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Groundwater plays a key role in arid regions as the majority of water is supplied by it. Groundwater pollution is a major issue, because it is susceptible to contamination from land use and other anthropogenic impacts. A study was carried out to build a vulnerability map for the Ordos Plateau using the DRASTIC model in a GIS environment. The map was designed to show the areas of the highest potential for groundwater pollution based on hydrogeological conditions. Seven environmental parameters, such as depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, were incorporated into the DRASTIC model and GIS was used to create a groundwater vulnerability map by overlaying the available data. The results of this study show that 24.8 % of the study area has high pollution potential, 24.2 % has moderate pollution potential, 19.7 % has low pollution potential, and the remaining 31.3 % of the area has no risk of groundwater pollution. The regional distribution of nitrate is well correlated with the DRASTIC vulnerability index. In contrast to this, although the DRASTIC model indicated that the western part had no risk, nitrate concentrations were higher in some of these areas. In particular, higher nitrate concentrations were recorded along river valleys and around lakes, such as the Mulin River valley. This is mainly caused by the intensive agricultural development and favorable conditions for recharge along river valleys.  相似文献   

The area of Thal Doab is located in the Indus Basin and is underlain by a thick alluvial aquifer called the Thal Doab aquifer (TDA). The TDA is undergone intense hydrological stress owing to rapid population growth and excessive groundwater use for livestock and irrigated agricultural land uses. The potential impact of these land uses on groundwater quality was assessed using a DRASTIC model in a Geographic Information System environment. Seven DRASTIC thematic maps were developed at fixed scale and then combined into a groundwater vulnerability map. The resultant vulnerability index values were grouped into four zones as low, moderate, high and very high. The study has established that 76% of the land area that is underlain by the TDA has a high to very high vulnerability to groundwater contamination mainly because of a thin soil profile, a shallow water table and the presence of soils and sediments with high hydraulic conductivity values. In addition, only 2 and 22% of the total area lie in low and moderate vulnerability zones, respectively. The outcomes of this study can be used to improve the sustainability of the groundwater resource through proper land-use management.  相似文献   

The protection and preservation of groundwater resources are compulsory, particularly in the arid and semiarid countries where the waters are scarce. The effects of increasing urbanization, economic development, and agricultural activities, along with the erratic and scarce rainfall, contribute to the quantitative and qualitative deterioration of these resources. This paper attempts to produce groundwater vulnerability and risk maps for the Angad transboundary aquifer using DRASTIC model. The data which correspond to the seven parameters of the model were collected and converted to thematic maps in Geographic Information System environment. The modified DRASTIC map, which is the summation of the DRASTIC index and the network fractures maps, shows two degreed of vulnerability: medium and high. This map is then integrated with a land use map to assess the potential risk of groundwater to pollution in the Angad transboundary aquifer. There are three risk zones that are identified: moderate, high, and very high.  相似文献   

The existing different human activities and planned land uses put the groundwater resources in Jordan at considerable risk. There are evidences suggesting that the quality of groundwater supplies in north Jordan is under threat from a wide variety of point and non-point sources including agricultural, domestic, and industrial. Vulnerability maps are designed to show areas of greatest potential for groundwater contamination on the basis of hydrogeological conditions and human impacts. DRASTIC method incorporates the major geological and hydrogeological factors that affect and control groundwater movement: depth to groundwater (D), net recharge (R), lithology of the aquifer (A), soil texture (S), topography (T), lithology of vadose zone (I), and hydraulic conductivity (C). The main goal of this study is to produce vulnerability maps of groundwater resources in the Yarmouk River basin by applying the DRASTIC method to determine areas where groundwater protection or monitoring is critical. ArcGIS 9.2 was used to create the groundwater vulnerability maps by overlaying the available hydrogeological data. The resulting vulnerability maps were then integrated with lineament and land use maps as additional parameters in the DRASTIC model to assess more accurately the potential risk of groundwater to pollution. The general DRASTIC index indicates that the potential for polluting groundwater is low in the whole basin, whereas the resulting pesticide DRASTIC vulnerability map indicates that about 31% of the basin is classified as having moderate vulnerability, which may be attributed to agricultural activities in the area. Although high nitrate concentrations were found in areas of moderate vulnerability, DRASTIC method did not depict accurately the nitrate distribution in the area.  相似文献   

