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Results obtained from beachrock lying on the north coast of the antique city of Parion in Çanakkale province, NW Turkey, are presented based on field data, petrographic analyses, cement fabrics, and radiocarbon dating. Extending to 20?m offshore at a depth of ?2?m, the studied 50-cm thick beachrock is poorly sorted lithic sandstone. Both exposed and submerged parts are characterized by sequentially precipitated marine phreatic and vadose cements composed of micrite encrustations with micro-organism borings, pseudopeloidal aggregates of high-Mg calcites with scalenohedral habits and meniscus bridges. Radiocarbon ages point to a deposition during the classical period when the sea level was below (between ?1 and ?1.5?m) that of the present. The beachrock witnesses a granule- and pebble-dominated wide beach prior to cementation, suggesting that Parion’s fortification walls were behind the coastline during this lowstand and raises questions concerning the existence of a harbor north of the city.  相似文献   

The shelf area is the largest morphological unit of the Marmara Sea and is subjected to increasing population, urbanization, and industrial activities. Metal contents (Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr, Co and Hg) of the surface sediments from the shelf areas of the Marmara Sea generally do not indicate shelf-wide pollution. The variability of the metal contents of the shelf sediments is mainly governed by the geochemical differences in the northern and southern hinterlands. Northern shelf sediments contain lower values compared to those of the southern shelf, where higher Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu and Zn are derived from the rock formations and mineralized zones. However, besides from the natural high background in the southern shelf, some anthropogenic influences are evident from EF values of Pb, Zn and Cu, and also from their high mobility in the semi-isolated bay sediments. Anthropogenic influences are found to be limited at the confluence of Istanbul Strait in the northern shelf. However, suspended sediments along the shallow parts of the northern shelf were found to be enriched in Pb and Hg and to a lesser degree in Zn, reflecting anthropogenic inputs from Istanbul Metropolitan and possibly from the Black Sea via the Istanbul Strait.  相似文献   

Bends that locally violate plate-motion-parallel geometry are common structural elements of continental transform faults. We relate the vertical component of crustal motion in the western Marmara Sea region to the NNW-pointing 18° bend on the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF-N) between the Ganos segment, which ruptured in 1912, and the central Marmara segment, a seismic gap. Crustal shortening and uplift on the transpressive west side of the bend results in the Ganos Mountain; crustal extension and subsidence on the transtensional east side produce the Tekirdağ Basin. We propose that this vertical component of deformation is controlled by oblique slip on the non-vertical north-dipping Ganos and Tekirdağ segments of the North Anatolian Fault. We compare Holocene with Quaternary structure across the bend using new and recently published data and conclude the following. First, bend-related vertical motion is occurring primarily north of the NAF-N. This suggests that this bend is fixed to the Anatolian side of the fault. Second, current deformation is consistent with an antisymmetric pattern centered at the bend, up on the west and down on the east. Accumulated deformation is shifted to the east along the right-lateral NAF-N, however, leading to locally opposite vertical components of long- and short-term motion. Uplift has started as far west as the landward extension of the Saros trough. Current subsidence is most intense close to the bend and to the Ganos Mountain, while the basin deepens gradually from the bend eastward for 28 km along the fault. The pattern of deformation is time-transgressive if referenced to the material, but is stable if referenced to the bend. The lag between motion and structure implies a 1.1–1.4 Ma age for the basin at current dextral slip rate (2.0–2.5 cm/year). Third, the Tekirdağ is an asymmetric basin progressively tilted down toward the NAF-N, which serves as the border fault. Progressive tilt suggests that the steep northward dip of the fault decreases with depth in a listric geometry at the scale of the upper crust and is consistent with reactivation of Paleogene suture-related thrust faults. Fourth, similar thrust-fault geometry west of the bend can account for the Ganos Mountain anticline/monocline as hanging-wall-block folding and back tilting. Oblique slip on a non-vertical master fault may accommodate transtension and transpression associated with other bends along the NAF and other continental transforms.  相似文献   

