 to –1.6 per mil) in ground water beneath southern Hilton Head Island reflect ground-water discharge from prepumpage flowpaths originating over 100 miles away, hence a depletion in radiocarbon concentration with corrected ground-water ages no younger than 16,000 yrs BP. In contrast, lighter δ13C values (–13.9 to –8.67 per mil) beneath the northern part of the island indicate recent recharge as a result of water-level declines, and recharge in areas off the island that have not changed as a result of pumpage (evidenced by enrichment in radiocarbon with corrected ground-water ages no older than 4,000 yrs BP). This suggests that the δ13C composition of ground water in the Upper Floridan aquifer is a useful indicator of mixing between ground waters from different sources, and can be used to delineate recharge-discharge patterns. This approach may be applicable to other aquifers of highly evolved ground-water chemistry in regional carbonate aquifer systems that may be receiving recent recharge. Moreover, this approach could prove useful in delineating the contribution of recent water being captured by pumped wells as part of wellhead protection programs designed to assess aquifer vulnerability from surficial contaminant sources.  相似文献   

Patterns and Age Distribution of Ground-Water Flow to Streams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Simulations of ground-water flow in a generic aquifer system were made to characterize the topology of ground-water flow in the stream subsystem and to evaluate its relation to deeper ground-water flow. The flow models are patterned after hydraulic characteristics of aquifers of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and are based on numerical solutions to three-dimensional, steady-state, unconfined flow. The models were used to evaluate the effects of aquifer horizontal-to-vertical hydraulic conductivity ratios, aquifer thickness, and areal recharge rates on flow in the stream subsystem. A particle tracker was used to determine flow paths in a stream subsystem, to establish the relation between ground-water seepage to points along a simulated stream and its source area of flow, and to determine ground-water residence time in stream subsystems. In a geometrically simple aquifer system with accretion, the source area of flow to streams resembles an elongated ellipse that tapers in the down gradient direction. Increased recharge causes an expansion of the stream subsystem. The source area of flow to the stream expands predominantly toward the stream headwaters. Base flow gain is also increased along the reach of the stream. A thin aquifer restricts ground-water flow and causes the source area of flow to expand near stream headwaters and also shifts the start-of-flow to the drainage basin divide. Increased aquifer anisotropy causes a lateral expansion of the source area of flow to streams. Ground-water seepage to the stream channel originates both from near- and far-recharge locations. The range in the lengths of flow paths that terminate at a point on a stream increase in the downstream direction. Consequently, the age distribution of ground water that seeps into the stream is skewed progressively older with distance downstream. Base flow ia an integration of ground water with varying age and potentially different water quality, depending on the source within the drainage basin. The quantitative results presented indicate that this integration can have a wide and complex residence time range and source distribution.  相似文献   

A large imbalance between recharge and water withdrawal has caused vital regions of the High Plains Aquifer (HPA) to experience significant declines in storage. A new predevelopment map coupled with a synthesis of annual water levels demonstrates that aquifer storage has declined by approximately 410 km3 since the 1930s, a 15% larger decline than previous estimates. If current rates of decline continue, much of the Southern High Plains and parts of the Central High Plains will have insufficient water for irrigation within the next 20 to 30 years, whereas most of the Northern High Plains will experience little change in storage. In the western parts of the Central and northern part of the Southern High Plains, saturated thickness has locally declined by more than 50%, and is currently declining at rates of 10% to 20% of initial thickness per decade. The most agriculturally productive portions of the High Plains will not support irrigated production within a matter of decades without significant changes in management.  相似文献   