Three vulnerability index models were applied to assess the pollution potential of Nabeul-Hammamet shallow aquifer, Tunisia: DRASTIC, Pesticide DRASTIC and the Susceptibility Index (SI). An output map layer of each one was obtained using a geographic information system (GIS). The SI layer was overlain with DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC and the percentage areas of agreement and divergence in vulnerability categories were extracted. DRASTIC results suggest the aquifer has mostly low vulnerability. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI identify three vulnerability categories (low, moderate, high) in the aquifer. Published data on current chemical groundwater composition indicate that parts of the aquifer are highly contaminated, revealing that DRASTIC underestimates the risk of pollution; Pesticide DRASTIC and SI reflect this risk better. Agreement in vulnerability categories between the two last models is found for 64 % of the aquifer area. To help manage land-use allocation and prevent Nabeul-Hammamet-aquifer contamination, DRASTIC is not recommended. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI are recommended but for slightly different applications. SI helps in the monitoring of current vulnerable areas and, thus, in contamination prevention. Pesticide DRASTIC could better intervene as a criterion in a multi-criteria analysis to select the best sites for specific on-the-ground practice or future land use.  相似文献   

An aquifer vulnerability of the Benin Formation aquifer (Calabar, southern Nigeria) has been assessed using a combination of DRASTIC index and GIS technology. The assessment was necessitated by the fact that uncontrolled disposal of domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes have caused groundwater contamination. Therefore, prevention of contamination, monitoring and management of the aquifer was urgently required to increase the efficient use of the current water supplies. The DRASTIC method uses seven parameters (depth to groundwater table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, influence of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity), which were used to produce vulnerability maps. The drastic vulnerability index ranged between 124 and 170. The vulnerability map shows that the aquifer is highly vulnerable in southeastern parts of the area covering about 22 %. The medium vulnerability area covers about 56.8 % of Calabar extending from the southwest to northern parts. 21.2 % of the area covering the central and northern parts the area lies within the low vulnerability zone. The present industrial and activities are located in the eastern and western parts, which falls within the low-medium vulnerability areas. Documented nitrate concentration in hand-dug wells and boreholes are in agreement with vulnerability zones. Sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of each parameter between map layers such that subjectivity can be reduced to an extent and new weights computed for each DRASTIC parameter. As management options sensitive areas, especially in the southern parts of Calabar area, should be protected from future development.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeological and hydrochemical study was carried out in Yamuna-Krishni sub-basin which is a part of the vast central Ganga plain. Groundwater is the major source of water supply for agricultural, domestic and industrial uses. The excess use of groundwater has resulted in depletion of water levels. The groundwater quality, too, has deteriorated in areas dominated by industrial activity. This has led to the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map in relation to contamination. Groundwater vulnerability maps are valuable derivative maps that show, quantitatively or qualitatively, certain characteristics of the sub-surface environment that determine vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The modified DRASTIC method was used to prepare vulnerability map. The parameters like depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity and land use pattern, owing to its bearing on groundwater regime, were considered to prepare vulnerability map. The vulnerability index is computed as the sum of the products of weight and rating assigned to each of the input considered as above. The vulnerability index ranges from 140 to 180, and is classified into four classes i.e. 140–150, 150–160, 160–170 and 170–180 corresponding to low, medium, high and very high vulnerability zones respectively. Using this index, a groundwater vulnerability potential map was generated which shows that 7%, 40% and 53% of the study area falls in low, medium and high to very high vulnerability zones respectively. The map, thus generated, can be used as a tool for protection and management of aquifers from contamination.  相似文献   

