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A new method is introduced here to interpret the magnetic anomalies with special reference to vertical magnetic anomalies of a horizontal circular cylinder. The parameters of the cylinder are found to be related toV, ∂V/∂x and∂V/∂z at the origin of the cylinder. HereV is the observed anomaly,∂V/∂x and∂V/∂z are its horizontal and vertical derivatives respectively. The origin may be located working out an equality,viz.,3(∂V/∂z) 2=2V∂2V/∂z2 which is true only at the origin. Thus, once the cylinder is located,V, ∂V/∂x and∂V/∂z at its origin can be determined and hence its parameters. The procedure is illustrated with a theoretical example.  相似文献   

为了研究处于自由面以下完全淹没状态的水平圆柱在强迫振荡运动时的水动力特性,采用基于黏性流理论建立的二维两相流数值波浪水槽模型,对不同液相黏性条件下强迫振荡水平圆柱的受力进行计算,并对压力、黏性切力和圆柱运动之间的相位关系特征进行对比和分析,进而结合流场分析解释黏性影响机理。结果表明:黏性切力和涡旋压力对流体作用力的贡献差别是导致不同流体黏性下流体作用力结果差异的主要原因;涡旋运动相对圆柱振荡运动的滞后性受流体黏性影响显著,导致不同流体黏性下压力之间有相位差;流体水质点相对于圆柱的滞后运动在大黏性流体中更为显著,这导致了其黏性切力的相位超前现象。  相似文献   

应用PIV系统研究横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流旋涡特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
应用粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对横流中近壁水平圆柱绕流进行了试验研究。介绍了试验原理及装置,讨论了试验参数的选取和粒子的跟随性问题。分析了上游来流的流动特性,显示了亚临界雷诺数下间隙比为0.5时圆柱后尾流区旋涡产生、发展和消亡的动态过程,比较了时均流场和瞬时流场旋涡结构。对圆柱尾迹的旋涡脱落特性进行了分析,得出在试验条件下斯特劳哈尔数保持为常数0.2的结论。  相似文献   

为了研究处于自由面以下完全淹没状态的水平圆柱在强迫振荡运动时的水动力特性,采用基于黏性流理论建立的二维两相流数值波浪水槽模型,对不同液相黏性条件下强迫振荡水平圆柱的受力进行计算,并对压力、黏性切力和圆柱运动之间的相位关系特征进行对比和分析,进而结合流场分析解释黏性影响机理。结果表明:黏性切力和涡旋压力对流体作用力的贡献差别是导致不同流体黏性下流体作用力结果差异的主要原因;涡旋运动相对圆柱振荡运动的滞后性受流体黏性影响显著,导致不同流体黏性下压力之间有相位差;流体水质点相对于圆柱的滞后运动在大黏性流体中更为显著,这导致了其黏性切力的相位超前现象。  相似文献   

欧塬圩 《地质与勘探》2017,53(2):310-317
本文提出了一种新的特征点法,并在前人的基础上改进了一种数值计算方法(最小二乘法),以此来确定部分具有自然电位异常简单地质体的形态(形态系数)、埋藏深度、极化角和电偶极矩。特征点法通过剖面上三个特殊点(两个极值点和零电位点)的值以及它们相互间的距离便可快速求取地质体各参数。改进的最小二乘法则是在前人的基础上加入了零电位点的计算及其它处理方法,以此来获得准确性更高的地质体各参数。两种方法都被用来计算加入±5%随机误差的理论模型数据,并在土耳其的一个实际野外数据中得到测试。结果表明所求的参数与实际参数具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Characteristic curves for the complete interpretation of a wide range of parameters of a vertical cylinder and a horizontal circular disc are presented. It is established that the distance of the inflexion point on the gravity profile of a vertical cylinder from the point of maximum anomaly [i.e. the origin] is approximately equal to the radius of the vertical cylinder, thus enabling one to demarcate the boundary of the vertical cylinder directly from the contour map based on the cluster of contours. Two gravity profiles, one across an anomalous zone in central Alberta, Canada and the other over Borsad area, India are interpreted by the curves presented and the results are shown.  相似文献   

A simple technique for the interpretation of gravimagnetic anomalies by a numerical differentiation is presented. The ratio of horizontal gradient to the observed field was used for the location of the origin and depth to the causative body. This technique was tested by using fundamental expressions due to sphere, horizontal cylinder and vertical fault models and field data over a spherical body. It has been found that the depth to the centre of the body can be determined accurately by this technique.  相似文献   

