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年调节平原型水库与地下水联合调蓄分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以辽河石佛寺水库为例,介绍了年调节平原型水库与地下水联合调蓄的模拟分析方法,提出了为满足沈阳市城市供水,辽河应需保证的最少径流量。根据辽河石佛寺水文站的实测资料分析,辽河在枯水季节1~2月份径流量存在一定的风险,因此本文通过模糊带权马尔可夫链方法预测了未来19年1~2月份的径流量状态,并对其可靠性进行了分析,从而为水库地表水与地下水联合调蓄的供水规模及其运行方式提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

湖泊的水情变化会影响其与地下水之间的物理水文过程和生态行为,鄱阳湖独特的“河湖相”转换特征使得该地区地表-地下水交换过程更加复杂。采用Visual MODFLOW构建三维非稳定流地下水流数值模型,利用LAK3子程序模块,通过输入五河入湖以及鄱阳湖流入长江的水量,实现湖水面积的动态模拟。结果表明,2019年湖水位模拟值与实测值的均方根误差为0.225 m,地下水水位模拟值与实测值的均方根误差为0.571 m;模型模拟鄱阳湖水面积环比变幅−41%~83%,与遥感影像结论吻合。该模型减少了湖泊作为边界条件的约束,可以有效刻画鄱阳湖频繁变化的湖水位和水体面积,准确模拟地下水流场和地表-地下水相互作用关系对湖泊水体高度动态变化的响应。枯水期主要由地下水补给湖水,交换量为2.03×107~10.58×107 m3/mon;丰水期湖水补给地下水,交换量为2.04×107~16.53×107 m3/mon,湖区及周边地下水水位相比枯水期平均抬升2~3 m,地下水由湖区流向周边地区。本研究为地表水体剧烈变化地区提供了有效的数值模拟方法,研究结果可为鄱阳湖平原区未来水资源管理和环境评价提供基础。  相似文献   

A conjunctive use model has been developed to evaluate alternative management options for surface and groundwater resources. A simple water balance approach was used to estimate net recharge to the aquifer. The groundwater model FEFLOW takes net recharge as an input for the water balance calculation and simulates flow in the groundwater under all boundary stresses. The developed model was applied to an irrigated area in the Indus Basin, Pakistan, to predict groundwater levels up to 2010 in response to the possible need for intervention in irrigation and/or agricultural practices. A geographical information system (GIS) was used to assemble various types of spatial data. The study revealed that an increase in pumpage from the present rate would further strain the scarce water resources. Lining of watercourses and adjustment in cropping pattern could be adopted as alternatives for better management of surface and groundwater resources.
Helmut EggersEmail:

Assessment of groundwater suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes was carried out in the plain of upper Cheliff. The study area covers an area of 375 km2 and lies in a semiarid climate. Groundwater is the major source for domestic and agricultural activity in this area. Groundwater samples were collected from 19 wells during dry and wet periods in 2012, and they were analyzed for major cations and anions and compared with drinking and irrigation specification standards. The concentration of the majority of chemical constituents exceeds the standards of WHO as a result of various sources of pollution. It indicates the dominance of groundwater types: Ca-Mg-Cl, and Ca-Mg-HCO3. Suitability of groundwater for drinking was evaluated based on the water quality index; it shows more than 60% of samples have very poor quality for dry and wet periods, which means water is severely contaminated and unsuitable for drinking purpose. In terms of the irrigation usage, generally groundwater is suitable for both periods in the major part of the plain. The Mineralization processes in this area is determined by the lithology of the aquifer (exchange water-rock), by anthropogenic factors (discharges of urban sewage, use of fertilizers) and also by evaporation (semi-arid climate).  相似文献   

The author has investigated the micro-geomorphology of the area flooded by the Chao Phraya river, in the central plain of Thailand. The hydrological condition of the Chao Phraya river which occurs throughout most of this plain has changed considerably over the last five decades due to the construction of artificial structures, such as embankments, multi-purpose dams, storing reservoirs, barrages, irrigation ditches and drainage canals. This report describes a recent transformation in flooding in the plain.The geomorphological units in the central plain of Thailand are classified as follows: 3 types of fans, higher and lower natural levees, 3 types of back marshes, 4 types of deltas, higher and lower mud spits and lagoons, tidal flats and former river courses. The geomorphological units correspond with flood conditions. The most serious flood damage to this point has occurred in deep back marshes and lagoons. The depth of the back marshes is greater than 3 m, and in some cases as much as 6 m. The depth of flood waters ranges from 50 cm to 1 m, and the period of submergence of the lagoonal area is more than 3 months.  相似文献   

