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位于辽宁瓦房店温坨子的东岗断裂是一条隐伏断层 ,靠近该地区原曾选定的核电站场址。通过详细的野外地质工作 ,查明了该断裂的地理位置、几何形态 ,发现断裂带东延至尉屯就转向北去 ,并确定它没有与金州断裂相接。经系列探槽的开挖 ,断层构造岩及有关地层样品作绝对年龄测定 ,证明东岗断层错断了中更新世地层 ;但约 5万年以来断层的上覆地层没有被错断 ,因此认为东岗断层不是能动断层  相似文献   

对能动断层概念史的研究,可以揭示出能动断层的核心意义以及与活动断层的区别和联系。能动断层的鉴定以确定未来地表或近地表断层错断可能性为目的,与地震地面运动相比是一种不可设计的厂址评价要素。因此,在厂址适宜性评价中意义重大。  相似文献   

李坪  任金卫 《地震地质》2000,22(4):337-343
位于辽宁瓦房店温坨子的东岗断裂是一条隐伏断层,靠近该地区原曾选定的核电站场址,通过详细的野外地质工作,查明了该断裂的地理位置、几何形态,发现断裂带东延至尉屯就转向北去,并确定它没有与金州断裂相接。经系列探槽的开挖,断层构造岩及有关地层样吕作绝对年龄测定,证明东岗断层错断了中更新世地层;但约5万年以来断层的上覆地层没有被错断,因此认为东岗断层不是能动断层。  相似文献   

城市活动断层探测和断层活动性评价问题   总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据近年来城市活动断层探测与地震危险性评价的实际工作,归纳了探测工作中在地质地貌、地球化学和地球物理探测中存在的问题,针对性提出了相应的建议,以进一步推进这一工作  相似文献   

辽宁省瓦房店温坨子是东北地区第一个被选用的核电站厂址。但在厂址认定过程中对一些地震地质问题存在不同看法,为此,进行了一两年的深入研究。本文着重介绍了这个认定过程中的几个地震地质问题;针对这些问题进行的三方面的研究以及研究工作取得的认识。  相似文献   

李愿军 《地震地质》1993,15(4):359-363
提出并研究了能动断层与地表断层这两个概念的形成与基本含意,强调了在实际核工程厂址选择时所必须进行的调查内容与要求,并进一步研究了能动断层的鉴别标准问题  相似文献   

能动构造源及其在核动力工程选址中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能动构造源是源于能动断层的一个新概念,在核工程的厂址评价中有决定性作用,研究认为,能动构造源序判标志中的时间约定方法强调了以地质观测为主的综合判定法,明确规定了地震活动的鉴别中的作用。提出“晚更新世Q3(约10万年)以来”在我国具有特殊的活动构造意义,即喜马拉雅运行进入最活跃的时期波及全国并持续至今,能动构造源的判定在近场区以评价地表或近地表破裂为主,在远场区则是为了划分潜在震源区。  相似文献   

钟以章  张正曙 《中国地震》1993,9(4):364-372
本文在综合地质、地貌、地形变、地震、物探和年代测定等资料的基础上,对东岗断裂的活动性进行了全面分析。所得结果表明,东岗断裂性在中更新世时期有过两期活动,但自晚更新世(10万年)以来没有活动,故可鉴定为非能动性断裂。  相似文献   

潘华  张晓东 《地震地质》1993,15(4):369-374
从起算震级的定义出发,在分析其确定依据的基础上,结合实际震例,指出起算震级与工程场地地震危险性评价所关心的最小震级是两个不同的概念,起算震级可以取为4.0,但是,最小震级可能会是更小的震级,因此,对核电厂这类具特殊安全性要求的设施,以起算震级4.0代替最小震级,是偏于不安全的  相似文献   

海啸及其在核电厂选址中的安全评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王健  时振梁 《地震地质》1993,15(4):364-368
海啸大小的量度应包括关于海啸“源”处大小的描述,“源”处海啸的大小与地壳形变规模和方式有着直接的关系。在海啸与地震的关系中,除了地震震级外,强调了震源破裂方式这一因素。阐述了关于核电厂选址安全评价中历史资料的整理、分析,对未来海啸“源”的预测、海啸传播路径的调查和分析以及综合评价等4个方面进行了讨论  相似文献   

On the basis of ten-years major expecrience in investigation and evaluation of earthquakes in nuclear power plant siting in our country, the stage and content associated with investigation and evaluation are outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