为研究大波幅波浪作用下,非完全淹没水平圆柱所受波浪力的特征,基于黏性流理论采用有限体积法建立两相流数值波浪水槽模型,对不同波幅和圆柱垂向位置下非完全淹没水平圆柱所受波浪力进行了数值计算,并对波浪力和冲击力的特征进行了分析,讨论了冲击力与冲击速度的关系,结合经验计算公式拟合得到了冲击力系数。结果表明:波浪力的大小受波幅和圆柱垂向位置的影响比较显著,其影响机理与波浪场流体运动特性相关;冲击力的大小与冲击速度密切相关,而垂向冲击力在波浪力中起主导作用时,对应的最小预测冲击速度受圆柱垂向位置影响并不显著;不同圆柱垂向位置下冲击力系数随着波幅增大由分散性较强逐渐趋于集中。  相似文献   

An analytical solution to the problem of a load applied to a portion of the wall of a circular tunnel installed deep in a homogeneous isotropic material has been found. The solution is obtained by taking a Fourier transform, in the axial direction, of the field quantities and then representing these as a Fourier series in the polar angle. The integration which is necessary for the inversion of Fourier transforms has to be performed numerically using Gaussian quadrature. The solution has been used to analyse the problem of uniform normal loading applied over rectangular patches of the tunnel wall. An indication of how the solution can be applied to the tunnel jacking problem is given.  相似文献   

自 20 世纪 90 年代我国开始使用可调圆弧木模板以来,定型圆弧钢模板在建筑中的地位被逐步取代。由于传统的以梁代替面进行的计算,存在着过度简化计算模型的缺陷,造成计算结果与实际相差较大。所以,采用三维有限元对模板 进行计算分析,得到的计算结果经检验与实际能吻合的较好。  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed to interpret magnetic anomalies caused by 2D fault structures. This approach is based on the artificial neural network inversion, utilizing particularly modular neural network algorithm. The inversion process is implemented to estimate the parameters of 2D fault structures where it has been verified first on synthetic models. The results of the inversion show that the parameters derived from the inversion agree well with the true ones. The analysis of noise has been studied in order to investigate the stability of the approach where it has been tested for contaminated anomalies with 5 and 10 % of white Gaussian noise. The results of the inversion provide satisfactory results even with contaminated signals.The validity of the approach has been demonstrated through real data taken from New South Wales, Australia. A comparable and satisfactory agreement is shown between the inversion results of the neural network and those from techniques published in literatures.  相似文献   

山区河流平面二维流场的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
针对山区河流边界地形复杂、水位及流速变化剧烈的特点,用"混合五对角法"建立平面二维数学模型并求解,进行水位和流速的数值模拟.利用嘉陵江重庆金刚碑-朝阳桥河段地形及5个横断面的水位和水深平均流速资料对此模型进行了验证,模型快速、准确地再现了该河段的水位和水深平均流速情况.  相似文献   

将切比雪夫谱元模型应用于成层场地的一维波动分析,发展了一种具有高阶数值格式的场地地震反应时域分析方法。通过谱单元离散基岩和覆盖土体,建立各个单元的波动方程,并在基岩内设置透射人工边界,模拟底部无限域对内域波动的影响;利用切比雪夫正交多项式构造高阶单元位移模式,得到空间离散后的场地节点运动方程;利用中心差分原理,结合人工边界的数值格式,推导了一种稳定的时域积分数值方案。最后通过2个算例阐释了该方法在场地地震反应分析中的应用,并与传统方法进行了对比分析。数值试验表明,该方法具有高精度特性,在使用较少节点的条件下仍能得到较为可靠的计算结果,可显著地提高场地地震反应分析的计算效率。  相似文献   

水平旋喷桩施工引起周围土体变形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王志丰  沈水龙  谢永利 《岩土力学》2016,37(4):1083-1088
水平旋喷桩施工期间,大量高压流体注入土层,引起土层内部产生较大的膨胀作用,致使周围一定区域的土体发生变形。水平旋喷桩施工引起土体变形可以归结为压力膨胀和体积膨胀共同作用的问题。依托单根水平旋喷桩施工的现场实例,建立了水平旋喷桩施工引起土体变形的数值模型。将水平旋喷桩施工引起的土体变形问题简化为圆孔的膨胀问题,可以统筹考虑注浆压力和注浆流量的影响。首先需要确定注浆压力的影响半径和注浆流量引起的体积膨胀比,然后可以通过数值模型计算膨胀引起的土体变形。数值分析结果与现场实测值的对比表明,当注浆压力影响半径为成桩半径的6倍时,数值计算结果与现场实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   