Possible long-term seismic behaviour of the Northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, between western extreme of the 1999 İzmit rupture and the Aegean Sea, after 400 AD is studied by examining the historical seismicity, the submarine fault mapping and the paleoseismological studies of the recent scientific efforts. The long-term seismic behaviour is discussed through two possible seismicity models devised from M S ≥ 7.0 historical earthquakes. The estimated return period of years of the fault segments for M1 and M2 seismic models along with their standard deviations are as follows: F4 segment 255 ± 60 and 258 ± 12; F5 segment 258 ± 60 and 258 ± 53; F6 segment 258 ± 60 and 258 ± 53; F7 segment 286 ± 103 and 286 ± 90; F8 segment 286 ± 90 and 286 ± 36. As the latest ruptures on the submarine segments have been reported to be during the 1754–1766 earthquake sequence, and the 1912 mainshock rupture has been evidenced to extend almost all over the western part of the Sea of Marmara, our results imply imminent seismic hazard and, considering the mean recurrence time, a large earthquake to strike the eastern part of the Sea of Marmara in the next two decades.  相似文献   

Eastern Marmara region consists of three different morphotectonic units: Thrace–Kocaeli Peneplain (TKP) and Çamdağ–Akçakoca Highland (ÇAH) in the north, and Armutlu–Almacık Highland in the south of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). The geologic‐morphologic data and seismic profiles from the Sakarya River offshore indicate that the boundary between the TKP in the west and ÇAH in the east is a previously unrecognized major NNE–SSW‐trending strike‐slip fault zone with reverse component. The fault zone is a distinct morphotectonic corridor herein named the Adapazarı–Karasu corridor (AKC) that runs along the Sakarya River Valley and extends to its submarine canyon along the southern margin of the Black Sea in the north. It formed as a transfer fault zone between the TKP and ÇAH during the Late Miocene; the former has been experiencing extensional forces and the latter compressional forces since then. East–West‐trending segments of the NAFZ cuts the NE–SW‐trending AKC and their activity has resulted in the formation of a distinct fault‐bounded morphology, which is characterized by alternating E–W highlands and lowlands in the AKC. Furthermore, this activity has resulted in the downward motion of an ancient delta and submarine canyon of the Sakarya River in the northern block of the NAFZ below sea level so that the waters of the Black Sea invaded them. The NE–SW‐trending faults in the AKC were reactivated with the development of the NAFZ in the Late Pliocene, which then caused block motions and microseismic activities throughout the AKC. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismically active Marmara region, located in NW Turkey, lies on the westward end of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF is well defined on land. Previous investigations of its extension in the Marmara Sea include marine bathymetry, seismological activity and seismic profiles. In this study, faults and their configurations identified inland are extended into the Marmara Sea by means of aeromagnetic anomalies, as well as seismic and gravity profiles. The deep structure was resolved by constructing a map of the Tertiary bottom. Shallow Curie isotherm was determined by spectral analysis, indicating a thinner crust in the northern Marmara depression area with respect to the continental crust. A combination of the geophysical data allows us to propose the existence of subsidence and isostatic equilibrium in the northern Marmara Sea. A less-active zone identified in the central high zone dividing the Marmara Sea into two parts may also be deduced from the seismic data. This structural arrangement may play a key role in earthquakes that will affect the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

