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张超  李国强 《地震学刊》2012,(Z1):68-71
利用火灾动力学模拟软件FDS,模拟了大空间火灾作用下裸露钢梁及钢柱的升温情况。介绍了绝缘表面温度法的基本原理。通过对FDS模拟得到的钢构件不同位置处的绝缘表面温度与周围气体温度的比较,显示了大空间火灾中火焰辐射对钢构件不同部位升温计算的影响,并据此对大空间火灾作用下钢构件升温计算中入射热的计算问题给出了建议。  相似文献   

闵维 《地震学刊》2012,(Z1):103-108
钢结构是现代建筑工程中较普遍的结构形式之一,具备重量轻、机械性能好、可承受较大的荷载及制作和安装机械化程度高的特点。随着城市规模的发展,钢结构在我国建筑业具有非常广阔的应用前景。但由于其自身抗火能力差,在火灾高温作用下,其力学性能如屈服强度、弹性模量等会随温度升高而降低,一般在15min左右即丧失承重能力而垮塌,需采取保护措施使其温度不超过临界点才能在火灾中保持稳定性。涂敷钢结构防火涂料,施工简单、重量轻、耐火时间长且不受钢结构几何形状的制约,具有良好的经济性和实用性。随着环保意识的增强,国内外越来越多的建筑提倡绿色环保理念,参与三星或LEED认证体系的评级认证。水性膨胀型防火涂料凭借其优异的环保、施工安全和防火性能,开始逐渐受到众多业主和设计师的青睐。本文从防火原理、技术特点、防火领域的国内外认证、施工和质量管理的角度,浅谈水性膨胀型防火涂料的性能和发展现状,同时也讨论了目前防火涂料存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

通过对已有多孔材料导热系数计算模型的总结和分析,提出了湿热老化后膨胀型钢结构防火涂层导热系数的计算模型。为考察该模型的计算精度,进行了湿热老化试验及隔热性能试验,测量涂层膨胀倍率、炭化层泡孔尺寸和钢板温度等数据。结果显示,湿热老化后炭化层泡孔尺寸增大导致涂层导热系数增大,隔热性能下降,钢板温度上升。利用本文试验测量数据(泡孔尺寸)计算炭化层导热系数,再根据炭化层导热系数的数值计算结果分析钢板温度,并将钢板温度的计算结果与试验结果进行对比,两者吻合良好,验证了膨胀型防火涂层导热系数计算模型的适用性。  相似文献   

表面设置防火涂料高强混凝土柱的耐火极限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前期试验表明,表面设置厚度20 mm的某非膨胀型防火涂料可较好地抑制高强混凝土的高温爆裂。本文通过试验反算给出了该涂料对应不同温度区间的平均导温系数;随后,利用结构抗火分析软件SAFIR对表面设置该涂料的高强混凝土柱的耐火极限进行了计算分析,考察了截面尺寸、轴压比、荷栽偏心率及配筋率等因素的影响,在此基础上提出了相应的高强混凝土柱耐火极限实用计算公式。研究结果表明:①该涂料的平均导温系数随温度升高有所降低;②表面设置厚度20 mm的该涂料可明显提高高强混凝土柱的耐火极限,提高幅度达40%~350%。  相似文献   

陈素娜  姚斌  易蕾 《地震学刊》2012,(2):223-229
火灾时的大空间单跨门式刚架结构抗火性能,受钢构件温升和结构整体抗火临界温度的影响。本文通过对无保护大空间建筑钢构件温升数据的统计分析,获得包含火源功率、建筑体积、钢构件截面形状系数的钢构件温升拟合公式;结合单跨门式刚架结构整体抗火临界温度数据的统计分析,获得包含荷载比、柱高和系数K的结构整体抗火临界温度拟合公式;通过分析上述因素对钢构件温度变化率及抗火临界温度变化率的影响,获得各个因素的客观权重值,并应用于具体案例的结构安全分析。结果表明,在本文的研究条件下,荷载比权重值最大,约为0.4;火源功率是仅次于荷载比的一个重要因素;建筑体积、截面形状系数和系数K三者都在其自身值较小时,权重值较大,且都随着其自身值的增加,权重值降低。本研究可供无保护门式刚架结构建筑的抗火设计、火灾风险评估和消防管理作参考。  相似文献   