有限元法模拟开挖引起的基坑水平位移和邻近建筑物沉降   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以徐州某采用水泥土墙支护的基坑为例,采用有限元数值模拟的方法,对基坑开挖引起的水平位移量和邻近建筑物沉降量进行了计算,并与实际监测值进行了对比分析,得到了一些关于如何控制基坑水平位移和减少基坑周边建筑沉降的结论。  相似文献   

饱和土中桩水平振动引起土层复阻抗分析研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
余俊  尚守平  李忠  任慧 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3858-3864
基于Biot动力固结方程,研究了饱和土中端承桩在水平振动时产生的土层复阻抗特性。对动力固结方程进行变型,采用算子分解及分离变量法得到简谐稳态水平振动下土层复阻抗动力响应的解析解。将该解与等效单相解以及单相解进行了对比,并阐明各解之间的关系,指出可等效成等效单相解的条件。通过参数分析,剖析了渗透系数、桩土模量比和桩长径比对土层阻抗的影响。  相似文献   

Inversion of self-potential anomaly for 2-D inclined sheets of infinite horizontal extent has been studied. Least-square inversion and very fast simulated annealing global optimization has been used to model the five parameters of self potential anomaly. The method of least square and very fast simulated annealing global optimization method is compared and analyzed. Very fast simulated annealing can model the noisy and field data of self potential anomaly very precisely than linear inversion technique. However, time taken by very fast simulated annealing inversion is larger than linearized inversion. The comparative analysis has been done on synthetic data (noise free and noisy) and two field data from Bavarian woods anomaly, Germany and Surda anomaly, India to show the efficacy of both the methods. The estimated parameters were compared with those from previous studies using various global optimization algorithms, mainly neural network, genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization on the same field data sets. It can be concluded that the global optimization algorithms considered in this study were able to yield compatible solutions with those from least-square methods. The present global optimization method is in good agreement with the other global optimization methods in terms of results and computation time.  相似文献   

This study derives analytical solutions for estimating the lateral stress caused by horizontal and vertical surcharge strip loads resting on a cross‐anisotropic backfill. The following loading types are employed in this work: point load, line load, uniform strip load, upward linear‐varying strip load, upward nonlinear‐varying strip load, downward linear‐varying strip load and downward nonlinear‐varying strip load. The cross‐anisotropic planes are assumed to be parallel to the horizontal surface of the backfill. The solutions proposed herein have never been mentioned in previous literature, but can be derived by integrating the point load solution in a Cartesian co‐ordinate system for a cross‐anisotropic medium. The calculations by the presented solutions are quick and accurate since they are concise and systematized. Additionally, the proposed calculations demonstrate that the type and degree of material anisotropy and the horizontal/vertical loading types decisively influence the lateral stress. This investigation presents examples of the proposed horizontal and vertical strip loads acting on the surface of the isotropic and cross‐anisotropic backfills to elucidate their effects on the stress. The analytical results reveal that the stress distributions accounting for soil anisotropy and loading types are quite different from those computed from the available isotropic solutions. Restated, the derived solutions, as well as realistically simulating the actual surcharge loading circumstances, provide a good reference for the design of retaining structures for the backfill materials are cross‐anisotropic. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

均匀半无限体中表面源激发近表面波场由瑞利波主导,当浅部存在异质体,前行瑞利波发生散射,异质体周围表面波场响应谱发生变化。当异质体长度相对波长较大时,由异质体上方表面质点响应谱提取绕射波频散曲线可分析异质体与周围介质刚度差异对绕射波传播特性的影响。与含软层或硬层半无限体中瑞利波特性比较,可以发现绕射波具有与瑞利波类似的传播特性。异质体上方谱变化特征与异质体和周围介质间刚度差异有关,本研究基于异质体绕射波与入射瑞利波位移结构差异解释谱变化现象。结果表明:异质体上方谱与周围谱明显不同,在偏移距−波长域,相对于前方波场,软质体上方谱密度整体呈减弱趋势,硬质体上方谱密度整体呈增强趋势。根据谱密度变化对应偏移距、波长及谱密度强弱,可以预估异质体在传播方向的位置、埋深,并识别异质体类型。  相似文献   

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