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Writing the angular momentum theorem for the Earth and for its fluid core, we show that there are couplings between the core and the mantle induced by viscomagnetic torque, by external active torque, by topographic torque acting at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) but also by viscoelastic deformations of the CMB which may perturb the axial rotations of the Earth and of the core. We compute these deformations at the CMB induced by the Pleistocenic deglaciation. The time-dependence of inertia tensor perturbations, i.e. the rheology of the mantle, is very important in the calculation of the coupling. Taking into account the passive viscomagnetic torque of tangential traction acting at the CMB, we investigate, for different values and various temporal evolutions of the topographic torque, the perturbations in the rotations of the Earth and of the core induced by the deglaciation, by the constant torque of tidal friction and by the 18.6 year tidal potential. We show that, for these excitation sources, the existence of a constant topographic torque involves the core oscillating with respect to the mantle and thus forbids any large drift of the core with respect to the mantle. However, it seems theoretically possible to have an excitation source with enough energy which involves a shift of the core with respect to the mantle. If the pressure within the fluid core varies with time, the motion of the core with respect to the mantle could be drastically different.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional(3 D) co-seismic surface deformations are of great importance to interpret the characteristics of coseismic deformations and to understand the geometries and dynamics of seismogenic faults. In this paper, we propose a method for mapping 3 D co-seismic deformations based on InSAR observations and crustal strain characteristics. In addition, the search strategy of correlation points is optimized by adaptive correlation distance, which greatly improves the applicability of the proposed method in restoring deformations in decorrelation areas. Results of the simulation experiment reveal that the proposed method is superior to conventional methods in both the accuracy and completeness. The proposed method is then applied to map the 3 D co-seismic surface deformations associated with the 2015 MW7.2 Murghab earthquake using ascending and descending ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 images. The results show that the seismogenic fault is the Sarez-Karakul fault(SKF), which is dominated by NE-SW strike slips with an almost vertical dip angle. The north section and the south segment near the epicentre have obvious subsidence along with a southwestward motion in the northwest wall, and the southeast wall has northeast movement and surface uplift trend along the fault zone. The strain field of the earthquake is also obtained by the proposed method. It is found that the crustal block of the seismic area is obviously affected by dilatation and shear forces, which is in good agreement with the movement character of the sinistral slip.  相似文献   

Present-day data on 14C and 10Be concentration in natural archives have been statistically analyzed. It has been established that it is difficult to extract information about solar activity variations on long (several Myr and longer) and, especially, short (to 30 years) time scales using radiocarbon data. It has been indicated that beryllium series bear reliable information about short-term, secular, and, probably, 1000-year variations in solar activity. Moreover, 10Be concentration in polar ice can also be used to study the internal dynamics of solar activity. It has been concluded that beryllium data are more promising than radiocarbon ones from the viewpoint of solar paleoastrophysics.  相似文献   

近十多年来藏南地区GPS网的多期观测结果为研究其构造变形提供了精确数据。本文将该区划分为冈底斯、西喜马拉雅、中喜马拉雅、拉萨4个块体,建立了各块体的弹性运动模型。以藏北高原的旋转框架为参考基准,得到藏南地区的水平形变场和应变场,分析形变场和应变场的空间变化,发现藏南地区存在强烈的S-N向挤压缩短变形,同时也有明显的E-W向伸展变形。南北边界之间的平均缩短速率16.9±2.5mm/a,大约吸收了印度与欧亚汇聚速率的42.4%。在雅鲁藏布江缝合线与班公错—嘉黎断裂之间,从80°E到90°E,地壳E—W向的伸展速率16.3±2.4mm/a。因此,藏南地区现今构造变形是以挤压缩短为主,S-N向挤压缩短与E—W伸展共存的复合变形模式。印度板块向欧亚板块的俯冲推挤是该区域变形的主要驱动力,重力作用对其变形也有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Summary The tidal deformations of a viscoelastic body are studied using the simple Kelvin-Voigt model. Expressions for the phase lag and amplitude change of the displacement vector are derived. The energy dissipation rate is calculated for the main disturbing bodies and for diurnal and semidiurnal tidal waves.
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In this review article, we summarize observations of sea level variations, globally and regionally, during the 20th century and the last 2 decades. Over these periods, the global mean sea level rose at rates of 1.7 mm/yr and 3.2 mm/yr respectively, as a result of both increase of ocean thermal expansion and land ice loss. The regional sea level variations, however, have been dominated by the thermal expansion factor over the last decades even though other factors like ocean salinity or the solid Earth's response to the last deglaciation can have played a role. We also present examples of total local sea level variations that include the global mean rise, the regional variability and vertical crustal motions, focusing on the tropical Pacific islands. Finally we address the future evolution of the global mean sea level under on-going warming climate and the associated regional variability. Expected impacts of future sea level rise are briefly presented.  相似文献   