目前,厚型防火涂料高温导热系数的取值尚不清楚,因而无法准确地对厚型防火涂料保护的结构进行抗火理论分析和设计。针对这一问题,本研究将厚型防火涂料视为主要由粘结基料和隔热骨料所组成的复合物,利用并联和串联2种计算模型,分别建立了厚型防火涂料的高温导热系数计算公式;采用得到的高温导热系数值进行温度场分析,并将计算值与实测值进行对比。结果表明,利用并联模型公式得到的厚型防火涂料高温导热系数取值最为合理。据此,给出了确定厚型防火涂料高温导热系数的实用方法,为解决厚型防火涂料高温导热系数的取值问题提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

通过对我国建筑结构用钢在拉伸和压缩两种方式下的恒载升温试验,进行了5次受拉试件和2次受压试件的对比研究,根据试验中材料的各自变形规律,对其破坏机理进行了理论分析;从材料屈服的定义出发,给出了恒载升温拉伸试验中的参数(对应温度下的临界荷载水平),并与恒载升温压缩试验中的参数项进行了对比,指出受压构件和受拉构件的高温屈服强度是不同的,因此在钢结构建筑的耐火设计中应分别取不同的安全系数。  相似文献   

对多种墙体保温材料、多种不同构造组成的保温系统进行了多项室内外防火性能试验。两面墙体外保温系统分别为胶粉聚苯颗粒贴砌聚苯板和聚苯板薄抹灰系统。以保温系统的外饰面(涂料饰面和面砖饰面)为例,阐述了保温系统的防火试验方法。通过对试验测试数据的处理,得出了保温系统温度和温度场的变化规律。揭示了保温系统在火灾试验的过程中,两种墙体的保温系统在火灾作用下的燃烧速度和火势蔓延的范围。将温度及温度场变化规律和燃烧后保温系统的破损情况进行比较,得出本构造材料可提高保温系统的防火性能的结论。  相似文献   

为克服普通薄壁C型钢构件在宽厚比较大时滞回性能差的缺点,首先对具有相同宽厚比的C型钢和加劲C型钢压弯构件的滞回性能进行了比较,结果表明加劲可有效改善此类构件的滞回性能;然后对具有中间加劲的C型钢构件在压弯循环荷载下的滞回性能、变形情况以及破坏模式进行了深入分析;研究了加劲设置对构件性能的影响,得出了合理的加劲布置方式;最后采用延性系数对中间加劲薄壁C型钢构件的抗震性能进行了评价,给出了设计建议。  相似文献   

李国强  陈琛 《地震学刊》2012,(1):105-110
在火灾条件下,约束钢柱轴力由于升温而增加,会导致在较低的温度下发生屈曲;但屈曲后,钢柱的轴向温度膨胀得到释放,轴力下降,因此屈曲后钢柱仍能继续承栽。本文通过计算长度系数将转动约束钢柱转换为铰支钢柱,给出了一种轴向约束钢柱在火灾升温条件下的临界温度的简化计算方法——轴力放大系数设计方法。此法通过轴力放大系数将轴向约束钢柱转化为无约束钢柱,再按无约束钢柱计算得到钢柱的临界温度。用验证过的有限元模型对简化计算方法进行了验证,计算结果表明简化方法吻合较好。  相似文献   

ISO-834标准火灾作用后钢管混凝土的轴压刚度和抗弯刚度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
火灾后钢管混凝土的轴压刚度和抗弯刚度是钢管混凝土结构变形性能和抗震分析的重要指标,也是火灾后钢管混凝土修复和加固的重要依据之一,本文利用数值方法计算了标准火灾作用后钢管混凝土轴压构件和纯弯构件荷载-变形关系曲线,分析了受火时间、材料强度、含钢率、截面尺寸等因素的影响规律,最后推导了标准火灾作用后钢管混凝土轴压刚度和抗弯刚度的简化计算公式,所得结果可供有关钢管混凝土结构工程设计时参考。  相似文献   