The authors discuss Late Pleistocene–Holocene depositional environments in one of the Fuegian Andes valleys on the basis of palynological, geomorphological, and sedimentological analyses from two sites located near the Beagle Channel. The results obtained at these localities reinforce and refine the Late Pleistocene–Holocene climatic pattern previously recorded there. A colder period, associated with the Younger Dryas stadial event, is suggested by low Nothofagus pollen frequency, and communities of grass, low scrub, and shrub heath expanded into the low/middle slopes (10,310 14C yr BP). By ca. 9500 14C yr BP, warmer and drier conditions occurred, as evidenced by the development of open-grown vegetation in the valley floors (pollen zone O-3), followed by the expansion of open Nothofagus woodland (pollen zone O-2) in the middle Holocene. The milder climate subsequently changed, as indicated by the spreading of the closed forest and mire (pollen zone O-1), to more humid and cooler conditions during the last ca. 5000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Integration of on-land and offshore geomorphological and structural investigations coupled to extensive radiometric dating of co-seismically uplifted Holocene beaches allows characterization of the geometry, kinematics and seismotectonics of the Scilla Fault, which borders the eastern side of the Messina Strait in Calabria, Southern Italy. This region has been struck by destructive historical earthquakes, but knowledge of geologically-based source parameters for active faults is relatively poor, particularly for those running mostly offshore, as the Scilla Fault does. The  30 km-long normal fault may be divided into three segments of  10 km individual length, with the central and southern segments split in at least two strands. The central and northern segments are submerged, and in this area marine geophysical data indicate a youthful morphology and locally evidence for active faulting. The on-land strand of the western segment displaces marine terraces of the last interglacial (124 to 83 ka), but seismic reflection profiles suggest a full Quaternary activity. Structural data collected on bedrock faults exposed along the on-land segment provide evidence for normal slip and  NW-SE extension, which is consistent with focal mechanisms of large earthquakes and GPS velocity fields in the region. Detailed mapping of raised Holocene marine deposits exposed at the coastline straddling of the northern and central segments supplies evidence for two co-seismic displacements at  1.9 and  3.5 ka, and a possible previous event at  5 ka. Co-seismic displacements show a consistent site value and pattern of along-strike variation, suggestive of characteristic-type behaviour for the fault. The  1.5–2.0 m average co-seismic slips during these events document Me  6.9–7.0 earthquakes with  1.6–1.7 ka recurrence time. Because hanging-wall subsidence cannot be included into slip magnitude computation, these slips reflect footwall uplift, and represent minimum average estimates. The palaeoseismological record based on the palaeo-shorelines suggests that the last rupture on the Scilla Fault during the February 6, 1783 Mw = 5.9–6.3 earthquake was at the expected time but it may have not entirely released the loaded stress since the last great event at  1.9 ka. Comparison of the estimated co-seismic extension rate based on the Holocene shoreline record with available GPS velocities indicates that the Scilla Fault accounts for at least  15–20% of the contemporary geodetic extension across the Messina Strait.  相似文献   

The island of Lampedusa lies on the northern edge of the African continental shelf, but during some Quaternary marine lowstands it was joined to the African continent. The study and dating of the aeolian, alluvial, detrital sediments, calcareous crusts and speleothems have established that the climatic–environmental variations recorded on the island can be related chronologically to those known for northern Libya, Tunisia and the Italian peninsula. During the Last Glacial Maximum, phases of Saharan dust accumulation on Lampedusa occurred, and were coeval with dust accumulation in crater lakes and on high mountains in central‐southern Italy, and with phases of glacial advance in the Apennines and in the Alps. During the late Holocene, accumulation of Saharan dust on Lampedusa occurred but there was little accumulation of dust on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. With the new data from Lampedusa, it is possible to envisage two different scenarios of atmospheric circulation relating to the Last Glacial Maximum and to the late Holocene. During the Last Glacial Maximum, southerly atmospheric circulation brought rainfall to the southern slopes of the Alps and to the Apennines. During the late Holocene, a prevalent westerly atmospheric circulation became established in the northern Mediterranean. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

North-western Anatolia has been actively deformed since Pliocene by the right-lateral North Anatolian Fault (NAF). This transform fault, which has a transtensional character in its western end due to effects from the Aegean extensional system, is a major control on the regional geomorphologic evolution. This study applied some geomorphic analyses, such as stream longitudinal profiles, stream length-gradient index, ratio of valley floor width and valley height, mountain front sinuosity, hypsometry and asymmetry factor analyses, to an area just east of the Sea of Marmara in order to understand the tectonic effects on the area’s geomorphological evolution. The active and fastest northern branch of the NAF lies within a topographic depression connecting Sea of Marmara in the east to the Adapazar? Basin in the west. This depression filled with early Pleistocene and younger sediment after a series of pull-apart basins opened along the NAF. North of this depression lies the Kocaeli Peneplain, whose southern edge the NAF uplifted. Meandering streams on the central peneplain were incised possibly due to baselevel changes in the Black Sea. South of the depression, an E-trending mountainous area has a rugged morphology. Based on geomorphic analyses, uplifted Pliocene sediment, marine terraces, and recent earthquake activity, this area between northern and southern branches of the NAF is actively uplifting. The geomorphic indices used in this study are sensitive to vertical movements rather than lateral ones. The bedrock lithology that played an important role on the area’s geomorphologic evolution also affects the geomorphic indices used here.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence discovered at archaeological excavations in ancient Theodosius Harbour at İstanbul contains the records of sea level, environmental changes and the cultural history of the region. The cobbles at the base of the sequence include archaeological remnants of Neolithic culture that settled in the area between 8.4 and 7.3 14C ka BP, and are located at 6 m below the present sea level. The sediments representing a coastal environment indicate that the area was used as a harbour from AD 4th to at least the 11th century and were filled by the sediments derived from Lykos Stream after 11th century.  相似文献   