a mmuu ¶rt; ¶rt;au nm u , a auauu ma mu au u. aamuam m¶rt; a, ma u mua mu ¶rt;au u ¶rt;aa u uma a; m a mu ¶rt;auu m ¶rt;muam 10% m ¶rt;au, a u nuuau m .  相似文献   

Considerable bridge-ground interaction effects are involved in evaluating the consequences of liquefaction-induced deformations. Due to seismic excitation, liquefied soil layers may result in substantial accumulated permanent deformation of sloping ground near the abutments. Ultimately, global response is dictated by the bridge-ground interaction as an integral system. However, a holistic assessment of such response generally requires a highly demanding full three-dimensional (3D) model of the bridge and surrounding ground. As such, in order to capture a number of the salient involved mechanisms, this study focuses on the longitudinal seismic performance of a simpler idealized configuration, motivated by details of an existing bridge-ground configuration. In this model, a realistic multilayer soil profile is considered with interbedded liquefiable/nonliquefiable strata. The effect of the resulting liquefaction-induced ground deformation is explored. Attention is given to overall deformation of the bridge structure due to lateral spreading in the vicinity of the abutments. The derived insights indicate a need for such global analysis techniques, when addressing the potential hazard of liquefaction and its consequences.  相似文献   

On the basis of the GPS data obtained from repeated measurements carried out in 2004 and 2007,the horizontal principal strain of the Chinese mainland is calculated,which shows that the direction of principal compressive strain axis of each subplate is basically consistent with the P-axis of focal mechanism solution and the principal compressive stress axis acquired by geological method.It indicates that the crustal tectonic stress field is relatively stable in regions in a long time.The principal compressive stress axes of Qinghai-Tibet and Xinjiang subplates in the western part of Chinese mainland direct to NS and NNE-SSW,which are controlled by the force from the col-lision of the Eurasia Plate and India Plate.The principal compressive strain axes of Heilongjiang and North China subplates in the eastern part direct to ENE-WSW,which shows that they are subject to the force from the collision and underthrust of the Eurasia Plate to the North America and Pacific plates.At the same time,they are also af-fected by the lateral force from Qinghai-Tibet and Xinjiang subplates.The principal compressive strain axis of South China plate is WNW-ESE,which reflects that it is affected by the force from the collision of Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia Plate and it is also subject to the lateral force from Qinghai-Tibet subplate.It is apparent from the comparison between the principal compressive strain axes in the periods of 2004~2007 and 2001~2004 that the acting directions of principal compressive stress of subplates in both periods are basically consistent.However,there is certain difference between their directional concentrations of principal compressive stress axes.The sur-face strain rates of different tectonic units in both periods indicate that the events predominating by compressive variation decrease,while the events predominating by tensile change increase.  相似文献   

A present-day tectonic stress map for eastern Asia region   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
Introduction Tectonically the eastern Asia refers to the region bounded by the following three active tec-tonic zones: in the east the western Pacific subduction zone, including Japan trench, Ryukyu trench and Philippine trench; in the southwest the Himalaya continental collision zone and the Burma-arc-Java-trench subduction zone; in the northwest the Tianshan-Baikal continental defor-mation zone (Figure 6). In the world the eastern Asia is one of the regions with the strongest pre-sent-da…  相似文献   

