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Initial perturbation scheme is one of the important problems for ensemble prediction. In this paper, ensemble initial perturbation scheme for Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) global ensemble prediction is developed in terms of the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) method.A new GRAPES global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) is also constructed. The spherical simplex 14-member ensemble prediction experiments, using the simulated observation network and error characteristics of simulated observations and innovation-based in ation, are carried out for about two months. The structure characters and perturbation amplitudes of the ETKF initial perturbations and the perturbation growth characters are analyzed, and their qualities and abilities for the ensemble initial perturbations are given. The preliminary experimental results indicate that the ETKF-based GRAPES ensemble initial perturbations could identify main normal structures of analysis error variance and reflect the perturbation amplitudes.The initial perturbations and the spread are reasonable. The initial perturbation variance, which is approximately equal to the forecast error variance, is found to respond to changes in the observational spatial variations with simulated observational network density. The perturbations generated through the simplex method are also shown to exhibit a very high degree of consistency between initial analysis and short-range forecast perturbations. The appropriate growth and spread of ensemble perturbations can be maintained up to 96-h lead time. The statistical results for 52-day ensemble forecasts show that the forecast scores ofensemble average for the Northern Hemisphere are higher than that of the control forecast. Provided that using more ensemble members, a real-time observational network and a more appropriate inflation factor,better effects of the ETKF-based initial scheme should be shown.  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波数据同化在一维波动方程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
费剑锋  韩月琪 《气象科技》2005,33(2):109-114119
简要回顾了集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF:Ensemble Kalman Filter)数据同化方法的发展历史,并介绍了EnKF数据同化方法的基本原理,利用一维非线性波动方程进行了数值试验。EnKF数据同化方法的实现过程简单可行。避免了EKF中协方差演变方程预报过程中出现的计算不准确和关于协方差矩阵的大量数据的存储问题,最主要的是EnKF可以有效控制模式变量估计误差方差的增长,改善预报效果。  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼平滑和集合卡尔曼滤波在污染源反演中的应用   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7  
朱江  汪萍 《大气科学》2006,30(5):871-882
此文目的是讨论污染源反演问题的统计方法.基于Bayes估计理论,该文将资料同化中的集合平滑、集合卡尔曼平滑和集合卡尔曼滤波应用在污染源反演问题中.在详细给出污染源反演的集合平滑、集合卡尔曼平滑和集合卡尔曼滤波的严格数学表达后,用一个简单的模型演示了集合卡尔曼平滑和集合卡尔曼滤波在污染源反演中的可行性,并且通过对比理想试验结果比较了集合卡尔曼平滑和集合卡尔曼滤波方法在反演污染源排放的效果,讨论了观测误差和污染源先验误差估计对反演结果的影响.试验结果表明在观测间隔小和观测误差小的情况下,集合卡尔曼滤波和集合卡尔曼平滑都可以有效地反演出随时间变化的污染源排放.当观测误差增大时,集合卡尔曼滤波和集合卡尔曼平滑的反演效果都有一定降低,但是反演误差的增加少于观测误差的增加,同时集合卡尔曼平滑(Ensemble Kalman smoother,简称EnKS)对观测误差比集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman filter,简称EnKF)更为敏感.当观测时间间隔较大时,EnKF不能对没有观测时的污染源排放进行估计,仅能对有观测时的污染源排放进行较好的反演.而EnKS可以利用观测对观测时刻前的污染源排放进行反演,因此其效果明显好于EnKF,并且在观测时间间隔较大的情况下依然可以较好地反演出污染源排放.试验结果还显示污染源排放的先验误差估计对反演的结果有较大影响.  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波同化多普勒雷达资料的数值试验   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
利用集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)在云数值模式中同化模拟多普勒雷达资料,并考察了不同条件下EnKF同化方法的性能.结果显示,经过几个同化周期后,EnKF分析结果非常接近真值.单多普勒雷达资料EnKF同化对雷达位置不太敏感,双雷达资料同化结果在同化的初期阶段比单雷达资料同化结果准确.同化由反射率导出的雨水比直接同化反射率资料更有效,联合同化径向速度和雨水有利于提高同化分析效果.协方差对EnKF同化效果起着非常重要的作用,考虑模式全部预报变量与径向速度协方差的同化效果比仅考虑速度场与径向速度协方差的同化效果好.雷达资料缺值降低了同化效果,此时增加地面常规观测资料的同化可以明显提高同化分析效果.EnKF同化技术对雷达观测资料误差不太敏感.初始集合对同化分析有较大影响.EnKF同化受集合大小和观测资料影响半径.同化对模式误差较敏感.利用EnKF同化双多普勒雷达资料,分析了一次梅雨锋暴雨过程的中尺度结构.结果表明,EnKF同化技术能够从双多普勒雷达资料反演暴雨中尺度系统的动力场、热力场和微物理场,反演的风场是较准确的,反演的热力场和微物理场分布也是基本合理的.中低层切变线是此次暴雨的主要动力特征,对流云表现为低层辐合、高层辐散并有垂直上升运动伴随,其热力特征表现为低层是低压区,高层为高压区,中部为暖区而上、下部为冷区,水汽、云水和雨水分别集中在对流云体内、上升气流区和强回波区.  相似文献   