Groundwater, the most vital water resource being used for irrigation, domestic and industrial purposes is nowadays under severe threat of contamination. Groundwater contamination risk assessment is an effective tool for groundwater management. In the study, a DRASTIC model which is based on the seven hydrogeological parameters viz: depth of water, net-recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity was used to evaluate the groundwater pollution potentiality of upper Betwa watershed. ArcGIS was used to create the ground water vulnerability map by overlaying the seven layers. Based on groundwater vulnerability map, the watershed has been divided in three vulnerable zones viz; low vulnerability zone with 42.83 km2 of area, moderate with 369.21 km2 area and high having 270.96 km2 of area. Furthermore, the DRASTIC model has been validated by nitrate concentration over the area. Results of validation have shown that in low vulnerable zone, no nitrate contamination has been recorded. While in the moderate zone nitrate has been found in the range of 1.6-10ppm. However, in high vulnerable zone 11-40ppm of nitrate concentration in groundwater has been recorded, which proves that the DRASTIC model is applicable for the prediction of groundwater vulnerability in the watershed and in similar areas too.  相似文献   

A study was carried in Mettur taluk, Salem district of Tamilnadu, India to develop a DRASTIC vulnerability index in GIS environment owing to groundwater pollution with increasing population, industries, and agricultural activities. Seven DRASTIC layers were created from available data (depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity) and incorporated into DRASTIC model to create a groundwater vulnerability map by overlaying the hydrogeological parameters. The output map indicates southwestern part of the study area with high pollution potential, northern and northwestern parts as moderate pollution potential and northeastern parts as low and no risk of pollution potential. For validating the vulnerability assessment, a total of 46 groundwater samples were collected from different vulnerability zones of the study area for two different seasons (pre- and post-monsoon) and analyzed for major anions and cations. Higher ionic concentrations were noted in wells located near highly industrialized, urbanized, and agricultural active zones. The water types represent Na–Mg–HCO3 and Na–Cl–HCO3 type indicating dominance of anthropogenic-related activities. Nitrate and chloride were demarcated as pollution indicators and correlated with DRASTIC vulnerability map. The results show that southwestern, northwestern, and northern parts of the study area recorded with high and moderate vulnerable zones, record higher nitrate values. In contrast to DRASTIC method predicted, low vulnerable zones show higher chloride concentration may be due to agricultural and urban development.  相似文献   

When used in a comprehensive risk assessment framework, aquifer vulnerability maps are a tool to identify the relative susceptibility of the groundwater from sources of contamination at the land surface. The DRASTIC method was designed for use over large areas with a wide variety of geological and hydrogeologic settings as a screening tool in groundwater protection and management. In this study, a series of vulnerability maps were made for the Greater Oliver area, in south central Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada, to test the sensitivity of the methodology to changes in input data type, interpretation, and mapping approaches. The study also illustrates how DRASTIC can be modified for use in areas of limited geological variability, where it may be important for smaller-scale changes in vulnerability to be recognized. Maps were produced using the original DRASTIC rating tables, a set of expanded tables using the original properties but modified ranges to accommodate the variability of data in the valley bottom region, and alternate tables, with modified properties and ranges. Differences in vulnerability rating for the maps using selected combinations and data interpretations are compared to the map using original DRASTIC rating tables using visual and statistical methods. One map was generated using expert hydrological knowledge. The modified tables allowed a greater amount of variability to be expressed in the valley bottom area compared to using the original tables and methods, and could provide a reasonable approach for assessing local scale variability for source water protection planning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to elaborate a synthetic document for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Hajeb-Jelma aquifer. The specific object is to incorporate the Geographical Information System (GIS) to generate groundwater vulnerability and risk maps with DRASTIC model. Indeed, GIS could help to make the results of a complicated model more clear through visual representation, providing an applicable tool for decision makers. The vulnerability map of Hajeb-Jelma watershed shows three classes: moderate, high and very high depending on the intrinsic properties. The risk map shows a very high risk dependant on hydrogeological characteristics, land use and human impacts in major part of the Hajeb-Jelma region. These maps could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land use planning and groundwater management in the Hajeb-Jelma region.  相似文献   

