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The unit regional value of the mineral resources of a large region may be estimated by accumulating past production records and prorating them over the area of the region. The geological characteristics of a large region is a prime conditioning variable for this purpose. To be useful, however, the geology of a large region must be represented in a standardized form. The “geology,” as here measured, refers to a standardized set of rock types common to the legends in geological maps. By using standardized procedures, the legends of 413 geologic maps at 292 different scales that cover the Earth’s land surface were transformed into a set of 65 three-digit numbers. The set of numbers called the time-petrographic index is associated with the contemporaneous tectonic environments that led to the formation of the rocks and their associated mineral deposits. Application of the time-petrographic index to geologic maps leads to more precise estimates of the mineral-resource values of a large region. Deceased, June 2, 1992  相似文献   

The probability of occurrence of natural resources, such as petroleum deposits, can be assessed by a combination of multivariate statistical and geostatistical techniques. The area of study is partitioned into regions that are as homogeneous as possible internally while simultaneously as distinct as possible. Fisher's discriminant criterion is used to select geological variables that best distinguish productive from nonproductive localities, based on a sample of previously drilled exploratory wells. On the basis of these geological variables, each wildcat well is assigned to the production class (dry or producer in the two-class case) for which the Mahalanobis' distance from the observation to the class centroid is a minimum. Universal kriging is used to interpolate values of the Mahalanobis' distances to all locations not yet drilled. The probability that an undrilled locality belongs to the productive class can be found, using the kriging estimation variances to assess the probability of misclassification. Finally, Bayes' relationship can be used to determine the probability that an undrilled location will be a discovery, regardless of the production class in which it is placed. The method is illustrated with a study of oil prospects in the Lansing/Kansas City interval of western Kansas, using geological variables derived from well logs.  相似文献   

Note on rain-triggered earthquakes and their dependence on karst geology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently reported rain-triggered seismicity from three separate storms occurred exclusively in karst geology. In this paper, I discuss how the hydrogeology of karst controls rain-triggered seismicity by channeling of the watershed after intense rainfall directly into the karst network. Such channeling results in very large increases in hydraulic head, and more importantly, substantially increases the vertical stress acting on the underlying pore-elastic media. Rapid loading upon a pore-elastic media induces seismicity by increasing pore pressure at depth in a manner similar to that observed from reservoir impounding. Using a simple 1-D model of a pore-elastic medium, it is shown that the instantaneous fluid pressure increase at depth is a substantial fraction of the pressure step applied at the boundary, followed by time-dependent pore pressure increases associated with the typical linear diffusion problem. These results have implications for the change in fluid pressure necessary to trigger earthquakes, and leads to the following hypothesis to be tested: Unambiguous rain-triggered seismicity will only occur in karst regions.  相似文献   

To integrate geological data to obtain an interpretation of the geology and natural resources of an area, we need a methodology that provides a holistic approach, addressing all basic issues in geological relations as well as uncertainties that arise with the evolution of basic geological knowledge of an area.In spite of the major role played by geoinformatics—the application of mathematics, statistics, and computer science to solve geological problems—we do not yet have a properly designed method for organizing geological data, including raw data, conceptual models, modeling results, and geological integration. Such a rapid method should provide for updating of existing interpretations based on new data or new theories.A systematic view of data integration and interpretation is important in petroleum exploration and petroleum engineering. We point out the more striking tools already available but of restricted use and some of the possible solutions for known problems that still require research and development.  相似文献   

邱灵  方创琳 《地理研究》2010,29(2):327-337
优化、高效的城市产业结构是城市经济社会全面发展的必备条件。本文基于数据包络分析模型构建包括10个投入指标、4个产出指标的城市产业结构优化纵向测度指标体系,基于因子分析模型构建由1个目标层、4个标准层和16个指标层构成的城市产业结构优化横向诊断指标体系,并以北京市为例进行实证分析,旨在为城市产业结构优化升级、经济发展方式转变提供科学指导。研究表明:①改革开放30年来,北京市产业结构优化程度一直处于较高水平,仅1991、2004年出现资源过度投入而规模收益递减现象,1987、1995、1996年出现资源有效利用不足而规模收益递增现象;②产业效率、产业效益、产业科技、产业优势是影响北京市各区县产业结构优化程度的主要因子;③由于产业效率水平高且对产业结构优化的贡献大,北京市中心城区和近郊区的整体产业结构优化程度明显高于远郊区县;④北京市各区县在产业效率、产业效益、产业科技、产业优势等分项指标各具优劣,应通过差异化发展促进各区县乃至城市的产业结构优化升级。  相似文献   

西南丘陵山地区土地整理与区域生态安全研究   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:38  
杨庆媛 《地理研究》2003,22(6):698-708
开展土地整理是实现土地可持续利用的重要途径,不同区域土地整理的目标、任务侧重点各不相同。对于生态脆弱、生态区位非常重要的西南地区而言,其丘陵山地区土地整理的目标必须与区域生态安全的目标相一致。本文从国际国内土地整理的发展趋势以及土地整理目标区域分工的角度,论述西南丘陵山地区土地整理与区域生态安全之间的关系,提出西南丘陵山地区土地整理的首要目标是确保区域生态安全,小流域土地整理是实现该区域生态安全的典型模式。  相似文献   