Thermal histories of chondrite parent bodies are calculated from an initial state with material in a powder-like form, taking into account the effect of consolidation state on thermal conductivity. The very low thermal conductivity of the starting materials makes it possible for a small body with a radius of less than 100 km to be heated by several hundred degrees even if long-lived radioactive elements in chondritic abundances are the only source of heat. The maximum temperature is determined primarily by the temperature at which sintering of the constituent materials occurs. The thermal state of the interior of a chondrite parent body after sintering has begun is nearly isothermal. Near the surface, however, where the material is unconsolidated and the thermal conductivity is much lower, the thermal gradient is quite large. This result contradicts the conventional “onion-shell” model of chondrite parent bodies. But because the internal temperature is almost constant through the whole body, it supports a “multiple-parent bodies” model, according to which each petrologic type of chondrite comes from a different parent body.  相似文献   

吴波  冯玮  文波 《地震学刊》2012,(1):38-44
火灾作用下混凝土构件的承载能力总体不断下降且具有明显随机性,采用抗火可靠指标可较好地评估构件的火灾安全性。本文针对混凝土轴压柱的高温承载能力极限状态,考虑材料强度变异性导致的柱高温极限承栽力的随机性,以及高温下柱荷栽效应组合的随机性,采用JC法计算给出了ISO834标准升温曲线作用下不同受火时间对应的柱抗火可靠指标,讨论了主要参数对该可靠指标的影响规律;并根据我国现行建筑防火规范,通过分析和参照对比,初步提出了混凝土轴压柱抗火可靠指标的目标建议值。研究认为:(1)截面尺寸越小,柱抗火可靠指标随受火时间增加而下降的速率越快;(2)现行规范给出的截面(200×200)mm、(240×240)mm、(300×300)mm 3种柱在各自耐火极限时刻的抗火可靠指标较为接近,但截面(370×370)mm柱的抗火可靠指标却明显偏低;(3)混凝土轴压柱的目标抗火可靠指标建议取为1.6。  相似文献   

本文采用有限元方法研究含湿孔隙岩石的有效热导率,即随机划分网格并指定材料性质,建立三维含湿孔隙岩石的有限元模型,模型的上下表面施加不同的温度,侧面绝热,计算出总热流,然后结合上下表面的温度梯度计算出岩石的有效热导率.考虑到单个随机模型不一定具有代表性,对给定的孔隙率和饱和度均生成了200种矿物、水、空气随机分布的岩石模型,进行Monte Carlo实验和统计分析,统计分析结果与前人实验结果吻合良好.数值分析结果表明,孔隙岩石的有效热导率与岩石的孔隙率、饱和度、固体矿物组分及孔隙的分布情况有关,数值计算的误差随着网格数目的增加而减小.此有限元方法可以用来估算岩石的有效热导率,在已知组分性质的多矿物岩石物性计算方面有广阔应用前景.  相似文献   

厚型钢结构防火涂层因其耐火性好、性能稳定而成为最常用的防火保护形式之一,但厚型防火涂层易在地震和冲击等作用下发生破损和脱落,这将影响钢结构的抗火性能。为了认识厚型钢结构防火涂层的破损模式,本文对涂有厚型防火涂料的钢板件进行了纯弯荷载试验,运用有限元分析软件AN SY S对试验全过程进行了模拟分析,并与试验结果相对比。结果表明:受弯构件压区涂层的破损模式主要为涂层-钢板界面破损,拉区涂层的破损模式与涂层厚度有关,当涂层厚度较薄时,主要为涂层内部拉裂,涂层厚度较厚时,主要为涂层-钢板界面破损;涂层厚度越厚,界面破损出现得越早;若在涂层上贴置应变片,会使涂层的界面裂缝和横向裂缝提早出现。  相似文献   