Patterns and Rates of Ground-Water Flow on Long Island, New York   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Increased ground-water contamination from human activities on Long Island has prompted studies to define the pattern and rate of ground-water movement. A two-dimensional, fine-mesh, finite-element model consisting of 11,969 nodes and 22,880 elements was constructed to represent ground-water flow along a north-south section through central Long Island. The model represents average hydrologic conditions within a corridor approximately 15 miles wide. The model solves discrete approximations of both the potential and stream functions. The resulting flownet depicts flow paths and defines the vertical distribution of flow within the section. Ground-water flow rates decrease with depth. Sixty-two percent of the water flows no deeper than the upper glacial (water-table) aquifer, 38 percent enters the underlying Magothy aquifer, and only 3.1 percent enters the Lloyd aquifer. The limiting streamlines for flow to the Magothy and Lloyd aquifers indicate that aquifer recharge areas are narrow east-west bands through the center of the island. The recharge area of the Magothy aquifer is only 5.4 miles wide; that of the Lloyd aquifer is less than 0.5 miles. The distribution of ground-water traveltime and a flownet are calculated from model results; both are useful in the investigation of contaminant transport or the chemical evolution of ground water within the flow system. A major discontinuity in traveltime occurs across the streamline which separates the flow subsystems of the two confined aquifers. Water that reaches the Lloyd aquifer attains traveltimes as high as 10,000 years, whereas water that has not penetrated deeper than the Magothy aquifer attains traveltimes of only 2,000 years. The finite-element approach used in this study is particularly suited to ground-water systems that have complex hydrostratigraphy and cross-sectional symmetry.  相似文献   

More than 400 dolines, consisting of collapse sinkholes and closed depressions, occur in Hall and Briscoe Counties, Texas. Of these, at least 36 sinkholes and two depressions formed between 1940 and 1972. Collapse sinks are typically circular and range up to 100 m in diameter and 15 m in depth. Closed depressions are irregularly-shaped, internally-drained depressions up to 2.4 km in length. Surface fractures up to 1.5 km in length are associated with certain closed depressions. Karst features are forming as a result of intrastratal dissolution of Upper Permian evaporites, primarily halite and secondarily gypsum. Salt dissolution and overburden collapse are evident from geophysical log cross-sections and occur at depths ranging from 195 to 275 m. Dissolution is progressing down dip and mean dissolution rates for salt beds in the Hall County area range from 0.29 to 7.73 cm/yr. The valley of the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River is an area of ground-water discharge for flow systems moving eastward from topographically high areas of the Rolling Plains and from the eastern rim of the High Plains. Halite beds in contact with these waters undergo dissolution. Salt springs and brine seeps, some associated with sinkholes and depressions, occur in the discharge area and indicate that dissolution is an ongoing process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ground water rising to within 6 m (20 feet) of average ground surface elevations in Louisville, Kentucky caused concern to municipal officials and building owners in the central urban area. An average rise of more than 11 m (35 feet) occurred between 1969 and 1980.
An evaluation of foundation conditions and structural configurations in central Louisville indicated rising ground water could create:
1. slight but significant possibilities of structural settlement problems;
2. high possibilities of damage to basement floors and walls; and
3. very high possibilities for disruption of utility conduits.
Efforts to determine the cause of this rise in ground-water level have focused on the historical relationships between ground-water levels, pumpage rates and precipitation values.
Historical data indicated that ground-water levels in a system undisturbed by man could reach ground surface elevations in central Louisville. Preliminary studies indicated a strong relation between average ground-water levels and changes in pumping rates and incident precipitation. A further detailed study showed extremely high correlation (R = 0.995) between average ground-water levels in 1966–1980 and cumulative departures in precipitation and pumping rates from 1950–1965 average precipitation and pumping rates.
A study of the feasibility of lowering ground-water levels while simultaneously storing energy in the aquifer system was begun but was interrupted by devastating explosions of hexane in the sewers beneath south-central Louisville on February 13, 1981. Although a dry year in 1980 and no change in pumping rate have slowed the rise in ground-water level temporarily, long-term solutions to this problem need to be developed.  相似文献   

Part of a small drainage basin on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (about 25 km north of Socorro, NM) was intensively instrumented with soil monitoring equipment to estimate natural ground-water recharge. Soil-moisture data were analysed with special attention to characterizing the influence of topography on the direction of vadose water flow paths in fine to medium aeolian sand. Moisture content data were obtained by the neutron scattering technique, and hydraulic head data were obtained using tensiometers. In addition, tracer experiments were conducted on a sandy hillslope to delineate the flow paths of vadose water. The results indicate that there is a strong lateral component to unsaturated flow on a hillslope, even in the absence of apparent sublayers of much lower permeability. Darcian calculations estimate the long-term, steady, deep flux beneath a concave location to be about 4 per cent of an assumed mean annual precipitation of 20 cm. The deep soil water flux downward varied by several orders of magnitude during the 17 month period of record.  相似文献   