汪素云 《地震地质》1993,15(4):389-394
通过对地震资料可靠性的分析,阐述了在核电厂厂址地震安全性评价中重新测定震源位置的必要性,提出了改善地震定位精度的途径,并且给出了通过重新定位改变地震活动图象的例证  相似文献   

时振梁  王健 《地震地质》1993,15(4):323-326
由于核电厂厂址选择对安全的要求严格和地震灾害极其复杂,在确定设计基准地震动时要求使用综合概率法、地震构造法和历史地震法。特殊的地震烈度衰减关系和烈度异常说明在核电厂选址中,必须考虑历史地震特殊情况重复的可能性,强调了历史地震法结果也有可能成为3种方法中的最大值  相似文献   

抽水蓄能电站建于基岩中。文中运用变形岩石显微构造分析方法和同位素年龄测定法重点分析测试了场区三个主要断层—F_(7012)、F_1和F_9中的断层岩和方解石脉。测试结果得出三条断层都有多期活动,早期活动相当强烈,并在规模较大的F_1断层上发现有古地震遗迹,后来断层活动的强度逐斩衰减。F_(7012)断层最后一次较强烈活动的时代为距今20万年前左右,活动时的差应力约120MP,具有左旋滑动的性质,断层活动的上限时间为距今15万年前左右。  相似文献   

Starting from the 1980's of last century, China has launched the national plan of constructing nuclear power plants along the coastline region in eastern China. Currently, in some of these candidate sites, nuclear facilities have been installed and are in operation, but some other nuclear power plants are still under construction or in site evaluation. In 2012 the Atomic Energy Commission issued the specific guide for volcanic hazards in site evaluation for nuclear installations(IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-21), which was prepared under the IAEA's program for safety standards. It supplements and provides recommendations for meeting the requirements for nuclear installations established in the safety requirements publication on site evaluation for nuclear installations in relation to volcanic hazards. To satisfy the safety standards for volcanic hazard, we follow the IAEA SSG-21 guidelines and develop a simple and practical diffusion program in order to evaluate the potential volcanic hazard caused by tephra fallout from the explosive eruptions. In this practice, we carried out a case study of the active volcanoes in north Hainan Province so as to conduct the probabilistic analysis of the potential volcanic hazard in the surrounding region. The Quaternary volcanism in north Hainan Island, so-called Qiongbei volcanic field is characterized by multi periodic activity, in which the most recent eruption is dated at about 4 000a BP. According to IAEA SSG-21, a capable volcano is one for which both 1)a future eruption or related volcanic event is credible; and 2)such an event has the potential to produce phenomena that may affect a site. Therefore, the Qiongbei volcanic field is capable of producing hazardous phenomena that may reach the potential nuclear power plants around. The input parameters for the simulation of tephra fallout from the future eruption of the Qiongbei volcanic field, such as the size, density and shape of the tephra, the bulk volume and column height, the diffusion parameter P(z), wind direction and intensity, were obtained by field investigation and laboratory analysis. We carried out more than 10000 tephra fallout simulations using a statistical dataset of wind profiles which are obtained from China Meteorological Data Sharing Service System(CMDSSS). Tephra fallout hazard probability maps were constructed for tephra thickness threshold of 1cm. Our results show that the tephra produced by the future large-scale explosive eruption from the Qiongbei volcanic field can affect the area in a range about 250km away from the eruption center. In summary, the current key technical parameters related to volcanic activity and potential hazards in IAEA/SSG-21 guidelines, such as 10Ma volcanic life cycle and 1×10-7 volcanic disaster screening probability threshold, etc. are based on the volcanic activity characteristics in the volcanic island arc system. In consideration of the relatively low level of volcanic activity compared with volcanic island arc system due to the different tectonic background of volcanism in mainland China, the time scale of volcanic disaster assessment in IAEA SSG-21 guideline is relatively high for volcanoes in mainland China. We suggest that the study of "conceptual model" of volcanic activity should be strengthened in future work to prove that there is no credible potential for future eruptions, so that these volcanoes should be screened out at early stage instead of further evaluation by probabilistic model.  相似文献   

在对拟建的惠州钢铁厂址及平海、碧甲地区进行地震地质调查的基础上,论述了莲花山断裂带东南段在稔平半岛的展布方向、发育和组合规律以及(车免)近期以来的活动性,进而对该地区的地震危险性作出评估。  相似文献   

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