Measured lithostratigraphic sections of the classic Permian–Triassic non-marine transitional sequences covering the upper Quanzijie, Wutonggou, Guodikeng and lower Jiucaiyuan Formations at Dalongkou and Lucaogou, Xinjiang Province, China are presented. These measured sections form the framework and reference sections for a range of multi-disciplinary studies of the P–T transition in this large ancient lake basin, including palynostratigraphy, vertebrate biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. The 121 m thick Wutonggou Formation at Dalongkou includes 12 sandstone units ranging in thickness from 0.5 to 10.5 m that represent cyclical coarse terrigenous input to the lake basin during the Late Permian. The rhythmically-bedded, mudstone-dominated Guodikeng Formation is 197 m and 209 m thick on the north and south limbs of the Dalongkou anticline, respectively, and 129 m thick at Lucaogou. Based on limited palynological data, the Permian–Triassic boundary was previously placed approximately 50 m below the top of this formation at Dalongkou. This boundary does not coincide with any mappable lithologic unit, such as the basal sandstones of the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation, assigned to the Early Triassic. The presence of multiple organic δ13C-isotope excursions, mutant pollen, and multiple algal and conchostracan blooms in this formation, together with Late Permian palynomorphs, suggests that the Guodikeng Formation records multiple climatic perturbation signals representing environmental stress during the late Permian mass extinction interval. The overlap between the vertebrates Dicynodon and Lystrosaurus in the upper part of this formation, and the occurrence of late Permian spores and the latest Permian to earliest Triassic megaspore Otynisporites eotriassicus is consistent with a latest Permian age for at least part of the Guodikeng Formation. Palynostratigrahic placement of the Permian–Triassic boundary in the Junggar Basin remains problematic because key miospore taxa, such as Aratrisporites spp. are not present. Palynomorphs from the Guodikeng are assigned to two assemblages; the youngest, from the upper 100 m of the formation (and the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation), contains both typical Permian elements and distinctive taxa that elsewhere are known from the Early Triassic of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. The latter include spores assigned to Pechorosporites disertus, Lundbladispora foveota, Naumovaspora striata, Decussatisporites mulstrigatus and Leptolepidites jonkerii. While the presence of Devonian and Carboniferous spores and Early Permian pollen demonstrate reworking is occurring in the Guodikeng assemblages, the sometimes common occurrence of Scutasporites sp. cf. Scutasporites unicus, and other pollen, suggests that the Late Permian elements are in place, and that the upper assemblage derives from a genuine transitional flora of Early Triassic aspect. In the Junggar Basin, biostratigraphic data and magnetostratigraphic data indicate that the Permian–Triassic boundary (GSSP Level) is in the middle to upper Guodikeng Formation and perhaps as high as the formational contact with the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation.  相似文献   

The Ilerdian–Middle Cuisian sedimentary succession of the Seyitgazi region, southern Eskişehir (Central Anatolia, Turkey) is composed of claystones, limestones and clayey limestones. It contains abundant benthic foraminifera, particularly species of Alveolina. From this succession, 28 species of Alveolina d’Orbigny are described and their comparative stratigraphic distribution with the Alveolina species in the Tethyan Eocene is documented. Generally, Ilerdian–Cuisian Alveolina assemblages of the Seyitgazi region have close affinities with coeval Alveolina assemblages described in different studies from the Tethyan Province. The Ilerdian unit of the study area is characterized by Alveolina species such as Glomalveolina lepidula, Glomalveolina minutula, G. karsica, Alveolina vredenburgi, A. ellipsoidalis, A. avellana, A. aff. minervensis, A. dedolia, A. moussoulensis, A. subpyrenaica, A. laxa, A. aragonensis, A. varians, A. ilerdensis, A. trempina, A. citrea, A. pisella and A. decipiens. Likewise, the Early Middle Cuisian unit is represented by G. minutula, A. oblonga, A. schwageri, A. haymanensis, A. canavarii, A. aff. coudurensis, A. ruetimeyeri, A. muscatensis, A. cremae, A. bayburtensis and A. lehneri.  相似文献   