中国大陆现今水平形变动态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2001~2004大陆水平应变场大致沿玉树、阿尼玛沁、鲜水河、小江等断裂带形成一条由东西走向转为南北走向的应变高值带.2004~2007高值带向局部收缩,并维持前期高值.新疆于田MS7.3、四川汶川MS8.0分别位于该高值带的东段、西段剪应变梯度带上,具备大尺度形变背景.分析认为昆仑山MS8.1对青藏高原内部块体、川滇块体的相对运动产生重大影响,导致震中两侧一系列断裂带附近区域水平差异运动处于较高水平,印尼MS8.7地震则有利于上述区域应变能进一步积累.此外,2001~2004、2004~2007应变分布特征总体从无序趋向有序,体现构造应力场经历调整与再积累过程.现阶段太平洋板块、菲律宾板块俯冲作用可能有所增强.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with seismicity variations in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands for the period 1962–2009; the effects of large earthquakes on the seismicity of adjacent areas are taken into account. The 1997 Kronotskii earthquake was followed by seismicity decreases in most areas over Kamchatka, which is presumably related to decreased tectonic stresses. After the 2007 Simushir earthquake synchronization and periodicities in seismicity were identified, indicating increased instabilities and the likelihood of a large event in Kamchatka in the near future. The instability of seismic regions is discussed within the framework of the theory of nonequilibrium dynamical systems. We suggest successive phases in the occurrence of seismological precursors.  相似文献   

中国大陆现今应变场动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2004年和2007年GPS复测资料,计算出中国大陆的水平主应变数据,显示出各亚板块的主压应变轴方向与震源机制解的P轴和用地质方法得到的主压应力轴基本一致,表明在区域上和长时期中,地壳的构造应力场是相对稳定的.中国大陆西部的青藏亚板块和新疆亚板块的主压应力轴,为南北向及北北东-南南西向,受欧亚板块和印度板块相互碰撞而产生的作用力的控制;东部的黑龙江亚板块和华北亚板块的主压应变轴,为北东东-南西西向,显示出受欧亚板块与北美板块、太平洋板块碰撞俯冲产生的作用力影响,同时也受青藏亚板块和新疆亚板块侧向作用力的影响;华南亚板块的主压应变轴,为北西西-南东东向,反映出受菲律滨海板块与欧亚板块碰撞产生的作用力影响,同时也受青藏亚板块侧向作用力的影响.通过比较2004-2007年与2001-2004年的主压应变轴方向,反映出两个时间段各亚板块的主压应力作用方向基本一致,只是主应力轴方向集中程度有一定差别.前后两个时间段不同单元的面应变率显示,压性变化为主的数量减少,张性变化为主的数量有所增多.  相似文献   

The irregular seafloor of the narrow Irish Sea on the NW European Shelf has been documented over several decades. From recently collected swath bathymetry data, very large trochoidal, nearly symmetrical sediment waves are observed in many parts of the Irish Sea and appear similar to those described from other continental shelf seas in North America that were covered by glacigenic sediments during the Last Glacial Maximum. Swath multibeam and single beam bathymetry data, backscatter intensity, shallow seismic imagery, video footage and sediment cores from the Irish Sea high sediment waves have been integrated to identify their genesis with reference to present and past hydrodynamic variability. From cross-sectional profiles over asymmetrical sediment waves in the Irish Sea the direction of asymmetry is used to map residual bed stress directions and associated bedload transport paths. Irish Sea peak bed stress vectors were generated using a two-dimensional palaeo-tidal model for the NW European shelf seas and compare well with the observations. Tidally induced bed stresses are modelled to have increased between 7–10 ka BP, to be nearly symmetrical in magnitude and to have reversed in dominant direction on a millennial scale. These environmental conditions during the post-glacial marine transgression are suggested here to help comprehend the construction of the very large sediment waves, with local variations due to differences in sediment grain size, sediment supply, water depth and intensified currents due to seafloor slopes. Model parameterisation using an open ocean boundary with time-dependent tidal changes and the implementation of high-resolution bathymetric information will improve future models of small-scale bed shear stress patterns and improve the predictive value of such modelling efforts.  相似文献   