A zone of contaminated ground water has been identified in an unconfined sand aquifer adjacent to a pit into which spent pulp liquor was intermittently discharged from 1970 to 1979. A network of multilevel sampling, bundle-type piezometers was installed. Up to seven depthspecific sampling points were incorporated into each piezometer providing a cost-effective means for three-dimensional mapping of hydraulic head and water quality in the unconfined sand aquifer. Ground-water samples retrieved from this network showed an area of contamination 900 m long, 400 m wide, and more than 25 m deep. This plume is dispersed about the ground-water flow lines passing beneath the waste disposal pit, and it terminates at a vigorous ground-water discharge area located 800 m from the pit. The contaminated ground water is characterized by elevated concentrations of sodium (3,000 mg/1), chloride (590 mg/1), alkalinity (2,700 mg/1), total organic carbon (2,000 mg/1), chemical oxygen demand (10,800 mg/1), biological oxygen demand (2,000 mg/1), tannin and lignin (780 mg/1), and lower sulphate (1 mg/1) compared to background ground waters in the area. The apparent rate of sodium migration is more than 50 m/yr and is close to the average linear ground-water velocity. Removal of some organic matter by biological transformation has produced the increased alkalinity in the contaminated ground water and somewhat reduced pH. Tannin and lignin are relatively inert compared to other organic compounds found in the waste liquor. Extremely low sulphate levels occurring in the highly contaminated ground waters indicate the existence of conditions favorable for microbially-mediated sulphate reduction.  相似文献   

Results of Seepage Meter and Mini-Piezometer Study, Lake Mead, Nevada   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The seepage meter and the mini-piezometer were utilized in an attempt to evaluate ground-water reservoir interactions over a 12-month period at Echo Bay in Lake Mead. In conjunction with these techniques three standard piezometers, refraction seismic data, and water chemistry data were utilized to interpret seepage device results. During a four-month period, from December 1979 to March 1980, an 8 ft (2.5 m) rise in reservoir stage, the reservoir contributed water to Echo Wash bank storage at rates of up to 0.29 gpd/ft2 (12 lpd/m2). Ground-water discharge occurred for the remainder of the project, during a stage decline from April 1980 to May 1980, a rise in June 1980, and leveling off and slight decline for the remainder of the year, July 1980 to December 1980. The maximum seepage meter ground-water discharge rate of 3.0 gpd/ft2 (122 lpd/m2) was recorded in December 1980. Seepage meter water chemistry data for June were similar to Lake Mead water chemistry and were interpreted to be previously recharged Lake Mead water. September water chemistry data showed two possible components of ground-water discharge, a high SpC calcium sulfate Echo Wash ground water and a lower SpC Lake Mead recharged bank storage water. December ground-water chemistry data showed discharge to be a high SpC calcium sulfate water similar to Echo Wash ground-water quality which was apparently unaffected by Lake Mead inflow. Mini-piezometer data were collected at each seepage meter site. However, these data usually did not provide correlative results with seepage meter data probably because of suspended sediment in the piezometer water column and plugging of the perforated tip. Seepage meters were successfully utilized to characterize reservoir ground-water interaction in Echo Bay.  相似文献   

A small stream in the Great Plains of USA was sampled to understand the streamflow components following intense precipitation and the influence of water storage structures in the drainage basin. Precipitation, stream, ponds, ground-water and soil moisture were sampled for determination of isotopic (D, 18O) and chemical (Cl, SO4) composition before and after two intense rain events. Following the first storm event, flow at the downstream locations was generated primarily through shallow subsurface flow and runoff whereas in the headwaters region – where a pond is located in the stream channel – shallow ground-water and pond outflow contributed to the flow. The distinct isotopic signatures of precipitation and the evaporated pond water allowed separation of the event water from the other sources that contributed to the flow. Similarly, variations in the Cl and SO4 concentrations helped identify the relative contributions of ground-water and soil moisture to the streamflow. The relationship between deuterium excess and Cl or SO4 content reveals that the early contributions from a rain event to streamflow depend upon the antecedent climatic conditions and the position along the stream channel within the watershed. The design of this study, in which data from several locations within a watershed were collected, shows that in small streams changes in relative contributions from ground water and soil moisture complicate hydrograph separation, with surface-water bodies providing additional complexity. It also demonstrates the usefulness of combined chemical and isotopic methods in hydrologic investigations, especially the utility of the deuterium excess parameter in quantifying the relative contributions of various source components to the stream flow.  相似文献   