This study examines the performance of coupling the deterministic four-dimensional variational assimilation system (4DVAR) with an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) to produce a superior hybrid approach for data assimilation. The coupled assimilation scheme (E4DVAR) benefits from using the state-dependent uncertainty provided by EnKF while taking advantage of 4DVAR in preventing filter divergence: the 4DVAR analysis produces posterior maximum likelihood solutions through minimization of a cost function about which the ensemble perturbations are transformed, and the resulting ensemble analysis can be propagated forward both for the next assimilation cycle and as a basis for ensemble forecasting. The feasibility and effectiveness of this coupled approach are demonstrated in an idealized model with simulated observations. It is found that the E4DVAR is capable of outperforming both 4DVAR and the EnKF under both perfect- and imperfect-model scenarios. The performance of the coupled scheme is also less sensitive to either the ensemble size or the assimilation window length than those for standard EnKF or 4DVAR implementations.  相似文献   

张涵斌  陈静  汪娇阳  董颜 《大气科学》2020,44(1):197-210
目前国家气象中心业务GRAPES区域集合预报系统中集合变换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)方法采用的是模拟观测信息,为进一步完善ETKF方法,拟对ETKF初值扰动通过引入真实探空观测资料,使扰动场能够代表真实观测的不确定信息,改善区域集合预报技巧。真实观测资料的引入会使得每日的观测数目和分布发生变化,这对ETKF方法而言可能会引起扰动振幅的不稳定,因此在引入真实观测资料的基础上设计了新的扰动振幅调节因子,通过格点空间中离散度和均方根误差关系来对初值扰动振幅进行自适应调整。从初值扰动结构、概率预报技巧以及降水预报效果等方面对比分析了基于模拟观测、真实观测以及真实观测结合新型调节因子的ETKF方案的差异,结果表明:真实探空资料能够有效应用于GRAPES区域集合预报系统中,真实观测资料与模拟观测资料相比较为稀疏,可以获得更大量级的初值扰动振幅;真实观测资料有助于提高区域集合的离散度,但对集合预报准确度以及概率预报结果的提高有限,对于降水预报效果提高也有限;新型的扰动振幅调节因子可以有效获得稳定的初值扰动振幅,并保持ETKF扰动结构,真实观测资料与扰动振幅自适应调节因子相结合,可以有效提高区域集合的概率预报结果,并有效提高降水预报效果。  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波同化多普勒雷达资料的观测系统模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
秦琰琰  龚建东  李泽椿 《气象》2012,38(5):513-525
本文将集合卡尔曼滤波同化技术应用到对流尺度系统中,实施了基于WRF模式的同化单部多普勒雷达径向风和反射率因子的观测系统模拟试验,验证了其在对流尺度中应用的可行性和有效性,并对同化系统的特性进行了探讨。试验表明:WRF-EnKF雷达资料同化系统能较准确分析模式风暴的流场、热力场、微物理量场的细致特征;几乎所有变量的预报和分析误差经过同化循环后都能显著下降,同化分析基本上能使预报场在各层上都有所改进,对预报场误差较大层次的更正更为显著;约8个同化循环后,EnKF能在雷达反射率、径向风观测与背景场间建立较可靠的相关关系,使模式各变量场能被准确分析更新,背景场误差协方差在水平方向和垂直方向都有着复杂的结构,是高度非均匀、各项异性和流依赖的;集合平均分析场做的确定性预报在短时间内能较好保持真值场风暴的细节结构,但预报误差增长较快。  相似文献   

