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During the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS; Voges 1992, 1997) about 80,000 X-ray sourceswith a detection likelihood 2 10 were detected, from which 18,811 sources having a PSPC countrate larger than 0.05 ets s--1 and detection likelihood 3 15 were compiled in the RASS-BSC(VOges et al. 1996a). More than 65% RASS sources remain unidentified (Voges et al. 1996b).The optical spectroscopic study of these RASS sources is essential for understanding them moreclearly.The idelltification of X-…  相似文献   

We report on our research on the UV, optical line parameters and the infrared through UV to soft X-ray continuum parameters for a composite sample of narrow line and normal Seyfert 1 galaxies. The strong correlations among the line width of Hβ,optical line strength of Fe Ⅱ and the soft X-ray slope are confirmed. We found no correlations between the UV line parameters, the equivalent widths of Lyα and CIV and their ratio on one hand and the optical line parameters on the other. The UV and X-ray luminosities strongly correlate with the line widths of Hβ and the Fe Ⅱ/Hβ ratio. No significant correlation is found between the infrared-soft X-ray continuum slope αix and the line width of Hβ。  相似文献   

LETTERS1 INTRODUCTIONIn the hierarchical scenario of structure formation, massive dark ha1os fOrm by gravitationalaggregation of individual low-mass objects, whi1e the stel1ar disks of spiral galaxies like theMilky Way form by accretion of gas which cools and falls onto the galaxies from an extendedsurrounding reservoir. FOr a massive galaxy of M ~ 10"MO, the surrounding gas can be heatedto temperature of T ~ 106 K by gravitational1y-driven shocks, the dominant cooling is thus dueto …  相似文献   

We report on the results of cross-correlation of a sample of 903 Utraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) with the ROSAT-All Sky Survey Bright Source Catalogue and the ROSAT archived pointing observations. The sample of ULIRGs has been compiled from the recently released PSCz redshift survey. In total,35 ULIRGs are securely detected by the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and pointing observations, five of which are blazars. The statistical properties of these sources in the soft X-ray band are determined and compared with their properties on other wavebands. We find that the ratio of the soft X-ray to the far-infrared flux spans about five orders of magnitude and reaches values of about unity. This ratio is a good indicator of the main energy source of ULIRGs. Those with soft X-ray to far-infrared flux exceeding 0.01 are probably powered by accretion onto central supermassive black holes while those with ratios smaller than 0.001 are probably powered by starbursts or other heating processes, or are Compton thick sources. Some ULIRGs have energy contributions from both. This ratio is low for most ULIRGs and hyperluminous infrared galaxies, which explains their low detection rate by ROSAT and ASCA.We also find that some ULIRGs have a similar soft X-ray luminosity vs. temperature relation to that for groups of galaxies and elliptical galaxies,suggesting a common origin of these systems. Our study also reveals a tight correlation between the hardness ratio and the soft X-ray luminosity for Seyfert 1s/QSOs.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Blazars, including BL Lac objects, highly polarized and optically violently variable quasars,and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), are characterized by highly variable non-thermalemission which dominates their characteristics from radio to y-ray bands. The mechanismbelieved to be responsible for their broadband emission is synchrotron radiation followed by in-verse Compton (IC) scattering at higher energies (e.g. Blandford & Konigl 1979). Relativisticbeaming of a jet…  相似文献   

本文总结最近从Xray 观测得到的关于宽吸收线类星体一些新结果, 我们和人家的结果都表明吸收物质的柱密度比原来从紫外估计的高三个量级, 在PG1411 + 442 中, 我们发现Xray 除了吸收成分外, 还有散射成分, 其量级和UV 吸收的剩余流量一致, 从而说明以前从UV 推断的结论是有问题的。此外, 对PG1126041 的研究表明从宽吸收线类星体到Seyfert 星系的窄本征吸收线其物理性质是连续过渡的。  相似文献   

With the Chandra pointing observation of about 50 ks, we have detected41 point sources in the X-ray relatively faint elliptical galaxy NGC 1407, most ofwhich appear to be low mass X-ray binaries. In luminosity flux units, these resolvedpoint sources contribute about 17.8% of the total emission of the galaxy in 0.3-10 keV. Of the remaining diffuse emission, about 53.4% (or 43.9% of total) may arisefrom unresolved point sources. We find six ultraluminous X-ray sources with lumi-nosities above 10~(39) erg s~(-1). This number is less than has been found in NGC 720,but more than in NGC 4697 and NGC 1553, so suggesting a possible correlationbetween the number of ULXs and the total X-ray luminosity of early-type galaxies.A central point-like source is detected whose luminosity (2.36±0.14×10~(39)erg s~(-1))is the highest among all resolved sources. However, because of its relatively lowhardness ratio, we speculate that it is not likely to be a low luminosity AGN.  相似文献   

The relativistic beaming model has been successfully used to explain many of the observational properties of active galactic nuclei. In this model the total emission is formed by two components, one beamed, one unbeamed. However, the exact contribution from each component in unresolved sources is still not clear. In the radio band, the core and extended emissions are clearly separated. We adopt the method proposed by Kembhavi to separate the two contributions in the X-ray emissions in a sample of 19 gamma-ray loud blazars. It is clearly shown that the beamed emission dominates the X-ray flux and the unbeamed X-ray emission is correlated with the extended radio emission of the considered objects. We also find that the ratio of the beamed to the unbeamed X-ray luminosity is correlated with the X-ray spectral index, an effect that should be a consequence of the underlying X-ray emission mechanism.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONObservations of the most famous starburst galaxy M82 with the High-Resolution Cameraon board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, showed that there are nine sources in the celltral11 x 11 region, but no son-roe was detected at the galactic center (Matsumoto et al. 2001).Comparing the observations on 1999 October 28 and those on 2000 January 20, the authorsfound an extremely large time variability of the source CXO M82 J095550.2 694047, which islocated gll away from the galact…  相似文献   

Strong MgⅡ quasar absorption line systems provide us with a useful tool to understand the gas that plays an important role in galaxy formation. In this paper, placing the theories of galaxy formation in a cosmological context, we present semi-analytic models and Monte-Carlo simulations for strong MgⅡ absorbers produced in gaseous galactic haloes and/or galaxy discs. We investigate the redshift path density for the MgⅡ absorption lines and the properties of galaxy/absorber pairs, in particular the anti-correlation between the equivalent width of MgⅡ absorption line and the projected galaxy-to-sightline distance. The simulated result of the mean redshift path density of strong MgⅡ systems is consistent with the observational result. The fraction of strong MgⅡ systems arising from galaxy disks is predicted to be-10^ of the total. There exists an anti-correlation between the absorption line equivalent and the projected distance of sightline to galaxy center and galaxy luminosity.We determined that the mean absorbing radius Rabs≈29h^-1 kpc(LB/LB*)^0.35. After taking selection effects into consideration, this becomes Rabs≈38h^-1 kpc(LB/LB*)^0.18,which is in good agreement with the observational result. This shows the importance of considering selection effects when comparing models with observations.  相似文献   

We examined the correlation between the ROSAT Hardness Ratio 1 and Count Rates eight Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) and 14 Broad-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (BLS1s). We found that six of the NLS1s show a positive HR1-CTs correlation, and seven of the BLS1s, a negative correlation. The other two NLS1s and seven BLS1s do not show any clear HR1-CTs correlation. Thus, the spectral behavior is statistically different for the NLS1s and BLS1s. The different behaviors can possibly be interpreted in terms of a stable ‘soft excess’ that is strong in NLS1s and weak in BLS1s, plus a power law component, common to both, which softens with increasing flux.  相似文献   

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