A DRASTIC-model method based on a geographic information system (GIS) was used to study groundwater vulnerability in Egirdir Lake basin (Isparta, Turkey), an alluvial area that has suffered agricultural pollution. ‘Lineament’ and ‘land use’ were added to the DRASTIC parameters, and an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method determined the rating coefficients of each parameter. The effect of lineament and land-use parameters on the resulting vulnerability maps was determined with a single-parameter sensitivity analysis. Of the DRASTIC parameters, land use affects the aquifer vulnerability map most and lineament affects it least, after topography. A simple linear regression analysis assessed the statistical relation between groundwater nitrate concentration and the aquifer vulnerability areas; the highest R 2 value was obtained with the modified-DRASTIC-AHP method. The DRASTIC vulnerability map shows that only the shoreline of Egirdir Lake and the alluvium units have high contamination potential. In this respect, the modified DRASTIC vulnerability map is quite similar. According to the modified-DRASTIC-AHP method, the lakeshore areas of Senirkent-Uluborlu and Hoyran plains, and all of the Yalvaç-Gelendost plain, have high contamination potential. Analyses confirm that groundwater nitrate content is high in these areas. By comparison, the modified-DRASTIC-AHP method has provided more valid results.  相似文献   

The area of study lies at the northeastern part of Nile Delta. Global shoreline regression and sea-level rise have their own-bearing on the groundwater salinization due to seawater intrusion. A new adopted approach for vulnerability mapping using the hydrochemical investigations, geographic information system and a weighted multi-criteria decision support system (WMCDSS) was developed to determine the trend of groundwater contamination by seawater intrusion. Six thematic layers were digitally integrated and assigned different weights and rates. These have been created to comprise the most decisive criteria used for the delineation of groundwater degradation due to seawater intrusion. These criteria are represented by the total dissolved solids, well discharge, sodium adsorption ratio, hydrochemical parameter (Cl/HCO3), hydraulic conductivity and water types. The WMCDSS modeling was tried, where a groundwater vulnerability map with four classes ranging from very low to high vulnerability was gained. The map pinpointed the promising localities for groundwater protection, which are almost represented by the very low or low vulnerability areas (53.69 % of the total study area). The regions having high and moderate groundwater vulnerability occupy 46.31 % of total study area, which designate to a deteriorated territory of groundwater quality, and needs special treatment and cropping pattern before use. However, the moderate groundwater vulnerability class occupies an area of about 28.77 % of the total mapped area, which highlighted the need for certain management practices to prevent the saltwater intrusion from expanding further to the south. There was a good correlation of the constructed vulnerability map with the recently gathered water quality data and hydrochemical facies evolution. The plotting of water quality data on Piper trilinear diagram revealed the evolution of freshwater into the mixing and the saline zones as an impact of seawater intrusion, which validates the model results.  相似文献   

Groundwater is inherently susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic activities and remediation is very difficult and expensive. Prevention of contamination is hence critical in effective groundwater management. In this paper an attempt has been made to assess aquifer vulnerability at the Russeifa solid waste landfill. This disposal site is placed at the most important aquifer in Jordan, which is known as Amman-Wadi Sir (B2/A7). The daily-generated leachate within the landfill is about 160 m3/day and there is no system for collecting and treating this leachate. Therefore, the leachate infiltrates to groundwater and degrades the quality of the groundwater. The area is strongly vulnerable to pollution due to the presence of intensive agricultural activity, the solid waste disposal site and industries. Increasing groundwater demand makes the protection of the aquifer from pollution crucial. Physical and hydrogeological characteristics make the aquifer susceptible to pollution. The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination in the study area was quantified using the DRASTIC model. The DRASTIC model uses the following seven parameters: depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact on vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. The water level data were measured in the observation wells within the disposal site. The recharge is derived based on precipitation, land use and soil characteristics. The aquifer media was obtained from a geological map of the area. The topography is obtained from the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan, 1:50,000 scale topographic map. The impact on the vadose zone is defined by the soil permeability and depth to water. The hydraulic conductivity was obtained from the field pumping tests. The calculated DRASTIC index number indicates a moderate pollution potential for the study area.  相似文献   