The valley plain of Lhasa City is located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is one of the most developed and densely populated areas in Tibet. Groundwater is an important water supply source and plays an irreplaceable role in the social and economic development of Lhasa City. This study has investigated the dynamic characteristics of groundwater in the valley plain of Lhasa City through the methods of mathematical statistics and hydrochemical analysis. The results showed that local topography, climate, and urbanization substantially influenced the groundwater dynamics. Under the combined influences from urbanization and climate, the groundwater level decreased over three time periods, but the groundwater-level configuration has not shown significant changes in over 15 years. From 1997 to 2015, the hydrochemical type of groundwater has changed from HCO3–Ca to HCO3·SO4–Ca·Mg and HCO3·SO4–Ca. The concentrations of Cl?, Mg2+, and SO42? in groundwater increased, but the concentrations of other ions were relatively stable. Water–rock interaction was the main mechanism controlling the groundwater chemistry in the study area, and it was mainly associated with the dissolution of silicate, carbonate, and halite.  相似文献   

Modern and effective water management in large alluvial plains that have intensive agricultural activity requires the integrated modeling of soil and groundwater. The models should be complex enough to properly simulate several, often non-linear, processes, but simple enough to be effectively calibrated with the available data. An operative, practical approach to calibration is proposed, based on three main aspects. First, the coupling of two models built on well-validated algorithms, to simulate (1) the irrigation system and the soil water balance in the unsaturated zone and (2) the groundwater flow. Second, the solution of the inverse problem of groundwater hydrology with the comparison model method to calibrate the model. Third, the use of appropriate criteria and cross-checks (comparison of the calibration results and of the model outputs with hydraulic and hydrogeological data) to choose the final parameter sets that warrant the physical coherence of the model. The approach has been tested by application to a large and intensively irrigated alluvial basin in northern Italy.  相似文献   

杨宏伟  朱瑾 《新疆地质》2012,30(3):350-354
准噶尔盆地南缘平原区是新疆地下水开发利用程度较高的地区之一,水资源短缺是严重制约区内经济发展的主要因素.研究和分析区内地下水位变化趋势和特征及由于地下水开采引发的一系列环境地质问题,对盆地南缘地下水资源评价、地下水合理开发利用和地质环境保护具重要指导意义.从区内30年来地下水位时间和空间变化分析入手,阐述了盆地南缘因人类经济活动引起的水位持续下降和地下水开采量持续增加特征及地下水开采引发的环境地质问题,为今后区内地下水资源评价及开发利用提供较好依据.  相似文献   

Results of seven dye tracing tests done from 1993–1997 to investigate the extent to which lakes and surface water interact with the underlying Triassic Piora Aquifer, Switzerland, are reported here. Two of the dye tracing tests showed that groundwater flows in the Piora Aquifer from the Piora Valley to springs in the adjacent Santa Maria Valley, and even further east to the di Campo Valley considerably outside of the Piora Valley surface water divide. Lake Ritom located in the Piora Valley loses water only to the Canaria Valley outside of the lake's surface-water watershed at the lake's western margin when lake levels are above 1,835 m above sea level. Dye tracing tests show that a major sinkhole in the Piora Valley, Calderoni Sinkhole, is located precisely on the water divide where subsurface flow in the Piora Valley and surface water diverge and move in opposite directions. The dye tracing results also showed no hydraulic connection between surface water in the Piora Valley and the famous Pertusio Spring, located in the upper Santa Maria Valley. Only a small amount of dye from the two dye tracing tests done in 1993 and 1997 entered an exploratory gallery built to test the viability of the AlpTransit tunnel, being built in competent rock under the Triassic Piora Aquifer, effectively perched above. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The groundwater tidal prism is defined as the volume of water that inundates a porous medium, forced by one tidal oscillation in surface water. The pressure gradient that generates the prism acts on the subterranean estuary. Analytical models for the groundwater tidal prism and associated benthic flux are presented. The prism and flux are shown to be directly proportional to porosity, tidal amplitude, and the length of the groundwater wave; flux is inversely proportional to tidal period. The duration of discharge flux exceeds the duration of recharge flux over one tidal period; and discharge flux continues for some time following low tide. Models compare favorably with laboratory observations and are applied to a South Atlantic Bight study area, where tide generates an 11-m3 groundwater tidal prism per m of shoreline, and drives 81 m3 s??1 to the study area, which describes 23% of an observational estimate. In a marine water body, the discharge component of any oscillatory benthic water flux is submarine groundwater discharge. Benthic flux transports constituents between groundwater and surface water, and is a process by which pollutant loading and saltwater intrusion may occur in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of groundwater resources is vital for development of areas at risk from water-resource over-exploitation. In northeast Thailand, the Phu Thok aquifer is an important water source, particularly in the Thaphra area, where increased groundwater withdrawals may result in water-level decline and saline-water upconing. Three-dimensional finite-difference flow models were developed with MODFLOW to predict the impacts of future pumping on hydraulic heads. Four scenarios of pumping and recharge were defined to evaluate the system response to future usage and climate conditions. Primary model simulations show that groundwater heads will continue to decrease by 4–12?m by the year 2040 at the center of the highly exploited area, under conditions of both increasing pumping and drought. To quantify predictive uncertainty in these estimates, in addition to the primary conceptual model, three alternative conceptual models were used in the simulation of sustainable yields. These alternative models show that, for this case study, a reasonable degree of uncertainty in hydrostratigraphic interpretation is more impactful than uncertainty in recharge distribution or boundary conditions. The uncertainty-analysis results strongly support addressing conceptual-model uncertainty in the practice of groundwater-management modeling. Doing so will better assist decision makers in selecting and implementing robust sustainable strategies.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the environmental isotopes of about 100 water samples, the waters in the front plain of the Tainshan Mountain are divided into eight subprovinces on a horizontal plane and four zones in a vertical plane. The characteristics of the recharge, runoff, and water storage of different waters are discussed, and the runoffs in several sections are also calculated. Last, the tentative space-time regulation plan of the water resources is presented on the basis of the study of the environmental isotopes.  相似文献   