基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋路径集合预报研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
构建了一个基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋集合预报系统,通过积云参数化方案和边界层参数化方案的9个不同组合,采用MM5模式进行了不同时间的短时预报。对预报结果使用“镜像法”得到18个初始成员,为同化提供初始背景集合。将人造台风作为观测场,同化后的结果作为集合预报的初值,通过不同参数组合的MM5模式进行集合预报。对2003~2004年16个台风个例的分析表明,初始成员产生方法能够对热带气旋的要素场、中心强度和位置进行合理扰动。同化结果使台风强度得到加强,结构更接近实际。基于同化的集合路径预报结果要优于未同化的集合预报。使用“镜像法”增加集合成员提高了预报准确度,路径预报误差在48小时和72小时分别低于200 km和250 km。  相似文献   

聂肃平  朱江  罗勇 《大气科学》2010,34(3):580-590
本文主要目的是探讨不同模式误差方案在土壤湿度同化中的性能。基于集合Kalman滤波同化方法和AVIM (Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model) 陆面模式, 利用理想试验对膨胀因子方案 (Covariance Inflation, 简称CI)、 直接随机扰动方案 (Direct Random Disturbance, 简称DRD)、 误差源扰动方案 (Source Random Disturbance, 简称SRD) 等3种模式误差方案的同化效果进行了比较, 讨论了各方案在不同观测误差、 观测层数、 观测间隔情况下的同化性能。试验结果表明在观测误差估计完全准确的情况下, 3种方案都能获得较好的同化效果, 并且SRD方案相对于真值的均方根误差最小。当观测误差估计不准确时, SRD方案的同化效果仍能基本得以保持, 而CI和DRD方案则对观测误差估计更为敏感, 同化效果下降明显。当同化多层观测时, CI和DRD方案由于难以保持不同层观测之间的匹配关系, 同化结果反而变差, 而SRD方案能有效协调同化多层观测, 增加观测层后同化结果有了进一步的改善。当观测时间间隔较大时, CI和DRD方案的同化效果显著下降; 而SRD方案由于包含了一定的误差订正功能, 在观测稀疏时仍能保持较好的同化效果。  相似文献   

Extending an earlier study, the best track minimum sea level pressure (MSLP) data are assimilated for landfalling Hurricane Ike (2008) using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), in addition to data from two coastal ground-based Doppler radars, at a 4-km grid spacing. Treated as a sea level pressure observation, the MSLP assimilation by the EnKF enhances the hurricane warm core structure and results in a stronger and deeper analyzed vortex than that in the GFS (Global Forecast System) analysis; it also improves the subsequent 18-h hurricane intensity and track forecasts. With a 2-h total assimilation window length, the assimilation of MSLP data interpolated to 10-min intervals results in more balanced analyses with smaller subsequent forecast error growth and better intensity and track forecasts than when the data are assimilated every 60 minutes. Radar data are always assimilated at 10-min intervals. For both intensity and track forecasts, assimilating MSLP only outperforms assimilating radar reflectivity (Z) only. For intensity forecast, assimilating MSLP at 10-min intervals outperforms radar radial wind (Vr) data (assimilated at 10-min intervals), but assimilating MSLP at 60-min intervals fails to beat Vr data. For track forecast, MSLP assimilation has a slightly (noticeably) larger positive impact than Vr(Z) data. When Vr or Z is combined with MSLP, both intensity and track forecasts are improved more than the assimilation of individual observation type. When the total assimilation window length is reduced to 1h or less, the assimilation of MSLP alone even at 10-min intervals produces poorer 18-h intensity forecasts than assimilating Vr only, indicating that many assimilation cycles are needed to establish balanced analyses when MSLP data alone are assimilated; this is due to the very limited pieces of information that MSLP data provide.  相似文献   