During the last three decades, remotely sensed data (both satellite images and aerial photographs) have been increasingly used in groundwater exploration and management exercises. An integrated approach has been adopted in the present study to delineate groundwater recharge potential zones using RS and GIS techniques. IRS-1C satellite imageries and Survey of India toposheets are used to prepare various thematic layers viz. geology, soil, land-use, slope, lineament and drainage. These layers were then transformed in to raster data using feature to raster converter tool in ArcGIS 9.3 software. The raster maps of these factors are allocated a fixed score and weight computed from Influencing Factor (IF) technique. The weights of factors contributing to the groundwater recharge are derived using aerial photos, geology maps, a land use database, and field verification. Subjective weights are assigned to the respective thematic layers and overlaid in GIS platform for the identification of potential groundwater recharge zones within the study area. Then these potential zones were categories as ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’, ‘poor’. The resulted map shows that 19 % of the area has highest recharge potential, mainly confined to buried pediplain, agriculture land-use and river terraces (considerable amount of precipitated water percolates into subsurface), 28 % of the area has moderate groundwater recharge potentiality and rest of the area has low to poor recharge potentiality. The residual hills and linear ridges with steep slopes are not suitable for artificial recharge sites. Finally, 13 % of total average annual precipitated water (840 mm) percolates downward and ultimately contributes to recharge the aquifers in the Kovilpatti Municipality area. The paper is an attempt to suggest for maintaining the proper balance between the groundwater quantity and its exploitation.  相似文献   

Coastal aquifer of northern Sfax (Tunisia) suffers from the high risk to seawater intrusion and the water quality degradation due to the overexploitation. Hence, assessing the study area vulnerability to pollution is highly crucial so as to protect the groundwater resources. The assessment has been performed by applying the GALDIT method using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and multi-criteria evaluation techniques, and the sensitivity analysis approach to evaluate the effect of each GALDIT parameter on the vulnerability assessment. The GALDIT vulnerability map classifies the study area into three vulnerability classes: low vulnerability (30–50), moderate vulnerability (50–70), and high vulnerability (70–90), which represent 5, 30, and 65 % of the study area, respectively. The map illustrates that the coastal zones of the aquifer are the most threatened areas. The sensitivity analysis results show that the aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A) and the thickness of the aquifer (T) represent the determining factors in the modified vulnerability model. The real weight was used to elaborate the modified GALDIT model which was correlated with resistivity values for validation. This study could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land planning and groundwater management in the study area.  相似文献   

Groundwater in karstic aquifers can be dangerously sensitive to contamination. In this paper, DRASTIC assessment was modified and applied, for the first time, to address the intrinsic vulnerability for karst aquifers. The theoretical weights of two of DRASTIC’s parameters (aquifer media and hydraulic conductivity) were modified through sensitivity analysis. Two tests of sensitivity analyses were carried out: the map removal and the single parameter sensitivity analyses. The modified assessment was applied for the karst aquifers underlying Ramallah District (Palestine) as a case study. The aquifer vulnerability map indicated that the case study area is under low, moderate and high vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The vulnerability index can assist in the implementation of groundwater management strategies to prevent degradation of groundwater quality. The modified DRASTIC assessment has proven to be effective because it is relatively straightforward, use data that are commonly available or estimated and produces an end product that is easily interpreted.  相似文献   