A multicriteria approach in studying hydrodynamics of a multilayer aquifer system has been used in the Lomellina region (Northern Italy). It involves the reconstruction of the hydrogeological framework coupled to the definition of the hydrochemical and isotopic features of the aquifers. A shallow phreatic aquifer, reaching depths of about 60–80 m from the surface, and deeper aquifers containing confined groundwater, were distinguished. Groundwater generally shows mineralisation decreasing with depth; dissolved ions depict calcium-bicarbonate hydrochemical facies and stable isotopes define the recharge mechanisms, the origin of groundwater, and the hydraulic confinement of deep aquifers. The phreatic aquifer is fed by local infiltration and by streams and irrigation channels. Tritium and Carbon-14 groundwater dating indicate long residence times (on the order of thousands of years) for confined aquifers. The confined aquifers show essentially passive hydrodynamic conditions and maintain a higher piezometric level than the phreatic aquifer. This inhibits the possibility of recent water penetrating far below the surface. The hydrogeological setting of the Lomellina region displays features which are common to other sectors of the Po plain. As a consequence, the results of this study, although conducted on a restricted area, are highly illustrative of groundwater hydrodynamics in large sedimentary aquifers.  相似文献   

过去20多年甘肃河西走廊内陆河流域的水资源管理经历了各类制度改革,不同程度地推动了地表水和地下水的联合管理。但是,由于机构设置及其权限制约以及改革目标差异,河西走廊地区的3个内陆河流域水资源管理效率差异化越来越显著,与石羊河流域相比,黑河和疏勒河流域的监管制度和管理办法并未完全跳出多头管理体制的窠臼,地表水和地下水没有形成有效的联合管理。通过梳理3个流域的水资源管理机构设置和管理模式,总结农业灌溉用水监管的经验教训,对比分析地表水和地下水联合管理措施在实践操作中的利弊,进一步探讨流域联合管理的实践意义和实现路径,寻求普遍适用于内陆河流域水资源的管理办法,保障内陆河流域节水战略的顺利实施。近10 a的实践经验表明:地表水和地下水联合管理是内陆河流域提高水资源利用效率、促进水资源可持续利用最为有效的路径,更是实现区域生态环境绿色发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in Sidi Bouzid plain located in central Tunisia. Proper understanding of the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for sustainable development of water resources in this region. A hydrogeochemical survey was conducted on the Mio–Plio–Quaternary aquifer system using stable isotopes, radiocarbon, tritium and major elements, in order to evaluate the groundwater chemistry patterns and the main mineralization processes occurring in this system. The chemical data indicate that dissolution of evaporate minerals and evaporation are the main processes controlling groundwater mineralization. The isotopic data show that groundwater in the study area is a mixture of recent shallow waters located upstream and along Wadi Al Fakka bed and paleowaters located towards plain limits and discharge areas. Low 3H and 14C contents are observed in major part of the plain indicating that recharge of the aquifer occurs mainly through direct infiltration at Wadi Al Fakka while there is no evidence of significant recharge in major part of the plain and mountains piedmonts.  相似文献   