The ammonite and inoceramid bivalve faunas of the Davutlar Formation of the Devrekani–Kastamonu area in central-north Turkey, are described. The formation yields an ammonite assemblage of Pseudophyllites indra (Forbes, 1846), Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) haldemsis (Schlüter, 1867), Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) oldhami (Sharpe, 1855), Didymoceras binodosum (Kennedy and Cobban, 1993), Bostrychoceras polyplocum (Roemer, 1841) and Baculites alavensis Santamaria Zabala, 1996. The inoceramid assemblage is Cataceramus subcompressus (Meek and Hayden, 1862), Cataceramus goldfussianus (d'Orbigny, 1846), Platyceramus vanuxemi (Meek and Hayden, 1860), Cataceramus cf. mortoni (Meek, 1876), Cataceramus pteroides (Giers, 1964), Cataceramus aff. barabini (Morton, 1834), Platyceramus pierrensis (Walaszczyk et al., 2001), “Inoceramusconvexus Hall and Meek, 1856, Cordiceramus heberti (Fallot, 1885), “Inoceramustenuilineatus Hall and Meek, 1856, “Inoceramusborilensis Jolkicev, 1962, as well as some forms with no or equivocal specific affiliation. Both ammonite and inoceramid faunas suggest an early Late Campanian age for the formation, most probably Bostrychoceras polyplocum and Didymoceras donezianum ammonite Zones / Cataceramus subcompressus and “Inoceramustenuilineatus inoceramid Zones. Both ammonite and inoceramid assemblages are well represented throughout the Euramerican biogeographical region.  相似文献   