The study of neotectonic stresses of the North Tien Shan is carried out within the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz Ridge bordering the Chyua submontane depression. The purpose of the study was to reconstruct the neotectonic stresses from the geological indicators and to compare the obtained results with the data on the present-day stress state of this region. The work is based on the analysis of the field in situ data acquired in the expeditions in 2009 and 2011. For the first time for the Northern Tien Shan region, the general (averaged) neotectonic stresses, which are distinct between the uplifts and depressions, are reconstructed. The deformation of the positive topographic features at the recent tectonic stage takes place in the conditions of thrust faulting with the meriodional horizontal compression axis and subvertical tension axis, while deformation of the negative landforms is dominated by normal faulting with the vertical compression axis and northnortheast trending subhorizontal tension axis. Based on the field data, separate sites with different types of local stress tensors, which are determined by the Lode-Nadai parameter, are revealed. The neotectonic geodynamical regime within the depressions and uplifts and the variations in the type of the stress tensor agree with the characteristics of the present-day stress state reconstructed from seismological data.  相似文献   

A method is presented to analyze the effect of stress-strain discontinuities on the ground deformations generated by a pressure source. This is meant to simulate the effects due to caldera structures, likely to present fractured zones at the borders of the collapsed area. A method originally developed by Crouch (1976) to solve plane-strain problems has been used to simulate deformation curves for several source and discontinuity geometries. The main result is that the location of the discontinuities controls the extension of the deformed zone, and always reduces it with respect to a continuous medium. With respect to a homogeneous medium the presence of lateral discontinuities also acts towards lowering the overpressure required to produce a given amount of deformation. These results indicate that, when analyzing ground deformations in calderas, the use of classical methods involving continuous media should be avoided, or at least taken with caution. These methods, in fact, assume that the extension of the deformed zone is only linked to the source depth.Some examples of ground deformations in active calderas have been analyzed in the framework of the results obtained from theoretical modeling. Four calderas recently affected by ground deformations have been considered: Rabaul (New Guinea), Campi Flegrei (Italy), Long Valley and Yellowstone (U.S.A.). The effects of collapsed structures on the deformation field are possibly evidenced for all the four calderas. At Rabaul and Campi Flegrei, the fracture systems mainly affecting the ground deformations probably represent younger, innermost collapses and are well evidenced by seismicity studies. Ground deformations are here concentrated in an area much smaller than the one enclosed by geologically visible caldera rims. In particular, at Rabaul, the effect of the innermost collapse can explain the high concentration of the uplift in the period 1971–1985, previously modeled by a very shallow source (1–3 km) in terms of overpressure in the main magma chamber, probably located at 4–5 km of depth.  相似文献   

堪察加地区现今地壳运动与变形特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用俄罗斯堪察加地区1995~2005年的GPS观测数据,研究了该区现今地壳水平运动速度场特征.在球坐标系中解算了各应变率分量,分析了应变率场的空间分布特征,并与地震学和地质学研究结果进行了综合对比分析.结果表明,堪察加半岛北部的微板块边界并不明显,堪察加南部测站运动速度大于中部和北部地区,愈靠近东部板块汇聚区,测站速度越大.从东海岸到西海岸,测站水平速度存在明显的梯度衰减特征,水平运动方向与太平洋板块向西北的俯冲方向基本一致.各应变率分量具有东部海岸大于中部和西海岸、从东至西呈梯度衰减的特点.堪察加大部分地区处于EW和NS向压缩状态,局部存在拉张.面应变率结果显示绝大部分为压缩区;刚性转动结果表明大部分地区表现为顺时针转动,北部地区和南端顺时针旋转性明显.东部有效应变率明显大于西部地区,东西向梯度衰减关系明显.主压应变率明显大于主张应变率,特别是在东海岸地区.主压应变率方向与中等以上地震的主压应力轴在水平方向的投影方向基本一致.地壳变形场在空间分布上的不一致性主要与太平洋板块在堪察加半岛东南侧的俯冲深度、俯冲方位角、俯冲倾角和俯冲带的耦合强度有关.  相似文献   

用甚长基线干涉测量数据检测冰期后地壳回弹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)技术提供的实测站速度和地球物理模型ICE_4G提供的数据,采用实测站速度法和基线长度变化率法分别检测了冰期后地壳回弹的垂直运动和水平运动.对用空间技术求解的实测值和用ICE_4G模型求解的估计值进行线性拟合和相关分析,两者的相关系数达到0.8~0.9,表明空间技术已经能够检测1~10mm/a的冰后回弹运动;在方向上两者基本一致,在量级上,实测结果的绝对值比模型估计值系统性的偏大约20%,表明当前冰期后的地壳回弹运动比地质时期要猛烈.  相似文献   

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