The bank infiltration (BI) technique may be a viable option if the local climate, hydrological, and geological conditions are conducive. This study was specifically conducted to explore the possibility of using BI to source the polluted surface water in conjunction with groundwater. Three major factors were considered for evaluation: (1) investigation on the contribution of surface water through BI, (2) input of local groundwater, and (3) water quality characteristics of water supply. Initially, the geophysical method was employed to define the subsurface geology and hydrogeology, and isotope techniques were performed to identify the source of groundwater recharge and interaction between surface water and groundwater. The physicochemical and microbiological parameters of the local surface water bodies and groundwater were analyzed before and during water abstraction. Extracted water revealed a 5 %–98 % decrease in turbidity, as well as HCO3 +, SO4 ?, NO3 ?, Al, As, and Ca concentration reduction compared with those of Langat river water. However, water samples from test wells during pumping show high concentrations of Fe2+ and Mn2+. In addition, amounts of Escherichia coli, total coliform, and Giardia were significantly reduced (99.9 %). Pumping test results indicate that the two wells (DW1 and DW2) were able to sustain yields.  相似文献   

The hydrochemical interaction between groundwater and lakewater influences the composition of water that percolates downward from the surficial aquifer system through the underlying intermediate confining unit and recharges the Upper Floridan aquifer along highlands in Florida. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio along with the stable isotopes, D, 18O, and 13C were used as tracers to study the interaction between groundwater, lakewater, and aquifer minerals near Lake Barco, a seepage lake in the mantled karst terrane of northern Florida. Upgradient from the lake, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of groundwater decreases with depth (mean values of 0.71004, 0.70890, and 0.70852 for water from the surficial aquifer system, intermediate confining unit, and Upper Floridan aquifer, respectively), resulting from the interaction of dilute oxygenated recharge water with aquifer minerals that are less radiogenic with depth. The concentrations of Sr2+ generally increase with depth, and higher concentrations of Sr2+ in water from the Upper Floridan aquifer (20–35 μg/L), relative to water from the surficial aquifer system and the intermediate confining unit, result from the dissolution of Sr-bearing calcite and dolomite in the Eocene limestone. Dissolution of calcite [δ13C = −1.6 permil (%o)] is also indicated by an enriched δ13CDIC(-8.8 to -11.4% o) in water from the Upper Floridan aquifer, relative to the overlying hydrogeologic units (δ13CDIC < -16%o).

Groundwater downgradient from Lake Barco was enriched in 18O and D relative to groundwater upgradient from the lake, indicating mixing of lakewater leakage and groundwater. Downgradient from the lake, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of groundwater and aquifer material become less radiogenic and the Sr2+ concentrations generally increase with depth. However, Sr2+ concentrations are substantially less than in upgradient groundwaters at similar depths. The lower Sr2+ concentrations result from the influence of anoxic lakewater leakage on the mobility of Sr2+ from clays. Based on results from mass-balance modeling, it is probable that cation exchange plays the dominant role in controlling the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of groundwater, both upgradient and downgradient from Lake Barco. Even though groundwater from the three distinct hydrogeologic units displays considerable variability in Sr concentration and isotopic composition, the dominant processes associated with the mixing of lakewater leakage with groundwater, as well as the effects of mineral-water interaction, can be ascertained by integrating the use of stable and radiogenic isotopic measurements of groundwater, lakewater, and aquifer minerals.  相似文献   

The Yinchuan plain is located in the arid climate zone of NW China. The western margin of the plain is the Helan mountain connecting a series of normal slip faults. The eastern margin of the plain connects with the Yellow River and adjacents with the Ordos platform. The south of the plain is bordered by the EN fault of the Niushou mountain. The bottom of the plain is the Carboniferous, Permian, or Ordovician rocks. Based on the analysis of groundwater hydrochemical and isotopic indicators, this study aims to identify the groundwater recharge and discharge in the Yinchuan plain, China. The hydrochemical types of the groundwater are HCO3–SO4 in the west, HCO3–Cl in the middle, and Cl–SO4 in the east. The hydrochemical types are HCO3–SO4 in the south, HCO3–Cl and SO4–HCO3 in the middle. The hydrochemical types are complex in the north, mainly SO4–HCO3 and Cl–SO4. Deuterium, 18O, and tritium values of groundwater indicate that groundwater recharge sources include precipitation, bedrock fissure water, and irrigation return water. Groundwater discharges include evaporation, abstraction, and discharge to surface water. According to the EW isotopic profile, the groundwater flow system (GFS) in the Yinchuan plain can be divided into local flow systems (LFS) and regional flow systems (RFS). Groundwater has lower TDS and higher tritium in the southern Yellow River alluvial plain and groundwater age ranges from 6 to 25 years. The range of groundwater renewal rates is from 11 to 15 % a?1. The depth of the water cycle is small, and groundwater circulates fast and has high renewal rates. Groundwater has higher TDS and lower tritium in the northern Yellow River alluvial plain. The range of groundwater age is from 45 to 57 years, and renewal rate is from 6 to 0.1 % a?1. The depth of the water cycle is larger. Groundwater circulates slowly and has low renewal rates.  相似文献   

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