In order to maintain the thermal stability of very wide highway embankments in permafrost regions, the thermal isolation material EPS is often utilized. To examine the effects of this insulation on the China National Highway (G214), two-dimensional finite element analysis of temperature fields was conducted for varying widths of highway embankments with and without EPS insulation. The numerical results show that in permafrost regions the effect of thermal aggregation on asphalt pavement is more obvious when highway embankments are wider, and, specifically for the G214 highway, the insulation should be more than 25 cm thick for 24-m-wide embankments. However, considering other factors such as the structural rationality of the embankments and high engineering costs, it might not be feasible to install EPS insulation in 24-m-wide embankments of the G214 highway when the height of the embankments is less than 3.65 m.  相似文献   

温室气体排放评价指标及其定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and related global warming issues have been the focus of international communities for some time. The international communities have reached a consensus to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions and restrain global warming. The quantitative assessment of anthropogenic GHG emissions is the scientific basis to find out the status of global GHG emission, identify the commitments of each country, and arrange the international efforts of GHG emission reduction. Currently the main assessment indicators for GHG emission include national indicator, per capita indicator, per GDP indicator, and international trade indicator etc. The introduction to the above indi- cators is put forward and their merits and demerits are analyzed. Based on the GHG emission data from the World Resource Institute (WRI), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), the results of each indictor are calculated for the world, for the eight G8 industrialized countries (USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Russia), and the five major developing countries including China, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. The paper points out that all these indicators have some limitations. The Indicator of Industrialized Accumulative Emission per Capita (IAEC) is put forward as the equitable indicator to evaluate the industrialized historical accumulative emission per capita of every country. IAEC indicator can reflect the economic achievement of GHG emission enjoyed by the current generations in every country and their commitments. The analysis of IAEC indicates that the historical accumulative emission per capita in indus- trialized countries such as UK and USA were typically higher than those of the world average and the developing countries. Emission indicator per capita per GDP, consumptive emission indicator and survival emission indicator are also put forward and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and related global warming issues have been the focus of international communities for some time. The international communities have reached a consensus to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions and restrain global warming. The quantitative assessment of anthropogenic GHG emissions is the scientific basis to find out the status of global GHG emission, identify the commitments of each country, and arrange the international efforts of GHG emission reduction. Currently the main assessment indicators for GHG emission include national indicator, per capita indicator, per GDP indicator, and international trade indicator etc. The introduction to the above indicators is put forward and their merits and demerits are analyzed. Based on the GHG emission data from the World Resource Institute (WRI), the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), and the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), the results of each indictor are calculated for the world, for the eight G8 industrialized countries (USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and Russia), and the five major developing countries including China, Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico. The paper points out that all these indicators have some limitations. The Indicator of Industrialized Accumulative Emission per Capita (IAEC) is put forward as the equitable indicator to evaluate the industrialized historical accumulative emission per capita of every country. IAEC indicator can reflect the economic achievement of GHG emission enjoyed by the current generations in every country and their commitments. The analysis of IAEC indicates that the historical accumulative emission per capita in industrialized countries such as UK and USA were typically higher than those of the world average and the developing countries. Emission indicator per capita per GDP, consumptive emission indicator and survival emission indicator are also put forward and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

It is important to study the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes in the fields of both climate change and land use change. Relationships between cropland changes and driving forces were qualitatively studied in most of the previous researches. However, the quantitative assessments of the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes are needed to be explored for a better understanding of the dynamics of land use changes. We systematically reviewed the methods of identifying the contributions of climate change and human activities to cropland changes at quantitative aspects, including model analysis, mathematical statistical method, framework analysis, index assessment and difference comparison. Progress of the previous researches on quantitative evaluation of the contributions was introduced. Then we discussed four defects in the assessment of the contributions of climate change and human activities. For example, the methods were lack of comprehensiveness, and the data need to be more accurate and abundant. In addition, the scale was single and the explanations were biased. Moreover, we concluded a clue about quantitative approach to assess the contributions from synthetically aspect to specific driving forces. Finally, the solutions of the future researches on data, scale and explanation were proposed.  相似文献   