Thermal modeling of the Southern Alps,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finite-element modeling of the thermal regime across the Southern Alps of New Zealand has been carried out along two profiles situated near the Franz Josef and Haast valleys. The modeling involves viscous deformation beneath the Southern Alps, including both uplift and erosion, and crustal/lithospheric thickening, as a result of crustal shortening extending to 20 mm/y of a 25-km thick crust. Published uplift rates and crustal thickness variations along the two profiles are used to constrain the modeled advection of crustal material, and results are compared with the recent heat flow determinations, 190±50 mW/m2 in the Franz Josef valley and 90±25 mW/m2 in the Haast valley. Comparisons of the model with published K–Ar and fission track ages, show that the observed heat flow in the Franz Josef valley is consistent with observed zircon fission track ages of around 1 Ma, if the present-day uplift rate is close to 10 mm/y. Major thermal differences between the Franz Josef and Haast profiles appear to be due to different uplift and erosion rates. There is weak evidence that frictional heating close to the Alpine fault zone is not significant. The modeling provides explanations for the distribution of seismicity beneath the Southern Alps, and predicts a low surface heat flow over the eastern foothills due to the dominant thermal effect of crustal thickening beneath this region. Predicted temperatures at mid-crustal depth beneath the zone of maximum uplift rate are 50–100°C cooler than those indicated in previously published models, which implies that thermal weakening of the crust may not be the main factor causing the aseismicity of the central Southern Alps. The results of the modeling demonstrate that the different types of reset age data in the region within 25 km of the Alpine fault are critical for constraining models of the deformation and the thermal regime beneath the Southern Alps.  相似文献   

Robinson MA  Reay WG 《Ground water》2002,40(2):123-131
Models for ground water flow (MODFLOW) and particle tracking (MODPATH) were used to determine ground water flow patterns, principal ground water discharge and recharge zones, and estimates of ground water travel times in an unconfined ground water system of an outer coastal plain watershed on the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia. By coupling recharge and discharge zones within the watershed, flowpath analysis can provide a method to locate and implement specific management strategies within a watershed to reduce ground water nitrogen loading to surface water. A monitoring well network was installed in Eyreville Creek watershed, a first-order creek, to determine hydraulic conductivities and spatial and temporal variations in hydraulic heads for use in model calibration. Ground water flow patterns indicated the convergence of flow along the four surface water features of the watershed; primary discharge areas were in the nontidal portions of the watershed. Ground water recharge zones corresponded to the surface water features with minimal development of a regional ground water system. Predicted ground water velocities varied between < 0.01 to 0.24 m/day, with elevated values associated with discharge areas and areas of convergence along surface water features. Some ground water residence times exceeded 100 years, although average residence times ranged between 16 and 21 years; approximately 95% of the ground water resource would reflect land use activities within the last 50 years.  相似文献   

The ground-water flow system in the Lower Susquehanna River Basin in Pennsylvania and Maryland can be considered as one complex unconfined aquifer in which secondary porosity and permeability are the dominant influences on the occurrence and flow of ground water. The degree of development of secondary porosity and permeability in the various lithologies of the lower basin determines the aquifer characteristics of each lithology. Based on qualitative evidence, the use of a porous-media model was assumed to be appropriate on a regional scale and a finite-difference ground-water flow model was constructed for the lower basin. The conceptual model of ground-water flow in the lower basin incorporates the major features of the flow system. Through the use of two layers, 21 hydrogeologic units, and five topographic settings, the conceptual model was systematically reduced to arrive at a simplified conceptual model. Further reduction produced a numerical model representation of the conceptual model, in which the essential features of the lower-basin flow system were quantified for input into the numerical model. The model was calibrated under both steady-state and transient conditions, and was used to evaluate the water-supply potential of the 21 hydrogeologic units. The carbonate units have the greatest potential for ground-water development and the Triassic sedimentary and crystalline units have the least potential. A total ground-water yield potential of about 900 million gallons per day could be obtained from the lower basin with a consequent 50-percent reduction of base flow in streams.  相似文献   