An hourly-cycling ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) working at 2.5?km horizontal grid spacing is implemented over southern Ontario (Canada) to assimilate Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METARs) in addition to the observations assimilated operationally at the Canadian Meteorological Centre. This high-resolution EnKF (HREnKF) system employs ensemble land analyses and perturbed roughness length to prevent an ensemble spread that is too small near the surface. The HREnKF then performs continuously for a four-day period, from which twelve-hour ensemble forecasts are launched every six hours. The impact on analyses and short-term forecasts of assimilating METAR data is given special attention.

It is shown that using ensemble land surface analyses increases near-surface ensemble spreads for temperature and specific humidity. Perturbing roughness length enlarges the spread for surface wind. Given sufficient ensemble spread, the four-day case study shows that the near-surface model state is brought closer to surface observations during the cycling process. The impact of assimilating surface data can also be seen at higher levels by using aircraft reports for verification. The ensemble forecast verification suggests that METAR data assimilation improves ensemble forecasts of air temperature and dewpoint near the surface up to a lead time of six hours or even longer. However, only minor improvement is found in surface wind forecasts.  相似文献   

兰伟仁  朱江  Ming XUE 《大气科学》2010,34(3):640-652
本文在假定模式无偏差的情况下, 利用一次风暴过程的模拟多普勒雷达资料进行一系列风暴天气尺度的集合卡尔曼滤波资料同化试验, 检验集合卡尔曼滤波在风暴天气尺度资料同化方面的效果, 并验证各集合卡尔曼滤波参数对同化效果的影响。试验结果表明, 集合卡尔曼滤波能有效地应用于风暴尺度的资料同化; 40个集合成员以及6 km的局地化尺度能较好地滤除采样误差造成的虚假相关, 同时可以将观测信息传递到无观测的模式格点; 利用背景场加上空间平滑的高斯型随机扰动生成初始成员的方式较未经过平滑的方式有更好的分析效果; 背景场扰动方法能够提高样本的离散度; 只同化反射率的同化试验表明, 反射率的同化效果较明显, 也证明了集合卡尔曼滤波在非常规资料同化中的作用; 增加径向风资料同化的效果优于只进行反射率同化的结果。  相似文献   

集合Kalman滤波用于数值试验有着坚实的理论基础.本文介绍了集合Kalman滤波理论及其技术实现, 在此基础上搭建了集合Kalman滤波同化系统, 用MM5模式同化了实测探空资料并作了48 h的预报试验, 并将预报结果与实测值及4D VAR同化的结果作了比较.试验结果表明: 集合Kalman滤波同化探空资料可以改进MM5模式的预报效果, 且集合Kalman滤波同化后模式的预报效果明显优于4D VAR同化后模式的预报效果.  相似文献   

多物理ETKF在暴雨集合预报中的初步应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
基于集合转换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)的初值扰动方法是目前集合预报领域热点方法之一,但应用在短期集合预报中仍存在离散度不够、误差较大等问题。考虑到在区域短期集合预报中,模式不确定性和边界不确定性的影响不能忽略,本文尝试在ETKF生成分析扰动的过程中,同时考虑初值不确定性、物理不确定性与边界不确定性,进而构建多初值、多物理、多边界ETKF集合,并以2010年9月30日到10月8日海南岛特大暴雨作为研究个例,对其在暴雨集合预报中的应用展开初步研究,重点分析多种物理参数化过程对预报结果的影响。结果表明,多物理过程的ETKF(多物理ETKF)和单物理过程的ETKF(单一ETKF)均优于对照预报,多物理ETKF优势更加明显,其均方根误差、离散度等指标均得到很好的改善;对于降水采用SAL方法进行检验,发现多物理ETKF对于降水位置的预报有明显的改善,对于特大暴雨的强度预报也略有改善。研究表明,在ETKF初值扰动中加入多种物理过程,可以有效改善短期集合的离散度,提高预报准确率,有良好的发展前景和应用潜力。  相似文献   