Urban clusters are the expected products of high levels of industry and urbanization in a country, as well as being the basic units of participation in global competition. With respect to China, urban clusters are regarded as the dominant formation for boosting the Chinese urbanization process. However, to date, there is no coincident, efficient, and credible methodological system and set of techniques to identify Chinese urban clusters. This research investigates the potential of a computerized identification method supported by geographic information techniques to provide a better understanding of the distribution of Chinese urban clusters. The identification method is executed based on a geographic information database, a digital elevation model, and socio-economic data with the aid of ArcInfo Macro Language programming. In the method, preliminary boundaries are identified according to transportation accessibility, and final identifications are achieved from limiting city numbers, population, and GDP in a region with the aid of the rasterized socio-economic dataset. The results show that the method identifies nine Chinese urban clusters, i.e., Pearl River Delta, Lower Yangtze River Valley, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Northeast China Plain, Middle Yangtze River Valley, Central China Plains, Western Taiwan Strait, Guanzhong and Chengdu-Chongqing urban clusters. This research represents the first study involving the computerized identification of Chinese urban clusters. Moreover, compared to other related studies, the study's approach, which combines transportation accessibility and socio-economic characteristics, is shown to be a distinct, effective and reliable way of identifying urban clusters.  相似文献   

Urban clusters are the expected products of high levels of industry and urbanization in a country, as well as being the basic units of participation in global competition. With respect to China, urban clusters are regarded as the dominant formation for boosting the Chinese urbanization process. However, to date, there is no coincident, efficient, and credible methodological system and set of techniques to identify Chinese urban clusters. This research investigates the potential of a computerized identification method supported by geographic information techniques to provide a better understanding of the distribution of Chinese urban clusters. The identification method is executed based on a geographic information database, a digital elevation model, and socio-economic data with the aid of ArcInfo Macro Language programming. In the method, preliminary boundaries are identified accord-ing to transportation accessibility, and final identifications are achieved from limiting city numbers, population, and GDP in a region with the aid of the rasterized socio-economic dataset. The results show that the method identifies nine Chinese urban clusters, i.e., Pearl River Delta, Lower Yangtze River Valley, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Northeast China Plain, Middle Yangtze River Valley, Central China Plains, Western Taiwan Strait, Guanzhong and Chengdu-Chongqing urban clusters. This research represents the first study involving the computerized identification of Chinese urban clusters. Moreover, compared to other related studies, the study’s approach, which combines transportation accessibility and socio-economic characteristics, is shown to be a distinct, effective and reliable way of identifying urban clusters.  相似文献   

蒋海兵  徐建刚  祁毅  陈筠婷 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1056-1068
目前多数基于GIS的商业区位模型与技术研究,未全面考虑交通网络、道路等级、网点吸引力与竞争因素。针对此局限,借助GIS软件,依托可达性方法与伽萨法则,尝试综合考虑上述因素探讨大卖场可达性与商圈特征。以上海中心城区大卖场为例,采用同心圆法、扇形法与最近邻域法探讨卖场空间特征;利用行进成本分析法计算卖场可达性,并根据伽萨法则叠加了卖场引力因素,得到伽萨法则商圈。结果表明:大卖场集中分布于距市中心4.5~10km范围,各方向扩张不均衡。城区整体可达性较好,浦西优于浦东。外环附近商圈面积大,外环附近与市中心区商圈市场规模大,内环附近商圈面积与市场规模小。伽萨法则商圈市场规模"两极分化"既表明卖场市场竞争激烈地区与网点短缺区并存,也说明网点市场规模与职能存在等级差异。  相似文献   

The measurement of pile axial load is of great significance to determining pile foundation design parameters such as skin friction and end bearing capacity and analyzing load transfer mechanisms. Affected by the temperature and ice content of frozen ground, the interface contact relationship between pile foundation and frozen soil is complicated, making pile axial load measurements more uncertain than that in non-frozen ground. Therefore, it is necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of the ...  相似文献   

过去千年中国不同区域干湿的多尺度变化特征评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑景云  张学珍  刘洋  郝志新 《地理学报》2020,75(7):1432-1450
依据近年发表的新成果,对中国过去千年干湿的年至百年尺度变化特征进行了总结梳理与对比分析,综合评估了20世纪干湿变幅的历史地位。主要结论是:① 根据历史文献记载重建的东中部各区干湿序列在1400年以后均达高信度,但其前因存在记录缺失,仅有半数时段的重建结果达高信度。在东北及内蒙古东部,根据不同地点湖沼沉积物记录揭示的区域干湿百年尺度变化特征在多数时段不一致。在西部的黄土高原、河西走廊、新疆中北部、青藏高原东北部和东南部等地区,利用不同地点树轮资料重建的干湿序列显示的干湿变化特征在区内一致性高。② 过去千年中国各地干湿变化均存在显著的年际、年代际和百年尺度周期。其中准2.5 a、60~80 a和110~120 a等尺度的周期为所有地区共有;3.5~5.0 a、20~35 a等尺度周期则主要发生在东北、东中部地区、黄土高原和青藏高原;而准45 a周期则只发生在东北和东中部地区(均超过90%信度水平);各区域间的干湿变化位相并不同步。③ 尽管已发现青藏高原东北部20世纪很可能是过去3000 a最湿的世纪之一,但其他大多数区域的重建结果显示:20世纪的干湿变幅在年代际尺度上均未超出其前各个时段的变率范围。  相似文献   

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