Ground water/surface water interaction in a fractured rock aquifer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a recent field study of ground water/surface water interaction between a bedrock stream and an underlying fractured rock aquifer, it was determined that the majority of ground water discharge occurred through sparsely located vertical fractures. In this paper, the dominant mechanisms governing ground water/surface water exchange in such an environment are investigated using a numerical model. The study was conducted using several conceptual models based on the field study results. Although the field results provided the motivation for the modeling study, it was not intended to match modeling and field results directly. In addition, the extent of capture zones for discharging or recharging fractures was explored. The results of this study are intended to provide a better understanding of contaminant migration in the vicinity of bedrock streams. Based on the numerical results, the rate of ground water discharge (or recharge) was found to depend on the aperture size of the discharging feature, and on the distribution of hydraulic head with depth within the fracture network. It was determined that the extent of both the capture zone and reverse capture zone for an individual fracture can be extremely large, and will be determined by the height of the stream stage, the fracture apertures of the network, and the hydraulic-head distribution within the network. Because both the stream stage and the hydraulic-head distribution are transient, the size of the capture zone and/or the reverse capture zone for an individual fracture may change significantly over time. As a result, the migration path for contaminants within the fracture network and between the surface and subsurface will also vary significantly with time.  相似文献   

Gypsum and halite crystals, together with saponite and phillipsite, were found in a vein in a basalt sill 625 m below the sea floor at DSDP Site 395A, located 190 km west of the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The δ34S value of the gypsum (+19.4‰) indicates a seawater source for the sulfate. The δ18O values of the saponite (+19.9‰) and phillipsite (+18.1‰) indicate either formation from normal seawater at about 55°C or formation from18O-depleted seawater at a lower temperature.The gypsum (which could be secondary after anhydrite) was formed by reaction between Ca2+ released from basalt and SO42? in circulating seawater. The halite could have formed when water was consumed by hydration of basalt under conditions of extremely restricted circulation. A more probable mechanism is that the gypsum was originally precipitated as anhydrite at temperatures above 60°C. As the temperature dropped the anhydrite converted to gypsum. The conversion would consume water, which could cause halite precipitation, and would cause an increase in the volume of solids, which would plug the vein and prevent subsequent dissolution of the halite.  相似文献   

The west watershed of Mirror Lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire contains several terraces that are at different altitudes and have different geologic compositions. The lowest terrace (FSE) has 5 m of sand overlying 9 m of till. The two next successively higher terraces (FS2 and FS1) consist entirely of sand and have maximum thicknesses of about 7 m. A fourth, and highest, terrace (FS3) lies in the north‐west watershed directly adjacent to the west watershed. This highest terrace has 2 m of sand overlying 8 m of till. All terraces overlie fractured crystalline bedrock. Numerical models of hypothetical settings simulating ground‐water flow in a mountainside indicated that the presence of a terrace can cause local ground‐water flow cells to develop, and that the flow patterns differ based on the geologic composition of the terrace. For example, more ground water moves from the bedrock to the glacial deposits beneath terraces consisting completely of sand than beneath terraces that have sand underlain by till. Field data from Mirror Lake watersheds corroborate the numerical experiments. The geology of the terraces also affects how the stream draining the west watershed interacts with ground water. The stream turns part way down the mountainside and passes between the two sand terraces, essentially transecting the movement of ground water down the valley side. Transects of water‐table wells were installed across the stream's riparian zone above, between, and below the sand terraces. Head data from these wells indicated that the stream gains ground water on both sides above and below the sand terraces. However, where it flows between the sand terraces the stream gains ground water on its uphill side and loses water on its downhill side. Biogeochemical processes in the riparian zone of the flow‐through reach have resulted in anoxic ground water beneath the lower sand terrace. Results of this study indicate that it is useful to understand patterns of ground‐water flow in order to fully understand the flow and chemical characteristics of both ground water and surface water in mountainous terrain. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground water flow was investigated at Clear Lake, a 1468-ha glacial lake in north-central Iowa, as part of a comprehensive water quality study. A multiscale approach, consisting of seepage meters (and a potentiomanometer), Darcy's law, and an analytic element (AE) model, was used to estimate ground water inflow to and outflow from the lake. Estimates from the three methods disagreed. Seepage meters recorded a median-specific discharge of 0.25 mum/s, which produced a lake inflow rate between 90,750 and 138,200 m3/d, but no detectable outflow. A wave-induced Bernoulli effect probably compromised both inflow and outflow measurements. Darcy's law was applied to 11 zones around the lake, producing inflow and outflow values of 10,500 and 5000 m3/d, respectively. The AE model, GFLOW, coupled with the parameter estimation model, UCODE, simulated ground water flow in a 700-km2 region using 31 hydraulic head and base flow measurements as calibration targets. The model produced ground water inflow and outflow rates of 14,300 and 9200 m3/d, respectively. Although not a substitute for field data, the model's ability to simulate ground water flow to the lake and the region, estimate uncertainty for model parameters, and calculate a lake stage and associated lake water balance makes it a powerful tool for water quality management and an attractive alternative to the traditional methods of ground water/lake investigation.  相似文献   