This study explores the use of the hierarchical ensemble filter to determine the localized influence of ob-servations in the Weather Research and Forecasting ensemble square root filtering (WRF-EnSRF) assimilation system. With error correlations between observations and background field state variables considered, the adaptive localization approach is applied to conduct a series of ideal storm-scale data assimilation experiments using simulated Doppler radar data. Comparisons between adaptive and empirical localization methods are made, and the feasibility of adaptive locali-zation for storm-scale ensemble Kalman filter assimilation is demonstrated. Unlike empirical localization, which relies on prior knowledge of distance between observations and background field, the hierarchical ensemble filter provides con-tinuously updating localization influence weights adaptively. The adaptive scheme improves assimilation quality during rapid storm development and enhances assimilation of reflectivity observations. The characteristics of both the observation type and the storm development stage should be considered when identifying the most appropriate localization method. Ultimately, combining empirical and adaptive methods can optimize assimilation quality.  相似文献   

Nonlinear measurement function in the ensemble Kalman filter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Youmin  TANG  Jaison  AMBANDAN  Dake  CHEN 《大气科学进展》2014,31(3):551-558
ABSTRACT The optimal Kalman gain was analyzed in a rigorous statistical framework. Emphasis was placed on a comprehensive understanding and interpretation of the current algorithm, especially when the measurement function is nonlinear. It is argued that when the measurement function is nonlinear, the current ensemble Kalman Filter algorithm seems to contain implicit assumptions: the forecast of the measurement function is unbiased or the nonlinear measurement function is linearized. While the forecast of the model state is assumed to be unbiased, the two assumptions are actually equivalent. On the above basis, we present two modified Kalman gain algorithms. Compared to the current Kalman gain algorithm, the modified ones remove the above assumptions, thereby leading to smaller estimated errors. This outcome was confirmed experimentally, in which we used the simple Lorenz 3-component model as the test-bed. It was found that in such a simple nonlinear dynamical system, the modified Kalman gain can perform better than the current one. However, the application of the modified schemes to realistic models involving nonlinear measurement functions needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

兰伟仁  朱江  Ming XUE 《大气科学》2010,34(4):737-753
文章的第I部分(兰伟仁等, 2010), 利用模拟雷达资料在假定模式无误差的情况下进行了一系列的集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)敏感性试验, 验证了EnKF方法在风暴尺度天气资料同化中的作用。本文继续探讨EnKF在有显著模式误差的情况下同化模拟多普勒雷达资料的效果问题。试验中假定模式误差主要来源于微物理过程参数化的不确定性。结果表明: 模式误差在不同程度上影响了EnKF分析的效果, 对微物理量的影响尤其明显; 在EnKF分析中, 利用微物理过程参数化集合的方法来考虑模式误差, 对速度场、 位温场以及比湿场有较明显的正作用, 但对于微物理量场分析效果较差; 若包含控制试验的微物理过程参数化方案, 则EnKF对所有变量都有正效果, 随着同化循环次数的增加, 分析结果更加合理; 只考虑冰相过程的微物理过程参数化方案的集合, 分析效果进一步提高。  相似文献   

集合卡尔曼滤波同化探空资料的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman Filter;EnKF)方法,同化了2005年7月一次暴雨过程的探空观测资料,并用非静力中尺度模式MM5进行数值模拟试验。结果表明:在理想模式的假设下,即假设真实模拟和所产生的集合用的是同一个模式并有相同的初始误差,EnKF方法同化的分析结果较好。如果不运用EnKF方法同化探空观测资料,则集合预报结果和不加扰动的单个数值预报结果都没有EnKF方法同化过的好。  相似文献   

利用ECMWF格点资料,设计了5种不同的预报因子选择方案,运用卡尔曼滤波方法制作1999年11月-2000年2月逐日14时温度预报,通过考察准确率,均方差,平均绝对误差,确定了最优因子选择方案。  相似文献   

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