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<正> 靖安县1994年被命名为全国科技兴林示范县以来,紧紧围绕着依靠科技进步,发展林业经济,大力推广科技成果和先进技术,加快成果转化步伐的总思路,构筑靖安林业,取得了较好成效。全县共实施科技项目31项,其中推广林业技术18项,开展林业调查研究与林产品开发8项,引进先进的林产品生产技术5项。有4项获部、省级科技进步奖,有  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,在国家林业局的大力支持下,我省各级林业部门以服务生产、服务基层、服务林农为中心,努力做好科技成果转化这篇大文章,走出了一条适合山东实际的林业科技成果转化的新路子,到目前,我省共组织各种类型的林业科技下乡3680多次,为2270万林农果农提供了直接或间接的服务,年增效益103亿元,每年为林农果农挽回损失近5亿元。“九五”期间林业科技成果转化率达到  相似文献   

<正> 高等学校是我国科技创新的重要阵地,也是“科教兴林”的强大生力军,这里人才密集、学科齐全、信息灵通,每年都有大量的新成果面世。加快高校科技成果转化,对于促进科技与经济的紧密结合,加速国民经济的健康快速发展具有十分重要的意义。本文结合河北农大近几年来林业科技成果转化实践,对高校林业科技成果转化创新机制做一探索。  相似文献   

<正> “十五”时期是我国全面进入社会主义现代化建设的新时期,也是林业现代化建设的关键时期,林业科技肩负艰巨的历史使命。基地是林业科学研究和技术推广的重要基础条件,也是林业产业化的重要方面。几年来,根据全省林业科技产业建设的总体规划,辽宁省林业厅厅直6个科研院所始终重视基地建  相似文献   

During 1993 advertised geography lectureships in British Universities reached unusually high levels, most probably due to major structural changes in tertiary education and the provision of funding attached to research ranking, superimposed on the general trends of increasing student numbers and an ageing academic population. As the research assessment exercise takes place every four years, and the new academic league tables have just been published, it is predicted that a similar surge in advertised lectureships will occur during 1997 and 1978. Research active New Zealand geographers are well placed to capitalise on this projected recruitment phase, which is likely to peak between April and July and again in November. Some specialist subjects within the discipline are in greater demand than others although their popularity may change over time. Many of the traditional obstacles that have in the past discouraged New Zealanders from targetting an academic position in Britain are now more perceived than real.  相似文献   

针对高二区域地理教学的困境,本文以世界地理复习为例,提出遵循化繁为简搭建支架、视角独特凸显特色、课堂内外互补延展的教学策略;为了让课堂充满新奇感、神秘感和期待感,提出了情景式、演讲式、导览式、阅读式等教学方式,力求区域地理课堂达到知识有用、思维有度、教育有魂、教学有效之境,努力提升区域地理教学的育人功能。  相似文献   

延津县农田投能与提高投能效率的途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延津县农田投能已达到我国中低产地区的农田投能水平,无机能投入已超过全国平均水平。畜力能投入高是该地区农田投能的特点,有机肥能投入低是该地区农田投能中存在的问题。通过适度规模经营、农田基本建设、精耕细作和合理轮作,可以提高农田投能效率。  相似文献   

<正> 一个国家林业的产业属性和社会公益属性的强弱,在较大程度上决定了该国林业科研的机构组成、人员配置和经费来源等系统运行的特征与差异。在市场经济条件下,多数林业发达国家的林业科研运行体系有两大特点,一是具有产业属性的林业科研活动多由公司等市场力量来主导,二是具有社会公益性属性的林业科研活动则主要由政府主导。就政府主导型的公益性林业科研活动而言,发达国家和发展中国家的主要差异表现  相似文献   


The temperature distribution at depth is a key variable when assessing the potential of a supercritical geothermal resource as well as a conventional geothermal resource. Data-driven estimation by a machine-learning approach is a promising way to estimate temperature distributions at depth in geothermal fields. In this study, we developed two methodologies—one based on Bayesian estimation and the other on neural networks—to estimate temperature distributions in geothermal fields. These methodologies can be used to supplement existing temperature logs, by estimating temperature distributions in unexplored regions of the subsurface, based on electrical resistivity data, observed geological/mineralogical boundaries, and microseismic observations. We evaluated the accuracy and characteristics of these methodologies using a numerical model of the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan, where a temperature above 500 °C was observed below a depth of about 3.7 km. When using geological and geophysical knowledge as prior information for the machine learning methods, the results demonstrate that the approaches can provide subsurface temperature estimates that are consistent with the temperature distribution given by the numerical model. Using a numerical model as a benchmark helps to understand the characteristics of the machine learning approaches and may help to identify ways of improving these methods.


地理学本科生科研训练体系的构建与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学本科阶段是创新性人才培养的关键时期。北京师范大学地理学基地一直在努力探索本科生早期科研训练的机制、模式与途径,以研究性教学和教学科研互动的新理念,依托基地所拥有的国家、教育部和北京市重点实验室、国家一级重点学科、国家级科学研究和教学研究项目等丰富的科研资源和院士、长江学者、杰出青年基金获得者、教学名师等高水平的首席导师+教学团队师资,建立并完善本科生科研立项制度,构建多学科平台、多元模式、多阶段的阶段-学科-能力三维体系的因材施教的科研训练体系。  相似文献   

Approaches to improve the governance of social–ecological systems are difficult to define in situations where governance is weak, that is, involving limited interactions between the actors and weak management of natural resources. This article analyzes an action research process implemented in the Chaouia coastal region of Morocco, where weak governance of the social–ecological system led to a groundwater and agricultural crisis. A dialogue between local actors was set up with the aim of identifying strategies to address the crisis. First separately and then together, farmers’ groups and staff members of public organizations analyzed the existing situation, scenarios for the future of the area, and strategies to cope with the crisis. Contrary to the expectations of the participants, farmers and staff members of public organizations had productive discussions. This approach clarified how social learning can be achieved and governance improved in this situation of weak governance.  相似文献   

兰州南北两山生态环境脆弱,自然状态下无法达到城市发展的绿化要求,必须进行生态环境建设。针对生态环境建设的决策困境,提出构建“决策支持系统+专家知识”的决策支持模式。在详细阐述此决策支持模式的基础上,以兰州南北两山作为研究案例,建立了兰州南北两山生态环境建设决策支持系统,通过该系统的试验结果讨论,最终给出兰州南北两山生态环境建设的两项用水措施建议,即: ①在多年平均降雨量大于400 mm的区域进行人工集雨;②在多年平均降雨量小于400 mm的区域进行人工灌溉(灌溉量相当于200 mm降雨)。最后结合专家知识形成兰州南北两山生态环境建设规划图,供决策者参考。  相似文献   

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