Transboundary impacts on regional ground water modeling in Texas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent legislation required regional grassroots water resources planning across the entire state of Texas. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), the state's primary water resource planning agency, divided the state into 16 planning regions. Each planning group developed plans to manage both ground water and surface water sources and to meet future demands of various combinations of domestic, agricultural, municipal, and industrial water consumers. This presentation describes the challenges in developing a ground water model for the Llano Estacado Regional Water Planning Group (LERWPG), whose region includes 21 counties in the Southern High Plains of Texas. While surface water is supplied to several cities in this region, the vast majority of the regional water use comes from the High Plains aquifer system, often locally referred to as the Ogallala Aquifer. Over 95% of the ground water demand is for irrigated agriculture. The LERWPG had to predict the impact of future TWDB-projected water demands, as provided by the TWDB, on the aquifer for the period 2000 to 2050. If detrimental impacts were noted, alternative management strategies must be proposed. While much effort was spent on evaluating the current status of the ground water reserves, an appropriate numerical model of the aquifer system was necessary to demonstrate future impacts of the predicted withdrawals as well as the effects of the alternative strategies. The modeling effort was completed in the summer of 2000. This presentation concentrates on the political, scientific, and nontechnical issues in this planning process that complicated the modeling effort. Uncertainties in data, most significantly in distribution and intensity of recharge and withdrawals, significantly impacted the calibration and predictive modeling efforts. Four predictive scenarios, including baseline projections, recurrence of the drought of record, precipitation enhancement, and reduced irrigation demand, were simulated to identify counties at risk of low final ground water storage volume or low levels of satisfied demand by 2050.  相似文献   

Surface-water and ground-water flow are coupled in the central Everglades, although the remoteness of this system has hindered many previous attempts to quantify interactions between surface water and ground water. We modeled flow through a 43,000 ha basin in the central Everglades called Water Conservation Area 2A. The purpose of the model was to quantify recharge and discharge in the basin's vast interior areas. The presence and distribution of tritium in ground water was the principal constraint on the modeling, based on measurements in 25 research wells ranging in depth from 2 to 37 m. In addition to average characteristics of surface-water flow, the model parameters included depth of the layer of ‘interactive’ ground water that is actively exchanged with surface water, average residence time of interactive ground water, and the associated recharge and discharge fluxes across the wetland ground surface. Results indicated that only a relatively thin (8 m) layer of the 60 m deep surfical aquifer actively exchanges surface water and ground water on a decadal timescale. The calculated storage depth of interactive ground water was 3.1 m after adjustment for the porosity of peat and sandy limestone. Modeling of the tritium data yielded an average residence time of 90 years in interactive ground water, with associated recharge and discharge fluxes equal to 0.01 cm d−1. 3H/3He isotopic ratio measurements (which correct for effects of vertical mixing in the aquifer with deeper, tritium-dead water) were available from several wells, and these indicated an average residence time of 25 years, suggesting that residence time was overestimated using tritium measurements alone. Indeed, both residence time and storage depth would be expected to be overestimated due to vertical mixing. The estimate of recharge and discharge (0.01 cm d−1) that resulted from tritium modeling therefore is still considered reliable, because the ratio of residence time and storage depth (used to calculated recharge and discharge) is much less sensitive to vertical mixing compared with residence time alone. We conclude that a small but potentially significant component of flow through the Everglades is recharged to the aquifer and stored there for years to decades before discharged back to surface water. Long-term storage of water and solutes in the ground-water system beneath the wetlands has implications for restoration of Everglades water quality.  相似文献   

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