The study area is a part of central Ganga Plain which lies within the interfluve of Hindon and Yamuna rivers and covers an area of approximately 1,345 km2. Hydrogeologically, Quaternary alluvium hosts the major aquifers. A fence diagram reveals the occurrence of a single aquifer to a depth of 126 m below ground level which is intercalated by sub-regional clay beds. The depth to water level ranges from 9.55 to 28.96 m below ground level. The general groundwater flow direction is northwest to southeast. Groundwater is the major source of water supply for agricultural, domestic, and industrial uses. The overuse of groundwater has resulted in the depletion of water and also quality deterioration in certain parts of the area. This has become the basis for the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map in relation to contamination. The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination was assessed using the modified DRASTIC-LU model. The parameters like depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, and land use pattern were considered for the preparation of a groundwater vulnerability map. The DRASTIC-LU index is computed as the sum of the products of weights and rating assigned to each of the inputs considered. The DRASTIC-LU index ranges from 158 to 190, and is classified into four categories, i.e., <160, 160–170, 170–180, and >180, corresponding to low, medium, high, and very high vulnerability zones, respectively. Using this classification, a groundwater vulnerability potential map was generated which shows that 2 % of the area falls in the low vulnerable zone, 38 % falls in the medium vulnerable zone, and 49 % of the area falls in the high vulnerable zone. About 11 % of the study area falls in the very high vulnerability zone. The groundwater vulnerability map can be used as an effective preliminary tool for the planning, policy, and operational levels of the decision-making process concerning groundwater management and protection.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water in meeting irrigation, drinking, and other needs in India. The assessment of the potential zone for its recharge is critical for sustainable usage, quality management, and food security. This study reports alternative mapping of the groundwater recharge potential of a selected block by including large-scale soil data. Thematic layers of soil, geomorphology, slope, land use land cover, topographical wetness index, and drainage density of Darwha block (District Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India) were generated and integrated in a geographic information system environment. The topographic maps, thematic maps, field data, and satellite image were processed, classified, and weighted using analytical hierarchical process for their contribution to groundwater recharge. The layers were integrated by weighted linear combination method in the GIS environment to generate four groundwater potential zones viz., “poor,” “poor to moderate,” “moderate to high,” and “high.” Based on the generated groundwater potential map, about 9830 ha (12%) of the study area was categorized as high potential for recharge, 25,558 ha (31%) as poor to moderate, 33,398 ha (40%) as moderate to high, and 12,565 ha (15%) as poor potential zone. The zonation corresponds well with the field data on greater well density (0.22/ha) and irrigated crop area (27%) in the high potential zone as against 0.02 wells/ha and only 6% irrigated area in the poor zone. The map is recommended for use in regulating groundwater development decisions and judicious expenditure on drilling new wells by farmers and the state authorities.  相似文献   

In Punjab(Pakistan),the increasing population and expansion of land use for agriculture have severely exploited the regional groundwater resources.Intensive pumping has resulted in a rapid decline in the level of the water table as well as its quality.Better management practices and artificial recharge are needed for the development of sustainable groundwater resources.This study proposes a methodology to delineate favorable groundwater potential recharge zones(FPRI) by integrating maps of groundwater potential recharge index(PRI) with the DRASTIC-based groundwater vulnerability index(VI).In order to evaluate both indexes,different thematic layers corresponding to each index were overlaid in ArcGIS.In the overlay analysis,the weights(for various thematic layers) and rating values(for sub-classes) were allocated based on a review of published literature.Both were then normalized and modified using the analytical hierarchical process(AHP) and a frequency ratio model respectively.After evaluating PRI and FPRI,these maps were validated using the area under the curve(AUC) method.The PRI map indicates that 53% of the area assessed exists in very low to low recharge zones,22% in moderate,and 25% in high to excellent potential recharge zones.The VI map indicates that 38% of the area assessed exists in very low to low vulnerability,33% in moderate,and 29% in high to very high vulnerability zones.The FPRI map shows that the central region of Punjab is moderately-to-highly favorable for recharge due to its low vulnerability and high recharge potential.During the validation process,it was found that the AUC estimated with modified weights and rating values was 79% and 67%,for PRI and VI indexes,respectively.The AUC was less when evaluated using original weights and rating values taken from published literature.Maps of favorable groundwater potential recharge zones are helpful for planning and implementation of wells and hydraulic structures in this region.  相似文献   

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