Active lava tubes have much higher temperatures than the surrounding rocks. Any change in the tube temperature produces a change in the temperature distribution in the rocks and induces a thermoelastic deformation in them. We calculate such a deformation by solving the equilibrium equation of linear thermoelasticity. We assume that the initial temperature distribution in the medium is the steady-state solution of the heat equation for a very long cylindrical tube at constant temperature, embedded in a medium with uniform thermal conductivity. We calculate the displacement and stress fields in the medium following to a temperature change of the tube. A temperature increase produces a dilatation of the medium and a contraction of the tube, while a temperature decrease produces the opposite effect. For a temperature change equal to 100 K, thermal stresses in the order of 10 MPa are produced, which are large enough to fracture the rocks surrounding the tube.  相似文献   

In this paper we present thermal characteristics of coal fires as measured during simulated fires under an experimental setting in Germany in July 2002. It is thus a continuation of the previously published paper “Thermal surface characteristics of coal fire 1: Results of in-situ measurement”, in which we presented temperature measurements of real subsurface coal fires in China [Zhang, J., Kuenzer, C., accepted for publication. Thermal Surface Characteristics of Coal Fires 1: Results of in-situ measurements. Accepted for publication at Journal of Applied Geophysics.]. The focus is on simulated coal fires, which are less complex in nature than fires under natural conditions. In the present study we simulated all the influences usually occurring under natural conditions in a controllable manner (uniform background material of known thermal properties, known ventilation pathways, homogeneous coal substrate), creating two artificial outdoor coal fires under simplified settings. One surface coal fire and one subsurface coal fire were observed over the course of 2 days. The set up of the fires allowed for measurements not always feasible under “real” in-situ conditions: thus compared to the in-situ investigations presented in paper one we could retrieve numerous temperature measurements inside of the fires. Single temperature measurements, diurnal profiles and airborne thermal surveying present the typical temperature patterns of a small surface-and a subsurface fire under undisturbed conditions (easily accessible terrain, 24 hour measurements period, homogeneous materials). We found that the outside air temperature does not influence the fire's surface temperature (up to 900 °C), while fire centre temperatures of up to 1200 °C strongly correlate with surface temperatures of the fire. The fires could heat their surrounding up to a distance of 4.5 m. However, thermal anomalies on the background surface only persist as long as the fire is burning and disappear very fast if the heat source is removed. Furthermore, heat outside of the fires is transported mainly by convection and not by radiation. In spatial thermal line scanner data the diurnal thermal patterns of the coal fire are clearly represented. Our experiments during that data collection also visualize the thermal anomaly differences between covered (underground) and uncovered (surface) coal fires. The latter could not be observed in-situ in a real coal fire area. Sub-surface coal fires express a much weaker signal than open surface fires and contrast only by few degrees against the background. In airborne thermal imaging scanner data the fires are also well represented. Here we could show that the mid-infrared domain (3.8 μm) is more suitable to pick up very hot anomalies, compared to the common thermal (8.8 μm) domain. Our results help to understand coal fires and their thermal patterns as well as the limitations occurring during their analysis. We believe that the results presented here can practicably help for the planning of coal fire thermal mapping campaigns — including remote sensing methods and the thermal data can be included into numerical coal fire modelling as initial or boundary conditions.  相似文献   

为了分析受火后混凝土框架结构的残余力学性能,基于纤维模型的思路,将梁、柱构件截面划分成多个纤维,可以考虑构件截面的不均匀温度场分布以及受火损伤后材料力学性能的变化。以ABAQUS通用有限元软件为开发平台,利用Python编程语言对其进行二次开发,将SAP2000建立的模型文件导入到ABAQUS中,对基于纤维模型的混凝土框架进行受火后的温度场分析和非线性力学分析。通过一个多层多跨三维混凝土框架火灾反应的实例,对该框架在受火后的力学反应进行了分析,可为评估混凝土框架结构受火后的残余力学性能提供参考。  相似文献   

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