The Qingchengzi orefield in northeastern China, is a concentration of several Pb–Zn, Ag, and Au ore deposits. A combination of geochronological and Pb, Sr isotopic investigations was conducted. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages of 225.3 ± 1.8 Ma and 184.5 ± 1.6 Ma were obtained for the Xinling and Yaojiagou granites, respectively. By step-dissolution Rb–Sr dating, ages of 221 ± 12 Ma and 138.7 ± 4.1 Ma were obtained for the sphalerite of the Zhenzigou Zn–Pb deposit and pyrargyrite of the Ag ore in the Gaojiabaozi Ag deposit, respectively. Pb isotopic ratios of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi (206Pb/204Pb = 18.38 to 18.53) are higher than those of the Pb–Zn ores (206Pb/204Pb = 17.66 to 17.96; Chen et al. [Chen, J.F., Yu, G., Xue, C.J., Qian, H., He, J.F., Xing, Z., Zhang, X., 2005. Pb isotope geochemistry of lead, zinc, gold and silver deposit clustered region, Liaodong rift zone, northeastern China. Science in China Series D 48, 467–476.]). Triassic granites show low Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 17.12 to 17.41, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.47 to 15.54, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.51 to 37.89) and metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group have high ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.20 to 24.28 and 18.32 to 20.06, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.69 to 16.44 and 15.66 to 15.98, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.29 to 38.61 and 38.69 to 40.00 for the marble of the Dashiqiao Formation and schist of the Gaixian Formation, respectively).Magmatic activities at Qingchengzi and in adjacent regions took place in three stages, and each contained several magmatic pulses: ca. 220 to 225 Ma and 211 to 216 Ma in the Triassic; 179 to 185 Ma, 163 to 168 Ma, 155 Ma and 149 Ma in the Jurassic, as well as ca. 140 to 130 Ma in the Early Cretaceous. The Triassic magmatism was part of the Triassic magmatic belt along the northern margin of the North China Craton produced in a post-collisional extensional setting, and granites in it formed by crustal melting induced by mantle magma. The Jurassic and Early Cretaceous magmatism was related to the lithospheric delamination in eastern China. The Triassic is the most important metallogenic stage at Qingchengzi. The Pb–Zn deposits, the Pb–Zn–Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi, and the gold deposits were all formed in this stage. They are temporally and spatially associated with the Triassic magmatic activity. Mineralization is very weak in the Jurassic. Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi was formed in the Early Cretaceous, which is suggested by the young Rb–Sr isochron age, field relations, and significantly different Pb isotopic ratios between the Pb–Zn–Ag and Ag ores. Pb isotopic compositions of the Pb–Zn ores suggest binary mixing for the source of the deposits. The magmatic end-member is the Triassic granites and the other metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group. Slightly different proportions of the two end-members, or an involvement of materials from hidden Cretaceous granites with slightly different Pb isotopic ratios, is postulated to interpret the difference of Pb isotopic compositions between the Pb–Zn–(Ag) and Ag ores. Sr isotopic ratios support this conclusion. At the western part of the Qingchengzi orefield, hydrothermal fluid driven by the heat provided by the now exposed Triassic granites deposited ore-forming materials in the low and middle horizons of the marbles of the Dashiqiao Formation near the intrusions to form mesothermal Zn–Pb deposits. In the eastern part, hydrothermal fluids associated with deep, hidden Triassic intrusions moved upward along a regional fault over a long distance and then deposited the ore-forming materials to form epithermal Au and Pb–Zn–Ag ores. Young magmatic activities are all represented by dykes across the entire orefield, suggesting that the corresponding main intrusion bodies are situated in the deep part of the crust. Among these, only intrusions with age of ca. 140 Ma might have released sufficient amounts of fluid to be responsible for the formation of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi.Our age results support previous conclusions that sphalerite can provide a reliable Rb–Sr age as long as the fluid inclusion phase is effectively separated from the “sulfide” phase. Our work suggests that the separation can be achieved by a step-resolution technique. Moreover, we suggest that pyrargyrite is a promising mineral for Rb–Sr isochron dating.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene/Holocene Tiber delta succession represents the most recent and one of the best preserved, high‐frequency/low‐rank depositional sequences developed along the Latium continental margin of the Italian peninsula. Several previous studies have established a robust data set from which it has been possible to describe the stratigraphic architecture of the entire Tiber depositional sequence from the landward to seaward sectors and over a distance of 60 km. The Tiber depositional sequence shows many characteristics found in other Late Pleistocene to Holocene deltaic and coastal successions of the Mediterranean area. The stratigraphic architecture of the Tiber depositional sequence is controlled mainly by glacioeustasy, although factors such as tectonic uplift, volcanism and subsidence, exert an influence at a local scale. The resulting depositional model allowed discussion of some important points such as: (1) the genesis of the Tiber mixed bedrock‐alluvial valley, extending from the coastal plain to the innermost portion of the shelf, recording (i) multiple episodes of incision during relative sea‐level fall, and (ii) a downstream increase of depth and width of the valley during the base‐level fall and the subsequent base‐level rise; (2) the different physical expression of the Tiber depositional sequence boundary from landward to seaward, and its diachronous and composite character; (3) the maximum depth reached by the Tiber early lowstand delta at the end of the sea‐level fall is estimated at ca 90 m below the present sea‐level and not at 120 m as suggested by previous works; (4) the backward position of the Tiber late lowstand delta relative to the deposit of early lowstand; (5) the change of the channel pattern and of the stacking pattern of fluvial deposits within the Lowstand Systems Tract, Transgressive Systems Tract and Highstand Systems Tract. All of these features indicate that the Late Pleistocene/Holocene Tiber delta succession, even if deposited in a short period of time from a geological point of view, represents the result of the close interaction among many autogenic and allogenic factors. However, global eustatic variations and sediment supply under the control of climatic changes can be considered the main factors responsible for the stratigraphic architecture of this sedimentary succession, which has been heavily modified by human activity only in the last 3000 years.  相似文献   

Grain size and mineral composition of core sediments were used to investigate influences of various terrestrial and marine conditions, which have prevailed on the southwestern Black Sea shelf during the Holocene. Siliciclastic mud with small amounts of sand and gravel from nearby coastal hinterland is the principal sediment type, whereas sediments deposited near the shelf edge and the Istanbul Strait and off the Duru Lake (a paleo-river mouth) constitued large quantities of sand and gravel of both biogenic and terrigenic origin. Variable amounts of aragonite, 1 nmmicas, quartz, feldspars, calcite and dolomite constitute the dominant non-clay minerals in bulk sediments. The clay mineral assemblage in the 〈 2 μm fraction is made up of smectite, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Aragonite and calcite are mainly derived from benthic accumulations, whereas feldspars (mainly plagioclase) and smectite reflect magmaticvolcanic provenance and the distribution of 1 nm-micas and chlorite correlate with nearby metamorphic sources onland. Nevertheless, grain size and mineral distribution generally indicate a combination of effects of wind and wave climate, longshore and offshore cyclonic currents, changing sea-level stands and nearby source rock and morphological conditions. It is also suggested that at least part of clay minerals could be derived from the northwesterly Danube River input.  相似文献   

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